HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-02-09, Page 3-IR ..... .... .... NO 1`1111YESTERN ONTARIO. 'Tcv ExTRAON"ANART rpff A,1110DIEN IVILYST.EaV. TERRIBLE CRAZE. The Illevelopullenani at he JoallwaylVer- New Developments In a Dark Crilkle An 011awnt Hankrupt kstate Paying One llrllluu�_rnture Citleli JUDoianiu- Uo.' coannitted"at Deli -Olt. 111undrelil Viiints; on the Dollar,- and END XN� LARGE OR S�MALL Melancholy End'of, a" To nto 'Who 1% �WB Y TO L -moxtga�lge security, luoderate rater ro —Man � slix1olsou''good GIR A correspondent. Bends us the following, . I I Leaving a sarplas. Qt -A W@nt to te4,.,an �Ex intqrest. H. Detroit (Mich.) despatohsayB'- Another cution. Clinton timely communication describing the situ - chapter in the'Marths; Whitla murder case A despatch from Ottawa says: A dividend ation and 'prospects of two places which of ollar on all LIST, OF LANDS IN HURON FCt�SAL LE 13Y was, press ied la�t night by the police in (Fxo= the st:triuis--Globe,-Democrat,� one hundred cents on the d' Afihe Ca.�%dla Company, may be s lAondon I�ife as Seexx Thick -_-h promise, in ille near future to assume posi- Tbe� rlece'nt�' h ii � .1, hen sell at the Office of the filed claims, with 9, surplus of about W0,00 �-i � Wi g of Dr� Win. G. *Cox, who tions - of considerable importaxice in,con- a gings `in� this city have I ugued. - H. HA LL, Clinton, re. beeri,attended by, many odd circumstaucea, aftpr making due allowance for reserved ---------------- keeps a drug Store at -97 Grand avenue, and nection With I -the , Syndicate's rail Way ger than the de h UNGLA�ND, IS none 'Of which is-stran ath o aims and reasonable costs in t et�c%se, is 11� DO�VSLEY, M, D_X. R. C,S� MrB. Harr' t Schneider, o4 a charge -mes, D sche Thtg-r6oeut decisions of the Syn, a new Aep n Otlic,b and residence initting : tile in rder. The prisoners were of a, young mail named bhu L, K iser, at a in the record of the lhgolvent ' Surgeon, &L,, L U. is. and CalAYle- U ex taken into. custody, and weie broughtto hi' gor'na--, Mills the Lake Sb..V ars ago the fine, timber dicat -ma ng Al i,ceuts Asyluin; of what is known Courts., Four ye us I xo.Clintoni. 1196mebery nixtil bin Scotch Tenants- Hury terminus of i bran limits owned by Mr. John Lorne acdou- police hbadquaxtel!5 abou� 8 p. in., where ela road has as acute delirium, B�id- to have'llee super. SICklilleSS In 11011141011- tu excited some nterest in the locality,, and � gal I d'Mr. Duncan C�Mpbell'Macdctugall Ontario street,, plinton, opposit Jew-unitini; * � 1 den t witnessing the execution of Ellis all 0 the English %Vhy Wveuly Coal'it; , OsIteirls ant, v�. Supprinten ogersawal edtheirarrival. afew notes about it may be of interest to orak tors, Entrlinebbyside,gilte. tile, publi I c. 'The mi . Ile 'are situa, g man Prootm . reader' Jietrjutendent Roger& told the prisoners tea on the and ikotovsiy. KMser, was 1youn ' ell po easion Ofl; e t 1ttheir credi w I BO at y were arrested under his direction oV22, whose parents live in Toront� but and the Or , lorced in.to� insolvency. xe JAMES SCOTT, BA-RRlSTEA,'SOL1(,,l uit6lilin, :who had been employed.for' som6 time as Supreme Court of, Op�arw, conveykilcer Late Loldop cablegramsare as follows; and on -his responsibility �alone, for having Main land'of Al4oma, north 0 Ma his -time a Mr. Frazer held 4, mortgage on TOR OF TILE Dr. Lyo layfair publishoa7 Mite- murdr-� on ail isthmus about a mile Wide, between a clerk:on one 'of the boata of the, Upper the properties to the amount of, over 540,- oin"e, ill RHAVV4 111,0�) I - ed Martha Whitla. The prisoners Small bay facing the South ana m lake which Mi Ld valued his gedurityat,520;000, and millan's Magazine for FebruayY an were very much excited over the proceedings; ssour� River.' When the bout �000 a nd ea6h'',had several requests to maW S da the - mi I Stream: About two- miles went, illto wi quarters th e; b e' '8ay,that had the 6 KOUN(j, M�,B."�,GRA:bbATB OF TORONTO industries ass,#eqted a later the young at experW state 00 University,) Physician, Sorg by the tariff, and credits the protective' before being' locked in' front. , lies - a group of islets tz- thrown., been. turned into a he &: C., residence at up- for the tir, mail WAS tempnrarily� out ic Mauning's, threa doors east -of the Temperali System with the rapid- growth of ceitain;'Dr Cox Was desirous 'of *going to -big- (probably about 40 in num-b-dr) , varying w6rk but b6ig �Vell: Supplied With ouldilot-have got, more -thall �25jQOO for Hail,Landcsboro, Out. 3 1 1 frbia all area of 300 acres to a, Square ro1 mou bieythe e6thtd._'7-TW-q'b6nks held largeClaimB 3ndustrios, such a., cotton, W'Dollen and' store for the purpose of arranging: matters. ey, ... which he gaved from�' iron, and concedes that' Airterfean inanu. The' offliace , r a who mude. tV . a ar I rests left the Tbey "are yerygicturesque, and com- summer earnings,. . he . as preparing t 1 0 1 viSit against the concern,-abd so. convinced were . BREvr_OFFICE . STRkET� pletely shelter the bay from heavy Be, �their repress tatives that the affar was i, mod'ut I, north of li�'c'kson's book store. fctures, though alleged to be dear, are City Rail with them' to lock -them up for I � . %9,, his parents in 'Canacia. On the �6th of i 1 Reiti- homeat and good. American mecha�uics,' the though a little breakwate : might rpr �owever, son In, a hey'advised the ssignee Temperance Hall, Huron street i-bt.� T).ie Sup�rintendeiit said , he OvG li aebod`y galve bi 90De up," that t e hon ' tand efficieutthan I . t desira�ble in fall hours fi6w 8 a.m. to 6 prl�. axe, be Says, -or 65 d UJOthil to conceill about the arrests�. gtorms-. AS 9, pox't, for theltichet, and he'wenti to, sieJKot6vsky -anid to bauti the. affadr over to Fraser and foreign, and he concludog that. nobody He I - want, it tie I think it will Suit admir- r. Bell', of� Ellis hung. Wheid- be came'llack to his relieve them of the liability. 'M expects the Speedy establishment 'of free Carleton Place', who was the t JKAARIAGn LICENSES AND CERTIFIOATS Chicag ra understood that I ably, ail the shortest possible' boarding-libuse,:.Ng�. Ap&.�jt the a t the rpsidence-ofthe. caused th arr6sts to be made Q My own ___1,I06 Piue Ist'reet, he par, y ii , a e, route-fromi- Ma�kinao_to_Montreaf-T aubse4ter & ucc Railway, respoubibilit�; --and I v JAMES S'60T-T, Issuer ot Marlriage Lic�Vs1,1,3'. Clinton' ahave c I barged them . with `tbe-'iitl3'rVer of I towlaplOt.(of the future will probably -bo oonfidencein-the'recuppr'ative'poi7�er oft e declares it impossible not to foreseb1h while many of big expressions. werei very the satigfa the United States is about, to becom6 the oA.-the 'mill pioperty, and the, owners will w6r&al try, and now --has ctio of ksftha;'Whitla, and7propose to. 'prosecute , v6rlooked orrega�ded, for cOull at he - bus enabled the estat o- the wor)1 ille -fullest lke�-y ba. Willing to� take all 'risks and do the time beiiit� as lln atte;�pt at : Wit' In 'knOwin0h 'attonded at xesiden I ce,jfneeesswT. great manufa turing country of- them,, to extent- of the law." the Speculating them alk, going pay all itsclaims, and have a h��adgome =,ali Mrs. Wattersdii's; 11aft eubury'%b,- Cjimton� An important -work by Superinto ndent-Roglirs B selves. 'Jea5t th�.afternooli he took a� long, w aid that he had in Thomas Carlyle bus been discovered lately- bis'posaeasion. -evidence which was conclu-' the , iilfafe left ' to siralbg',era � WIll 6ut"to drand'avenue � as, he explained on amotint,on'lland 'for, the -benefit of its first ew methold'tauglit if desired. y ners. It is�entitled 11 Tour in Irelan& in .1849," give in his,,own min bardl 'a the"n_3_'ost profitable: his rttur4�, itbout'r'ecourse to' the sireet Ow irr making'the -arrest... �He - bad followed- SAN13UR,Y,.GftADU' 'RE OF 'THE MDI d that he wats:,juk�ified", town Wil at Ahe High. A and comprises note�_&n�ibe moral and pbli- Fafle On cars.', That i�htat the Supper, table he I . IN tiea I condition, of that country Of. the most had valuable the­`S�anish -River,. whichis'in the q6ntre b6caiiie: veryligay and sang sevex6l s,Ong�, merly 'of the Hospitals and Dispensaries, Nelv Jorl; the case 'for years, an, an excellsin't tract of'1arming ;land-,' and: which lie anot been beard to stringent character and gieat6gt'ihter6st. given . in '. his Be�Tch�,-&, Coro . ne for the Conn ty of Huron,.Bayficid`,7pn't This manuscript was unknown'to Fronde, Was re icen as -to will be.the depot, of the lumber trade for -At 8 o'cl6ek- -wen t Onibreak-itif the Disenne Apnoug Sireev -v7lLL1AMS,B.A. Al. B.,, GRADUATE OF the murderers. H6* t, t-_ , , sing 6fore., some tiuie� -its positio d Car Ilormed at R.Toronto Uniersity; mic and it was submitted to; hi's exami a and prospects to, be -did_ not sleep,, an natioli. What be :�fiad to offer _d,___,b,ut ber, of the CollegeotPhy. He was so delighted with it' that " he vo'lun- the, I that-ii1ematter wbuld ..will be very like thos'. so 9triangely to his roorb-mate film' 'A 'despatch- from,. Buffalo 'says The. CF the chaige, but saic Lanark"but W fji�iansalla Surgeons, Ont. oFprc.F R teered10 write an introdu6tion hen it is e house formoily op develop itsqlf Whellthe ease Comes UP for .'horse dis6ase, h �upled b Dr. Reeve," ith the advantage, of, n aviga,­ b to Sleep. - Botwebr. 12 and I nown as 11 pluk'eye has y !q1ls-85 miles tip the'river, be�began to -b 01-inton. published in book'lorm. - Meanwhile it li tion.up to the I e vi reliched Buffalo, and ' - ;_ - a§ examination id`the Police,Courb. He.Baid olent, i and tied a towel is causing the, Street been securedby EdmUw1_-Gosso1*fOr_-t. ack,'to show thit, he couldl Railroad Oompa:ciy esp6cially� a great deal UANNING', ATTQRXr,,Y-AT.LAW SOLI 1, havethe very'iack in' hich th-e-bbdY, and 60 -from' Alg6maMille. The " Mills'� irgund,hig Il W-111 be tlie-c'biefl competing point between hurt -ell Wit - bout pa Century " magazine,whera it will -shortly was i6noldsed befoie- throwing :it in the tb in! This exbibi of inconveience.' Sixty horses were down A -i clT0lt-rN-CHA'140FuT, 06m;eyaneer, &o., -Beaver e C. P.R. and the Ontario.Junction, and- tiug, b'Ta h -to Bu�icid I e if his 'with theliseasb at the ..bar' ' on. Ni' i;ik Bldck, clinto begin to* ppear as.��Selral Simultaneously, -ii'r'. I further liuVe thq girl's.. furs, can ..ld ave amounted n,',On,. All business prom' in London a I ud,�New I York. 61y, fail' to beF-a-smart town. '_A ns ag ove . r .. Which there 'has . been, some Scarce licioul4hate had not come to, hi4',Te'scue., street, nine ut the bkrnB,st th footolMain Office boiltxa, 1 9 . a.ra 7 to�6.pau:... large portion of t96 Manitoulin trade' Earl Ro "P",y's Scottish' tenants -to the tal� and! her watch, - Ili' my research -will Thefi.he'wanfed'to break a burnin' I t S _N, ISURG-bON 9 amp street anit Aw�elve at Cold Springs I" number of 120 last night celabrat4 the be attracted to it, -and the Syndicate will, 'to R. WORTHINGTON, PHYSICIA the very - Mali Show. bow he could replace, the broken aid the'disease. first broke out among the DAcou6lieur,Licentiate of the -College di[Physicion- able to constitute pieces and Make it continiie to c or out three weeks ago. Thus birtb,of his Son und beir dfAinner' whothrow'' del6ells' body intw the giv� light. , ar h sea tkb d 9 nqaoiiii of Lowe nxia,)Lic,en, burb. Lord R: `cbrdi 11 to SAPIt Ste. Marie if illey abt on. a d, liale C-,--orfor,theQoun L�yomuro , v. ( , .. a.Y rfvor� also- threw this'one,, in. : Th�cbarge -The lamp lbein'g plLded out of� rbach" his far�'otber horse's about the city )Mceaud e com The builditar formerly oecll�icd by I ression,oFfriandship, in residence - his exp �perjflcally againit br. Cox is that he cona- atten tion was -directed- to other things. - 116 ucai- though iresh -CaBeS Raron street-. liffered 'in teand hoping1hat the,%�51y I hereafter will1ol- mitt thea ught his great. libysical strength 9, belnging,to private parties have 'been re- ed_a;u;,�ubortiou on. the �girl, from the low. in, tile footsteps of his great�graud- effects of which\ E16 died, andhat at Mrs. PJL1LNWV OF matter, worthy of'*&, long harangue, but::io. ported. The. ai§ease,.said. Dr. Somerville,.. W R 0 who I aid the foilludaitiort of he Schneideris.house-tbe. 6aurdar occd�red in. the. roidst of it he made go. much noise that is known in England " influenza, blat in, $Me ARJTXVRlQRT,Si)iaorozi existing good feeling bet7ee I Ayher. Jqjs I r ate of� tbo'Enyal C0110j,10 �Of DGnt" a allidlord and, a Similar manngr Igo that' of Anniedle. 1TJ[`rq11"" nund:.. Mr. Bra;dy came up to see what thig country � is called ­Tink-��e," on. ac - amens ever'llte Goes. th 6 the VicWria E talant Qe6. H. Pennimall, one f the attor-` �m . . I I I 6 matter was, an OMdet,*had' count oftbe b9d"aiscolorati6nof-th6,me ;lQcic, Albert -Street. ,��The great prevalelice of acar!4 -fever in neys'.for Hugh S. P�O'pdes, � ca, I me to police him tisken to iheour Courts. �4 6rane of th�. eye. The iiffi icted horse is very )Yill constantly be, in afte-ndane.0, Auld the fashionable parts of Loild8n begin's to At.the celebration of turns' anniversary Thelnext day he Was Se, Dadly'd6bilitated nd entirely uri it' for�.use paq * dariefsnd'expreEsed himself greatly a f'or'm'e,v'ery in Luchuow Mr. Campbell, the� ut to st� o . xtr' acted, o", filic d )Vith gold i �mal (�a p f. li,;i excite.ala:rw.. Belgravia aild South. Hen- . ,"i . viole elated-ovei the arreAt. 11��clhiws thatthey Vincent Insane Asylurn. -His ather of Lucluo*, delivei�,(L An eloquelif mce There, is sorbi,les8, closing of the.,ey.a,..oBs Jacressing, he snatched a cap from'the head Wlg-of tha: legs; 6`tc: A sington have suffered very severely. Maily..th,�ri�ughlyvindicitte�I)is*t',,Iient'of�tnv:c6ni. 'tutbe toast of The Mr- , of appetite, awe, people think the infectionis' ca:(rried about. Plici -1he'record'd Dr., address in reply Of a SIB -ter rid, rhiS twas".4hought he o need -biud; big hand's f 2x-ca-bsrwhii,e--ethers-ttseribe--th-e-uirh -- Ox a 001 Weill lK no -'a to beat, to or two or-tbiee we4s a3:rQstei: or the Hi�� 6peech Wag full'of loyalty and patriot� 11 1 1 . ". r'', MONTE TO ness of the west end to' the fact that all mucl ism. 116 . Said 'thab�� no Governor-General and � f6et'. For sevei83 days, he -,vas. a, d ravingm MU leriof�Annie'Cl after a l'ong miao, but continued to wapte away that bank of the Thames was marsh i e had givien,greater satisfaction to iis ofthe. extim a xesigt and ?I ich appear to be more open,to attaith: than th t - Mrs. ire, 'to inflict iiij Neir ni)ie�i to;i,egislation in thel'und Mes. * The mansio I -, was held,, try tban, tile: M�r(jui and- his' littl,: des Illation ill the' li. ourt until he h d. no strength � to ri tes. e Beo 8 Cour ury Upbu t e. N, er consort, . the - fact of th ls nouian tl�116 the dwellings of the poor. Diphtheria, Of' Schneider Was -also. voreeted. com-plicity rient 1�urses. His, de a*tV occurred, Friday"morn, of Isteintily givento emigration by our Govertment alld :Oil 1i 0, atlind' told. how. h a fatal character 'is unusually' rifol. The in the",.crime, b ing �only a feiv'hours before There was funryl� scene in t e Con- I)Wiliv Duchess of Suth�rlalnd was,likely to redouud to sfl' th6 of big, fathe�, Who haA'been Air, and her d aughter Cox committ.,,d tile. cririlol , uud,. aft& the -e4t�rhng of this country., . In I to. tbo,fact ayMFiill,.e.r'. are very ill -with whooping -cough. w6mani'adeati, bLed her lr, Pother intio a n,tiA,d that his son had.lo.s"t his,mibd an'd Loligiatur d, a resolution to pro'' A hideously indecent -e:�pressi6 "that bb6.sun never sets on:13--itish.territory of 5oh36r an was. ;to -a w'bo'had come to take him home. hibithe pernicious practic�_of smoingin )�u . ep.Ju.-ther, nd Was Tre- -Toronto scculitl interpolated in the 'report of a, speech' in ail �tOidlllnAod it iot& t'h6 Ril�eerl'Rc Lo'w 1 go bod Was shipp�d from this' city to nee illiam Harcourt Monday. ?. -paied, to assert that tile Marquis-of'Lorne �ny�portioil of- the Capitol building. He 'last from the Ited �41 -e ai, Ec6rse; The express- yesterday. by Sir W Drn q Bed, niarch said that oil going home After first taking PONIT o The matter was made worse by th6:apol6gy around thin globe Mrs.'Bmdy said last night that, wh'61. er. 6F,Fl( , l' I , Vli Plan was 6J.80 artesLed for - -the crime, but and whils' .011 nerpub,ihig foot Beat ilithe Legislature big Wife- looked at, & yesterday and the stafemelif - that the 110thillg' with birn, .'and Mrs. or not the hauging had t)roduced thd`a�bqve being tlaced� oil the, terrI- him,'in- tr­­and all&,, I management ot the hoped to brin Dr. effect', she ditil not know - but- a � it .6, .��!iR also �dio lie have I been . �;Sm the guilty parbles to justiciS. This..b' eider" cas tory of one or ilidr of his rebi,tionB� Starti, tbat the: young man had! always Shown the Charles, yoli. ORibg Cox a4aitt(io'd i1poll trilul in the be Or him t6..e -the to t"i" camp necessary tLT-t. estoCeenseun:tillie. a yet.the gpe6bek explained it. increased tile morbid cukiositv,of Rii�6rder a Co the 1) lid wasolll�' saturated' ith 'tbo� filmea ant, and copies o od.to Application b6,m made -in, the' sillb"t and, the fol that it ]laid made,a:deep� f tb e i ssu e rifeir have \� - . - - to b 9factory manner. a hisroind was evi row Cour±­�;o been sold for ;gi ell;ch. ltis�saidt,�ienty W in tile following m6-t.sati d:eu t -f tobacco which 'others " T. 'Impression uPp Capitol,:was r, fult of it; and So compositors alid two proof-reade W h�. 111 0 ffi 4� tic state ill r 1* rs -have RugL1. ome two �l at the'lollowing: ,,'It ife', 1eas oil er ia .'Mani oba, wid thli ttaitst i4to and he'vcodld' lid ag asham'e' to these meu - 'it Should ilty O�'the vile ii,�ac_' 2NIaps nti, all; ill ill tels, and it"Wi t t his W t t been dis(14yged froin `tbe 9" fil �;Yes 0 ice. i of I thou�bt behaid- efmu Low weekly reprint the. ',report 8 aIlio L, been one �E V ul g a rg 1.1 Ill 0 n t gh e mail ilot h Ye WhQga',sirter i�urried. sverbati7a, and these pli��lers_are being' sold tile -Ile dode they-ml�ght�to tied. Id lie ril 0020 oil a earls'pr WI St. to convulsed' thlatighter.' Sir. 0,do bv thousands. will �Succeed lid, them -1 �ay - thtit 2 t Wa o: so, I�ord Selborue as Lord Cliancelio�. to bzo i in the fit ho, ihad oz dlsorace�to hav mUtt6r of iirrangea, An Heb,4ornebodytowatcIrthem,. Ho' , - 11 ih*tho'pslace ci�.bia '.es'teeihed owell 'them, * around every-. inuch tobu.eco around.'" At:`ihis point Mr.. The collspse. Of. Blalne.s coulA ba,ve fell 0 rom t law, at.Berliu.'F.row thence �ge is a0iborty .exprsssions oi - satisfabtion ,qntire, Ilu,,h. t �v I o the'.olAesIt ember 0 _a he Detroit and thne one"did wrotia , e-MOIN E Y� TO press. Journals Which at first attacked where I 1.. 1, of House ilind M� lover ol. the."'weed,. 1,-:1 claiwing �,.50,0001, thev,could have put him ill a dungeon '�,Lr 6ther br6ther-in htw the. chlawing-of ag President Arthur now hi- ly approve of h, de, 1,7,�' ol is mt.,t,,e uolilglib in it, only, a, littl' round h6le to course. hence 'nort West, to Denmark a fl, thermin-'� -o be'pfo ibited, on. the. Ca h "I tobaCC(ials 11 WIto pass food throigh.on:a. blach.plate. m Oo clilltom, Parliament meets early next'.month, and point, dl t tiole'.1t liad'pub- of hi�i wn br(,ith�nin-lav,, will ftceiv ca'u�ed. another y hed cou�, When be put the. rope 'ar6liud.biB jAeck lis the ;,,ljilty� fluxties in the the town is filling up. So �r tbe�Gover' ilim v 1 1 t i 1 1 ooetl. aym-�- Grossinthe-North The. unaeudulerit Waa T;6ted do an-itbe- 0 s ttrrest, he ,,&id '677., on was I P T, post- all 01­61li I—' tri a Sea o Go &rquiil, arrlv4 Wtould not urt ple: to ang,ru d efi.i ' t el �: ment has not pr the �t omised all imporEaut bill of' I.' hig ob h the, Ol"91na reso u fare, but no doubt Many t* ly, f I feliows. Nov�, grat,qqes long ants,� ell' P6op es ay those ok owil, h'is . ..... M ON '11`0 10 will be1latroducedin the,form.of resolutions ase at lob 1 6uld staii'dit,forever; but; 16 wa�3 §61tch 'Stoll,y. -byVrivkte Mom iber, am�ri�'th6m the dis-, ai e to do.such acruel' thing.." nesseq. asked reform, establishment ill Scotian d, Haveyoubrou ITIVO NVoDd' li A a Ot 9, n'� IF AGONY., '':: - the Ilev. lowering ofjhe'county fritilebise and redis No -s 1 bad b 'tribution of gouts. The first matter tobe 4 corne to e (le -aged coupe, wig i Terrible'.0gads Ater had bee tl' . '? F r settled is the Bradlauj4b business. The An 'action in th Queen'sBncli"Division,' mrrrie. �we are; %lid w6o hy 'Onlise io" thoobt. 0, t lat. fs 'it all 7 A: de4atch ffom New, (.)I, c s ri) :so far Y I- ca. e to Ml iu whicli I eeu�. necessur? 'Will pre - , , , <: (JIl, 4 junior member, for Northampton I )y,'! for breach Ofp1 limvvm ftttlie, ttible to­be� sworn in',' in 3: sent himself ays:�,Mrs. r - Nortilcote w ill;move that this ill c, lit. for ithe diff e -r'.' it-11owe.(1, to 0 mister, yo u - I Isruan / - g th it h'i And Sir 9taffo' d Henry, Dl�nlyeft, Of tL pain Ler iving on default Was he e air thr6ug I enbe; that illi k i ' " i I` , atb be not admiuister'bd, g;Dd that be Davis a East N�wai ys Hr� Un giooll the 6 1 e". I ieriff. Bdi&fl,�aud shoni and br id� sia laid e ose w i o We. usuall to puff lihe.kiddiegox Shejiffls' ye be )act allowed to take his seat., I The 6o�- by' eterd (England) b6" ernment will �ii_66t this with 'the over- the 0611c. tbrpugb�otir moutiho befor b .10 e- awarded., ' Mr. �Vh� cau wegat, -Tert, do -yOuJbiuk? ustantr she was e luni . me, s?, _4 I as the 'd the front *tbe grate. Iii ansi 1 '0 C., With,* hom: was'_Mr. Yelv6r- :1 Thk� sug&este question," thtit lb, they�will,,.;ay th a, N T), 0 I'll t Wrflppe i n fla mosi d be adull lid aloud ill dog and the fox, A6 Open their IN91�thq Auld. ton, appearedior the lafintiff unie,Ellen female cousin, �whou:l .-the bridoigrooni had, nl�tered without ut while they. do'thi , * r . I ' I,, " , I � I I " and'aiiei con'Bult inquiry on the pwrt of.the House into trad- wag d-ressing PN a to wlary Mr. Nasmith N Ilpt'llrevious y soon, ation Good Seemities' P i.trcb.'ased b.00l themsel. 2'ID d no t b6cad Baz,ey. t),man hinage -ran to. iice, an ge.t1bleYealt-, for the defbodaut, Robert.dowl" I tholcht of. laugh's religious belief or unbelief. J ai�sistit d by, al. �Vag also d , r eDou6b tbrodgh tbeik.noses.- ' . � I � ) . ]- Re persecution of tb6 Jews 1 in �Russia desperk� �effort, e'xtin,uigl�iing. uot-06b 'i I Tbephain'tiff yoilng lady.of 28, 17,08id Sle ii'�_ C' -1� V: 1�', floiind'once,' thri)ug i:a -�xpeiience�with , ' pardrlts� at IShnatOrt, r',� , iDg - 'LL L) Ye UWft11 a I I'L . AN;. ntinuee to 9wakeii the deepest sympsthy he flarnes.. elotbing-: Waalmost with.' nd the n'I'll i�idkaboot till yo co1e bmk cO among t all 61asses here,'and­ t6 l;or6voke a entirely bbred off sbeas a'mass of: -at It def' iidiint a, young m&n. carrying oil busi- JLil Set,� desired, and . after'some b,' pet do'', 'th dog6iinust di6Af tbe� e, opp6d; The� will'breathe' less with riends, the:-c6usin. ers fr6ul,b f6ot. Dr.. S4uiei waa -his brother as'b6oksellers and fifoS returubd wit�twoi f strong feeling agAilist Russia. 'Gladst6ne!s lilist e, Abroilgh the in t�is foici� refusal to. rem n trate called in, 'aua iminediately pionou�eed bar. Outh only.. while i elv, Stationers 'at Plymouth. She' was one being a'blo lass stimewhat', youngqr, with--thd Russian ope a, arge -faun 66vernmeut i8o tr�tlugly condemned . The case h ess,� ais shi), had - inlrie�led fire and' bly field Open ; if left tq-�tbems , es �ily,: . and in leli6ato than tile bride. itieS appear to be -encour- 'Smoke. Ile, gave : her opiate d'appli d they alwa-y& br, uOSO­ SO' be' Ith.';' The d'afendmit wus, When the, parties had: been proper -Ig ar- Russian authors e ell aging a, war upoll the Jews allp.dfed after' ill are - hitended to' tahe:, introduced to bek� by. her, father'r ranged, and tho mini6ter was abo Igh, the'u6se, tril' ro'�' W .1 . I .. . . . ; t it, was- dvesus to breathe; through the mouth kB off LAu;6y ho _er because the Jew,baiting is beading_ lliBl_ jurl eed-writh:the ceremppY;4he bridegroom the, bu§band waglsozeverci� biirn�d tha held a good bide a wee',sir. re MaDv Ot Jol r we, �8 I tils; that be �Youl a die bu- t bi6g There a easons Willy Ion.- le. -young, pa , ople had been- Nvila, is, brutalities perpetruted upon' illis'duba, atfirst.feuied. t, it askbdthe mi ist C A 6001 1)PY t 000. will ought to furnish all the people are suppressed by military censor- last night 'lie 'was imprving. an engaged four years, and sho had'the'usual �, 1.��Weel I was jug't'gaun to say, tbut If i bablyreco,,ver With. and ,,xr to our luu�q_ One is; .1he'llosels,filled. tC4,*ciu;,�� Wdd r�hh'er hae ship, but tile ttt,ies told 'by fugitives Bh�w pro, 6D-agoment riu-.' The d e'feii clan Hast year wa&b.6 �fL that they, I are being subjected tobe'vilest 'hands. Well t to plymo-ah, his lettLr's_'*hjcb lip With a little fZoregt whiclYis. always. pointig esmui'd keipt,moist, like e -Inner guTfaces'of wore for'morly�t 't treatment and torture.. The Czar who is ---- --- 4 th 0 Darling 'Anpiie "' with- 11A-�niost extraordiniiY Statement to re Bddust� that W uld ic lobei of love a st�&! Im aftai is �oo, said to be personallywell' dispos6d'to'th6l 0 nd kisses 11 becarric coor. , Is will le�tru',with regret tb el Irbuble-are cai ato to ta inake f -Ma�nilge tborwise Jews, is powerless. All his time is devotec ruElb' the 11 sit hurt, and ',fet�ui lk:Of such a t1thig lid*.' frielic ight'arid hept6ut-.by4hiss �kilo ISit jaid the briaeg�oo�a; fil a, 77-- W, �he 4 -Villiailis �Of t a ounty Ifitle liaAry'network 'Then tl t ho'had'ch ' go )I - iiiilia �and ion to the iliei table., IVS el 0 C.3 to provididg for his own saf,ety, and big de%th oMr. 1�e pass�geB of 6 reason , wbdia d6ndaut. res , ignai an 0 chief officers prefer that peasants pho' I& tha all r 'JeWB which.. occurrea re got tired 'of her." The plaintiff who' t t inst. of 'heart' disease. Rili�' at, was ei6olKed.tllAnih��,,6,fib�.rnoi�th, SO thatas at mines. It is stated n good.authorfty4hat w-co'lidition' of 0 of, lid !�ith tile nos6 aro" iowie, had been in a, delicat Murde ither 6, d�w6ni be end grualler,.and,mc liell ve niauu just'ge'rig on e bolt ght. cinid .6liddon" and unexpectecl ana ��gt a gloo, in it passes through 'th6rn the air becomes' 'in Lis Ten.bny� on'Boiled ji� the German residenta in are bilso JT_P3(E,,T A-tLO r tile 'A Bost6zi -despatoll, saYS:.'. 0.,,ers OT) 'are oil y afew ri� nduL being maltreatpd, and th�t'when tho1dw6 over �he e; tiro A, where Ile as But these -ii I'' 6ug why ()oil duct, Bud broil W 'highly,elAteeme(l. �and respect�d- DocaaSbd' f Wall n Per, are disposed of thd PeWSaiJtg'wil1: tl3endseouglituo�tio'beiso�itched,6 alldleft 'part�oftbefifendautit,wa,6 nrty,�d thatit here to.d6v tile ave L7, ISSI: idle,, its so e a crew of 'Wrfeen'Iner in a oforty n6ses �re,� While their was ashcrt work of Bismarck',.vco�patriots. h� haa been a real _nt , Fo the -ift tl their rs of- thutd.istricb, nud w.,%s.,one owners -9' :ff' coilsiderihg� the, ii.at Itile China Sea before, they vidX6 Czar and E arecontinually yea, e p Mo iBiato-of at. 9 Iic wag, an 'of -66ii- All trNi' Ill - 111:0u le.,;ntiff PO'cl th - e positi I ON'Of pi but -th6ir:; Sub- 'ear lrc'. for cing ndi rdwinq, h'eultb of the O'ked dp by, the barqu6 Abbib.'Carvek :.of exchanging, b jects cordia ly detast� eachi 6thd duotor J. C. am.s,; of the G. W. and all Ober, a bl4ic coiit�stg, lidcle'rStand the defendant. T �e idr," after - iaiSilll�, thn ays the' 8farving in ell ii coils city. '0. Tbe fuhe2al,t6ok place on: all, d, 61 P r, a p er ry, 66CO'�d I WY, for, a quarter Y, assessed the liall.'suileisted oil this gbh Des London. on*Sun- and is -6b. eir 'pu 'boiled., rope. The r P kttende _L-406. I Was `a,16 of the" fuzz that 0 ows on' he da la, t, and d� by If tie'bo�g will try. this plu y du�Mas at as an. d relabiolls fi�oin Tcirdiit6, Hann. see What gi difference it will tbc-,ir do of the covering of the'cocoanut,'and A terrible -scene is described in the Mon. Iltoi a (1, othee pla6ei. .11 '1, .." insi durneAfter ��u';b�ve run fow*rods. I iiajlb perhaps a ifaffit suggestion b nh treal press. No. 86 ChennAlle Street is'a' holdiDg YOUi.�M�Iltfli tightly C'10�0d, th'e roolit. 411: Survived and were taken. re me, Hamilton; i0lo is at.tb� Roval Hotel a abode Dufforin -"dbm most wretobe - L B a., wil 0 il, time vvheil,4�.will seem as Dii-rin-it rocent, .4b. . adford, In city; decidedly paralso. paying in 45,Y.OU A A E.' un us enedwindowB d Dot gbtnit encligh through IF"" I. AVE Square, part of, I, wl er. ­"The"bolar'd tile yu"ou v estm6n t in Vinuip6g-1018-whi .. _ -th f t open to the wind and weath abut give,-�upl;,:keep If. Eatou� Dk.� Chapirt's 'Clif wrst charac�pr ill �bo town;,fc' riian of' Rote i r�dhfon, and iii t� few Momenta You Will tthe guben' led 0, calm and, tempera 6 irrg also has been partially torn dowil for -pilfering' habits. successor, eacl t notorious, drinking wid town lie from ail aelliluintiluce oyeredine tilib. A. little�.pr * aC , tice of 'this re -going. , e fuel, wid the inh�bited' portion is 8, scene innipeg lots fjor -athd thea Whed*sb.� ot hon�tqbe� watch,'was�gqne. four NV A: Moine6b­ sd�iubn on tbeatreal Of miser� and Squalor. . There the olcem', method Will go far 'to Make the �be5t advised hiS to go to thetbeatra in -V 'Whpn' oibhoma6qu�edzhim of- 'the' tbeft to� fuijne� in. the reighborhootl­.'�Iipo. afterwards the purebUdr solcl wo � Of, the, 5T: found an old Wi5man seated in a chair,'ber moderation, but to draw; the distiuction her� she rbfds�d to admitibe pogsibility of lots to' Sa�muol -"Wilson, a . commercial - son, fo?� ng on the table, dead. -That she '�al ones. He bead resbi It, but, welitt,ith of friends betweell good, plays and immlo traveller, f�r 10,000, dad in lead than hailf must ba've been some time dea was cle&r b,him,up. -116 was' dillcoVered still ail hour was 6fterecl 5,5,000 for; the ct�for the, of the y, bs�t, no the clayey coldness skin. br, on his'kne'es under �breq.: told' you B6,11� -ben6li't '6f young 'men name) ule on the 8ubj to gave a qood r Scott anafamily, of Triliity a g�r,.. He thought ger, who wag -called in,'believed She Winnip6g, I h Young Mull, Ought Vdge'to her lips ;' but', tile words, were. nover" Chur�b Noiwi6b, : are . B uppoBcd to'hay.o, sit, oweveri Since the demand i.16 go to"any pla�e' or to .list have died an hour or twobefor A pr�ciiKl� Man, bad 'sprpng been Poisoned WithL Some"peon]i witness any spectacle whore he'-woula be YOUR TIC"ChTS uttered. dr 'kind oT. expectatio of.getting 1 , - whiskey bottle was ly'iffg on, tli6 table uuv�illlug totake ]Ila mciller or sister. J,foi�vard, and f;un�d lthat'th'e fellow, while, I a Pro' erty. 0rvdph pepper, 'last Sunday,- at' dinner. , The "a -better; prico. for. t, 3 p Jas. TUmpson To.wp 21 orking 'a, ul an's huslillitil *as in the a�pparently.' p I 'rayin 9 was really. burying of the case were that r Beautif t.b a, I the members 'C .-The New York room in a state of intoxication. Hig two e -watch'.. ifine.after 13%613g, inner i A. fikNen-roir Piece`of Embroidery. It is I a "Mottio. .111 sons se6mocl -also t6 be excited by. liqilor, ks,what�ls' ily evinced all,the symptilwa.6f and the police, duri iad to great, de�l 'of excitement prevails; in' -Of-the fam, State I,'iBfi Coui i4sion: Will send aily'per-, It as 0 M in lig their stay,�-1 the front part ofloed� county, caused by hpving been poisoned, tb'O younjek� ones tie%r Canada, wisli. WithiNa' Mother?,' 'When Miss Hortense Interfere to prevent on oftfie .-young men ludieg-Miss �Vbmfflilg ft.' Done, she will giVe it, to bar Beau; striking his father. T ey Were called in by the preaching of tW6. young freely, aDd all becoming faint &ua oxpekiment in fish culture from 800 90 I - .1 ogbr T, nter. You da;n- 0 former pr ated., Ing �oggs, of the, Califoinitt Mountain who tends a one of tile brothers, W flc M6GI:e�o� and Miss Thom -as. Th alarming was the state'o to 500 1 Dry Goods Cot o had A from the 18-f airs that medical i not sbe Migg Hortedeb'S Mother. , Sho­is .Watn po. house to escape a be% lig. roZLbudoln, Ont.-, and 17,vihile ass Stance, Was ilallsl�` trout on receipt of 50 Cents to t pay for, the Ae"Weekly W JF latter'i8from Syraquf�e- in,, and 'evidences of poison were at 'once y to i IlAhq Back Y urd d6iii, ash - the �s&�ge. '. This speci ' ' . I . t J �V 0, L e8 - is qui e , Sag: apparent -to, the profesBional e:e' The Son wid the eastern broo' 'B d' --city of Seattle, in Washington Ter- about 23 L years of geIt is said, they y �K �ing. . yan by.sho Will beBringingiu, raise in compari h Ti�r ong to ealth families, and have been reverend gentleman1im6elf seems to have trout,and. , a d foo(I'tSh. theCoaffor�thePaxbir Stove;beca�ppmiqs would�aspeci;fmiyantiountiat ritory is being governed by wCommWee of 6" game n gonorally,thilt he has reml sent out b di�t Clitirch., had the hardest time of it, ail d, d ascribes Aiustil. Mar f Mrtensele-Bsau is Coming public Safety. and. when a robbery, burglary'or the Free Metho n lmade befor ell building, On I I I . 1 7 Miss Mary Anderson begati� a two., ti ',lat mitted.the perpetrator of the weeks, hig ex'Perienco. aii nausea rt�, and Wcalion th- Green,, Rocliester; A Pie�by dkiin burch 1) 1p-Cre6ki I , .. . I -.81itirr 1882, to Mr. Sel murder is com on -A, crime is placed in a P'psitioii in whiell-he 4evi York Grand Opera ibg in tl Y., - Teririt6r-�, has 9 k�ll Of e' engs'geliae'litAt -the I c,extre- 'eel. House on' M laday Pig � appearing tie Stands on a,platforill without exactl hiJames Dutlap Worked �'for '.,Farmej A i Troy mathematician has� figured out fedspokaufndf�us; and-anumberof .1 � yf -wag -large,' E ldridg d silver found in the Indians; who are: under the what he is standing on. It is a plar, The' audience vory" the Umatilla' e, in Langdale, Pa,, and'wanted �o the amount of gold ail 'crowding the. theatre, arlicl the 'York" by Assistantw 'have, expressed a" ilig most mary the farmer's 'pretty daugh �ardof the' Catholics, - which has made the city a wonderfully a, ter; but SuV-T eagury'at New t with great'sucep 'On. aesuitlibg bis'office. a�siretoho�veal�resbytbrianorgE�bizption,in, trese, Me of al� loccut people, and is cheap, ac 89. the farmer; With mercenary. preference f -Treasurrei Acton a, as it Saives Bernhardt, is -gaiA to be 9, rich. said -nay e peaceful one for c �OX �servd. Nearly One-third, 01 illig� so far as expenses are cort6brile Mile., It a-1train of, waggons Were : loaded with a' their R( the. expense. -of courts apd� but is almostworn out byber'Ruggian tou'r; She 'Went' in eat und sought.0 f6F ton I in I each, �the nose of euch'borB,6 touch- Whole number of ate w1iie'i will rell at -r6asonali R46in to 4be rw tune. church members, belonging to o7cry4oncription.proiliptly afton . dad to, busell, more effective than both. A day,lor several The, iatmetis -dau�hter,,,'remain6a, ing tile talboard-6f< the prepeding,waggolit, E B..Dddy bas�been elected T&ky9)1L beks, constant through tail years, and last week wl )lid extend f1ro in 1042aited nby ,tery of I aho, 01xiton, Dec. 5,1878. '7ff-teen times-lmtevenaias, the lorlgV!aiihg endedin a *eadluK.' troy, _to Albany.' K� HUI], '7- po, it d ILI' ti .. .. ... . ..........