HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-02-02, Page 6I • ' confederation. be claimed that the boundary of Upper Canada extefrided to the White Earth 'River, 450 miles west of the Lake of the Woods. The Hon. Mr. Cauchon, in 1857, in an able paper supporting Cariada'a claim, as against the pretensions of the Hudson Bay ,Company, contended that as regards our Northern boundary, the only possible conclu- sion was that it was either bounded in that direction by a few isolated posts on the sborea of the Hinlson Bay, or else that the 'company's territory was, like the intersection of the due west line with the Mississippi, a myth, and consequently Canada had no particular limit in that direction. As to the Western boundary, he said it was clearly demonstrated that it extended to. some point west of the Lake of the Woods, the only question was as to where that point was to be found ; was, it the White Earth River, the first waters of the Mississippi with which the doe west line pi; tersects, or was it the summit of the Rocky Mountains. The award only gave Ontario "to the Lake of the Woods," so that it was very evident it was not unduly favorable to us. It was given as a reason for refusing to ratify the award, that there would be dissatiefac- tion on the part of the other Pi ovinces.-- In regard to that Quebec had, he believed, nearly 100,000 square miles more than Onta- ria, and Manitoba, under the new .arrange - anent, would also have a larger territory than Ontario. There was no ground, therefore, for jealousy onthe part of the other Pro- vinces. If the Dominion Parliament had. ratified their award there would not have been a murmur of discontent throughout the whole confederation. (Cheers.) There was no doubt, however, that ratification was with- held for political purposes. Sir John was en- deavoring to curtail Oaten() s influence, and deprive us of our Political prestige. Hon, gentlemen opposite ghoul(' have stood up for the rights of Ontario, but he was sorry to have it to say that they had not done so. The hon. member for Glengarry (Mr. McMaster,) was very irate at being referred to as the member for Glengarry, via Montreal. But from the course he was now taking, he could not complain if he was repudiated as an On- tario representative. He claimed that he re- p resented, and bad a mandate from the elee- tot a of Glengarry, but a stranger bearing his • speeoh, would think that heebeld-arbrIef for the Poeninion against Ontarie; It is one ef the most regretable features in connection with this question, that the party feeling is blinding a large number of Outaries riepresen. tatives to the vital interests of the Province. A strong feeling prevails among the electors that in this House there should be no polities, that our legislation laws and administration are often marred by its introductiou. To this portion of the electors the attitude of hon. gentlemen opposite will not commend 'itself. The just extention and territorial, righte gf the Provinee are attacked and the control of our afraire impugned and over-ridden. Are these not questions, and is 'this not a time' when all party and political prejudipee should be cast aside, and Ontario's sone, wpanted by a patriotism -for their own Provinee,43tand as one man in defence of her rights, and with one voice assert their intention to maintain them. He was sorry hon. gentlemen .were not taking that course but rather the opposite, lint -he was assured that if they went to the country on their present platform of a surren- der of Ontario's rights, weak- as were their numbers now, they -would not return with a corporai' guard. Mr. .Rose resumed his oat*mid -lond- ap- plause. o • Astonishing Succese. It is the duty of every person who bas useCI: BoECREE'E GERMAN SYRUP to -let its wonderful qualities be kno wn to their friends in curing con- sumptionsevere coughs, croup, asthma, pneu- monia, and in fact all throat and lung diseases.' .Nualerson can use it without immediate relief. Tlifeeedoses will relieve any case, and evea-en.i...Yance on cbst for cash, and respectfully request you to call and sider it the dutyof aUdruggists to recommem, secure seasonable uoods at prices that -will astonish you. - it t€, thpe oor dying consumptive, at least to try )is -solution - of Partnershi NOT10E is hereby given that the Partner- ship heretofore existing between the under- signed, as general Storekeepers in the village of Londesborbugh, will be dissolved by mutual con- sent on the 13th day of February 1882. ALL •, PARTIES INDEBTED TO r.FIIEM are requested to:call , and settle, and parties holding claims against theni will oblige by 1)reseittilia thein for settleinent-.' •-•••••. ' insoitneCtion with the above:announeenent e have decided'i • ••• And afer the whole of our immen'e stock at a very slight ad - one bottle, as 100,000 dozen bottles year, and no one ease who're it failed was report-, , ed. Sucho a medicine aos the German Syrup can- not be towidely knwn: Ask your druggist INTEREST ilzbIJOE1). Jirule 1°°11-1, 1'111111°11P Winc°71, 1ln °1"1°thillIg,' about it. Sample bottles to try soid at TO cents. Regular size it cents. For shle by .J. H. Combe, Clinton. STONEY TO LEND on approved\rtn• Security, at _ C101idS nd ilf1001 Sopti*es--prieel,4 astonisit yo"q. LOWEST RATES. VERY CHEAT. i. and on favorable terms to borrower. Interest yearly. Charges moderate. Apply to Q. A. HARTT, er Solicitor, &O., Perrins Block,. linton. TONES. STOV Red Brick Store ---Sign of the Padlock, IIARLAND BROS A.E.rvErta, ST -RT, . • . We have now on hand a large and complete stock of all the leading stoves of, Canada. • name re few:— • . MARQUIS COOK STOVE, - • STERLING, CROWN MARQUIS, • , • . NORTHERN, INIILNE WOOD COOK, TELEGRAPH, GOLDEN AGE, TELEPHONE, GOLDEN SUN. // GOLDEN CROWN We • A, flow ()voll()t(lits still 011 BE SURF "Y"till SECLTITE ONE. PRICES IIANTE TUMBLED • • „ argains in:Ready-IVlade Clothing. 1114e (legit -11A)RGAI1IIS i BOOTS and SII(OES. Remetiber:the:.090d.s ''and bOttOita:.: • • prices,, • Call and be.coteitiii:ieect.thgt you can buy goods 6heApet .110.151:_th4ii..‘,yeti,eief'boughetheirtbefoie, Theie will undoubtedly be a.ruslido seCtire these goods, and we advis ''-epc5.te- come ,ear aye the advan- ntage,o.f to select • • And a quantity crf others to numerous to mention. Also, a full stook of PARLOR;• PARLOR VAA ' ' • ' ' .. COOK and ITALt, Silo v ES, BASE Hue:eel: Co_ki, STovES, including the celebrated Ratite:NT HOME, also the PATENT Cif.ILLEN(IE HE'ATElt, for wood, the most economical and most pow-: . — [....k F, e.-.4 ' :. .. a erful heater in the market. A large stocke -of HOT Ala Dnts, SToys"PinE, E,Lnows, d -,e. , 114641,49-04vilx*Imrliowa;a1-Y-114A04,-W•140-711.1VTSa(1.1,i,MliAZTIllftkg ',.74R1,1P0?ar'g- . - • • • •, - - - ' " any Ho ?lie ill the vounty. r .n (1) TN- u 1E74 ,s •-i tQ i7;?.: tt "P liT c4- X1 'Rest No.1 Canadian ©GAL lgli., Also, AMERICArl COAL 'OIL; OOntii16118 '. stook of LAMPS and LAMP DODD" Don't mistake the place for cheap Stoves, Red ;Brick Store, sign of the Padlock, Albeit Street Clinton. IBIRJOS SC 0 A. 1tte-.xiitatiatity- • • , Sch:o1 Boolo t!latcs, and School Blittlsito: Clon haattl, rtutil for iale at the Jow osit 1Pos A SMALL QUANTITY OF 37.. • yYU-K'li WILL 11E DISPOSED OF AT BARGAIN PRICES. W. H. SIMPSON, Clinton. 4., ••• • All IVICY:fr ti Hardware and Stove Warehouse, SILAS DAVIS. OJEOSS OUT BWS_ • GENUINE MAPLE LEAP, SILVER STEEL, LANCE 'I'OOTH, DIAMOND, HANLAN, CHAMPION, LANCET, and ONE MAN CROSS CUT SAWS. X116_71.§4 . X: IF:S. A_ TES. W N WS, .BUT1REL'S AN D BI X EOR D'S, IN ALL THE BEST liRA.NDS BARBED WIRE, SOLID AIEEL, TWO ARO FOUR POINTED. ROYAL CANADIAN CLOTHES WRINURS, chow Mu 'au. Stoves, Tinware 8c Lamp go dsi IITDES, SHEEP SKINS, FURS,HIGEIEST CASH PRICE PAID. TiA-ViE IVICi-ehaatte IP I-J(F1NJX131...40401C-it iCI-3EN ri140INT. OOTS Chea erthan ever. Horse BlaillitItt'i istotit(tolifft tili'(!,11.1;d c1.esG4:)a: t' Robes IDl • • ` • NO. 77,NEXT. TO, :R. RACEY,Si ,A1.43ERT STREET; .is"..-thaspot buy.: your :Furriltilrei' As we'ma.nufactiAie all onr osn roods we are Pr@parecl4o give 'our qi;istoiiiere4t4cp,r,quality • „!' • . of for -less money than can be obtained ebencliere.••• . : •'•• , • . . • • • CalI and see ourBedroom •Set§,;. Bedstead; lAttinti and • IATn.,91ist4T-id,,, • JoRt,Apt,410(‘ & Rit4eits We beg to inform our ,customers that We liavebeenfortunate etionoth to secure sonie of those Similar to .what we had last year,, (beingvery fine,\,,fruit) at'•a, price; which. will,enable us, to sell'tlieW:' saine. a ordifiaryfruit. 1;EAY.1.4'.11, BLO ("X E '1'0 WN HAL ,74-1 1,4\4{yrill• ....• l""•'"'" ; " ••••• • . ' • ..