HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-02-23, Page 5r"."7"."7"7— WINNIPEG v A FEW EWES IN REFERENCE THERETO BY A FORMER CLINTONIAN. We make the following extracts froth a private letter received by a gentleman of NOT Ti SLIGHTEST A/'FINDY exists between The public should beige ill laird that Dr.,. Thoutas' Eclectrio Oil Lias nothing in common w.itil tlle,inipure. deteriorating class of: eo called medicinal one, It ie.ewinently'pure and ree- l); elle e1oug-relieving paid and lameness, stiff - nes of tlLe:joints and IriuBcles, and Bores or hurts; besides being an excellent epeutic for' r11e11ma- tism, congb l and'hr*onchial complaints. Clinton, from Mr. Andrew Wallace, a former resident of this place. " T would not advise you to come out here and leave your business to strangers, unless you had lots of money to invest and time to remain a couple of mouths, for a stracger has no show amongst so many sharpers and rings of speculators tit would coat you not less than $6 to $8 a week for board at a private house, nr $2 a day at a hotel such as McCutchetr (formerly of Clinton) keeps. He told me that he bad turned away all his boarders .at $10 a week, to make room for travellers; and from this out there will be no such tbing thenutnpeFieasgogghs mucid a t'with whfeh th e•maiket le flooded and that succes k.t 1preparu-tion=Northrop Bc Lyman'sElqulsion of Cod Lan 0 and Nypophoe- phitee of,,Eime,pad Soda,; It atan d ialone; diecinct,,. to like &teeth and nothing, else. ft embodies. the best results of advanced phermaceutioal.eeionce. It ac- complishes positive, decisive results, effeatuully reliev- ing coughs (when the lungs are not tuiereU'OU8 or hppelesely affected), colds. laryngitis, and `diseasas'of a scrofulous origin. While It dues nut cure. Consurnp• tion; it is the most reliable means of defence against that dreaded scourge. The invieoretiag properties of the hypophosphites 'reimburse the system debilitated by the constant tear and wear of a cough,; while, the paroxysms rapidlydimlpieh in violence, in consequence of the soothing emollient gotion of the cod ,liver oil upon the i ileincd lung membrane. The phoephortis, lime and soda, in combination with it, ate all natural components in the eonstruetioriof the boai,y edifice, which,in-.astate of dainty, laeks;a:sulrieieucyof those' elements., These the hypophoephites supply, incleas ing the nutritive properties of the blood, and'building as getting board at any price, as there are up and rehabilitating the tottering' human Strue ture. so many coming hero from all parts. * * with a degree of promptitude as astonisinng,as it is * There are plenty of chances here for ,investment all the time, but the cash roust' be in the bank ready to cheque int at a moment's notice, and mostly all the in- vestments are for cash, over and above any mortgage that may be on the property. , The time was when a man could work on a few hundred dollars, but now yon need thousands, for there is nut a lot in the city that I would invest in to -day for less than $1,000,• and on gond streets $5,000 is a common thing for the bare lot without a fence on It or sod turned. The beat way now to make money is for 3 or 4 to join togetber and put in so roll Chi each for investment and keep it in for a year or more, and employ some good agent and have him invest it and .keep turning over as often as possible, when- ever there is a paying margin. I have had several good chances to take a share in a block or blocks, and that is where the money is now, b.nt it would take not less than $5,000 nr $10,000 to do it, and it is only at times you can get the chance. Sometimes there aro good bargainsin farms and other new towns outside of this oity, but no one 1s Safe to buy them unless he sees them or has reliable information. So I think ori the whole a man is mare secure in city property, which is always in the market, and will be much higher yet. This will be a very large, city and so long as one invests on .good streets there is no danger. Sometimes there is a good chance to invest in house . and lot— for instance, I had the offer the other night of a good house and lot for $2,600, and the house rents for $35 a month. It oosts about 150 per . cent more her to build houses than in Ontario,'and 100lper cent. more to live, and thosewho are well off there should remain. The eommiaajion charged' by all, the real estate men is 5 per cent on all .sums 'below $1,000, and 24 - above, and that is deducted every time a dale is made. , VOTE YOURSELF A FARM. To ilii. Editor of the Clinton New Eric. .. . The above cry origintated in the States, during the discussions which led to the Honie. stead Law. During the late years of hard times, this law was Largely available in sup- plying homes and industries to those who had failed or were driven out of the trading world. Newspapers frequently noticed the official re- turns of the thousands of aerea absorbed in homesteading. The migration from trade to farming, not only gave the sure menus of.iife to those who availed themselves of the oppor- tunity, but was a relief to those left behind, by lesaeuing competition. The cry is urged upon the landless now, who aro longing that their houselurld_s may have abundance of food, clothing and dwell- ing; and recognize in the prayer. of Iloees, for Judah, that "his landasnray be sufUeient for him," the highest blessing of which Humanity is capable. Few who have beenilong observers, but may rememberinstauces of families enter. ing upon land,''wi-tli very scant menus, who, have soon achieved competency, although ewe 'times the struggle has been long, un - fort nate and desperate. H srewith is an aceount of one of this class the.. I well knew for '"ears `before they fell' exhausted in the struggle, 'only one of five children being left. The parents landed in Ctlupbcc, many years ago, after au unfortunate pasage of eleven weeks. They worked there a 'few years, and eventually reached the Niagara peninsula. They had the opportu- nity of occupying the beginning of a clearing, on credit. The man, a few days erhead,'col- leeted sap ; which the wife, on the night of her arrival, stayed by to convert into sugar, to- pay the teamster for driving herself, children and baggage up. The man worked out at convenient chances. Some winters he took his oxen, and worked in making the Eris Canal, and. ,afterwards the 'Welland. Principal and interest was a long pull oe thgm ; but it was done ; settlements made on two daughters "married, and another 100 acres purchased for a son.. They perhaps had as hard a life as if they had stayed in Cum- berland ; but there was better and more varied, food, the excitement of hope and pro. gyps, their children sufficiently 'supplied, sad a competency for themselves, when the powers of labor were diminishing. , The wo- man was beyond the common, wise in her words, generous and helpful, energetic, and great powers of! labor. Oft have I been galled to see, that the ad. ministration of land in Upper Canada was to shako Iucli as she a slave to build up. aristo. crate, who could not be measured with her in scarce anything which makes woman eectit's in the happiness and industries of home and neigbborbood, and mothers of the excellent of the earth, however unscholastio, perhaps in consequence of the uninterrupted toil forced upon them. In 1830, a family took up 3I0 acres in the Galt tract, at $2.50 an acre, and one of thein worked out at his trade, to make up thein- stalments as they tell rine. -At the same time, lied was plenty at „1.25 in the neigh- bering States of Ohio, Jncliana and Michigan, Those who have gone on land with scant means, or without,, will understand how ranch easier wotilduiave"been the struggle of this family, if they could have bought at the )trice they would have paid in the States ; or better yet, if they had pahl at the same rate as the Company. Vet some of those who were thus victim- ized, have constantly voted the continuance of such a state of fraud on one baud, and toil and privation on the other. ,Their idea of Cnnservatiem extends to secular things, as is expressed in relation to sacred ones— " As it was in the beginning, is now, and aver shall he, world without end. Amen." T. Feb. 16, 18812. — ---�rs•a. ``Weaeaass Windom. • "She instets'that it, is °nacre ler family shall ha kept in full health, than that she efimitrl have fill the fashionable dresses and styles of the limos. She thefefore sees to it, that each member of her family is supplied 'with Hop Bitters, at thn first appearance of any symptoms of any ill health, to prevent a fit of ,sickness with its attendant expense, .care and anxiety: All women should, cxel oisen.thoir_wis-.. rain in tuts wTy."'=)Yewv TritVen Patladutm, gratifying to the invalid. A perceptible gain in flesh as well es fu strength. is, one of the consequences of using this standard preparation, which both time and experience have demonstrated to be fully' worthy ef( ,,the c onddence reposed in it. Mewed by .Noti•riiao & LrNAN, Torontd, and sold by all druggists:, A1'110101,10 S0irRCii el' DisEASI :-Ak' trifling indiscretion iu diet may lay - the foundation of oottfirmed dyspepsia, end there is no feet in Medical science more positively asc+ertaiaeU or more authoritatively assertcd.th to that dyepelr Sia is the parent of a host o.Lbodi lv' His, not the least of which is coutiylninatiou of the bloodand the maladies of which t)iat-is_the direct conse quence. Titeieoriginal console, however, thor ()uglily eradicatodkom the sysrein by Aoi.Til ROY & LYMAN'S -VEGETA BL'J:', DISCOVER] AO;il Dysii:P'rio C0011,-11 medicine which' only re- -quires iii its__luaa;te cure dyspepsiii and'the many ills that arise from it. No deleterious Mineral ingredient iscontaiu,; ed in it, and though its action is thorough cases of costiveness, -it. never produce's' . eiptn pains ie.the abdominal region, Or .weakness'in • the Newels like a violent pur;atice.' It in:rigor-. ates the System through' the medium 'of;the in creased digestive.. and atisinulative .activity; which it promotes; and is also .a tnost'effcient remedy for kidney oornplaiuts,,seroful'oos and all diseases of the blood, female weakness &c.; &c. Price 31.00. Sample Bottle '10 cents Ask: for NQRL'nrROl' & Lx'3taa's 'Vegetable Dlseir ery and dyspeptic cure. The wrappor.bears a• foe simile of their signature. , Sold,hy all Medicine: dealers. ' -. • THE OREAT FI Ir1ALE•BE++TlI;DY. axosES t'll:Iil AX.41:9..L. I'[1if.ti This w ell•knowu medicine i5 nrritnposibee, but; a sure and sate remedy fes keluilie- :Di-fficulties and Obstructions. from auy caude whatever, and• althou-gh.a powerfdl remedy, `11 cop tams doth 'ng hurtful to the ceastitution. • To riiarried la-. Area it is peenliarly suited. ,.I1 .will, in a hort t na., bring on the monthlypeliod ritll,re nl tr ry..I11 alt cases of•nerwotis and spinal ,iftectieu. pains in the' back and limbs, heaviness, fatigue on elight'exertion, palpitation of the heart hys- terics, sick headaches, whites: and -all the pain: fultBseases 000asioned by a disordered systorn,_ these Pills .- n -ill. effect a - euro when all other .means have. failed. These Pi113 - have' never - failed, where the directions on second .page of pamphlet are well observed For foil partied lags get a pamphlet, free,. of :the agent• -.JOB MOSES, NEW YORK, Sold Proprietor;' $1 and 12lb Dents for postage, -enclosed tri Northrop Lyman, Toronto, Ont., general', agents. for, the Dominion, will insure 0 bottle, containing over, 50gills,'by return of Milli. Sold in Ohnton.b'y , J. H. Combe,ttud Watts &:Co.;'aud all;medipiue. dealers. RESPECT,—The Grey Hairs of old age 'demand and should receive respect—but the rey Hairs of young people require'. attention, in. the way -of using Cingalese Hair renewer:., Sold by • all druggists.50 cents per bottle.. • 1-; John : c-Garva, SALT T MAN'UFA.CTURER •ANL) DEALER iN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS,. 293 Vie:,s;'rt i .Street, A few doors south of the Post Mee. Very Choice Lard, oars`& Bacon For sale at ioa'eet ;prices. '< - 1L4'Cash paid for Farm' Products. MCGAR'VA Clinton, April 14, IS81. .. R EMO :VA 4. 111DEITAKIN 91FIE SIU9ICRIhERBEGSLEAV]l TO STATE 1. to the public that ho has roeoivoil iinee the tire, a large and etiporierclass ut.' COFFINS, CAs,RSTs,` Coffin Trimmings • and Robes,;{pi,�+ A splendid HEA IRSE kept. PLAIN Cowwtss always on hand. Parties can be supplied in one hour, at ,1 any time, at very reasonable ratbs. , . . S.TEVENSON Itacey'e old stand Albert :Street; Clinton. THOS iiss:mromr MANUFACTURED IN TORONTO A permanent, sure euro fur 'Heloses, disc -tilers end ailment, of the IRhincry:v, Bladder and 'Urinary Scare-. tivo System, or attendant complaints—causing Pain, in small of Beek, side,, ,tae, Gravel, Catarrh of the Bladder 500 Pnseages; Slright'ti• Diserttie, 7iiabetea,, Dropsy, )'ilei, Norvon, Debi 1ity, &e. I'e pplilets and Testimonial's sec be obtained from druggists fine. Maras—Child's Pad, $1.,0 clines bod wetting ]io- pular Pad, $8. Special l'ad for Chronic, Btsoases, 53. Sold by • . WATTS & CO; Clinton', R. W. Tflt'R'L'I,I,L,'1'eeswater;Vi'.7 1111AS Wing. �an; LAWI-ASON fi ltmetTON,131vtha'3 S. 310 BERTH, Soafarth t8.• til 11FNSCN Bav11o1115. A. Ii0D11ir., Mitchell 'CHB OliNPf Al, 'bRUG .STOR1:, Exeter l J1 JAOlihfl.^I., SYenaall ItpHl«9J.1 YrI G5 kipper'. 11. A. ai1TCli11T,L, London, ahol,nnalo ag't ®; o rhe finer lassvcrare, DEALERS 'IN •� 1, call' rockery, We are constantly receiving fresh importations. from- the best houses ,in the Dgrninion, which we are prepared to offer as cheap as ever offered in this part of the country. STOCK COMPLETE IN EVERY 7D,tEPARTMENT,. A SPLENDID LOT OF GLASSWARE iN THE LATEST STYLES. A NEW ARRIVAL 011 Crockery; consisting of Tea and • Toilet Sets, &c GREAT REDUAC't1ON IN TEAS.: Sa,ttenRon c>lltca1 to our 9 : ancd 10 ot: ' Sug1u s, Flour, Cornmeal, OatatiezI, CURED MEATS;' CANNED: AND 73ARRE!LED FISH, AND EVI BYTJ3ING 'USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRS'O-CLASS GROCERY. C OOpS: DELIVERED ' PRONiPTLY..1 CALL. RESPECTFULL3r SOLIUITETI. Remember the Place,' Brick Block; rm Next;;:Doorlito-Harland Bros., Clintono (STTCOJ±SSORS TQ D.' CANTELON) fd1PORT4t,5 AND DEALERS IN - Gr{ ceies, Crockery, Glassware, Cannel' floods, `Iliwines, Brushes, Brooi,is, &e. FLOUR- AND -:F ANDREWS' SORGHUM SYRUP FOR SALE. FARM PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. GOODS DELIVERED TO ANY PART. OF TOWN FREE OF. CHARGE._ CANTELON BROS.; THE GR,OOERS, " -ALBE'FLa.'TR]EE�, 'CI,ANOI�7', 000 We 'b'eg to inform our -customers that we havebeen-fortunate . enough- to secure Some' of these,. Selected Valencia R.a sips ' Sin ilar to what .we hadlast year, (being very wine :fruit), at a price which. will. enable .us to :sell them same' as .ordinary ,fedi f --E+AV_E1: 1-LOliK,•NEXT: T( - I"A N, IG k3 E THE TOWN.:HALL-.: T. 'W H T. -jl:tst AA -rived- my �A7Y ei3 lei aCJs C� ►nsisliii of• thos( ,ries Attie -ilea -1'i shades, acrd %viii• hoe' solid chie;ip. BUSINESS. ENVELOPES; a small-z-i;c10,aucc On cost by the •bot. ',; All Stationery \=ery WILL NIDA' BE UNDERSOLD NAND ,'KNOW IT W H. SIMPSON, Clinton. Fr�ea�ma, [aid ware and _.Stove are ousea V- JOIJ b.J .L , t o ,V Y; t 7 GENUINE MAPLE .LEAi,P. 1I?VJ R ST -EEL, -LAN‘...' 'roma, EI, 1)IAI [OND, HANEAN, CJ-IAMP ON,, LANCET, and ONE MAN., CLOSSCT,T SAWS. WA,RNOCK'S,'DL tiitGD1S` R•I:STi OI,7J'S;l\ A,CSJ L'1.L.L i' i ,.1 al iLNDS. BARBE SOLID STEEL, TWO AND FBi9B PRINTED..•' ROYAL CANADIAN GI10TIES .RI�iGERS, chaaper .thalier. Stoves, Thware, & maim offa sl I[iDT S, SHEEP SKTNti, )dire ,HIGttESP €LSH PRICE PA/D. Trdtiv ,r WV.JEel°�axiii,, ...1J,,../.� ',"L.J ..�J •< IiL \.l® p. • _._