HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-02-09, Page 5The new cemetery belonging to the vii lege, of Elyth is .situated in a very pleasing locality. It is staked out In lots and fenc- ed with a barbed wire fence This atyl fence may be a very beneficial one, altho it does not coincide with our views; in country where we have a good supply wood. The first interment was m about the beginning of ,cane, since time ten have been conveyed to this r ing plane, also the remains of two o.tl, have been raised and re -entombed t making twelve.—Coat. -? WELL DONE.—Mr. Thos. Neilana, our Collector, has collected every cent Pi taxes for 1881, very creditable for both .the rate - pay* of Hullett and the' Collector. It seems no trouble for Tom to get taxes, he is !Itch a jolly fellow that after 'one has paid_ him one feels almost to want to pay them over again. He has always genial ringing laugh with him.—Ratepayer;. VITAL STATISTICS. --Vital Statistics, Township of Hullett, for 1881.—Births, 98 ; Marriages, 16 ; Deaths, 52. ILL.—The many friends of Mr. pi, •Biel- by, of the 7th con. will regret to learn that he is seriously ill.'We hope to hear of his early recovery. GOOD S•rocx: — Mr. John McMillan, reeve of Hullett, has a span of Canadian , bred mares for which he has refused the suns of $700. This is a very large figure, and shows what' care and attention on stook may be made to realize. PREPARING FOR THE NORTHWEST. —We - are informed that Mr. C. Bell, Belgrave,,-' am, that J. Howson get bridges built on.' -SSR 30-31,' con.' 13, and give an order on the treasurer for payment as hen completed,. and` that J. McMillan and J. Howson be e of appointed to prepare plans and specifiea• n a tions for :building'a: new bridge on con. R. ,a 12-13, lot 29, the bridge to' be built of two f -abutments ents and.one pier of cedar timber.-- --e imber — . that Nevelt by,J. I3o}vson sec by J Britton that the treasurer :be instructed to deposit four hundred dollars of the:township funds in the, Bank of Commerce, Goderich, to the credit of the township, until' re - hos has the contract -for two dwelling Moue for Manitoba, one being for Mr. Ang Campbell of Hullett, the other for Mr. Geddes jr. Morris ; these buildings are be framed ready to put together then shi ped to their destination. This is, a gr idea, not to say anything •of 'the conve ience. Who would' not go to ,Manito with'sueh an outfit. 1 - GRANGE SOCIAL,—The sixth anniversar of the organization of the Hullett Grang was observed by a social, in the Tempe ante Hall, Londesboro, on Monday eve ing. The hall was filled to its utmost c parity by the members of the order, an friends .who had been invited to partak of their -hospitalities After a'sumptuol and excellent repast had been partaken o Mr. John earnings, worthy master, w voted to the chair, who briefly addresse them and then called upon Mr. Ray, o Morris, to address them, _who was follow ed by Mr. Hood, of Sunshine, (secreta of the Division Grange) who,.after quetin several. ,articles. from their .constitution impressed upon them the importance o furthering their -own interests other tha pecuniary, by judicious education and pro moting the social qualities of the order es us D. to and n• ba y Er, r- n• a- IR f, as d. f ry g n • He was followed by -Re:v.•Mr. Loug'head in a brief but well put speech. Mr. John• cMillan being next called on, went at le + th into the practical life of •a• farmer, dea i o g with the improvement ,of . stock, the ncessary education of a farmer,' and impressed on the youth the necessity of .a deep interest in their calling, and connpar- ing their position'se one much preforrable . to that of anybusiness or professional • , Asan. His remarks•were these calculated' to dogood,, and none should be more heartily adopted than his advice for all of' - Then: to become members of some.Mechan- • ics'Institute.' .Mr: Holmes followed briefly and was succeeded by Mr. John Rudd,- who udd;who took up the advantages of the Grange system, '•and in his humorous manner, pleased as well as instructed his°hearers. Rev. Mr. Hamilton followed, and impres- sed upon his hearers _the necessity c f a study of, agricultural chemistry among farmers ;.believed their nailing was a nobl0- one, and they should avail themselves oft all their privileges and rights as citizens. Canada, he said, would t}lways be an agri- cultural country, and to develop her • im- mense resources required the earnest ap- plication of mind and body. During";the, • evening's proceedings; the chair furnished excellent music, and a couple' of pieces were also sang by Miss Woodman' and Miss Hiles. Votes of thanks were then' pegged': to the speakers, choir, ,ladies, chairman, &c., ail of which were suitably: acknowledged, after which' the 'gathering broke up at an early h%tnr, having spent a very pleasant time. This order appears` to be in a prosperous• condition,having membership of over 70, with fresh addi- tions at every meeting. The secretary of the order is Mr. Jas, Snell; vdho was- Most assiduous in contributing to the success of the gathering. . COUNCIL.—A meeting of the council of Hullett was held at Londesboro, on 'the Slat January ; all the members present ; minutes of former Meeting were•'read and confirmed. The award and decisioq:•61 the Minister of Education bearing date the 21st Jan., • 1882, in refelrrence-to-tile dispute with the trustees of th'e Rtfnlan Catholic Separate' School, previouiily submitted . to him, art ' • mutually greed by the council and said trustees,./was read,- ' deciding that .the 'amenut of county school assessment `taxes paid to the said township by the aupport ,sire of said eehool, from the year 1876to: the year 1881, botti inclusive, be refunded to the said trustees. • Moved' by J. Britton, sec.. by J. How - am, that the decision • just read be adopt- ed, and that, as the said trustees have al- ready been paid the last three yeara men- • tioned, sixty dollars be now paid to them, being equivalent to the amount paid; by'. them during the previous three,years, said:. aixty'dollar's to be payment 'ii full of 'all claims by the said trustees iu aforesaid disputed matter.—Carried. • • Moved by J. Howson, .sec. by J. -Lash am, that the treasurer's account, up to 27th Jan., with this township, as audited, be now finally passed, and that fifty copies of the auditors report; and abstract, in sheet form, be published. -=Carried. Moved by J. Mason, see. by J. Britton, "that Alex. Grant be paid $13.85 for gravel for son. R. 12.13, lote,'9.10.—Carried • Moved by J. Howson, see. by J. Brit ton, that the clerk write tpp Dr. Sloan, pathmaster, road division No. 86, Hullett, for 1880, asking information' with respect 'w' to road work in said road division, for the year 1880, as complaint has been made. that said road•ivork was not performed for that year, and we find that returns have not been made for said year for said divi - sion.—Curried. Moved by J. Lasham, see. byJ. Masan, that by-law No.. 5, 1881, dividing- the townships int° ten pound divisions, be re -- pealed, and that the clerk prepare a by- law, to be passed at the next poeeting of council, making the whole of the township into one pound division.—Carried. Moved by J. Britton, see. by J; Lash: r quired for the use of the township.—Car- ried.. ownship.—Car-ried.• • The • council then adjourned to meet, again when called, by. the Reeve. JAs.''BBAITilWAlTE, Clerki . • .- Trite To Her Trust. •`1oomuch cannot be said of the ever -faithful. wife and,niother, constantly watching and car- ing for her dear ones, never neglecting a single'. . duty in their behalf. When theyare assailed by..disease,", and the system should have a; thoroifgh'eieausivg}tire stomach and bowels.' regulated, blood purified, malarial poison'extor- mivated, she inust know that Electric Bitters' are the only 'sure remedy. Thoy•axe the best and purest nredteine fit the world and only'eost fiftycents.. Sold by,T. H. Combs. business now I Before. the public. +, ESI Yon. can mal e in neyf aster at work forus than at'anyt ing else. Cap rtal not,needed, We will•start you. $1;2 a day and upwards made at honor by -th industri- ous. Men, women, boys and girls wanted .everywhere to work for us." .,Nowis-the tune:, You can work in • spare time only -give your whole time to the loran., ness.. •You can .live Itt horire and do the work. go other business will -pay you nearly, well, No one can fyil tb make:•enorntous pay by engaging at once., Costly .Outjt add terms free. Money made fast, easily and honorably. Address TRUE & Co., -Augusta,, Maine In iss�Iution- Qf Partnersh_ • is hereby, given that the Parti erN0TIcE ship heretofore existing between theunder- signed, as general .Storekeepers in -the village of -Londesborough, will be dissolved, by mutual con- sent on the 13th day of February, 1882, ALL PARTIES INDEBTED TO THEM are,:requestedf tO call, and settle] and parties holding claims against them. will oblige by presenting'theth for settlement. cOnnectjOn With the above announcement '.aive have decided tohold a And -offer the whole' of our immense stock ata .Wvery; -slight ad vance on cost for, cash, and respectfully request you to call, and secure seasonable goods at prices that will astonish you. Go tc, coopiEll)s Dass Uoois, Flannels, Inc° adercloth n FOP VERY CHEAP. C1H[I:Al� GISOCERI +'S j.0 c�tici' �1"td. 11 1.6.0,1 S itiie •-�7u°>id,s �. will: nsto1lir i ou Crockery, Glassware, tic. . Qat►11ea1 ��d:�Co�me�1, ah���.ys al��ll���l a ALSO Petty's: cehbrated "E gush 8rcakiast 8acor�, f�V q of OIIP celobrato&� 1st:Ovoreoats stlll 0�1 hailL . BE SURE YOU SECURE ONE. PRICES HAVE ,TUMBLED Long ClearBciicon,.Sugar•ettrecd �Ici ns, And ..Aro.1 LARD: At -prices whieh•-eannot-.be berteu-int town. _ HIS 60 C. TEA 'A+: SPECIALTY SOLE AGENT FOR Dobbins' ELECTRIC SOAP 3�u JUST 'RECEIVED, A LOT OF Flat- and Split Herring. '• THOMAS COOPER, . ALBERT STREET, CLINTON a week in your own town. .$5 . outfit free.. 'No 1 isk. Everythingmew. ',Cap,- ital not required. We will furnish you !'everything. Many are. making .for- tunes. Ladies make as -much as men,, and boys and girls make, great pay Reaael~ if, you want a business at which you can make great'pay all the time you work, write for particular to II. HALr,Err & Co., Portland,' Maifle • , John: McGar, va, SALT:: MANUFA ruEER, ANI) DEALER IN GRUCERI S N PRUVIS401NS, ' . 293 Vic';o1'ia Stieet. -'A few doors south of the Post Oliiee.. Very, Choice' Lard,: Hams El Bacon For sale at'1'owost prices: i'Caeh paid for 'Farm Products. • , •- J. 'McGARVA. Clinton, April RE{SIO V41 i THE SUBSORIBERBEGS LEAVE:. TO'STATE- to the public;thnthe has received since the re, a large,am'd superior class of,. COPFINS, CASKETS; offin.Trlmminga and;Robe8. AaplendidHEARSE kept. Pi.nrx'Ceiri+ine always on -hand.. Pattiesok,5 be supplied in ono hour, at • .any time, it very reasonable dates ' -.;THOS STEVE111801e. Bacey's, old Stand, Albert Street, Clinton, • f ,,4rgains in Ready -Made Clothing. Decided BARGAINS in BOOTS aim' SI10.ES:;.�: ___ Remember the goods must be sold; bottom prices will . sell them.' Call and be convinced thatj(yo can buy goods cheaper now than: you ever. bought :them before. :There will undoubtedly be a rush to 'secure' these°goods and we advise our ..friends to cone early and have the advan-' tage of a full stock . to select; f orr. LT.BOOTS:Oheaperth ever orse Blaiikcts, Bu talo and Goat Robes cit t -Bottom Prices.,. irropimm. Victoria $1 w1 . CCliutc ri. 11lC1.-77, NEXT.' TO:R M. RACEY'S,':ALBERT STREET;',.;` Is tie spot to buy. your ` Furniture As we'mauufactare all our own goods we are prepared to give"our customers a batter quellt of goods for less money than can be Obtained elsewhere. Can and see our Bedroom' Sets, 3 -pieces . Bedstead, Bureau and .Wagh"stand, B> OADr or k BOX, 7,7 Brick BIock Cliinton. ;,, !. 1 1 lforin o.ur customers. -list we navebeen fortunate ��L I i. We •hog to :il enough to secure some of those ,.. _ ' . • MANUFACTURED IN TORONTO. Yt? 'A permanent, sure care for disoabes,•_dioorders and ley" s, ailments of the Ifidneys, Bladder and Urinary Scare- �vFs tive Systein, or attendant complaints-eitusing Pain ^ h �' � _ • �~'Ll. • • .. in small of Back, Sides, &c, Gravel, Catarrh of the Bladder and Passages; ebi'ghte Disease, Dlabeles, - r. w� v;llLlll(�/, aL&lhil,l�ij Dropsy, ISi16a,Nervo es Debility, &e, v� Pamphlets sad Teetimoniale can be obtnmod from druizgiatafree. 0 ear % Pnrone—Child a Pad, $I.fiO cures hod vtettin Ito Slliar to what the had last y , s \beincg very fine fruit) at a'. gularIrad,${2, Special Pad for Chronic Discadea,$3 price which will A117•hlA us in cull th • .". inary.,. . WATTS & CO , Clinton, is It W. TAIJRTELL, Teeswater; W. T, I3R'sN, Wing - ham,• RaAWRASON &•IAMILTON.731yih J 9. ItO. BERT S, Seatorth 1 '0. II IIENSON,'13ayllold 9. A HODGE, Mltahollr THE CENTlIAL.I)RUG STORE, Exeter;; Z. R rAClf9ON, Retwall ,'EGET. MELLES, Itippen. B. A, 11tITCIIELL, London,.ivhelesaleag't • " BEAVER BLOCK, NEXT TO THE TOWN HALL: 9. PALLI5TI4. r. 'vlt>rtxr