HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-02-02, Page 4.01 c1,uexizOcntrOt5:- • Novelties for'neeltWear-J. Hodgins.. Clearing sale -G. H. Wright. Posts wanted—this. office. .Anticipating a rise -Pay & Wiseman. Seed oats—W. H. Ransford ,, A. F. & A. M.—T. L. Fortune.__; (tZx1txoiC few THURSDAY, FEB.' 2,'1S82. WORK r WORK'. WORK We are glad to ,,:,learn that the Liberal. Committees throughout the county,—and indeed all over'th:'•,, Province—have .set' earnestly to' work in anticipation of coin-• ing elections. There is nb time, te,be lost•'. An election thiglat byattending. to matters of detail• in the'. :Way of .perfact and systematic organr`zation... Do not let` _.... y b ,. the work drag behind. A great deal,. de pends ori present,action, When the Con sorvatives select a.. candidate, they. stand' by him from that-inoment till he:is either:. successful or defeated: The Liberals -should also do this. Sink for. the tiwe',petty dif ferences of opinion or` personal• motives, Let every Liberal,;wheth.erheis. a ;commit tee member or not, feel it has dpt+rto work for the furtherance of a`good Gernment • and strive:for success, • as he ai11;see his opponentsstriving. OUTSPOKEN• As showing the feeling in Manitoba Over: recent actions of the Dominion Government,. we clip, the following items -'from the papers of Winnipeg. The first is from the .Sun, the second from the Free Press:' " Separation from the Doutinion,is, in an event, preferable; to'an existenee: hien is, toy ;. place our people, their interest, industry and'. enterprise at the. mercy oif'a'few'St., Paul" millionaires. It will be our own fault'if wer allow these wonopolists to hold the, Provincial" nose on the grindstone long,". "Monopocy will nOt be 'endured inthis Province. ,The people wlio have cast in their;" • lots here are notmade of the'stnff that breaks 'oppression. Qnr provincial 'rights,cannot be bartered away, by any combination:.of polity clans and capitalists. " Either the vernment must compensate the comp any or amend the contract. If the''coinpany.will not accept reasonable compensation,:'.' then the, monopoly clause of: the. contract must be ab- rogated without their consent, -;Let -there be no question ahout this point:' Monopoly not be sustained' in Manitoba." TIIE WISH' FATHE!{ TO TIIB ,. TRO UGHTr If there ever was a paragraphpenned and,publshed by•ait organ of a"dominant political party•,,or •theatinie being, more• . insulting and tyranny-threaitening than • the followin -from • :the i1larl we have` failed to come'acress it • "The Grit party has no possible trope .of getting,intopower in. -1888: If:then•it•< • is that iii,—orderr to obtain a, set - Clement of the cju boundary estion<parties • in Ottawa and rrornto musrbe atone.with each other, the4iublicwill-probably thin -1 that it. is better That Mr: Mowat should. • go out in order that -Ontario. sli.ould get all, • these millions, rather than that he •should • remain in and sacrifice ...them:- the them: the peopleof Ontgrlo 5rre;in ea,rnest, they;• -will speedily teach,Mr 1V[owat that he incl , his cabal must not stand between the'. Province and tlie• equisition oi::ar territoryy' which is declared to_lr _o -\'sash: inestiin-: ..able Value."'• •" Here is seen by silence eonceinin,; that the awartl'is a r ighteons,orie; and that a111 that Prevents Ontario from obtairiing a peaceful acknowledgerneiit of that awsrd' • . by the powers at Ottawa ie that they' must not sustairr in. power "at Toro to a. man who r9 not •r•n' accord, .polrtmcally, with the former,: no-mattex Hove:good and` ' honest the management"'of Provincial af,.., fairs, tinder his, supervision they, 'may be The Mail tacitly admita,`i r'ct his; Ottawa masters ;are usurpers, and'alt because the Ontario , people keep 'if `povveitt a man whom they have, confidenee i,n:;.. Is not this an: attempt, to show that :'h ight"-is-: right? Supreme Court Act no appeal against -a decision of that Court can be -to the Privy Council, without the :'leave of the .latter ' having first been obtained. e.:This initial" step has been. successfully taken, and the case will now im argued in due time. The Toronto Telegram says:. "It has been, hinted that 'the °HOD. Mr. Fraser con- templates retiring from the Ontario Min istry, finding that bis health isnot as good as it might be. He lias not spoken this session yet, and will not be„ able to take the usual vigorous part in the debates that usually falls to his lot. This is to be re- gretted pot• only on account of -the cause, but because:Mr. Fraser isa.oapital speak- er. • No doubt the -Catholic boy couldfind a' successor,; but they would have difficulty in/finding oneiwho would be able to look after, their.interests as ablyas..Mr. .Fraser. has done." With' alarming frequency fre ueno : .such items as "Mr. So-and-so committed suicide while un- der -the ' influence of liquor," or "Mr. Smith,; while intokicaled, was run over and Billed" appear in the papers, and notwithstanding the terrible lessons therein 'conveyed,`,we are afraid tbat"-Young' Canada" 'is' not profiting thereby. It is a sad commentary on our boasted progress to find that drinking habits, par`icula"rly among the young, are on -the "in- crease.: Those of more•mature..years, ' who realized the dangers that link, in -the easy so c'alicustoms of our people, should set an exam- ple that would do muehltowards stemming the torrent of intemperance. • , A French reporter wild assist in reporting' for !Hansard' during the coming session of Parliament. No doubt the reports might :as. well be in French as English, for all the good they are to the 'general =public, but the ex- pense mrghtbesaved`t�he country by abolition, as the newspaper reports are fully as actuate as it has been. Chief Justice Wilsonhas' decided that . the Dominion Government have no power to in- vestigate the conduct of Judge Squier, and the =investigation 'winch was in progress will accordingly fall to the ;ground. What • will now - e, the upshot is bard to determine, but it is qui L,,likely'the Local Government will now step ia` and take ,some action in the matter.: - ()LEN'TO1'( blA R E'1' , / ' l Kiss u8.—`• TEAMERRT," the new and excluisi` Feb, 1, 1882- little gem tor the teeth and breath, has a bean.= wheat, fall, 19, ash, dal 28 . ,,1 29 eainplelated metal screw' top. Try.'a 6 cent' Spring; Redchaff, - '1 2& a' 1 *0 :� Fife. - Oats, Barley, Peas, Flour, Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, Hap., Hides, Sheepskins Pork, - Beef, - 1 30 a 1 31' 0.37 a 0 38 0'75 a 082 0 75 a 0 80 6'00 e 6 50 050 a `060 0' :18 a 0 20' 0 18 a 0 20 - 11,00'. a 13 00 ti 5Q a 7 00 0 75 a ,1. '00 7 75'•a 8 25 6 00 a 7 25 atoes The . subscriber will, pay the highest cash price for any quantity o1—potatoes, to be delivered at once: Contracts can be made at the store: J.• Cuningharie. Clinton,.Jan. 12,,1882.' The New York Sun is authority forthe statement thatlast year no fewer than 94,-. 159 Canadians. took up; their permanent-isei dean in the United States- There is too' mach, evidence -of the truth of the statement todoubt it, yet we _suppose Ministerial: papers will assert that the Sun is paid by the ''Grit party" to make the statement. Ou'another page• will`^:be found. the 'sadmi- .able 'speech of : Mr. Rose; - M, P. P., for West Iiurvn; delivered in the Local.:Legislature, dui•ingthe de bite on the address.; ` It will •re- pay careful perusal and should be studied by Conservatives anti L iberals'alike. Will any oirellelonging to Ontario, pos- sessing any spirit and the;love of.justice. and freedom, .tamely submit to such treat- ment ? If they -will they, are unworthy to enjoy..the liberties handed down to them by men who struggled against oppression' successfully. i �.fa . THE O1NTAttjO LEGISLATURE. After the close of the `debate on the ad- - dress in the reply to the Lieut. -Governor's' speech, the vote was taken , and the gov- ernment sustained by .a:inajorrty, of 54 to 26, and'now that fills matter is,'satisfac- torily disposed of the :Housemill settle down: tb business. As proof -that the gov- ernment believe theriiselves'to'be in'tlhe right and intend to v indicate•it,, they have: - re tro.duced .the Stre`tin's Bill and it has 1 d its first reading, A good. many pri- •vats bills have alreaidy''_been.,introdiieed,, and the prospects are that a lar'g'e ainotint -..of business Will be done 'Of this character: Oneetition resented bn', 'Tuesda pp p y by Mr. B11 Bell,- paying for an.aiiiendruen�tto'.the, la �!. w of r p ev den '' so�•a'' ' cc , s to allow `.-,liuo,rals in religion to give evidence in 'Courts of law, was signed' by fullyfivehiinciredper-, sons throughout`the Province .. . A'petition Inisbeen .riled against the return of Mr. 0, Cnillett, Clio lately -elected Con-, sellable .,nieririber for' -Vest :Northtimber- aril,_an:.the-grou ;-1 of intimidation and,:cor;_': •upt practices.. ` ilee,ting.s of the Reforrii Association of South •Greyand Peel were heldyeste•-rday 'for •tlie..purpose- of Organization. • Atthe. latter meeting the 'Hbn, A. S:.Hardy Was present, and andniade a.v.i •orous-e,peech'',nn the two questions ow:. most -.prominently before`. the public —to'e •boundary, award. an;d the veto "power. In South Greys ar' rangerneuts were made fora thorough, or- ganization,,andthere is 11ttle.doubt._•that .this riding will be :redeemed ak. the • neat general election A;good prevertative 1er'reve;`s, 'Agues -and Bilious Dieorders to Dr: "Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters, 'a 'strictly vegetable -;:pro-.. .paratinn i'Uey-Tone-,.tke systeir, puFSy,the, Bb,od and iucre5e the: appetite: and render those taking them almost proof again tdisease.. Bhoufa'be used in •every case •tasteap. of.rills, Combe agent for Clinton.,. A,terribly destructive fire;.' both to 1i4'es,• . _and ;property took place in ,J?ark ' Row,' New York,. on Tuesday.at 10 ,�,t-a.'in:'and:; it is supposetl that no less than. from "this;- tyte-'forty .persons lost their: 'lives..>:The 'fire originated in -the cellar 'and- the ele- vator opening .caused the, fite to •spread rapidly. \Nord has been received from:•' England. by the Attorry-General., that :the privy Council had;granted tiie_Ontario' Govern- merit leave to -appeal, to tlia,t tribunal against ,the finding of the•Su' rome.Co trt of the Dominion. in• the Me cer; esVaheat case. It will be reuremli:erecl that in the Opinion of tt'e'srfj*lrie^Cotirt real estate escfiet ting to the tCrown'for want e heirs • sholy 4d revert to the Dominion, find not to the Provincea,inwhich' .i:t is Situated, and '` ks a niKst this decision• that the appeal, is, to to the Pri'vy Council.., 'Under the WM. MOORE begs respectfully to in€onn the inhabitants of • Clinton •and vicinity thathe.-has• entered into ;pastnership ..with MR: SHARMAN, whose -abilities -as, a straightforward and thorough business Man are well known in 'this ,community. In future the business will be conducted under the firm title of'MOORE & SHARMAN The new firm would take this_opisortunity'of.announcing that in.addition to their present large and varind stock of :06.0#0$,. lasware, Crockery, &c, They are constantly receiving. fresh importations from the_ best' houses in the Do :minion; which they are; prepared ,to°,give: their eustpmers :AS CHEAP AS EVER 01i'FERED;; IN THIS' PARI OF °THE COUN I P Y, Never Give Uv: I1 you ars autfering`witI ow •and depressed epirits,Ioss of,appetite,-general debility,"disor- dered blood; weak oonstitrttion, headaehe, .or any disease: of.a;-bilious: nature, by all means procure a bottle of Electric Bitters: You will be' auprised to see the rapid'lmprovement that will follow; you 'wilt. be .inspired .with new', life;' strength and activitywill 'return';"pain and mis- Cry will cease, and henceforth you, will rejoieo in the praise` of Electric Bitters. '"Solid. at se eenta a-bottic,I by J.,11. Combe.. ' COI,BOR.NE BRiErs Mr Abram S. •Cowherd has organized a juvenile•,lrterary sot y, in connection .with his school. „The Wffieet8. are, President, Alex. ItlbMurchre,;. Vice President, M sS • Grace Algin ;; Secretary, S. Cowherd; Coxncillors; Miss'• Etta McCabe and John Suary. - We wish .iiia i. secess in his Ventura,...:One of the canoes wuhich'plies the riven;