HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-02-09, Page 17 7
7 7 1
-The bplonging to the
f the late W, Wit 1 4, being
estate 0
lot 33",
onhe 2nd
con., of Tackerardith, was sold
on $aturday to Mr.. achn tayto�, of North
Dorchester, for the 'SUM 026,500 h
The farm is well situate containing
100 C1
P acreall an, the, ice realizbd is cQnsid-
d pr
a goo 'We belieV& it �S,
It one..
tenti Mrs. Wild to remove to Iiarris.
on of
ton, where she has two daughters residi
VIDJU ONT.,: �THU XF01"mms a �SON-
17. NO, 5. SDAY EB.' �P
7- Per A."Im. CLI
Mr.* C. 's at preaent buying cattle
Myers, i
for Mr. McLeanfor -the Toronto market.
To �-,Tbis place has. been quiei for awhile in
horse fir ding'but has takin 4 fresh Start
11ouse �for Sale. -
The regular meeting of the town Conn, t [we qljall be pleased, to'receive, items of public, I DOW..,
fno�&,steeet and AT, pre�pt p to Frilit Gro ers dro8t, an ni: 'ell, t0Ok Xceoii lffonay;'Mayor in the Tile Presbyterians of Londesbbro con
rVHAT house Situate qnLJaj _XUBSCRRTION for membershi
JL occupiLd by, Xrs� Joseph Wheatley, sr., coritainin Association by the undersigned. 14- any tiffacfrom theministers Oftheresvective chilrehes.j three rooms, and ]kitchen -attached. Good well ang able report to be doestributed all gregation purpose baving a soiree on, th
S chair and 'all we ber present except
C Stev uson. Minute
'The special services
Djunp. One fifth of an acre in 1jardom, with some troicB T, nectfon w of previous 28rd of Teb
6, further'pa�jculars apply on'the premises or to, the��B, CL church, were brOught to a 'close meeting read and adiolited. Quarterly ruary" ith the
A. U. MANNING. lkst-week. services in connection w
HQUSe. to LRent. I 'L . I I ... I I " Finance Committees report was Yea 'I MethoctiBt Churches of the circuit,, will be
h, . and adomed o� - motion % of, Colin. Morse,`
Rev,. Aft., McDonag will preach cin'
heldatLondesb�to Ofi-SlYriday,ne'xt..
Hotis6 an''d �Lot, fonSale-
A SMA4,LhouIl;e,.orI street,'to rent. Apply IThb wines of Scripture" on Sunday see,. by, Coun, Cooper, as follows The 1.*0. G. Tem6l�rs intend haliiing an
'ber offer., to I I I I J. MORS�,' mend the; payment �of the following ac-
rPHE subscri For ;.,10 tb� 110�80 and lot cc- ChntoTI'L evening �ext.
Fe . 0, 1882.
JL cupied by himself on tile eorilei` Of long and Fulton repairingfiiiiinc%$2.25; F b
o VP�$byterian Church Yo p ing chandelier &c
NsF ORD'S: 6L STA NLD) stre P, short distance.frorn Q ung, ofthis place, 'reaches Miller '&Tedford'ha�g ru ary,, f urther'notice will be given.
-third f6r� D
Thee FreiahtL
house contains 0 rooms ; the I � is Aoutone in the, Blyth Methodist cliurch, en V Tipli�l here were seven car load of turnipa at
of all ard slid �8oft water And stable, it .. . . . .
acre, a -Aid, has h g, work, $2.50, h� ��, . L
be sold �6he p,
ap-as1he proprietorls mov- d y morning.. L pikes, 43; T. 'Stevenson, centre the station 'on Tuesday, ready for' sM
Y going to ai4toba,, has rooin for a ),'I R a Cc Y" 8: ,
Ing I I
A PART 1-pply to Bishop. of Huron will hold;a con� tablef6rhall, $8� J; Caninghame, suhdri6s,' r4nt, and ore expected,jor Keefer
43 JOHN BV4SLEY, Clinton. Or twoof horses or other freight. i f
:, ., CHAS. SUNDERCOO Irmation A drvice, in St. . Paul's church, D' 't K�'�nedy,, pound and water, � Hubersi will has the'largest quantity -of
LondeslYoro,:Feb. .9, 188-?. , - . I L -) I - L , t ga inL
Ray'son_l to 'the yard fiw'� that ever w, as there
�A LkRGE Stobk here, sometime,iii March. $113 J. abor a
I I . 1 1 1 .1 1
B L A C K T H MUM SALE J. Paisley, 601jed.ticemetcyy' at 6.0 time and. still, th 1) In
ey !irp Coln -I g
-Far-8- ale Th re��lar quarierly.�6fficlal' meeting , all�nder ng taxes, v6ry fAst-yet...
--&f-tE-e--5re-ff-o-d'i7sf--chiirch will elections-- 'pos-
7 Ilb still, '41 cribcri Offer tha well situited Blackmith
tage, stationery; &cl $78 24 - J. Wheatley Ve 1>11 Joe
stand !if Portor'� Ili'll, for sale; and it B.UQ0 x d it morrow (Friday) evening. . - , - P . �BriBtol, will, �gf bli
llas� I - bell'ringing, qrs. 1 I'll .
:1 1,)�,6 story ir'lline houie and. �uartei acre lot; on which also a good saddle, been i�e cd .50,; J. Ryder, -exhibition-on our.str6ets at: o e c on
also driving ba q and, stable a small number 11 lial union Sabbath School'eoli-, salary, as asili
s91d oil reasonable teim, for The alin
if e, .9. �eer,�$25 ;
velition, of the. eoilhty�L com & Newton: Frida next, With several educated liorses
�Ofgood fiuit�"on thelot. menced in firem-en's belta, and Z�o a free' le'eture.
and sitiiated for N�orl,. yesterday, aD4 is be ug Qontipu-'
C� IT, OR-YD13RAIAN: I Thornton labor, �G pts.
b ed to -day. A-meetiny will be held ill this place,
H uaefar S i7e te'Committee, kep6rt- �t 'ihurSday, 16th inst., to take -into
The'0, land Wa
INTE.REST, RE UCED� edthe fire apparatus' and applire6an�es n e
supei*ior2'stor�lFri�k�NN,�itii)gh use 011,11urw 'collgregational Tn6etiDo' considerat6nibe propriety of startim-a-
of -ureb, to decide oil. th e in �Ood order) anl� recommelli
Tba ad'ed -fh 6 ap-
N n SePurltv' t convenieiwe, bill. prenli illis ch locil P re creamery, practical ftianufacturer' of
D 9nTppr a' AJON . EY TO 'Tertna 9asy. Appi �a church will be. pointment.of'a paid i6_ OmPany, co Ili- butter will be present, and
S ownUT] by Johd tp]11 9 of a site for neiv. h
el hejj nex
A ct T�ere should. be
L 0 W,E ARTT, Venolor's Soli or. f Tuesday. evenir. poised :is,tollows :A� W ith out - pay; explain 'the
S "r R 'T 11c]. .. system o workift'
-orabie Clinton, Fob. 9; I�L§2: Office in 1?6rrin's. captain, liletitenant' engineer, assistant 'At.the Local'j�reacliers Con-" and all io�'reccbi.6 $1'0 4 larg . 6 attendance.
oil faN to borrower, Intel
to � C. A. HAUT, d S. S seven �,meil,
' r L I I s r; regular missionary meetings tho�
propor ion,, acco.r Ing,
'To rich district t6'be held "Ili Brussels next to,the tiles -pr calls, either 6r t ill ven,tionofthe'Alethodi�tCfhu'reb ofGode- per Year oi 'such 'd :.,The
ALWAYS ON H A N D'.. Sore, t e a w1l Hall, MethL
I odist Chur&hes in this circuit" wer'
wee'k, several -6eridps from this,place are :re ox,practice, �vith the eiception of cil�
:Farm for'Sale, HE iot6fe iiow occupied by Tylor,&l hold oil Mond LI and, Wed ' ny.8day-
aSSi, t %VhO "no1v WIr, a�Nld 70re'.#e
T anno�nced to �ake'part in the�proceeffings. gin6er and stall receive a
hoe shop is offi�roid to refit.' Application ca evenings of e ry
inade to Chairman of Property coinimittee� salary. They7also recommend the largely MessW.Loj.S D pro,
farlil1jor sale; consisting of tills sutherlyliart,of A. 11. "INTanni eached morning. ye,
suits f6r I branch men. D6nagh,and Davey were the 'depiltition-
LA in the Maithiiid C 5jou" purellak of rubber
o is a Ind, evenilig, in the f6thodist chu]rell �on ind,captain. I
46, acr6,' thoi ho addressed the,, t, The fluan
f(�'ithe W I w 0 . In, -B. -
shed- -oil] cleared buttwo act", A0 8'unday, owing to the absence ofRev.�VIr. c me 1
' �Hi 'L , ' - W -results 'of the weetin b6tw,
-2nd .!leader, 2.0 Celits. P, 6codUaringorchard. Term-% M6vedby Coun. Jackson;sep� by Colin g
cD6nagb; 'at Cookstown S ter than on any previous occas ion,
:ELJZA'REY LU. wili, io,onld do ;Corbettj that 1`6 report be* AdqptIL
.1882. P111 S g6ing, toiNlanit6b� or i)al, 41 . glItful, practical and. eloquent'., I by a 11 n I I
I !l1T1tNorre�pQnd Nvitli T. M.LEflioti, 0 , ere th6u ority of 6..
f Goderichi armrie(
Itt Or 307telItS t I
'eve , ri The report of S,
3rd Ile d' Rev. Dr., Davidson wilL I fie:coiniuittee on officer
O'car loads of horses, On Fefo. 28th, and ecture in he Mr. Clegg has-�so.ld bia- hat waro,' usi�
'Farm r Sa16.'. expects t, h b re, to -morrow- (F riday & Tecomnieh that i C I -, l' , " ' , ' , L
to arrange with the Rhr6ads, so,all,to have a special allandor�'Qe Con-
iess I o Clias.� I aMi tonL; � :Possession given
train run, thro�igli, by means of which passengers and n
Eaptis urch b ect, "T ddle,vour own :ti: ued ds,clerk; at, $150 their stockand their luggage.will go through in about u a is bound, for Mani7l
t 40tents offers� for n S j t treasurer, a . t $10LO R. Stevens and fW. H; March I Mr. le
falim, consisting of the south half of Lot X9. IQ; three to�four days.'. T, M� tLLIOLL Godekich. lis abj Itils as a- speaker aie oo
Doe lloid;'abaut III miles vest of ClijitonL on which now
ine as
Goderich, F66ruary 9, 1882:, weli- k 11 to -require special H sess6rs 'at $50 each- W.:
th�re 'I s a good iraxiiif hous�, vith stone ccllar� hard be ey' �uait&ly services Were held in th Me.
0 boltring.:p�rich�Ffil,' I .chi6f, constable, collector,' okc.�, $500 - e
d' Cent�'j and * soft %�;fftcr, frame bitrn,, goo' and we'lin e no doubt but,that he, will, Rev.
e 41 er d L WD reAst
ac. favore with'a good'audience. DenniSonjell. ringer, At 70 d, 3hodiA Chu
70 all' Terilis.inade known On Mr 13 rkLpr di 9 qttebdance was
app icatioh. suiuu; T. HOYMES A mEETiNG. . will be -held in the Tem -
Cr. is hereby iveri"that a public ineetifig will large.
On Motion b or ett, see.
NboeThleld atBell's Hotel, Londesboro, Thfirsda�� 16th �perayice'Hall,,Clinto�,' on the evening of, PUP Y: Gracey have -the -
Colim Jackson, i �repor, as a o' -at i o'clock p.� in. for the purpose of rec iv- the -16ih 1nst. for the formatioti of a. e e o cOutraet,for ma�king a. very elaborate pul-
tbereport of,J. McMillan, Eqn., Ili reference to os� Th followin 'chan es ere'resolv
t� Londesboro,� � MR, E11119TMO I arnong them,USI_. t it, also lanip� stands and, chairs' for the,L"
woolon and Saw. All ills for Salurt� Ronto, III; a jBiftlier Factory a n oe;t�ciety from in th&, Standi I n' e year P
GEO. BROWNING, of Clifford Ont a practical� but- cal talent of. the severld churches �`It is
now Presbyterian �hurch, Wingliam
ter manufacturer, will 'also be,prese�t afid"aillI the --By-law ommittee orbett'
meeting, nded to be unde direct* n of Mr. in aid of the,Engli�h b1iiirch,
b 'b r, those eligible premises k and willAnswer any inquiry respectirI the. r the Thowsoh,-. Walker Searle,iand Jackson. Tho, c6ncertJ
d afil respectfully Voe.*ould like see a. arge H� alth
5. Quim gif N o' t, e PaperY �rllj, In �r liaid in -A:]] persons intereste on Wednesday
Is, consisting of a. and H. Morgan evenf6j, as wellli�tteded
& e —Messrs. Searie'.thouipSOD, Wftlk7 W
"Sairlililli-on ff-fieve -f iling spring cieek, on the 13th invited io'attend. JAMES BRAITHWAILTE,. and, A -06d
Or with 27 acres of-lang, ior sale attendance trong society erandMd se. �P The.:'entertainment was good. . The �wholeL
Londesboro,LFeb. 7, f882. P,o . isional Secietary� r raperty�Xessrs.- C6rbett� Olng L as I g o . A§
S formed. b d al ever
Searle. an d Cooper. vFogyamme
br tent, f the Saw ill can,be hid ;till the"Ist Jfin 1882 and of
fro in Bly th'. It collsisted�� Of L tlibleaux.
JOS, fgp the lecittir, 'R� Williams- inunications read. in Messrs. 91"eu
tile W0611elv Mill on the Ist April N! of , /D,. � 'L in
and other Ina he Methodist chu're'li'Lon. Thursday even- Tay lorLL &� SON, nofice bivants as Well as �% musical concer,t, - and
e knowni on api oft giv that the'
uld hot 'require their present -premises PI,,ormers frorii all the neig4bo'ring towns
ft& the the
OICe L. wer
'Farms� -for, 'Sal� was,'largel�!�ded, and all pi6Serit- Wo
A.L31 L f
'Firm adlawtj
'1h pj�'Nse it, ynopsis of A, a calfed, to take part in it.
WPr it Also
f!,r6n Itis�'rbpoi�tbd,thatjhe boys 'of a L eettaiq
Nhicl� has al r e ppeared in these. cO ajjplyingJ0r
GOOD I ddy
,Ind r.L IS veil
13UY YOUR QITUATED of Clinton, inns. 1�( D * 'a L close obSer jj�id remission oftaxes. R6'ferred to Finnbe rschoo),� less than Ahundred miles from this'
One tilbm of 17.5 -acre�,.'140 cleared l�e�y iev
t(i illage, )i�t,,s�tisffed -with; tb6ir teacher, -
d pass by un till oo oil niotiol . . - I � 04 1 (join i O'f Cql�n. jac L- d
'frame iouse; barn, �tabje, �lld'shold% larg� Orchard; 3i -ll- seThampso�;,_ TAie clerk was
I other of So 2, That wtill-built brick.store d%voil recent him out and threatene
Tile iioti�ood 'The c Dolferty's
11 the -corner of flur6n I ad Sol
; inown
TOW be "Oliall �e r wiSely -refrained
Anand Ora n, _ 15 L ' ',. . -acres (;0. -res ficusil, ba stable e CPS 1p" "'I g 't nUM L ero� p i 66es d u r! n ution to actvertise to", string 1) i ai� up but
the loulitcastle store cr I e4 ; L . L . - �the L
arge orcard ofa. Of frult..' 1.1'acres, I'll' a fide th.
_jher is carrying
fall whoat" 7 alffl,10 seeded down, all well wat-' o hupied by ;etting o ,from a latter� inten lot.
e Of'.
3' oo�'ed Both, aTiA-trb8te' 5 at'
VALENTINES cbli�ch( - 2. Th'at large frame and aild �vell,,situatcd V by Coiin'. alker, Py ill every, rc�-pect. Vnih er ill I I b f.) a new barn lately fjocti h
be griol-ted st&tion' aoilut. H s 'room, ei��
otb foirin, r
e or k -)antr3,,_&C.' Ar a l� �11� g la,;t. Rev. . D, nniou h, things, to, cobtinub.
aifochen,"I Af -rit of1te r taxe,� 21
of &fortb, J:, of' 'ruc& The agriiialtural inner in connecii6n.
Suited for' B lie dthe t f Ilife, -tev
_A�t :Di' a: Lately,firitsbed Intl in xes, o
e -son or aboarding',j�b,llq Ind', I Baird Sr Gray wroh s" w�s :hol(t 'at�
- ---- -- field My th 'be, 5TQ ocie Y,
Ap IS, to the I ly 'IS esSed.'L, be stiuck
Milne'i, Hotel "here oh, Thu vening,
ditioll. p c is church
x- n e(j scholrs of Will
AND AVE I "abbath
Y -L f Je'I'l School in the by Coui2. Seare see. by Cou ii -i arpl afterided. 'Adre8ses
clearod, bal- e' nrti cholars'- 11,
11�11 so r es -and.ac.- Jacksow, that the, roperty � Coiiiiiiiite were delilIiered i;ro�. Mills, of the Ar
s)le.1 Weill
-,the ve power to gra a
ry mse ves very
f LrUl. aWi those o t fh'� free use, of.' towD Nveil�situate(t Hotel property 'knoWn as the A
i Clinton riV4itorio, Street, St profl ball for ll public, politioca meetifigs, and ..�xn4 oth6rs. of "the,
of Wales,: in, the. Town'o Tfie valuable wer . c - war 'other- convellfioll
irIcL0nneo;ti9jl, apitble,AU'461ding cii�ton known as t 6ow occupied by hir. i, t- t t i 'and sto the agri- affair Wit
cien wen num ei d sAbat'DOt a drojObf Jiq!�,or was al-
-&-c will be goli:cn blop. The Oeo. Knox, colliprising.'a lar liter buildinIg, drivi.ii?.. o -being
society for lioldiDg t ieir meetlil A m:the table, 'kill tl pats
je4��. ar ed suitable� p �the:Sh ctil tural -s' low(,
proniable:bushiess; Anfour. I C, I 1�F i� t
no' hof thc,�C.o Cold" other societies.
r—,, drank L in
f ilifig health r _S0Cj A:j' 'T thefre� the only reason for selling is.owing to' a .5 That, readings 611 e use -0
wo GIOVOS,� C f th proprictor.' Non�fi but'� hipen of m6iw�neold Hu�ofi Street; Clint O'n I� holdL by J, 0- e fu the Town uld tho�111561v6s "0. hrm by. following X111g Hall,, un -
BO a l y6jj'to inflifeL now Occupied bilf ohn P. artin.
eap --th,e auspic�i are*
of thoI Women's F ign 6. lyhat ChQlcof� I've -si itated farm, part of: Lot 6,,
elacesOr S b
aron Road;� G Misibii, ociety- 'of the, Pres yterian.
lli,, Ile
(of fir,t 'ajIyL all, and ift good con-
chureb,-was a ;vejy succ6ssful affar- The 11 foil TuesO
HE owillo"L.appears, in
G fit l ings, em �y
Maw i r ve'd �nAb6 'CounciI:'Chw7,' ter 'meeting services Will be
d I�Upper Was Berl aty
ber in c amme� was.
`:prog Church next til o Globe aiiswet'to correspond t
L ltl� iefers',t6 the late oil. �j Cal..rl oUtrUpSj
.AI 1f;t, if b --t. - . 0 ' "I M. A. Ifam b-bg in tho6niorn-
��; d �alrs. Eyer a rahg�,mdnt: I
11"t -liur trce 1fiti: a." Ward_�� iDg. offers for Ili�s d4! ItktAlre�, to"Linsure 5, p casan even- fThe perso
O1119 re to hve a
:ry,to,crry on fh6'I3utcberin5P �;ote ill that w t Ouj' C thingi that is ilcufmsfi _IppareIltly -,6pj 161; and jol; R. s. o,, h h Ire jl�
very -gratifying. to
bist baveL'been
�'OTTCE present, a o in., em- '1'(4.. L
all' 411 flrl;t-�Iass l7epair. a p9pan Iff N .,Y open,
NN�ijfije Sold on to.4sonfib Aead of
6rfies.and lljj�jle, t 1- twi e'cvery SnIldy ins eyqry,al
as,the propric, tj L,
Pomes8i6if oven fly) �givefi fhA -Oil: findersimieol, �,ill l' ) had -'the' maiia-e" ternate Sunday.
hiL% �` those who ment "in and. any o31. 60ntraitcol, if lame tT T,, R V --m-Fhe usual ineet-
Wall Pa`p'erS jl�� mit 10th, j After, ladies bf.the
LSO, th0 )few TIOUS6 anil Lot�,V, I Ing hel&on W04nesda L CTj�RB. Rev.W. McDonaghWill e
tbf thoiMethodist .911lix 1 0 - was Well . attended
rovided- 'hu'rsday:.�,nd ' '
btiry Stiect, fIII 13PXSLEYL., con �r6giiion w6s t I liver �a -lectu'reon'Tempefan'c� in.colinec
"Lot is one quarter bt all oro;*\vclI'st&eij 'I cholce programme eSbated ic Go�pel,Temperance Assoela_
'bn�,with tl
�j I 'he making ti , 1 I - . I , ood was pr oil wst
lendidbji'dand wa thereon
-Debtor , , 4' - -fully carried choi
t ubj ect f6f"di ��cli i
tile, To IS t. of of ..tile 'preseni systeiii -of Cjj*jjS6ibgL at 11 rboin.4, clot oil
sent ansa severa t
cellar 48 17 with climcnt'ftor. chuich was�' pr6.
to -bribery lider ihe electioll. Act, 'Mr 'Knox bhol, a succ6saful y las
A I f Ili lbscriber talI:es this. ni,o4*6 of.n6tifying all S pieces exccel ble a c I. r.
to him '6bat their ACdOUNT and punis I. su"I "M IT. sday night, Aft iancing and'Ll
son able, terriv, indebted ele&ions :Part
F, Or dingly well and -,close
er gL'
In" tl ' Nxtiona Anthem. in�, h
�b FOfVf.1:fW.1T1-1 And lih e' d 6ba e, opposing ny.c. ange 9 broa �d4y UST Bj7 I opened:t tho., iris, it. &. is dotap, lie placed :Ili collection. 9trumental. 'the first piano d y Ild throwing, largoi number',of inyective 91111' home with the tearns in, the morning.
0 W Ti�vi r
WILL111ol U Webber and Miss Davis; axid. the'
a(: -e' coul oLD._�Mr, ohn Shell 11 a's sOL'and Ij cc bi Y
Sec( iss harm in canvas f his xote,'. sold: his. f�r ind a pian violin 4u6t. b�,, n L, 26, 1882.. livblyj If d see ARX
tojo�e OX 0 s mail or
W ckstone,'iW7ere enjoy- or nl:o� the I Ith com to
n makLrq, e r
-1 brother of,
7; 131a p:11r1a
the Town,of Clint'inij,as Cari�izfg�e find Waggo tG HT FORNINIT011A bbe abd:,Mr.' dren, his ters u6jell
able selecti6ns.aud met with aliearty, ap- ouir,�respectec black -
has been All parties h '14'r Win- Mich, fbi, the haindsome indebted to tlif by the M6, _D 'and is cousins' and his aunts dr that smit
of of, eat essrs. rgan ail avis t
Of' F obruar', jll,,4,,a tbose tlel si6n next.
fro m, llle�kt, at or
dh'for the nortl�,west; :for ql4ment ab6ut the mat er,',an getting uc vote. jii.
t le 'CO; udemned t- avO In for SOWC gave some.so os o I perha� 1,61oquent, Strain I
preci Um
Bible§, 6 $12 'downil C lu oil/ 1882, Hoin6s�? ofXr. Vor�aii Was� the besl nf
temp. t ta an'S liberty o peech
e t. received t- f- VE Ur, R all Ion" P"d ound up wftli�,Vc-stirring, t the' applause il MV SING k OM J LESLIE'L o`)jLj"jIO(I'n;" �OAiZLLANDER� d served i � I iepig last in running 0
woum tbis'op�o
-T.1�6kison.anol th _ lis�eg Jacks4n, VeryL L e&IL"to' those pies6nt n6t io"all 93v ail moClinton� an, 12,1S82. _matei0ly ad-ded to . the evening s �enter- a trails to get, thela'v ,
6 d6w thanks forlbe liberM i5atr b Custom toL
b assailed arid d
Ong terni of distance Irom :the 'stomach w ere �t by
them'during tbch� I ,,and hope tainment, by� taking part in several, c ue h
thc'�qaine may be-toidin u6d to tbojnofnjl�� cinitifilling with at ofa cbrittpt il�fuiBtry. anA qiaartetts� Which wei&_,weIl,L',461ect6d W... ara"or than usual -an a�rope.l
the bsi d
peas., jied;� Mr, Fish e�r rep
andIlendered. :To-1V1r.,T.,Tacl:Sonjjy.,; 'he ft o�,en and tbere �Erom 16 t6
In connection with tile tile X�tot�of ab( g �aht ma e
)Ilshlljg d"
ducthe -credit Of getting iri� sh�pe' the !, 6' " L r 'I., -t 20 N6iins' lying sido:by side-fiornJ2 tOJ3
liAnce of patrolingb b3 lot attenilo�l b" nd, as large as a num er,o: strongl�p6ints to suppoi is
to and using therein, n the be t ot po inc bs long 6 a common,
othili,, ut,the best o cntird�'progiamme. - Mr. III& Sp6tt give sitio, M'r. J. Curti�,&6� - 6nson4b 116W h
iate address, in'& d nat�lrlalandworkmanship'. All woiOlIcing,perforified
amesi ean an e,an e
11 wero- an 0 rge, and
-Aek.M. C ---had
lent maiden sl I. art
t0a in cevry respect. H. Taylor read an awlising pioed�'Oititled lit, mostly- 11 '!a
'6:01 TO Ott, appropr, Mr. A. �d Ojl.ib6' bout 4 feet'of the ntrg�ila 40
indor his O�vn snj�eivlsio AA
tak , 1 11 a
' Ak� Dauriz Greeil�, and his"' flying- ma6lne" kqph.,�,: A t Bay, it was tho.fattest and,largeat
PV`91J.. RUMBALL. spokenbrielly, Tayldthrou&h
lg� f I sa
Clintor'Jiln. 4, 1882, which *As Teceived with bea'tYL applause.' - r Of f6ar killed o d q me litter.'
Sol, tile salv. wlvig�r6ns spe
DICK Af't4e abo� ttiaction, of the cve-
H 1�c all(i une4afLiled Porhaps ilie-ohief st the pkopbs6d change Which hOW7
the B
'6jullit U0 the fact
tentic g popi ingwasth6'Bi'nginj. of little Fairy X.6roi� ever,' wg'd&pted. At tbi3,iegular meet-'
that With all'y (111antity f6r. ga.n, who is -a great f�vorite-,-,,t-n,d-,-.-delight._. hig thi� week. W 'S d
)11 "of tile ��Iflin n rg UCCS,L
)V-bere you lv)j-1 get good value for your a - real' , or, I I . Jas cot 't d " The ro6vival services, which have b e 6
f3eca t 80ikabl 'at Ls, be seen ed -the '.audience'.. wth-li ite caliAIed �on Zion'Bibl is', Christian"chii-r6h
money. the subj&t 6f'tbe. abbliiion. of the Son,
'AT TH.. 00 %EX( actions. - AY-i-th--thirteen
litile girls she and Martin 01) duriDj the f6pr 'weeksi witli;lk gx�a
poses. -
HOF' and later. w.another
deal ofsulecess,.aresillb Conti
Whe B left -1,; - � � , Spil to) tho U6 b I recited Grandma's Sur-
lg piece, s e a so A -farilnerfrond: this yi-einity,took ajoad
d livable mimicry t.eeei
t" Cross ilt, will rceeiv�'Pr pt attention . ..... _WI I- a Yi and V_ -beef to Clin-t-64
of we6k and Was so
tswthe' eiiepre. I i�gan alsb F
YeAerdiy morning "t D r6nder'6d b It �TIIIFI, roll pi� valul le assistance in vario ends iIl his g'rii 0 Ill on, in
TTit ni HT 11 �Ir, TO OTj R o u t, in the,fr�iile llgiir milt' 00fossrs.'Fen- .1 . V
-b 6 f, -tf
KXO�Wli '11-i 'THIS 1,0(!�LITY No,;itis W"the.evening.' The entertaiijilent Swillerton' at the 'noyth- end of t l, lie.
-�O CALL ffie�&le�w an -ci�'dedilIigly Exeter, and -in very short time 'it )VI-th
00, aell ' terprising mer I of'
I1m, BLAQX.AtsTRrAN OATS Tj t able Iand �,ocibk� bile, 'arid *vill help t(s bout $',000 busbe 4odeficb; who
-EE5 5urcllsgik 0 fr ct of
ilted, Is of iiibeat, 300 bifisbels to the a"3110- Thc make fliecong ur and - � IlDtit� of.'other regtio�n -better Ucquai as' a large,
NEWSP OutS a remarkbly,Arong draw, iib(l stand
-of' the -ob-, as ill*s�,.�'!Tjlblf,)tal,",'I.oss, nunab.or of';mel-
APERS & M A INES h wQne to Smouldering -kil ulow11 They YielCILP D'Aho whi.c chopping
is estimated �t about $2�,000 'and tbe-in'. tll�fll the�eolllnloll -whito oats grblyli oil life jects tention to re6t I
surance swi600. ilox�lhe fire oriminated a'salffmill ,it an�ealrlyftte.
lie oat,
AWNbrLL. Tucherswithi, The, f6llowing Shows 'the standing- of
0 .OL.
W ed oats 0 the �upils 6f$.S. No. 2,� Col"borne"fil th'
Platform S. Cal , , - is� unknown, �jdguppoged to . be 0V some,
es iilTll � I. Ill'iCh in'onth ba s e
ORDERS PRO and dollverink-the j3to. 1) Lee deputy-:6blef of*pblice of"' nuaiy� Th'I's re. ult 'is
ill &6 inarket_ The Oil wr
�Vj u11 's lid, lier6
to f P N
41 LY UVENDED 'TO t!the �end;
�'Jyorlr� 'It �el'� fref� from '6f - 0Uj 6 P the nloiiA Senior 7- abouts. ft )er �ist 2nd, Louise a
.1 " ' ' ild Oil ThurSc ay cveninig , .31111111 noix ous veeds, 11 �jel Y
-1 G 'I elV , I _ 4
A Gool) TI tx of' eins 3rd, ��,inily Stei lior,�th ping t c -he tc�si ence T -her - -rd X
l"u gaw of h � light 6utfi�stio d
R 40, E . I Y 'at t It, Will.' JTO8.
Y, W61141 Tile orolT.1wito v all lhilcohed ftn(ll take. titq;i) w1io has'beell. book-l�dlc 'tile Pelinin�toll. From Wil t " ' I ..
Cli per ill, a clis. Oke. t! �J'. they 0 ��jo . ked 21
1time, e6llrod �V6 feal Albert Lid Ida4shtow; Vd.
I ��Sb i i I'l estato business in Nvl.n,- flielilselveg in Venlilugton Junior - division ---- Senior 2nd Old ro tern) tile illst aVing.L OVery d-
�JDL HARDWARE �M 8 IRON Al E CWTJ th (lie hall Sulne goo Otte Moo�e'; 2ud, Harty 1llav6qoh 9jt'hticq year, ol balof w 'cffi lid ill nic, �Tlio company bi ce, up ti 0 1 1
i ii Vq
11 cc -Ia! bolir oll:rbtil n'd holne Morrisllp 26d, Lluid .7
nee to tl�a. t ll 6`�(,. for , �/ e
8, 'Vb 0Y 1.111110tt'L ligre tq-d� " to ebter his sSill,"IlIg Ile's a j oll good Mllow.11 erson Chu kch,
E U, A