HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-02-02, Page 21w, _17 7r - L J_ `7 % . no= von by a Whife_h*irad man, whose ailylery curi6ualy� 6e a o�p't'or'o'fape, as if,.Meking had not done, stid, affair, twice begging off 'A POLAR TARADI 4na percliatice .;I, new VOOV11i Ve a, there � for the secret -country dri kiea, too looks,jollitig, ikou rip of,his proud nho�itiilg:[ that OOUUtfy;_a d who kn&i his w young foreclosure, poor Qd Grandfather Markham i ,a r o.visib plain Mrs. fouid himself at -the morcy of 0 Ut gay'a kiiii � A_pleomg, Pat iardbal appear- a , t , ap-ingth6r's. "ety t a grasping b Joctoi far there coliner 016 mona6nt she board 0 the Suppoie'd1iistence-of aFine LandOeyond finceimaich interogted the i M Dr. rembreellage man,� into whose hands THE LID Be OF IBRARZ ST TWB WIRE BRITION MAVY, BuitliO`dootor mortgage had passed. It WaS Vain . to hope ihan did the flutter of the blue ribbon tlIe Arctic Gircle. are hidaway behind t4at ice wall of the by it r 00 bounot. t I hat, only laughed Merrily ai the jdes�:�of'.his -ineroy, from,' .'s' W= like Silas of a y I oung g I tri., 'being fath9i to Wes his college CUM.,. The money, mu . at 'either " be rUtUreL, Aim, even'thotig .L beaiqo ] L " - impenetrable north A people may � be The Sldp of 411e, Eye. t L ribbon tied shaded the face Guy, who Slo '0011 1 1 L P016 ba tbei�, with' splandid citie�, more civilized 4c om�-ner,-,� and tearing it chum and long -tried friend. forthcoming, or the red far _houge be, and euli I The note'Was :fr THE - LOSUTRIBES. �PROBABLY' TH RE [ghto6bd thau we. They Zpay 111i've, A London calegram Bays the following 9, pretty., 'giHiBli Agnes" i�.�iugtou, who was- reclining. gold, -with its few acres, of land and E. Dit, the OPI doctor read in: -d countryihan4e. They.. appears in this webles Puitch - a more beautiful nandwriting: laugiu ly in Mrs. - Qontler's easy-phair, and among his neigbbors there Was.:not one may, have!'& hihly,dultivated land, Aner THE. Ona., aygnz Forum. Dr. Holbrook.'," 'OVerWhelmitigi h6r,,former frie'tidwith dea- who &A the money to spare, evenAf they cli Mckneas and JL.Kuperlor Cumatli W,W41 roadej better houses, mignificent ships, and. Big William A on nautical ere It *aa'pLl iuly visible that a, criptiotis' of the . 0SY , Partie%she had had been willing a rmstron . speaking '"' 'L I it among atian to do -so, he mu.t lqok,for, all that, befits a,more enlightened people. defence, advocated ligtt, swift ships, onl said attended in Bostoi . I, and, the' no � sights : I L� pivense are not anown. rt,i)al,lraxmorediwith.'.vi3i'YbOavygun6,N�hiZ had beedwritten as if she would have gere. . L - 1 "1 h t 0 co r i's uninhabited, 'd in N a a dered to be far superfor,t6 iroadlads. Than, evidently "changiug,, her she �saw� in Europe,- whither h6r':�gray- If I- COU14 only'llelp," Made Ile. Boa iew of C6,mma;u boyr,� tuem"a ance at a; far erior lo al ad. 1 -4 . I - der Cheyne's ends& p I Q ity 'Win lak' for Man nity' 'the outside of.:thiB mun- It Wag 86 galiani captiOn, d, she had With her �finget blottlaa out haired huiband"had enlier for �A W one evening wh6ii-Ahey sat talki�g� over vor: to, interest the, people, f Canad,ft',113 than'OU Sae ;It' !oddly their troubles -, "but there's nothing.1 n the work f .;Pplq6r I exploration and his dame Bplibre.- ' 'he Being in'sy. And he a ild. uflidit tbPeeft, the 11 D I? and! m Int ding tour -would no ' t have felt particularly Quoth be.: 'I The- do�thi6t it,raad:,�_ flattered could she have, sen.1hat smile, do, unlesal apply for 'our school thWaum- splen'. hav umbering iionbl opinions regarding the'Odst�nce of a OL reserved it !or the settlement upon by Isteanimuc faistertharlL. cannelertethold'afrae D'be at or heard how easily, from talking Of her; mer., Air. Green is � the I did country I ond � the region *1OU ice, the. oteenth century; when h them all,. II&BBoOK you y Manin thi's nin U13L he likes , and but *hit. following latter,- written 'it San Fr noisco aompwhat�eleirated. by So in the time of V 'leisure o examine,m6 'on- 16nday after. Dr..', Holbrook tbrned-i6 :Madeline.'Cly4e I don?t believe t. There 'he'll let ine have it. A me ThgLory;cantlot itt, the various a ' gencie I'll sim�y pour a.br9a 1 0 in noon, at. three b'clook whom he' exp6etea every,.-momen. an to go and 01111fe oubjeot of. And tva fly oif afar- civi iza ion and' education. There I can carry heavy metal, too, MA.DiLiim A. -CLYDE. was, a marry la -ugh on as he `see and erthe. old pe6pie , had, fail to be interesting. may beon that Other side wide Boas, gralmi The neweat o n ' ew guns, atenba 'to %6:�&otor!4 story ; and when recovered, pixtk­�eiara'ago Capt. rivers, hoblb, intend' lakes, . wondrous moun- f P. �_For ` paitic`ulai; reasons I hope. their astonishment, Mdde;,, to reiiairk th 'The playthings bbat.'are, rated you, '. att na to it w"� finished, he, W h can, 0 me iig early as pet V. by,, I - sea i line hid caught hot bonnetAnd ihaWl, aud, Jo u Cleve Symm.es,, of Newport, KyI, pro- taius,, areas of fertile, produeti�e land. ".imple hundred tons. A. -,C." :'nothing go very, diatastef ini- nitill 1 g' 6, Wfljing down the road. mul h X'U which he at&`the: in I n , or . earth -U a'y � produce Bpoii- The I t Wi .K'll go through, everyarmor p a a qatid a theory of the part Li a pap iketty gir aiii puz4 ngt er,� b see her Madeline 'I er, such their power, r. iiolbrooli'kiiew-,voiy.,,liitle.,�6f,-' L favo et&inied that the earth Was gjoVuil�i, hollow, or, Mai; -a was E6 rite with ll; taneously all the:fOod nedessaryLf, I q thbI: . imil jvpem.at thd elty�o"is_ 'istenco , 'and, especially ith,-Mr. Oreen,--and-as a a At sixteen knots'1111'11011r.- thought thid -sub� -stid--pleasure. - Siekn'ii S.;,L should n;Joy"th Vdvelty of the th And should the erleryY hit me, note, with_Lite P. L decidedly -girliall. a 111W! school would be onialler that aiiinindr, the'L Me& caused' his theory to'4e ridio qled 'and. disease way'be, �unkn6wn in, that superior Oh,fmke It, then; aerdy,place 'the Iclime. Or at in L 4 ' er "� j' a ' nd 'May _ L be , the 6;Nj=1 th It's easy to -divine; omineat, eithervbrbad'or bCt�, I *d L -1 k him favorably.. , Her age, he U, Opp still he made no c plan true With engines and with'b4o W& eagarij. She must. 81tion to the, N` ii,dbotrifies he Malin. rs placed lital, Eo fluriied 8 lis with -the thought or exesime not ever; was an L6bjection, aiid. be. take a�qdc of -'huge 'and terri i&'mobste'rB that Below my water line, me -know me, rom d She nav&I Naw Me iti,,d6toi�4�ire'wilat'oth6ialthbught bfr,m iined�.ho 'thbb:' of, concentric-sphdres inhabit the land and'water and fly through 8 Sire P el 'L 'In the prehistoric ages' the out- tha the ev eaded.Lhpd coma . [ ' ild liko,'-her b h b' with- t onli-to theLoarth' btit -th Edr. They'll hardJXL'tQUCha; vital paIrt il bel so muchAt f '414 r Constructs a8lare; I-,. , " L, upon bim-at last.. "Had. it be le firlier'llUp- H&O, are �b6oks� 611 ecoming Be 00 mi NO.,' regard no While I am free to Charge at thein need;: YouWe' t to a disiiioi,sdfioJ6i a *�olo :The p.eoblg thought well. of, it, and before,. also all -other p an e cted lanetB.--THe-­8 Tradoiaco' side outface, of this: earth- Which " w4 now Andi useray deadly Zam. choice, hewbuld f6tirathiar weak that gutiii�a6r' Whbnyourw"ej t a - a a ay;ng, the close ��f'-the next day it was, gener porreap6ndeni �calls rbilOwed' attention, to- inha 11mlighta. dIlmunarmared, every one of Madeline' Clyde's eeth,.Ahan h 11 'r � 4 "' ' ' ' ' , ­ I bit V&s the.abodo,of,anima;ls and.fi& ifijhe�douutry, wit your grhudmoihbi.� out �Ri Save just where my guns axe Pla ad; himself up -�dore. her'ag some known thioUgh,11duddile, as the theory ill stat"11 sn�dbirda:�of gigaritto,"pize; .0 - . y"Baying.: , W t -knew, and iscalled', thit icity main, poln 0 o For, like a ady, I am well You Burely have some, !id6ti -what4boy.di it -Wvougbira� w rief , gain - of the - . ...... t' surface of1he earth'the animal a�nd`,voge- Froteote, horiid:�ogre,­a6king.wba sh - e� aof ormous 1. p I ropo I at the waist. ., choice there,' while 1 �kv6 not:tho slightest� 'Will littlb� Middy Clyde had' been - eiag�ai ad I-tinder6tand them to have been -table life insoy-be., of eri rtions Before me shall each Aron-plad. what she did,'not now, . But, �the �tu i, Guy?" he persiatdd "more earnestly,' teacher and was, to7 receit' thr' pronaulgMed-by him'ifi` his'latbr years. He In fright give up the ghost, wss�iloi big,. rning at last,tothe boy. yet a 0 a that geology brings as he heard.wbeels. inthe streeti and 'was ;a week,'� with, the und6ratane it :18 to . I' i great r than that And England's wooden WaUa again itell h r.tb come.' ding',that she aiedU18�*9. eE Shall be the standing toast."., 0 auto old'Sorrel had.come again. "d were delivered duri b men-' Would have Jeought for �a did not take Made� sal Ug t 6,!Lwinter of gliMpab, of r the' face undi I )r -the:bonuot tied Gy Remi I ngton'likekouithin ag litip to. cgloulie thit' 'tw-elv'6 thne IUO-7, beforeAlie, faculty and students 0 - f Bee ' Cher on'. Christ, . s� Appeai�ancc. _)L A g sayoril, r HjEn BoY. AT -S T.. 0, but inhis ind there We ' -e,thirty-sixi dollars, n Y COMT ot'care a of,,& froli re:cer� thrpo*dolIars wei :iore -Union College,- and it is said the ,with blue; but Dr. Holbiodk:.did: ii uohing,the,� t a profound . atten . tion of' the A -despatch froin Now York sa�s:' Atithe picayune wheilier it ;veto 'Ugly or fair, tain �66,nscientious� scruplew to iiiiiiiat6nthofwhoth6rL&iiqdf�thbr,ila�'it,,,,�iiisiad6d' h A SOCIET 1paxined and :perivi6a1a the- l6ctufe-r6bz� �'-6f L YL NOVEL. in that the -Voice *a justice of. 'the thing, and so at flistile borrow.. -It. -seeined like a fortune', venerable Doctors Neff Bud thctu&L it did. strike hi I ed! month Qhurch,HenryWai�d Beecher spoke sweet, which; after the bpy,hadl demurred; while the. doctor still insisted', and blith-e as.u- singing; bira she 'fltt' Wayland. : Ile claimed that the earth By the author, of Edith I4yle, 1. 1. 1. 1 1 LL�d JiUtil:rt.,laBt rtbd�, to about ills house; now stoppirti,am6nidixt' globular, holloW And'opea at the pdj66, ibst of the.human conception of Christ. 11 There Forrest House," I'Viateau.. d'0r,!'-etc- delivered the message, Bat to thoold Man, be, -laughingly 4 Conseil i L i provided,'th 16 UO'persona descri of. Christ !to' 60 Oh,,"I am'so glad', now,�graudpiaj,, wel.11 go� 67'ant'ne't'On"I Is, to, fondle hot pet �ittu, while' A6'Whis- � the diameter of Ae.,'uoriharn o i as * ' ' I pell)ng was; p on CHAPTERJ- red' the 'g6od,rhow's" '�Ory appie.! gb,DAig;'ObOxbiles.-or�'4,000�froii�,otits'd tin eScriptures," said1e., 11�Tb Us. I know you must be doctor W6Uld,Nit;by,,aud &c6ionally.00 6 1 a V hot Me' pe Ia to th tyl, §O�iei tolifq nly matter, in this 66upection that any, of OTHE EXAMINING. Cuaffri!TEE. Wry slow trottedL down � e athen * stroking 0 the, certi pa a fjh6r?8.gIlvery hair,'ko slid said the fi the, BV&nge W 602pML 0 : aVe Spocially gP�OP16 Ntyeet, i the blue ribbong,flutteiiiig iii the. sotne*bi� larger, that' .0 to list 'H* t " b Twpnty-five Y�ng.jtbAtLobe�i' YOU tareforre Was �a eyLeg, and �fbase efUlly a can te au� e these openings ar6'pa,ralrlel other ;' , , ',, ' Devonshire, ajittle,,towil. A zig, the New �,wind, and end tittle unglqv6dbandcal e. Ba�d,,.III.tpatif 1 L at su bey SOM omto of� but. that t ugle- of twelvo Of them speakin �sucl a, manner as L England hille, bid; the rpputaotion of �eing- "Adjosting about, ibe'61ffman qualiAed to teach." 'fiLying thirty-sik dollars- in- the fall, and if elOad one '-� to infer. at uty bu rather quarrelsome. ,. Sometimes about sucicnt,041*14 �6104C v iqh'had., 4ono 4 "es, oeriainlyl,,duy� 1 0, �Jg aybeltliey 1111irdie- lougei,.L.:!i1� I degrees, . with 'the, equator, � and t1latr, the' I , I ; 'ri , , d, well, m was a' wondrous magE in � His. I L was� nee4e , bu,tbia, maybe glib wou'Lt be,'andrmyzofd6ro are,] to, mehuf6rtky'm "hi heat, point of- th'-N.- Uorthern 'plane is - meeli, gentle Mrs. Tiverton,,rthe Inmiptok' f 'SE, Ag r,, he11 the' L f M�ny a 'Par ga&� A av tL pictures Chile are, inawwr Q 9 w The-do'btok Saw be strict -very first,. and: p4t, jbile an �pfor Sugh e l6weSt po U 0 wifo i w r * , 'L . I t, r , � � L* , i ­_ , ' 0 yLody in a Witor f JI�Ugakeeping, r P' _k6U therefore, �.hunlbugs-_ 'Jro ha,�o'm idea, at ai southern plane'. He that tyld of dress,' did Do' at'suit hem,; 36ionIe t�up6n,hi' min 'Waa,r or We. hey.weie,iimly 141. you ngl� point of view. There was an impression Was brtJbabl� a�ni66- in§ta t 1,: L -: , ' 1. ". I TIIH oometimes about the minister Cana fa and for' ut -the, brigh iRTH a id t, own i i SH LL_Of,.LTkE!E athe gi ag6rl in" t 1 be'"' a a Greek ki childiBh4,f%Qe'B oi�l -Iff * , " r look�?,' GdY, 'as brk's as:. taken bysem a; to hot gba g 0 t bek-j-_ ind the doctor rep aw no g -b 'old—fashioned, h B "'t whit should he ask thin sermons a week, attended thp Wddhe`Ndhj' afather., � B irror; ith nfrthe all t not6 be trusted, it presents t6L.UN evening prayer -meting, e�on he4op ,.,pdges.o he'openingo, called EL L' I I I end how d'emean hi - 'I. ", r . an ot aL Oroek�' ;w,uld itr verges,, measure, fi6m 'the regu ar con. Greeklibad Christ evening sewing society, visiiea,aii the Nick, o well to 11 out, her;I" r a nel queer old '910 01's 48,9611, SUO as S114 did'lodk' . ,, tr r, 1. 1 � ab go�glgj very '.young,, and. yet there Jew. Prob cavity within' he regular convexi y but a ly'! if we could see a: Bud gave to every bpg�ar: that,dalled-at.his Lewis had advised him to'do to one or two your coutry fdin� re, t was something womanly too in the epres- firiat as, He really, was we t, an old 'Witli he I, t picture of, Mall r in a cam a 'f gb,�apthiug which, said, tba6 without, about 1,060 miles, lle. verges S�Iiday of the afternoon *'is frigh �Isiqp o the'fac .door, besides. sup6iizifet b- Ould sh6ciad, as -all previous. impies- School he w -as -earning his Nalary' Of 'fully'near, fie� thought, as' this wa!s' only Gucss'Nhewon?ibelikelyAO Upjaigeft�6r' ?ccbpyipg',twenty-five deg. Delinesi6d Oil y 'understood by er_ six eaerp;%lreaay beginning to a a� Map, only the %ute,da :half of the verges. wons, we had formed 'With regard 6 hundred -per yeari 'Saturday ; and then, feeling that. he must of sa;m bullet-pr661 I ab & h P61j yt 0 ul& show: � All the rance would� ffi� all likelihoodlbd� gometinies, and that Was no rare Y, prepared, lie brought out' fromAhe �ou have been an gaged for years.,- If Inv ha;ij, Warp n6t - ghort'I'shead do: 'we ns-,,ofille �=ly d"troyed. Ch bit �sL pity "I 2PSL Would I' 6, Set tlMe'l, prpsent in be r OUD "Of-sikh Way;, when do ocross- the sea again or, bettei�, i , t ist was Hebrew' into- the � o 6 the .quarrel.crept h it, and.then trunk *where since his,arrival in C'ut lyi N: A, and he. probabl bid' a, for two or three S4 they La 6& quietly need not go into all the g6ipUtiiio cletail* �pf, the, Hebrew ndays it,was'all in vain ngI.'book enough the: fair Lucv ? Rumor says, thi's summer"." itw b '�soiongand.sp ndid S to y ould pen Is SL h i� cast of countenande,L the, truth Of, ymmes t eory; trobg ! Jewisl D�a Arctic read the psalm Rumor is.wrong"' as usual, t an 'S h .,but that Mr. Tiverton and to'have:1iight6n6d,, an. older pbrson than, -she -gi i n pro� _,�raee ASL ever for b existed' which, hymn, and cas,t. troubled glances1oward poor little -gad 'aline Clydej iiding Guy's reply, a. soft" light stealing z, cite from 0 has ha&,iikore p'ersonalr efiarepetajig- empiu6us: pull at.- tha,*.'thick, bZutiful omeL,an WIS lng zg.ou Which I there I W -facts'andstateme'llts tbat,tend ti ther Vacant seats 'of his' refractory siDgers� h d - hi much ifi'st'sh6!d had 1andsqqa�o eyes,. T,hei,i ;er,i moment,, L be 'brown hadi 4 In, per alUr to e�tAlish L awish race.- h Td 1,,, 'r 0 reapon . 1w far' the plausibility and the r'lle same. There was no one t" d .,except poor a glimpse of Dr. 11.91brook, ad, as, to'kubw in IL &Y -I e, goes lights�.a re�:dlsh* tinget: which added to its d Usually conceiving .!eVe,-y Mr. Hodges, who selected what l;drW and 'hoping he to6,delicat6 for her t Dour ills risk':,df s: richnegsaind beauty.. Travellers state that � the 'hdiansr ati. ag�: like e, 60 0 north are in the re-u,lar habit of continued r. Beecbei-1,�1,1'1 must� admit 'here I 9hould thing. in'ar Minor, key,, and pitched it so give hor ar chanics. 'to re . peat some Of the climate likecuts�.. If ahowere I1Nevbr'miijd the L hair, 0 tUd L that I cannot cture im asstancling over north n6rthwek'.:oh'Jhe p y be. glad,. or,it,is I -wi .While Mrs. many L' aCeB Of geography 'and histor' errirbl6lonely at AikenBide, high that few could follow said, ja�:inj, foualy at her th a, half each of winter togeek it aii1deicliMate :a WaA-tub, but.:were I to imag" Captain Simpson-whoSerdaughter was th& mhich she know byheart. How she Would and I Must. BtayL there you kno,. WwOuld' sigh-�as,he remembered another brown at: her next . beig , have trembled cou d grave and desirable winter. quarters. . ThL6 great, tasking bread "r for instance -if lho, I he� 'have�. seen L be a shatli6: to let theplace'ruwdoWil.". , 'bead, lJillowe inow ben; otgauiBt-rolled her eye the �aid i6agine, Him ill this Manner ilt! hot, - or fanned: herseff8furlously in: token the formidable v6luines . heaped,, upon, And think a wife ; WO Maybe yoti-won" t. pasa'muster,L and Yukon Riveri.s on the',verge of the northern, hould as turf. and out much 9 i - b�i -will Make n6:d.i There' 'opening, its, Ui rtainly: think of Him:NS r M%kinJ a e,� to , a of bar disgust.' the doctor's,: fab,l er Dr. Holbr ffer h is best ;bread. that knake it �plea�anb , ookilaked', the th Was po8sibl bi h� ':b iUdIC�ting a In"high' Latterly, however, there had arisen . or r. There F than it is 600 -milr.B Up strea nL rench and: the tone of is �701C little a new dommittee�-man, that Dr. lRolbrook ta Latin grammarBL, Hsmilt6n,S Mdjaph h r appier for. 'from Boston, a b a, latitudes ills inhabitan, dulmonly made, aud'exercising due -moderation when S to a MM6,g ap new ciaUE16 for 4uarrel,, before which every- ysicsi 'do�ubi a' 'being L na, new Ones ire.4 b it'carne to eating it,il thing IN �Mighty�stridt, a oung :one& 6fthe gouth�raa beizig,'colder d �'Uce 'Now, Olmstea'd' Algabrp�L nd espeo�, a sank iiatd-aneig and having �.a ...... h V_J, though the �;�Illage of Devonshire- could B'Utler!s Angle 0 Py Bay, �6 L II THE -gy and, many other books a rrows. a him. Th I y ar e Y DIflerence Between iissirgiarman ?go am h doubts dwe t in t a in boast but one pubiie school -house, Baid into;which poor Madelil'3e had Utyer- b in of 'and can speak in'furrin to k -L gq� : But 110 sue at tbre approach of Winter, to ads &warmer house being divided into two departmentsi much as looked. Arranging. them in a. row, -r pp. E iddyleLfac6 flils e t at.. Ban m. Guy Remiiigf, �tted for Instantly Mi limate. - Capt aifi Ross in high.-latittideg h the upper and lower divisions, there were a2kii'lialf�wishing.hims6lf back'again� in the domestic': appiness Is looked, vous dread, as she Ong f 6ksfAhe Arctic -as calm, I-and,cle :fact ii," kid'old Mrs. Phippst: W, o 8 Y�to the, time wh abby that to do sowould @pqN. 0 Sea ar .,to Ijireeo'en V in the town several. ai8jji0t_ 'and - -da when he1ad Btudied them, ibe doctor &njiOU I South chocils. ya en. jrucy, Atb6t_, (if ice a Wag & Wid L bolt a own. isit, itthe nal d Co.., ut she should �allthL a the Wes for the last few years a corniniitipe of three 'went out to visit, his patients, of which stbfie, the�faii Eiiglish:g1il to whom hbliadr be an 6ter isg .,of ice,. And that curr I ants of- uIrr from mydea'r,Mrs. Skid , i inn there War 'r , L h a L sy You had been annu�uy appointed to r exam t at M e oine engaged -iWhbn i he" -visited'Euro`pe-,� ..not fall. She was-calle by-eveiybody the north were *arm aha nielVed, the ice.. escape. from being ruined the -otherld and decide upon the. meiits of thd'various entirely egeaped his mind, nor. did he mry�best sobolar in the, Honedale school, Ca f 'ever board of.". four years ago',',shoul&te strong enough to' 1 ptiiu Perry makes, requent mention of ,osudidates for tea*ch' -him-agaill, until the 'dreaded M 'bear'trangplanting.tio AmericadBO Twice, the one' whi In'the-teachers alwsye.puf1or- Mrs: S.,pouring ing, giving, to each if trouble On , whe I in wakm currents.,of,air conaing from -the OWLJ the decision were favorable, a slip 4paper came" and the hands of his Watob since 6iigag a&'visitedheri, ward psirousi of.5h9wing off,.�.the . 111. outafiothercup- h' ement be:, h north and nortbeast,.-wh'ib-li doubtldss,came d. 'ton -a,,a I Squi ii of the � esrth.7 Dr. "Kan I a certifying his or her qualification to tbach- VoififeU to two. Er e!tt jy6u,know Lsold our "house an and sweek,�but one who I r. I to: Lamb' �-,,.Why Was' at One hour more,".. e '"id to himselfi: nev6rLq� its, re - ady to come with 'him 'to abd" Lawy slwa�s,noticed- from t e'ihterIO lot ja tlmonih�ia 11 ad a common school. it strangeL t 'Alt c,�O I n a art i'theolimate- h h er 9 ndhad the mone %a re I It that i thd f i U 'I feud should B't as a an wait,,a an 0_11 All Arctic explorer . a at , ate th at I Viij�gS L isover cli o as No fierce Jus 'a rQ rida. He must'� _d —pralsed 7go-.ffi­uc f- 0 Be h, -'Bb to-depp-osit �A�Ihe bank the �next have arisen; 0 i 6,. d iidcl r. HOU d 68 d his bomb- in met. when Mr.' -Tiverion, (In t 6 the rabf some on little 10, " , fi il 'not iail, though L 8 �d d morning,, i h -w sthe',ve'Jry ,day. of., S61 t,,t,t,,iget�,::.,Tdeh6,was,WSitllig, adtIA A mue above and beyon sg. to 70 deg. north wh 0 a Squire Lamb and Lawyer,-Whittemors,'in Can it �be rrel'and ihe:,squarp 'girl w- brooR,:.woudering bwhaVbe wotild:s wag-. is-*qrth. the, sicrifice, as. itude there is a'mildek climate ailure.". the full conviction thal-they ' d on V Dr.. Holbrook thought. But far, indeed she was, for a fairer;, sweeter"flower her first, arid hoping itw &Id be L f itwere oing g, something Good gracious I right, refused a certificate 'of scholarship to 'different from OrandficthbrClyd I 8'�VL a owerdegree'. Lkig6-lie�dsof,de'er,.wl�i.tia' h' e, mInOut ilever bloomed than,(Zucy Ather�tonej. 'big in arithmetic, provided he aid,ppt],§tumble alept-Wit the money Under Ty pil- bear, foxes- aLd oth 6'r' 'ataiinals are in the ` a. anV:10ved to thi ipt'0 t' in �11 �ll,gh at, L bireidy. a niece of Mrs., Judge Tisdafei and awarded Was the,etylish-carilage , az�A­ �iho;; spirited ffisncedbTid nk 6fileri �upon de8m&]B�L' where . she babit-of-mir�%ting'north 9 had 'bayswhich 66, in gt6pped;L it to one whose earnings in_t a Uotojy� LO & to star colored coachnit ind ss'ihe dodtbr!E, brouht, her to bewilderca. 8&Lhadhof6ars�0., u as on th pp bank theim we gone- grailiffisr,.. roach of winten Thosethat a his tnind� he wefit off w into. reverie �con_ t3he pick out, the ��njost bsbure horn� aide of the I verge, go Solids bii'rglars- had- taken -it during the procured for her a ffiei,roii�h English educa- nfrofit of the ive on the nort sont6fibii ;'and di a c double. r ative t. An hovr,:afterward'thO'bank burst. r- cerninger, becoming so : lost in thoiig�tj, L ' L t '1oftb, and ihosii-on the BoUthern side travel tion, the villagers were aroused;as they yard with the office *here �b' a t 6, r arm -ad �t st,-until the doctor's hand �id Upon, y soutliju-*-intei. : When the 'd is, ' ! ' had never been before-th6�, Iatoaraiay L 110 lbiook, boarded, ind whaire','if lit,mairi perfect.. ease then as. 0 geog V19tt ever hear', -of, such 'E� piece of good., "L he -would, in t 1*� I, she coula'repes�tvihb y 10, U abusing and the democrack. up�61dizig:-thg� while inLDeongh ir ' 6 ' (I Is pageBof thaV; I luck IML t, culdei, by,Vay of rousing him,lhe did Ddlit -is �tmudually cold in dismayed,trio, who at a 4ttietly:resikiled bring big wife. Winter in*BngU _L Why"yolf lost, y not s�b that What big friend designated as, in the"apelling-book, the -foundation 11 Luc our coin all the §pifzb&rgen,'1ecause the, winds . passing., . k their office, and Devonshire was WIthout-a itGuy Remington, tlI6 very. :chlap ofall Was siopping' in front 'Of the ',thorough education, as she had been t , I &Me vea.go�gzgq_e o r the -ice -bond verge fall oaS itzboi en a th tt e �a�'Yoiing.ljdy Was p 'but -dbu't you see , eyL hi she, had no sul a Ile, aVg -In this emergency ig mUsf be. there's gnes; with_j6gal awer I B empera and on condiflon f my not pio�, somethit 'Who knew -she. I I I I � 1. 1 ! 1. paL,tips, W . ........ Still ahbr"would be very glad when, i a rth'or fr6m: �OintodL Ing roM the no done, and 6 belligerent r a8L, In t age parts was . the doctor% Monday, tfi in ',Or L O _thdM, th t a ightizig. blow* f fall pbli imp' apF 0 41 11 wind to, Guy'sifirst. uise Was: bveri and she returned me Kft school committee. othekB-whor�,.Iq,.r,g,,.tih,bi'seo, �6nd, '.6flice,�and-ibat ftoML'it �eriors,'aiild' but few a a. 11011%11 and A6, t ture, whg Ye", A burglars iZ the, islabd , I ." 1, 1 , Y L ,mental eicl .-warm, dpUts,:'on a. dollar. The" 6aiik hat 0 -was close, at � hand, :and because but &fter'.hsi Ing overithe c'old verge 0ould-only uniie� On a stranger., it, seemed a amntion, as,'runnifig his fingers ito �g6 :to her-- assistance,: but ah&' (lid because it g- An tw6nty-t.wo. Theres, ,no matter Of special providenceit nly two through his -hairland Making,� a"foint of ,need it, as; wits i ht spring, 'that *,as the Asy � list grandfather'llad, 9- res. , 11 . I :, use t . alking, broven by the jig of lower, the f6mpeirature of �England. vith Which she tea . ched the.gr6uua.-�,'Tbe Join- Hannah months before the quarrel began, .'young, pulling" up the corners of his. rather lim k6nside, in On id gs baliks, and kob- th Dr. Holbrook, a native of,', Boston, hid - collar, hLe.bUi - d out to� the carriage, from white-hmited man as With her agiin; but iilg town, and "k fts�'young master for W61 �OPRX' �OLI` L BE" bers, I'll take my chances With e. u; are in Which to riag to Ai between svvin IC yio loan -o' , three hundred:dollars.� t is.certairf1ba a: of the' every time—sa, rmnCisc 1� in ud,ta , Btop --tin a in or's thereis.a. milder b I s t.!L ranted a pleasant little offi a on the'villagQ Which a dashing ooking. lad f',30, or ere. h'i6idently Oid "hot -into r t� ' he north co UICIL common., fdr Orly occupied by old lbr. s,bouta wagalightin' hardly-AelLwhy lid had.thought frokian'regioms! of, th close observer might.have d6teated;a ahaae� r Olin, Carey, whose days of practice eip.6ve Why, Ague I beg your pardbn Of applying :to Guy- Remingt for help, a a -an, 0 And recent Cto y 11 on n sea. sma of sadness and `a'nxi6t apon Itasca y Came I* Besides Ming n ��*he_n "all t6aiif th� uch. is the fact sing and skilful, and :R did you cbme he Midelin6-6alldd cheerily6utthim,"I Good., unless. it .were that fiad' N,aip'd -the explorer a,i life. of Guy's 1 father, a milisi With* the poor, as:the, rich, 8 L 0Weft Ben -'L asked,.offering his !land to, the' lady, *haj long as lie for t 6 ' vb gonewheie,it is rmsTwo yearb'�aglo Mr. Ju9tice 1, 'byp;�grandpa. Dbn'646ar, for me, an w nd. . I ... V, e e�t wat i: t \Oz Capisin, fencer! to.,Zeu 'years penal- �3er' 'two Cho young.doctor was dee�enddd, ffo'in the 'coqdeitishly'shakizig back. front -her. pretty, lived,, �had, evinced. s great regard for his� wh a is. no t h pe you will hsve good luck;" than, as fro th most resp aris oratio line of BONt6, , :11ollirooko, dollishlfa6o� piofligion"of light brown curls" 0 'benefactor, quently asserting that be ROBB stat B.that 'in he., polmP�rj.* g-, ectsbI6 Stafford�hire,:farmers for, hedrbve-a*ky.#.sh6'ran li�ns: a ormeali in; But the orizon - rom north very, bAk R;mjLngtOn �Oii ied,�but th�t east.and West itis'greatly air, accuser, to of her lavender kids, so sorry, -m40zYpr.".'­On bad' ill' facts which tended to Make himia favon' gave � him the tips and L said 11 Don't look todo for bi h f to , soutl- inutilating a aborer ill a-moet i6voItiiIg with both classes; and, greatly to his But- �rbile Elio had �domp 0 t i on aveAbo something was never done­thp fQfberlmais a, he found himself unanimously side' S;aiurday--before�;L Slid 1earing i strait, the 'old 'mLau 'turned 'exteiIded. .: Thle spex of the -ver�e \xk in- Who JBL described as.havirig grad ead*. d in' i rill am'-calledin -a Jocal preachei,,--and' willitIgto give h : e -knew to very rie -;-a on -away, Inspector of hom. he, ini, up M 01 elected 'to the responsible L 0 ce', of Note Guy � that the- lady With � W ap an 68 0 nor in Common Sob— b6aMd fvas bldl,fri and I of hers; in�-t can. that he Could, notl die., -without.. righting h she bad, 'it No Maddy,� eon wag exceedingly twoinilo6eni. Mau. .116 dicts I te . shire. Itwasixtvain-that orem''onstrAte-K d AIN all'ilie little fortin, Su i a toldi It an signs riven.overlaccall,' and Ibrouglitsepie, With orIII lot theAd pli6o'g''o'first an r tains, 589 nort ­ and,extendB LL JL -ao�ufdssion fo be, effect hat t o, we or of,tke: at. L 11:11skel. essle, -spe4 to- t to'Soirel, the old:man rove YOU clear the. Nouth', part -- of � H Stri sob atks. On the, r/L He was -poor ear pal '-Bide of the-Islaud of Spitzheirget ar erg ere lbsB''ofi he f , 4 altdgetbd� aui t b it lip ace 'it saying he know nothing whatbv for Wis I- coul YOU've got. alifications requisite or'&'temobe th9t. d friend "and up td'Ai efigide. I.' They.say it's so beauti- north Vast Crime. w to ting d' could not talk to �girls., unless', they. sdinet ing thiob was inten a boa' a Madele wked, With L elihe had ;iaid,,aB On. 4turdey ilierei are, lodged -quantities of drift f hi h'tbey 'ba�d been, convicte heart t6, the 6ffice door, w ere she knocked fill," M b. pponed to be sick;�Ahat,he should make 'iOgret'-or�llpodi;.dea�pi Pat. Vqspaped Agnes: timidly. t 'discussing the expected timber Of difterent 6pecieAIi6n,any. known and that he 'biills6lf had inict6d the �evenhlg they; on aAny, ahliB�rablo failure, turned butoJr, D al P 'e�:,pughad, 'a, littlN� �ollowiDg- Mond Irs, to -naturalists, and in obtaining', a, large 61anoitig i6volaut6rily ai'each othe & of the, f av� IS been . I bo' ' k "" L' subi of money from oi th6i office in less I e;peop a Ow DrtHolbr smi . L ,the ' use Oeper,' ound drifted theri. that are entirely r fkie.nds'. ft 1. . q4' of liste JU usf oxam'm6 Conner' the -lady." map, oxchanged-peaning 'to sew", and she: told me all, un nown,to Tbbyl�ate of would P U�. Somebody heuk6 I L �'d.V 'L - confession ill ciirl�-heU84 'o6k YOU hid" rh' biaps' I k botan ibe a the to had, ;ihile the do'bior' "whisper6d. 80 Y, or- them itt'el Ut rer' is an en:� e.was buried big, -There.--are g Fc6uld not have floated from PerJ achers; and that sojiiebddy inight.,as, itioning Ab6 ravelled walks, and oil gidwM but d i well be Dr. H( -as down Meehpj�L dig inguiB e. ure. 1reen lawns, and-, big, ;tall tr I ees,� equa, oria regions. The * distance is too y had' to �di *c . ulWin:getting hired,,. Abrook nice 9', and t fandi �th�What�, g ills, Only be strict . wit "AsGuy sat neaei6i:16 `dcor,.,1t �,Wss he' . ened it,, 'While T&adelino 0 4i is: inand, disWthe' pop, ri won erin a 'waB who �flowers-oh,l go great and the gravity of �.the plants Would peo e to r r to�the�bhurch-` -debted for, this call from:pn6 0 B1UCLQ asin i hav . a I allow . ed'�tbeffi, to drift so far., Yer, the: In c "a,before 'her, rhajk,age 'With bar s0ft,br�own eyo glistening 'with: No foitntains,.vrith'gold fishes in thel-b of, reins 'ightd find out to yotir'satisfactibn in not' d T ard n no, cht r me ks,-E611 over the yird,, Vhqy must Auffb erg Ile whothe al knows her.P's and and sWitew, big -as fol have Come �ome, Wa Auffb Will, ioW st BfiffiCut h` d t a aristocraiic­�Dr. thihig iind'hNr,Aeek1J,'burning rm had someWhat ignored 'h U Besides, the currants you give her we-ve a enough' Rrilingion; with blicit6ment as she,. took the chair� 'with Awo. brass long on th6" gktb-posts' ..region! to the not h. i "' ' ­ � I ? dIid, :,A Ne*� York. deswch'says& ormer'sequain'ta finest Of all; There's 'of_tbe�bcean there are fiom,'the north, mmissioner of your ignoramuses," as d Colonel Lewis, f icated by Guy, I eWi,UgtC;n,L Who, Uncoil Butthe house 213 Dr. to Be I a her� Mild' i,d an:' consequentlyi--,'t tbat.the. agreement Q, a the demooratio potent c- '1' ',f' ' I'd ll*nlaelf� rUastak �of ere-� -drawing-room .bigger th a ball- lie.-Arift could have-'-c6'M'­`6­ Pink stat0s an the to, whom, dMined, IOUs Y, Oun, Io' here � ale The Gulf strea mplimted rbfere, f thv: from W e. in app yom� 6s, '&round, northern Europe�and Asia. 0 leg;,and Whom shoul not gi a satisis"cition. Then, as ieared. within' the dobt to feet. in so far';, -pictil. Slid question of'difterential rate 0 154 to the south. of 8pi esou 0 O.t 6 d' r r Dr. Holbrook, whom she had �evor 0 p Holbr ok was expressing -his feara.that lid the cOtt-gia, two, room, '-6 rpet4 ' that ttrunk lines conte bright eted'itNelfto:thd oUgentle- and G tbo� floorem-think of that and tzborgen,' but the. sion.of thie,e�protniilen me i On i b flies, 'the latter t d Jor. 6urrant,tb shores of Jwany way, is a I add d I tell you. what in,,t t '6i'chair iitNude seaboard ci ' ir -ir do. man- b :Biftiiig`,d , "' " li" , , ifwashes the�northern loo zig glagd� so tall that,on� r C c . an s( the island is from the Areti re�i us� Be6re,.'tbis Commission the Chamb6r'of, cia one'ok-two at si; 'that'li give you s Madeliiie,Cl�di6. Thi4xeminded'theld-ccur 'HAP R III'. �e'the very,bottom of hot dross and a 0 t. TE name for being paticular, which fs'juot bti)iight�,t1i . 1, , .. t Ido so Wish other interested a know j ust. h6wJ t hangs. Oh, ETEaNU;,SUbiN1ER Al THE the thing." com ortipg tboQht 'that - 0 6 had- 11 ici have� it.1 There aretwo POLEs' whom,lbe Co Jn may, - call, for infer- 4n torth6 'elief � in a warm, ELXNE CLYDE Cou a Pee dingly, with no' ofinit'e' Wi a are like ma ion Wi be 'heard. a& ' nWhilp. the'' d Uy'; W Accor I as to� never Uled him ,y6t# �Ddina r in one � ro in th I Arctic regions is thd fact sitrely offer. Maddy her gran,afether and gri 'd hat was expected of him, except that b tariff of.June 15tl� Wbe again put.:, W 'dome suggeRUOWL 'Bat lie would"not speak called her, Sna there WON a world 6f!,dnut.. dooig, with curtains but is Wil -6f 8 was to find out 11;whetbei a gal.-hiadw hot ,of it h chairs and d ge Be af:tlirj latitiid,�' 20,, in forbe� which is on, a,basis of 20, qeniatper Just IiW lie baa,'Other matters to terable tenderness iii the 6ic6j of the bld queerest of all. t a e: where Dr. Kane w1ntekqd,iv6re'seeflyj13g 100 ]be. � On gral 0 ew One, - tall and Wag alSoLto' or i, about,; and go, �jamming hi ills, w I a covered with real silk', just like that funny B%penr couple when they spoke ifiat '. Us north at the ap roach of winter, and in the two of the firit candidatesill D., Holbrook' 'knife in'oLa'piup fib16 ccV­ tLed Up W, 11. gored, gowitt, 6 York..� West boUnd rates will b'd restorbd pre With simi- th6ir dim eyef�hilgh t prlde.` %pid f giandina's,up in the.oak _spring , Were aeon - to, return "With t1i , viZ­. sccept4k,the, situation, and,then,, Waited lAi: jams,, * he said, 'if AgUeS,, it 'Lataknjg�, has ei of August -0th,"!1881 tin ir whibilever they rested up6n,'the young cheat. Dear md 111 1 wonder if Vll� eVpr�'*e youDgi and L look' t6the, tariff o Aikdjmide,� notv 'w in Y 'cents per4C 'Now_.York� OL, rather nervously hiaL initiation. He was come. 4thstiadi6g.' jb6 1� 'h mad'o ffio sunlight of their1tome.' ;In must have pasgedt6fa and sleek. �'The' a -in the L. society �Irl 0 winter in some Warm "Chicago. All othei questions, such, as tb never at his ease of ladies, 'declared -Bho h6vbi would, wlin,;41he found- be 'the child 6L their L� on' ' dau liter, O, no; Maddii U6.�z B6�, satisfied !with region,lwheie tho giass grows.to' ly .' &L 9 subsist it) 1, f since her mothor'i thod Bional services, when he lost Big -61 them' 114 jb for her W� L Our �upc ate y akrar :,,rea, t I or, *ill unless they stood in need of his profp�� that the,*hoid! : of tho'Romi 6,:God ha'wputyou anailowt figion prop6ity hid lived -with flip B the loi'wheil ��th6L nest bj_�fhe',gieyL goose has tea edi I iged. /. EL& of tho;� your mother," and'- net, yur "father' as a sea cap am, b6 J0n6ij]gL after something highe nOV I Or n' bel 0 ea found by".nign, and at 6 ON, and th6ugbt ofily of their avenit Must _Trtffi_,k, I t n ex ., - Ines IS. q 9posl as ai�gual ease. f at Father in knows, -just what is beat, be it "keg 'ntenpd -f His patient once welli howeydri it's bee �who novei reitirnedliom his:la13fvbYKge to idn"i se6 fit'to put you up at, i!some, i6ii-inAbe far`northbri' for tbe'mhi ame Ob, yes. She r.ecoverad from ber''pique made,wo 'riaonthe before , she 'WaS for us;, as He d 0 L tiemities of Gi6enland,� or in some odut 5409, 0 ttgrepmen y so Aikensido,.,'tair still 1)oybndL it, where th'era nervously all and:embarrsesed, retreating as '' oti.- as I settled � a . handsome,., little 'born, A'U0 Way$ likely y u'll ever ryHereafter all questions 0' diffakende'ah6ing -her' 00, 'L d live it �undbrLihe'lkgr6eme�t'-,'v�ili.,'be. arbitiated. as soon S3 possibla from pres6nee t& income bli� Jbss'Oi Slid, on h rJ Fokfoxty, years the &gad couple ha �A-ho like of it.' a d* for. the: feathered The nb*,i�riff g6ea� into'effeet on M Onda'y. the shelter of hig%friertly. Officei, '*here, until she iiooli It' climate, very, pars 186 B eno,�gh JOt%iry,ag%iJa,L lived in the. old,red farni-house 'tilling 0 Not unl6ss I should happen to' marry a C Omm9n _Kason tolls"I -us no i d y aepim's'-to be's I with his bootg'upon his t, 'ble,ana his head when it will Wa ayaL, I -.cease, of) course, as I do, not barren goil of We rocky, hbQstead, and',' �rich man..,- Poor - girls like me b%V6,780me �that' such' must be the cas'., �Some as �Jtihf dUtk to Supper ally M&U,S Wife, thrown'baok in" Eu most comfortable position, f 1- t _,!, � a ken theyboard that timed `dOUO that; h�vewl they.? Was V�r_y_inbompl6te thing "It is '80' h a sat one � April in orning, in happy oblivion Unless, it be in save on the Aid. night wl- Vaddy's demure bepl of-, Dr' crew in Arctic 1.. .1 11 .. a�t.to'be y,own', we, Gu'y1R6mlD9".­ Ricba�rd' Clyde'W1 B lost, at seat, and the far' yi sup6lemented'oby.O'LLdiv6rca on th' L ground. of the bevy of girls, who werp� ate. long 16 fen I L Upon the Lp Grandpa Mijklis in. sledges are ,. e S replyi Where of inbompitibility,that'we mindea 7 of en-16if I t sadder ihorning�whaa �. their, daughter. died,, in sbo�bk-hig bead. drawn b� 0 -Won, d6ga to's, very igh latitu&,� and invade his sanctum; again, into,the table, and this titnei' they b 'They lIavdibutita, mostly their' tuina* discoverda sit 'open'. aps full of bii6 an ;2th, so ad been toletbly,fre6 from' :,sorrow the poor'fellow-who took h16 partner to t'force that the ssings sp but -finding' to, his h6rrok that - be Something for you, air. the lady., *ill as broke �'off.; and, truly than, ble iion'� 'N6 dn't bild'iftsiles i L n1the Lair about The Witter waa,w6rm, w POJUtLw n kidl for L' sit for an answer," said big office boy, but ho.a6p -Af&not mied d� i6tired bO�� hadn%Mbney . eiabu�4 to pay the -.,proper passing to his mmater a,'littl foit, and wi long �vpuchsafed them, they halbja And L "Waves were 'to I th -t a otsand the jagge'd clia dontinuedL to MakOL'j "' �esdh,fiight in peace With God man, 6�gh boy, 11 - to counpromiee f6e,, thong t agged dame a long distance d er,au extdnpivp y sayllig', nodding toward the,stieet. in%: W he' said. she'll harldly 'and risen each morning, to Pray- � ut 'a sea. � I''nee& not dWell-Ifirther olIthepe Welli I'am sorrow, but bad better Following the direction inJiloated, the marry:,hgain, thou h ll Marry us ag far as', the monb� "will'go ang a in She% ha' over themi In an evil Flounce Over Aounco--Ldiascribid an 4 points,; the ancient: idea' that �thq poles of �doctor saw peat big door an; old-fashioned -at tl I'll risk the rest.", Lug -not over 26 hour grxildtisMarkham had signe.a, a note sort'.�oi scaftoidi ievbacki of 'the eartb� mo AnoW taO �46066ippod ty9V ng -is worn NEW one-horBe wagdon, ouch agjx: still �ocdarjibh. Thirty�'ilf does �not for a, neigh who failed to ullaerAkiris to,,pid th f,66 quotted! and Tin.,: 2 L' ­ T h a he f hot. ' a 0 2611Y each in ;NOW "tilglind : VilItOtIg" jt� "I wort y-oUi.belief-utider the Bamrfarmais who Or. forgiv'e�, al folVil on al way has assented' o the Trun] the "Guyi-I but,sho'cl -nev bvdkskirti. Th6e li&ts of Modern �s6i6iice 6nd Arcti t` - V f 6WO -A fill -the barrette -i- re, 0 oil a d rarely 61f she knew I 'told you, that. 136 let it :,Who, to, meet 0 bad been 'boin., Th6yb6gin at 4iVott�ai of the fly's" tiWbf Columbus ins agreement., There, i's thought to %6no Ing,hOW.. Page t ' at Sho'e, t f6 d ;, the and explora ­ ' I indulge in h, , __ On'thle 6cpasi6n, i h , , , WOUti-i4ghi. Shave'rtainly all6a to-ziort ago:his 16mas 9 and� th "Aist is comPletal hs�ingdiscoverbd' S. no,-�worlaWb6n he d6ubtbCtbo'.Graiia'Tr.�nkli3approVa., it Wag &,L equate. -boxed dark-grden I �wxggon,, g;n'Olt more' th'' I., P, y to d- sh - two ydara your sen or, a bpipg drawn by a sorrel horse,. sduietibi6ls called more nothifig,:ij you. Ja to 1, voted by 6na ton inches doop,,botfi Un , the i k6creapt neighbor efilfiudWiIg t1flik 1011.0� :0 -but that the WS Anairicit commission - belo the ilibr bo�vered by one fifteen hjdh6B'deeV,ana* ad �t f day if--De� Long porketrated i�%ilroa s!m k6 her Mtn. e',,sb6uldbb 3ho beth ing ia y Bon x who h one ]low I u dwh I Ht P, ry h p 0 Of fol 011� n O�Of 'h 'i ,bOr .ties by the genuine Yankee �01(o*," �-.snd, 1� Holbrook ahe the ioe be do loet6j,)y��ribte-,ctitt!Dg Auring ',the' hd Gy's dark rhoelf to Meet it. ng five indhas on he Worth I)Vgt as $24, 0 000 to' 030,6W- er 'floutim",