HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-03-02, Page 1.. : .. , City 3oolK Store. „ 8 • City Boktor vOL 17, NO. 9. TEEMS - 11140 Per Ausitiouns. • CLINTQN, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1882. E. HOLMES dk SON Publishers• /E'ROPERTIES FOR SALE. House for Sale. etti NvIrtiOettletttO. Wanted. ITIHAT house Situate on James Street and at present , 1 occupied by Mee. Joileph Wheatley, sr., containing A GOOD GENERAL 'SERVANTIMMEDIATELY. three roome and kitchen 'attached. Good 'well and Apply at this office. pump. One fifth of an acre on gardens with soraetireee • ' A. MANNING. '-Boots Found. - For further particulars apply 'on the premises or to House and Lot for Sale. TMITE subscriber offers for sale the B013813 and lot or- liupied by blmeelf on the corner of King ond Vinton Stieets, a short diatanee from the Presbyterian Church The house contains 6 rooms; the lot is about one-third of an acre, and has hard ansFsoft water and stable thereon. Millstb-Csold,cheap;osirthe proprietor is names ing to Miuittoba.„ ' •413 JOHN BITSLICY, Farm for Sale. LOT number 8 in 2nd eon. of Mullett, the south west quarte$ of Lot No. 10 in the 5th con. of Hui. lett, and the eaat-half of Lot No. 11 in the 5th con. of Mullett, containing 175 acres. Lot number -8 is con-. veniently situated, with good roads to Clinton and &Worth. Good house and outbuildings. Will be gold cheap and on easy terms. . A. 11. MANNINI1, Vendor's Solicitor. DWELLING AND BAKERY FOR' SALE.' 'Th conveniently situated dwelling and bakery, in ...whieh a.geod bpaineas has been. done, on Victoria street, is offered for sale oneaSitiiiiiiii` The -dwelling - is 1storeys high, containing 7 rooms. The shop ie of the same height, with conveniencesfor doing .a . large buaineas. 'The lothaS50 feet front. Stable in the rear facing on a streets Apply to H. Hale, Clintom or to • R. MCLENNAN, Seaforth. Clinton, Feb. 14, 1$81. • ' Botcher Dimness and &Awe FOR SAI THE undersigned offers for male his shop fiictures; . waggons, carts, sleighs, Slaughterhouse, and.eVery- ihing that is rieceskiry to carry ori the Butchering •businees, "all in' first-class repair:. Also, a span of •essinies.a,sa hps8asss, Will be sold on reasonable terms. Possession given immediatelY,S,as the -proprietor ih: tends going to the north-west. . . • , ,ALSO, that new brick ' lions* and. Dot, on Rotten- -J -1-s bury. Streets west of the Methodist Church. The ,Lot is ono quarter of an acre, well stocked with choice frint•trees, and bas splendid hardand soft water tliereen The house contain11 rooms, clothes closets, pantry, cellar 42 x17- with,eement floor. Will he 'sold on•rea- sona.ble terms. " Apply, for partieulars, to • . ,4 It. FITZSIMONS, Clinton. NOTICE' is hereby 'given that. the -partnership here- toforeexisting between IlUttl3AM. & LteLIE, et the Town of Clinton' as Carriage and Waggon Makers, has been dissolvedby mutual 'consent. All partiee indebted to the firm onusi settle the •same by the. -Ist of February, 1882; end these having clitirris against -the. erns will send them in for 'settlement; at onees • Jan, 4, 1882. • . • • F. RUMBALL, . The subscribers would take this•opportunity of .res turning thanks for the libcral patronage extended to theme during ticeirs4ongterm'ef partnership, and hope the seine may be continued to the Member contuming the busines-s.. • In eMonectien With the above,- the Subscriber hopes to merit a continuance ormitronage by strict attention to business and using therein nothing but the best of material and Workmanship., All woik being•perfonned under. his ownniservision, he can guarantee satisfac- tion in emny raapeet. • ; ' • . FRED. RUMIIALL. Chntons Jan. 4,• 1882. . .• • • ANITOBA ' AFEWdais since a pair of Man's Boots were found in Clinton. Ownei• can have them on aPpliea- tion to thisOffice. • For Sale, In- the thriving Town of' Clinton BLACKSMITH SHOP AND TOOLS of an establish- ed Ion...Meas. First-class etand. A. MATHESON, Clinton. Card Of Thanks. • THE GORE DISTRICT MUTUAL FIRE INSU- RANCE COMPANY. --- THE undersigned has much pleasure in aeltnowledg. Mg the very pror4t and eatisfactory manner in which the lozs oceamionedsby the fire -which destroyed Quigleies. Hotel, in the village of Manehester,fias been settled by the above insurance company. L. A. .SHEPPARD, Mortgagee. Two Houses for gale or to Relit 'HOUS' FOR SALE or to rent, situated two doom south of the Rattenbnry Houee, containing 8 Towne and every convenience, hard and ' soft water ; also, stable and choice fruit trees on the lot Also, House for sele sir to rent containing 7 rooms, with other conveniences, hard Water and atable-riitu- ated on Queen Street, Lot No. 419. t4 W.• GRIGG, proprietor. SEED .OATS For 'SALE BLACK a TA:RTARIAN. , • - rrHE subscriber has for sale a quantity - of ttiese MAR -L of superior .quality lately grown from a change of Seed. These, oats are pure, And free froui foul Beed, . end I believe them to be the best yielding variety in Canada. I have loadIrom 70to 80 bushels to the are. Trice 10 .cents per beak. A limited quantity of two roWedbarley'for sale. ' JAS. LANDS130R0UO1I. , Tuokersinith, Lot 23, Con. 11. IL S. . . • PROPER.T1ES .FOR. SALE: THE SUBSCRIBER•offers the following propertiee for sA)e CKYSTAI. 'CVTY. ' . , , ; Lots 4, 78n Block D. 5 in•Block A and 7 in Block K.- 9.and 11 in Block, L. 2 and 4 in. 131oek M. Cryetel 'City is (hie of the best Meations in Manitoba, the coansty Beat of the Rock Lake :Section; surrounded by an exceUentfarming country, all taken. up, Pro- perty in thia section tins rapidly risen in Value, and in- yeetinentif made recently have Smiled out Very. profit- . In Nelson Survey -Lots 1 and 14, -Block 21. 10, 11, 12, Block 17. 5,-6lock 5. 8, Block 19. Property in Nelsonville has reeentlytaken a wonder- ful •" boom". upwards, owing to the location of a branch of the.Canada Poeffic Railway to the town,sand also to the intention of ,the Southwestren Railway to con- struct their line to this place. , Also 240 acres of splendid land in section 16, town- ship 16srange S, •west. ' • • , • . Maps of the above places, with descr. • i • ptions of the lads, etc., can be seen at Mr. A.11. Manning'S office, who will give all informatidn in reference thereto. ZrAny or all of the aboie properties will be split, on seasonable ternis. - • •R, HOLMES, Clinton Ontario. or Sale. AVERY light, but atrongly built BUGGY, and is good cutter ; 5160 a good saddle, has been used very little. Will be sold on reasonable terms for cash or negotiable note. Apply at this offiCe. Store to let in Town Hall. Partnership Dissolution. 12181 firm of YeC.ART.NEY, T110.MSON & Ston', build- ers, etc., have this day dissolved partnership by mutual consent. All debts due the Ovid firm roustbe paid before the loth of Merchsinst., to either Mr. Mc- Cartney OnMr. Thomson, and all accounts against the said firm must be sent in to these parties before that date JAMES MeCARTNEY. -HUGH THOMSON. JOHN SCOTT. • Clinton, Feb. 2 84. House to Let.. .COr4TAIN1N4 six rooms. Plenty of ovate?. "Rent •low, • Apply to , • , • s • •,` MISS MOUNTOASTLE, Spencer St 5nintonFeb..16„ 1852. • , • •• For Sale • T"' balance of•stlo eek' and provender benging, to the unclersigned,rcensistn. of hay, straws chaff , and quantity of.Turnips. • • • ' * • • SAMUEL T. HOLMES, Clinton. House and Lot for . • — .1NII/13. SALE', a conyeniently-situated Honse and Lot .12 on Rattenbury St., west of the Methodist church. .LTlie.81st...is_one,quarter of, an acres_well stoelied with choice fruit trees, and has splendid well -end soft water • 'thereon." The house contains seven rooms,•pantry. and good cellar. Will be sold on • reasonable terms. For particulars apply to • W. WHITES, Clinton. s LONDESBORO. New York trips are all the go here now, with turnips for Keefer & Co. Mr. 0. Myers, who is leaving for Mani- toba, leaves this place without a butcher at present. . iin- Mperted colta foratbout $1,200 ; it goes to meiej.nThos. Bell -has . ,fs:.spld. 'one of his Mr. Jno. Brunsdon has hid agents out again for all kinds of Machinery. Tarraere should reserve their orders for him. The Presbyterian tea meeting here was a grand success, as was also the social; the sum of $60 was realized and'a very plea- sant time spent. Mr. C. Sundercock, with a car load of stock and imple'naents, leaves here on Thnrsdayjor.Manitoba, in company with severarollrs. Charley is pushing fel- low, and it Is hoped he will succeed, far he" deserves to. CONCERT. -- On Monday evening next the Jubilee'Singers will give one of their fainous eraertainnaents in the Methodist Church here, commencing" at 7.30 p. Thelehould be greeted by a large attend- ance. They also appear at Kinhurn on the 7th. • The special services are still- being eon- tii•ch, con- tinued n the 1Vlethoat Church. The of- ficials of this church should make some permanent arrangements whereby service would be held . twice every Sabbath, in- stead of once, as at present. • Such a move would, we believe, meet with the approval not wily of Methodists, but of others also. Goesentest ToveNseire The Jubilee Singers appear at Bethel church on Thursday • The farm of Mr. D. Bruce, on the 2ncis con. has been sold to Mr. D. 'IcBrien,for The continued freezing and thawing is already telling against the fall wheat in some sections. • Mr. Thos. Potter has bought the place known as "the Walker farm,'' 80 acres, on the igth cora ae$1 800. Annexation or not, was to be the subject for discussion at the 'last night (Wednes- day) meeting of the,Yorter's Hill debating club Mr. G. Elliott, reeve, is making prepa- rations to erect a a ubstnntia1s. dwelling hehse for himself, and has let the contract therefor. . COL11011,NE. • • . BELGItAvit: edRfreovna. latePhil pillhnaess sa.1))311411111Y Yee°ver- Rev. M. Wilkins has resigned his pas- torate of the Presbyterian Church here. Eoos-ntionnissArge.-Mesars. Hale & Tay/or sold 300 dozen of eggs, on Satur- day last, tO Powell the egg man. - GRAND [ExHIBITIoN.-Several young men froMI Blyth, exhibited themselves here, on Tuesday evening, in Morley's Hall, in a grand farcical show, in which they took' it for granted that the people here did net know anything. .. HIGH PRIED. -The BelgrEive girls ire all held ftil, certain prices, ranging dom 000 up to $3,000, Two young ladies'in one fanailylare held respectively at $1,000 and $2,000 and are well worth the money. Mrs. Long's school is in a flourishing condition and quite a benefit to this place: Her scholars number 42, and the progress they are making is quite satisfactory. The annual meeting of, the Belgrave Bible Society was held on Monday even- ing in the Presbyterian church. Addres- see were delivered by the resident mini's- tere and • Others. „In every reepect .tlie meeting_was:-a graliki success - • A Mr. Burwa.sh. was drawing timber- to the mill here, last week, and one night he was surprised,about two hours after finish- ing his days's work, to discover one of his horses dead. ' OARS - There is great talk over Simprove- ments to be made here next summer. A grist mill, several stores and private dwel- lings are among the buildings projected. On the evening'of Friday, the 24th ult.,- a number of the members and friends of the East Wasvanosb. Methodist chutch met at the residence of C. Hanna, Esq., to spend an evening with his son-in-law, Mr: Ifir,iglitman, who leaves in two weeks for - Turtle I Mountain. After the older gentlemen had spenteome time in discuss- ing politics, and the peunger men and la- dies had enjoyed a general tete-a-tete on $1.1bjeCtS Of greater interest,: Mr. Wight - man Was naade the recipient of eight vol- nmes of Whecloia's Commentary, and Miss Hamaa was presented with a handsome silver cruet stand and butter cooler. Mr. Wightmanl has been ennerintendent of the Sabbath school in this church •for some years, and' Miss Hanna has presided at the. organ. Quite -a number of the " boys" are pre - , SUDDEN DEATH. Mr. II, Morley gone with the malority When a telegram was received here yesterday that Mr. Henry Morley had died at Belgrave, people could hardly be- lieve the. information, because he had been in tonvn on Saturday, in apparently as good health as he ever enjoyed. The deceased was well known to the people of this -neighborhood, haying re- sided hereabouts for the past ihrty-five Years. Born in England, be emigrated to thig country shortly after he had attained. his majority, and settled in Goderich township, being one of the oldest settlers therein. Having acquired some means he 'wisely put it out at interest, which quiekly accumulated until he became kndkvn as one of the wealthiest men in the nemmunity. He never married until about 18 months _since, when he wedded Mrs. Carson, formerly of this place. Al- though a man of no learning, he was not deficient in intelligence, being exceeding- ly shreWd and cautious in his dealings. IAA week he came to town to visit a number of his friends and acquaintances, and spent several days here, returning home on Saturday. He appeared to labor under 'a little nervousness, but nothing was thought of that. On Monday morning, in conversa- tion with a friend,,he talked of 'dying; though then in perfect health, ' and ex- pressed the thought that when he did die„ it would be suddenly. How little he- . thought he was then ee near the end of life's journey. His age would be about 83, though he sometimes claimed that hecr"'. was notbo eld; but we believe that would be his correct age. ' . 7 -he. . E. Methodists have -been ear. \ Paring to leave for Daltotaa They, should' each take a girl'along, and subseribe for copy of the 'NEW' Enetsthen. their happe- nese would be assured. ' • • There are no less than seven Methodist churches in this township, in addition to several of 'other denominations. What a hard lot of heathens we must be to neces-. sitate all thele evangelizing agencies. , A large party assembled at the house of House to Rent or for sale. THE subscriber offers that convenientlY-situated. House on Rattenbury Street, ,a few doors west of the Methodist Church, to rent or "for sale on reason- able terms. The house bast rooms and pantry, and isil other eeetTelli9leee. For partieulara apply to the Rsw ERA office or to MISS CHURCHILL, Albert St. • Boy Wanted. A'GOOD, istimig; steatly.boY, for 9 or lorooritha, able to attend horse,. I deal inall kinds of tin . and japan ware, spoons 104 'i,ialery; and take the following, in trade for the same*: --Cotton and windiest -rim old• carpets.; rubleer slioes,.paper, etipper, brasses -leads and all sorts of iron. Being now alone in She bisiness I have a good strong horse for Sale. Any parties having business with me at 'home; will find Inc•there. every Mondoy.• All parties due the estate long, must settle et,once to save' costs, as r am determined to be put off -no longer, • • • - mmerpai, .ectiler.. • ' 'Clinton Feb. 14 '1882. -‘• ' Ilisitof the Prophet Jeremiah to old Ireland Friday evening, March 3rd. ,,„t rat THE store now occupied by alessre. Taylor & Son, as a shoe shop, is offered to rent. Applications Cekil be Made to Chairman of Property Committee. Clinton Feb. 7 1882. . W. C. SEARLE. FREIGHT FOR MANITOBA PARTIOS having quantities of freight, bermes or Cet- i_ tle, for the north west, fcr sls"elellei re' to i-ei'c.:rust °el middle,of March, would do well to.. gro before making arrangements.: 1, A. CALLANDER ' Old Bending Factory, Victoria St. Clinton, Jan. 12, 1882. • II S IP 0 ' American Cross Cut latforna Scale M IRON AND HARDWARE MERCHANT, CLINTON. -, 01'O\VN REVI DR. WILD, OF TO,FLONTO, Will deliyer &lecture on the above failsieets under the auspices of the Literary'and Scientific,Society. ADMISSION, 25 CTS., RESERVED SEATS 55 CTS. -UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE OY VALUABLE' FARiVii. Fit57,in 'Stock„ Furniture, &a. THE undersigned will sell by Public Auction, bn LOT 39 CON. 4 0001ERIC,I1 TOWNSIIIP on . . FRIDAY 3 1882 rying on epeclalrneetiogifor , The, ice, which formed a ttniporary -bridge, has hr;'.8ken up and departed to colder spheres'. The revival meetings which have been car- ried on at [Zion 8.10. church is still carried on FATAL'Ai)CIOENT -.011 Thursday last a very sad and fatal accident happened to a ebilet.of Mr. Peter Fisher, aged about eighteen months. 'While 'playing about it had, climbed on *hair and. taken MOtheett knitting from, a ..etipe board, when it fell from the cliair, one ,of tne- Aufnrciellr'cojnaenpuliinirkgenta°rfly tFerrimdas,y,an7be.11110711ed' needles 51.5 penetrating its temple and brain, the usual routine of such affairs.. Ibis causing death in three minutes. The afflicted makes 3 parties at that place and is cer- parents have the sympathy of their many tainly a credit to the parties who got them friends. CORRECTIoN.-Mr. Editor, I see that •WING -BASSI. 'Mr. Torrance denies the statement 1 made three 'week e • ago, and like yourself, Mr. Editor, 'I do not wish to injere anyone, foralthough the'majority of people show their friendship by imbibing whale- when .they meet after -a long absence, the practise is, ' I 'am glad tolearn fallingiutodieuse, and • if any mistakes . or mie-statements have been made, the brother has made then:I.-- Yet:1k CORRESPONDENT- tE.A. MEICTING.-A Tea Meeting, was held on Thursday evening .1aet in Cole's , C. M. Church, • Goderich "township,and was eucCesifidly carried out in everar're- sped's"- The chnreliwas crowded to such an extent that the stove was removed to Make extra'rotim. After supper, prepar- ed in the well kneish style ofthe ladies of the neighborhood, speeches were made by Rev. Messrs. McDonaghs'Luig, Cook, and Mr. A. H. Manning Rev. Mr. Living- stone.occupied the chair, and the chinch cheir'interaperand the proceedings with a number of. appropriate' and well sung hymns. The evening following .tv social equally -successful was held in .the sitm-e- place.. Altogether about $60 was realized. ' P_RESENTATION.— On _Monday evening last a large number of the membera of St: Janos" Church, assembled at the 'residence' of Mr.' Henry Steep, for the purpoo of presenting his daughter Martha with a dozen each -of the following articles, viz., silver spoons, forks, and knives, accom- ,peniecl by the following address, which speaks for itself -,--- , • Dean Msss STEEP, -The congregation of St. Janies' Chnrchcannot let the happy occasion of , your forthcoming 'nuptials pass without Marking, in SODA way, their appreciatfon of your personal worth and of .your •long-oon- tinged and valuable services as organist and leader of the choir. Our connection has been always rendered pleasant by year quiet and unostentatious performance of your mtsical duties,. and We trust that harniony, in the. production of which yoti are such a proficient, may always reign in your new home,:whither our thoughtshall accompany you, with all 'best -wishes for your welfare. We beg that you will accept the preSeut gift as a slight, token ofour warm interest in your future, accompanied, as it is by our earnest prayers that God Will most -richly bless both you and yOUrs. Signed, oh behalf of the congregation of St. ;Tames. • , ' • C. 11.' Matthew, John duff, John13eacom, • • Rat. NicAlurray, 0, G. Middleton, T: R. Jowett, johnMiddleton. ' • , Mr. Steep feelingly replied on behalf of hia dauglter"4fteff 1cbi0h tlifise present: „spent the remainder --of the evening in pleasant social intercourse. ' , . The following articles, Tiet—a mare 7 yeara•pld ; linare 4 years old in foal, 1 horse II yeeresold,. 3 enivs in calf, 1 heifer coining three no *cliff, 1 heifer twoyears old, 3, ealyee, 27 sheens 1 !timber waggon, 1 bob.sleigh, 1 long eleigh,,1 light inon bobbs, 1 cutter, 1 roller, 1 iron plow.' 1 woodeiShandlo p/ohs, 2 send/ere,. 1 set ,iron harrow, 1 turnin cutter, 1 ,wheelbarrow, 1 corn shelter, 1 hay rack, 1 wood•raelr, 1 , carpenter's. bend/17-'2 • &fors,. 1 dog power, 1 crosscut saw," 1 scraper, 40 cedar posts, 75 cedar poles for fencing, I 'Mono, 1 table, I ' task, sed steads, (Mains, I Parlor Stove, pipes and stand, and riO1- rnerous• other iirtieles. "Side 58 tommenec at 1,0 a. 01., sharp. 'hoonelo served at 1 oSelock. • - , . Wilt ale° be sold at the mine time and Place, the farnis'• donsisting •of 'Lot 59, C011aOSSiOn 4, Coderien Township, being 80 acre.% ,1.0 cleared &scent 10 scree, •whieh-i-govithiudwooci-hilsii...zho,fitma-is-in-a-grilon-- diii state 0;i:cultivation, and has good fralne'llouae, sharnssstainc; shffilz, 094 good Orchard thereon, iS welt watered; there being a gpleinfid,erbek rtmaing through the farm; la addition 0 was, on (46 pine°, Situate 8 miles fronsIlityfield, 8 Nairn Clinton, and 731 from 5404e - rich.. SATX WITIMUT 81.1;Se.121/ el, aS the pro prieteZ is lean-. MOM" Manitoba, ' . • - ''. Tatou, fOr tlie faro, • ten ger cent on day Of sale, balance in 80 days,' without interest, For snick, 90., all MIMS Of 45 and ut der, ,eas), over that amount 8 menthe' credit will he girCu'en fereighing ell -proved Joint notes,', A' discount,,Of .8 per cent per anniiin for cash on credit amounts,. - ' • ' , .0, SIIAW, Pr'oprietor, a:HOWSON, atietionecr you to recevei ma - 0- oe on OhO, , . . . From the Hub. • • . morels perhaps no tonic ofiercd to the pee- ve that poeliesses as much reXlintrInsit Visine as the Boinnitters: Jest at, this ye:vr, when tile stems:ell needs all appetizer; or the blood needs parifying, the cheapest and best reinsdy iwEop Bitters. An ounce of prevention Is 'worth. a pound of coven; don't wit until you are pros- trated by a -deices° that,' nifty teke .inoutlis tor , • FIRE. -On Sunday night a fire broke out in the 'store of Mr. John Snell (bro: ther-in-law of the Messrs. Jackson, of Clinton) destroying the same and the ad- joining pretnisee. The efficiency ef the waterworks prevented the' fire spreading to the hotel stables and other premises near by. A DROP. -Ii is currently reported that a well known resident of thie place, 'who short time since did make a big spec in Winnipeg property, has since succee,cledein losing all he then made and several thou- sands more. • • • EAST WAWANOSH. Last Saturday, Robert Coultes sold one of his horses for the snug sum, of same evening one of his ewes gave birth to three lambs. They areallliving and doing well. eratnnovBafEleT.-The contracts have been lit for the building of three large frame barns on the lOtla eon.; also for the erection of a large brick church by the -Presbyterian denomination. -- Mr. Manning, of Clinton, occupied the pulpit offlus_0._1%. claurch,_onLthe_10th con. He delivered an , excellent sermon. --He also preached at Belgrave in the evening. Since the above ayaS in type mac have „ receiied the following :-Mr. H. Morley died suddenly to -day at eleven a.m. He had felt a little pained in the region of . the heart, during the Morning, lout not regarding it as anything of a serious na- ture, he busied himself about the house aS usual. While carrying a board in front of his store he fell suddenly. On being lifted up he gasped for breath and immediately h e, was gone. His faltered will take place from Bel - gave to the Salem burying ground (in Howick) 'On, Friday, at 10 a.m. T The folloW1. ing 8saAnNalillY. ' account of receipte. and disbttrsemebtz for the township of Stanley, for 18R8Else:EtTs., pA'..v.rmExTs. • Balance Oil band , 81186 05 County Eiete 55574 54 Li ense144 08 Schools... ... 4019 .10 Non-reeiderit'taree 116 41 Roasi.................2541, 04 Clergy:Reserve.. ... 31 90 Salaries .. . 536 90 Interests .. .. 18 00' Printing .. . .. *6 75 Boundaryline.... 174 59 Charity. 104 75' Collectnes Roll ...19416. 95 Interest ............300 09 "Road allowance & Deposit in bank. 500 00 • fines. .... 83 25 Sundries • . • 32 05 Balance ----------610 10 . 412125 23. 312121 23 *[There twist be a mistake in this iteni. Under what other heading has prifiting .been put.j. • , ' •-• . . MODEL-COMMIJNITY.--The• village of Blyth seentis determinedto keep up its faine for notoriety. The7cortriel1 of .that village, wader the leadership oft P. Kelly, at their last"sittingeothally passed a by- law to license five taverns,whilethe Popu- lation is not ,a baker's dozen'over nine hundred-swe :say smart reeve' and smart councillere. Itewould certainly' be itgleat pitcheye,k_jf.m4t1tIcelg,8eustssiel ter.;cnietltecs emrnemni,sslivohnoerse tio,-• dently care, not a fig.for over-riding the, law, for, we can hardly lselleye that the 'Whole of the --Blyth council is oblivious' to the tante ihade,in thig, behalr-Com. • . . ••COuglis, China, Asthma,, Broil ehlti8, Pains in. the Throat and CheSt; felieVed and ,curod13Atho , UieoI De. Car's Pulmonary Cough Drops. The musts -enable testimony has been received aei tient. 'etactoiloy. In Bottles, 60 cents, J. 11 oorebe, ap„edt for olintoe. TOWN CHURCH CHINIES0 [We shall. be pleased to receive ilehos of publod' die terest, announcements, &c., to under. this head, sts, ay Orne,from the unnistere of the respective churches.) A parlor concert, to assist in the pur- chase-of...books for the choir of Willis church, held in about three weeks. e datlor .9g.Te hcoese. dJa3cTlir.soHn ,ojl rm. , ehs aassb eperee ceeinnst 00 rgWeosoipldlei csotn C‘ev, he alulnqualified' x c l-1 . rThjat ocfife aiss t.i ntsm in eery r y n t sa Rev. Mr. Stewart an Mi. Loughe exChan,ged. pulpits on Sunday. The lat- ter is a gentlenalin of whom the Presbyte- rians Londesboro may well feel proud, as he embraces all the elements requisite . to make a successful minister. Rev. Mr. Gundy of Exeter, preached Educational sermons in the _Methodist church on Sunday. 1 -lis manner, impres- sive edeliverYs faultless While his dis- courses evinced much thought and were -•'"7.. expressed with the conviCtion of their truth and importance.' The eSiarterleeting of the Itural Deanery of iltuein will be el d in Clinton on Tuesday March 7th.• 'Service in St. Paul's church at 11 a.m. The sermon will be Preached by Rev.- C. O'Meara; -of Gorrie. The offatory will he given to the Rural Deanery Fund. The lecture of hev. Dr. Sutherland, in thewn hall, on Tuesday ifext on "a confiner in prairie land" should be attend- ed by all who wish to learn , anything' in reference to the great northwest. The lecture given under the auspices of the Clinton Methodist church. , Special Services are being held daily, - in the Methodist church, here, and are being well attended. Rev. 'Mr. Living- stone, Of Bayfield, and Mr. Harris, of Teeswater are the only, outside ministers • that have yet taken Virt, herein. Others are expected to beforethey 'close. A roBueAn lecture [-will be given -by Rev. J. Hill, of SeafOrth,' Rural Dean of Huron, on Tuesday, Mgrch 7t1s, at 7:30 p. in* the school' house Of St. Paul's 'efiurch, Clinton. Subject, "The soul of sense in things absurd," " The Moral teachings of Mother Goose," "What I saw and heard -down south." The lecture will be illustrated by crayon sketches tak- en in view of the audience, after the man- s ner of Mr. Beisgeugh, of Grip. Singing by the Sunday -sehool children. Admis- mon free, collection in id of school fund. The S'eaforth and other newspapers speak , yeryglaighlyeof Mr.sHillfsiectures as -both.. entertaining and instructiVe to young and Geo. Ponon]uaLstt woe kbought a lust° from Mr. Jas. Brown, Berms Road, for $150. _Fame Son,-Mis. B. Fiikaitnona Mrs sold her farm of 50 acres on tire gnd con. of Hal- lett, to, Mr. D. Shanahan, •Ecir, the aura of NOT Rtn.-Tho report that • oho Craw- ford, of Bullett, bad been killed in the Miehi- gala lumber ,wooda was incorrect. The per- son killed belonged to Orangeville, and hap- pened to be of the same name. Ilcovimance.-We are pleased to learrit that Mr. W. Marian, of the eth con„ who was last week suddenly taken ill, and whose life was for a time despaired of, is now in a fair Way of 'recovery, though still eonAnecli:rto his Setn.-Last week a couple of gentle- , men representing an agricultural society in the county of Essex drove through this vici- nity for the purpose of purchasing thorough- - bred bulls for use in that section. . They pur- chased one of Mr.Millin, at $140, and another of %Mr. lfeury, of the 13110 con.,: at $175, both of which were shipped on Tuesday, from Clin- ton. "MrMiThn has siece, liought another One Train Arr. Braithwajta, ani.1 Mr. Itenry ni . young one frem iIobs 11. Snell Sc‘Son, An aethority in the produce faltde, ex- presses the belief, that wheat will. sell at extremely low prices toward the -end of this crop, for high prices 'and over-spectuz latioil have aused the fariners` to bold back their eteck. They are coniegtiently loaded up with wheat, tesides there ?Lre enormous cargoes afloat from India, Russia and California, which will teed to keep • the British markets, unusually well sup- plied.