HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-02-23, Page 10CLINTON NEW ERA, THURSDAY, FEB. 23, 1882. Great Slaughter for li dm/s tufo Gonne and get w bargain. in 1+'nrniture before we close up BriOADFOOT dL- BOX, 77 Brick Block, Cllatoii NEw MAcaIr i RY.—Last week a car- load of new machinery arrived here for the new, factory of Messrs.Corbett & Boles,, another car -load is expeeted'this week, and there will be two or three more before it is all in. DR. WILD'S LECTURE.—The attention of our readers is directed to the proposed lecture, by Rev. Dr. Wild, of.Toronto, on "The visit of the prophet Jeremiah to old Ireland," which will be delivered in the town hall, here, on the 3rd of March. FoR; MANITOBA.—On Monday last 11 persons' from Goderich left by the G.W.R. -• from this place, to Winnipeg, and the fol- lowing persons from Seaforth left by the same route :—Messrs. A. G. McDougall,J. Ballantyne, W. Grey, Jas. McDonald (son e of Rev.; A. D. McDonald) and Miss Bryan. NEW BOOK .:STo ,n.—Mr. J. Williams will open a `book and 'fancy gods store here, in the Smith block, in a few .days. A short time ago Clinton had only one book store, when the nese one gets .going, there will be four. Whether, there is business enough to support all these is a question, but we suppose the matter will resolve itself into a case of "survival: of the fittest." • INCORR:ECT.--We-are lsuthorized to cor rect the statement in last' w'eek's Record to -the effect -that Mr. D.- Cantelon had been appointed town agent of the G.W.R. No, such appointment has been made, "nor were there any -definite grounds for the • :statement.` This is -;the second time the. )Record--has-blundered..in_this_connection, .andgreatercare should be exercised 'by 'sr.. ( "our cotemporary in 'announcing matters. • • •of this.kind. TiiE LAsre issue of Bengough's Short - hand Writer, issued at Toronto,. contains • • the following notice: -Mr. Edwin Hartt, formerly of Clinton, was` placed, through bur Bureau with the ficin of M. Staunton .4 Co., wall paper manufacturers, Toronto .and Yorkville,•some :months ago. He- is 'filling the position with credit to himself .and pleasureto his employers. ` He is one of our most promising 'boys." LECTi511.E TIrE NOnTI34iEsr -R:ev. Dr. Sutherland, of Toronto, (Missionary Secretary of the Methodist Church) will deliver a lecture on the northwest, in the town hall,.on the everting of the 7th of< March. .As the :.doctor • has travelled" through the whole country asfar west as Fort Edmonton, parties intending ,'to . move west shouldhear the :Lecture and thus get all the ' information, they, earl thereon. MR. IllAEL; GoRnov, of .Chesterville, Ohio, was' last week, on'a. visit to Mr. las: • • . . Biggins, . of the London Road. While .here he purchased a three-year old stallion •of Mr. Jas. Logan, Blyth, known as "Joe, the Banker," ,together with a splendid brood mare; both of which he intends. to keep for his "own use He is a somewhat ••extensivefarmer, having 500 acres under .cultivation, and his sons 500 more adjoin- ing. -•. His property is immediately next- that extthat of`Mr. Biggins'son. Ain uAL �kI2� QER.-The 40th ,annual diiiner;`;of the Township of Hullett Agri - :cultural Society, will be held' -at Pike's Hotel; Clinton, on- the evening of Wed-; nesday, 1st of March. W. Brown, Esq.,, Professor of Agriculture in the Ontario Agricultural College, will be presentand diver an address; and also well known -local-.agriculturists. The entertainment will be interspersed .with vocal•and'instra- mental music,. and a very pleasant and in- structive tine is anticipated. Plums SOLD'.— A few days •since, Mr. John Boles of thisplace, sold his farm. of 100 acres, in Lapibton, near Forest village, for the sum of -84,300, which be considers A, fair price .for lands in that locality. About -two years since, Mr..Geo. Peacock, • •(for erly of Hullett,). homestead 1'60 -acres in tie vicinity of Crystal City, 'Manitoba ;. • anth pre cmpted another 160 ° acres nes. days srnce•he sold his claim" for something -oder $6,000,, Which :shows the very rapid rise iii•the. value of farm pro- perty there. A DEAD BEAT. Last.week a man call- ing himself Ross, asked 'assistance from • several parties in town, en.theground that 1.11e was a member of the. society to which • • they belonged. He claims to be a." -print - ter, wears "print- ter,.wears kneebreeches, and professes to '.belong to .almost•all the different societies, lout the parties appealed to did not ".pan ent," being luspicious of the .man, and well • they might, for he --proved himself •°while'Lere, to..be an " unadulterated liar.” "He stopped at"Kennedy'•s hotel and ; left without paying , his::board. • •Parties, in othertosvns should spot;him. 'STTILLANO.rsITR:--Wb,t. Sanity, . (Who has not enjoyed:the:most enviable reputa- tion while residing here) is`the last one to leave his creditors ixr,the lurch; ho having" started oft' for the northwest ;on : Wednes- day night last.: Itis said he left here.se- cr.eted among a car load. ofhorsees, cutters, &c. He "beats" anumber ofpeople here, and, we_understand, one' or two: parties' in London,' who furnished him with material., In all his,liabilities will be about $500., The town is'weli rid of such characters'.as he, but it would ba just a well if .they could be made to settle up "before depart-• PliirAl.noaIc S.oC.IETi .-A. largely at- tended meeting was held'in the Tempe- -`Lnce ilall ,on- Thursday evening last for the formation of a Philarrionic. Society. ' After the matter: lracl ,been well "discrissecl the following officers asere•eleeted, viz President,.I1ev:Tlr.Craig; Vice-presidents, Dr. Williams, R. Irwin, W C. Searle, R. 111..Itc.cey, and J. Turnbull, Secretary, \V, Jackson ; Treasurer, W. L. Newton ; Managing; dir.ectors;Messrs,Morgan,}3lack stone and W. Doherty. 'Messrs. L. P. Davis,H Scott and T...131ackstone:.were :appointed a committee to draft rifles, and :Messrs. '1' Ja,ckson,,jr,, Morgan aril.Blnck- srtone, a committee -to select music for the :next evening_ fire meeting thea Atli ourn. - ed -re meet again in The Episcopal church srchool house, this ('Thursday)evening. We are pleased to see that ` the • society star is under each favorable circumstances, and numbers among its members 'so many, prominent residents oaf` Lire town, .and have _no doubt but drat in the future the•society will give a good account of itself. All who wish to Join's the .society are at -liberty 1 we clos�nv in 6 enyyP Vurnitnre at your to do 59 anytime, own pricba BROADli+OOT 1a $OX, Clistoie OiiiTuinn.—After .a painful illness of some months, caused by anevarisu tumor, the wi* of Mr. John McQueen, of this place, passed peacefully away to her long home, on: Monday last, at the advanced age of 77 years. . 'Deceased was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, and left -Paisley for America, in the year 1834, being married to lllr. McQueen three years later. They resided in the township of Ramsey for some time, removing to the tosvnslrip of Stanley in 1842, -where they lived until a.= few years since, when they removed here to reside.' Deceased veryearly in life be- came a member of the Presbyterian Church, (having been a scholar under the celebrated Dr. Burns, in Scotland) and she remained warmly attached thereto till the time of her death She leaves • her husband and a family of two sons and a daughter to mourn l her loss." Her remains, were interred in Baird's cemetery, yester- day, the large number following them,' there, being evidence of the great esteem, in which) slie was held, Another of the early pioneers, of this section passed away, on Tuesday, in the person of Mr. Andrew Duncan, sr., .of this place, who died at :the •age --of 77 years. Deceased was born Rin Tyrone, Ireland, coming to Canada in the year .1837; about a year afterwards he ea/ne,svestand settled on lot 17, Bayfiekl Road, Stanley, which was then la perfect ayilderness, herding out for himself `a home, and soon gathering around him many 'warm friends among' the settlers that followed him. Failing health compelled him to give up farming, and about 9 years since lie nnbved into town, where he has been more orless con- fined to the house for the past five years. He Was of a naturally quiet disposition, and never took a very active part in pub- lic affairs, ub-lic'affairs, although a supporter of the pre- sent government. His remains were fol- lowed to their last resting place,yester day; by a-Marge-nurmbet-of-sympathizing- friends. His wife and several members of his family survive him - Mr. William Glasgow, of the well known firm of Glasgow, Alacpherson & Co.,. of Clijnton, and Fingal, died : at his. residence in the lattor place, : on Sunday, in the 68th year of his age, after an illness' of only ten hours. Deceased was the fa- ther a Hier of Mr. G. Glasgow; gf this place, and leaves a aeery large circle of acquaint- ances to mourn his loss. The foundry here was closed for three days on account of his death. Mr. Glasgow was a native of Berwickshire, Scotland, but at an early age, came' with his -,parents ,to -this 'coun- try, and settled near Hamilton. .'After, working ' for a truce at his trade•, of mill- wright, and: alsof'arming, he removed to 7 oelrport, N.Y., where for about 10 years he' ivas a•i fellow -workman in a foundry -with Mr. Hovey, one of the members of. the late firm.. In 1847 they became ac- quainted with Mr. Macpherson, Hien re- siding near Fingal, who 'znet them in - Lockport when purchasing machinery,: and were induced to join him in opening ^a machine shop in Fingal. " Some time after they started their branch establish- ment here, and thesuccess which crowned? their labors, and made their name known over the entire American continent, is well known to all our readers. 13Rrxis.•-The`apring-likeweathe• late- ly enjoyed,ewas turned into1"stern'winter". onsPriday, which was of short duration, however, until Tuesday, whena snow storm set) in: which has made sleighing possible.'' Any ,one having occasion. to ride over the roads lately are to be pitied ;` they were, something dreadful. Itr. D. Cantelon has bought a quantity of 'buck- boards, &c., from his brother Harry, which that person was making for the northwest their destination will remain the,, same Mr. H. Cantelon is'making•more for the same place;,' Mr.;Dennison,::the newbell, ringer commenced his duties a , few days. since, and is attendingto his duties in .a satisfactory!inanner;;. ii1r.. John Dempsey„' of Goderieh towusl ip, bas-rrieyed. hip the house purchased of Mr. A. Matheson.; it. 14 "a'a little 'singular that a majority of the retired farmers in town are' from Goderich township. Saturday evening a' team ,beloliging 'to Mt. Geo.: Snell, Hullett while stanctingin front of klouse in -town,. ran, away, and .never. stopped 'till ;they, • •reacted Mr.' Jenkin' on the Huron Road,- two miles from town ; beyond scattering the :robes and seats along the road, . no dainage'was; done. Mr. Ill: -A. Burton .:is the latest. addition to business men>ofthis locality; he ibeing about to enter the milk business;_ he has rented the 13 acres, be louging•to Mr. R. -M. Racey, on the Bay- field Road. '''lVIilk came .doivn on Satur day night, caused<by the breaking. of Spooner's delivery waggon.- Mr. T. Mc- Kay,' who 'has attended to the weigh scales for, several: years has left the posi- tion, osi-tion,'and they are :now attended toby, Mr. Stanbury",_lessee. Mr: T. Jackson, cloth - 'ler, last week received several orders• for clothing from parties in -Manitoba, Only.' three loads df grain were brought to near ket onSaturday,, which was dueto the bad roads ;.a good many people were. in •town ' nevertheless.` Severalparties in Seaforth,. and Goderieh have . expressed, the: wish that their property Was located in Clinton instead of where it as -4 -then ;"it might be worth something. , < The Band , oi•' Hope,;.. which meets 'every .Monday -night in. the Temperance.:Hall, has 80 scholars attend- ing its meetings. The fire at Mitchell, on. Saturday, night,' 170 "easily peen 'at :this place. A brother of Mr. Silas Davis ;tell- from a'seaffblding:in' Chicago last' week; s}rstaining:serious' : injury. The infant child of Mr. J. T.:Cooper'. :which was so sickly before' the fancily ]eft here, died one night recently in Winnipeg,' while :sleeps , lug with its parents,: who did not know tiff its, death till mornini: .Constable Paisley placed a boy in the look -up a short -tiine 'one day Iast Weak, fo rita ing truant from school, if others:svere likewise treated it would do • them good.. It may not be generally 1i-newn that itis quite a' common practice in grown for persons having a family of small children, to lock thein: in the house Tindlle .ve'there while -the mother goes out on heeiness; such a practice will soarer or later end in, a disaster: IIodgius has"•inioved into his new premises on the corner of Rattenbury. ;street,' and, promises to makebusinessboom, there. , A number of .the memli'er+i of the Masonic" fraternity'intend :taking part in the . de- inonsti cation to be held at London, on the 7th -of -March. :Some one -stole a -few cents- from bf Lee's bakery; yesterday. The"'eflects'of 'the Royal .rl.reh Obipter of Masons **re removed from Seaforth,here, ori Monday. A letter received from Mr. W. Shaw announces his;. arrival hi Win nipeg,,and states that is 82.50 per day, and one',has to bunk around XOR. E F. -t,.. B TE T0_ Stands fdu rlrrjEiTs, all.suitu: and tip top, To be abaci -c er y "cheap at E)ld •Curiosity 'Shop , • .Stands for BoY3.cornin •in •.0x1- the 1101) To•buy Marl -Ads 'and 'Toys at :nid•Cu iosity. S"liop ,rs"{aiads,for C>usToMl its 'cielightecl`.they'gp, ..-4-Por :they pi rcllaso so cheap of ;I3.. Ii' oster' c ; Co. Star dS fol DEAr rs all eryinu Oh-? Oh ? We cannot 5 compete with :Foster R Co.,Lo Forthat firm sells so :utterly, utterly low; -` (Yiet,e Aute )ted. To be corit'ineed,), Specialties this V'eeke lriOOb :dtHOURS h r. l , .. r ?.nd edrtloir bounr_1 imi1arl-, t--1 r R tutti :ORDERS TAKE'N, For: spe cines 411 011..:te(or •e, I;y .or . .l: llacl enzie. Price $1,00. 00. _Old .Cariosity hoRecord of Great Events.; 8 s-1 l{'ETIRUAJ -. Thursday 37—Canada aril e .es the United States;: -T890, sten elected first P e, id ' 1 • 24 Great Boat I:Zace on the Rayfield River at Clin ton, 1.885.. ITanlan beaten. Friday Bun - Saturday 25-A11n>_ al meeting of. the Anti -Cow` Society, 1882:, '1The'c'ow's feeling's hurt. , • Sunday`.�6 .hlre no� �1tu ches opened in 'Clintot , 1900. 'Nlorida T 27-A Goderich lawyer accidentolly,'told ,the'irixtli, �, y 1883. Is kicked out of the profession therefor; Tuesday 28--Seaforth burnt til . °Toss $515'0, -insurance, "�$' 00. 1888 (bforo next week) LD ° CURIQSITY TOP, CLINTON • We ares going to startle the ;people with the_ randest and mos1 sublime display of Dxy Goods EVER SHOWN IN CLINTON, case of Prints,just p opened. Case- of Lace Curtains, case of mbrolderles girt I'orget the old Sta_ We are opening Cases and B le of new spring Goods ' of : all asses:' We .'always keep a ."full stock of the best French make of Cashmeres, black and colored.. MAITL 1101111ING STIR THE, DRY :GOODS EMPORIUM OFr CLINTON; WA ® H I Y<. GOO.-- ,cson the Clothier