HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-02-23, Page 7a � r Q CABIIN.E2, �ti �0' 295 Victoria Street, 00. G E DIEI31' 611 STOVES ! S' us1r11077-MSY. At RethicedPric.e H'OR ONE MONTH. HARLAND BROS. Sign of the Padlock, A r_ ArtE:r; _i CLIN': o..N. Clinton FURNITURE Factory. W. ':a .+r ■ CRICH & CO., 11Tanufacit.ret's of all Rime's of Furniture. BEDROOM SUITES A SPECIALTY V tine stock of COFFINS, CASKETS, ROBES, &c., and a splendid HEARSE • all furnished at the lowest rates. WAREROOIVIS NEXT DOOR TO > CUNINGHAMES GROCERY f GIVI: I'S A CALI,. \Y, L'. eaten is:, 00., IHURON ST., CLINTON. Has a splendid -assortment of OOTS i or JP a,11 acid. Winter wear, •"which will be sold. eheap. Don't cry, dear. Ma has ,gone to To get some of his'75' ct. Tea she can't get along without it she is so troubled with the headache. You know he has everything good. and sells very cheap. Ma will be sure to . buy some of' his fresh ground Buckwheat Flour, then hurrah for Buckwheat pancakes. " I want some Bologna." " You'll have some if you're a good girl, that's a decry.'' : I ROBB'S, THE GROC:Efi A IsllRO1 EVE IN ]SAD. GOl9I1'ANi R (R, &MRs BLAC,KSTOhE, teachers of Vocal andLl1 Instrumental t lgslu Rattenbury Street, near Or - T110 foI10w1IIb, taken frets a Dakota pa- \St gnu Factory. N.Singing Class now forming. le essokw per, refers mainly to a fcniner resident of CaoliutoLh, Feb. Jlt,o1n,. 882. the township of Morris, Mr. Alfred Brown, and showsthat his residence in Dakota SUBSQRIPTlON for membership to 1,'rutt Growers has not done him any good: Alfred Br01Fn Assoeiution reeived by the: undersiKned. A valu• o� able report to bo dostributed to all nielnbers_ of Scotland, D. T., who was reported by o, RinouT, the .commercial ageney for R. G. Duan worth 825,000, tried to swindle Freeman & Sons, Racine boiler maters, out of $1, - NO, by forging a paper with the signa- tures of alleged wealthy farmers, who were myths. 'Freeman 'SSons shipped him a car load of fanning mills, and were ten- dered this paper. The commercialagency reporter at Scotland seems to be in league with them, as well'as other noted uien, and reported -the ;paper.' favorably. By accident Suspicion.• was aroused, and an agent of Freeman & Sons was sbnt'out to investigate. He reports, so MT. Freeman states in an interview, that there are in- fluential: men, foreman of the grand jury, secretary, of the governor, justice of the peace, constable, commercial agency re- porters and others, banded tegethe to swindle eastern manufacture) ,Requisi- tion, papers ,Were issued •by Got, Busk and placed in the hands ofex-SheriffFielding, who, in company with Freeman's agent, - left here Tuesday. The jealousy:of Sheriff Br•eemner' of Racine county let the secret out, and serious threats are made toward Min. . It is estimated that the total'swin- dles of these Da kota swill-dles.oftheseDakota cal pet -baggers =omit to over '$250;000. Every_ -effort is being made to keepit quiet.' Brown, it is believ -ed,'wi11_ squeal'on the others. , The most Prominent Dakota officials. are reported i nplicated in the great steal, Brown and t his gang learned that requisition rapers «ere issued and ,officers > then, and. skipped:,The swindles include manufac tur~e of Qs1:kQsl2,_Applet;Q11.LR. tie_ and' western cities. BsELGRAVE. Rev. J: Philp•haa suflicieutly'recovered from his recent illness to- allow hits to. take part of his work. He' occupied his pulpit here on Sabbath evening. C. G. Bell .has offered -his saw still for sale. If he cannot get a good price he will, add'to it a flouring mill. The latter move would be in the right direotion, and would. meet one of the greatest Wants of our growing village. ;0008 DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE TOWN ON 92JORT- NOTICE. Robb, the Grocer, Waterloo House; Clinton. Nelson Carson; of Fort, Edmonton, has been spending .a fewdays with his people, at Belgrave. He relates some very inte- resting,' incidents of his experience in the great lone. land Re intends to return to the Fort in summer;but sa Le could not thiuk of spending his life there. There has been .quite a bit of fever at and around Beigrave,'of late—principally Manitoba fever. A number of persons are going west in a few weeks, and some will return in theautumn, having quite recovered their health. :' Wanted,, a good physician in our '• midst.: Destlt of Rev. Dr. Ryerson. Toaotiro,;Fe}. 1J. Rep. vr.- I -Verson, father of the Public School System of On- tario, died at his residence in this city -at Seven o'clock this morning, aged seenty` eight. He has been ill for several months, but his friends had strong hopes of his re- covery as; -the s•pring'approached. Conse- quently his death was a matter of :nisch' surprise. The deceased gentleman was placed ou the superannuation liston full pay when. the Hon: •Adam Crooks became Minister of Education and ho had conse- quently his whole time at his disposal,., which he employed inn .getting out his'book the "" History of,tllot7 E. Loyalists." In • the early years of his ministry he was'eni played as a:missionary, and did goodser- vice among the erviceamong,the• Indians of the northwest of Upper ''Canada , he wasconnected with the:1Vlethodist Church. In politics .he was a supporter of Sir 'John A. i\Iacdon ald's government.: • Sale Itegis.ter Farm, faim-stock;' tic., of B. Reveille, lot 26, Maitland,.con; Goderieh township on tho' lst of March, at 10a m. " J: Howson suet Farm, farm stock &e. of Mr. C.• Shaw, lot 3h, con. 4':Godericli township, on the '3rd of, March, at til a: m. ; J. Howson auct..' Farm stook, &e of Mr. •'John . Gorrell,- Base Line, fiullett'on . Thursday , March 9. J. Howson acct. BORN: Coa',ctooc a. -In Goderich township„ on the Xltlrwon-orr'the-llth-iust., the-wifel of-1\ir.. Joseph Colclough;'of?a 'daughter. •!MARRIED. �Vzr,.sal—Bran.—In Wawanosh, on the •15t1 ipst., at the residence of .the bride's father, by the Rev,. Mr. McLean, Mr, 'htalcelm •Welsh, to ltliss- Susan Belk -all of Wawa- nodi: DIED. . S1.oatnx.-In Clinton, en ".Feb. 16th,' George Remless,. Son of Mr t Vtn,. J. Slonian raged, 13 mouths.... GAAsGow.—At his residonce,'1n Fingal, on the 19th Feb., of heart.disease, after twelve hours illness, Wm, Glasgow' (of the firth of Glasgow, Macpherson & Co.) lis the. 68th year of his, age MCQuEux.—ln Clinton ou Feb 20th, Sarah wife of' Mr. Jelin McQueen; aged 77 years DucCtN—In Clinton, on Feb. 21st, Andrew Duncan, sr.., aged 77 years:- . Coorrt..—At Winnipeg, • on the 6th inst., Tllonaat; youngest son of Mr. J. T. Cooper, late 'oi:Clinton, aged 4 mouths. ,..,Free of charge. Ail persons suf%eringfrons coughs, colds; AS- hit's 73roiichitis toss of Voice, of anyattection Of tiro Throat antLLungs are requested to call at • 3Jr. Coutbe's Drug Store aitd.get atrial bottle. '02 Dr; Ding's Neaw Discovery,; for Oonautoptiou,, • tree et charge, whicltdwill convince then' of 'its 'wionderfsi1 moots and show what a:regular; d`o1- lar -size boftie will do. Call early. - To ' Debtors. /11.11'5 subscriber takes this mode of notifying alt 1- those indebted to hint that their ACCOUNTS MUST, BE SETTLED FORTIIWJTH, and unless this is .done, they will be placed in Court for collection. 1 t WILLIAM LEE. Ohmage, Tail. 24, 1882.• House for.Sale'.- 7IHJS superior 2 story brick. dwelling House on Huron street, Clinton. Note roosts, hard and soft water, every convenience, good stable.. Being the premises owned by 4shu Upshall V. S..' Terms eitsy. Apply to 'C. A. IIARTT, V endor's Solicitor. Clinton, Feb D, 1882_, Office in Perrin's Block. INTEREST REDUCED.• 11'1Sai'OI LY''TO LEAD on approved learns Security' ,at" 1 L0_I F8T 'RATES' . Find on farorable terms to borrowbr. Interest yearly. Charge'smodoc ae. .Apply to.•.' 0..4. TARTI'i 48'� Solicitor, &e. Clinton. otatc�e� The .subscriber will pay the highest, cash price for any quantity of''potatoes; to be 'delivered at once.-- Contracts can he made at the store., • j..Cuninghame. • Clinton, Jan. 12, 1882. ` e �adus of Cliatc�' Anil trio surrounding eountrt, areinyited to 50015 said see ESLEY'S LARGE S10'CIi' Oh' inter Millinery and Staple Dry -Goods 1yht41t Ite ? is clow figeri'tig at a recluitiou to make ronin for..oui Spring Stock • BEAVER, FELT R STRAW HATS Amide Q4er iit'Most-fashionable',styles. A'Liberal Discount for' Cash. VICTORIA. ST., CLINTON.. e rtonDennis HARNESS MAKERS, Have. removed heat to. -S Davis', Albert 'Street; Clinton. . '1'4.YIOR. & SON, CLI-NTON- :WL IIERr1s5. IN'rrsrATE To TIIl, 1 ULI IC TiI4T 1V:F. I1AVfi tO MMENCED tiIYINO A Discounf of ,5 pery;ceot off for Cash aLa1R7'")N ,M&R.KErb •' • Feb 22, 1882, Wheat, full,':,bush, • $1..20 a ..1 22 Spring, Redchaff,,., . 1 20., a__,1..23..;. Fife; 1 24.'a 1 25 Oats, 037 a,038 Barley, • -=- 0' 75 a. 0.82' Peas, 0.75 a 0 80 Flour, •` 6.00- a 6 50 ' Potatoes,' 0 55 a 0 60. Butter, 0 17 a '0 18 Eggs, 015 a 016 1 Hay, 13 00 a 14 00 .Hides,= -6 50 a 7 00, Sheepskins • • ` 0 75 a : 1 00 Pork, - : •7 75 a '8'40 Beef, 600 a 7 10 SPECIAL REDUC'IIONS ON `r.IIE BA NCEOF WINTER ,.STOCK. 0tt(C' SrocIAt,'smt Anl, ALwvvi, TO •11,'01)11 0115 0515') Goons IN run .w.aalcisr. ORDERS SOTiI'CITED. i TAYLOR & SO.. , MARKET i[OSJSE, CLINTON,' N1 W ADVERTIS lMENTS,' BOOK STORE. 3ook, Stationery and Fancy tfoods Store, 11l be opened on Saturday next Where you will finer everything, in .that line,at rock --bottom prices. A. full and complete stock in all departments. School Books, -, Miscellaneous Books Wall Paper, Window Blinds.; Sewing Machines, -Oil and 'Needles, '. Satchels & Valises, Stationery. Autograph Albums, Photograph Albums, Musical Instrunents,' • Baby Carriages, Hymn Books, Oig_ ars and Pipes; Violin Strings, Bibles,. &c. Alsi); large stock of Jewellery :]BerIh _Wool. Come and see stock .ancl ';prices for yourselves; as it is no trouble to show goods. -STAND, SMITH'S BLOCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. Wait for a few weeks and see -the largest selec- tion of all . the latest styles of BABY • CARRIAG•ES ever offered to the. citizens of Clinton, and at .Unusual low prices.. H. iRl�ESs; BOOTB :ani.: SHOE' AT ;:GREATLY REDUCED' PRICES. '�TT�TCHE: Vietoria :IBloek, Clinton. L1C IrnisijOT . U EE. aces q fp rin Ooas bOtt at close prices, arriving darn' an berg marked , at close a eaves complete i$ a 'e clads:. balee 'o� win stock 2vztl be le inter inter Goods si erect . at •Greatly iedue Prices. LOOK FOR ADVERTISEMENT NEXT WEEK L. OUIME'TTE, LONDESBOROUGH. 1