The New Era, 1882-02-09, Page 6TO NIAGARA. Writ Btuckinghamthe t Buckinghaof m—published r1equest. W. Hail! sovereigu of the world of Hoods, whose Majesty and [Hight, First dazzles, then enraptures, thea o'erawes the aching sight. The pomp of kiuga mid cmperore in everyOlime and zone, Grows diol beneath the lustre of thy glorious watery throne. No fieote can stop thy progress, no army bid thee stay, But onward. onward, onward, thy march still holds its sway; The rising moat that veils thee, as thine herald goes before. And the music that proclaims thee, is the thun- dering cataract's roar. Thy diacleru is au emerald of the purest, clear- est hue. Set round with waves of snow, white foam and spray of feathery dew ; White tresses of the brighest pearls float o'er thine ample sheet, And the rainbow lays rte go rgoous gems in tri- bute at thy feet. • - Thy refire is of the ancient days, thy sceptre from on high. Thy birth was when the morning stars together sang with joy, The sun, the moon, and all the orbs that shine upon thee now Saw the first 'wreath of glory that enlivened thy infant brow. And from. that hour to this in which 1 gaze upon thy stream, From age to age in winter's frost or summer's sultry beam; By day, by night, 'without a pauee the waved with loud acclaim In ceaseless sounds have still proclaimed the great eternal's name. For, whether on thy forest bank the Indians of the woods, Or slice his days the redman's foe on his fath- er's lands have stood Whoe'er has seen thine incense rise or heard thy torrents roar, Must have bowed before the God of all, to wor- ship and adore, Accept thorn, 0 supremely great! 0 infinite ! 0 God, From this prime vial altar the green and virgin God The humble homage that my soul in gratitude would pay, To Thee—whose shield has guarded me through all my wandering way. For if the ocean he as naught in the hollow of thy hand, And the -stare of the_ bright firmatolQlit in thy, balance grains of sand, If Niagara's rolling floods seem great to us who lowly bow, 0! Great Creator of the whole! how passing great art, thou, Yet, though thy power is greater than the finite minds can scan, Still greater are thy mercies shown to weak dependant man, For him thou cloth'st the fertile fields wi t11 herbs and fruit and seed, For him the woods, the lakes, the seas, supply 'hourly need, Around, en high, or far or near, the universal whole, Proclaim the glory as the orbs in their first courses roll, And from Creation's grateful aoice the hymn ascends above, While heaven re-echoes hack to earth the chorus —God is love!- -- •-sees ess—.----- i-IURON ITEMS. A diareputabi,e house at Harpurhey, was raided last week, And the proprietor fined $20 and costs. Mr. S. Hicks, of Seaforth,. bas been of- fered $12,000 for his farm near Crystal City, Manitoba. Mr. Hugh Mowbray has .sold the east half of hia farm on lot 18, con. 8, McKillop, to Mr. Irwin Johnston„ for the sum of $3,000. The farm contains 50 acres. , Messrs. McGregor & McIntosh, of Bruce - field, have disposed of their young heavy draught imported stallion, "The Major," to Messrs. Colqnhoun & Dow, of Hibbert, for the sum of $2,000. On Tuesday last, while Mr. J. Riubey, H,, was chopping wood on the farm of Mr. . Jones, a short distance from Exeter, the axe glanced, and striking him on the foot inflicted rather a serious wound just above the instep. A sad gloom has been cast over Wing - ham by the unexpected death of the wife of ex -Mayor Wilson, on Monday last. Her husband returned from Manitoba only a few hours before her death, his feelings may well bo imagined. Druggists throughout the country tedtifly to the great merits et Dr, Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters. No medicine they sell acts so promptly in curing Dyspepsia, Indiges- tion, Biliousness, Liver Complaint, &c. Have you tried it 1 J. H. Combo is agent for Clinton On Friday' morning, 'the, residence;' of Mr. Michael Shea, on lot 13, con. 9, Mc- Killop, was totally consumed by fire, to- gether with the contents, only a few trifl- ing articles were saved by the children. Mr. Shea, who is an invalid, had great diffi- culty in getting out •of the burning build= ing. A sou of Mr, Richard McKee, 12 con., McKillop, !net with a very painful acuident on I•''ridalast. Ho was riding on a load of wood on bis way to school, and when near the school house, fell off, but unfor- tunately the land runner passed over his right leg, breaking the bone about yalf way above the knee. Chief Dunlop, of Seaforth, lastl' atur- day, interviewed two medical Men at the Commercial, calling themselves/Drs. Mc- Taggart and Leavitt, of Detroit, and de- manded of them respective] their certifi- cates. • They were unable o produce any papers'other than those ailing • from the United States. The Clef informed them it would be his duty to prosecute them. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitic, Pities is the Throat and Chet, relieved'and cured by the use of 1)r. Car's Pulmonary Cough Drops. The most reliable teefdinony has been redeived all to their efficiency in Bottles, 10 cents. J. H. Combe, agent or Clinton. Mr. tianfuel Platt of Goderioh, created quite a sensation in the 'Roesin House, during his last visit to Toronto. Having a severe attack of neuralgia, be called upon a dentist, whose services he thought would be the beat cure. During the night be awoke and found that he had been bleeding profusely ; but fortunately ob- taining assistance in time serious conse- quences were averted. While Mr. W. 13rutnbley was engaged in drawing wood to Londeaboro, onThurs- day last, he met with a gory painful acci- dent. 1Vhilo driving across a ditch, one of the front stakes gave way, and a por- tion of the wood fell, at the same time precipitating the driver on one of the sticks which happened to remain in an up - ,right position, thereby fracturing two of kis ribs. Free of Charge. All persons fingering from Coughs, Colds, Aa• thma, Bronchitis Loss of Voice, or any affection of the Throat and Lunge are requested_te call at J.H. Combe'a Drug Store and get a trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumptiiln, free of charge, wbich will convince them of tits wonderful merits and show what a regular dol- lar -size bottle will do. Call early. Squire Me]1Ipnald, of Exeter,, ,mets '. vi a a serious accident on Thursday afternoon at Hawkahaw's Hotel. He was passing through the dining -room . to the Magis- trate's room, where he was to sit .on a case, when he stopped to talk to settle one, and leaning against a door that opened into the cellar and was not latched, fell down some nine cr ten feet, cutting the back of his head and injuring him otherwise. Mr. Samuel McCaw, the well-known Conduc- tor on the Whitby and Lindsay Railway, says: Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters cured me of Dyspepsia. I always keep them in the house, and consider them invaluable as a family medicine. J. H, Combe, agent for Clinton: Mr. Win. Snell, of the township of Hul- lett, died at his residence on Thursday last, in the sixty-first: year of his age. Mr. Snell came to Canada from Devon- shire, England, in 1830, and with his par- ents settled -in the county of York. He came to Hullett about 31 years ago and: settled on the 6th concession, on the farm where he lived until his death. He had long been an active and 'bonsistent mem- ber of the Methodist Church; and was highly esteemed by all who knew him as well-for-his--Christian--virtues—as—for—his- kind and obliging diepoaition. His re- mains were... interred in the Kinburn Cemetery. The public should bear in mud that Dr. .The ho us' I;cioctrie Oil has. nothing in eowmgn with the Impure, deteriorating class of so-called medicinal oats. It is . eminently pure and real- ly eilioaeioue—relieving pain and lameness, stif- neas of the joints and muscles, and sores or hurts besides being an excellent speoiflo for rheums tism, coughs and bronchial complaints. NOT THE SLIOHTE•STAFFII!TITYexiaysbetgee',p the aarab, lessoongha mittgres the Market is flooded and that successful preparation—Northrop es Lyman's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophos- phites of Lime and Soda... It stands alone, distinct, is like itself, and nothing else. It embodies the beat results of advanced pharmaceutical science. It so eomplishes poultice, decisive reealts,amnions, reliev- ing eoaghs (when the lungs are nottubersalons or hopelessly affected), colds, laryngitis, and diseases of s scrofulous origin. .mWhileit does not cure Consump- tion, itis theostrelfable,mealis of defenee'againet that dreaded scourge.The lo''vigorating propertiee.01 the hypophospihitee reimburse,the system:debilitated by the constant tear and wear of a cough, while the paroxysme rapidlydiminieh inciolence, in eoneequenoe of the soothing emollient action of the cod liver oil upon the inflamed lung membrane. The phosplanins, lime and soda, in combination with it, are all natural components in the construction of the bodily edifice, Which, in a state of decay, lacks a sufficiency of. those elements. These the hypophosphites supply, inereas- ihetlta-nnu£fitive properties cull's biooa, 5nd building up and rehabilitating the tottering human structure with a degree of promptitude as astonishing es it le gratifying to the invalid. A perceptible gain in flesh as well as in strength is one of the consequences. of using this etandaid preparation, which both time and experience have demonstroted to be fully worthy of the confidence reposed in it. Prepared byNoaTHnot & L'MAz, Toronto, and gold by all druggists. A PRotiyio SOURCE OF DIAEASE,—A trifling indiscretion in diet may lay the foundation of confirmed dyspepsia, and there is no fact in medical science more positively-aecertained,or more an thoritatively asserted than that dyspep- sia is the parent of a host 'of bodily ills, not the least of ea'hich is contamination of the bloodand. the maladies of which that is the direct conse- quence. Thele original cause is, however, thor- oughly eradicated from the ayetem by NORTH-, ROP & LYIIAN'S VEGETAD'LE DISCOVERY AND DYsrEPTLC CURE, a medicine which only re- quires regularity and presistence in its use to euro dyspepsia and the many ills that arise from it. No deleterious mineral ingredient is contain- ed in it, and though its action is thorough in oases of costiveness, it never produces griping pains in the abdominal region, or weakness in. the -bowels like a violent purgative. Itinvigor- ates the system through the medium of the in- creased digestive and asstfnilative activity which it promotes, and is also.a most efficient remedy for kidney complaints, scrofulous and all diseases of the blood, feninle weakness. &e., &c. Price $1.00. Sample Bottle, 10 cents. Ask for NORTHROP it LYIIAN'S Vegetable Discovery and dyspeptic cine. The wrapper bears a foe - simile of their signature. Solt] by all medicine dealers. _ TUE GREAT FEMALE• REMEDY. JOB MOSES PERIODICAL PILLS This well-known medicine is no imposition, but a sure and remedy for Female Difficulties. and Obstrusittions,from any cause whatever, and although a powerful remedy, it cotit�ains whatever,, hurtful to the constitution. To married la- e,''Ps It is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short trat, bring on the monthly period with regulari- ty. egular:ty. in all ogees of nervous tinttspiUal affection, pains iu the back and limbs, heaviue s,- fatigue on slight exertion, palpitation of the heart, hys- terics, sick headaches, whites, and all the pain- ful diseases occasioned by a disordered system, these Pills Rill efregt a ours) when all other means have failed. These Pills have neve failed, where the directioue on socogd page pamphlet aro well observed. For fug par tare get a pamphlet. free, of the agent. OB MOSES, NEW YORK, Sole Proprietor, $ and 123t cents for postage, enclosed to Nort rop & Lyman, Toronto, Ont., general agents or the Dominion, will tasure a bottle, cants' ing,ever 50 pills, by return of mail. Sold in lintbn by J. H. Combe and Watts St Co., augl• •• 11 Medicine dealers. - The subscribe will pay the highest cash price for < ny quantity of potatoes, to be deliver -d at once. Contracts can be made at le store. J. Cuninghame. Clinton, Jan. 12, 1882. ,Tic ,Ladies of Clinto: • And the sorrouncllng country, are incited to come and see R. BEESLEY'S LARQ4 STOCK OF Winter Millinery and Staple Dry Goods, Which lie is now offering at a reductions to make room for our Spring Stock, BEAVER, FELT & STRAW HATS . made over In most fashionable styles. A Liberal Discount for Cash. VICTORIA ST., CLINTON. ALLAN LINE - OV ROYAL MAUL S'T'EAMSHIPS. LIVERPOOL— LONDONDERRY—OLISOOW SRORTEST SEA PASSAGE. Cwbin,Ilutermedlateau,I SteerageTlek• Cts at Lowest Rates. WINTER SAILINGS. WM. MOORE begs respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Clinton end` vicinity that he has entered into partnership with MR. SHARMAN, whose abilities nen a straightforward and thorough business man are well known in this community. Irt future the business, will be conducted under the flrm title of MOORE & SHARMAN The new firm . would take this opportunity of announcingthat. in addition -to their . present' large and varied stockof '• 3nera Grocer' Glassware, Crockery, &c,, i•� They are constantly receiving freshimportations from the best houses in the Do- minion, which they are prepared to, give their customers AS CHEAP AS EVER OFFERED IN TADS PART OF THE COUNTRY. Stock Complete; in Every Department.' supply ofFccshOtll1, SadaLarge 1at F(o111)a �1all� :. A CALL RESPECTFULLYr. SOLICITED. Remember the�Place,- Brick Block, Next Door to Harland Bros., Clinton.' From Boston and from Portland each alternate week, calling at Halifax. Persons wishing to send for their friends can obtain peeeage eertfficates at, tweet rates from England, Ire- lland d Sdotland to any city or railway town.in-Ce.. d the amount is refunded less a small dedti do the ticket is not used. Steer a Peeeengere are booked to London, Cardiff, Bristol, Queenstown, Dorry,Belfaet and Otsego*, et sane prides ea to Liverpool. Fsrtbrongh tioketeand scary Inhim Sti'oliappljto A STRATTON ,G. T 1? . agent,Olinton Has a splendid assortment of For' Fall and rVinteer. -wen"- -which will;' U s¢1d cheari MP TE SUCCESS: Since i ninO/out after the late fire, OUI -business has almost - doubld our expectations, and still it continues. This week CHAIRS Our 3t'e haveto hand a large consignment of PERFORATED & CANE in the lateststyles,, and:prices" AWAY DO,ti'VN, 'FOLDING CHAIRS`d . THE VERS.' NEWEST. GAR,FIELD BEDROOM SET)) 5 pies $13, S'T'ILL BIKES THF: LEAD, A}ILOlt SUITES, every kind. BEDROOM' SETS, LOUNGE S, SIDEBOAPDS, CENTRE AND EXTENSION TABLES in;every style and price, and anything in the line made., to order when --not in stock. Ordered work and satis4'actiota a specialty with us. GFS. Il► ]Ci.H Y� r.$pc).; CLINTON' cAB.Nek COAII'ANY, 295. 'VIC'OR1<A STREET. l:1 1 1111111111111M tea. 'S rn i Hardware 1.A1%1 ZoT . hove TNarehous�. SI`-L :S D A V I cii,oss Err GgisTUINE, MAPLE LEAF, SILVER S PEEL, LANCE 'TOOTH, DIAMOND,:_: HANLAN; CHA"MP10N; T ANCOIr, and - b\ 1 MA\ (2,1 OSS OUT SA'W&; •AXES. AX.. AYES,• W.ARNOCK'S, I3I71t7:;TL'5 AN1)• IXh`OPD'S, 1N ALL TEII BTs'1.` BRANDS' BARBED WIRE, SOLID STEEL, TWO AND FOUR. POINTED. ROYAL CANADIAN. CLOTHES WRINGERS, 'cheaper Ilia over. Stoves; Tinware 8c. Lamp goo� HIDES, SHEEP WINS, FIJRS�i1.[GEIES'r CASH PRICE PAM I; S., I7► -A VIS,. 1 Lercha ni , PH T7[ r 7BI.1�1CK:,.. 410L/IN'i