HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-02-09, Page 87r77� "r 7 711 I No= -.m may be necessary to Authorize the estgb-. TALMAGE ON INGERSOLL6.-, and neek bur�ed­,audhair 'and 1 A AVATJO V lishme rice of publiblibrar- FATAL- YoRne beard badly sialged. . Br'uee thinks many of 1 lit and-maintena FIRE IN, NEW, -,hands, face I ,, . eties and townsi his compositors who were at work peris ies and raadilig�rooms in ci and Aler Chili]. : �: : , Brut all hi4_,whiskers burned 0 IN Opinion 'of the Creat and the levying and collection of a rat ioll of Owl haI the ws father h herNewspaper.Offices 0 -A despatch fro�a-Dowagiac, says:,.:: therefor. The"'V�orldlla.ndOt I I , I . Pratfice of Polyp mi�. Several valuable, prizes won at rifle On.Wednesday evening Mr. Nelson Decker ONTARN LEGISLATURE Afr-N airn-Of r6idents in the Township i Ashes. Reduced to of, Ba�hain; for an Act to 'incorporate matcheswere bprnedi in the- offlee -of the stirted across Crooked Lake, Praiiieville Alga, Turf, Field-and.Fall�71,. township, Barry county, pushing an old London (k Fort Burwell Railway. Ingersoll, the Champion Blasphemer,of S.TANDING COMMITTEES. of the resid6iA6 of INIalabide. to the 44-P merica," was the Subject of Mr, T,%Imdge's I�Ilen barey,'employcid in the.top floor of cutter befoia him Containing his wife and ieffect. morniflg�' discourse on Sunday. An SUPPOSED LOSS, $1,00QY000. thebtuderi-, jiiepedinto a ' 11 bole'. With near the little boy, 2, years old. When Mr. Fraser presented "the report d The shereacle, �Lllother girl ind'dscVed with 9, few bruises.. ruiddle oi the lake in crossing 6 hole only committee appointed 'to prepare the followingbills wake introducedalid mense congregation crowded the T She fears that Sixteen of her companions recently frozenover, the ice broke benbath,�. read. the first time: and -in hifil prayer Mr. Talmage said t at enes and Incli cuts-111en nd Standing Cominittees of the House. The i W n following menitheieL conSititute' the various 'Respecting the sale of lands in Algoma they "came as empty pitchers t6. the great perished. the load, precipitating all three -into the. for Government taxes.-Mr.W I Cod. fountain, as'ttillighted torches to thogreat, Women jperlsli In, the. DevourIng I Rev. Edward Prime, , Of!, tke Observe�, *star. Some b . a s skating .. on he lake-:- Committ6es Element-Agonizitig AppenIg for Illelp y To establish a Bureau of, In y a in rescuing Mr. Decker, but:he ,ar et;, Chair- dusti .�Mr. firer'� After denouncing Ing raoll for ques- �Thrilljxxu iDeedg, of Darin,% by [lie escaped in thaeame manner as. Bruce. succeeded COMMITTEE Wood. tionind the truth of the Bible, Talmage Dr. Sirenailis., Prime and son escaped 4as so, nearlyfrozen that his wife dnaebiid,. 'Appleby, I Badgerow� Brere- 'x1reinen—JAst of Offices 11sitrued; 1 7 maan; Messrs. Awrek, said: If Moses had gone into . particulars ,Without their hats. in their struggles slipped from bia, grasp ton, Baker, Ballautyne, Baskerville,. Bell, Bishop, NILLEV;'BY DOGS. 'ily female paten And were drowned in fifty feet of I water. 331..ard, Boulter�: CaldWell,� Calvin," Chisholm, Mr. -Dryden moved for a return showin 9 50,1000*volunaes -would not have,, contained A fire ! whi - eb'for BwriftneBs and dastruc� t 'solicitor in the Cook, Cr6�dhtou_* Crook-Ei" 'Dero6he Dryden, the-sacred!literatut-ra. Bible writers were tive power is unparalleledin the history of building escaped,' Their'bodies bave not "yet been found. FIxench, Field, 'Gibsou,(HaLiltcm), Hay, Hunter, th number ok-Sheep *.13�illed' by dogs, and d, Kerr, Lauder, Laos, Livingston, 'Long, inore than New Y k, broke � out 'shortly after 10 A woman! sltafidi�g on the sill of a win-' th amouiIts. paid 'for the-sa'me in -each of 11 Ct ignorgmuses;, they knov� , , I or McKim,, McLaughlin 'ldac� It a uigerspIl',1 l'Old Job knew all About evapo,r- o clock Yesterday mb,rn'in� in I the old World -dow in -the fourth Storey held o tio'& tele- To CONSClif Prl V.C1 Lyon, McCraney, the inunicipalities in f a Provinee, - for . th atioll and ihel%Ws of refraction thousands building corner of Park, Row and Beek- phone wire with.. tbx� 2ft hand" sbe',was' roaster, Merpditb,-�Merrich, Madill, I I I I � " Golden Medical Discovery 11' is a con. wilieri Monk, &organ, Moris, Nairb� Neelon, ye ars 1879, 1880 and 1881 respectively. 'He hatles6; 0yearsago. Job was the first' Old Pro, an Street.' In and her clothing was inddisn.� - contrated, "paten . t. Alte�ati��, O'd uilli Fattersou,!'Peck, Robertson (Halfbnbx,e�plaiued 14at,he Pub 'tted the motion a few iutes a sheet -of qx� blo flamErahot -up to the roof, and tb(3' entire conditio& She, fatined- herselt ]RPaoXbhe]rts6n . (kastill96), Robijason (Car�diffl,", ,babilitie newal. aboilttLwindsaii ordered cleansing remedy, that wirisgoldidu I Sinclair, Tooley, Watterworth Wells, , Wh t in compligkice with the 'wishes of agricul- the- he k I rn "tronomeiti Structure, with her right hand and witted for Diane lita.. What rhode with or Fr curre� By owded, offic"es and its r6m all who use it for an�. bimaor, from Widdifield, Wigle, Y6ung--41: tu rists. In his own township upwards of OfL Inon 'Holdiast till I -Cora bl�toh or eru � tion, to.- hatre just found.out Isaiah knew thousalloas bu throng alld� women, was a," shouted the conimon pimple, mMITTE-r a-;. PvATn'- Fraseri $500, -had been p6id last year, for sheep and P of yb fireman Rponeyj and a, Score of Len an, Chairman, Wessi,s.,'Ai�r6y,'Badgoi-ow,'Basl�er- killed by dogs, -while in another yea:r $600- , are aao.. Salomon knew All ab ut the wrapped up in aabadly embrace of flie. the formidable Scrofulous. swelling crlcer. circulation! --of the blood. -Ja 69 Watt' he unfortunato people wha occupiud boys rushed forward and dragged a ladder Intern al,' fever,, "Boreness' and ulceration.,; ville, Baxt�r, Bell; �ereton, Broder, Cascad bad been paid ior'the same purpose: In Calvin, Chisholm, 'Creighton, Dryden, Fi , eld,' application 6f Steam and Morse's magnetic offices in' "t8iijimber-box structure vLm- from: the hook and ladder waggon that had -yj'eId­to­As-ben!i u ences. c6llBurhp. armerS-haa-celisc-d-raising- just arrived. In an � instant the ladder was -SOma­10calities-f ere uted' wiih � death� in the Ile6f� :t­eI-eg­ra_ph7,i -- known , to VntiTii-WT suddenly confr tion which is"biA ti,,-�ciofui(568,-affectlo� y, Harcout, Hagar, Hawley,:Hay, Jelly: she6p 'On 'account. of the depredatio placed alo�ng-the side" of the building. '� It r :Hord Jpb.,-'�­All the-lavvs of Burke, Blackstone,, rhost awfuf,,forru. . There was 'Witnessed of , the may, lid,Laidlaw, Lauder; Less, McCraney;Mc-, clogs. a n San 6 ia early Vinci Formerly,w Ives, ere ui c ­ Mallon, Mer6dith, Merrick, Miller, Monk, Mor Currah� Choate, Everett, Webster; all the the avntLl Spectacle oUpoor wet Only reached to the thir&Btorey and'k cry, king girls Aageia,,.be dure'd 1p B, free use,! Of �but'ndw-dogd:stoqd, in the saine position-- up N6elon,Park. ill,' r. dismay , went. from the bmedy. �See I article_ on M rray, Nairn, Near, E kiliZ, 'Roman IAW is Sinkin back in an ocean of flame, aud�' �6f 3',,att`V,, u icharcls6ii,A.binsoli(Keiit),Sfnelair, Theliest Sheep were invbiably,.kille�) And , , t -1 "Crowd.., "'P61i ,up anothet,"&_.hun'4�61 S.trik Sr , Tooley, Waters, Watemoith.. the oih6rsb weak founded n e. pan, R -a'' the tn, sentence's lt!� that van- men And womdn­`I8atpin�'in frantic error tid6r, and, its treatment u P�' t 0 ened as never 16 regain -.from upper !I at -erable y u.,, -ran up hsp6nsary Dime 1 well te, Widdifleld,.Wigla�`-514. lawyer record6d in Ex6dus,xx. Hotror-strio�er� vOic61.8 � lled Two fireme ofthe W rld's I Beries-. I I . a. conditibn.� Mose�n sky was �a J�romen and spectators. seemed paialyzed the. ladder two stepg at a tim Call you' 0.01NUIRTTEE - ON, STAND�G' ORDERs.-Mi. De- iagiri6d. that the Of pamlilile' - Sts tv�o Stamps,. ppst� a. -Mr. Bell moved.f0i a retuin�Sb daminute?" the leader asked of the� i , . Pat �,Chairman; Messrs. Appleby, Badgerbw owing hol spensary Me c roch( I - solid. roof; With the stsrs hung up Against it' by the frightful �' scenes that oce'urredi ddress War d di'al AF380- 0 hers employed,,. -D, ,VAR hilt. fAr p,-BreietZnij Bonfield,, Boulte,ri. 'the number f female teac . , I _pxtom askervjlle� Bisho the Eoman ixth-o-lic-Sep tlie- -and_��-th a rk-�­of­-,,d a sfide ti o -w a n -V a . iatioli­7RU 7ffFoderl a dwell, Uoolr, Dryden, Fiela, Fre Schools who laug arrow escapes a � on wi amazing rapidity, N burr,!"was,tho hoarie. reply'.. Come all' risk � 6f raising Another Sa 'French, Gibson (Hamilton),Hunter Hagar Laid' I I ar6membersof the community qualified law, Livingstone, Lyon, McKim, Mack, Macmas- ruage, I must speak of Ingerso, Irsfavdrite' And:- eeds of heroism Were., numerous. Bell,. Said the fireman'to his, compaoll. Merrick, Metda e_nAt under- joke. must suatch: at is � on'�e- da 'a It seemddas'if human,life' w'aB'being blo - t-' and ter, Madill ite, Monk, Murray, by law to teach, but who hav Damn the ladder, *a must sw Parkhill,, Patterson, Richirdsou, Suider, Wigle, gone an examillation, and consequently - are a., T' morhent, and it will perhaps upbe. went till.� the top of his hands just A Springfield, .(111,). despatch sd�yd�, A. - white -S5. without certificates -from arly-boar:.af rib from which woman was a . ere 'a ted out every I be absurdity' in '.thiB, w an, we now not be known for 'Several - days Ilow,maly rea;chad he woman!s feet. The crowd held Special -from '11 eredosia says that yesterday CoMmiTTEr-oN-,-.PitivMrGr5 AND ELECTIONR.- examiners or other� institution 'authorized that Ahe word, I translat , p � r I I mealls perished in this" human,, holocaust.� Old its breath in, suspense. The, woman re.., niorniti William Mr. Croos, Chaii�man ;_the. Attorney -General Huddlesoh,: aged 73, -a U Vmg t '0; mile to issue,such under our., ad cational. law's inafned cool, "Hold oil to the wire afid wealthy farmer Ii Messrs. Awrey, Ba4litintylie-,Breieton, Baker,.Bell� side. Ingersoll, doe' know firemen say - they never' h S" West of_!� re.'sprea.d ]Blezdrd� Bonfiel$ Broder, 'Caseaden, Ferris, and ifigtktutiofis ; (2) the game information it; -he idoesn't It w rd through a building�ith such rap idity.. Foi step on my shoulder, th a Cbsmbersburg, Pike Count wept outto- -in reference to Inale teachers similarly inks a be woma;n cut a hole in the tice,outz'the creek to let the Graham,'Hawley,' ally, Kinbaid, Lyon, Metcalfe, th: or guiding,her foot with -his hand., T Monk, Merrick, McMahon, Mack, Nairn, Near,� etter".of Hebrew, att e block around tb6 burning biiildir.fg,the air. Luson employed in Roman Catholic Sep�brate. did-a9�1lewa§iold'i butas-tbe:brawiiy fel- hpg� get water. Failing to recuubiwsoll. was full of �Iack smoke, against which.the that w6maa ivas ta en. fro Neeloli,_ Parkhill, �eck, Richardson, Rob� i '(Ken ider, Tooley'lWaters, Wbite,� Schools. of man, nearest his heart; but- I say. that driving sdow storm had a peculiar low w�nt to'in6ve a, step,lower s6'seemed went -to look., Afkei him, and�,folnad him ME.Crooks Said he sup- d the ban. ad,apparently 'lost her _About � O'clock i g �de a -Chair- She �was taken -the fire'waS at its -woon and It from the ilcilit Bids, from effect. height the to L bal a the afternoontlylil e When Cc f P lNo.-Mr. Ba�tei, troduced,the'moti 'n for the pur.- MMITTEE,ON member in t arra, - suggest ance, when a firerilart on th6'step below o"' the �ich he -bad cut as int ed. under the'righ ingi that. he Ilea wastoogreatfor the:firemen to get, tu will' Inall, Mes�rs.`,Baker, Boultiir,'Caldlvell, C�eigh- -of obtaining inf6ruiaiti6n in connection t �ajly might,hey and� she v�as astily carried to 1 hand., th art of his files, and ton,*� Deroche; Fraser, McLaughlin, Robinson, 'pose should fight her battles, down I her 'b�twaeuthe frorld building and the R il asp er.went up tr. b (Caldwell), Sinclair, Wliite�-ll. with, the qualifications of' the toacher&j Out, the ground. Cheer' after,clie n wereele.up y.tIlehoga. No assailant, avenge her honor., You may building or alolig the Nassau Street it -Mr, (I in Separate School's"i-and, in, orae'r '4 -crowd. at Cwdlill=r oN'PuBitio AbcouNTs. Ferris, 6I11Ph;YQ cheafa; abusti him, Asaaullt� Ill but Nassau street ot. being more' than fifty from the ex. lanbutiall'of the cause.:qf d� It is given. Cha -man - Messrs Ballantyne, Bell, �Cre!Ahtoni that th&t information might' be as� full and he becomes livid with rag Gib�noii (Huion), H�reourt, HardyjM&­ude:r; Loll' a if you'Bdy. ny-, feet, wide. When the firemen saw that t 9, complete as -'possible 16, w thing of his wife " This. point w J1707.1d. building, 0 the T111E THOUBLIC'.XN L, . guld, submit an . I , 4 � McCl E as patbe'- the� WIMAWIS SAVIE 10 IS G ,�iney, Meredith;Merridkj-Alonkp Ma'cmas er, must 9 1 NID. Ros6 Atriker, Wood, Young S. amendment -WIPIch would- extend the illstra,te'd by. reference to -, the, chief centred,� On. the I I V Worhingmen,vvill�economizo by omploy� terms, Of tla� motien�j while retain- buildings. -_'kniong illeasiin Th6 Frepor�ws adopted.' couple Nyhc: were, found 'in each OAher's, brick, wall between the two ing Dr� Pierde's gedicilles'. - His t 'it substan the -amendment� embracio on: thb wrecked Hud :a I s power to orgalive Ing 1 8 0. Sol, River TI11s was a heavy wall,,, an on sliniff ot Xcing's Coujity-,the Itonds e,, M[ade . Jlxnpam4q I ble fox, Tr"ps. i.e.vary Pellets" Golden, Medical, The following Bills Wer: introduced and which .h' had 4 carefully, drawli , up, :train. ". They -went side'loy side to death;" eep the fire':' ":cleanse the -blood alld:system was complying with the �terms of sect out of the , Tignes buildib D read the first time: ion 13 said -Mr.� Talmage, "and they were 'laid depended the safety of, the rest of the blociF A , ds' state of things exists thus Preventing fevers . an'd - other Serious: asts i of the Roul'an Catholic Separate School An Adt,to protect the public inter It side" by side jn-tho grave. Inger all Says ��Th6 wliter tower from-'wbich atWo-inch at present at.Edenbeiry; in Ki S Act, 1863; and itwag desirable in a matter I Pg' CO`­1ntYt digeb,6",, And 'outing all scrofulous, 'a rivers. and streams -Mn Pardee. stbrownsi An urgent telegram waB-'receive the Bible: favor,,, oes the t' confine ihemsel es, strictly d-latelY i other.humors- Sold,by drug'gists., of that Rind o v Abt-to-aii2end the Municipal Act, and. An to the terms oil W r hicii rights 'or privileges Almighty God uphold polygamy!.. How 3 plticed.,s6that�it washed Du6l1n!-f6r troops to proceed to the aid of the - flat' Asylums aud:,� "ba groun pedtin . Lu 10 Mi .21"at Disappcnra ady� wen7grunt6i ore Ahl'. geys6_1,it -Would -.haveb an just care, 9tisafte persons -Mt.. W_ aters.' torrent of On, the opposi-te tilde of detachment 'of the; Rifle. Brigade, 'accom. -LJn,* . i Nine months ago.Mrs. Hughes, An, old Confederation. der the rB. N' '�A. Act'the Act to provide for of r1iff- to have given. Adam -five P aseasy for�.God Park. ROW the most poworiul , strearn pre- Arrioa by sappers a�od miners, was dis- ways, Juriedictionof Provincial Legislatures was, ten or thirty wives, but Ile didp'� He, Sent was' employed in keeping' the patched n *t day. It appears that 'Mi. lady,, kilIdd6nly disappeared from. her ilidimie by.- strearti-B and dito'baBi also � an to limited, eo.th�at:no resolution of the. Legis- AX since then not a trAce of bet stArted the�.,Iim�iness as He wa"nted 'It con- pafty-'w�ll' wet. in' Fennel a�nd amend the law of newepiappr.libel��Mr. latilke "could affect the privileges secuiedto The stiea�m cast -by this (46ddard, of -the Prbpert� Defenc6 Asso'cla- raser. tinued., All the - great men,i,of the r �Bible eugina was from an inob,hose, and was led tioil, purchased m'Bto(,k' ;y�,hefeabdutsi or anythii:ig to thats'lle the Rcmah'Cath 'as. a quantity of: far- olics of Ontario, or Prot -ow-polygamy or were,pvri- smalle '(1nired r pB, a � I' AS been disco.v6recl istood aloof It by five lines of hose, � 16 re chiefly' grainc,t) t � sheriff's -sale IS, 0, ive It by, r An Act to aniond'ther'Agricultural And, tuf� of Quebec, And wbi6h existed it the. . shed �Wi�hiii an incl� Of ihe it, lives fo'� the four in for Lie a ad, feeble and. of weak ink6lldet Arts Act�Mr. Wood. time of Confederation.. . He pr4ti6sed thkt' an to manage the noz21e. The,fo!rc6 rent nea�r,Ed'011berr� last wiilek.'but'when he ShO w 9 Sill. Butdid not'Davidand-Solondon favor' "ofthis 8tream-waS-Buch sou�ybt to'darry.it.'off,,the fttrni�es6orted.by and the supposition is that she *.aud6rb'd' Act to provide' for the construction --of, the motion. asBun�b, the - folloing form 'Fes, and they were punished" the light wood ir igns, 'lih ili�o, the lfd�rt of 96"in' gamy -we _k %nd 8 .-a loo`�*a'. hussirs.and constabulary,, it was found e. swamp --w ile try-' tu 0 ere, 0 Ad --ing to make'ber wa to Cre6more, 'where F,. VVaterworks in. cities, � towns . affa villages- or a re rn 6f'the number of,tea It f r it- Darylid was 6hased by the Bedouins;' paper.* It reached to! the comice of. ale that hi the roads Ill been rendered y male andfemale, employedin�the R Mr. Mowat. claught�r'ofliersl.iVes-aiidperi�hc�d� The oulan the I'doobites, sickness,� Tintes building And belped'to. keel� the roof imp�tssalile. The moment 1he cavalcad­� Mr. Speak& read a.' me �Sage friom i 'Catholic'Separate Schools, disti ngn'sh',ug death y6a; the Ldr& God AlmighlY,:gbt wet ill this way.. TheJiro was knbl got started .. the neighborhood , cba�el - bell� 8 . S, __ - I 'son hasade every effort to find the Wall Honor the Lieutertant-GOvernor . trans-, betvVeen thoBe:holdiDg certificates of r' at, hut'without il 'd'has afte hlS616mon bad Something to �Ib- undier co;jtrol. woce rung, and the peasantry h�gan. told6l. aval an witting the Estimates for Civil Government atio. the same as are requited th.0 but:read hi's', book of'RIccle- fi�ever. It is.rbg aed' as'very with polygsmy, gatibr on every side, threafenilig I troo s up as:gOne P at( and otli;a*i -expenses from'Ist January,' 1882; public schools generally -and the persons. - t -d--Ioarn how he lotithei the Bill on ever qualified by la� . q as , teachers either in, Sias as,, -an I - and before --',t.hd strange the heart ol�' a_w6l! Settled* to the date 'of the Supply Bill-; on which.� it and Call a seven One woman well dressed aud. appLix-_nlly district the aisappeiran6e,of a human being'' 186'3. it all va3aity. 'Whyj hi yt�l . )ng W a ll�d b6il Conveyed - a ',quarter,.o. -ar ile'it -a place Arid nothinl�, -tr.ari ire, tn- as ne6essary to aak � vote of c�reditifl.a;bt�i. 'Upp6k or Lower'Caada by the Act. of Woman pestered the very life � out' he Was. itauding' on a 10d"O was discove�ed,tha;t'Ja . r , gb tiees 6 .6, � 8, shoulsi tak U' Sp qu ar �Supply. ( . 1, . d I . . I 'I I. - w roa Atluterva S. a progyr w light-ilpon'th'a ruystery.. pation! of the re I )n aidtion alsothe-nualierbfg li�scfioolsand teach. :6f.him. (Laughter and . Stampirig of f6et�): .. wii - ado in h�eakm&n street, near d Th ss s i�Se. �ei therei" felled forth ... ....... riest -W'6 ho,ld two w stre her �han( imp oring y. ti . I— �of Mr. W Cod the'eStimates were refereed t6, S ohose'ielargq,enall, Tmen ql�en t�V S OW andat I�Btl tbd� 11.1 accepted the — - ' 'd tbeCbrid!ii�tteo'ofSupp�y. Be mend'iff'ent, married t6olib mail.' (Redewed heroic fi emaii.tried toget a ladder to her, d itud i _,t. act' was' to gat' laughter�) appeare, rxi -d the.. but before they could do So r Mr -.M Wati.,Ia'id 'oil the.'tabie 'coplesol remarkigg that`his. obj ble�does.not fa�or­poly'gamy, Inger- the tQ�k so-ldiaro'lliat to proceed. furthar,',as the aspondence�ai I Ad eis respecting the. , libn with regp6et to these libels. d I c ridges� in front been:� removed or . informal, Be Z�Il,�in I takethe�,,i4lbetonts alid,accursed hold of her lothing' 4 And enveloped herin ll � style rf art pap t . I I lia -the It bLd ben alleged by -th6' paen s%of slander t:id hurl it' 'back fire., And she plunged'losch into tho,burdng .. I This was fou net a!n6vr W'ay.to arrange 41airl: Mili. disputed territory on the northerly, and "our destroyed d',to'be.tiue, as westerly sides 6 children atteidi�g the 'schob!la th'at Allay blasphemous tee rpa ing'George --building. abridge which-�was. encountered soon,after- th.,, xAfte 11, lions are ez�pelided for artificial appliances Bull (colored)', the ja�itre, which. uly consnicticus the fact that adulteres A passing 'a Be, W 0 wardc ave' been comp ptaly were� not. bein a educated as thay.had,a, right. , I j. ��a g found to 0 Mr. Creighton moved for copies of all ebr. to expe' Eliot 'a, 11 S all had c ' .1 -n6 ct to be educated; 613, a cousequen ce. eulogyupoliQueen Vic*toria Mr,Tahnage _r rvoud.�habllity reSp6ndeuce subsequent to, - that, �alr6ady �ha f sirboms oil t4a_u per fi destroyed, thus eff st6ppibg the �'xpo.. emaciation; ri 16mahs. P 0or, ectu was �e he wanted to probe, -to, the , bottom of the,,. ad with,her husbaod. ;weakbess exist., Dr. P�erce's Pav*0iftei, brought dowil'i betweei the Government of said, that'b6fo.re he gt thrbil4h With Illger-' g dition.1ho,tro6ps Wheeled about Lind made matter and see where the difficufty lay�; . III Pi6§crq')tioii " is 1 sold . under A'positive 011fario'.or;�arly soll.� he would prove to the world. that the them, when' she� heard t6e alarm� for Another bridge, hchad als.0bem mber thereof audUe some of the Schools there, were 'teachers Bible was the only book fit for', the StAtted * to run', b was cut off,iu'�,avery guarantee. If us6das directed, a?* -caxl��be who bad not blown'up, and it was t1lp deci dedtotle_� en 96d wi th. It w se Gove.r�ment,6f.,Canada--b.k,tlh6 Gove Bead examinations, butwere hold -an'd that it wt�s.th6friend of all fIfin a direction And dimbed,on the ledge -of the -for*assist -Iii th' dis, �overcome tboS1_ a grWph an cc. a meantime the pure, a�id that infidelity the aA�voc T . � fifth Storey wh druggists,. of Qubbec,, with. refeiince -to, settl6lident of authoriS6d law to teach, and they might ate, I ( took,refugo at. the r6sideu6e to fetnales�., Bv matteis.between the : Provill, ces, Of idow. She her, not be sue persons -as it was desi�able onlyfor�a, ew-m6mel, n U, Tyrrell,,'J.P , who is a Ontario. and Qtiebe6 and the Dominion 0 of all things impure. Those who go:An I ` f a ra, *in hbr�of the 1, to - should be.amploy.6d. in that. "pacify.': His Eol..�tticfll like and smoke from the window T pay a cents or a. arty 13 sepul. o Je JesuB Clirist"insulted.w'ill come.. Borne. day tb;;�aited the arrival of reinforcements, a I nd ture lin-the anoielit burial-:grouDd at E6dlie�.' b` 6t,�vas to ascertain whether thev 'were 0 'dollar to hear the Lord stru ck. her, and -V�hiriib over Several Defe"ca Association.' -There they Thepal-ties have "the right of Mr�.Woqd sai&�heie b0 been consider- q IuAlified or not. , He fe It it WAS a ma"tt,'r oftimpoili her descent she h le delgy,-ii uted claims, 'duty, and -t,feeling� he did to need the cheer of. His. promises�:' When StI:uC11L 1, P Pave_� the sappers and nliners are�- eilgs4a tbchan" in whioli.ttle remins of Thomas a adjueting"ibe � disp entertaining tha wecornetodieweshallwan oureboibe:of -dall thud,,a crushed in clearillg the be ween thisPrQvince sjud the Province t ruent with. a roads and rebuilding te `Carlyle �were interred, have, had ­tb' Of not car6forthe con sequence, so far'as he pillows. The pillow of iearet Strangely, entugh no blood followed--th& uln er of 0 C Qua ad and th& Dominion. 'Hecould only waB is B.tuffed bridges. �The 'n b I tiers sent f&merlyuusigbtl�.-Bpot greatly improvea. personally concern.e0l, or as re�arded -renders ally atteinpt'at.rescuillith6 The:-retmdr hat'h6 had stated before, 'that', 0 1 1 1. with.mettles, the pillow -of terriVre* fall. She was borne into tbe�- owia� all no the Government. ',(Laughter and ch.bdtsi) r�built, office in a��ambulanca but She wi149 ould be charged. to his blame the -delay, c tion is,Ftuffedith nighi-shade What we tile andAbe onlk7 diffioult7�6w always -to: "C14QAt�, a . Vay. the 6� y , ad;' shall need 'is the4 tind Nvl%s dviti- wbol]i it is ound 'and, go far as�.possible 'across t e -nt.� The If �:Past all;h man aid -Structions. �,The at It been the' House adjourned at ived. b m to a'settlb pillow, stuffed w athers of the arr the Rifles: arri ved, grou& -For­'tha:cOnvetii 6 'of vi, anxi t ment but'owing ith, the fe 0 all a Bitors al -us toTwo 'men crawled. out,ofa fifth Storey 16 6 was a of: born there,hAve bee I- asbe Jo a S rdunistance their 6,tt.empt,s What ille Wires -said. Almighty a t a 0 a in orning window'. And by' dropping and '311,13g,iDg to' to erence to that further 'rei,' Ice ant in. the � forin of �a 'arrange to leave'the a tra ce a c so hat arrange, r . a colif Words andlladsieVeral't* es:been . -f s e'dl" Thiee­ little,' *lro�'ition copings and: hicking in windows as they ro . il -o sue �ly rust kated:�; by.'� I,Bab� -I d a , I . contilagent f, 6a pers,. and mine dis- iC can ring �e passed Along tho'line ; copied, Somewhere let themselves MI they, sucoeeded in. I . a 0 the approach �Of'bldttions either Ii' patched. fr, u Iin. The troops were t s vi. e,tr'o I' tin all W No matter to what extent the refinbnaeut, linaking.theirescape. aiter the a . a er 0 t a". a b or� Dominion.� HeA And �oibii..,fbrgotfeni But after AIR billeted on the peo Is. t e id. not, say, that any r in macnine, t6olS..may be carried itis inthe, , stated , that a gray haired Woman daCayidfs ins t ))Iam6 tested Witbihb\D quiet 11earibd my head, upon my o- r ree th omiifioh . Govern- "I end the,careful and palistaking,operation, was seen in the fourth Storey of the WorliZ* men, a contrary, a there isillOthiDgtopoint i rave, It band, And fell into a'deep reverie Of allih&6 C'uXtr'. t inAh'6,-matt6r 'on, th -hose words III of the skilled mechanic that mg'the building appealing: -for :'' ­ � . - must bl�* Al dt t eall. :The a 8 of, iese cc s a a I o very stlia a a a aiin so far�4they bad`not b.66��Able to"' Som form -,,still alla 11111flinaleoll believed they ��erp settle produ t tl t 1-t that but. raged about berigniting her�.cIothes.'. She rayers 0 41 10 �SiiiI4 his ipitiaIB,'a;Ithou.gh si r stones at the �ty :will meet the requirements. of 'modern, de-: n eB, of' bis'4- bar's a , hi brother's 0 Cold; unclasped by,mothor's �arms to - ba'ki 0, ClevcilanA nbi B meeting with the:, nigfell: c in d o, doubt t reprbsentatives�lif, the Ill not.turn"so'round burned to "death. grave3,.on sit ter Bide,,bea :t.t ei rs.. . vernmellt; act, its production ca'nno' 'Au.'Erie, PA., despatch, dated"yester o-laight ben,eath' t A. M. ditor�of.'the cottish! Mr..YoVng regrette� be impkove4,by the hand work of the Skilled i�: At this writin culiarIV intoteqt- eyes that yesterday were brightand blue mands. The lathe, w Quebec Go' I to find h��' .6 as skies of'Jume drooped t that, in this tesp pr ourna , was rescue greas Was being I-Pade to,wa,rds a hite lids that�,no., voice can ever raise Campb611[,',* o'f Bi4bop's College rri dinborW,. a inilling ntaking pitice E asettlemenAl ,�He believed th gain. machinist, nor will the, Or planing culty. from -'a, Window by flremen�' Faculty of Nedicin.%'says of Dr.Whee'le-r-'s, 6 atat or machine pro"thicite surfaceS7§0 true-that'he is Twi an "a. the !-Small�villag6 fifteen. mil6s"Ifrom this city. I delay rested mainly with the Qifebec:6 v. To' soft haiuds;:whoso roseleaf fingers 0 111 1 sec�-orld'mor'eyj, with no* it iesare praying, a . cc . 0 , rdibg Cwnnoii�d'. Elixir Of PIlO$F12ate8 'and y�arG11114- . _p�ot upplitorectify-thera'wi ' i fire- near thein, were, seen to thr6w A number, of I �d' -6rdL-wont to_.�_' and'er-A6vingl th hefile out, , hey an, IcAped'hem ong jo t a t bejitiful-prejaxation, �aud io taken wiW neck and face, loosely holding fib,,Sb 6 mother's And Scraper. Now, as ever, the 6aufff Mi. Monch moverl for a -return, showing d -steel ib,the' result of the of Miss Zora VaW Dyke wh6 is said. o be the number of beer a hit bids, quietly folded in call fined rest n, iron an treat'. Itigrep,oited�'that:ili6-,�i�l's IL B b th ild, wine, licenses ", ' ', lipsi , 'Yesterday, ' ribIiiIg wit� fort of 'the operafor,'rafher than ' dying, from 'the' effects of a umor. .. The: etse y eibost fastidious phlate. But' -Soft inliyidu.1 eff were: broken. firemen Were te&__ of'more- importailce'is-that it is�v. Which have' been - applieci. for'; also the I hter, sweet as:Woodlaud brookfalls ' of'tho S best physicians of tbe'vicini ty'exerted their' medici� perfection . of tool .�', Year�,agq; th irihr overcome 4h su�6kb. - , , ne, and is, u4�ful'in a large 3iumber whichhave been granted. in each' gay, 'pori utmost to arreefthe "growth, but it'defied v ff io stairs,ran'to Was oxteus'j�ely during:tbeTastyear, y" e'PtoVi'n' a n' -d Erl�I,of forest birds; i6�uigg opinion, prevailed to a coulsiderable:.extent A.�oun' * I ' , "" blue . dress, who 6aseB. We -bave �6mplbyed count in th C er sec� 1911 _hk �unres . __g-gir -wearing a their efforts, and,at last hei a iven. _, _; I I . as out a ',from, tl 'tollkis all of t&lt, the 'siir ic6s d 'the hi hly skilled W 27,41 a o.peles's, one. Some Christian a s or a a, fourtb� tolembly Vic. up as h I OP much 'n4a�tei Storey wiml�w On -the Park R6� sidb and, r, Lauder moved for'� return in tke,patt of baby feet f t mechanicwould, not b�`s detail �s�lo . home- ek* 'every reason. to'�e satisfied with forever, I'll d a� cradle-bed-unpreased,. 'kooci ll.esifaiiiigly wbiI6 the flameB And And. M friends advised the �prayo tb 61 necessity n 4 ure as in the a f r,� cure be A produced."We, thbref6re, II. moneys expanded lo�ep%rgtio pAst, but those Who built, on such-'gr611n'ds j.i, the young'Aady hoili a rm, 'Christian pign men s Jul: s'or otbervilse re�atdillg the, '6' litble.Blibe,Tali, �,6rn-daiuty, t . ! , smoke encircled her. -up 1, jtirrip. have no:hamtation Whatever in recommend n w iar- . a It fiaor built poorl�� -Th -man 'will a1w­ays be crie ha'?ectators. Casting a1righte; 6d believer, wrote to Miss Buffalo; , I � I , � �, :, . , , . . I shoulder.hiio&-of Iii I olmatch Be eyes ing it.?' liamimiary Buiidi�gs oorlit tbiew'henblf out and'felb. hers for' ilpoll"a 00kca, �o esterday, d6d, i h superior ' t6 the ma Ways agot; his -hen. friend I _�Wxt � aching hear Bit f must Ali eo,* eb o i no of F raser'said 'see better fhan be 6an perform. one man With atliud on tli6,stone pavement: When 'y for unite prayer 'on 1, be w' uld find the away. �G4 P direat'the'efforis'rf fifty skilled w6rk_�. picked up bar head' beilla Towday �W6A Set at this rttom6t the. O�vertoi-G amount, than, expouded.,� as the Act Pased. A 1iny mou.n. sno -coy6redin olne quiet I-PaFly ying-yowng. ladi . . i'd to Mr. Grsainj a, men to the''production 'of.good wotk`�but 'zrnsb6d Almost beyond r66ognition.' a bEbnd4 of pra� eq -is asSbm-' ged1to be. Marr a eyard. 'g entlitit of er Cht Osborn a with referellce�4-o the matter required t gray fifty men. cau�ot get good Work from . 1 i lt "H I I S'y hat :S. printer on bled'aroulidthe''bedsido ofthb'dylrl� girl' Majesty a, othe return Should be brought do*rt.� When A m.obher7s gropffigto �ch in uneasy slum- nved. tbols:and (1,,fro invohil�, the Altilighty t6,cure her, 'A -head that hall,ievei! a gain un killed, workman. Irupr 11 ain th.0 third 1:199" 8f the Accounts come down1e:wCulcl Ifilidtlid bar for the fait mechaical itpplian6eal will _,zifnply assi6t� hip bona, An - `fh� Case 'judd of ana, Misk expenditure up to da rest upon her , bqso�, Th ob tl dre6eiVed te in'tbem. He added the artiza . min t amic Leo; of city, y'preconcotted HNTON� T11HALL GAL hole4 - t d - proaucl�i'6u f fina work, iliternal injuries.". He will probably, die. M b that',�120 would,coy bitter,toa, aS:bi6k6 '�OWmk. he 0 9 tile expendi-: at the refinewelits of these arraii-gements pillye'rs �.r'e,beiug,offered,.at __j Richard ..B6wic; a pri'ritei� oil ture�, in 1881,. reality. The-fiqtecf fult a reked, but the great the sad3o time in Buffalo, Clevoland-ai(I M`'Lauder�Thereis,�500, f in, tools aud,'a! pliances the,,�reater mu�t ;be. Pmpbr., jurnped ou' -,the thfra'9tc like fair'shi�s At lire y y a W7 ,V. 'we Sq B -A N K E R S Mehl �d t at ray Will - or adv.ertis- -telepboni6 Age fr6rd the sight of land. biB Skill. Instead of,relieving bi of his d6w'End gustained compound fra�iur'os of _ew York ing., Where are the detaiI0 'ties' hiries an -.as yet the 18ay is , , c The, neihili which would be in everY both legs,,inbernal inj d- cuts on the h�use tates 1bat : ilaman A* in 11ATT)TNTIURY ST 'OLIN -Does the -hon..g Watchinilpf other *di pled,.., respo an, Mr. Fraserl� ie.. uncured" hilt she is eaginr,and: iru Ing TO I roDg, and. this one gcne.,' 4e y want -in detail,' the us Was of t a "' hill , at sense a misfortune, they add' to,them,, boaa and-1ace. He will proba�bl. di p 4 It newsp. aAwhich make him in every way the better iil' - it is known,.that - five composW)i, a, lump sum or -f , present,agony,of grief� the future empfi:66� were her. q)RAN§A_CT A G,ENBRAL BANXIN'0:13USI.NESS, pern There is, aslusual; boing able to meet,' them. Altogether 'the 'w6king in � the Scottisk r6oms, advertiBing, but �if the h6n., gentle of heart, all hold.ill those tbree little w*Ord s. on ITortgh&s and Ndidg-ofh'and man 3ition of the skilled mechanic isin,eery , which were is6lated,� when. ti. -a fire hicks Drafth isstied payable fit I)ar, at ,ill the ojices�6f the livants the detailgibey.Will b6,furnishied.* Baby'is -11 - . - XcwTot'h, m"6hnjigii po, o, and Tracy are'th The Vesuvius; ailway having,bet�u sue Bl6rohhnt's/l3ank oi S66�fatory­in its relation to improved 6 on cobsfujy� acc6mpl it is ATTTNTION PA235.i'o00L- The fla,otion was carried. t:01 6 .6 ie y 'low Pro- -boAtght ittil sold thounited sba6q� Mr. Ha'rdly',:pre'sente a report , of I 0 is, &.07 ad the to the Griber of iit!�TION.qhrougho tit Can and I' of the, future, :however The rooms on the upper t1oOrB Weis quder-. P08 to make the attain iAuceE ;tna eA despatch-fr6m We refined-,,�an neve ""of the earn �m in Sicily equally. easy by, a �SALE'NOTtS BOUGHT tit arid Tithney proc fore �- the 'Privy. council 2.�� says': Miss 'High, a lt,�,achar in:. a pub ic indusirics 'of the'World nor relieve him Of,- 'known to have beell'a work" therein" -Bimilm'plaii. A.companybas'beenforined ad-variked.to faxiaerd on th6ii, own Attorney-Genar�l with respect to c r' place in thc going re airs and non6 enters eedingS p 66ifaitionfy,of -in; surance policies. ch a when s projec nit �ho borrowe. All s 061 this mile's frofiI this p. acei, yester-, the, part' be is ' to' re Play , iu: �tittl :'the fire occur at b6dn - itt Palermo for 6ariyin'g out thi t- timb to R of day afternoon red"have*y ace . ounted ill reae Mr.'Movvat moved the a��journment, Called ohn - Butler, one echanical adviln cement.- The I�pil'way wi h: almost -to the sum- In � � I I for., of ih�'diiector.sj to as'SiBt her in qu ii-' " I I .. nait of,the m6ubtain,, view the House.�, a Ing a A,,` mail, b a Whence line we w CBS i ilis I-,, Np�v Yonx. Amrs Or TITE' disttirba�6e'among the pupils, jlsti'lated 8 unknown' M,%y.be had of Si6ily, Malta, 'Ali a The House adjoirned,.alt 4.1,,5. BAal� Oil by a boy nanied.GaorgEl The school census of Welland appeared at the f6Urtl24' �torey window. par WR'DNESbAY� Feb of oftha� 'iherafjiacl.of.�heltalibilpen�BE3uu 1,­mTbe Speaker t' k, Scott, 19. yQis this year, oldber to wait mbfiiiiint 6u I Co pulation,61! The gpeotXtrs t the c Ck. -; BiI06i'so enraged,Scott that the - . I - Th" IV TE 71iEf 13 11 A L 7, 0 JU ON hair at �Vclo age Mi (just taken) shows a EiChoi pd and twenty then tore' down in' Awning e Roman Catholio Dihbp �of Newark I.&r struck him on thwhead with a pl*ece but nSt upwards, of 500 last year. The following petitions W to pressnted�' has revived 'An old order against 11',DALt. T� A, OA a TKUune: that the from in front of a' ., 11. T Mr; Robertson (Hastings)YW Abe� -Vtyll -of coal,-. �crughifi6 his Shull . and,' ifillictlug 'We aid flat thinki Says th eighboring' s6re, and N- ­ int SO' h i6 high.up'briderthe'windowtoid indOrrigible drunkards in his� ecclesiastical El A". fatal i jur� A' -Scott escaped. N P"would erferel serioasly'withl the C6i ficil at Belleville, asking that no ies. the Woman to Jump. When they hav T . , : She did so, Arid her jurisdiction, pr4ovidingtbat . a ]?'ENTLAD T18DALL, Manslor. increase of the javertile�.-,,popi their worthless be taken towards the 'a olitibn of �marfio huq been t. weight broke through the aWril]'g, lott.the _killed by rum The list,00,13W.Or figur fal 0 in �dbrl contaw n brokers in the City�6f . �s, speak for thelusbives-as Tory remains shall n; t be ad itte�l into the L ins a number of the arista. ounalsl�y when referring to the pro�- I had been broken, in -d she fell ' to the Mr. Laidlalw��.Of te od, of a flag And walked, away cemeteries., Litluor dealers' who Bell t6" cr& erbyeonling froru'g6od crops, as an 0171 'Atermogrier, Who drunken lonrid wife bett, ata an, AN AGI�N Wallington, tola�plish tha'se6ond aole�tiba� Dy,, including'% uke% y6unde ging but,slightly hurt inaollided. �,tHbc of Ora Wafter Cirqball, And, alao, the followi4�_ a e oftn befiefite fr'oin tho Policy. A .1 just ad T Mr. if ��Gktho�-Cunty� Of4Duf tbik� Hen. Albert etre, the : Hen. E plotod in the buildiug,and an An.the.11A. Coi4noil' dward 'A recent. letter from a Floiida ora�pge- occupantwho'eseapediboth say they, SaW t( y and Henry Bou The 4 Sll!oto�mefuo, idl jb6anStanleyis f6ifir, praying tha"-n agreement'made rke, Sir Maurice Duff-Gor. grower speaks. of. thousands of oranges at 16ast,for window 1 1. � _� don, a on.'Ranelm PleFydell-Bou t.y panic -stricken -;omen And Ao take'tbolorm of.a stained glass arm(orswiihing to insu'reli , thiN CoTapan� Jktw�a-� the TorontbGrey.& Bruce Railway veyie, lying under the treefiv usefesg, from a hew girls, iminin - g about. the Hen. Richard S ),rutt, and on. the upper floors in St. Giles'.Cathedral, tdiAurgh' 1d6u2pELny 'and the' Grand Sir Hector. freak of nature which splits 66-fruit'on dued,by_smokei Some ol I le ul Trunk Railway fhii1rhonies ifiniti 0 M cle�fi Spoi at! tbolsdrittothe OmI ling, them. -'This 4y C pay be confirm�d;, also from tile Ow Two colored waiters in Nash j�-Brb 9r. Jbhn the -trees, iltup Ok *�own the other day cut off �ame, Vo abolish the Second- s Conversation at the rihk:�Sh difficulty ig generally attributed to th the tail 6f 'a cow�,bel'onging to election of say they saw two white wom n, a d ne 0,Neil, of Arthur. jurors. What a horrible noise this band makes V$ summer drought. negkess parish together ih. the fire. Mi; Xairn�-Qf T. W. Michael and others, He�7-11 I;beg your pardo'n�?11 Sh6_,fEx6use "� at Coventry.recently Mr; Now- Col., L. O.'Brime, editor at the nee the Vienna near the Speahin Pic lei dWr n at a.promium ill E uioppan EAVER 01X, CLLNTON pmying,formAetto incorp Lon. me �11, -He' "Pardon me. Did yqu.speak?" do ihatin big long and narrowly, escaped, have bee' B ;o/to gate, M..P., said i 6xpdri. He w""ifi don & Port Burwell Railway dompttily. She-" I didn't catch your last,- ratuark.11 dfice�hb badhever known such Wide activity 'his office on the third floor whbil the llia'' theatres. Ilaye on Mod ii/clitiieo assortinent �f CL00,1� n c'e' aS at Mr. Dai!oe, bag 'd�termined to NVATCITE,�, SANYtLLtRY and PLATED� WARt 61. Mi, RoBB-Of the' County,.. Council �of Both relapses intov silo as there 'W present on the part of the broke Urongh,tho. door. 919�-threw bid proceed -is Huron,* praying for t4,6 abolition of', the Mi,, Robert- Doull; M -P., 'of Pictou, N..S., bhurch of Rome.,, subscription backs. out of a , windoW and with tbb b0ct!011'Of � an Opera, -bO1 aat '60na Salectio� of juroks". has returned: home 'from Winnipeg, . where -The. saying that, a, m . an had-, not a crawled but of the window and along i e '046fation of the City.' lie hds'been speculating enBi-V window siII8 to the Tivies. buildin I g,� a 16111 Be Mr. Bell= Of the ext � 8 oi dlyin lands siilgle.. redeeming vice - is attributed by X, �Iiotic editor Rye their pute W: p � to h r un.fIour,fOVV.�; plo Bar "to the late Lord, Westbury. Aft Worm �VARR� of'Toronto, pra�ihg for, suph 11 gislatioli �als an d, lots' 6na ed*.tb' ugh t his Arm., from 13 0 cc 7B D all t wo w Henry in the I p in b a ke,d a 'Wa cc twa C f xC 0 �w ut y a S n v n -b r d opi e.... . ........