HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-02-16, Page 1- BOOL STORE (RANSFORD'S" 01415 STAND) A' LARGE stocK.pF BOIES, STATKINERY, A1T r4sc7 ALWAYS ON HAND. 211d Reader, 20 Cents 3rd Reader, 30 Cents 4th Reader, 40 Cents 5th Reader, 50 Cents 5 Quires of Note paper ..„_.„. . for 2.5.•.oeilt*: BUY YOUR: At Dicks() AND SAVE MONEY Boxing Gloves, Cheap. Tobocco and Smoker': Coeds, but io town AND , ers Wtidow 131in Bibles from $12 down. Albums from $6 down. Go To DICKSON' Where you will get good value for your - money. THE RIGHT PLACE TO 'GET YOUR NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES ORDERS,,I1OFPTLY ATTENDED -TO. CRRIS. DICKSON, Ransford's old stand, (pro tem) CLINTON-. vOra. 17, NO. 7. ''TERMS • -----41.450 ,Per Amino m. ONT., THURSDAY, 16, 1882. I ' • . VilLENTINIrs, StriT TO ----- &11ebelmmoerernaetionriontgl iirtobsye et rtahino efisnitoovel 0, , c 1 Ma 'st thou but lived in famed Olympus' day, / Thy only form bath ev'ry grace combined, Thy earing courtly with exalted mind. Adonis ne er had borne the palm away, Then marvel not that my poor heart is toSs'd On waves of anguish, that my peace is lost. Poorand uninarneed, how ould I heme to win The love of one -who boast a of lordly kin? 'Yet why relinquish ev'ry hope of bliss? E'en kings have sehjedson Inambler maids e'er this. ---"r Wer'thke Achilles dipped in Styx.' darkswave, A vulnerable spot thou,atill•would'st haye, _ , s Though formed orcolded clay, thou yet may'st learn E. PIOLMES & SON The tortured love that meets with no return. Pin blitatern. When all this suff'ring }lath o'er slyttowed thee, With feelings softened, thou wil't pity me. When all this anguish shall have wrapped thee round, PROPERTIES FOR ,SALE. House for Sale. THA`'. house sitatate on James Street and at' present occupied by Mrs. Joseph Wheatley, sr.', containing' three rooms andkitchen attached:. Good well and pump: . One fifth of arocre.in garden, with•sometrees For further Piutieulars applyon the premises or to • ' A. H. MANNING.. . , , ETause., and Lotfor Sale ,tdE subscriber offers for sale the Dense and lot oc- cupied by himself on the corner of Ring and Fulton Streets, a short distance from the Presbyterian Church The house contains 6 rooms; the lot is about one third of an acre, and has hard and Wit water and stable thereon. Will be old cheap, as the proprietor is mos. ing to Manitoba. • 43 - • • JOHN-I3EESIX Y, Clinton._ Fariii for Sale. ,...1 , IIIE subscriber offers that conveniently situated I ' 1 I • ' .-........ . WY). AIN11\ G‘ KV rooms,. Plentyrof water. Rent farm for sale, consisting of the southerly part of Lot No.. 26, in the Maitland Concession, Goderich yAI1IS11,21.0UNTCASTLI, Spencer St. ToWnship, containing '40. acres, on which thore is al- C " lint, eb. l frafne barn and shed • land is allsleared but two acres; gov Aartrti$etrynt,. 1Vr/t. &MRS. ELACKSTON_E, teachers of Vocal and Inatrinnental music, Rattenbury Street, near Or - gin Factory. N. B—Siuging Class now forming. Violin Lessons given. Clinton Feb. 16 1882 Wanted. GOOD general servant and a nurse, who (AU sew. Apply atthis oftlee. Clinton, Feb. 14, 1882. Boy Wanted. 110R, a store, Apply to . Clinton! 10, 1882. • R. COATS & SON; . . Coats' Block. House to Let. s ssell watered; good bearing orchard. Terme easy.,- •ApPly W " . • • ELTZA REVEILLE. flolmesville, an. 12, 1882. • Farm .for " Sale.° OT number 8 in the 2nd con. of Hulled, the south _12:1 west quarter of Lot No. 10 in the 5th -con. A Hul- led, and the eaat-half of Lot No. 11 in the 5th con. of Mullett, containing 175 acres. Lot dumber 8 is con- veniently situated, with good _roads to Clinton and Seaforth. Good house and outbuilding.Will be eold cheap and on easy terms. - - A. H. MANNING, -Vendor's Solicitor. , 'Woollen Sawlills for Sale a to Root THE suliriber offers' thosaeligible premises known as Monteith's Mills, consisting of a Woollen andf Saw Mill, on a never -failing spring creek, on the 13tIr' con. of Hullett.logether with 27 acres of lad, for sale or 10 rent. Both in good working order; possession of the Saes Mill can be had on the lat Jan., 1882, and of the Woollen Mill on the 1st April 'following. Terms and other "partteidars made' knoWnt•on application to 1-50 • ' A. -MONTEITH, Kipper'. Choice Fartris for Sale. 11TUATED within 5 miles of Clinton, and both close togther, one of them of 175 acres, 140, cleared, frame house, barn, stable and sheds, large erchard„_32 acres fall wheat, 45 acres plowed. 'The' 'Other 06-80 acres 60 acres cleared, log house, „barn and stable; large orchard of zi choice variety of fruit. 15 acres' in fall wheat, 7 plowed and 30 seeded clown, all well wat- ered, cloJe to school and churches, and well situated in everrrespeet. Timber and lumber for a new barn 56 x 36, all ready. The soil of both farms is first-class wheatland. Sold together or separate. Terms liberal • .— Valuable 'Rotel -.Properly for sale -TRE eilbscriber offers for rale that valuable and well -situated 'Hotel property known as the Prince of Wales, in the rapidly -rising Town of,Clinton.-- Large stables in connection, capable of Wading' 80 horses. Bar fixtures, &c., will be sold en bloc. The hotel is now doing a very profitable busintias, and the only reason for selling is owing to failing health of the proprietor. None but men of. means need apply. Intending purchasers would do well to make ." GEORGE SWARTS Clinton. ButcherA liscinieisss,!tit, Residence qiilE undersigned .offers for sale his shop ,.ffxtures, „..waggons, carts; sleighs, slaughterbouse,tind every- thing that is necessary to carry on thesIlutchering bUsiness, all In "firat-class repair. , Also, a. span of Ponies and harness. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Posseasion given Aninediately, as the proprietor in- tends going to the north-west.' / • ' ALSO, that new•hrick House and Lot, on Rotten._ :bury Street, west of the Methodist Church. The Lot is one quarter of an acre, well stocked with Choice' fruit trees, and has splendid hart] and Soft:water thereon The houpe contains 11 rooms( elothes dents, Pantry,, cellar 43 x 17 with cement freer. Will be Sold on ren-• 'sonable terina. ' Applyfor artieularse. . • 4 • —.7r, R. 5ITZSIMO1STS, Cl nton • DISSOLUTION. . NOTICE is hereby jiiven that the partnership here- tofore 'existing between Itumusit. & 'LESLIE, of the Town of Clinton, as Carriage and Waggon makers, has been di solved by mutual consent. .All parties indebte8 to the firm must settle the same. by the lot of February, 1882, and those having claims against the firm will send them in tor scoletnent, a once. The subscribera Would take. this opportunity of re- turning thanks for the liberal patronage extended to them during their long terniof partnership, and hope the same may be eentinued to the 'Panther continning , . In &inflection vwith the above, the .,subscriber hopes to merit keentitthafine of patronage :by strict attentitin to .business, and . thing therein nothing but the best Of inaterial and 'worktnanship. All Wink being' performed . under his.osin supervision ; he Can gtiarantee eatisfac- Clinton, Jan. 4, 1882. ‘t1T13SCRIPI'ION formemberrt shio Fruit Growers Association riceived by the undersigned: A valu- able report to be deStributed to.:011 members. C. RIDOUT. NOTICE , IS ,he6eb3: given 4liat the undersigned will not be 1 responsible for any debts contracted in his name Without his•written authority. , • Clinton, Jan. 25, 1882, RICH. BEESLEY. - To Debtors. THE subscriber takes this. mode of notifj,ing those indebted to hiin that their ACCOUNTS MUST BE SETTLED FORTIIWITH,, and unless th,s. is done, they wil) he:placed in Court for collection. • , WILL1A.M LEE. Clinton, Jan. 26, 1882. 1 S-;]..-'IE(00 1N- 5 Ainerican Cross Cut Platform Scales - M RACEYIS, IRON AND HARDWARE MERCHANT, CLINTON-, DWELLING AND BAKERY FOR SALE. THEconveniently situated dwelling and bakery, in which a good business has been done, on Victoria street, is offered for sale, on easy terms. The dwelling is 1ot0reys high, containing 7 rooms. The shop is of' the same height, with conveniences for doing a;hrrite business. The lotha.s 60 feet'front. Stable in the rear facing on a street. Apply to 11: Male, Clintorior to • It. MCLENN-AN, Seaforth. Clinton, •Fab. 14 1881. ' • Farm for Sale. ramio subscrilser, Offers for sale that well -situated 1- farm, consisting • of the south half of Lot No. 10, Huron, Road, about 1} miles west of Clinton, on which there is a good frame"house, with stone cellar, hard and soft water, frame barn, and other outbuildings. The farm contains 70 acreS, 60 acres under eultiVation, 10 acres of good fall wheat seeded down with timothy, 15 acres for meadow, 20 acres of fall plowing, and good bearing orchard. For Particulars apply to, ' SAMUEL T. 11'01,11E5. Clinton, Feb. Ka882. ' It Will pay purchasers'OrSeed6 to get MY Swum - :SEVENTH ANNUAL PUBLICATION of the Cultivator's .Guide or Catalogue of Seeds, now ready to be AM" gratis to applicants. J. A.'SIMMERS' Seedsznan. 4 147 King St. East,' TORONTO.• , . Boy- Wanted. A GOOD, strong, steady boy feta or 10months, able ' Xi to attend horses. I deaPin all kinds of tin and japan ware, spoons and cutlery, and fake the following in trade fOr the same :-- Catton and woollen rags, Ad carpets; rubber shoes, paper, copper, brass, lead, and all aorta of iron. Being now alone in the business I have a good strong horse for sale. Any parties having business with_me at home, will find me there every Monday. All parties due theestatelong,smust settle at once to save costs, ae I am determined to. be put Off , ' W. MARTEN,, Pecller. Clinton, Feb. 14, 1882. Viitof the Prophil Jeremiah to old Ireland, Friday evening, March 3r -c7. V DR WILD oa` tozzosartr ill d,eliver a lecture on the above subject, nuder the ausipieda, "of the Literary and Scientific Society. ADMISSION, 25 CI'S., 'RESERVED -SEATS 35 CTS. IT PROPERTIES FOR -SALE. SUBSCRIBER offers' the following properties 1 for sale:7 .. • • Lots 4;5' 6, 7 in Block D. 5 in'Illciek Ei 5 and 7 in' Block K. 9 and 1„/ .a arid 4 in Block M. 1310 Biock 0. Crystal City fs one Of the best locations in Manitoba; the county seat of the Rock Lake Section, surrounded by at excellent firming country, all token up. Pre - party in this section has rapidly risen in valuesand itt- vostmento made recently have turned out very Profit- ' NELSONVILLE In Nelson Siirvey—Lots 1 and 14, Block 21, 10, 11,, 12, Block 17. 5, Bleak 5. 8, Block -19i. • • Property. in .NeiSonviiie has receritly'telten a wonder, ful "boom" upwards, owing to the location of a branch of the Canada Pacific Railwayto the town,•and also to the intention of the Southwestren Railway to con- struct their lino to this place. ' Also 240 acres of splendid land in section 16, town. shit) ad, range 3," west, , Maps of" the above places, with adeseriPtions of the lots, etc„ can be seen at Mr. A. II.. Manning's office, - who will give allinformation in reference thereto. • 101Any or :111 of theabove properties will be sold on reasonable tei me. • •• '. • ' • R. HOLMES. Clinton Ontario. Honse to Rent, t SiiikLL house, on JOepli street, to • inn 6, apply to ' • „ • •• .1. MORSE.- Clinton:Feb..9, 5832. • • . Freight fOr APARTY going to Manitilia/taO roOM lrs 9-5511 or two of horses or ()tiler freight. Apply to CIIAS: .411.7.4DE1100C15., 1,ontleshoro Feb. 5, 1882. For Sale. • N. yEltYlight, hut 'Strongly , bath BUOCZY, and: a .13.- good .eutter ; alSo 0 good saddle, has". been ' used bfy little". Will be sold .011 reasonable te.ims for enth or 'negotiable note., 611161 'at this office: , StOre to let in Town Hall Tstore nowanzetipied by Sressrs. Taylor & Son, 1111 :Ls a shoe shop, io'odered to rent: Applications can be Made to Chairman of Property Committee: , • Clinton, 1re6. 7; 1882. WO. SEAltLE, Ho ! for the -West, DARIUS going to Manitoba or Dakota, would do to correapond with T. AL Elliott, Of Gioderich, as he intends leaving Clinton for the Northwest,with several car loadof horns, 011 P65, 28th, and expects to arrange with. the Rahroads", so as to have 8 spcelid train run through, by means of which passengers and their stock and their luggage will go through in about three to four claYs.,,s." • T. M. ELLIOTT, Goderieh. Goderielz, Febrdary 9, 1882. FREIGrIIT FOR MANITOBA' - TIIIMARTIDS having quantitiea 66 freight horses or eat- tle, for the north west, for shipment about the Iddla of March would do well to see the undersigned before noshing arrangereen , A. eALLAND.KR. _1 Old Bending Factory, Victoria st. Clinton, Jan. 12, 188/. &nun Zoviro. M. C. CAMERON, M. P., clears the snug sum of $60,0,09 on a recent transaction in Manitoba lands. The property was 14,090 acres in extent, bought under the. old re- gulations at $1.25. an acte, by some other party; and then purchased by .Mr. Come- , 'VETERINARY" SURGEON. -- We learn, that Mr. H. C: Doan, Veterinary Surgeon, who recently removed to Blyth, has de- cided to take up his permanent residence in Clinton, owing to ,the removal of Dr. ITpshall to Kinburn. Mr. Dome's pflice Hill beat the 'old place, to/the rear of the Rattenbury House, whsre parties requir- ing his services will always find him. „ . WEIGH SCALES.—The lease of the town weigh *scales for /the current year, were sold by auction on Diesday, to Mr. Stan - bury, at $125; being somewhat lower than last year. The proposed Act of the Local Legislature, fixing the fees for weighing at a lower ratethan before, doubtless had something to do with the reduced price, Although it was stated that if the Act went, into force, the lessee could -throw Up the scales. - DEATH.—Elsewhere will -be found no- tice of the death of Mrs. Mary' Cottle, mother of Mr. Geo. Cottle, of this place, which occurred at the residence of her son Thomas, at Londesboro, on, Saturday last. Deceased has.been ailingfor some time, and her death was not altogether unexpected. She, with her husband whia died about 11 years, ago, resided in this place for a number . of years,- being well and favorably known: • ' • ' BROOD MARES, ETC.—Last week Mr. Frank Thompson, of Mansfield, Ohio, se- cured the following first-class horses ih this neighborhood, bought for him bY Mr. Thos. Tipling, who is becoming a -noted buyers-of-stock-orthis ki. Th mares bought are among the best to be had in this county, 'beiog of excellent' pedigree and most of them priZetakersa— .A. McGuire, Goderich t'p, four-year old marc,.. ,$190. W. Moffatt, Stanley, grey filly, two-year old,..... 200. Jatnes Reid, Mullett, five-year old mare,.......,. 200: John Reid, Stanley, two-year old200: John Mooney, Clinton, three-year old mare, ... , 200. John Grey, Stanley, three-year-old gelding, 185. A. 56. Polly, Goderich, pair three-year olds 400. John McMillan, Hulled, pair two-year olds,400., Jas. Caldwell, Hulled, three-year old, . . 150: FOR MANITOBA.= -011 Monday, Mr. R. Fox, of this place, Sharp•and "McVety, of Goderich township; and Barber, of Tucks ersicaith,deft by G. T; R.; for, W•innipeg. Capt. Shepp_ard'and son left by G. W. R, on the same 'afternoon for Portage 'lin a large number gathering to see, them off, there also left by the same train, Mr. Seeger, of Goderich, and Messrs. John Swartz W. JOslin and /dias Houl- den, of this place.. On Tuesday ,Messrs. H. and A. Frazer,-91,StooSey,sandaqa Mc- Leod, of Clinton; left* by thi3ime lineS taking With them a car of stock, eutters,• buggies, etc., with whicl they intend to; start a livery stable. Yesterdity Messrs.• T. Jackson, of Clinton, and R. Jackson, of Hulett, left' on a proapecting tour. Messrs. T. C. Doherty and,Thos. Gibbings' also went yesterday, to look, after the in- terests of the Doherty Organ Co., and also, with a view to investments in real estate. SuoorsTroars.—The Council should de- vise some more permanent meths/fiord_ fixing drams t oh",•r-alv gir—othern Out; therefore drains that are dug out nearly every year, while it would be more ser- viceable to board them up with plank, and thus make a job that would last longer than one year. There are it few places in town where a short piece of sidewalk or a crossing wpuldhe..of much service and a ' great convenienbe. As spring opens up, the Health Inspector should make his] rounds and,see that heaps of refuse that have accumulated through the winter, ate removed; precautions as to health cannot be too rigidly enforced. . Mary Street should be thoroughly Macadamized or gra„velled, in order; that, it be used al- most exclusively in going to and from the Western station. Something in reference to Street LoinPs should be done .without further delay ; they are very much needed, particularly in the ,spring.and fall. TOWN CHURCH CHIMES. ! [We shall be pleased to receive items of public in- terest, announcements, &e., to go under ttlia head, at anytime,from the ministers of the respective churchesj . • AT THE regular quarterly business meeting of the officials of the Methodist Church, held on Priday evening' last,' it was unanimously resolved to request the, Stationing Committee to re -appoint Rev.' W. McDonagh to airs pla.ee for the ensu- ing year. It was . also decided to potir- mence a series of special services seine - time during the presentmonth. LECTUEL.—On Friday evening la.st the ROY. ,Pr. Davidson, of Tii:erton, delivered in the Baptist church, here one of the mopractical and instrueave lectures 'that has been given in this to.w:n for many a long' day, thesubject being, "Paddle your own caOoc," or,rifi other vi-ordS self reliance. -There is no necessity for 'as to give an outline of the address, as it was so thoroughly an endorsationof the views continually -met forth in these .colunnis, aaicl is well`known, the sum and substance of which is "don't wait fpr sornething to 'turn up," but make a pualt .•and turn np s-ennething for yourself. By the rapt 'at- tention of the audieuce, and the hearty vote of thanks .itt itaclose, was.ffilly shown how highly it was apPre,ciated a The chair 'was occupied by Rev. Mr. Gra-Y, and the choir, led by Mrs. Newton, at the .organ,, gave Some excellent ' pieees of musac:a Jiftei the lecture, Mrs. J. Reeve,- enter- , taineal the choir, ministers, and a mimber of ficrieanpd:r,eactiaatnedbyster supper, whiCh:Was f • CoisonocoaTioNan‘MEETING.—A large- ly attended meeting of the members' of the Presbyterian Church, Was held On Tuesday evening, to finally decide on •a site wheron to erect a new,Olaureh. Mr. JEUI. Turnbull was appointed chairman and MiaMallocla, as secreta.ry, read „a re- port. of the last meeting, after which it • waa decided to pass over the lots previ- ously chosen, and make a fresh choice. Mr. J. Chidley offered a third of an acre, on the corner of Mary and Isaac Streets, free. A: motion was introduced to buy the lot immediately east of the present site, at $750, owned by Mr. Jas. Young; as it was stated that the lot on which' the church now stands carinot be used for any other than church purposes, ond the ad- joining lot would then give them half an acre of land. Considerable discussion followed, -and several motions were in- troduced and withdrawn, after which a vote was taken, 39 voting for Mr. Chid- ley's lot, and 06 for Mr. Youpg's. CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION,' SO TII ' RIDING HURON. , The adjourned meeting -of , the above named convention, met in .the toWn hall, 'here; on Thursday last, for the purpose of deciding upon candidates.ifor the Domin- ion. and Local Legislatures. Several nominations were made but the eventual and unaniraous choice, fell upon Arr. R. Porter fpr the Dominion and Mr. G. E. Jackson Sor-tho Local: . In the after,noom an open Meeting was held for the purpose of giving the candidates an opportunity of addressing the public., At the close' of the meeting cheers were given for the Queen, candidates, &c. isUillinERHILL AND iicassurran DELEGATES.- —Messrs. R. Miller, C. Lovett and T. and E. McIlyeen of the L. 0. L. here, attended the meeting of the Orangemen at Exeter, last week. • Per:sorrels—Ma Josiah McIlveen, son of the late Thomas MeIlyeen, who coolcl not be found at the time of his father's death, has re- turned, orireceipt of a telegram which was over two weeks in reaching hint, and which was sent him immediately on receiving it letter from him. He is 'ticking none the vii).trie for: - _his year"e-sejourn.-----11asintendr-gorneto ear Prairie Province in a short time. • Parties are numerous. "Tipping thelight are called "hoistelideowpnroam,,,inoer,shinnt1feature.digs. Sueh There are rumors of -a -wedding in our midst. Alas Yes of course there's a lass In it. GODERICH TOWNSBIP., Ssovrees.—SpeCial serviees'are being. held in the Methodist church, on the Maitland Concession. The Porter's Hill Debating Club is to, dis- cussaon Wednesday, Which, war. or intempe- rance. causes moist misery to the human. race. ORGAN PQRCBASE1.3i.,-"The congregation of the Methodist Church at Wilkinson's Corner, have bought an organ, and hold a tea meeting to -night to raise funds to pay for it. REcovEsnro.—The friends of Mr.W. Elliott, r • fermerly of the Sth con., but now Of,Aberdeen, Dakota, will be pleased to hear that he has recovered from a reoent severe illness. • RErtutts•En.---,-Mr. John Oaks, (son of Mr.11. Oaks, Of the Maitland Concession) has return- ed from Dakota, having rented his claim there. Mr. W. Tiblautf a von is 'also back itorrtoyhm,e rhsManitoba, e. isnonot so whilemteh he in tl hink o ve' with ta fine ° OS elzl9.11n119- REtUrNED.---Mr. Thos. Elliott; (son ot Widow Elliott, eatha 7th cons) returned last week from Quincy, Dakota, whet° he has been resitling He bought there 420 acres of land at $6 an acre and last year gathered 2,600 .bushels oT wheat_frorm_400-acres.--,He '*efl pleased with the west that he says "yeti could not induce. him to come back here to -.„..:Mrajolin Torrance of Kansas, who former- ly Bred in this township, Ss on a visit to his brother, Mr. James Torrance. He carries three scars on him which he received in the late American war, and his .account of the hardshipaind sufferings he and his comrades suffered in Southern prisons, and while march- ing through the South•fighting and foraging, is listened to with great interest. He says he has neither used liqUor or tobacco for tire last fourteen yearss-till met in Goderioh by his brothers ' LIEU CEFIELD., CHEESE MEETING. --A meeting • of tne pa- trons of the Britcefield cheese -factory was held in Tirrner'if Hill en Satneday, Feb.,. H.' The transactions of the last.season were read, considered highly satisfactory land On motion adopted. , The creamery .business was, dis- cussed for some time, but no actiorc was taken thereon. They await further information on the subject. For 1882 the' cheese business is to be carried on as last year. • Mr. Hugh McCartney, maker; salesman and treasurer. ,Conamittee Messrs. W. Sinclair, • J. Higgins and Geo, Walker. Auditer,..-Mr. Goo, Baird, jr., Brneefield. , , -• ACEIDENT.—While Mr. David- Callender, of Stanley, was cutting straw et Mr. Livings stone's of•Tuckersmith, he put his hand too close to the knife and hadrth_e points of the - first andnecond fingers of the left hand, cut off, thus disabling him for some time, • WROXETER FALSE PraeoNess.—Last Friday evening before Mears. Gibson, Miller, Gamma, and Irwin, Justices of the Peace, T. R. Whelan, foundryrnan, of this place, was commited for trial for obtaining money. under false pre. tonceS, from one Nichol, of Mount Forest. Bail was accepted, himself in $609 arid Otwo sureties 111 00 each. , GOD/M.10 11 Courir Sartwos.--Chabeer:y at Coderich, before the Hon, Mr. Justice Ferguson, on the 17th of 'March. Assizes, before the Hon. Mr Justice Barton on the 24th of April. STILL Tear G'o.--AMessys. Miller & Mc0 Quairie_have this week shipped the balance of their planing Mill machieery to Brandon, Man. TheY will folloW the latter part of the Sogoot Eitrivisnrrukz..—.The amount asked - from the, team last year was $5:0;)0, being $600 less' than the Veaa previous. The.B5ard eiceeded its estimates by $181.74. This was owing to unforseen expenditure on repairs to abuildings. The total amount' ?pent the last year was $5,309.77. . Prom the Hob. There is perhaps no tonic otrered to the peo- ple that possesaes aaroneh real iutrinsic value as the sop Bitters. .1aist at this year, whenthe stemseh needs an appetizer, or the blood needs Purifying, the cheapest and beet remedy is Hop Bitters, An eanoo.of prevention .is worth a pound e sure; don't twait-nntil you are -pros,' trated by a disease that may take wealth' for you to reeetrep in.-43orlton ollOb• . • ct And peace ot inind on never more he found. Then learn that cold indiff'rence to restrain, indly think on those who love in vain. • inton, Feb. S.4th, 1882. .10011I/NION pAJELLAIVIENT NOTES. Mr. Wallace intends introducing his National Currency. resolution `-aTgaiu this se.ssion. P in irfeaetpsiitdsi r,fo r13 ict1n1 cl a rely..againstbeithen nigptepc Deceased pour s e The first volume of the eensus is id thje printer's .hands, ard will be distributed .in a few days': • Mr. Trow will inquire whether,it is the intention of the Goverment te, abolish newspaper postage. _ A_ petition was presented from the Corn Exchange Association of Montreal; on Monday, praying' for the nernoval of the thities on wheat and corr -- It -has been decided by the Liberals -be - hold a series of 'political meetinas consti - tuencies near.the Capital during "'the session, which will prove convenient to the leaders and edifying to the constituents. • Agnostics seem to be plentiful in the county of Elgin: Four petitions, with181 signatures, praying f r a claange itt the law as regOrds evidence tinder oath, were - presented on Monday. Mr. M. C. Cameron has asked per copies of corsesPenderiee'; etc., in reference to the. Streams and River'S" Bill, and also for pe- titions, etc., in reference to the W.innipe and Southeastern Railway_ Charter=bot disallowed by the government. The imPiession--continues to gain ground -that there will be a general election be- fore another seSSiOn. Largsae quantities of, , circulars to the elect and documents of a coropaigu 1itture nature being frank- ed through -the -post-office to all parts of th.e_Dothini ern In the cOurseorithe 'debates:motile, A &ass__ dress in the Senate, Hon. Mr. Alexander, while defending the existence of the second chamber, held that the Senate should not be a partisan body; members of that body Should not be chairmen of partisan banquets; should display greater activity; should not permit any Govern- ment to treat' them asthey. had been :treated last ,seskion, and should be given the opportunity of Showing their utility and 'giving the country the benefit . of them judgmentand experience. Sena- tor Alexander's complaint that th,e pro- ceedings of the Senate are not given suffi- cient publicity is easily explained by the fact that people.takelittlesinterest in their proceedings; and they takeolitt e inter st intheproceedinke partly because of the reasonerstiggested by Senator Alexander. Mr: Davidson, .of Seaforth, has leased Mayor Carne3r's Hotel at Emerson, Manitoba, and -the contraet-for furnishintrit has been let at $11,000. ' An effort is being made, in Algoma to in. 14T-r. J. D. Edgar, of Toronto, to enter the Iists against Mr. Dawson at the next - election. This 'Would result in a Dawson The Monetary; Times has no patience with the speculation in Manitoba paper cities, and it warns ite readers against waiting their . money. Speculation in town lots will -never break upi the prairie, The point in tits:obi, . lowing-para.graplisisraTrill taken:: "It ia not to the interest of any rising tewU in Manitobis. that the prices for lots now wanted for actual use Should go up to abnormal figures. These , high prices mean high rents, heavy taxes in , the future and ahigh cost of ; things: • which -make Much against tbe progress. of ' any Place, new or old. If a rival to,;one thus nudulyoverweighted were to start 'en a rational basis, the disadvantage Of abhormal prices- smirk' then be seen felt." , Mr. Robinson, theMaster Of the Previneial Grange; in a recent address poitted Out that the prices :farmers reeeived are regnlated by the foreign demand; consequently .what- ever wohave to sell the pried is set by otheres". The only way in which the Government_ ean affect the farmer's prices, is by rendering transportation as cheap as possible, but in this regard the Dominion policy,is to prevent competition and make transportation a mono- poly.Mr. Robinsoo's address alsoscontains these ooteworthy senterices : Ouraftitests are Vanishing, our soils are deteriorating, and our taxesincreasing." "An exacting tribute now is paid to those who neither toil not spin." The Fisher, Minn., Bulletin, says of a •former citizen' of Brussels:--" We regret to have to record another death from fever. Athol Stewart, to whom we refer, was • born at Brussels, Huron County, Ont., 22 ,years ago. Be came west lost April, and, . has been in ,this locality ever since. ' His employer, Mr., Welch, Speaks Of .hirn in the highest' terrne, and his fellow towns- men feel they 'have lost in •hirna friend. 7 - The ' deceased has a brother in Grand" , • Fork, who has been' unremitting in his devotion. Another: brother came from. Minneapolis to assist im 'nursing, him. The deceased'a mother resides near.; Brus- sels, Ont. We extend to the relatives and mourners our sincerest sympathy." ' , . 'CORRE SPUNDENOE. , • sorajas,a.C. TAT,. CLERKS.To the •Editor of the Clinton New Era. ' DEAR see your .staternent that it is .i.11egal for ,r.t• Person to tender for municipal -Office is doubted by som6 and to show such , 'that you are right,. I 'quotefrom. the Munici- pal Matmal, page,204, which' 4ays • NtiMunicipal couocil shall assume th make . any appointment to office., or any, arrangement sow theaueenaree of.the dutsee thereof. Dy..ten,. der 0r1 to applicants at the lowest remuneration, 96 y 0. 48, P... 219. , • Mr. Harrison's note on this point is as fel- , lows, and should be conclusive :— Tlib lowest tendet, is not always. the most' satisfactory. for. toceptande; and so 'much Jia thls been found the ease in the managementrai.f"..- munidipal affairs', tbat' the Legislature has been compelled to interfere, and inakethe declara- tion that ",No Muntoip1 Conneil shall aetiame tomake any appointment to the (Aloe, or any • arrangement for the 'discharge of the duties .thereof, by tender," &o,. Poorpis', poor service, • Is generally the rule. Good . servants are de, ,serving of goad -pay; and good pay to good ser- vant.. will, in the long run, be.found .be true awlicutY. Yam*: aza.".:.' , A , RATEPAYER.