HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-03-02, Page 2March 1882. epeal of all laws f arbid ding. the entire outlay by Canada in coune6tion praying fortb6l, Charybdis ? tation: of American 'grain the United-' UOMk AND im 4 n A NVe Deutbrairtlex. marriage,.w ith a deceased wife.a sister. with,the States, after twetity� years of protection, Leaves and rain and the days of tili6year, The followin& Bills were introduced and Sir John Xacdon�ld�The. beat made of CO uld obtain better prices in unprotected �._u shobelfils. arangue, art, tfie, , (Water willow'and w6llawjiy)� ll, these fall, soul DOMINION PRLIAMEAT. read -a first tiLne:. 0 lucor rate the Saskatchewan P6 utilizing thii steam capotte Charybdis is now engaging the, serious attention of the QOvOrulubht. Canada thECh at home. , Si4oh was not the case now., Under au.r tariff grain was worth lRalanice of Power. The fpllbwing � is a synopsis of the and My gives ear, And she is hopes wh6once was heie, (Witlia 4tridbl9wit, night, and day). re Rtulway Qop2pauy.-Kilvert. To further amend the Act incorpo'rating (1-fLugliter) It the bon. gentlern will move 0 areturns he will more in Chicago than, in Toronto- Six O'clock having girived, at. the suggea ,ppeech,deli vered by General Skobeleff, the Russian leader Ah I but now, for a sacred sign, OTTAV�A, I eb. 20.-Tbe Speaker too k the the I Kdatr6al, Life Association of Canada, And to change'the name ofthe company to got a.statement of the cost Of the Vessel, or- On ii a they can be brought,do, i . newer to his tion of Sir Hector Langevin, the adjaurnw Want Of tlle� debate Was 'Moved by Mr.. We are in Our,, generation living,tbrough� iii history. (The willow's wan and tlie water white breath of the day's decline In the ce.seemed to mine: H�"N'flyhfa' chair ut 3 p. in. 'table a tliisibite�Agsociatlon'.Of Canada.-Kilvert. , , I Macdonald laid on the ' for quep.tion., Jrdply.to Cameron' .(Htro:n)j' Mr. Charltbn still ii significant period upaxapapled game ag6a a . go brute' force,00veriied All pressed win 1 -blown day and night). SirJoInt Mr. Drew , moved b hat t he tintia POP), the Government regulations Oreceiving petiti I One and private bills be ex- mineral and coul.lands. -Sir Mr. Burp -t as, said the Goyernmen did hot intend, during the retaining the floor. The House,41ieu adjourned. international relations. than has� followed an epoch of: treaty obligations, the' Olove,of athmylifels fain, wave on the water -way respecting day, the 15t1i oil March. The fall 'wi �13.illa were introduced and tended, to Wedues -:�Carrled. pres but session, to,brin In a Bill maki 9 9 -the Domini&n Officials E�o IM11NION CST)IMATE observance of which in: form with their in'spirit has beeh'co 'y our cheek ndmin6 are coldin tbo�rsin But warin'they'll be when we meet again. read a first time : , - . 1. Sir. Leonard 'Tilley laid ,, on the table the To iucor�orato the. Wjnnipeig�'& Spring- report of the comWission appointed to in- liable, to pay municipal and local taxes upoii their incomes as other ratepayers, 'Charles 1, Tb6,following. is a summary o;[ n a repitil- aid red I ati6n as a feat of the greatest statesmanship. 1�bss (With a wind blowir I nightnd day). Mists are heaved and cover the sky told Bridge. Co. -Scott., , 13 To a incorptrate the Manitbb' -qdireiato fact ry.labor. , from H is Sir Tupper, in reply to.1gr Killum, said no individuals or firma were Dominion expenditure ior'tlie fi W �ear 12ane ell 9 :June, 1883 din. 30th (Great se Inthia age been bbe fact -that the' our,lot to xperience 1, I I 1-1 (The willowl 6 wail !a the waning light .01 ease your lips, leave space for a sigh Respecting the,Portage, W�stbour & Mr. Speaker read 9, mass age Excellency, tralisraffting, the Estimates for I �� peirmitted to* import free of duty any goods for file, the Intercolani4l Railway.. Total. De- SeXviCe� 188M3. stronger to all I appearance of two , powers basestablished relations, A�ged �, ou blood Th my soul, I cannot die. mith a vind blown do.-y,and night). Northwestern Railway Cb.-Boultbee..' the yearenc [ing 30th June, 1683 Sir,Leohard Tilley moved the fiouse into� use of -Mr. Girouara (SAcques Cartier) ifi'risi 'I ing crease. crease. Public debt, in- dludin'g and iron, and thati, Inight. goveriis,right. ,liraroii-tim .11 . I �emveaand rain and the days of the year, To incorporate th, a Thunder Minnesota 11f1way Compan�.�Boultbee.' Committee ()f Supply. The fo e rW aVvoie humb6r t to move the'second reading of'the Bill to legalize marriage with a deceasedwife sink-' ing fund.,:.... gji7,280 ......... 04,672 Chargesafman �O ies impose 011'. - Our generation groat patriotic obligationa, ' Y-6ii ail knew . - (Water willow nd wellaway). A till fall, And Igtill give bar, Ai�d she is liefice and I ani here. To incorporate ths. Lake, Superior expenses connected With ths' officP`-Of the sister, d with applause, and gaid.that agoineut 169XI Civil govern- 45,U3 li_�t ourbighly:tAlent6d enemy, -Sir Henry t E pr6dipted Be long. ago as in the X h awindblown ni t ght and day). James'Bay Railway Co.-Boultbae,� Charlt,oh introduced Bill to amand' .Governo'r-Geheral's Socretary,waii passed, ail,the committee. rose and reverted the, laugbilr. He when, theyfou"d three.hundred ladies of Montreal petition- ....... Q73159 Administration Year 1875 that thenimosity &theTehkesor Ahbal \'waul .. involve,'Russia for.,m46y ]LIGII(T Xg A' alli4siENG", the criminal law, andl t­­exte'nd tfiq,pro-, the AcC respecting,,offenqps� rn Paterso n mqyed for ot rot". ing -in favor, of Bill they could not besitate'longer to pass the in '1880 stice ....... Of in 613,590 14,560 91fee ....... ........ i W- 'hit 12500 .. P entlarieg.. . 2qG 867 years in an enormous expenditure of M611 111[ay JPossibly be -Accoifiplished by' viaiifi,6 of agaluso the� perpou'�by piov�d�hdfo� thei �Biaht) of for f1kawbacks On gbo'ds 'eitice, the Bill as introduced it passed The when w '100. Legislation 036,505_. I .., . ...... A t and iho4eyand in War with Persi, that - , , 1, - it wotild rei�&r R' ' ' Agja to V.� loplipine ot the, I heItupro d Tclei�k� I I I punisbmontbf adulteryabd sdiiii6ti6n. H6� that the Bill was to punis, 11 for manufactured for 'ex -port Jailuary 22ud, i8k. He tad in�db a similarmotion, o6cohd reading by a majority. of over In the Sanat6 it Was notrejected, but it was r B,' agricu i- tare and sta- ,,,n, ud� establish a 66rdon, of:forts,frorh the mouth the Atir6k the is, - of, tbe'� inventions shown a -t Ahe explained seduction under the liromise�'d miriiage. last year, 1 and 8111ce- than, the,evil had not" 11 .. decided that it should be pos.tponed.f.ra '91", 131,()00 .61 �lirqugb outiWo and t" Aftre a erv,,and that finally--, 9pe Paris Electiiciil "Exposition was IT.- Mer- I Bilfr'e a tiristtin�e. following I Bills, were ,xiiad a second 4 beer. niet., Mr., Plumb oibress6d atial �Ection that year. Two years' had since passed; and public opinion, was more i"' favot',of the � 11 Imm igration 'Ind quaran tine.�� .... 3ts i a and t6aiown-01 i w uld undermine the P61iticM, of Russia, in Asia. fids camees teleradi6plifine.' The invention," aid'lAr.,Elishi 'Gray, of tl;' Chica' e. 1114 ago,, time a referred to their ras active core. hoiwithstandin�g the'guarde'd utterances of, aincited this lsiildrs�6i the Refor' i t- � th: 41 t Bill than�.ever. N' at a single pwspaper 6i!iWbe, painat the -Bill, notwith-, a, Pe n ajons, nud -cludiiigsuperm pleasant, gentlemen," to look back'to that ventor of Gray'g�fiarmonio telegraph, is in 'Proft)ssbr the Comnaercial' Travellers � in' par Y, iitierances of dhd'of its' pr6i;eirien't men standing 'that qonsideri%ble-ed�, , 41 atten- 'sinjilar annuatibi I.' 'M�Jffl' Militia ......... '758"500 ��1%400 precious* Co iu�in'e on this' day, and- assure 'ourselves' of' the fact 'that-, affect an aplil f6ation of Bll'ii selibilium phbtophone,' only. the principle Asgo iatibn.-of Ca�ada.-Beaty. a o_v­V,e_d the "dying he atility',of, that jarty� h tion, bad b a irePted to - it* is " R 9: a; u d tha to the Almighty -'.Sir"'Henry Raw. . reveiiadd. Pr6fessorBelf&oe ots upon We To3authorize and; provide for tbewind* ing up the Dominion Fire ane'On:ihji; jo, the rade,' he octvernment. -policy of it 6ey had hover preiiinded, to Bill h9d been passed in, t'ritish of Commons, about a-dozeii hege�bla'to in- Came 94,350, 15,313 prppli6ay, b6sli6en in iiia W6 y jaetl- 'flable.- We kn 4 the, 111stir'iment a ray of. light At a cartai is nau- tance, say ten feet or A, hundred 0, 9f surance th' ut out he man0actureo Of 0 or coun- ..and had'on;one occasion been.,rejeotedbk majoritf�;, a s, -of' only -four. '- In all th .......... ..... 'Public, Works 7 Ul dB "Idi all ow c6nditioh of: aff rs.tbo well for me-fo�eriter ai tails, yard more or, loss, makirig the -ray of light Res ern Mail- pedifing the Cititada; South way C ouipaily and krie& Niagara Railway t nes'." -Mr. Orton -rose to's'peak, . British Colonies it had beconae law. He , an lliq�_ t , . but I may say th iat our t�oilbldsoni6 Asiatic confin6,has n'e'verenjoye aw Conductor or wifa� while his instrument is connected. :by be ria our- short 61 t tbo'hopeihati bad changed bh&reading of the Bill a little. M ?,. in Come, ..... at .,subsidies 326,473 ......... quilityas itdoes,noW. HavilagArmlytliken Ked',With , Its 'batter'y an'd, sele'Dium" Sir H. Langevin,'in reply to Mr. Irvine, said 9, sit for the Woodstock oiit-offi6e the.ho'n,..membgr_ for Brant (Mr. Paterson)--vi6uld not be left The-firgliime it was declared lawful for, 9, man,to nniry his d6desse"a wife's sister. 'the OceanandRiver � I Service ... ..... i "' ' - 213,750- 30,500 . - a in -hand; the late the Aklial Te" L imperor1ully.reahzed the irima onse import. cells. : On the . -hand, : I . other ' M. - Mer- ca dier 'employs A ray' of �Jight 'hf1edtdd7 was about to be secured and ai building to unanswered by the trbemb6ris of tbe, Min- fNowjt�gimplyrep6aled laws prohibit- L ighthoupe and sservice 48�,7663- 590 ance of a'ylace�,d'firmiis atAbe'-gates,"d m 'a in fro irror,,f6cussed on a revolving* W cost t 'o, thousand ilollars.�would be 06 IlIg such marriagb.� Thi sas. done.toineet Fish6joR ......... 93,000 . ......... 'Herat a given' perio in w libel behin(14,whiah is a selenium cell in: Sir a.. Langevin, in Mr. gadker d6ubt the members of t ( Ministrywill, tahb their "tht theviewB-'of &.mumberof membersWbo; proposed otherwise to move an amendment. Scientific I'miti- 49,400, �,5W ...... Marine Hos)?l-. h' tor In the obecess of 16 Y, the enterprise., was- in - principle itiourijil- Circuit witha -battery and -telephone. The: -ra­of-light-is f6biisb4l at short range, e the LELudry said th' 61�p6rtunity�to k direction OLA of respect to a number of member's also tals alid k from Alie, vary',bbg eff6rtsof 'fichirig, by the . ten -feet, 'and the. circuit is extended inde- Supra�u Court, �iiromised illb Speech fr6m.hon.,g6ritlem' 'an 'opposite. .he had,expunged,the wards from the former'. atia.: dis- tk6ssed's His imperial "Highness, then Vicar y of 6 finitely, .as far nohe Working of the inven�­ . I . I o!I. ou fiorri'the Thr' id be brought down Xr.'-.Machebzie-I am afraid none will Bill, legalizihig the marriage of a Widow her deceaii'ahusband's, brotbor.. a' a- then .......... 62,000, ..... 2,060 'in- the Caucasus, whose , heart � was ever with I . 'the . tion..Wa� i be capable of. It the rayf light this S88810M Mr. Cariaero (Hurou)'movea%'for r6tiir� dare,to iipeak th is Afternoon.. Mr. Orboix said the a . rguments use4by: with e .6� inoti on for the sbcond readin Steamboat . slie6tlou . ..... :bravo, troop s uncler7 his Comn aari d� The experience of late y6ajg�'haa tuught� b' 18 srong enoug e� dircui may .. e extended froW Nlew. York to Boston 6k. -of the number of -cases diig�6md of by the tilie'b'Cip. g'antl6man' in ireality war e,14 sup- I are were cries � of C�rried,," a ng put, th S u p o r I uten- us that *ben the Russiah' iaccidentaily� Chicago or Ssh. Prancism The revol ving dge and several surio'g4te ilidges: of! the Port,6f the L etc. inally he sutancbCom-. emembers (thanks to'the history of! 'his wheel before spoken of,is perforated -by WritimeCourtaince the. creation of- saii[ h h'' t a, Oil-, members were called,and'ihe second read- - Panics ............ 9,650 .. ......... .150',.Xace)'that he is one 6f.a great and powerful small ho'les around its edge, and[ before the, .Court until Ist. of ebivary,­.1880. X g6ntl;mdhr6h2... am on. ;kas vety,"ankious ing.was carried 'On tile' following,: asubsidiog.,:;� ... 8,512,500 54,974� so And When (the Lord preserve him). -heel is a s"ll screerr or.dibe, on a nected return of A similar'char Cter,Was. brought! that,some, ndember of' the Cabinet should down in 1879, 'but it � did not embra k" lentlbmeh be a spea on this subject, but if: hon.. g, , _soti;16�amohg Allison; Amy . at, Anglin, Arkell, B ain,Baker, Bannerman,� Barnard, bealy, Beau- ........ 60,000 10,000 Indiana ............ 00.9130 249,W2 .8 he: happens io re member that the eople* are 'members of. the - great �1&voujo with a - lever Qr signalling key 'which -h-.4mrsert - or .1 wit the operator.* ca h- number of pints'lie wished to understand. w`6 Id. themsolvea� u clibsne, Bechard, Bancit, "Bergeron, Bergin� Bill. NC`riihwCst-�'1t'd 413;W0 123,000 rape:, some of *hose-fami too are now -b . eing draw ' from the track Of the - ight, Ile wanted to have shkif:thii aiii6unt of f4their, pbli6y,waa it'would,be very costs, aud lengths'af delays that. took place. md6li.beiter not oiily for: tile country but Bolduc, Bourassa, Bowd1l, Brown, Butister, Burn-, ham, Burlifie (So nbury), Burpee (St., John), Cam- Chs- ....... ......... Miscellaneous 21c"050'. 35,i52 11 : persecuted, and oppressed,- -then! certain labin6bred foreigners, raise the crY'againgi thereby off altpgether at. will. - � I b The- idea is that the r6blvin verf rated It was supposed bol?to a Court,was" estab- .1or 'thbruselves.' Theis were - two facts' e): on (Huron), Carling, Cartwright, Casey, -grain, Cimon (Chicoutimi), Cockburn, Colby� Cos- OOLLEaV9,T or C t 134�'244 '2J25 I hlni'anA sa'y he is laboring. under ain abnor,: w liper;'allows. �t ihe rays of light to,pa"sa f d, I a k which",th -'bt �'-possibly �exp h' lished that it W6 or a sai or qui� i - lain Why t a and eried to had not beiin;,sa great,� easy redress against the, 'master-, exp�rts� r'E tiga�n, Cbupal, C6ursol, Crodtdr, Carrier, Crth- herb, Daoust,,DeCosmos, Desjardins,.Ddu,ll,. Drew, ............. :,Culling timber :67,000 200 I . ........ mal: bacchanalia,'n influence This is why I rep eat I bog leave� to put down my beak er� t larough the electric current in intermittent waves,,and thus a tb r6 is causeda, vibration who denied him his Wag es, apd �otber- as, in former I years� '-If the industry in, Dugas,Dumont, Elliot, Ferguson, Fitzsimmons, 'Fleming, Fortin, , INAton, Gault, afgault, Weights and . 'with wine and, raise to iny� lips 11 glass of the electr�c criant,and vibratioa,'yii U small cliAm'senforced, but the advAntages �Which the Weimber (Mr� Fatersop) ��aa 'to Gillies, Gilmore, Girouaxtl' (Jacgues 'Cartier),, 'Gliouard Gar. . ....... ....... 6,750, filled With w ater.1" It seems strange.to-me n k by manipulating hadhotbeen realized, for the made was. S, -,day � jit engaged.was more prosperou I an (Rent), Grandbols, O�illet, Gunn;, Guthrie, Haddow, Haggait,- Heaiion; Holton; Inspection of I Russian"Or th that afiy_individua I . at Our I his key this ray of light is, interrupted, an& not s eedy While it' was PXopedlingly','. ex- 'establiBli-. in thb past, it, was because there , Was now Houdd,. Hnutingtob,' Hurteau, Irvin JftCkEloa` 4taples_ ....... , 31000 ...society dulterati6n of shoulddisp lay timidity when we' . thus., outhe principleof'the Morse-ogilp, 'fire a. Theis* pensiv. as the'statuie A home 111srhet. The people were Hilram. Kilvert Ki ry, an ler, food ........ 10,OGO ......... touch,on an y qua a ion near to the Russian I short sounds long AM' d produced an ing the Court, be8'ldes 278,iulk lag prosperous, .and children had, -',penmes I 1 1 I Laurier,.Longley, .Macdonald (King's), Macdon- a Id� (Sir John),, Macdonnell (Lamark), Macken-' Miorrovenu6s �10,000, heart- I any - question legitimately Arising messages are transmitted.' statutory effect. There bato be the issu aa, to, buy I 611 i po ps with. The inier� 4 Macmillan, McCallum, McCarthy,' Me- Railways and canals- 2,548,510 217A190 rom one'th6usaxid�e�xs(it,hi�t�rical'exist- It'i'lla -said. thaim. Mereadier'sinvention of a w it, a statement of Claim, aft' r or Provincial . trade. w to d hi It ha, grown, Dougald', McDougal,' Meqreev�, M�Lonnau, Me- bblieorks... 164 P 945 81,988 I Once. There are maDy,rea,song.for 4hiu, �aater is capable4 of bein 1hultipli6d any'number ghb follow replications, , a mi d mutters and Six years. wa up within the"IiiAt five or a 14 lqrz Malouin, Manson, Massue, Mfiruer� kbtbot Mousseau; Muttmrt, Orton; ', Paterson; I SQ18,900 75.400 .. ......... but I Cannot into the in. Thd'prm-� of firrids in connection With the.same line other machineri, - In =6�Zase, involving a double that'whibli 6,18 1 ted; I a :few years (Brant);. Pickard,- -Pinsonneault, , Platt; Reid, Ddminio� lauds 99,WO Cipal- One,. howe�dr,-' is f hat �, amentable' Of electric current and iain,fact, a m'ultipl claim of 4300,.the costs' were over 51;oft before, and'whilb'the'expoitB had fallen Off Rickey, Rinfretj Robertson Rol5crt- :20,193 ..... difference which� existg4, between; Certain. a egrapb. Other ckses he quoted. Went :equally to more , thiii a, million' dollars in,...'.& 'f6w' 1. a I son (Shelburne), 'Rocheater,'Rogers; Ross: (Dun- Total, bonsoli- sections, of Russian society, between the Such'is1he claim, of the in veut*� and proportion, show be&yy %to; c6sig. It would 'ter articles, assuming tba- hon'., g6X1tlbtn�fi`s dasl, loss (Middlesex), Rouleau, Roifthier; Roysl',' Marfl�iett6), I (Montreal), Ryker t, Ry.nI -tyab dated f ud ... $27,305,453 $27V,248 a Redemption of intelleciiiiM blassoi and"the Russian peo, the idea i 'application Of my, Ig-ouly hnothlor be the duty� of the First Minis de t6provi assertion to ])a correct,, the inter -Provincial Scilyar, Shaw, Shimfer,.Sprbulc, Strange, debt . 7,311,481 4,582iG01 . 'Ple. Gbn�l�men,'whenso6�er'tb�sover6ign owir, in,'the harinomle eloe. apthil The gr sonde ch6lp and. easy Wealad oE settling i trade had increased 4uadrp�le that'amounti I Sutherland, Tasse, Tellier, Trow, Tupper"VaI106, ..... ......... Rajlwa�s_aud' of the countd has Called upon the'� people ,,t musical -,notes, in the. in io a egraph . thbso clai . mis. , In cases :4n,volving $106; or The imports into Nov, a Scotia fZ foreign Wade; Wallace Worfolk)� Wallace (YorR)-,Wbeleri, 'White (Caidwoll)� White. (Hastings), Wiser, carialseliarg- babletocap that,peoplia,has risen i6the occasion. Of the are pro dhoeil,by meansof reeds tuuedto-ay. -saw, no thereabouts he reason �.why.�Ihey countries in 1875 � a: d' 1876 anto' D unted to Wright�Total; 137. : I- 19,203,266i M,617 bistorical,trecessity of the time.� 16has not a ertain pitch, a6 that�.-the one at the should not be disposed of in: some summary game 14,000,000. Within. the last fis&il NAY9-Nessrs. 'Bourbeau, _Broolis, Bunting, .......... ...... Public w. or It a always been io�wiih ourIntelie'etual classes, receivitig .. a�Lgtiofi', vibrates: recisply.-tho, I a way.* as in tli` Division Court. yearibey had decreased some fiveorsix millions. was due to their. being Caron, -Charlton, Daly, Dawson, Desaul-niersi Farrow,. Yisotj Gooffrion, Hackett, Jones; Kirk- And buildi'ga Chargeable and,.if any- one has, ever failed to respond to - the Czaf it has been those intellectual same, number oftimea porsecond. as.the- one..at the transmitting station., If. hey , t Sir John Macdonald said no complaints v of the, kind inentioned had been,made, but. -This supplied by 'the manufacturers: ai2d.pro- ducers - The patrick, Larigavin, McDonald. (Cape �Brbtbnl, McDonald (Victoria, N. S.), MiEcdo roll (Inver- ness), MCC McQuade, Montplai8ir,O'Connoi,1 u to p........ Doinvioniands I perfectly undiAstand tbiB.� Cosmopolitan E are not in harmony they Will not respond one anotheri M.- M-ereadier's idea is if there wag'some good jreasou:46r n that undo ubtedly some change Was of Ontario and Quebec. return asked for wouldbe brought d own. 91 , .01 iivieriou Patterson (Essex), Plumb, Pope. i- tt,: Stephenson, . ( Chargeable 'to capital)'... '450.66q 150000 ........ tire peamsin is not,a sourcal of strength, -but anIndicatin 'of weakness.. �% precisely similar a he, differently applied. Mr Blake. Wovoct . for 6oirfnpandene Mr. Charlton, rose 'to speak,�- but at the 'of "m asse, NVel(ibn,.Wbit6.(Ronfrew),.�Willibans-Tot6l. Total capitl ,.25,994,767 '58,459,'218 32,850 There dati.be no strength ffide�endentof 91. I!e. may use one; instrument and 6iie, line circuit, but, of course; *ho must'have Orders-in-00ttraii and,regulation' S'P11 th in bond. He a vin. oved gg stioia Sir, Hector Lingovi an jour 34.. Mr.'Charltoh, 'in reiiamingthe debate on Tot ..... ..... 0,300,221 '89622,249 010,098 -Al *� tion, and the intellectual classes are a it h he power only -when in combination,. W,.1 t ', valin for each. iedeiving atatlon.�" ghe6l .. subject of griniling read, an extract stating that therel.waB a iiirge 0 OITAWA, Fe& 23.' -The to it the Mr.' -Pate sciti!s motion for. a return, a r - -RAILWAYS.. AND CANALS-C11AUG1iBf,E,TQ�Pq1T Pacific Railway.;,.�,: $14,754,M) Od this'. anniversary of the fall of �61160&N'epe, it"is Chi, best. -feelings that : each wheel having a diff6rent - number of - ::holes, thus imtbrruptiti� the ray of lig"hIt" demand in the Canadian, market' for what, sohbiob�,strongbakers,' fli our, chaif At 3 p.m. ;AmoDg:tlae petitibiis prose�ied were one drawbacks.allowed on exported. manufac- tares, pointed- out hovt66 ' duties 'on raw, ............................... Intereolonial R,ailway .............. .... 609,066 Genaral.� ..... ...... .11 200 ,only . 11 I , , . are uppermost. in the midst of Soldiers 1, understod , , I., �: .. ? unequally., On., thatT , pr1ileirle . one h w Cal may have� A sufficient number &f wortit 7.75 per bar'ie'l, while �the best �flodr- by.Mr., Girouard� bound in_� L two Volumes, materials operated to destroy 'the export Sgg 000 ..................... -, 1, .1itter"words'Which ard to be in I I . a 11 -g'any iflitarv,sense,,and not as.havin - 'interrupt the �'ray of li t, holes. : to from Canadian spring. wileat, wa§' N.2�.� C ' There was: no� wheat grown in amada which he said contained the'aftinatuns of sik�- thousand -clergy m an in favor ofthe t radd, and:, cited. the experience of the. United States in illustration.' The' experts ORS ?,TD RM BS -OT I � ARIO.. .. .. . Cobourg Harbor; Lake. Ontario .... ........ 12,000 f a given thing ii�i �onimon with the politics a say .100 tim . as I p er second other 150 tinies. These intarru i 12 so - OU which wou�d iiiake this fi r.,' Ithail to.be all made of Minnesota spring. wheat.' The repeal of. the law prohibiting marriage with 'a deceasedwife's sister,, �and one by Mr. lasfyear, including petroleum- and lurnl�er ' I - I athoun ro d umbe ' t �I fail in n, n rs a Port R&D-6Hdrbor, L ... 10, 000 Toronto Harbor,Zake'Outario... -12,500 Rondeau Harbor, Lake Eric 'cqm-,, time." Referrih� to. the struggle -for faith aw 'ghores .6a �a vibration of the ray -'of lig t in: One, in- 100. t'. duty on heat was i5c. per' bushel,' While Couisol frorbi 1hree"thousand. Montreal,. -Kirk- .04i000,-: doo. � .In 1860 they exported -of - manuf6c-, -(to - plfate): ....... ........... ......................... -�5,ow -nationality how going on: on the .of. General Sk&bdj the Adriatic, eff: concluded stalIce imea-per second, and in thei' oI at 'Of course the sound.pro- 50 times. on flo r the diity,waa 5 Op., t,requiied four P I ­10ies to the sana6'e&ct ; One by Mr. tured cottons �10,930 000. -In .1880, I they,. Kinpadine, uro' .... Lake, H n ....... I_ ......... . Part ulgib; ............ will not ex- duced by'the w-heel'causin 150 vibrations - - and a half bushels 6f'w.hbat to'nikke. . patriok fromAhe 6lergyinen, of, the AWE- :of exported only 0j'800,000, or over, a , million-, . aaae,lch ...... I ..... I ... 16,000 % . � press All ihy 'meaning, gemtl6nden,,� my, wouldit6fbe t6ar t, , d At the receiving Sts, 10n,, - ref of the. imprifer .of. �flou r -.had the advantage over the;-bianufaefutei carrItural Deanery -'Frontenao againW thp.t,reoeal a :one'. by,-'Tdr', dollars less after1twouty years of protection t ' tinder a more 1. sensible' tariff. This ban Collingw6od Harbor,, Laholfurou An cOmQlet0),�* . . .... )00 heart'achas -,'butour faith in the historicaJ, bur.ao , , , by the opeatorlistenirig at the instrume--n- V rec6hihigthe 100vibra,tions'. �M,.­M6r6adier of' 17jo. Yet: �notwi - thstanding'thia the . Be fre a in the ship, chandlers- Of Toronto protection had.been grantdd�to' faster, sind � -encourage ............ Thornbury, Lake Enron 8000, Wlartfin, ........ 5,�000 missiortof Russfuds and, our strength, ton �lfvii the Emperor I" [gas a telephone d a u -as a receiver, an by'th 'resonator importers found. it. impossible,, to Ampbrt foramendm6nt S son the hippina'Law. -a 'message infant industries, but t hey were meafoi rd'(to edraplate).. ­­� I ... :­�: ....... 10,500 , .9 appli6adon'of a�'.suita'ble to' any' flour to eCtialike aganst certain millers vt , ho, ' : Sir.1,ieonara Tilley, presented 'with-thor tftl in a, tso e� of '_ fancy, , a claimed, a 1 13 t in an, ' ' Yigstoii Harbor ........... : 12,500 ............. M Little Current, Lake. Hur' ii,. 10, ne of the keys, the note gig6ii by that key kept the price 'always a -little lower th ' AW . shppl imentary estimates forbe . i ' to b6 a without protection. una"ble to d . ..... Napanee River improvements; 5,000 C.kNSUS -OF ILSS 1. may-belso,strengthened that -Abe operator the. ire iporiers could sell it.' Thusthe mil. 16rs monopolized. the whole trade., The current.y"i, which were referred to.the: �Those in a posfflon,� to judge said the Committee of -Supp y. only,thiug which prevent6d the -United Generarep air" 'and impro,�ements,to harbors a I ad riyersdu Cntakio ........ 8,()00, Po nd Nort.hi7c8t raintion of. ".atilloba ; a lisGii68 At the telephone'will hour that particular note, and,uo other; By shifting write�� expressed 'the opinlon that: if the Sir Hectoi"Llaug, iovin moved.to introduce, States from beingthe great manufacturing PTJBLIC 13 -ONT'A' I - VILDINGS It O- : I Territories. the resonator an y note may be strength� returns were moved for itw6uldbe found a Bill res&cting, the. Civil Service'ii(�'Can- 'coimtryW the world was their absurdpiro� Parliam'eutBuildirigs, 64awai io pro- The, following details4sfo the, population' . :ened at Wlanilthis any required,:- sound that.,tbese millers gad not Paid a Cant Of ada.. The -Bill will 'apply to,. bothAngide tective system.': I ae contended that under' 'in vide.additional -exit from the gali � ldries Of,theo:Houses i .. :5,000 of Manitoba and the 14orthwhst Terr itori6 .1 -1 , .1 1 may -'ba - received, to the exclusion 'Of, all� . duty. and outside, service', the former comprising , arevenue tariff manufacturers w-ere a ........... ...... I I I with intere§ t ill be reac . . I :1 I others Mr. Mackenzie -Bowell. "said" there'dould, pRicersat 11aidquartesand the latter those the Pf6visionismade, good position- even in titnea � of 'depression.: Brockville�Post-ofuce, Cdstom:.House, ;; 20,000 MANEXOBA-POPULATION, 66,964., What is"your opinion of-.Mercadier Ei no pcm4ible object Ise Am to 'bringing.down all the asked for. very, outside.of capital.. -for th iintmen . t of�Ahree He h d last yearqu0ted figures toshow a Was, Can�dil � that during the hard' ti, 'all .............. ..... Kipg@t,on F�ortfficatiohs�and Military Building �­: 1 02'5 y ,Mi_'GrPy?," ,Wellfto speak frankly, I do not think, pai)6rs -Hodoubied much that there -was truth'in any Of the exftfflie,�a"c nerW authorize& fo iixaimine,all can-, . manufadttikero were making more money. ........ ........ ....... ..... Kingston. Penitentiary ......... 1�4:500 154 AssiD iboia.. 9 St'Bonlface.� ... .... 1,2&3 9 "' field ..... 1,421 Kildpuan .... .534. pring theie is much in -it Of. any grbat.value for allegatiobsInade in the.leite r, at d he could didates-for'admission into t e'seivide. It and a t than' those of. the 4 their inestmen Belleville Past -office, ete 20000 NW 'unipeg.;.... practical purposes. 16'is. certainly int6'- r assure botl� the leader, of' the Oppoaiti an to give cdr�ificaties to those found,4nolified. United, States. The raemberaof One, firm,,- ­ "I 4..' 4 .......................... :11.. Ham I iltou Post-oface, Custom Houso, PRbVENCliEll--.-�J?OPULA.TION,'11,406. esting, as a iscientific,inventiorl and study and the writerofthe, Q'iterthat the imainuar Wil I be paid' �10 par day and Mes�isi Gurney, were -before the Do pression . etc, ........ ..... .40,000 Morris W St6. Agatha..: �2�,360,' R 6 h nd as nab . bus importance., 'it 6 t e. tion that cortaiii privileges, 'Wore given -by - the Goveriiinent to -who travelling expenses while actualiv in the work "und if assi'etants are appointed Committee,in-1878,afid. it appear�a:�that stmAing with nothing 'in i856 thqy,hi, d Stratford Pas btd (to.completii)_� ................. :: ....... 077 lieLveyrandrie., 8,293 :: ... ........... U07 Cartier 1,033 s I Aims with the photophoue'.. whi6lii is Of ­no, practical importance. at the 'preseLftime. nVilers "pliened to be their supporars ha t d. no fou�nilati6fi in tbey'Will receive Vp per day"'.' 'A council'of 'Will adfbmulateil a fortune of .0766,000. -If. the, St Thomas,Post-ollicbl Custom House. St: Catharines Post- f1i C6, Custom. 51786. tm . 1: Sib. Andrews. 2,1M , �Both'ihventions may have greatpogsibili-. fact. I I . a# %miners be � held at R; S t.. I duty had been raised oughtto, 16500 - �,Cliathain Pos"Mcb, Cu tbin,HbUse... -,W,000 ;360 Sb: ...... . . . ........... St ... ,:� 1;465 itockwood ... 1,675' ties of futur6 importance, hot to be 6o' in 'claiihs Mr. Patersoix (Br�amt) said that', Who 11, Jolm, Charlottetown', Queb�c; Toronto, and have been,io 20 -per cent. on.manufactured 'goods, 'material London Po�t,oMce :� 70,500 '6161hent . �xo,;, . :, � � - MAILQUETTU-bOPUVA -pre now : liended.' If, thd of the notwithstanding the discrimination'againfit other plAc determined byOrd6r-in- and raw allowed to come in .......... ...... ........ Gladstone .............. .863 DufforW North inentor ae ever realized, and-au,instru_ them, geiuders ih bond were abla,16 under - sell r) Council. All appointments vil 1, be dvirirg P1q4APr 4- A One s- y sa is- free, it would have proved 6minentl d factor toAhe: manufacturers of t h a 6`6 un - t ...... : Tqlal.,,�.h f I ....... 5i5 - Dufferin Sodth.�­ 4;735 ...... .2,206 Xorkia'Wesb: ........ � 1,947, Well t ban be � pkoduced whiCh Wash 'says, send' twentv despai6bes Of' thfity aroused, arid.tilia 16ader."pf.,tho Opposition Will -be appointed witb6ut,pravious­i5x:­amin�1 -try, and, they Th,' Estimates provide, or, a tota inardase. 'expenditure %6xcess of. the Burnside .............. . 1�,995 86.FrancoisXavier 1,137 ......... . 1,834 Baiio.st.,Faul� ....... q89 rds each. per h6t�r, hidd tbat, gathe instru- 'operate, was doing onI what his positio y it demandpil atiori; i,soo,, maximum, than they'nowoccup'v. Ifthatilutybad .,in?' arnountvated last . ill year of�865i983_ It w Hi�,b Bluff,Polilar 1,253 in On t, will say - ten sbtsof trans-. � it , , , in ca,llii�g4ov papers. minimum �, �2,400;"4itst- been proposed in 1876, he had good reason 'Minister. be.remembeted­ifimt the supplementary I Clot ........... .812 mi ting. and receiving , apparatuBi,which The motioii as w carried. , . : class clerks, minimum �1,200j maximum to , believe thati the bon. of an 4 s�co�dsu,ppl6mentaryestiiiit4tes,'whielI �[AN�TODA ItXTIDNSION-POI?ULATION�,,16,452. Vili give aUtal trariginiCtin we _gpo rof6000, I A kOD' I , I' aQ AO WOV6d "for cap! as of Ali a- fl -oui�Gotibral max- imurt �1,400, which itre the "piesbut rates;' Railways and Canals would havb-opposed it There " lia d been' a, �, Change s I . may. 1111 �ke from three-quarters of a;-Willlon -ib oil ast'ril Extensi 4,261 Western, Exten- ;word'spofhour, Nf5rthbakerndo.�., 2,411, sion. ....... ........... �;617 the.--inVent1OnofM.:Mer_ d' a i6r will indeed be an irup6etant one." ports Iftiard, and front any . other officer asto our a 0 Cot inquiry,rela- -class alai third rks, will receive, $100, Wli�se. ..of:. a Wat.th6 As 6tnphatip'ully il�rii d a, monand half morei have yet to Come a Oassu 6-thait t he own. in , It is safe i N6rthivestetn df)..1,258 South w6iltbrn do..'. 1,505 TERRIT6 - 446. " THE RIES 56; Da�yoti think that1will e� r be done?" .a % . . I i. tive �o W�A(31`6 connected With the 4COW - �Babtalion.. - annual until reaching increase 51,000, which is the paximum. NO in- policy Ad fail hy the Liberal:'party was, If, to in`iinuf one h6stiop actuies, They simply . expenditure will be.- one ana,. a half, to�, two 'foi' I . , Cu,,b,yl,na(u6rth' 5.28 , I . I Wait and. see.' maiii of the 27th Mr. Ourou�l mus.t.Btaie'tha t it is quite Crease of :salary is , given � except on the demand6ilthat'there Bbould,,.b6equi,table millions greatii��'than the currght year. Sir Ch6Ltlea-TiiPpeib6srep6btedl�denied. of Manitoba RK'i :Cuhib'rlandNorth 665 .......... 1,255 'Ectmontou: Norfh_ -1, 159 5i241 PoaesRivei 15. : 001V to IFUJI 911feutiles. 'Generally -you �re unusual t1h, t a, any. pallers: having . referenda recowmendaiiou.­ f' ead and �6 the deputy 4 confitmedbyihehcad of,ifie department. taxation, a, dub � regard. to �� -the interests of all, an d that no. biio industry should be thatthe 1-ptercoloriM was- all' owed. to un. Nvood Atli 6basoa:., 6.;,8,200, speaking� f. troubled wt11 the -blups�' and,cannot tell why t6 mat tOe Of discipline' should -be brought down. However, under the circumstance A candidate for must iiatisfy-ihe 'yoarg 'poUcy'waia pr6moted to the.defriment of others, Their. I down, under-hiwso-cs,lled economic manage-" Want. Yete finds it necessary,io, ca1l lor Piince AlberC ...... . 8 0 Mfixeiizie_ ...... I .... 71803, Ba;ttleforii 4,830 Edsteril Ruperg's hyOu may'lie certain.that. it -springs from -.p ysi- , �,eaa 'the a, lipVe ]JO olij.0fitiou, to the:papers bei P9 examiners that,li IS of Age a�tid, free from physical illness or d a of ct which one Calculated .� to pronaote"t he -.all interests of r ei . A,vote f3 increase 0300,000 for "repairing And L top � 4,349 0 tyg, A275 ta'bradoi .............. 1,0145 9LO Arctic Coast".111 CDl Weakness� Iusl Of lying on sofm and. ideas if you. are a de- the tablii, sball have them prepared I I. 11 .� would interf6io the performance ''of I , res. �He 'read letter ta amongst the rest. and a1i of 'working expenses, begidoia Iiirge7ournsif as Y�dmon 0 ft6to.y ... 0, !6., 535 4. - : xi IdHouso :::,:: I '�E onding lover, hypochondriac at a valetudw Mr, all his duties -in th a p6sition to Whi ch he aspires.' from a number of .'manufacturing firms of 'Western usual on capital Account. Why the survey of IS sh6bld'bb up au4 stirring. Th I 0 reserve'the re- marks to, make on 'this f3uh- Mr. Casey regretted that 6e Bill- seemed to. be -defioient,Iii' s'everal' particularglin Canada, stating that Nvhile under ;the.tairif f their raw'. material, bcst them DomiDiori � lands- should' be charged. to. t d , point. blood of a melancholy tan i' s tbi6k and slow, creeping sluggishly through his Veins, like ject till the papers are think tbe matter i biotght,down. I 8 so serious as. to., require which reforin was - greatly needed. , The. provisions resp'ecting competitive examina- moie, �,he y -were unable t6 �,t an increased 1 pri(y 'for4he articles they manufactured Capital aCCOUnt 18'a controver a The vote'fof this� service is, however,. inn by dne-haILover last. -year, being tPlaying by'at ll�oyal V�olinhsl. a Canal; the blood of your marry,, 'chirping, libilosophr is-., clear and . , the ftttlilntiou�jof the, House, and no mere i1sage O auy sorb ;she uld tion appeared to be especially defective, as 'Appeared, ­tha­explauation'� that � as a - consequence the tariff injured �450joo instead � of � "00,000. ' The L, ati . Th Amateur'.0rchostral Societygaveits I I- - . i Saturday quick, , bris k as ,ne w I ly'-,broach ad bam- Try,41'ienfore,,tosi: preveut�our-7�dia- cu,,�sing it intalligently� from given by the Ministerof 1ublic'W.ork9-.,-'-- He thought thed. The only industries that were bene- fitted by tariff ere, sugar the mates provide for an increase, of fifteen in th en2o ung concert on at Tbeorchoetrit, pagne. ?t your blood in motion. To effecifthis, don't go to guzzling The"U',otion wu4 ar6ed'to. � I I : Motiousi-for the following returns � were the ivepoit6fevidence taken by. tbb Civil , r� So ice Cornimi6siou sh6uld have been in present relineriea And woollen and cotton, manu- factories; ' Every � other madafacturing number� of *Permunent employees of I a Departments at.Ottawa.' . - blic conalsted,oi eighty gentlemen of the Aristo- c�lleyfEliglan6,tbecoi�certii�aB��e�be.in�. "down brandy smashes, gin cdchii ilb a or any "of the other. jugling, comp?unda in which -paesed wl�hout debate:, Retuni in detail:of the receipts possession of the House before they could industry in the 'country was placed in a it UD&,�,Oix works chargea -re.0to of �,10100 . 0 for. the Cartier, the Duke. of' ., 'Edinburgh, while , the *by.& alcohbl is disguised, for every artificial � drag and ex. penditure chargeable to the consolidated discuss,theill intelligently. Sir Hector L vi 1111,10 11 said thattilho would .,;iorsevositiou by the' tar �ff. than I Occupied utfAcrthe'�pibcedinatariff.' Whatwouldba �Won ut. Ati is worthy of� notice that' that uhd - it�was or tympan unt wits played clorg yn*n "who. is a - nophaiw of the 'Dean of Cauter- stimulant will you do�wn two degree a lot evety one that lifts you up *.The devil fund from"Ist July, 1881, to 261h February, to examine be given 0,11, the pro- the condition'6f afkirs if'we had a '.period While last Year -elf timed the Sndicate �bargain,:tlib Government bury., Among the salentiona played were a "Fifth lalways* Vbdts liff at A' barter. Tky rather SMtdmc1qt respecting the =rub.� of"per- 'sons visiong�of the Bill. examinations were qualift���,and not of"'a, 'Competitive :of de�)ressio� or failure �f harvest ? Would the ban. gentlemenoppo site ihen'be able to would be relieved in great measure from- tb of iminigration,'tbis year the -vote movement from'�Beethovetiis Sym- phohy,'! the ov6ftures of 11 Dr Fro�yachutz," whaf.a smArt walk Will do fbr you; set yoiji legs iii motion on rough,, rocky ground, or oil tc 6a -ring xanifob,,� and the 1,Tor1h,& t Territciiio�3dUriDgtLecalendftkYei�tOfISSI.. nature., -. L liatulite themselves iatout -factories. evoere isiticreasedby servIcel :ballot�mugic and,,Ld'Cheval de Bronze," find son new' . hurry them up a steep, cragy hill; build Mat. Bln,ke. The Bill was thou road 6' eecond Sir'Richard Cs�'rtwrlghft "ked When it is. All busy, au&,"tEat the people Were able to : buy freely. It wag useless' The subsidies to Provinces are id by�,Widar. All w er a admir- ably, executed. The uke of Edirib&ghl stoij walls;� swing au axe over a pil6 of Iiick6ry or maple'; titrn a grinds K urn j giving a summary statement for the six montlas ending December'Slat, 1881, iftendec I to i6tiniduce the tribution of seats the Speech. to; su��6se tha 6nada. boul d � secure -frow 63,457;526 jo,�,3,512,500, an addition I of $54,974'on account of increased po I I irst,-violinis't - was espeoifWY playing as f by Four ditches ; practice' ground' �uci of*tyll�tl lit] into of the quantity and V,alhe -of ex�ortfi fro *in 'produce announiced'in Sir Johu� Ma6dbnaid-VeiY,_ shortl'y� 1h&r1-bt simply by, supplyig h A The United --States' at own wan a. tion, a ; a shown'by the,census. praised, even proifuskionals. � hundred gent . femen were present � all of the g ; potir Water sieves, with the Dan' Aides, or With Sisypbus pa . high hill the Dominion of- -the ofthe mina, fisheries, for4t, Of,' ani mals and their pro-' Early enough to, gentleman, give 1fie"hon and the House an opportunity of, studying, hadbeen'tryingt6 secure home,matiufac- tre for,twonq,y ears, and in'the Year 1880 ]jIltlifitim Itulldoze Catindidu 311011ce. I . I . English, aristocracy excep u fo� fav6m'd professionsA musicians. Atong thosc'�;ho �ve 9 huge round stone in;�,Fjhort, any. 'ffiftig that will. start -the perspiration, and Of agricultural products and of manu- factures-.�-Mr,� Chr I I and discussing All its claud6s'l Mr.,Ai P. Carom in�auawbr to Mr. they -exported fo d 6tiough 'for . 25.,000,000 9 people. Canada in, 1881 exported food In r eg aid to the ree an t collisions between the Mounted Police And the Bl.a.chfeqt at I "vere present. were.the Prince of'I'Valeq,tho' Duke of'Tock, Lokd'Aylosford, the Duke of 'you will' soon cease' to have your brains - iied with black, as Burttm ex Pressed iti or,. Re�ortsaf the- engineer- respecting the lowering or thp'leval Of Lake' Mauifoba.� said, it wag not theintention of tho.GoVerm-' want , t6 AVOliph the �di litai 'College - at- y onough'for 1,000,000 people, And these two countries height the operation of the ager later report ays t bat. the "ap Indiana seized C t9in Vr�ucis bickfiria S&u Wahhar,' Baron 1�otbscitild,beneral Ponsenlay, and Lord'Dupplim. Among the, rise in the morning, as Cowpe did - like I an internal fing out � of Acharbil Mr. R�an Warguefte) : The llaas6adjourn' '16 - I _-__ ingston. bur�do Continue a protective policy till doomsday i ;Vithout I And threW him updn� the ice in Bow River. musicians were: S� tilius Benedibt-,'CatP or6wned With tho'co ze and baud of imalancholy." ad at4o'olocik. OTT,M'A,Xfab. 2i.-T11e:8 peaket'took the' Mr. (Sunbury) asked whether* it is the intentionaf.'the Government to use creating a home,market. 'The grain duties had not benefited the fiarmer. In 1878 and The chief, Crowfoot, went into thelo build- 19 in which the police gought refuge;, and, hosai-Signor V6,.4itti, 16do,lph Ar6lison, and Mr. IV. G. Cusitis, condubtor Of. the Sondon It hain Mr. (Jacques Cafflet) the steam cbrvebto'Charybdi� as attaining the precedi ing years Cahada:had better the fear of killing him, alone, prevented the' I ha�rmohic.' During Phil -the concert every- 'but 'much, now that science, has invaaeathe ub. and presented ,otbers it of �patitfons ship,.agwaisiorigiriallypro�bped, andif so, 'What marks for gra n than the, T It -A States, Blackfeet from storming. the building. As th in ey on6 s' Aed And -drank, as jact, it iB.regarded as "Josing it in true number wfien ? if ot, Why. not ? has been and there was an outcry agaftiiafi� tU im'por. Banton (11rontd7m) Plecord. wished. The concert was moat'el3jOYaV1P- bysiological quartity.