HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-02-16, Page 2Feb, 16-4 188,2" ,
doctor took, the hot, f ioft hand in his bwlsi they'll come up hero, maybe. I bona I
ling even the graudin6ther, and causing her
ALND exprugs
over her young maHter, who was in, the
habit of I consulting her wiih regaxd to his
and'nothing could have -been moTe�
its touch Sending through his f rame A thrill shall be deafer than an adder."
such as the touch of up otherhind,lima Here. the -doctor -stopped, wholly out of
to who -the. riohiy�arZseea a lilild
bess of grandpw
.,unpropitious to. theistic d
Buit than, know . ing she disapproved.
bvpr sent. b;eath,-while Guy for a moment tat. with-
,king a word. Jessie, in bW boa
' But somehow the at re�slura him. out, spep ring,
She is dying, ilqator,,, saiaone of the.
. women -, but the. didotor shook his head,
Louis XV1. said, when surrounded by'&
ob, 4 4 Ain I afraid F - I ul
my p So
To malie my. doll a dress;
Besides this, Guy had only'tbe previous
All fear of Xi %ddy vanished, leaving behind., had �01 liar mother what tile' Sick girl in
he doctor's offlo ut. being
intensp desire to help if possible, t e' had said abo,
audholding in o�e'�hamd. his watch, he
counte4 the faint pulse beat4,as with his
Thir -1pur of insects I"W to
V i doestilt want a big 0iode—
a i
4, yard I Ao�:l 9�i 8s.
week I( )at,, A, small amount under
Similar citoutuatances, . Standing ilent for
only aiii
the young girl'whobe lugers seemed t 'poor and wap'tinig the radliby for grandpa,;
b"ye (.I 0iihib tbs.
red-ilti. Can di, Cover m
0 ed
the Sandwich Islaag
wish yowd frqd my needle;
a,�mom( aI
mt,)�hftd he burled d reburied
hisellibiag boats, in" the hills of sand, he,
'cling round, his owli a's, he felt for aud,fpuild hile Mrs. Noah had given him a rather
the rapid' pulse. exaggerated account 6i Mr. markham's
"There ar6 too many here," he-�a id,
ts sue beeciathe air you are breathing," '144
At Point Pleasant, bu the Mississippi, the
And flud my firable, too—
wdi n g
Said At. Iasi, 11 Candidly, Sir, I don't believe
11 It she wo e said,' "lay' iBlt but he, had not asso
ing V" the two
-hig'othbr: the,
n hi auiho-ritati�d: Way be. Cleared the
river' has advand�qa nearl'
Y three miles in
.1 do 'It w i0 aotf ts.0
., I
tored her apron
1, call accomin odate- You.. I am about to
make repairs at. Aikenaide,,"d have. par
dly loan
thit hind'poftlydbwn, and placing f together until. now,, when'lie maw
matter as it was'and almost as much'as the
upon her burningforehead. j
And, time, Ma ddy did awaken', doctor himself regretted the part he had
crowded rq am of the,mistakett friends who
breat in Maddy`g�
were I unwittingly' h' 9 'up
very life.
V6 average French family 4 three, the
English Ave, and the average Irish
down the'stair,
AndCa�sarls lost his pantaloon
�romised to money on good
. 'to a Mr. Silas S1
B�,Purity ocami who, I it
after .&
but in the eyes fLxed,-for 6 moment, so luT in Maddy's -iliness And her giandfather's
The graudparento and Jessie he, Suffered
Anil needsntizier pair.
thin�j N.64 right,' as he dx . resses it,
tently on -bim,' there was no look Of distress.
to remain, aid Sitting d6wa, by M&ddy he
The age of Alchemy extends from the
I wants my Maud &-ne, bonnet
IS bibMiling a mill on -some property
recognition, and the doctor w s hall glad "Doc," be said, laying his hand oil the
watched till the: long sleep' was; ended,
n:liddle of the fourteenth to the fi ,
t all w
oh 6 ""a ,
r,a, o,
And at
w id as,come, or into his
13 COM1119!
He did not wish her to dbotor a arm, I Am the aid hunks, the
that it was So. used the , money. 1-
him her late d sastrous miserly rascal who tat
earbeatly, the
Silently and Aged Couple
for their darling, asking that 'if
the six eenth oeatur
Hisl iazzer one's t
associate. with
th ink wet the, old man home that day;, and
prayed .
beapar6d, and God heard
blast furnace is Bupposed. to have,,
--mm-that's in
5hatsitriffib ine, my,bome
failure; he wo, at slid should going
uld rath
for he
possible she mi ght
been first usedia Belgium ab& been iutro-
i.wants to go to grandma's-
You promised nia I might;
stead,", gasped, -graudpa turning White
almoet,as his hair blowing in the April-
aske "You pay thd PI
of him as some a d me for help. ace
ne Come to Cure her,
said- to himself, , as must be Sold. It- neve Shall, never. I'll
'cure her be would, he r
their prayers, lifting, at Iasi, the heavy
lethargy1rom M%dd�'A brain, and wa 1�5
duced into England in,1558 -
I know she wants to see me�
I weats, to go toiinight.�-.
d Therei% f� Stream of ater n it,
=- Ke Says if he forecloseB:and gkB it he
he gazed into her childish fade, and, thought see to that, RU& you must, save the girl.' I
'how sad twas for -such as 'She to die . . 11 I can't" Guy.� I've done all I can" nd
ber'to partial I consci I nuances. a, I essid
whoAlrat caught the expres.sio a t op9n7
By the law, of Ring Ethelbeit, for break-,
S, 1119Is front tooth the.1ineai
she let's mewash the dislibs
bulid� a mill; aud,.te,ar' our old. h,ouse
he, first entered the cottage he bad now, ifhe lives-, it, 'will, be wholly owing
-ing, dyes, aiid darting for'. r �e ex.
filings for a molar; one �Aad a� cabin e,si . x.
And sl�a i andpa's watch;,
b �e,6xtidine plainness of a
Con struck -with tb the prayers that old', saint a rand
claimedI "I Sho's waked up Dr. Holbrook.
The ancients w'
era 80 fond of perfumes
I f�
I Ig four pennies
Touysome butter-sc.o0h.'
Guy was in a dilemma., He had not
)nixig the poverty of its fa InevbithojhIgmuch
the furniture, betok( that says for her
shovll live."
that'they scented1heir perpong,;garmento
aikbd how much Mr. Markham wanted,
itAnates ; but now lia-'foigot everything of these things until 1, heard himpray; not
Woiideringly.Maddy looked��,at h'er�.and
vases, domestic vessels-ona in ryin
I signia.
livant some newer mitt d'
me,p ell
I wish you'd knit ome,
and its the latter had not told him, he
naturAllycoi2clucledib:�iiaii,�' larger Sam.
except the � sick girl, wSo- grow more and that:Bho Should live anyway., but tha if it
as, and Maddy might b
laorerestle' , kept taimilg of him and were right lot die. Guy,
as a 6 f iw�h.
the a c6tifus6d recollection ere
the;, had atet a rossed.lier min
By . the ai d: of he powbrfal Is a . of a
Cause all my fit gers freezes,
They;edh so in the Ran.
th an,it And- did at &is ust
t, to
the, LAtin. verb which mean love and there's something in such a prayer as that.
f,in id
microscope it is f6und'that there Are more
thanfour thousand in in a caterpifla;r.
I Worea it 6ut laA summer
then to. lend it�
I'll tell you,what . aid, Mtbr�
ell was at in the grambiar. It's more powerful,thad all my medicine
Whi n
Guy was a fool, slid as a brute,',I,tbd swall , owed at one jia�;A gulp�',
Where I Have I
game home, auff is this Dr. � Holbrook?s
Of*the heat emitted by the sun, the
A pulliu' George's sled;
I wish you wouldn't laugh so-
a little� 11 III dini P a note to -night
doctor mutt6red, as he folded up �ihe t.bibS - Guy, didn't 4o,w very, much' experi-
he hoped, mig ht-
No, it's home, home,
227 millionth part is caught by the
saying I've changed illy mind, and shall not
of paper whose contents meiltally about. praying; ndSo he.d.id not
no,: your and you,
and this s �nea yi Ida
rly all, a d'again to
I wish I badL a cookie;
I'm hungry as I can be;
let,himaye the mobey.t PerbI.,ps than
he -won't be SO anxious . for. lo�a;- an'd
do mikh toward saving Maddy.'s life.'- reapond, but,he thought of Ludy Atherstone
Then, promising to come again, he rode who life Was one act of prayer and praise,
are getting well," Jessid'o.ried, bending
1 over.
the - bewildered girl.,' "Dr. %Holbrook has
nthe causeg`�f I
-go on S
J� yo a has 111 pretty lal a
better brilig me free.
will give you time to� your
�Iook ...V I
Way,to,visit other patiebti,who he I:ehc'43ould know of Mad
rapidly."s and,* wishe� -dy,
in danger of: being L
oured:,you,, and Guy is hdke,'sid 1, and
referred� coufts,. " 1he
I ......
thE4., afternoon. were and join her.pediiOns", With those of the
ob, a doc
you disturb,her, h tor sAid,
lepers, wldr6' under thel piotection of the
In[ E ]a: .1i Or -W, L A S W.il
Guy laid a little' emphasis on.that list
word -i and looking up quickly grandpa Was
so constantly WAS their
Bad& fieglebted,, Starting, suddenly from hid
ysician's mind dN
ph veiling upon 'the little, grandfather going down
he �exolai in
, JeF * , 'y
gently pushing isle, -#x r -and
asking Maddy how she'fel . f
�A SOCIETY T� 0 V *]�-
about to say, I am not so -iiiuch'a stranger
as' you think. I knew -your father. well'-"
chhir, ad
w a
10 :. chamb'r' where Middy - Clyde was -there. I Cannot endure to' Bit, here doWg
lying. s nigilt,closed, in;, a he, Awoke to
Udihiing to' make'araenda. 'It. Will look
. Slid' did not recogn iz6 him,,. Shia only,
had. 9, vague idea that lie might be so'le
The reason,that."An, has not as'acute a'.
the 1109
scent- the development
is. that
.13y the author of
,'Forreatlio"b," dlor," ete.
baths checked himself with the though�t,
"'NO,'th b I
A I -be too
partial. cohscioueness, "and. heard'that Dn q beer I t06,,.to go Oland.— All, have it -1
Holbrook had been'ther6' prescribing to' 3, �wh6
r I'll: drive back to Aikenside for Jessi(
Ooctor,,but not Dr. Holbrook; not -the one�
who had $'*a puzzled and ad hot on a
77- 1
pay for a deed of mercy done years ago."
-6 � wall, ehe
her. Turning -liar face to �th has talked so much of- the girl that � her
day which Beemed� now -id farhohind
A Lon on me lea Jou
a. a, 'I * rn"i states that
there in that
Maddy wotild this -it's hot
nature," he, wfiisper�d, adv�ncing & Stop
SO-GIIY,ne�eraagp6cied that'the''didna'an,
`b6forob iin had once laid his fAthet,a�d er a
then cilling,li
ae'emed, to be thinking! er radthdr, forgetting .:that,. she wag oni:66 a
grandmother to hor� she Asked ,Did he
teacher', is,, dis Yes, I'll take Jessie
From � the mair, kneeling. b y
the biedgide' there wb�s ai� bbiat ot,thankg-
are � city twenty, physicians
whose incomes range friona $25,000 to �01.00
or two, ail d d6wa hiA feetas softly
d6bt-of &atitude. The� 'L m ' ate he I'' reflects d
Bmo6th my hriri an , B%yi poor child ?" you must order
- ' With me, but, it;. you must
000 %:Year.
. , , , � 7 , , ., �
asif stepping on eggs.
the lesB inchued bb wasiol lend ih -6
..liar grandmother hardly,,,tb �agbtbe did,
say if is goodfok her to ride, and, Hal,.giva
- th
Grandi�.a. t4lpllilih4ni. , totia�16A :, from. P
Motions in writing, drawin 411
g anc
Uappening.tolifili,, eydg�baidr - 6 one. of
and as grandpa was too, timid tbuige big
though she'. was -,not in,. the all th just. to quiet
no some medicine
)ut inbb�.the h-,hAd
room, o 4on air, wbic
mechanical labo r are from righttoleft in:
tII6,10ug�Wirtors.',he�pied'hiinseli,. a do
n'e'e d a the�r6gulfwAs that When at last the
He had. sta�od a .'long whiie, And Agnes, no . matt or what,:.provided it' is 'not
'ne�ei idli4hibgly' on his tried
' f
in erm races,, and the,',o it' ppos a in mor6
ing, much',whatthat queer 16okiug,phap,
,*.§ 4epIA66d, and � 66rrel* a
wheel gain
trotted b:b:,to*i�rdDovonshireheLdreWafier
she, said. -
Maddy had A vi 6f 6u
Ague remembran66 Agiie§.
to C
fri -it fell now', whed he fiiBt, knew,,
th�t .Addy 'w6ul'd ftvo,. 'He did not care
highly elvdizedones. : , ; 1 4
W88 doing there in the �mldst Such
Noah U no turn
him a, sad leavy' heart, and not 'ones- until,
' �, C dntrary xuy!s expecations,'
,an �incidebi, and,in. her -heart forgave. the
lot 'Jessie go io and
f6r,his.homesbea d' that iniglit.&I, and'he
Two thousand one' hundred'and twenty
churches in England have..,been named,in.
T m6ptally asking for
hibi out�-' bon , give
6f'pride, determined
the village was reached did he , hear. 1hei
cherry chuckle with wbi6bhis 'kind-maBtor
.'db,cb6r'for-'biB'rejeotion, and, thought only th. , a ;I , ittle.) irl, was , sooni, seated "by - her
how hkuda6ine he had looked'.oven wMie le, dif-�
still 'be happy WithMaddy left. But He.
bid ths'"t, aed disdiple!s ova �
sole honor of the Virgin Mary, And, 102 in,
ness for tllbs�- flash' And
to make a, mend4 be bowed low to the Ilgire
waqmobbio encourage him;,
'oor'kaddy, I '� I Are' tellin! her the
mobutting ineifily of the
't ti her'with ail 1; .1
ues� ' pan the "road.
ormen Ing oil unheard-of 4 drent' ge. t ey. asse .
' a u
tidns, and'hov� kind, he as tor her- now.'
who marked
- - .ri
sighliacT anothr good 1 gtoie:for him,
�so 'both
which her name s with that of
someothei BIlint&
ill the glass;'which bow�d via low in� return� I
11 a * wbei' they were
WII6 caiAe in ay tal r w I a
rder ing it. th�t should- come
-It is to -and b] 7 e4eriment that if 'most
ut did,*.not reply to'the goodi.natured
t , , ,
grandpa whisper
, most she was so. sure, edi,
The sight of. her graiidfatherf'
I I ' th were g,o�n, the
of ideas,hhd going, al'3�ai. V ig�tb ere
together, ju8t-aB th6 two disappointments,
'before being fed t 'a,
a , egg, be cut fine,',it is
re -pretty well
mark, How d'ye do
db' forkheofficb,when''
-asba'Stop"le , a -Maddy
t a
to see her, new rai: no I
t a 6
tears came a , into Is eyes, anc
biddi' hitli't6 it,'fieside' her gh6` Asked if
com''elland'in ha d
imperfectly � digested, while it .swallowed
d sly ?'!
I - look' about
There was a famifia� the.
- -4addy'adisappointment waskeener
. I I
in hdr' face i u ahip, slid Bobbed
g n G y q,
theirhomemusi,be.aold- 'Maday"wa,s,not hd : - -1:. I , L �`. .: .
. I I b I t ti,,rgl Y.
Fr Cush'
orhAhe soft ions of his.. carriage,,
*here lie. sat recliniog,:Guy: on
in large pieces theresulibli perfect a
� I . igestion
of the carialet cloak we ria 1 b y t jh6 � man,
MaiUam's face
'I h an, I i is own, and so, after the'a6rro,Wfal
w6rds, il And L tall6a,, too lie tried i udmii
to be put a ff. with 'ah a-,," i6h,aiid. B6,�rdiid-
."Ididlikehardo much' that d ""I
hat 4y, � 8 ie
told her'honegtly.at� last, t: �,
.. I a , lie :Came
a' ant, and
&W 'the a mail as,
. *
Letter ernrei6pes bearing a 'Sta'mp
, impression ere fits b used iti Sardinia in
in the glass,, and Granapa
turned icr'inagon- a's th'a truth- burst. up..
fort ih poor, bhild,, w a, IL"ing her throb
a id, and she looked' so go; I�gm
Ould 1pi6babl� ior6olose, ancL',�ha Olace be a
terrible to'flid�
alighting at once he accosted, him. pleas,
ant(y,'and then walked with �� him, to 'the;
4819. The English people write I 6ra
m6re left
ith&"Ity other E nationi &I bough
ibing head sh Ibed'
bitterly, -bt'tlley,..
as in the Soft spr i6g twi 11
But never you mind,, Maddy," he said, Then she�',plied Ga y.with-que-stions, pan
able futur' ' 117VVoull�
Ma'ddv,Ei prob a.
garden, where, iu6iio"bdbch built,.. or
1, I pa
Maddy the'. cheiry trees, Grand
they do'not lead th.tl thg use of postal
Ca rds;--.
he though6,i�giancing' side -wise :�-tmrT--
vvii(y had witneska the. bluilder,: and
I -
rove, so b --t-- -a--- -- ha-
rana-- -Waited for the
-Corning! I - � 11 --
seemed-; P we�sliall manage. somehow. !I She go to heaven sure An, 7U657GuY:::::
The- sholetbin of lighter,i izz
we'S.now,looking the window to hide
Can rent two or three rooms, of answered.. fit random;:' Yes�, a a as ad,
old _,So r* -Floiv did h 6 knpivl a a ear that.,
Green heatold rrel
ibgofMadelibe�it w as By to go to the
t llapa,.audipfus0
dAyGuy had, fits t In aheir
prpportiou--to her totAl,-weight than that of
Grandpa believea, ,he� did: ntSee, him
Iau work on�th6, roAd,�, 6ich things M&ddk was, that ki Poo i lots
" if brother
his app money. -
11 h I have thought better- ' of it since, :.a
The male Skeleton contains more'
inorganic inattei thail the female,.more'
and 'comforted 'With', that aKsul 7au6a he
. I :L , - 1. ,
i ow bucy and
It'wasFarmer. dicen's 61'
frol Ain , 'a, Win Or can -
n the depo.t,',"d' tli
-to Guy," And the little �prea6her nest lediclosely.
and- clean, 0 fg., 4 W�� Shall
dAnd am sorry I did- not accede to
I �,
carbonate -'and I I
ess-phosphAte of . Im , ei
begg tolie' mark upon , e, mirror i i BAi.idg,
metappear as! i f � th are,, was' t wo, of
Farmer Green Is bay colt which.J. ihre% days�
it)the'youb'gina�b, fiucieiiug,,bis Coat' but-.
not starve -not. a, bit of it-go'don't, you I .I,, I I I
-and boas bilked, because,'brother. Guy;,
yotir,:prop osal. One,! object -of my comll�'�,
d as to Bay that my purs6 is at-�
-here to- ay'w
A manuscript diary of a courtier of Queen' , . �:
Elizabeth has th' . it
la"'11IT; wr itten - 3ust -
V0 a, a remark which 'Mear. � Noah f
laterI before Dr. Holbrook's Office.
And ihe square- boxed , waggon with
worry', it Will make ),on. was, Pdrather' a's she
fo; ks�can be go6d-ihat is�not4do ng�iighty
lose�tbe homestead 6, t sAud, times, I
I ave as much'
your disposal. 'You� can Ill
;a '
'fter her. death : a quean 'caused
appreciated. 6a%v the silk chairs next,
arid slily to'uChe4'abe.to see, it it�'-di&, feel '�
old Sorrel attached, for. the, f6rinek V�ag
-,quietly 6.ihe
Id. won'
over thau'llose you. tbin i3,-a'nd still Go . t love Abom
I exactly
un ag a they -1 don't -know w at, a h I
vou me Whenever yod� like,
as, 3
and the house shAll notr, bd sold2'
the ring',wherewith shee was wedded,to the
crowne,to he catt'froinher -Anger some
;Iike,t e,,gored',, p' -each- bla ssorn'� dress ��wor'n'
vh' -yard, �beh
standing- ip itid
a ow ed -honed', while. the latter, with
Maddy did'not keply,,.bu'p the great tears
down 'her flushed, cheekk,.",'�su� wish I did.."
"My fathei-did. you hnowbil�? V�fiy
six weeks before. 16�r death;I -but w6id a ring
by, his wife forty-two;� years agothat very
I . I . .
�pring. Then he tried, one of them,.exam-
ined the . rare ornaments. in )to and
Ahe liear�,, bowing
*his nose 'tbs bzlrb-�.ard,. f6we, was
beighing c iopally, as if he miss . ad', th a
little III h'ad daily led ..him the
' -
Guy drew tier -cloadr to hiza, but A6 that
thought of her feeble old,grandfathei.wokko;-, : ,
ing on theYload and shovelli ng Snow to, earn childish yeariiing'for knowledge be could
his,bFead -lief6ver,whiollhadseemed resP
a At t11 )nd;,jg6:hd
aBkedi in �sdme Surprise,, and tLen the, BtUry
cable how, yeais b when EL, City
-hotel was on. fire -i And one of its � 6ests � in
'from the
the Earl of L, sse� gave her auto the
. . . . I .
da�.her death."
Few,words have so retharkable abistory,
grand, piano,
rauch, and'whic w
omtmea A so 11 no
to be abating -'returned with double for ey 11,Wh6 taught. yba all this, little one
Imminent ility. of his
as 11 bankrupt.'! T h6, money changers of.
Again to, the. poftrait'6t- the first
:'I d' he
lay'llot pa Chad and helpi6ss t
-and when.rie'lt morning the doctor came not your mother; surely.!',,
roomr; arid, his, nervous which"
made, him'powerles's �to Act, abidther
italy had. VenchC;'-
a or'Btalla in -the hearse or"
--exchangoinjormer l 'these-,
AlThiswillIast Maddya.week. Ithalik
ne�,Which� r ti,
:ham had spun and woven herself.
-there was a:look of deep upon big NO not mAmma,
fa, �6 be, watelled the slarming4ymptonis WRI49-mglid we left in Bost6b.� She. told
bi i 11 id;ocalinj
bad,braved :tbe I lasing I'M", at
times. -At they
Yea, ma'am. !on have addied scale con-
siderable to the, happiness f -a young, girl,
�, kddy might have been just AS Sick as
- if the, :bxamitiation
_h�j 'delirious patient* me about, ib,��Lnd taught me to pray different
I who, talked inces-L
from 'mamma, who som.6times keeps her
the,' ettering wall, bad dra.6ad, ont one
who,. ubjilLthat hour,'was to:him:,%d uttar�lb
of, fiem'felf'�'.bick
seems. 1 b
fis6lvent "his berich �Was taken,
who iWouldn'tAi . I I h a, r'dom as:
sgrace even sue
she was .,bad, never
occur re ;- but it was, natural for thosa who
santly, a'
Olt of the examination now, but- of i ;b her
the, mortgage'an.4 - the fordQ164ure,'. begging eyes open in'' cihur6. hell she'is
B�r4uggr., -and
the 'name .�o 11 broken bencli,.11
th' " he s%id' as he passed into the hall.,
-her to. impute it all.to the effects of
him iol-selAhatlIQ house -was act �sold _to ku. as,, And Jo ka the bonnets near imi
(To b.
banca rotta,!' Was g hi
jiven � to, in.
Mrs. N adiou�ly
Teah received, his thanks ar
and led him to the - yard, where Sorrel'
excitement and cruel diBappoinimebt, so.
there -.Waa. something like indignation
tell them showas.bakning thirty�six dollars Do ydii pray, brother GnYi?,
by teachingacho6l.; that Bwwy,-Should be- The qdeatidn 'Startled the. young man,
wanciesL I .:,
0 word was first: adDptedit�to English; it
waa,uear6r i4b4tahau-than it now is, being,
or him..; I .'.
stood waiting f I I ' '
Odd, but -clever as he day is Ihearts
�minglil ig with the .Borrow. gnawing at the
of the a Cupid, a% 'they , wAtabo&
abld to sa-�e their. dear old home. All this who �did 'not know W'har, I to answer, and
11 ' d etor, but the �'who Wa8glad t . hat his coachman spoke to
was strange, igret a
The,. ower most r cently into
bankerout," instead of " bankrup t"
It t'hat Saul
was Mrs. NoaWs dominant, as,, a6 erSeeing
him sttfe� out of t1i 6 *eht:back to
by 'their fevier-stricken, �-darlingi-Farmpr
too, sbargd�ibe'feel Ina and humer
then asking if he's]
rAther,.volub . r . Green,, * w him �oul& drive
to.Gralidina Markham'S b Devonshire viijage, or go airect-to
;blightened th
decorative favor is the pumpkin,
w 6se bold'yellow provea even, more effec.
near amadous of
Tarsus saw, 'the ligh - t h
above 'tbs' brigirtness'
of the T' ,
sun.. he,gtreet,�,
her ve which �ere, in danger
of being overdone.' - � , .: ",. � '� I . . ..
. L .
8 at first'were his suimadversions against
him� d-waiiing with � & kiDd: of malicibus H_..ed.le by a shorte t route.
. 11 I � .1 I I .. � .4
Itiye t an t a suriflower, as itcan. be:uood in
lar 6; in 14 asses, and it &100 has the aid"
W Cfi is a
jgtriiirit� in which it Wag said he 'pray4v,
gh . ,I
Driving At a, brisk trot ihrou t a
a HoZbro6k,who was�bot fit, to
ocoredt, much less exam"in a'ScAoo
:IefA6� ti�af Xj
plea;sure upon, t]. day a oearn, They would go to the village, Guy Baidi.
ings, 1, had - she -been permitted' 'to get a 40ping;that the doct6r,might be,peiidaded-
h -d vine, adaptino it touses,
of t a' waywai
an ssible
for- io riflowe'r is imPo
wh ht
eame6and,goesagi6 did 1,00a'years ago;
grounds, Sorrel, wAs soon out on a
highway -'and, with spirits exhilarated by.
7�a?=. But wben Maddy. grew -sick, as
a tifficu t, ".were to be appropriated, i8w r to accompany They iouria. the
. I I
a-'!-' enainel-an--til
Wa law -
thoughts 'of going home 'lie � kept the
not to know him or bis,; wife, he lad aside
h a I .1 -au
Audices an( , g�eatea-to�Gr�abdpa-
payll ig the debti,. --to-go-with-tIfem.
. mt ha Qo Ii
hiffi"e it. tXe preii. indeed, go impatic MO "tell-
1. . . I I .
er a
I v At :t a � latest , Nab ' for Beruring.
bonnet string a in Paris.
Wa -nierchantsi: �of-
ter -wheel. Tbs the
Mediterranean: Still
mastei saw tho � carriage fro 'in Aikenside
at a t at D r. Holbrdok be sent.for.
i6 e,Sg,reat . fevers", be,
on aid,, 11 and -is'.
vious day, When' he rode.'from' the.' red- ling forthe AisiL stroke of: the,
cottag6 g;te, he bated liftrisAf doublyilaw wiS to hdjAI'd,,jh6 d6jtb-bb"�d6emed so gure
new wb,�, 'of fva'ihing amaller mirrors'ls
Of The
occupy the streets," with the multitude' of.
theirwares." The bity'whi-eb! Mohammed
approaching,at a�, rapid rate� The Zriver IL
1?� Ill Saw1blin too � h� -,scorning oii gi a
00 On diltin! sick'. folks; I 78pose; so'.
bavd preferred
t Ong e� ould, some one
as be: -wout dashing down the road, deter. haf -a 'I" h"
dto'resiga his office of School inspect he'was �on, the, poin .a mo in Ing Is
mine or, I
'horseand off alone, when Guy
in a squarQrame gildeld ood. ,
glass, in ob ong placed- horizo tally,::alls
'a 'more' of,the
surveyed fr6m a n6i-hboring height, and
was draid toont6r,"11q,clau�4el. it�w*ag, given
half road',to i,mch As Sorrel and' the'
square-boxedwaggon," he lkept, steadily da",'
' 1
a se a oud � alve.been Called. � con fide"CO
young: doctor's skill won � the day., and
-that very day,' And he did. rove up Jessie.' It. fl il
a was ve� ' mi as.
Summoning aroun him 1hose who b d xishirer-4o, ko 6aale, arid, when
from'Davo 11
up only little than'balf
interio Iler, &dak With
to inan toiave'but one I and 'for"
'his part he *As resolved not tdl-� have I
liang 0,
while Grandpa arkham,' det6rmi
Speak to Guy,' reined his horse a, little:
grandpa conseutdd, and tirmer Green. was
seat for the physician ;' 6 whom�he Said
been most acti�e in electirig Iiim,-hb refused wb�eh'4� -la L�' ,
they ieachdd' A'hill I way
torofficiate Again, assbring:then that if Any 9topped
a beadLIg" Th6e resti Of, the
d Ujre�
space is: filled vth a1an "6" plush,bn
this worId,'."i8 L'to-da- What:,,J.uliau ..a
the, 'Ea's h
il" as it was,.in.t a
nesrer, raised his hand in taken that be
negro should S'bo' ' A� i a natural cons'
with;his usual bluntness -
''killed' alittle
between, they-� for a, to,# mom6ntB
morib'c6aididates came'lle should,eithor turn:. to re�t the tired horses�. eY
SUdd6blk, AS, th
Tbe.�itrglyfaghionlof doing up.tlie throat
IS jah, it
time4af a h a head of,
quelled the *haelsLof, th(S two vehicles
you nigh abodi
Maddy Vother day, When you refused the
them.from his door or gi ve1hem a, be rtifi-�, sat waiting, a sharp4. ringing sdu
date �oll O�
without asking a question. their ears, and grasping Guy's
as if it were said, with bandg of. jewels and
. by the I 1,;ineess 'of
1. I
became interlocked andiL as the- powerful.
greys were more than a m tob. for Sorrel,
stifftcut;� and'now-we wality'01l.tocure her
�` Tile doctor looked up in, surprise,.:�u
Put anybody you like iii'my place," 6 doctor gaid, I .'told you ga
Remington. Dbn't�
anybody but GUyr lydeJ' 'd ad
velvet, above," isL-Hot
Wales, whose ne-ekis Bwatilike..'
X�a%t to CanLadn.
re W
Hera'a our N York exchanges, with
the front wheel. .,of ark haul's
waggon 7as.wy puoheA off, and the old man
F,kmdr Green soon explained hi
IS Meanlng,L
Making Out a. most Aggravated case, and
" b - I, .. . IC
ta ts,
for tlaOiderls eake� take im. It was the Devonshire, be 1, an il
There Was no pr6babilitV 'of: this', as'.Gby, three, betokbnea that it tolled,for'
A fanciful gifb Conferred
ti ungA.merican prima'donna,Wle.-Va
he yo
full iepbrtB of'Ahe iDauguration -of Prof.`
Patton's chair a AlQMbs1da Of
precipitated to, which, fortu-
nately. for him, ipias in thai 06ility covered
repregelAiDg.Maddy'as wild with delirium.
lived in notbor town,, And Could not have s6mebody,ybuthful, somebody young, like
Zandt, by Baroness - 'Willy de RAhscbil&,
in acknowledgmei;t of �her beautiful
them 'flea the �Ier�ld. and, Rr , esi;ter, .'of
with Sand banks, 'go that he. was, only.
Keeps talkin' about the,'big b, k%
IC 'a he
Latin and"ibbe ebrand eve' to I
C is
offiCiated had he wished. But 66 doctor AlAddy -Jessie,wept silently, 'but
was foo,touCh excited to eason: cle�rlf th
of the baro'nags'-'song 11 Log&r6a.
1 �§ketchy letter .
Cincinnati, a sp cy,
frorn:6, New York cor-Jresp2dent, in hiCh:
stunned a inAaut,, And failed, t& hear
the insolent negro's remark:, Served you
'-f Su ll�lika our chools.
as. I C . Nas 'lowed in .8.
I'B,pose didn't, know :better,; butif
there lWe'rer nobe&r. in:11i6 eyesaf e, Y' 011119,
about anythirig,,,save Madeline dlYd'8'E;,:j3ion,;'as*ith'.begtingheaitBtliby�atliEiton-
Hirondelles"' WAS a h&lJ,aozeu.,diamond
Swallows intended to'be Worn as ornamenW
there is a , graphic des8riptiblx -r.
'of -,D
�Ormiston.ln hispaI�it;: �Ana "ie -al,
right, old cove ; might have turned out f6i
*a' �
you no
Oise few weeks,hig
;, and during the ing to the'sl6iwigoldibli sounde which came
other patientswaited mdny fillies - in. v n
a �� echoing the hill, -There- tvas' 4,pauso
for the boAi-56.
Says titer in the Art, -Amat�ur:.
pithy, pungent bitstom. bia,66imot. , Olt
heli'd'id h
,a gentlem6n;t' neit gee be% sud-
denflashing of Gii 'R t
Y,1. aming on's eye,!-ag,
leaping from his
re ckon.!,
The I doctor aid nOt'ir' xcuse himself,
y to a
11 tb6 s�' ' k" ' '- I
for his doijd ag, while. he sat. by, Maddy's' bxton'g tas. was near y aoile, and it
I y change,, *&thej'4f
side, watching ever or only',iemained for him to. � Strike the-
� I There' is no 'excuse for a * Oman no t
mmki6g a� picture'of he-reelf inour Artistic'
our�table lies'a circular letter About the
-ne journal of tb EnglisV. ptesbybariall
cariiage,Ale seizOd-4116,
Astonished , African `by the -.collar, and
but,hastily took down, the medicines 1el
thought he might need, And stoed th.em
the Wargo or better.' Agnes' R eming-' And tell how many years the departed
[he � cAri Th6:'effort,,
h Iti
Ch r 9 Big a Donald, Fraser, D.D
unto ibson, D.D. All of �which
11 What he'rdeant by go i -an
old, man so. shameful A� 'trick,, and then
carefully aw ay.
He'had:axijeoted to,,hear -from- that ex-
.,ton, was: totally neglected-,' ahil'sol d av, ad,bumbered:�
she Sent Guy to Devonshire 'to say that as One'-twc . 0, six, seven,
I, three, four, fiV
' , 'j
h6,y,,.,.,, ay� get bar into difft-
an Itids And herself On 'th" as� it did
reminds uW, that, the in of
"Canada 4g. lost-atleaat f6urib6n of mark;
hiBulting him TI:1.1-
All apology i'an.d the
but not in thiB'WayI'aiid rather
asie seemed n lIy d6licate; dight, biner, i 'to(' Aloud,
an ;, essle coui.
she '*filled the doctor to take Jib' under his
r while,:eery stiok� fell like a heavy, blow.
-Mrs. Langtry,
' . Titian -or a Veion�se gown is ot'
A only
of courge'God's work'eau go on,without
�kegret, � cringing
driver tried to Wake:some excuse, but Guy
nerVouBly,he mde some inquiri6s, as: to
how long she had Leon ili,and.a6 faith.
an - - �W,ho -
cbArg& and visit her At, feasf'once Week., upon the hes;vts of the. young in i A.
was not.at hola&,-but Tom'auid flaWm6eks ago did not., know - that Mada
expensive because of its lich, materials And-
the ucd6ssoried I of real laces , irid
them, but no
Ormiaton, '"Gibson and Frasbr�wobld add a'
Ael ing- him- to'Bee,how'
much'the wagon was damaged, w ild
A -he
Maddy's. case lost nothing by'MnGreen's
account, alid.by the, time the doctor's horse
he xpeciaA him every' moment: So, 7
6 Beat- 'Clyde had ever had existence, 1
ng himself in the arme&Ldr', Guy waited'
t f �fikqjewels,.bat because, , 00, 0 the roobi
for Aishings
0 of �Oar mims,-
goo d"deal t1o1he sum t tal
terial scholarship and pulpit Power, if- they
iall to t he who, had recovered
from the first 6ho6k,, and was- trying -to:
was.ready,a ad hwon his way to the cottAgo,
he had arrived at the condlu's'ou tb at'Of 411:
How.. long�it. sdomod.'before; andther
until he o�m ope�thoy
as6dke, andQuy wa oh
Well al '.' he began,jocoBbly, but' the
fur� lately � necessary
gbi'�� bl b A fir -the. pie uresque.
A e. , Ad gro,u,nd a
were ero.�Pre.qb,�iteriaa.
extricate, himself from the told" of the
camlet cloak. Nearby Was a bla6ksmidiIa
the villainous men outside, the Walla of the
hadheard-the last whei again . ilia Bound
joiig ord6 h'o Uld%have uttered next came -floatflig oil the ait, and Dr.* H61-
a me.
ab Uy
�op, and thither G ordered hisl,dri�er to
State's Prison,, be,was the most villain0s,
and�Guy Remington next.
died onhis,lips. as he noticed the , atrailge 3ked 'as he now counbed.
brook's ip quAvf
look of excitement, an anxiety on the
The re
The' Baptist paetors 'Of Qhi6ago halve,
take the broken-down waggdn With' a view
to gettingit repaired''
, What it cozy little chamber if:was,where,
doctor's fac6'.: " ',,What, is it?" he ask' aloua one, two, three, fi;,uri five.'?
ad. That was all'-'thia 'bell stopped,; , Arid
&-ceepting a's the oesthqtio�
, ,
d cl&r6d.-Ahemselives, .Against prof6ssi nal'
, revivalists of the; usual 'kind, arid far the
Tell him I wan b ' it 'do ne at on co", -he
MaIddy lay om as a, girl like,
he I r mig :lit be supp6sed.,topedupy, And the
11-Ate,allyoui'paiieiLtf3doad?"I catch
vain were lall their", ligteninga� t6
69 Guy," and t he doctor, "me closely to' "
a an in
severAl,&rsoini have writt
their favo I r that they will; Avoid the baggi
followiffig'ri;Asons - They caltivmte'A die..'
Baid aqthorw�tjvely,� ils if he kii hi
Ow 19
nabie, carried wgight with it; theri turning
6etor felt,- like treAd�tl
young d g upou'lor-
another : sound. Fifteen years only: had
him, �ihispering,tuskily, ,y.ou and I are m now forevei still'.
p%66ed over the f&
ness to which trousers, are subiecti, t -the
knee's from-, devotional''
tractedi one aid [ed'ieligious' They give
un us prorturience to noisy and public
to grandpa,lie Etskod:agaila, if he were, hurt.
No, vot, spe6iall�-j6lted my
bidd�n. ground' as he enteked-the room
Which �tola so plainly of girlish habits', fi Cal
u7r;lbrers in the'firft degree, i -And both.'
in mber -I' She Pay whispered, remom�
D 11 u rome
O' yo
degeryowto be -hung I bering distinctly to have heard that num.
the posture and
froin4be'llablit of sitting With one. leg rest-
to discourage this
efforts for saving 90 U14:, they, produce the
impression that religion is.laig6ly 9, matter
oldh Odom
Being. YOU are Very -,kind, sirl", ie&ndPW
the -falry.,alippors hung on.a'peg, to the
faboiful. little work"box made of cones and
ne-Clyde whom you insultedi Maddy boreal
9119 gic,!,and. the Catechism .. ; and bar, from
ll� �!a r �Tought
-ingon the other. Not -
movement, but -'to, prevent 4. s�appointment
of feeling. Theya.avoi too much of the bur-
plied, brusbiDg thL
re duA,from his pants,
loons, and 'than involuntarily
sco rns. Maddy was a�ipep And-, sitting
7i 1 they told me 14, courBe
L bill verb.?. 'She'd set her heart on that the doctor'rejoined., P6or child,
in a worthy�'effort, it §11ouldi be mentioned
lesque And of, buffoonery. 17116y lower the
*act whic
aignity bfthe,m6st solemn' sub.1 h,
Guy's arna for su� part, as his Weak kPlitenegs
down beside her the doctor asked, that -the
sb_*yvl which bad'been pinned before'tbe
She wanted the inoncy, but for W,;V7.�h have given - much-' have saved
new gowns'and foOleliles, mind; but Lo help
that this idea' the, a xemption of has 6.
breeches from being'kildea is &� radie'al,
can -engage' men's attention. They put a
Ugan to tremble frolu theeffects of excite.
ment-and fright.
window - to a welade'- the, light might be
h a His, b6n'
er' old" grandfather pay � his 'debt Jegsio did. not -6�peak but once, when glib
error, f6r that their hging fastened' just
premium upon ignorant and crude pres'en-
t&tI1Dnsdf:6os�el truth.' Tfiey,insult the
"That darky 'she, his job,, �Gay
removed, So that he could see hot, and;thus
jud,�o'' better of bar 'Condition, they took
'place is mortgAged. I don't understandit;'
but he �sked sorde old.hunk :to � lend him asked Gdy-91f it was very far to heaven,
had. got thete by
below tile hlaee,.and the tight689 bich
WAts this �96eatl 'allow no siack for
intellid6bed f ih6 age, - by, Making the
said, savagely,� as be gazed pityingly pdb�
the shaky old Croatia 6 beside him.
th.'shawl. away,. and',the sunlight 'di
the money, and the mis erly-rasral,. who-
h's t'm 0;?
the bending of the knee; thereforaWmId
'be --kneed
unlearned and t64 unwise rel igibida
discharge him to -m Orrow
streaming in; aisdiosing to the doctor"i view
the 'fade, never before -seen distinctly,'or,
ever he.was, refused. I wish I had W f'd::
Hush, Jessie; on't Ask such ques.
-give it to him �6ut andoat., -But there's
tion6,1'. Guy'said; -thenturning t 'hi Coal
knee -breeches ' � rbore',�. than
irousers. That shorter, form -of breeaes
N.6v young men. D�il,t be r: Hthought
n1aver dolt Again; anc
I sprigs like him think
much Abo'utj.' if seen. - It was
nothing to' do w.ith.the' girl�Uaddy, they', parilion,he.o6atinued: "We'lig juatthe
which do6a'not colne to tbs knee Would be�
J�ames W. Wallack -wore No. 7 sho as
No. 8, had'
they've a right to -make fun�of old,00dgerB
ghafitl y Palo now, save where the bob blood
seemed bur4ting'thr6u& the cheeks, while
callher. !TII6..disap�oinbment killed -her, S&RIO.' 4J6 what 1�danfcr tbeold
and dying -is, kaving crazytimmommimiand' dtovo
aVoidthis bagginess. Yet
reqillito "I unAbi1hose would bag. The
-tight. w-r-thes
Edwjri.�Foriest word and an
unfounded: fancy that big lefb,leg�was the
like rfte,II.wa3 graudpa�s meek eXp08fUIa;-
tbfj beaiat� as brushed back,
iful brown hair w
all a Ina-' maii and so -file carriage on, do' wn
t king of,thtit'cofifoutided xata' the hill, across its meadowlAnd' pasted' a
Are not fteefrontdifficult�,
8hoiter.'' "Booth wears No. -U,, McCul-.
"Do, pray, must 4
-Guy, how -long -a wait
from the brow where theveing W,6re swolle
and full.., Ths� . lipg abart,
Guy, I get terribly mixed, lo,W,r6ofed house, w as
I.t6 all awa a inclosed the
up mhn, I bes;r her talk, And bay heart,
fom oftheb6y�br,Whoin'the bell
but no one should' be discouraged.
Cause IS,w olrthy of A great effort, and 0 a
laugh, we�tg 0.
d Lydia -Tho' a 3J
wears -No. 9; An mp on
here ?" Agnes asked, iinp,Afiently,
Out of the find leaning
and the hot)3i6ath, &imq in r4aick, paLting
gas�sj While-,� Occasionally -a' -fai
stiff' ned
t U' p -s li 6. E� trip-harambr. That's the who had been the, patient of
had tolled, and
tie -f -to -L
eagQnAl avenotbeeft,up -Aikeiiiidp,
'great if-�: necessary, Lot every
Asp ri cost etid sa-vi93 IiArry -V.,'
Mar� rs a Noi 2 n
wea, a Ufre'
tiv wishes it was t, No, �1`6tti w
fluen ears
hot veil over hot face as s4e� glanced at
Markham, but A :10 ok from any
escaped hem, and once the doctor beard'�
or thouA be beard,'the Sound of hiwil6wri
w ouldn, leave Maddy,so long as 'there *ag'
hope ,b&tbere, is none now. I did ilot Maddy was not dead, but ibhe� parbxy . am
The Scotcht igbland cost�l me is absolate'l�
The, Duke of E clinbuigh has been enthu.
Bilenced E6w'...turning acail to 9
e. asked,. ' ' I" I.. - P .. Irandpa,�
One'littl ha la ji-flie bed.
'4d, but th 6 doctor did�-rfl touch it.
and fibe,
tell t Cal this. morning.� I I co4ldn't make
t h hey. Were tow i a a heavy sleep So na�rly resembling
exempt train b aggibg At the knees. It his
far surpassing
siastically 'receiv' ad during, his tour in
What did You say ? You� have be, )it to,
r lustily he 'would. 4avg grapped it .918
that poor couple feel worse an '
feeling; butWben I looked at, liar, tossing death that �those who watched byher
'Oscar., , ilde's black breeches, iblack
-$66tlatd.- The Assernbly. Roomi at Elgin
ere on' Wbdnesilayeeh cr6wadd by, the
Alikensid6 to. see mo?,,,
Yea, alid,.4 was sorry to. inisa you.' .j
'readily as ilf it iad bbefi a 'piece of marble,
of MAdy, * lying -so §iok,.
froni'siqe -bed- waited exp6etantly' to see the going�out of
side, .and picking At the her Never before -bad- a car.
-1 'it, ao6ii "6vdr ��that
stocking's And Stiff dress Coat, And are
ac§tfietic r�naisaallco 080
feadifig.re'sidents of I tbe diBtHdb,'. andb6
I -it makes me fool: awkward to, tpil
but I wauted'tb borr6w
-the'sigbt -there
ihe,fear that bb had helped to bring
clothes, Ittiew would be
riace"like that from Aikonsid6 '�ped at
wlhe� IsaW, liar Again-- r little arms sto
thal humble 'cottage', but the 'neighbors
'I .
'he sunflower and thal y;
etablbms are t
His' Royal Higbfiasd Wag -ptO�6ated with
the reedom of, the city. 'On Thursday
Same money,,10),
hd I
--didn't know nobody, as � likely t6140o' a
it a
y ou. That wornab 'up' to,
Wber6,01ie was; Awoke to, life: A curious
otato ofleallug.with reg�rdlo hot, making'
'Would be still onougll,� and[tbe bright, eyes
shat forever., ad herdie- the to bring the docii
Guy 1 couldn't S, ught it came �iherel
I I - they a
It� i 'stated byDr'. Billings (U. S; A
'- B
ivGd th
afternoon he race e'' froedbal Of
Inve, 11
� your "Hquge ai
a d
she kildwed you.,wobidn't �Ph III a 6-i
cause hadaltl, it
him Ai mostas nervous As the day, when
�Bhe Appeared bd�qre liim� as Can didatO
tor, whom welcomed with glad
I dn't- like to sw anybody die� btit'hef, t
gaddy, of all others-ana a 0 1 ca,me'a w6ya smile, maki�g way, -for him topass 0
that- 100,000 POOP16 die annually in the
ilited States :from ;proventablIe' diseases
, I I
Genevieve. Ward, 'the "actress, is said to. I I I., .
�be an accomplished pedestriab� -Even the
you to spiia. M I . 6
And grandpa Waited ibusl
"Feel liar dootot; it, is
if you sta� long' enough,,: you'll 'hear he Maddy's Guy preforred.waiting
W1 '.There is outside a atil Such time as Grandpa Mark-'
a a avoidable adaiden a.
� 11 t
most unfavorable weather does, not dis..
ay `,�! y, Ali d a i g u la m
r, in aen
unt," Grandma
most'thail�ou Can 00' ark.
wh spored
ham I and thtis entreated,, the
bell; I reckon, none�aj
Ilonadale Church; ham pould speak with him, but Jessie Went
-which ' 'they aW
, ith the doctor into -the, Sick room, Start.
They. are Episcopalians,. you see, And 8 w
The Empriass'of Austria haa,arrivad, at,
D6varIl AIM iFilf�r�aoed to Cheshire.
Courage her from tahing,&� conatitutiorial,of
three or fotir miles every morning.