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The New Era, 1882-02-23, Page 6
4 OYIaTER SUPPER 'PRESENTATION. We take the following from a recent issue of the Pickering News. The gentleman re- ferred to is a person who has bought Mr. John Dempsey's farm, Goderich township About 125 of Mr. Andrew J. Courtice's friends assembled at his residence near Dun- baoton, and presented him with a grand or- gan, and a purse to his lady, Mrs. Courtice. Tho organ is a No. 14, Dominion, baying 12 stops, and all the modern improvements; the catalogue price t'285, After all had as- sembled, Rev. Mr. Roach, chairman of tal occasion, gave out the old hymn "Ani 1 a Soldier of the Cross," which was sung with great feeling. Mr. Bunting led in prayer. Mr. Roach spoke of the great benefit of social gatherings intellectually and socially, and was glad people of all sects had gather- ed on this occasion. He spoke in high terms of Mr. and Mrs. Courtice, as honored ser- vants of God who nod won the confidence and esteem of all. The neighbors, Sunday School, and church would ivies them. IIe would like to retain them, but they would be a great help to the canoe of God whither they are going. He spoke of Mr. and Mrs. Conrtice's early conversion, and dwelt at length on the advisability of starting iu Iife right. Mr. Tait was called upon and presented Mr. C. with the organ and Mrs. C. with the purse, and accompanied by an address full of good wishes for both Mr. Courtiee and his good lady, which we regret we have not room in this issue. Mr. Courtice replied very feelingly.—He spoke of the pleasure he received from such a visit of bis friends, apart from such a grand presentation. He could not find words to express his gratitude to his friends on this occasion. " A thing of beauty is a joy for- ever," and he would remember this in deep- est gratitude. to bis many friends in Picker- ing and Scarboro. ,He spoke of hie labors as a labor of love, and didn't expect reward for his humble efierts. He could not take it to himself as being a mark of special ability. He spoke of the promptness of his friends to do this honor, and after a few quotations from the Bible, bearing on such, he spoke in behalf of Mrs. Courtice, thanking them very kindly for this mark of respect and esteem. Mr. B. Bunting spoke of the great advan- tage of social gatherings, how they rubbed off many of our angularities, and put one in such good humor, for no one could feel other- wise among so many happy faces. He spoke of Mr. C's. many good qualities, and that he would have' friends wherever he went, and of hie usefulness in the church ; and advised him to continue in his good work, He showed the traps laid to 'the youth of the land, commenting on the infidel writings which were flooding our society. His sym- pathies were with hien and his lady, and their prayers would follow them. A splen- did supper of oysters, &c„ was then served. After tea speeches were made by Messrs. Lamoreaux, Armstrong, of Highland Creek, Mr. D. Campbell, Mr. Nesbit, and Dir. Me- Connochie, of Dunbarton,-We had splendid singing, conducted by Mr, Brunswick, dur- ing,the breaks in the programme. A happy evening was spent. The Pickering News wishes Mr. and Mrs. Courtice happiness, health and prosperity in their new home. They intend moving near to Clinton, Huron county soon. To the Editor elf the Pic'lvrrii,g V u'8. Dena Slit, — Permit us through your columns, to convey our thanks to the uwem- hers of Ebenezer B. C. Sabbath School, and all the friends who contributed towards the magnificent organ, and handsomely tilled puree, togethtr with the beautiful address fall of cheer and gond will toward us, pre- sented when Honored by their presence on the es -ening of - Tuesday last. May the Master who says, " My reward is with me," eupply each with a home and crown in the better land. Yours Truly A. J. . CosRTlcn. Astonishing Success. It is the duty of every person who has used BosonEE'8 GERMAN SYRUP to let its wonderful qualities be known to their friends in curing con, sumption, severe coughs, croup, asthma, pneu- monia, and in fact all throat and lung diseases.' No person can use it without immediate relief. Three doses will relieve any ease, and we con- sider it the duty of all druggists to recommend it to thpe oor dying consumptive, at least to try one bottle, as 100,000 dozenbottlos were sold last year, and no one case where it failed was report- ed. Such a medicine as the German Syrup can- not be too widely known. Ask your druggist about it. Sample bottles to try sold at 10 cents. Regular size 75 cents. For sale by J. H. Combe, Clinton. AR©UNO' THE COUNTY. Wingham licenses 7 hotels and 2 shops, at a license fee of $90. Mr. J. M. Leet, formerly of Wingham, is now a resident of Salt Lake City. " Gone to be a Mormon," eh 1 The Directors of the Ontario Bank af- fairs have decided to withdraw their branch from Brussels on the 1st of May. 'Mr. W. S. Robertson intends closing up his business at Seaforth, and will return to Manitoba in about two weeks. Mr. John Hargan, of the 10th con. of. McKillop, has received the office of mar- ket clerk for the tbwn of Seaforth. Mr. Siatnuel McCaw, the well-known Conduc- tor on the Whitby and Lindsay Railway, says: Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters cured me of Dyspepsia. I always keep them in the house, and consider them invaluable as a amily medicine. J. H. Combe, agent for Clinton The many friends of Rev.J.Phi1p, late of Holmeeville, will be pleased to learn that he is recovering from a recent illness. Mr. E. Olver, of the 3rd con. of Morrie, has sold his farm of 100 acres on 4th con., to Mr. Sheddon, for the sum of $3,`200. Mr. Peter McGregor, of Brucefield, has sold his imported roan tnare to Mr. Joseph Skinner, of Fullerton, for the suns of $1,000. Messrs. Muir„& Crowther, late of Exe- ter, assume control of the Paisley Woollen Factory, lately owned by .Mr. Porteous, who retires from that branch of business. Druggists throughout the country tegtifiyto. the great merits of Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipatien Bitters. No medicine they sell acts so promptly in curing Dyspepsia, Indiges- tion, Biliousness, Liver Complaint, &c. Have you tried it? J. II. Combe is agent for Clinton The C. M. Church'of Gorrie, held a very, successful soiree on the 8th inst., the roads. being so good the attendance was ,very large. They realized the large figure of „xl20. Mr. James Hiller, of the llth cin. of McKillop, with the assistance of Robert McNaughton, cut down the trees, sawed, split and piled 100 cedar posts in the space of four hours. Alex. Patterson has been engaged as cheese maker in the Grey Cheese and But- ter Factory for this year, lie, receives 70 cents perewt, ar,d the Directors are to fur- nish 'wood urnish'wood and boxes for the cheese. True To Iler Trost. Too in nu•lr cannot be said of the, ever -faithful wife and mother, constantly watchirrga id car - ng for her dear ones, never neglecting a single duty in their behalf. When they are: assailed by disease, and the .system should have a. thorough cleansing, the stomach and bowels regulated, blood purified, malarial poison exter- minated, she must know that Electric' Bitters are the only sure remedy. They are the best and purest medicinein'tlie world and unly cost tifty cents. Sold by J. H. Compo. IIIRSOSINAWESSERSI 11151 RM IMMO VISORIa®- GREAT CL • At the annual meeting of Presbyterian cygregation of Seaforth, on Monday even- iug, •it was unanimously agreed to adopt gib envelope system for the purposes of raising the church revenue. 'Mr.: Jas, Spatting, who is in the employ' of Grey, Young & Sperling, salt manufac- turer, Blyth, cut into -heading on the llth, no less than 6i cords ,of;bolts in the short space of 2 hours and 18 minutes, using a horizontal saw. Mr. Robert Doubts has disposed of th,e. remainder of his property on the 4th conn of Grey, as follows, viz -Fifty acres, -east half of lot 4, to Mr. Jae. Turnbull for $600; 50 acres, east .half of rot, $, •, to Mr. Wm. McCutcheon for $400. ” • Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Pains in the Throat and Chest, relieved and cured by the use of Dr. Car's Pulmonary Cough Drops. • The most reliable testimony has been received as to their efficiency. In Bottles, 50 Cents. J. Combe, agent for Clinton. Me. John Snell has been appointed bail- ,iff for Wingham, in the stead of Mr. Wm. McConnell, resigned. It is said that Mr. Dixie Watson, present Division Court: Clerk, has resigned, (under' the Manitoba,'. fever) and that Mr. John Neelands has 'been appointed Clerk. On Feb. 10, Mr. Henry. -Campbell, who lives near Saltford, plowed afield with a single horse plow. Mr: Campbell reports the soil in splendid condition, and perfect-'' ly, free from frost. This is, the earliest plowing observed in this section this season. H. F. MaeCartliy,'Wholesale and Retail Drug- gist, Ottawa, writes:—"I was afflicted with chronic Bronchitis for some years, but have been completely cured by. the use of Dr. Thomas' Eelectric Oil in doses of five drops on sugar. r have also pleasure in-recommending—it-as an embrocation of external use. At a meeting of. the vestry and 'adher- ents of St. George's Church, Goderich, ou Wednesday evening, a'letter was read from Rev. R. Hicks; resigning the curacy at Goderich. The annoucemeA:t was receiv- ed with regret by all present, for Rev. Mr. Hicks is a general favorite' with the : con- gregation. A.cominittee was unanimnuely chosen to wait upon the rev. gentleman, and endeavor to induce hintto withdraw his resignation. J, ' On the 27th of last August, three young men named W. and J. Bone and: Charles:. Johnston, of Wawanosh, took' a bee=hive belonging to James Ienry, a iced -etre of the same township,; and carried it- to the. woofis, where after many vainendeavors to smokercir burn the bees,out they suc- ceeded and appropriated the 'honey. On _learning that they were suspeeted'they.'left for the States, where the first two are yet., But Johnston returned and was brought before Justices Robt. Armstrong, E. C. K. Davies and Scott, in Brussels on Monday, on a charge of larceny. . He has to appear ,for trial at Goderich, being admitted to bail to the amount of $800. . PARTIES GOING ''WEST i SHOULD KEEP. THEMSELVES INFORMED BX�Sull. SCRIBINCI FOE THE NEW ERA BEFORE THEY Go. IT wad.. BE SENT TO ANY POST' OFFICE, TREE POST.tuE, Fort .81..50'A \'EAR, IN -ADVANCE. • SEND IN 105 NAMES. • Buckleies' Arnica Salve. • The BESTSALv' in the world for Cuts,J3rilises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhouw, Fever Sores, Toter, Chapped Ilands, Chilblains, Corns, and allShiu Eruptions, and positively mires Piles): It is guaranteed to give perfeet satisfaction.or money refunded. Price 26 cents per box. For sale by J. II. Combo.• . ,Balsa ME.-" TeABi,RRY," itis new and'exquisit little gem for the teeth and breath. bats a boat]- tu17y plated metal screw, top. Try "a 5 cent pie. GRISTI NG. ljslvil1e' Mil ,� llullett. �. TIIE above Mill having received new bolts, and in 11.. other ways been put in first-class repair, and the subscriber having also secured theserriees,pf Mr. Robt Orr, i a first-class miller, he is now prepared to do all kinds of Gritting with the greatest despatch, and guarantees satisfaction., -FLOUR axn Fuss on hand and for sale at all. fries • 'A. McKERRAL, Proprietor. Go to OOOPER'S- C1JAP GltOCIE II S Crockery, ' Glassware, &c. Dateal and Corniacal always oil hand. A,L S Pett9't calabrated English Break€ash Bacons Long Clear Bacon, Sugar: Cured .151 -am, And llro:'1 LA D, �t prices which.cannot be, beaten in HIS 60 C. TE -ANA SPECIALTY SOLE AGENT FOR Dobbins' EL :CTIRIC..SOAP', JUST RECEIVED„ `.AS. LOT OF Flat and Split ` Herring. THOMAS COOPER, ATBERT STREET,-CEENTON IMPORT1D:SEED OATS` BLACK AUSTRIAN' & RUSSIkN WHITE HAVING been appointed agent for the sale ., of tlee _above well known'- and unequalled Seed Oats, the subscriber desires to call -the at- tention of thefarming eonivaunity_to'the fact, that he eau supply thein with'' any quantity, for' seed, at reasonable rates. Samples maybescen. AT THE CORN EYCHA,NGE, CLINTON, Where 'orders may bo left and prices' obtained, or commdniea tions addressed to the dndersigned will receive prompt attention. WM. 11. RANSFORD; Clinton. READ:1'.1LiD'FOLLOWING L-TrTER5 FROM PPR— SONS TOO WELL Iid3OWN; IN. - TH7IS LOCALITY 'Do ` CALL' Foil COM3iENT The BLACI'` AUSTRIAN OATS I bought last• - spring: yielded 86 „bushels to the acre. The' oats havea,remarkably strong straw, and stand up,well. They yielded 35 bushels more to the acre than the common white oats groan on the same land and with similar cultivation.- I ,can recommondlthem to any 'farmer es a reliable oat. •w.' S. MUNDELL Theker8mith. Last WinterlI got some Seed ;eiats of the: WHITE RUSSIAN `Variety. fagot to much per bushel ±o sowing, thresh1ng.and! 'delivering.the pro duct of this seed in 'the Seaforth market. The seed was'procured fron Rochester in tiie state of New Yerk,(':;It was very clean, and free from:' noxious weeds, The Straw makes fine feed and stood up well. 'Partlof the field was low, and al= ' though the crop was very heady the grain. stood Well up. The cropp is now all threshed and'taken tatnarket and yieldednearly 70 busiiels,per acre beingti total' of 740 bushels whoa cleaned. 1r slit w d asaelple o'Bthena at't,hc Seaforth show • ,last fall, and took the first liri e,fof white oats:: I; consider'tb.em one of the 'very bestyarieties Of White Oat's l liave seen. 'I havgno.hesitation. in reeommend-n g ""these oats to'farmers"general. lyas an exci,41lent laud profitable variety for seed. JCIIN MCMILLAlv,, Reev e of�flullett. •v:v/::•:.Y., a.-.... .._ ,.,.i is Xr''4:-.. ,.,..., �; yr.l4'.. .. •:rya. ... .. il:rGdY AT. 7!77 1HEA C CLINTON.- G_ IX. WII WV. • $10,000.00 Worth of Dry Goods, Caps, Clothing, Boots an� hoes, and Groceries, 0 10 n o o t COQ V J Commencing on the First' 01 February, and continuing until the stock is cleared oily, as .the' j5roj5rietor has made arrang-e;nents to start business in Granden, .Dakota THE STOCK MUST BE SOLD. The Store will be offered for sale or, to rentas soon as.he goods are sold NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE BARGAINS: NO RESERVE. THE WHOLE MUST BE SOLD. STOCK COMPLETE., IN ALLTDEPARTMENTS. 777 Cheap Cash Store. 1