HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-02-09, Page 7.1. • -- ednes POSITIVE , • ' • , ' COME • Wetako.. sto01, -- mediately after the new premises h 416;1,442,..0,; laWitviV):1040.' 'tea • `;•,'Itr*,•"'- Newton Denn.i BRE, HARNESS MAKERS, S I I L)X., --I. LI 'London 'on the 4t1 inst.. -the E AST II 1.7RON CONSERV -NTIVES.4-1•-•-.A...I - • , • 1 (,•li- ° fleet . -4u.i) ,A•fe y Lys ag as- out deputy Ivife of Mr: (:,eo. T. Hiscox: of.a soli,' .7: illg ef the Conservatives l'of•eb..'Ep.it Rid- ,i,oev. 6.).val,s,.IN.cyca,11'i-'4• 0 ver .,,t 110_120,11c i-1). al parl...—., ing of Huron Was held in the Town 'Hall, 1 e' g'Pt 9?.. 6 6.i_. iViArtREE-P. , , . Op Menclay afternoon_. Delegates to the. .. INvEST',.r ION.—BaYfreld.is i'ii.ecoining FO R it —.BLA I R.--In5,9yoqclito, on the-,341.st number • of :150, were' present.,' from „the .noted as the home of inventors. ' Perhapii .Jan. ,' by the Lev. 3'. S.r 11. Crawford, late a xpwlinlial:l'e j."'tit'.1%.;'1•Ys;...' ' Morris McKi Ti°‘vn811:1P's of 1-1"ick' Turnberys,, Crek,. Ir. Oreto noted, : 'inventions in literature FannRoland Blairlate of Clinton fheyllop and Hu Ile.tt, . and' the than:art..' See 'correspondence in the Sea-. y, .'''..' . , Mir -on ,.tlie evenim; train for Poi•tlarid,' T ilia ea of Wroxeterand Brussels. Tire forth.Sunand litiron ReCordi...... . - , EI.Licrrr —Su Hamiltoi3, on the 24th Have removed next to Jan., by the Itev. Roys,. ut the resi; t deuce of. Mr. Goodall, uncle of the bride-' grown, Mr. James Albert Elliott, of Cl'ecle-' rich, to Alies Annie Bell Smith, daughter -of S_Davis Albert iStreet, Mr William Sinith 'engineer G. 5'.11., • 5 Goderich, and sister of Clinton. • Clinton. BOOT AND MIOES . 4:CONNELL--AVII fTNE1'.---OB Thursday, the. 2nd inet:; at the "C. M. Church. by:, the. Rev. Mr: Cobb, .1MrT,W.-Adecoinie'lt, town- W. TA.VIOR SON, ship clerk of Tuckersmith, to )1rs. E. \Vhitney, of Seafortli. . KISErNI E.—:' TE'ABERRT," the non" arid eX4MiSit little gem for the'tecth and Month: haS. a heati- fully plated metal screw Op.. Try a 5:.corit - sample, C LINTON .1IARIIETS (..)J.,11%.1 OINT - • 'lfeb.:8, 1882. Wheat, fall, 14 bush, 28 a ' 1-29 officers elected were ;,(7riali McFaden, Grey, •President ; Jas. •Perkins, Howiek, President • James Drewe Brussels Secre- tary. The meeting was addreSsedby Dr. ,Wrn. Holmes,. Jas. Hays, the, President and 'Crice.PreSident. The following" reso- lutions -was carried i= --That this rneetina heartily approves and, endorses the, course of.- the present Opposition in -the _Local House, under -the able leadership of Mr.. Mereditil, believing_their action an a p-Olicy to be in'tilie best interest of this Dominion ss ayvhole and this Province nf Ontario .(1.1711W VICINITY. Sunday School in connection with St./ Peter's church here, closed last Sunday to be opened again when the warm weather commences., e.( THE CH•URLILES. • servic was held in St. Peter's church here last- Sun - \day at 2.30 p. m. and in the. 1.3/C. church Spring, - 1 28 a SI :10 at 0 p. m. There is service idthr; Episco pal church fortnightly at 2/30,p. rn. and -----7 'a 38 intlie B. C. every. Sunda one'SundaY• at • 75 a 0S2 WE liUREllY INTIMATE TO TI,IE PUBLIC TIL•VP Fife, - • '• -!"."1.3fi 1 31. STAVE 1.ONIMENCE0 l;IVIN;(; A Discount of 5 per cent off for Cask SPECIAL REDUCTIONS ON TILE BALANCE OF WINTER STOCK. Oats, -• ,. .0.75 -.a ,0'.80. ,! lour; • - 7 6 00 , 6_50 I Potatoes, . - . 0. 50 a 0 60' Butter," - : 0 18 ar.0'20 , Eggs. - - 7 018' 'a -0 20 1 -fay, - - 11 00.• a 13 00 Irides, . 0 50 a .7 00 Sheepskins • - 75 1 .00 Pork, - - '-7 75' .a.'$-.40 ef 6 00 - 7; .`15 e , a • - • -- ^ 11 SYMCIALTIKS ARK A1,14'.11:ti VII HP,ST • neklenN Arnie ve Mors or M comr. - • The 13Es•r SALVE in the worh-liorcuts,lsrniseS,' olowns souciTE0, Soros, Ulcers, -Salt Rheum, FOi•er sores„ Teter,, chapped Hands, Chilblininl, Corns, and all, Skin' T AYL 0 It SON, gEiri; ,,,Tatri:ptier, sea r tri4dg opsei ,t.ifveccity8z ran ti 01; NI A It ET HOUSE, L I NTI , I re f n n(1 ed. Pr too ',25cents ror 'box. Fr Iv • e 'by - J. 11. Combo. . Don't cry, dear.. *a .has gone to ROBB'S, THE:G.fl'OCER To get some of his 75 et. Tea-; she can't get along without it ; she is so troubled with the headache. -You know he has everything good and sells very cheap. Ma will be sure to buy some of his fresh ground Buckwheat Flour then hurrah for Buckwheat pancakes. " I want some 44 Bologna. You'll have some if you're a good 17 girl, that's a deary. VIM El, I.() ANN' PART 011' TI1E TOWN ON S1101q.,.N0TICE, Robb, the Grocer, Witteritio,lIottse,Clintoo 6 rn and the-necat/.., .30.p m g ELIU0.4VIONAt, TIM following ,is. the :standing 'bf.the pupils 'of the ,Public School herelor the month. of January, based on, mifetlity, riadeligence • and :demeanor • names arrange/din order of 1 , fermi: Bertie Thompson; Ida- Plutnmer, S0nne,1-1,M1{ardson ; jr. 4th, Jane Croy -nob, Lucy joilinston; S'arali Arclietr ; 4th, ,GerPlummer,. Tho.WatkirS;' Gertie TheffipsOn ; sr. 3rd, Walgate Tebbutt, Jas. S1(e.p.pard-, John 'Sheppard ; jr. ' Grace' Aveitht,.ryhos..Harcly,.Moses,SPrung Day. Wright; Maggie Johnston; .Richard. Beacom ; jet, Fred -Sheppard; Win. Shups -pard, Henry Tebtiutt:,... TUNITE It Y. Ptritc.unguo.-—"-Mr.` Thos. Hastings has piirchased• a colt 21 years old; for ;which he had to pay the snug Sum of ;,$112 cash.; Owing to the nutriber of horsed which are 'being purchased to take to lyfanitoba 'it the spring, the .prices.. have risen greatly, as much as $130,being paid for colts ,co:ha- ing three.,, Who says horses are not worth raising. .•, A little more snow is requiredin some places to snake sleighing good, yet saw -logs, and wood are moving towards Wingham, from this vicinity, liVely. • ' . S KA tr*O-..-7Tlie• skating, or( Thonisanis : ipill pond wag never better than :it' was ,last week. All tire skates in the village' were brought dOwn and'Sharpen ed.. 'Many. Yoring:persend'undertook to learn the art; itieludingthe schao,1 Master, druggist- and preacher. The three 'last Mentioned ex:s' hibited some w d dill feats in- skating, and were loudlf :appl•auded ;by the -admir- ing spectato/S..• ' , •EINTTER.T. iiNT'erE — ThQ kralicl'' enter-. taintnerre-lield inthe town hall; here, •caMe,(Iff.„.on Friday' evening 1ast The . chaliWas- 'taken by the Rev: Jas. LiVi n'g Stale, who Called on Revs. Jos: Cook and ;Nr; PatterSpri,.'Bayfield, teaddregg, the au- dience. Each % 'ef these „gentletheri Were •fullytnp-to the reputation they have, adfi 'quired;as platffirm speakerg...The speaker. of the.,•evening was 'Rey', Drr." Groderich,. Who, in. -his -iniMitable: way, 'eontrastedthe past IVith th6 present; the ild4ress, amusing, was- also very practical, •and deeplyrinteresting.17, The' committeeof management did notiail in, a•single 'iriStatiee,";' they Supplied the best . of tea and the choicesrdelicacies to the hungry. , But riotwitli:Standing all this; the enjoyment would have beenordinary,. had...,not the Clinton choir- of the C. -M. Onircli, put in an appearance.' To say 'that the tumid. was,' gOodr Would; be top Weak -4t was exceedingly grand. •.It -ti,nliiiitted by all pergonsthat' this: enter- tainment:was one of the best ever giVen Bayfield.' Proceed, over $70.... COurictr.,..s--The 'village •cennbil Met in the town' hall; on Monday, at 2 P.m., all, the .inembers Present; the prindipal bugi- riess transacted was the appointing Of'Offi- cers.to serve for the' current year. Mr.',j. Thomson wasre-appointed treasurer,, and the late assessor, Mr. Ching, being too in-, firm , in health to.',think of undertaking theduties, Mr. Chas. Stalker wit.,apPoint•-• ed assessor. Mi•, John Morgan was ap- POinted One of the auditors, :and the reeve -riorninated It,trChas. RobsOrt ashis col- league.: MegrirS. 'Miller, Harrison and ;Maitiowero appointed feriRVI'gver.,P,' Mr. John Ferguson, village ' cOnStable; and Mr. John King, poundkeeper: The weigh scales were placed under the management of11fr. Andrew with -instructions to report the proceed k mOnthly to the' council. A motion was silimlittedby Dr. Stanbury, tee' -by P. Cleave, and'carried fixingr the te,vern, and. shop, licenges the_ same as last year..' The •cOuncil' thettlta- JotiiMed to'pect again on the tith of March, • nUNGANzioN. An enthusiastic Liberal meeting was held at this place, on Saturday last. There was a large attendance, not only of Liberals but also -of moderate Conserva- tives. Addresses were delivered by Messrs. A. Al. Ross, M. C. Cameron, Dr. 51oan, and ethers. Officers for the. various, sub- divisions were appo.inted. Resohitions 41,f confidence in the Mowat Goveinment and the Local representative wero enthusiasti- cally passed. • I:Assn:cr.—The Grey Hairs 0101(1 nEc deciand and should rebeIve respect —but the Grey flatrs 01 young people rountre attention, in theg Clugalese Efr renewer Sold "NV.Iiy • of using • • • drugglsts, • • Red Brick Store----Sig'il of the I'adlock. 4GLENt'r.ON. • - • We 'have nowou hand, a l'are-' and .:cornplete.stockefall.the leading stoves of ;Canada. We • MARQUIS C 0 OIc STOVE, STERLING, CROVV2- MARQUIS, NORTHERN, rrr MIL -N] WO OD C 0 0 , TE1_,E GIZAPI-I, - GOLDEN AGE, r - TELEPHONE, GOLDEN SUN. - GOLI)El\T CltOIVIN And a quantity of others too numerous to mention.Also, a full stock of PABLOR; PARLair., - 'Cool( and BAIA. STOVES,' BA.SE BURNER COAL• STOVES including the celebrated Rannsi. llomu'also the PATENT CitAnmiNo-E HEATER, for wood, the most economical and most pow.. el -fill heater in tie market. A large stock of Ho r AIR Ditfiat, 5TOVE PIPE, ELBOWS, ex, Intending purchasers will "End it to their advantage to call and get prices and examine one stock, as we are in a position to sell at low prices, and are (determined not to be undersolctbir , • • ' any House in the icounty. . Best No, 1 Canadian. COAL Olt. .Aiso AMERICAN COAL' OIL Complete • • ".„-• —stoelcof LAMPS an MP, G000S, • • • • •'•':,L Clinton; • •-• '''.• • • .,..... 11 I . (SUCCESSORS TO D,,,CANTELOw- ' ' • • . • NIPORTER. AND DEALERS IN • , • ' • Gir4)coios' ,Cruckeil' ;GitrisSivkire Cl-tuutedii.uo1s, Twiftes Brushes -&C; ' . 1-01:).. ANDREWS' SORGHUM:SYRUP FOR. SALE. FARM PRODUCE, TAKEN IN EXCIIANGE FOP: ;GOODS. G001)S DE. LIVERED( TCV ANY PAIIT OF TOWN FREE OF CHARGE., CANTELON BROS.;THE GROCERS s‘ .ALT-313-a-vr :(31.111•C`i"OitLsr.A.. Biurt.—Ili Hullett ,-in feb, ,290 •Mi. Cor - ''' .. nein-is:Bear. ' ' i . . . .. ' . , . ,, .... '', . GRSTONG,I. -Bon s .',A4—(1,' SCra„p Iron. . Charlotte r M.,, infant 'daughter. of , ,M. ,.'Ja. nes . andHannah 'Cartwright, aged 7monhs. -, CROII0--In Thetererith, on . tha .2th ult., , Wilfred, son oHerbert Orielaged 1 year'and 3 months. , ' . , 15risn..h..„Iii..1'iick`eisraith, on: the. 265 ins ., Caiirwmoirr.—In Willett, on the 2nd 'inst., John Wise aged 58 years ING !natio arrangements !dr the 'Shipping of - the above by the car toad; we' atc prepared to w)icIA.16 the sandiv ielarge Or.sniall quantitieS. Tea:Ming. done.. .A strong Horge for sale, fU for /heavy work of any kind. .. AGENTS FOR THF 11,T7E 'OF PRES. GARVIELD.' Clinton, 055. 1. 1881, 4 • • W. INIARTEN,' LIESS1AN, • . Iffelville's Hill; Mullett 11111E atio-ye. Mill barin.g received new bolts, and.itu other,ways bsen put in first -lass -repair, and. thra subscriber haVing also secured the services of Mr, Rolret: Orr,' a flrilt-elass miller, he is now prepared to dosartr, kinds of Gristing with the -,greatest• despatch, atrA." guarantees satisfaction. l'houn axe Atli on hand alit" for meld at, all timer. . ' , , 43" . A. geff.ERRA n, "Proprietor'. '