HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-02-09, Page 10:fr CLINTON NEW ERA • THURSDAY, FEB, 9, 1882. PARYIES GING WEST ,s'$oux it. REEF THEMSELVES INFORMED BY SDR - SCRIBING FOR THE NEW'ERA BEFORE THEY GO. IT WILL BESENT TO ANY ROST OFFICE, FREE OF POSTAGE, FOR $$1.50 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE, SEND IN THE NAMES. • THE iVEiGH SCALES for the current'year, will be let by 'auction, at the town hall, on the 14th inst., at'1-p. m. Mx. ISxi TAYL oii, of W. Taylor '& __-..Soar, is spending a week or two in Toronto on business in connections with their •• - 'establishment here. z • A.-coMPL a TARP supper will)i giv- - en to Capt. W. Sheppard, prioreto hisre- Imoval to'M`anitoba, at Kennedy's Hotel, •" • -this (Thursday) evening."‘i„, A C©NSERvATIv-obnvention, to decide on the selection- of- i' candidate for- the ,,South Riding; will be held in: the town hall; here, this'lhursday, _ ?ilYi HALBERT BEErruB, formerly nt.Car-; ..gill, on the. W. G. & B. R. R. has,been app pointed, successor to Mr. Jos. Irwin; elate • assistant at the G. W. R. station, Clinton. IN BtlSIIvEss.—Capt.;Sheppard has tem- porarily. returned ; from 'the northwest, where he has leased a hotel at Portage 1a Prairie, He hasalso bought -Mr. W.. Rances-billiard tables. , Houses.--llessrs. I. Rattenburyand J Mooney., who are buying 'horses for the• northwest, have fittecl up the ole, drill hed wherein to stable them -until -they require. to ship them. ON TugsnAY . two boys named Mason and Coulson were .up' before the mayor; charged•with,breaking windows in a house belonging to Mr. J. Gibbings. '• They were ordered to pay the costs and amount ° of. damage done. _ -L. • • • A,soUTlirItic gra;ti:lmtly_er_ia the conn=: -A cAltload . of aneat was shipped frgm; ere by G;. W. R., on Tuesday, for Mani --I toba, It was teamed from Goderich here,;' PnEsEri,TAIONT.--OnFriday evening lash' the friends .of Mr. Jos. Rowell. gave him an! oyster supper and` a gold watch ' chain,' accompanied by an address, as a toren of their esteem towards him, prior to hili leaving;ler . California, for the benefit oil his health. PARTIES having freight for Manitoba, should consult our advertising .columns,' as riotice is there "given of parties going; who -will have room to spare. • Mr. T. M. Elliott is also desirous of forming a party, so as to procure a special train- and make use-of.the advanta es thereof. I MAsoNIC.-We understand that! the; Royal Arch rChapter A. F. &A. DI.,•-vhiel�; has heretofdre had its headquarter,s:at Sea,' forth, will be transferred to Clinton, and hold,"its first meeting on the third of March, being a week before the next re-! ' gular meeting of .the ,Clinton Lodge No.. 84, A. F.,& A. M. ' MArIN,3 MONEY Last . summer, -among' other lots- purchased, Mrs 1). R. Menzies :bought one in Winnipeg for $425; on Saturday last he received a telegram offeringhim $1,500 for the same, which he refused. About a month since Capt W;:,. and J. Shcppard•boughtsome land in the -neighborhood of Winnipeg and resold the same the other day'for $1,000 of al. ad,Ya,n Ce. TIrE 11IQDEIrN Arii1,rs,=Ata tea Meet ing in this county: a few evenings since, one of the speakers, a reverend gentleman' referred., to Clinton as. "the modern Athens," because' it was the.seat=of learn- ing, and had till the requisites, in' a Modal- rate ode;rate way, to entitle it to he^so styled., Tho honor .the .town has therefof,e attained is a distingtl shed one, 'and doubtless alt will, unite in 'maintaining it. r ty'admifted last -Week: that Clinton Buyers did give Tour cents a bushel more -than he could, and a deal er- in an adjacent town. acknowledged to a farmer " that Clinton was the best market in the county."_' DEATH.—Last week Miss 111;, Roach; for- merly of Stanley, but lately teaching school in .'Detroit, . died there of heart disease. She was' a sister of Mrs. R. Big gard,.of Clinton. Her remains were in- terred in the Wingbam celnetery on Sun- day. Mx p. B. I ENNEDY has added a splen-\ did . coyered cab - to his livery, making three vehicles of this sort he now\pos- sesses. ` It was purchased in London, -and - will likely be:run m connection with the railway trains—after awhile.:" Jo" and " Geo." will -lrave to "-hump around" lively then. . WE have -received a !copy of ;the Bran don Sun, published by Will J. White, late of Exeter. In typographical':appearance , it is excellent, while it has a good adver- tising patronage and is well filled with revs. A::good-paper-is-lust-what-aeople in a new district want, and "they 'should extend a liberal .patronage to the Sun.;: ONE DAY last week the youngest son of Mr. E;; Holmes, aged four years, tumbled into a sleigh, to have a ride, unknown to the driver? :and; was carried out beyond the brickyard before his presence was known. As-he-w.,s,nat_dreas-ed for a ride, he suffer- ed from cold considerably,; and --F/Zr: 7as Reynolds kindly brought him back to • town: PI RrONAL S.—Mr. Thos. Boles, G. T. R. agent at Ridgeway, is visiting his brother here. Mrs. J."Macwliirter and sister havo. returned -to town. Messrs."W.Rance, 'W.. and J. Sha -v, left by. G-. W. R.,' on Mon- day, for Winnipeg. Mr. John Cuning= !fame is laid up with an attack of measles. ' Mr: W. H.: Hine has also been laid up for several days CHrcxrr PL.txcvo—On Friday last, BoneyCampbell, of this place, went to Stratford and played six games of check- ers with Mr. Jas. Wiley, better known: as. " the Herd Laddie," champion player of Anlerida. - Out of the six; Boney lost'five and made one'sdraw. Wiley spoke very highly of his 'playiirg,', When it is stated,. that -out of .400 games' Wiley played in Detroit, he only lost four, it will be seen that Boney had pretty good 'confidence to tackle hint: GETTING Ur. -The Yuma (Arizona)li'ree Press thus refers to a gentleman --+ellknown in this town:—"Train.-master Mr. ;Geo. E ailton and his,wifetarrived here last week. We;have not met Mr. Railton, but upon his arrival he immediately entered, his new field of duty. 5'Ve .can onlylhope thtrt: he will be Yrs `efficient and popular:as his pre- decessor, Mr. Curnins..: We;a e glad to welcome to our 'social and business circle 31Ir. Railton and his'fainily." -- Sanious DnTs'fNc -We desire to 'call the attention ofthe Chief of Police to the' :fact that a by-law' of ,the town prohibits fast driving' through the -streets, and tli,i4- I- said 'by law should be as strictly enforced, on-Sritday as lie en-fprces it--an_y-- other. day in the 'weel. Whenever there is sleighing on Sunday,. Albert and Miron Streets' are: ',Wined into. race, tracks, by some'of these Who'drive out, and as. pe- destrians have _Often to take' the 'road, they tlo - so- at considerable risk. • Last Sunday .a cutter was 'driven down, Albert ',Street at a two' forty gait, and a number iofladies'oi the'street experienced con- siderable difficulty in getting . out of the way; aiid the; driver did not even pull tip .when he met or passed others. We hope it will ,not 'be necessary to refer to this• matter again, CNT.tttiO ' DIn7,crrosr .--W e h the re- ceived Messrs. J: Lovell &' Son, of Montreal, Calif of the Ontario Dir•eciory for 1582 It :seems to be, very 'complete and iellahlwy and will be•of Hauch benefit. to business men and otliershaling corres- iondence in other-. parts of the• -Pro 'ince. to its reference to Clinton, it "says: -`This place has grown rapidly within the last icw years, and still continues to increase. Large quantities of grain and•all kinds of country produce arc brought to this mar- ket. The traffic receipts at Clinton station arc s: ad to be uiore:tthaii half those of 'the, .14 stations from Brantford' to Buffalo. Clinton has ninny largo nulls and factories, x lta ",vnrnerin Iraiiclsoine-�. and --well fillet!;.stores, 1.h.is fast beoomira r a great, . £� bnsineas centre;''', r lYz ILS, T �o`f the Seafortli Sun, got the :Comity printing,, and has the sympathy o't _the.•NEw EEA nian, who'knows -ghat fir•: "fat take" it is.—Stai•. [Yes he has " out sympathy" and will most certainly find "there's nae money'"in it. But; what about the God.erich,:firm..Whose tender was ei eu less than on rs. So fhr-as!: the NEW EIiA is concerned, it has put iu ,'its last tender for• the county prrnting_till better tires come. Na ofiiee can IVOVITFOV:llotliT ing long, and pay its expenses, and: soon er •than come to grit -f; We will quit it.'-' We riay,lust as well keeP oiirstock as to. throw itaao" County Printing" and any office that does the work at present figures looswes y monney. : BitIEFS.— Notwithstanding the poor sleighing, .business,-was.good in town last week; there. being a tremendous i•cish_ oil Saturday.• A speci l'train has run up and down.°the, G.Wr. , for the last; three Sundays.'. -Mr:, T. Carling is back at his' old post in the "Commercial !rote!: On Monday horning .a fox was seen; quite lose to town. .Quite a number are now ngaged it cutting and storing ice. Mr. clung is 'having the store next to`Cant to Bros. fitted up for his, occupation:' Th,e Oddfelleays: -here lire wearing ,the badge of mourning rn respect to W.H.' Lowe. ' `The remains of Mr. John '''Vise, Tuchersmith . were interred in. Clinton 'emiletery,.ori Saturday and tliose of Mrs; Stalker (sister of Mr: Jas,: Ferguson) on Tuesd ty The -Stone for Mr, . Jackson's new hgirse: irbeiiig.baitled.: Sleighing is "about gone Yn town,"but';is`-good i'n .the: cotintiy.. The changeable weather Tis, .enough- to.•try the temper. of the'. saintly individual. " Getting ready' for Manitoba" is an'ei.pression applicable to a' great many just iiow.. The Doherty Or= gan' Factory, which was shut down while *ett� train then irew engine, has resumed wor • again.- Gdu1TCI Cosuriasr ,-.Tlie intention to place the Fire Oompany,on a -different basis is a`good one, and we believe wifil be:found satisfactory. T•he:suggestion rif Mr..Searie, that the sidewalk in,front of the market ground,- be raised, leaving. a.: passage at each end for teams, should be acted on; as bait;the walk is Often ',tinder water. We believe it is the intension of the Property ,Committee. to place a letter box on, the -door of the Clerk's office, so that parties desiring to' address the coun- cif or clerk may place their comuunica- tions therein, this.is'a goodidea, and will likely he risco by those who !rave coni plaints to "Brake: The action of the conn- cll. in granting the free •use of the town hall for all conventions; political -or other- wise, of • a ,public-- dharacter, is a 'cori- mendable one, ;inti will tend to`centre -such meetings in:this_pl' e, t coancil Should also make it a rul `'i " o enter taininent, no• matter of wlintCharacter, should get a remission of !gill tent;. as has been done on..one or tno occasions. If the new %bell, ri"ngel keep's has time as generally: correct as did" his predecessor,- little ,,fault will be -found rvitli ,h'm might be as well; ;to inti,inate, however;; that no one else need ring .tbc belli. about half—at—hour' after its tune, under any crr:-, eunistrances.' YOUTIIrr1! 1'ItA)'H 1 GLI.S, —A few. even- ings agoWere. stopped( at',the Great West- ern station in this city. two',littlegirls, one ;four years, okd and the other only six, on their way from Clinton -' to New !„York. While sitting in the station warming them- -s®lyes by, the large stove they told the. story of their travels to Mr. Td.' Macken - Fie, the night sfatioir master, rna chatty, old-fashioned Style. Their another, they. said, died a long time ago, hirt they•1ived with ;their 'father .Still: 'in: New.',;York.. 'They.had been on :a six Menthe :Visit to. their grandmother, in Clinton,, and were •just -going bomo. `•'', We' don't care much alioiit travelling,” said the little :six-year- old, '' but we get along all right and ex- sect to be' hoine ,soon. •-The eoiiductors look after. 'us, you 'know." : When the eastenn bound train Was ready to start„the station -master saw that the two little -vo, Men' with:their basket of Provisions and bottle of cold tea, got safely aboard.. ” Bo - fore stepping on, they walked up to the. conductor of the L. H, & 13 train,' with wl ofd they 1) ad,comc"clown .slrook']i:inds, and pleasanti ybid'Lim good-bye: The •elder childkept the tickets and baggage checks: in a tiny purse; deposited in , a pocket that-wassecurely prnareclacross the top. Tho conductor turned oyer two scats, making.them faceeach"other, and the tr,,- vellers--ei'eready for the •journey, Ten- nlirzrrtes after; when lii:r fIcl 'omit went. in to take, a farewell glimpse, • both were., stretched out on the, cushions fait asleep, The 'train moved off. and they were gone.. —tendon Advertises �[']ilro children are nelees of Mr.: Horton, of the G. W. --I,,,: and,•ie-wi]---be-rcincmbcted-that thNi-. sr BRA, soiree time ago, announced their it-. rival here from Now York, �. I.: 4 r, C I A rise in all COTTON GOODS we 'made our selec- tionsearly, which has given, us an advantage in prices that cannot possibly be had now. rints. PRINTS. rus. WRITE AND GREY ' COTTONS, SHIRTING,;. DENIMS,_ TICKS, COTTONADES, DUCKS, •AGr COTTOl� YARN . CARPET W ARP &c. ' ...000 ►ec�a1 a$te tion, to f at d lit ems E 'ANCY: GOO l S 9e, west rices, ( J 0 �i Befo 'e stock taking we willofferseine of the i That ,'1:has "eve! been ,offered, ;beingdetermined'-' to reduce' our stock drown as low tis possibly All wool SCOTCH TWEED SUITS. ^ at $24 i°e� 9. duce:d' to. $20. All A wool..CANADTAN TWEED ' SUITSat-$gip reduced to $16. 'I' All wool CANADIAN TWEED. _ SUITS at $1. reduced to $13:' All . wool ° .• CANADI'AN TWEED: WITS I<< �! TS at $16, 'reduced. ted to ,• 12` The same reduction will -be' 'made inr' p oportioll• oil allythm� ,We have in the shop, and people- may rely on getting.. smile. great reat .bargains before, oilr'sprino goods arrive. WE :. I4VT BUT ±-1 1 W L)KiEr,1',m WTI' CpI' WIT .13E SOLD AT COSI. Our: business, whiehL is 'so .largely incre tsirg, compels its toins" e• seine. Clothing `, � : big:alterations � ���t�r atlons ll1 (Air, C�lot111n� Ston e, which' will be done iininediately; and we are conSegt entry buying largely; :for the Sprint; trade. ' '0 k O . , . r,, • 1 r