HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-02-16, Page 5Stipplenient to the Clinton New Era, Feb. 16, 1882. S. K. CONVENTION. A T•ARUE GATHERING OF SUNDAY SCHOOL. WORKERS TN SESSION. Frofu the Signal. The ninth annual convention of the Count of Huron Sunday School Association wa held in Goderivb, on Wednesday and Thurs day of this week. The attendance was large especially at the later sessions. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. The first session beginning at 1.30 p. in., in the Methodist Episcopal church, was fairly attended, and a keen interest was evinced in the exercises of the day. :rhe President of the Association, Mr. Peter Fisher, of Wingham, occupied the chair ti11r. Fisher deliveeed a brief, practical, ad dress, and urged upon all present the import ante of the work of Sunday School teaching. Rev. G. Webber spoke on " The Sabbath school of the present, its place and its pow- er." The Sabbath school, as originated by Robt. Raikes, intended both secular and re. ligions education, the aim of the Sunday school was now confined to Christianizing the ch ldren. It was not the teacher's place to infuse church doctrines into the minds of his scholars : th,e plain truths of Scripture alone should be taught. The mission of the Sunday school was to instruct, to advise, to correct, and to restrain. He pointed nut the benefits of S. S. conventions, and was ap- plauded loudly as he closed,. Mr. S. Yates would like to know the opin• ion of the oonvention as to unconverted teachers. After a brief reply by Rev. G. Webber, the next question was taken np. • An interesting paper by Mr. G. Baird, sr., of Brueefield, on Home Influence, how it .can best further Sabbath Schools," was read by Mr. E. F. Moore. The following gentlemen took part in the discussion which followed :—T. McGillicuddy, S. Yates, Rev. G. Webber, Rev. Dr. Wil. lialils, J. C. Stephenson, \V.:1(.eyes, G. An- drews, Mr. Duncan, Mr, Caswell and the President. " The lesson of the proceeding Sunday taught to an adult class" was taken in hand by Rev. J. A. Turnbull, 13. A., in the absence of Mr, J. R. Miller. • Personal experiences of teachers of adult classes were made by Messrs. Yates. Dr. Williams, T. McGillicuddy, W. Keyes, Mr, H. Irwin, Rev. 0. \Vebber. WEDNESDAY EVENINI:, In the evening a very large congregation gathered at the North Street Methodist church. After the reading and adoption of the minutes'of the previous session. liev. W. Mellonagh, of Clinton, spoke, upon the subject of " Temperance iu connection with the Sabbath school." He held that in- temperance was a sin, and like every other evil, should 1,e grappled with in its incipi- ency. He vigorously denounced the liquor traffic. Christ, the 'l'eache's' Model" was the next subject, and its elucidation full to the lot euf llev. J. Caswell, Dungannon. Christ was a model teacher both in the tuattcr and manner of his teaching. The speaker gave a very pleasing address, couched in beautiful language. The ehoroh choir sang a cumber of choice pieces of music in very good style. ' '1'nCRSDAY MORNING. In the absence of ltov. P. "Musgrave, the subject of " Music," its advantages to the 5, 5." was introduced by Mr. J. C. Stephenson in a few practical remarks. He was followed by S. Yates, Rev. M. Birks, and T. McGill'. .cuddy. "Conditions of success in S. 5. Teaching' was introduced by Mr. D. Duncan, of Sea - forth, in the absence of Mr. Lnmsdcu, and was treated in ad able and interesting man- ner. The discussion of the question was also indulged in by W. J. Clarke, Rev. 0, Webber, 5. Yates, R. lrwitf;'1'. McGillicuddy, ' " Normal Classes" were described by Mr. J. C. Stephenson, and their formation ad- vocated. Mr. '1', 'C. Pickard spoke upon the " Week day work of the 5. 5. Teacher," and brought nut some very good points. Rev. G. Webber and E. P. Moore spoke briefly on the subject of Normal classes. Verbal reports from Sunday schools were given by T. McGillicuddy, W. J. Clarke, J.1 0, Stephenson, and others. A number of interesting statistics, compiled from the written reports sent in, were read y e by Mr. E. F. Moore. THURSDAY AFTERNOON. After fire reading of the minutes, an inter- esting discussion took plane on juvenile tem- perance work, which was participated in by liev. G: Webber, S. Yates, and E, F. Moore. The nominating committee recommended the election of the following :— President:—T. McGillicuddy, Goderich, Vine -Presidents :--D. Duncan, Seaforth ; R. Irwin, Clinton ; P. Plebes, Wingha"m•; W. M. Gray, Seaforth ; W. J. Clarke, Exeter. Re- cording Secretary,- W. Badge, Seaforth ; Cor. Seo. and Treas. E. F. Moore. Executive Committee.—F. Collins, Exeter ; J. C. Stephenson, Clinton ; T. Trewin, Blyth; R. Lumsden, Seaforth ;S. Yates; J. R. Miller, Goderich ; T. Strachan, Brussels ; W. B. Hutton, Wingham. The Report was adopted, after 'W. 3. Clarke had been appointed Recording -Secre- tary in the place of M. Badge. It was decided to hold the next meeting of the convention at Exeter. Mr. John McMillan, Reeve of Mullett, has been elected a Director of the Western Dairy• men's Association. The public, Would bear In ul,r.d that Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 011 has nothing in common with the Impure, deteriorating class of so-called inedleival oils. It is eminently Loire and real- ly efficacious—relieving pain and.lameness, stitY- uesS of the joints and muscles, and sores or hurts besides being an excellent specific for rheuma- tism, cough, and bronchial complaints. • NOT THE SLIGHTEST AFFINITY exists between the numberless coughs mixtu Jaswith which the market is flooded and that suoeee F:1 !preparation --Northrop & Lyman', Emulsion of Cod Liver O land IIypophoa• phites o1 Lime and Soda. 11 titan d l atone, distiuet, is like itself, and nothing else. It embodies the bear results of advanced pharmaceutical science. It ac- complishes positive, derisive results, effectually r'eliev• ing coughs (when the lunge are not tubercn:ous or hopelessly affected), colds, laryngitis, and diseases of a scrofulous origin. While it does not cure Consump. tion, it ie the most reliable means of detenee against that dreaded scourge. The invigorating properties of the hypophospbitea reiruburec*lhe system debilitated by the constant tear and wear of a eongb, while the paroxysms rapidly diminish in violence, in consequence of the soothing emollient action of the sod liver oil upon the inflamed lung membrane, The phosphorus, lime and soda, in combination with it, are all natural components hi the construction of the bodily edifice, which, in a state of decay, lacks a sufficiency of those elements. These the hypopbosphites supply, tuereas- ing tke nutritive properties of the blood, and building up and rehabilitating the tottering human.etruotnre with a degree of promptitude as astonishing as it is gratifying to the invalid. A perceptible gain in flesh as well as in strength is one of the consequences of using this standard preparation, which both time and experience have demonstrated to be fully worthy of the confidence reposed in it. Prepared byNowt' rise ' t LYMA11, Toronto, and sold by all druggists. • A PROLIFIC SoORCE c,1 DISEASE.'—A trifling Indiscretion in diet may hay the foundation of confirmed dyspepsiu,and there is no fact in Medical science more positively ascertained or more authoritatively asserted than that dyspep- sia is the parent of a host of bodily ills, not the least of which is contamination of the blood and the maladies of which that is the direct conse- quence. Thele original cause is, however, thor- oughly eradicated from the system by Noltrn- ROl' ♦tt LYM•AN'S VMOETAILE DISCOVERY AND DYSPEPTIC CURE, 10 medicine which only 1'e - quires regularity and presistence in its use to cure dyspepsia and the many illsth:itarise from it. Nodeleterlous mineral ingredient's contain- ed in it, and though its action is thorough ie, cases of costiveness, it never produces eripin pains In the abdominal region, or weakness the bowels like a violent purgative, It invigor- ates the system through the Riedmlu of the in. creased digestive and assimilative activity which it promotes, and is also a most efficient remedy kidney complaints, scrofulous and all diseases of the blood, fmrtale weakneSS. &r•, &c. Price $1.00. Sample Mottle, 10 scum, Ask for NolITIInor & 1,1 M AN'S Vegetable Dlscuvcry 11re1 dyspept ie cure. The wrapper hears it jar. eirnrtaortiteir.olgnaUuc. Sold by, all medicine dealers. 1'LIE tiIlEA'i' FESTALE 111E11LtdY. .501) .1114041.1S I'ERIODJI.'A1. P111.1144 flits Wett•kuuwnulndlcine ;sun iwpositiob,but a 911'(1 and safe remedy for Fetuale Difficulties and Obstructions, from any (Anse whatever, and although a powerful remedy, it contains netti- ng hurtful to 1111 uonStiintim'. '1'o married 1e - ''es it is peculiarly suited. it will, 1r' a short t ria bring onthe monthly period with regulari• y. 1 n :111'0080s of nervous and s1,1)1al iilfeetlon, mus in the back and limbs, heaviness, fatigue m slight exertion, palpiration of the heart, hys- er4 s, sack headaches, whites. and all the pain• nl diseases oeeasioue(1 by a disordered system, hese Pills w ill effect a euro when alt other uelan0 have failed. These Pills have. never ailed, where the d110011ons on second page of amphlet:ITU well observed. For full particu- ars sot a. Pamphlet, free, of the agent. JOB IOSES, NEW YORK. Sole Proprietor, 01 and cents for postage, enclosed to Northrop & yubtn, Toronto, Out., general atreut.s for the )ominlou, will unsure it bottle, containing over 0pills, by return of mail. Sold in Clinton by .H.Com heand Watts ek('o,,and n11 medicine. feelers Just AA- rived, my first lot of Consisting of those z'itik American slip pies, and will be .sold cheap.: • 5 Quires NOTE. PAR. . IIUSINESS ENVELOPES,. a small w.l\-ajlce on cost the box...All Stationer' very. low'. I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD) AND KNO W. H. SIMPSON, Clinton: oots and FELT BOOTS Cheaper than e. re Horse .Blankets, Bntialo,and Goat Robes .t Bottom Prices. rt5.. Vietorna-.e, .IHIoek, € 1ililltollt. Hardware and Stove Wareho SI LASEDAVIS. cRosS c Err S.A.WE_ GENUINE MAPLE LEAF, SILVER S'CEEi LANCE DIAMOND, . HANLAN, CHAMPION, ),APSE(', and O\.13 M;\,N 01t05S, CL•!' W.AItNOCK'S, BliItltEL'S ANL) RI. FOI1D'S; JN ALL THHE'BES7, ftp Al\T?5ti,j BARRED WIRE, SOLID S rEEL, TWO Alin FOUR. POINTED.. ROYAL CANADIAN CLOTHES WRINGERS,- cheaper iha r r Stoves, Tinware &Lamp o IIiDES, SH Fl EP SKINS, PI: llr.—}JICHLST CASH PPICE PAID, 17, 11)A..-Vr riard:VVare I 1 ereIY ,Yit.t,• F'L1(J NIX �3I'e(�C;J , 0 I.AIN'i 'O1N.