HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-02-23, Page 1BOOL STORE C IIIC (RANSFORD,'S' OLD STAND): A LARGE stock OF BOOS, STLTIONZI? Aini rtzt COS, ALWAYS ON HAND. 2nd Reader 20 Cents 9 3141 Reader, 30 Cents 4111 Reader, 40 Cents 5t1" Reader,' 50 Cents 5 Quires of Note paper for 25 cents. ° Will have over 10,000 rolls new Wall Paper in. stock this spring. '777 Boxin,c_,Y Gloves Cheap. Tobacco and Smoker's Goods last in town all ffrji AND Windo*Blin Bibles, from $12 down. Albums, from $6 down. GO TO:: DICKSON' _ Where yen will get geed forl'your, money. THE RICHE PLACE To GET YOU. • NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES' ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED .11", CHRIS. DICKSON, fts' res RansfOrd's old stand, (pro_ PIern) CLINTON, • VOL. 17, NO. S. TERMS -- $1.450 Per Amanita. CLINTON ONT., THURSDAY, FEB. 23, 1882. E; HOLMES Az Siosv Publishers. • PROPERTIES FOR SALE. House for Sale. THAT, house situate on James Street and at present occupied by Mrs. Joseph Wheatley, sr., containing three rooms and kitchen attached Good 'well and ptunPthilffififth bf an acre in garden, with some trees For further particulars apply on the premises or to " A. H. MANNING. House and Lot for Sale. /THE subscriber offers for sale the House and lot oc- cupied by himself on the corner of King and Fulton Streets, a, shertidistance from the Presbyterian Church The house contains 6 rooms; the lot is about one-third of an acre, and has hard and soft water and stable thereon. Will be sold cheap, as the proprietor is mov- ing te Manitoba. , 43 - JOHN BEESLEY,Clinton. Fa,rin for Sale. number 8 in the 2nd, con. of Histiett, the south 1.,9‘lveKt quarter of,Lot No. 10 hi the 5111 con. of Ifni - lett, and the east -half of Lot No. 11 in the 5th con. of. Hullett, containing 175 acres. Lot number 8 is con- veniently :situated, with good roads to Clinton and Seaforth. Good house and outbuildings..Will be so/ti .cheap and on easy. terms. • A. 11. MANNING, Vendor's Solicitor. DWELLING AND BAKERY FOR SALE. THE conveniently situated dwelling and bakery, in which a good butiness has been done, on Victoria streetris offered/or sale, en easy terms. The dwelling •is 11 store3's high, containing 7 rooms. The Shop is of the same height,, with conveniences for doing a large business. •°The lot has 50 feet front. Stable in the° rear facing on a street, Apply to II. Hale, Clintom'or to " R. 8ICLENNA1,7, Seaforth. Clinton Feb. 14 1881. Blltch8r Business and licsidance • , F`Co.11. rpHE tindersigned offers for sale ,hisshop fixtures, wag,gons, carts, sleighs, slaughterhouse, and every- thing that is necessary to Carry' on the Butchering lousiness, ,a1I in first-class repair. .Also, 0 Pon of Ponies and harness. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Possession givenimmediately,. as, the proprietor in- tends going to the north-west. .. • ALSO, that nevrbriek' Ilonse and Lot, on Bitten-. bury Street, west of the Metheilist Church. ...The Lot 11 ondquarter 81 an acre.; well staked with choice fruit tees, and has splendid hard and.soft Water thereon' The house .contoins'll: rooms, Jetties closets, pantry, eellar,42 x 17 with cement -floor. Will be sold on reit, salable termc. .Apply,•for.porticulars., , • „4 , • , '11. FITZSIMONS, Clinton DISSOLTJTION. 1\TOTICE is hereby:, given that--tlie partnership here- tiffere, existing ,between BU31IIA1L AT. LEsLin, ef the Town Of Clinton, aS Carriainand <Waggon. makers,, has, been dissolvedby mutual -eonsent. All parties indebted to' the.ffem inust settle the Same by•the 1st • of Febriiarx; 1882, and those having olaims.against the firm VITT-send them in for settlement, at Once., ' •. , Clinton, Jan. 4, 1882. •. ,• F. RUMBALL, . • J. LESLIE. ' , The subsaribers. Would take this opportunity of re- • turninethanks-f or the liberal .patronage :extended to - them 'eluting their tong torni of partnership, and.'hope the samdMay he continued to the' member continding the business. ' , • • ' ' In connection with the above, the 'subseriber 'hopes to merit.a continuance of patronage by strict attention • to business, and using, therein nothing 'but the best of material and workmanship. • All \voile being performed underhis own supervision., 'he can guaranten,satisfacs tion in eeyry respect. '-• ' • ' Clinton Jill). d 1882. • MANITOBA PROPERTIES, FOR. SALE. , TIIE S1JI3SCRIB,ER offers the following itroperties, tURYSTAI, ('ITY. " Lots 4;5, 7in Bloelt'D...„5 in.11ioels E. '5 and 7 in Block .9 and 11 in Bleck L. .2- ;Md. 4 in Ilicaik•36. Crystal City 10 0118 hithe•lsest locatiOns in Manitelaa; .the county seat of the Rock Lake Seethe), Surrounded by artexcellent farming einintry, all taken up.- ,Pro- perty in this 'section has rapidly risen in \nine, and in. Vestments modd recently hiive tui•ned otit very laMtit, . , , Tri•Nelson 85r05 -rots ,1„00'11 14, iilpgl i1. lir,. 'II,: 12,.Blocli 17: 05,..Bleck 5. W., 'Bleck 15... . . . .Property in NeJsonvillethos recent:1Y talteir a w'oedor- ful boom" OpwarcIS, piving to the locution of a lhanch of the Canada Pacific Rallis:ay to the•towil; and 1(100 t. ,the intention of the`, Southwesti•en tO • con, struet their 'line to this . „ • Also 240 acres Of splendhf hand 'in section 10 ' town, SliiP 10;-±ange'3, 'west..., , . . • .Maps'of tile abide itlaceS, with 'descriptions of the lots, etc., (San be seen at lir. 1. 11» Monnibgs office, 5110 will give all information in reference thereto, irfrAiry or all of the, aboVe .properties will belsold 51 reasonable terms. . • ' ' 11. 11011.1ES. '' • . • Clinton • Ontetrid: or Sale. `A.VERY light;• -but strongly :built BITGOY, 0113ood cutter ; itiao a geed saddle, has been ' used ./v_ery little. Will be Sold on reasonable tenms for' eitsh or negotiable nete. -ApplY at this office.-.• • . , . ., • • Store to let in,Tovvn Hdll, . TIIE store nw ooccirnied Taylor & Sem as a'shoe shop, is offered to rent. Applications earl Ile linide to Chairman 011roperty, Cominittee. Clinton, Feb. 7, 1882; W, C. SEA111.E. • , . ; ......,.. Phavillgqtfilittitieq of freight, liorsespr cat - .1. tle, for . the north west,, fin» slimnient hbent the irfiddle_of 'March, would do well to 000 the undersigned -before 1011:15g ;until gem ts'.. • • . • . . • A. 'CA LI. AND1,,R, • tild.:11ealing. Factory, Yietorin St. Clinton; .1181» 12, 1882., • . • • " . . AMMO latform Scales R RACEY'S IRON AND, HARDWARE !MERCHANT, CLINTON. 4,11y Atirerti$tturtitO. Wanted A GOOD GENERALSERVANT GIRL. Apply to Xi.. MRS. D. MeLENNAN, Huron St., Clinton. For Sale, Tbalance of -.stook and provender belonging to the midersig•ned, consisting pf hay, straw, chaff, and a vantity of Turnips. * SAMUEL T..HOLMES, Clinton. G. A. CatiLSON, 116aso Sign and (igianintal -Pato .CLINTON', ONT. Sign 1'a -hating, Paper I-Ianghig, Calcimining, Graining, Glazing, &c., a specialty. SHOE NEXT DOOR TO COMMERCIAL HOTEL, 1131- Orders left at W. B_ CRICH & CO'S 1Varerotons. House to Rent or for sale THE subseriber offers thatmeionveniently-situsted House on Rattenbury Strect, a few doors west of, the Methodist Churchto rent or for sale on reason- able torms. The house has $ rooms Nrk,d pantry; and all 'other conveniences. rot. piirtieulars apply to the NEW KR.& office or to MISS CHURCHILL,. Albert St. House and Lot for Sale. TEE subscriber -offers Inc sole that • conveniently situated new Cottage on FUltoil Street, opposite , Mr. Copper's neW brick house. There are four rooms and summer kitcberf,' and stone cellar the size of the house. Lot, one-fifth of an acre. " 8 ,- JAMES BOWIE Clinton 110.! FOR :TILE WEST, T. M. ELLIOTT Fe—aves_hy G. -.T. R. . . N 'FIIURSDAY, MARCH 2sn; and will connect , , with regular G. T. It. at Stratfordt Stook, effects &e., will accompany the ekeursion. No transhipment. Baggage checked through to destination. Parties vvill• .find it to their advantage to join the exeursion. Par- tkulars on application to JAS. TH031E8011 or. A. STRAITON, Clinton. , GRAPE VINES ETC. T_TOW loud Will parties pay double price to pedlars of.I ruff Frees .when they can be supplied by resident agents at much lower figures. • The snlostriber is taking orders for CHOICE GRAPE VINES, suitable to the, climate, at from 60' cents down to 10 cents, bet.• ter adapte.d 'to tlik climate than vines that' are sold at $2. • Parties recilfring , vines of any kind tot spring planting,,should leave their orders with him at Or,ce. . • , . W. 0: SEARLL', • Dissolution of Partnership OTICE is hereld-given that the.pOrtnendfip •here- tofore existing betsveen OUIMETTE '&, TAvime o0. the village of Loodeshorough, as..general store keepers; has been 'dissolved hyniutual consent. Allparties in- debted to the firm must settle the same at once, and those having ,elairns against tltlirre„wilI send them in for settlement. . ' •• • ' W. L. CUIMETTE1 ' A. A. TAYLOR. Londe& °roughFeb: 13 1,882.‘... TIM .sub.seribers Wouldtalee this opportunity. of re, tinning thankSifor the liberal patronage 'extended to them during.theirterm.of teirinembiti, and riePe the same.may he continued to the methlier•IMW-citrrying on the Inisineks. • • , • .counection with the above 'the subscriber •frust • to merit a continuance of patronage, by striet•personal attentiOnto business, keeping none but reliable goods, buying close,, selhing elese, and endeavaringto give, customers•contplete-satisfaction. • . • . W. L. OUISIt1TTFJ. Londeshirdugh, 18e1..•1 0, 1882? • , • ' UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE VALUABLE FARM ,StOCk,L.F1O0tittire';. eCle. TFIE undersigned Will sell by Public Auction, in LOT 315 CON. 4, Gt/DERICIT TOWNSHIP, :on FRIDAY, _MARCH 3 1882, The following artictes,,::•izi-1 marc -.7•years, old ;1 Mare 4 years old infoal, Ihorse 1 1.,years„old, 3. co wslii.calf; Lheifer. eran1ng•thr.ee'in calf, 1 heifer two yetre'eld, calves, 27:sheep, 1. Innther waggon; 1 bobssleighi 1 tong, .31(001;1 -light iron`bobbs, 1011015)1, 1 roller, 1 nen plow/ 1 Wooden handle plow, 2 seirfflers, 1.: set iron harrow, 1 turnip Outter,1 Wheelbarrow, 1 00111'Slieller,;•1, hay. rOck, 1 wood:Tact; 1 carpenter's beneln 2,1adders,,-1 dog power,1 'crosscut saw,•/, kroner, 40 cedardists, cedar poles for fencing, 1 lounge, 1 table, -I rlesk, bed; 'steads, chairs, I parlor stove; pipes and:staPd, and nit - morons ether articles. Salo to commende/st 10,a, 01., sharp. Lunch•served.t l'n'eleek. • „, -• • Wilh also he sad at the same tithe 1013 Piece, the ' farm, consisting of Lot 315,„00110e001e0.,-1, Griderich Township, being 80 acres; all•eleared except, 10 Scree, 'which is geed hariwood 11115.- The 10 1110 splen- tlid state of cultivation, and ha good :frame house, barn, stable, sheds,:and good orchard. thereon, ls. wehl watered, there being a splendid creek running through, the farm, in addition to wells on the place. Situate 8, iniles.frfiniBayfield; 8 from Clinton, and Iffrom elotfee rieh. . sate WITHOUT RiEERVE;ES tlIC propriet0r,iS leaV- ing Icif Manitoba. I ' ' ' • - • . . . Terms, for the ' tarins ten .per cent on day of sale) 'balance in 80 iblys, ,wiipcut interest, . For stock, ate., all sums of 55 and under, dash; oyer that amount 8 months!. credit will .be given on furidshing-apprO,ved. joint, notes'. A diseoOnt of 8 per cent'iror annum for cash on .credit AMOurltR; "' . . C. SHAW, Proprietor. °J, HOWSON., -Auetioneer, • Aand 'iimurse, Who _eon sew, A15115 1)1(1110 111100 Clinton, 1iiii.,14,•1°882.• 146.0se..e,to.•'1,e• :i1k.;i:Ofnils, yir.nty ef: water. ,/lient 1,,,, • ' •• . BIOS--stOl.wreAsTLE Speneer'S . • (lititoif 'Feb. In 182, : • ' . • Boy 'Wanted. A: yon,,strorig; steady hoy for 0 ei 10 rinalths, able, to attend horses. I deal in 'Allhinds of tin -and jiiisin 'Warn, spoons' 11111 08)118)5 and take the foll,owing 111 trilde for the sonic :-.- Cotton and woollen ro,s,0111 carpets rubber shoes, ;riper, 0011110) 1,815;»» lead,. and 31 ourtl of Iron_ Bbing now oretfe in the business 1 e'a good strong horki for ,safe.• Any Parties having busines11 with innat home, will find ind there every' llionday, All potties dile the estate lone, must settle at once to ‚1100 00010 as 1 ;Ho (101CrInmed to 5. put,off110 • ,. , . • - •' redo' r. elinton Eel,. /4 1882- ' • • Visit of the ProOet Jeremiah to ofd Ireland Friday evening., March 3re!.. TO WN HALL, Clinton REV. DR. WILD9 Or TORONTO, 11011 cleliveia lecture on the :above subject; under the atispices of the Litererisano scientific seciety. ADMISSION, 25 .CTS., REStRVED SEATS 311 et LONDESBORO. Ttljut1r8.--pver aeven thousand bushelof turnips were last week shipped from this Vil- lage to New York: Sanvices.--Special services are being held in the Methodist Church here and they are meetingsvith encouraging success: Rev. Mr. Birks, of Blyth, is expected to preach and conduct the meeting on Friday evening next, A T01:1011 Jo,—Our highly respected towns- man, Mr. John Brunsdon, has a tough job in &Ring his lerge cordwood. contract with the railway company, as the roads this winter have » been so- bad. John, however, seethe very plucky, as his men and teams may be seen tugging at it Whenever there is.n. chance, and one scarcely knowa which to admire most, the pluck of the "Boss" or of "Nett" and'his gang. , " WILLIE" AND " SANDY.".—The business relation between Win. L. Ouimettii and A. Taylor, of • the flan of Ouiniette Be Taylor', merchants,Ilias just expired, after having very rimicably existed for three years. Sandy leaves to take a eituation as travelling agent for Jas. Turner rfe•Co., Wholesale gropers, _Hamilton ; Willie remains and continues the business on-, his »own tiecount. •Sandys with his laugh, veil).- be missed by a great many, and- - especially lay the ladies, with whom he wan a great favorite. .However, the store seems to have lest none of its attractivenese„ and . whether itis the "lashings" of new goods or fair dealing and caurteenis manner, that ke.epii up ..,the attraction, the store is still generally crowded with customers, _ BUTTER FACTOpi MEETING, —The nieeting held here on'Thursday evening last, pursuant to advertisement, to hear the report of IVIillan, Esq.; ot what information he had obtained respecting butter factories, was fairly attended. Mr. McMillan gave an elaborate verbAsstateinent of what he had learned, and especially of !the -working of the Kirkton fac- tOry, which he had visited, ,which was highly satiefactory and encouraging, Mr. -Browning, who was manager laet summer of the Kirkton factory, alao gave a good deal of practical'in- formation. A meeting of the shareholders vvas , appointed _to be held at Bell's - ho_tels Londesboro, on Friday next, 24th inst., at two. o'clock p.m., for the purpose Of getting incorporated. If the above industry becomes a success here, it will chiefly be owing to the ,indefatigable energy cif Mr. J.- McMillen, , whose untiring efforts for its nuccess seem most praiseworthy, when we remember that he does n'ot live in the immediate neighbor- hood, to be benefitted by it. HODERICH TOWNSHIP. • . The'MeLean's .are.hunting up steers, for which they will pay good prices. • ." Mr. Maywood, *lad is shortly going to the northwest, bought e yoke, of oxen from Toni , McLean,' a Goderich drevdr, at, $100. He wants to buy another yoke for.the prairie -land. 000D W.Dars. —A Ceuple'of men are engag- ed »on the- farce Steep, who are, unusually good • workmen, as they cut 'their 6i cords of, long' wood, iron- the tree, eve'ry day. At 76 cents iCcerd theYearrMakegOod, FA:fts,v fare) .belonging to 'Arr. Samuel T. Holmes en the' Hurons/road. near Clinton; was sold on•moudayrt8.,1,1r. Kapple Disney, of•Goderich.tewnship, ler e very good figure.- Tho fornier proposes/leaving, for Da- kota,•••ebdut the fir•st of Apeil, with a ear load df horseS.. • ; •• »/ .M.r. ;ffo'ira rice. denies the . . statement made In a, paragraph »last week in *reference: to himselfraed his brother. As we have. no.desire to (do any. one .an., in j ustiee we make this correction, rind .hope correspori.. 'dents wijl bespfore (guarded in future, and, state only what is really the ease.. .. • . The clien•Mim ofthePOrter's•Hill debating, club'lent' week decided that war, has catised reere..roisery to ethe hul0011 rane Iban interns. perance•, 011 tile groisnd that there are 0 „stailstion or 'history to prove that. di -64: nese in. former' tiiteesre.issised . the suffering it 'doieed.aatep.fesent.sor .". null for our ele , tied Met .oa Monday pur- pant to adjournmerit. 'Members ,all ,pre- sent. •Niintitesof hist meeting- read and' pissed. ' .Mcivect by J. Gux, sec. by.. Jos.. Whitely;.that the funeraleipenseeof .the late John Gordon,,amono tine to .,$11, be opaid,:and his effe,cts'eold by Wm. Sterling to refund said -expenses, as `,.deceasU.:. has no, :friends' in thies genntry.—CaIrrecls; 'Moved by J. Cox; sec; by.J. Whitely; th.ai: the p'.tition of .30110; Elliott twOrty other, .asking for the opening of side road ,betweeu hits, 35 and''36,,,lst con, ,oleading to' the lake be granted and that'Mr.Weth-, erald be employed to Survey name togeth- er.with 'side road, next to Goderich,lst Con., and.that.all parties interested be ,notified, to•remove their fences to -the proper place. -AleVed by • J. C6x;, sec by Jos'. Whitelysthat Hall Ron ,tledge be tIpointed, path master instead Of McNeilly Robtls Cdx„ instead of . Wm.. TiehboUrne. and Win.; Cook instead of john Horton or the. Present' year.—'Carried,. Mr.' 'John Cox, reported having viewed Mr. Gard- ner's (Baybeld) gravel pit', and . considers that no gravel ,has been taken out beyond • the bounds of of roncr alle7anee. -Printing te-iid'ers .were then' opened. Moved by ,J. :Lai Or ai te„ see. by Jas.; Peacock, that the .tender.of the God,erich :Star., be accepted, 'being' the lowest.—Carried. s Anclitor's. ,rePort wffS e n read. • Moved . John Cot, see. by ;las. Peacock, that the a"ncli- tors' report be pasSed and the clerk .,Yet100 cepi es printed for. dietribu Hon ---LCarriecl. • . , • • Moved by Jas. Laithwaite, sec . -by 3. Pea- cock, that: Walter.Hick», be, refundedifll dog tax, he _having •go sdog.----Curriecle Moved by-I,Jebtr. Cox,' see. by Joe. 'Whitely, that Henry be granted $25, his 'leg having been ,brelvels and he unable to work for the last eight months.—Carried. Tlio following aeconnts were, Paid, 'Viz 1—John Cot, .re -pairing culvert, 1st con., $2 ; Thos.! TichboUrne, gravel, Vj;»20.; Win. Wise, gravel, $3.20.; Robt. Bray, indigent; §,10 oHuron :Record; printing,' $4 ; Rurnbell renairieg Scrapers, ; , Robert Miller, niaderdrain,Base Line, B. 'Treasurers postage and Stationary, 4; G. Connell, culvert, 9th con.; $8 ; Mr, Pees- inore'S L. S.., report of late •sorvey, 4th, con., was read ;. Mr. NO ftel was iresent andheard OD same subject, • No, definate action was taken -by the council.. the mat- ter to lie over to net sitting.- The. coun- cil them adjourned te meet,again on . the second Monday.,yri .11:Mmatreshp.''A,..Ts1:-0N,,olork. MULLETT. SiiinuiAB.--During the past winter a black bird has taken np its abode on the 'farm of Mr. C. 31c1ntosh, 6th con., eating with the chickens, and appearing quite at home. It is usual for these birds to go south before the winter sets in, but this one appeare to have become acelimatized. • , FARM SOLD,—Mr. John Gorrell has sold his farm l On the base line, containing 01 265 acres, about 6 miles from Clinton. to Mr. W. Ball, Of the saine line, for the slim of $13,- 000. The propertY is a good one, »and -worth tne money. He could have sold five minute. after theBalewas completed,' to a party from- laaritham. . !MYTH. Messrs. Lawrence & Gracey;.Undertakers, &c., last year attended nearly 'one hundred funerals of persons who had died in this yid., nity. • , - It is dull for business men here just now. The light frorn the burning of the cabinet - factory in Mitchell, last Saturday evening, was plainly' seen in this pilled: Mr, John Tamin has purchased:the house and lot of John: Carey, ,and is coming to re- side in the village: - Sonse-young men, out on as•spree last week, broke a liveryowaggon belonging to Alex. Orr, and were called before the squire and had to- paY $10 damages. Dr. Carder is away at Hamilton represent- ing the order of United Workmen, at the grand lodge. The Blyth Brass Band intend giving a dra- matic entertainment next Friday evening.- • STANL EV. Fop. MaNsrossii.—Mi. Jas. McCaully of the 3rd con., left yesterday, for Manitoba. Goon Patois.— Mr. Samuel Reid, of the 4th con., has snld a span of horses for the sum of $400. Mr. Peter McGregor,of Brucefield, sold- a two year old filly for Orr A VIstr.—Mr. Alexander Aiken - head and wife; formerly of Clinton,arrivecl at Brucefield, on Tuesday last, from their home in Manitoba. __Beth ate locticine hale _ - and hearty. ' A GOOD PROFIT.—Mri Hugh Gilmourof .the 3rd con., last week refused to accept $1,200 of a profit, on a section of land in vicinity of Brandin. Mr. Gilmour has only had land sonie Tilt months lown ZoloirO. - • :PERJulri CA E,—On complaint 'of C. Crab, ofGoderich, Mr. S. Blair, of Gods - .rich. ,township, was examined befbre MayOr. Forrester on a charge of .perjury. Itoappearsthat Blair had given to D. Iles Donaldsclerk of the county court aseworn i'ktatenient as to the amount of grain he had which had been seized-- far' deb.t bythe' sheriff, and cdmplainant' thought lie,had good evidenqe to prove that this Statement was false in Several particulars, one being that he, or his brother .for him, had .sold to Mr. Trwhi.105 bushels of wheat, Seve- ral witnesses were examined, .but nothing very .conclusiVe was._eTicited and the -case was therefore adjourned for ,ilirther dence. » . -PERsoNAlY.---Next , week° -Messrs. I). Mc- Corvie, W. S. Harland, Chas. Keane and nephew, and P. Campbell expect torleave 011.8 Prospecting ' tour for Manitoba. NELSON C'ARSOls7, .formerly of this Place, who has been at Fort Edmonton, (800' miles west of Winnipeg) all'summer; 'bas returned lieme, much more -rugged inap- pearance than when he. left. ,• MR. J. P. BALEouR, formerly of Clinton .High School, was in town 11 couple ofTITys. last week. His health.- being;somewhat .peer, ire is trying a seaSon foutside work; and ,rePresents Steele, Bros.,' seedsMen, of Toronto. .If he makes as good a traveller 'as he did a teacher; his employers still have no grounds for complaint: - REV. WESLEY LEECH, fertilely a Methodist Minister of this place, -and more reCently in the northwest, was visit- ing' friends here last week.. He giyes a most glowing description of that country, rarticularly, that part west :of Brandon,. and believethat a Very short time will. 'suffice to see it the finest part of the Do- minion. », - Clinton has t4e honor of possessing more local preachers in its than any place in the County, there -being three con- nected with the Methodist -church, and three With the Bible Christian,' all resi- dents hereabouts. Both these churches haveothers connected with them:lint they. reside elsewhere. • TOWN CITILARCH CHIMES. [wd sholf be plcasod to receive Reins. 05 Public in- terest, announcements, AS., to go under this head, at any time,froin the ministers 'of the respective churches.] Yesterday 'being, Ash :Wednesday. ser- -vices were .held in St. Paul's church _ Mr. Jas. Young oceupied. the pulpit, of the Kipper): Methodist chureh, on Stinday. A meeting of the trustees of Willis' church, will be held 011; Saturday after eeh,rv1ilde6w Mebhoclist ch r e, , ill be held itt t ohne Monday' n akt5 at 10.30 m. m. •Ministers from a distance are expected tO take part theOTkiri1.1 .' n ay next Rev:'Clan d of 'Exeter, will preach ;Educational SermOns _in tbe Methodist church; here, Rev. Mr. McDonaoli going to Exeter„-: to ,p-retcoh anniversuay,serni-onS,- IleAding the 37th ,Psa1m, on. Sunday, a minister in '-toWn eXpressed a truth when he came to the words: 'The wicked bor- row and 'pay naol,t again," when be added, "No, they run away, 'nOw-a-days, after borrowino• all they can." ' • THE -Missionary Mectino.': Of children »conneeted witlt the Methodist church was held on Tuesday afternoon, when the 'ju- venile collectors returned about $60 as the result 'of their labors, which is $12 More than returned by them last year. Mr. A. H. Atanning preached in Mitch- ell, on Sunday, morning and evening, ow- ing to the illness of Rey: Mr. Williams, of the Methodist ,chuich. He • stipPlies for Rev. 3:Philp, at. Belgrave, on Sunday, owing to that gentleman's illness also. W6g heron Teachers' Issocialioll. Reported ,specially for the New Era. .The semi...animal. meeting of the ,West Huron. Tea.cheill? Aseocietion was held in the public school, Exeter; on Friday and. ,Saturdaylast. On Friday, at,9720.aim.,eili the absence of the President, Mr. J. R. Miller, I.P.S., the meeting was called to order by the lst Vice President, Mr. John Connolly, after which Mr. Samuel R. Hall read the min. utes of last -meeting, which were adopted. Several reports, of little importance the generafpublic, being read and approv- edocernmittees on business and reeolutions', were appointed. Ur, David Boyle% 'representative of the Canada Publishing Company? Toronto, now laid before the Association the many - excellencies of their series of.readersiocall- ed the Royal *Canadian Reader. He was listened to, attentively, but no action was .• taken for or against said series. - _In the afternoon Mr. W.M. Leiah in- troduced- the stibject of Time Tables, in a very practical manner, by exposing oto view, .on the blackboard„ a copy 'of time , tableooneed by himself, which he fully -eX- 'gained. Many questions were asked and answered relating to this important topic, and not a few complimentary remarks were uttered in behalf of, the style in which the eubject hadbeen handled: Mr. P. Strang followed-, and in a meg; terly, manner disclosed the seoretS of .dis- • count. A Copious explanation ' by the teacher and the use of the now familiar - unitary method receiving specieLpmphasis athis bi-:0AS. Several of, the teachers ex- pressed"themselves as highly Pleased with • .vork,'done by Mr: Strang, yet, some de,- ixturred, eo far as Unitary Method concerned, by substituting in its place the-' Rule of Threes' To a casual . observer it was a plain case thet nitieh could ,be said - on both sides. ' 'The 'next in, order was a 'paper on TeaCher's 'Horne Reading," by Mr:,: L. CreSsw,eller, a yoprig man of • recogniied ability. It was' very Creditable, indeed; to hint, and to the .association of, which he is a rnetnber, and we hope that we may have:thepleaaure of reading it at our iei- suro in One of our educational journals. It was so well received mediately..,Infortned that 1411 essays were , •the property of the Listitute .A 'hearty' , :as 'Vote of thanks. Was tendered hilif for '1111 very instructive and elaborate production; In the :evening,., a pliblir5 -meeting- we.s helct in thebasement of the Canada Me- thodist Church Mr.:John Connolly in the chair, when 'Mr.' H. I. Streng, B.A., react a most .exhaustive essay on the.subjeet of ` ,` Consinon errors d Speech au:their cor- rection." . We have no hesitation in saying that it . will be a less to the profession if this valu- able collection :of Common ,errors, in the • hands .of ,Mr. Strang, be '.allowed to --re-;• main in 'manuscript: , His essay being divided' into-tWo parts the management availed themselves of the interval to introduce Some music and. 'also One of the Meet interesting -features of the, evening, viz., . the presentation to Mr: W. R: miner; . Gocierich Pubiic sch.601 of Chamber's Encyclopcediao ad a testimonial for•services7rendered as,See:-'I'reaS. of the Aseddiation 'for a . period c,f:. our years: - The ,addiess:„ of vilich the following is a copy, w as'read by MiSS 'Bn toher, 2nd Vice. - President of the InStitute To iv, ,P...111LIER., Esq., Pz•inciptel 'Coderf ch Public • ' Si s, -Tu AO-Cord:ince m•it,11 , a reSolution of the Weet Huron Teacher's, Aszocia tidii;.iiassed 01 11118 Morn ing's sessien, we hereby- address you on its" behalf for. tlon, purpOSC of :expressing, iti higlt appreciation•of your" ,services,Auring a lengthened 10( 01 ol oillew as Scere- *Ty; services intuited not only b,y the fsitIlf,uI (Rs- eliargeitif varicius and onerouz dutjes,,but also •by• that urbanity 'oftnanner and,desire to please Which has con- tributed. not ,a little, to the profit 'and horniony of its .proceedings. As •tangible acknowledgment of .siich tl• valuable-se/vices; we Present ' you -with' thew volumeso - of Chambers' Encyclopedia. We 111151 that Abb.:assist- . ,. artenyou may derive from thorn inay„.render,yon mete streeessful.m. year profession, and thatthe infor; mation gathered from »their pages may reclOpnd to"111, otichdat.ri6atia.1.172,e1,inOet,;i0:11.111, 1,1)1Oct.0:4rDIsDO yOt, .,7\ • -J • °MOORE, if: J. STRAN.P. . ,• • The prograrnme.'alSo eensieted of »read- ings aild 'recitations. » »114isa Eactett and••• • 111essie. Str,ang, Connolly, 'PreSsWeller, • Leigh and ,S9uthcottmerited the hearty vote 91 thanks ,which they received. ,The 'National Anthem being sung, the" Rey. 111.0n011liped• the benedic- tion, which broeglit it most.seccessful .and • edifYingmeeting te -a 'close. On Saturday 'morning, .at '9 a. m:, the Members of the,Asseciation again met in the public„ echool, ,. when it Was decided that all teachers, Members of this institute, by paying:the stun of 50 'Cents would be .:firr.nislied; With either tlie .Educational Monthly or'School ,Jeurnal. 'Mr.oGrassiek being called Upon, read 'a ' highly peliehed•Paper:•on '.Pentuanship, and during ' the, reading, „ at intervals, gave proof Positive of his skill ie:this. art. was .frauelit with instruc'ti'on,-- abd no•doubt . , many were benehtted euch clear, con- , :else. and terse.' explanatiOns: ' •, • Mr: Geo. Holman lnoiv'took the stand, and in his own peculiar and merry Way, • read a most Suggestive essayon .einuch !neglected: stilliadte... . Many would fain takenholcl of this subject and give!) it Ventilation, buCtiine forbid•S'uCh action. ' • On. motion., Mr. H. Strano.took the .chair„. While Mr: John _Connolly, brought' beforethe menibers. " Music with illustra- tions;" .He handled it:siniply in the. forin • of a lesion bo a rural school; explained the ; .clase o1. music lie. teaches .; showod,-.the . value of music itt a means, of:giving to the orclinany pupil a gond voealmiary, •in as. 'much esthey aroaptto inemorize, the ,. Words of a song in a short time; and 're-' - mcipber them. This, lesson„-tbotigh short„ was .Sonnd arna practical, . Vetes Of thanks having been p118506. 10 the vari 60.8 members, wlio hro ugh It !tub - 'sleets before the association, a resolution 01 in c ho isr n d po l ce Sen c net, adopted, tind orderedtranshliitted to __Thoneetieg now adjourned otoT-oni`eiTcit again„ in Goderich, 'at tile call of the Ex- ecutive :Committee. ' . Mr: John Macara, an old residenteof Goderieli, and ono 'of the oldest ba,rristhrs in 'Ontario, died en Monday. From the Huh. . There is perhaps no tonic offered to the pee; pie, that possesses as much real intrintie value asthe Hop Bitters. Just at this year, whenthe stomach needs an appetizer, or the blood needs • ng.- the cheapest and best remedypurifyiis liop • Bitte,rs. 'An onnee'of preveution 18 worth a ppuud.of cure; don't wait until you' are pros- trated hy 0(11803.00 that may take months for you to recover In,-BostousG lobe