HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-02-02, Page 21w, _17
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von by a Whife_h*irad man, whose ailylery curi6ualy� 6e a o�p't'or'o'fape, as if,.Meking had not done, stid, affair, twice begging off 'A POLAR TARADI 4na percliatice .;I, new VOOV11i
Ve a, there � for the secret -country
dri kiea, too
looks,jollitig, ikou rip of,his proud nho�itiilg:[ that OOUUtfy;_a d who kn&i
his w young foreclosure, poor Qd Grandfather Markham i ,a
r o.visib plain Mrs. fouid himself at -the morcy of 0 Ut
gay'a kiiii � A_pleomg, Pat iardbal appear- a , t , ap-ingth6r's. "ety t a grasping b
Joctoi far there coliner 016 mona6nt she board 0 the Suppoie'd1iistence-of aFine LandOeyond
finceimaich interogted the i M Dr. rembreellage man,� into whose hands THE LID Be OF IBRARZ
WIRE BRITION MAVY, BuitliO`dootor mortgage had passed. It WaS Vain . to hope
ihan did the flutter of the blue ribbon tlIe Arctic Gircle. are hidaway behind t4at ice wall of the
by it r 00 bounot. t I hat, only laughed Merrily ai the jdes�:�of'.his -ineroy, from,' .'s' W= like Silas
of a y I oung g I tri., 'being fath9i to Wes his college CUM.,. The money, mu . at 'either " be
rUtUreL, Aim, even'thotig
.L beaiqo ] L " - impenetrable north A people may � be
The Sldp of 411e, Eye. t L ribbon tied shaded the face Guy, who Slo '0011 1 1 L
P016 ba tbei�, with' splandid citie�, more civilized
4c om�-ner,-,� and tearing it chum and long -tried friend. forthcoming, or the red far _houge be, and euli
I The note'Was :fr THE - LOSUTRIBES. �PROBABLY' TH RE [ghto6bd thau we. They Zpay 111i've,
A London calegram Bays the following 9, pretty., 'giHiBli Agnes" i�.�iugtou, who was- reclining. gold, -with its few acres, of land and E.
Dit, the
OPI doctor read in: -d countryihan4e. They..
appears in this webles Puitch - a more beautiful
nandwriting: laugiu ly in Mrs. - Qontler's easy-phair, and among his neigbbors there Was.:not one may, have!'& hihly,dultivated land, Aner
THE. Ona., aygnz Forum. Dr. Holbrook.'," 'OVerWhelmitigi h6r,,former frie'tidwith dea- who &A the money to spare, evenAf they cli Mckneas and
JL.Kuperlor Cumatli W,W41 roadej better houses, mignificent ships, and.
Big William A on nautical ere It *aa'pLl iuly visible that a, criptiotis' of the . 0SY , Partie%she had had been willing a
rmstron . speaking '"' 'L I it among atian to do -so, he mu.t lqok,for, all that, befits a,more enlightened people.
defence, advocated ligtt, swift ships, onl said attended in Bostoi . I, and, the' no � sights : I L� pivense are not anown.
rt,i)al,lraxmorediwith.'.vi3i'YbOavygun6,N�hiZ had beedwritten as if she would have gere. . L - 1 "1
h t 0 co r i's uninhabited,
'd in N
a a dered to be far superfor,t6 iroadlads. Than, evidently "changiug,, her she �saw� in Europe,- whither h6r':�gray- If I- COU14 only'llelp," Made Ile. Boa iew of C6,mma;u boyr,� tuem"a ance at a; far erior lo al
ad. 1 -4 . I - der Cheyne's ends& p I Q ity
'Win lak' for Man nity' 'the outside of.:thiB mun-
It Wag 86 galiani captiOn, d, she had With her �finget blottlaa out haired huiband"had enlier for �A W one evening wh6ii-Ahey sat talki�g� over vor: to, interest the, people, f Canad,ft',113 than'OU
Sae ;It' !oddly their troubles -, "but there's nothing.1 n the work f .;Pplq6r I exploration and his dame Bplibre.- ' 'he Being in'sy.
And he a ild. uflidit tbPeeft, the 11 D I? and! m Int ding tour -would no ' t have felt particularly
Quoth be.: 'I The- do�thi6t it,raad:,�_ flattered could she have, sen.1hat smile, do, unlesal apply for 'our school thWaum- splen'. hav
umbering iionbl opinions regarding the'Odst�nce of a OL reserved it !or the settlement upon by
Isteanimuc faistertharlL. cannelertethold'afrae D'be at or heard how easily, from talking Of her; mer., Air. Green is � the I did country I ond � the region *1OU ice, the. oteenth century; when h
them all,. II&BBoOK you y Manin thi's nin
U13L he likes , and but *hit. following latter,- written 'it San Fr noisco aompwhat�eleirated. by
So in the time of V 'leisure o examine,m6 'on- 16nday after. Dr..', Holbrook tbrned-i6 :Madeline.'Cly4e I don?t believe t. There 'he'll let ine have it. A me ThgLory;cantlot itt, the various a ' gencie
I'll sim�y pour a.br9a 1 0 in noon, at. three b'clook whom he' exp6etea every,.-momen. an to go and 01111fe oubjeot of.
And tva fly oif afar- civi iza ion and' education. There
I can carry heavy metal, too, MA.DiLiim A. -CLYDE. was, a marry la -ugh on as he `see and erthe. old pe6pie , had, fail to be interesting. may beon that Other side wide Boas, gralmi
The neweat o n ' ew guns, atenba 'to %6:�&otor!4 story ; and when recovered, pixtk�eiara'ago Capt. rivers, hoblb, intend' lakes, . wondrous moun-
f P. �_For ` paitic`ulai; reasons I hope. their astonishment, Mdde;,, to reiiairk th
'The playthings bbat.'are, rated you, '. att na to it w"� finished, he, W h
can, 0 me iig early as pet V. by,, I - sea i line hid caught hot bonnetAnd ihaWl, aud,
Jo u Cleve Symm.es,, of Newport, KyI, pro- taius,, areas of fertile, produeti�e land.
".imple hundred tons. A. -,C." :'nothing go very, diatastef ini- nitill 1 g' 6, Wfljing down the road. mul h X'U which he at&`the: in I n , or . earth -U a'y � produce Bpoii-
The I t Wi
.K'll go through, everyarmor p a a qatid a theory of the part
Li a pap iketty gir aiii puz4 ngt er,� b see her Madeline
'I er, such their power, r. iiolbrooli'kiiew-,voiy.,,liitle.,�6f,-' L favo et&inied that the earth Was gjoVuil�i, hollow, or, Mai; -a
was E6 rite with ll; taneously all the:fOod nedessaryLf, I
q thbI: . imil jvpem.at thd elty�o"is_ 'istenco , 'and,
especially ith,-Mr. Oreen,--and-as a a
At sixteen knots'1111'11011r.- thought thid -sub� -stid--pleasure. - Siekn'ii
S.;,L should n;Joy"th Vdvelty of the th
And should the erleryY hit me, note, with_Lite P. L decidedly -girliall. a 111W! school would be onialler that aiiinindr, the'L Me& caused' his theory to'4e ridio qled 'and. disease way'be, �unkn6wn in, that superior
Oh,fmke It, then; aerdy,place 'the Iclime. Or at in L 4 ' er "� j' a ' nd 'May _ L be , the
6;Nj=1 th
It's easy to -divine; omineat, eithervbrbad'or bCt�, I *d L -1 k him favorably.. , Her age, he U, Opp
still he made no c plan true
With engines and with'b4o W& eagarij. She must. 81tion to the, N` ii,dbotrifies he Malin.
rs placed lital, Eo fluriied 8 lis with -the thought or exesime not ever; was an L6bjection, aiid. be. take a�qdc of -'huge 'and terri i&'mobste'rB that
Below my water line, me -know me, rom d She nav&I Naw Me iti,,d6toi�4�ire'wilat'oth6ialthbught bfr,m iined�.ho 'thbb:' of, concentric-sphdres inhabit the land and'water and fly through
8 Sire P el 'L 'In the prehistoric ages' the out-
tha the ev eaded.Lhpd coma . [ ' ild liko,'-her b h b' with- t onli-to theLoarth' btit -th Edr.
They'll hardJXL'tQUCha; vital paIrt il bel so muchAt f '414 r
Constructs a8lare; I-,. , " L, upon bim-at last.. "Had. it be le firlier'llUp- H&O, are �b6oks� 611 ecoming Be 00 mi NO.,' regard no
While I am free to Charge at thein need;: YouWe' t to a disiiioi,sdfioJ6i a *�olo :The p.eoblg thought well. of, it, and before,. also all -other p an
e cted lanetB.--THe-8 Tradoiaco' side outface, of this: earth- Which " w4 now
Andi useray deadly Zam. choice, hewbuld f6tirathiar weak that gutiii�a6r' Whbnyourw"ej t
a - a a ay;ng, the close ��f'-the next day it was, gener porreap6ndeni �calls rbilOwed' attention, to- inha
11mlighta. dIlmunarmared, every one of Madeline' Clyde's eeth,.Ahan h 11 'r � 4 "' ' ' ' ' , I bit V&s the.abodo,of,anima;ls and.fi&
ifijhe�douutry, wit your grhudmoihbi.� out �Ri
Save just where my guns axe Pla ad; himself up -�dore. her'ag some known thioUgh,11duddile, as the theory ill stat"11 sn�dbirda:�of gigaritto,"pize; .0 - . y"Baying.: , W
t -knew, and iscalled', thit icity main, poln 0 o
For, like a ady, I am well You Burely have some, !id6ti -what4boy.di it -Wvougbira� w rief , gain - of the - . ...... t' surface of1he earth'the animal a�nd`,voge-
Froteote, horiid:�ogre,a6king.wba sh - e� aof ormous 1. p I ropo
I at the waist. ., choice there,' while 1 �kv6 not:tho slightest� 'Will littlb� Middy Clyde had' been - eiag�ai ad I-tinder6tand them to have been -table life insoy-be., of eri rtions
Before me shall each Aron-plad. what she did,'not now, . But, �the �tu i, Guy?" he persiatdd "more earnestly,' teacher and was, to7 receit' thr' pronaulgMed-by him'ifi` his'latbr years. He
In fright give up the ghost, wss�iloi big,. rning at last,tothe boy. yet a 0 a that geology brings
as he heard.wbeels. inthe streeti and 'was ;a week,'� with, the und6ratane it :18 to . I' i great r than that
And England's wooden WaUa again itell h r.tb come.' ding',that she aiedU18�*9.
Shall be the standing toast."., 0 auto old'Sorrel had.come again. "d were delivered duri b
men-' Would have Jeought for �a did not take Made� sal Ug t 6,!Lwinter of
gliMpab, of r the' face undi I )r -the:bonuot tied Gy Remi I ngton'likekouithin ag litip to. cgloulie thit' 'tw-elv'6 thne IUO-7, beforeAlie, faculty and students 0 - f Bee ' Cher on'. Christ, . s� Appeai�ancc.
_)L A g sayoril, r
HjEn BoY. AT -S T.. 0, but inhis ind there We ' -e,thirty-sixi dollars, n Y COMT
ot'care a of,,& froli re:cer� thrpo*dolIars wei :iore -Union College,- and it is said the
,with blue; but Dr. Holbiodk:.did: ii
uohing,the,� t a profound . atten . tion of' the A -despatch froin Now York sa�s:' Atithe
picayune wheilier it ;veto 'Ugly or fair, tain �66,nscientious� scruplew to iiiiiiiat6nthofwhoth6rL&iiqdf�thbr,ila�'it,,,,�iiisiad6d' h
A SOCIET 1paxined and :perivi6a1a the- l6ctufe-r6bz� �'-6f
L YL NOVEL. in that the -Voice *a justice of. 'the thing, and so at flistile borrow.. -It. -seeined like a fortune', venerable Doctors Neff Bud
thctu&L it did. strike hi I ed! month Qhurch,HenryWai�d Beecher spoke
sweet, which; after the bpy,hadl demurred; while the. doctor still insisted', and blith-e as.u- singing; bira she 'fltt' Wayland. : Ile claimed that the earth By the author, of Edith I4yle, 1. 1. 1. 1 1 LL�d JiUtil:rt.,laBt rtbd�, to about ills house; now stoppirti,am6nidixt' globular, holloW And'opea at the pdj66, ibst of the.human conception of Christ. 11 There
Forrest House," I'Viateau.. d'0r,!'-etc- delivered the message, Bat to thoold Man, be, -laughingly 4 Conseil i L i
provided,'th 16 UO'persona descri of. Christ !to' 60
Oh,,"I am'so glad', now,�graudpiaj,, wel.11 go� 67'ant'ne't'On"I Is, to, fondle hot pet �ittu, while' A6'Whis- � the diameter of Ae.,'uoriharn o i as * ' ' I
pell)ng was; p on
CHAPTERJ- red' the 'g6od,rhow's" '�Ory appie.! gb,DAig;'ObOxbiles.-or�'4,000�froii�,otits'd tin eScriptures," said1e., 11�Tb
Us. I know you must be doctor W6Uld,Nit;by,,aud &c6ionally.00 6 1 a V hot Me' pe Ia to
tyl, §O�iei tolifq nly matter, in this 66upection that any, of
OTHE EXAMINING. Cuaffri!TEE. Wry slow trottedL down � e athen * stroking 0
the, certi pa a fjh6r?8.gIlvery hair,'ko slid said the fi the, BV&nge W 602pML 0 : aVe Spocially
gP�OP16 Ntyeet, i the blue ribbong,flutteiiiig iii the. sotne*bi� larger, that' .0 to list 'H* t " b
Twpnty-five Y�ng.jtbAtLobe�i' YOU tareforre Was �a eyLeg, and �fbase
efUlly a can te au� e these openings ar6'pa,ralrlel other ;' , , ',, '
Devonshire, ajittle,,towil. A zig, the New �,wind, and end tittle unglqv6dbandcal e. Ba�d,,.III.tpatif 1 L at su bey SOM
omto of� but. that t ugle- of twelvo
Of them speakin �sucl a, manner as L
England hille, bid; the rpputaotion of �eing- "Adjosting about, ibe'61ffman qualiAed to teach." 'fiLying thirty-sik dollars- in- the fall, and if elOad one '-� to infer. at
uty bu
rather quarrelsome. ,. Sometimes about sucicnt,041*14 �6104C v iqh'had., 4ono 4 "es, oeriainlyl,,duy� 1 0, �Jg aybeltliey 1111irdie- lougei,.L.:!i1� I degrees, . with 'the, equator, � and t1latr, the'
I , I ; 'ri , , d, well, m was a' wondrous magE in � His.
I L was� nee4e , bu,tbia, maybe glib wou'Lt be,'andrmyzofd6ro are,] to, mehuf6rtky'm "hi heat, point of- th'-N.- Uorthern 'plane is -
meeli, gentle Mrs. Tiverton,,rthe Inmiptok' f 'SE, Ag r,, he11 the' L f
M�ny a 'Par ga&� A
av tL pictures Chile are,
inawwr Q 9 w The-do'btok Saw be strict -very first,. and: p4t, jbile an �pfor Sugh e l6weSt po U 0
wifo i w r * , 'L . I t, r , � � L* , i _ , ' 0 yLody in a Witor
f JI�Ugakeeping, r P' _k6U therefore, �.hunlbugs-_ 'Jro
ha,�o'm idea, at ai southern plane'. He that
tyld of dress,' did Do' at'suit hem,; 36ionIe t�up6n,hi' min 'Waa,r or We. hey.weie,iimly 141. you ngl� point of view. There was an impression
Was brtJbabl� a�ni66- in§ta t 1,: L -: , ' 1. ". I TIIH oometimes about the minister Cana fa and for' ut -the, brigh iRTH
a id t, own i i SH LL_Of,.LTkE!E
athe gi ag6rl in" t 1 be'"' a a Greek
ki childiBh4,f%Qe'B oi�l
-Iff * , " r look�?,' GdY, 'as brk's as:. taken bysem
a; to hot gba
g 0 t bek-j-_ ind the doctor rep aw no g -b 'old—fashioned, h
B "'t whit should he ask thin sermons a week, attended thp Wddhe`Ndhj' afather., � B irror; ith nfrthe all t not6 be trusted, it presents t6L.UN
evening prayer -meting, e�on he4op ,.,pdges.o he'openingo, called EL L' I I I
end how d'emean hi - 'I. ", r . an ot aL Oroek�'
;w,uld itr verges,, measure, fi6m 'the regu ar con. Greeklibad Christ
evening sewing society, visiiea,aii the Nick, o well to 11 out, her;I" r a nel queer old '910 01's 48,9611, SUO as S114 did'lodk' . ,, tr r, 1. 1 � ab go�glgj very '.young,, and. yet there Jew. Prob
cavity within' he regular convexi y but a ly'! if we could see a:
Bud gave to every bpg�ar: that,dalled-at.his Lewis had advised him to'do to one or two your coutry fdin� re, t
was something womanly too in the epres- firiat as, He really, was we
t, an old 'Witli he I, t picture of,
Mall r in a cam a 'f gb,�apthiug which, said, tba6 without, about 1,060 miles, lle. verges
S�Iiday of the afternoon *'is frigh �Isiqp o the'fac
.door, besides. sup6iizifet b- Ould sh6ciad, as -all previous. impies-
School he w -as -earning his Nalary' Of 'fully'near, fie� thought, as' this wa!s' only Gucss'Nhewon?ibelikelyAO Upjaigeft�6r' ?ccbpyipg',twenty-five deg. Delinesi6d Oil
y 'understood by er_
six eaerp;%lreaay beginning to a a� Map, only the %ute,da :half of the verges. wons, we had formed 'With regard 6 hundred -per yeari 'Saturday ; and then, feeling that. he must of sa;m bullet-pr661 I ab & h P61j yt 0 ul& show: � All the rance would� ffi� all likelihoodlbd�
gometinies, and that Was no rare Y, prepared, lie brought out' fromAhe �ou have been an gaged for years.,- If Inv ha;ij, Warp n6t - ghort'I'shead do: 'we ns-,,ofille �=ly d"troyed. Ch
bit �sL pity "I 2PSL Would I'
6, Set tlMe'l, prpsent in be r OUD "Of-sikh
Way;, when do ocross- the sea again or, bettei�, i , t ist was Hebrew'
into- the � o 6
.quarrel.crept h it, and.then trunk *where since his,arrival in C'ut
lyi N: A, and he. probabl bid' a,
for two or three S4 they La 6& quietly need not go into all the g6ipUtiiio cletail* �pf, the, Hebrew
ndays it,was'all in vain ngI.'book enough the: fair Lucv ? Rumor says, thi's summer"." itw b '�soiongand.sp ndid S to y
ould pen Is SL
h i� cast of countenande,L
the, truth Of, ymmes t eory; trobg ! Jewisl
D�a Arctic
read the psalm Rumor is.wrong"' as usual, t an 'S h .,but
that Mr. Tiverton and to'have:1iight6n6d,, an. older pbrson than, -she -gi i n pro� _,�raee ASL ever for b existed' which,
hymn, and cas,t. troubled glances1oward poor little -gad 'aline Clydej iiding Guy's reply, a. soft" light stealing z, cite from 0 has ha&,iikore p'ersonalr efiarepetajig-
empiu6us: pull at.- tha,*.'thick, bZutiful
omeL,an WIS lng zg.ou Which I there I W -facts'andstateme'llts tbat,tend ti
ther Vacant seats 'of his' refractory siDgers� h d - hi much ifi'st'sh6!d had 1andsqqa�o eyes,. T,hei,i ;er,i moment,, L be 'brown hadi 4 In, per alUr to e�tAlish L awish race.- h Td 1,,, 'r
0 reapon . 1w far' the plausibility and the r'lle same.
There was no one t" d .,except poor a glimpse of Dr. 11.91brook, ad, as, to'kubw in IL
&Y -I e, goes
lights�.a re�:dlsh* tinget: which added to its d
Usually conceiving .!eVe,-y
Mr. Hodges, who selected what l;drW and 'hoping he to6,delicat6 for her t Dour ills risk':,df s: richnegsaind beauty.. Travellers state that � the 'hdiansr ati.
ag�: like e, 60 0 north are in the re-u,lar habit of continued r. Beecbei-1,�1,1'1 must� admit
'here I 9hould thing. in'ar Minor, key,, and pitched it so give hor ar chanics. 'to re . peat some Of the climate likecuts�.. If ahowere I1Nevbr'miijd the L hair, 0 tUd L that I cannot
cture im asstancling over
north n6rthwek'.:oh'Jhe
p y be. glad,. or,it,is I -wi
.While Mrs. many L' aCeB Of geography 'and histor' errirbl6lonely at AikenBide,
high that few could follow said, ja�:inj, foualy at her th a, half
each of winter togeek it aii1deicliMate :a WaA-tub, but.:were I to imag"
Captain Simpson-whoSerdaughter was th& mhich she know byheart. How she Would and I Must. BtayL there you kno,. WwOuld' sigh-�as,he remembered another brown
at: her next . beig , have trembled cou d grave and desirable winter. quarters. . ThL6 great, tasking bread "r for instance -if
lho, I he� 'have�. seen L be a shatli6: to let theplace'ruwdoWil.". , 'bead, lJillowe inow ben;
otgauiBt-rolled her eye the �aid i6agine, Him ill this Manner ilt! hot, - or fanned: herseff8furlously in: token the formidable v6luines . heaped,, upon, And think a wife ; WO Maybe yoti-won" t. pasa'muster,L and Yukon Riveri.s on the',verge of the northern,
hould as
and out much 9
i - b�i -will Make n6:d.i There' 'opening, its, Ui rtainly: think of Him:NS r M%kinJ
a e,� to , a
of bar disgust.' the doctor's,: fab,l er Dr. Holbr ffer h is best ;bread. that knake it �plea�anb , ookilaked', the th Was po8sibl bi
h� ':b iUdIC�ting a In"high'
Latterly, however, there had arisen . or r. There F than it is 600 -milr.B Up strea nL
rench and: the tone of is �701C little a new dommittee�-man, that Dr. lRolbrook ta
Latin grammarBL, Hsmilt6n,S Mdjaph h r appier for. 'from Boston, a b a, latitudes ills inhabitan, dulmonly made, aud'exercising due -moderation when
S to a MM6,g ap
new ciaUE16 for 4uarrel,, before which every- ysicsi 'do�ubi a' 'being L na, new Ones ire.4 b it'carne to eating it,il
thing IN �Mighty�stridt, a oung :one& 6fthe gouth�raa beizig,'colder d
�'Uce 'Now, Olmstea'd' Algabrp�L
nd espeo�,
a sank iiatd-aneig and
having �.a ...... h
though the �;�Illage of Devonshire- could B'Utler!s Angle 0 Py Bay, �6 L II THE
-gy and, many other books a rrows. a him. Th I y ar e Y DIflerence Between iissirgiarman ?go am
h doubts dwe t in t a in
boast but one pubiie school -house, Baid into;which poor Madelil'3e had Utyer- b in of 'and can speak in'furrin to k -L
gq� : But 110 sue at tbre approach of Winter, to ads &warmer
house being divided into two departmentsi much as looked. Arranging. them in a. row, -r pp. E iddyleLfac6 flils e t at.. Ban m.
Guy Remiiigf, �tted for Instantly Mi limate. - Capt
aifi Ross in high.-latittideg
the upper and lower divisions, there were a2kii'lialf�wishing.hims6lf back'again� in the domestic': appiness Is looked, vous dread, as she Ong f 6ksfAhe Arctic -as calm, I-and,cle :fact ii," kid'old Mrs. Phippst: W, o
8 Y�to the, time wh abby that to do sowould @pqN. 0 Sea ar .,to Ijireeo'en V
in the town several. ai8jji0t_ 'and - -da when he1ad Btudied them, ibe doctor &njiOU I South
chocils. ya en. jrucy, Atb6t_, (if ice a Wag & Wid L bolt a own. isit, itthe nal d Co.., ut she should �allthL a
the Wes
for the last few years a corniniitipe of three 'went out to visit, his patients, of which stbfie, the�faii Eiiglish:g1il to whom hbliadr be an 6ter isg .,of ice,. And that curr I ants of- uIrr from mydea'r,Mrs. Skid , i
inn there War 'r , L h a L sy You
had been annu�uy appointed to r exam t at M e oine engaged -iWhbn i he" -visited'Euro`pe-,� ..not fall. She was-calle by-eveiybody the north were *arm aha nielVed, the ice.. escape. from being ruined the -otherld
and decide upon the. meiits of thd'various entirely egeaped his mind, nor. did he mry�best sobolar in the, Honedale school, Ca f 'ever board of.".
four years ago',',shoul&te strong enough to' 1 ptiiu Perry makes, requent mention of
,osudidates for tea*ch' -him-agaill, until the 'dreaded
M 'bear'trangplanting.tio AmericadBO Twice, the one' whi In'the-teachers alwsye.puf1or- Mrs: S.,pouring
ing, giving, to each if trouble On , whe I in wakm currents.,of,air conaing from -the OWLJ the decision were favorable, a slip 4paper came" and the hands of his Watob since 6iigag a&'visitedheri, ward psirousi of.5h9wing off,.�.the . 111. outafiothercup- h' ement be:, h north and nortbeast,.-wh'ib-li doubtldss,came d.
'ton -a,,a I Squi ii of the � esrth.7 Dr. "Kan I a
certifying his or her qualification to tbach- VoififeU to two. Er e!tt jy6u,know Lsold our "house an
and sweek,�but one who I r. I to: Lamb' �-,,.Why
Was' at One hour more,".. e '"id to himselfi: nev6rLq� its, re - ady to come with 'him 'to abd" Lawy slwa�s,noticed- from t e'ihterIO lot ja tlmonih�ia 11 ad
a common school. it strangeL t 'Alt c,�O I n a art i'theolimate-
h h er 9 ndhad the mone %a re
I It that i thd f i U 'I
feud should B't as a an wait,,a an 0_11 All Arctic explorer . a at , ate th at I Viij�gS L isover cli o as No fierce Jus 'a rQ rida. He must'� _d —pralsed 7go-.ffiuc f- 0 Be h, -'Bb to-depp-osit �A�Ihe bank the �next
have arisen; 0 i 6,. d iidcl r. HOU d 68 d
his bomb- in met.
when Mr.' -Tiverion, (In t 6 the rabf some on little 10, " , fi il 'not iail, though L 8 �d d morning,, i h -w sthe',ve'Jry ,day. of.,
S61 t,,t,t,,iget�,::.,Tdeh6,was,WSitllig, adtIA A mue above and beyon sg. to 70 deg. north wh 0 a
Squire Lamb and Lawyer,-Whittemors,'in Can it �be rrel'and ihe:,squarp 'girl w- brooR,:.woudering bwhaVbe wotild:s
wag-. is-*qrth. the, sicrifice, as. itude there is a'mildek climate ailure.".
the full conviction thal-they ' d on V Dr.. Holbrook thought. But far, indeed she was, for a fairer;, sweeter"flower her first, arid hoping itw &Id be L f itwere oing g, something Good gracious I
right, refused a certificate 'of scholarship to 'different from OrandficthbrClyd I 8'�VL a owerdegree'. Lkig6-lie�dsof,de'er,.wl�i.tia' h'
e, mInOut ilever bloomed than,(Zucy Ather�tonej. 'big in arithmetic, provided he aid,ppt],§tumble alept-Wit the money Under Ty pil-
bear, foxes- aLd oth 6'r' 'ataiinals are in the `
a. anV:10ved to thi ipt'0 t' in �11 �ll,gh at, L bireidy.
a niece of Mrs., Judge Tisdafei and awarded Was the,etylish-carilage , az�A �iho;; spirited ffisncedbTid nk 6fileri �upon de8m&]B�L' where . she babit-of-mir�%ting'north 9
had 'bayswhich 66, in gt6pped;L it to one whose earnings in_t a Uotojy� LO & to star
colored coachnit
ind ss'ihe dodtbr!E, brouht, her to bewilderca. 8&Lhadhof6ars�0., u as on th pp bank theim we gone-
grailiffisr,.. roach of winten Thosethat
a his tnind� he wefit off w into. reverie �con_ t3he pick out, the ��njost bsbure horn� aide of the I verge, go Solids bii'rglars- had- taken -it during the
procured for her a ffiei,roii�h English educa- nfrofit of the ive on the nort
sont6fibii ;'and di a c double. r ative t. An hovr,:afterward'thO'bank burst.
r- cerninger, becoming so : lost in thoiig�tj, L ' L t '1oftb, and ihosii-on the BoUthern side travel
tion, the villagers were aroused;as they yard with the office *here �b' a t 6,
r arm
-ad �t st,-until the doctor's hand �id Upon, y soutliju-*-intei. : When the 'd is, ' ! '
had never been before-th6�, Iatoaraiay L 110 lbiook, boarded, ind whaire','if lit,mairi perfect.. ease then as. 0 geog V19tt ever hear', -of, such 'E� piece of good.,
"L he -would, in t 1*� I, she coula'repes�tvihb y 10, U
abusing and the democrack. up�61dizig:-thg� while inLDeongh ir ' 6 ' (I Is pageBof thaV; I luck
IML t, culdei, by,Vay of rousing him,lhe did Ddlit -is �tmudually cold in
dismayed,trio, who at a 4ttietly:resikiled bring big wife. Winter in*BngU _L Why"yolf lost, y
not s�b that What big friend designated as, in the"apelling-book, the -foundation 11 Luc our coin all the
§pifzb&rgen,'1ecause the, winds . passing., . k
their office, and Devonshire was WIthout-a itGuy Remington, tlI6 very. :chlap ofall Was siopping' in front 'Of the ',thorough education, as she had been t , I &Me
vea.go�gzgq_e o r the -ice -bond verge fall oaS itzboi en a
th tt e
�a�'Yoiing.ljdy Was p 'but -dbu't you see , eyL hi
she, had no sul a Ile, aVg
-In this emergency ig mUsf be. there's gnes; with_j6gal awer I B empera and on condiflon f my not pio�,
somethit 'Who knew -she. I I I I � 1. 1 ! 1.
paL,tips, W . ........ Still ahbr"would be very glad when, i a rth'or fr6m: �OintodL Ing roM the no
done, and 6 belligerent r a8L, In t age parts was . the doctor% Monday, tfi in ',Or L O _thdM,
th t a ightizig. blow* f
pbli imp' apF 0 41 11
to, Guy'sifirst. uise Was: bveri and she returned me Kft
school committee. othekB-whor�,.Iq,.r,g,,.tih,bi'seo, �6nd, '.6flice,�and-ibat ftoML'it �eriors,'aiild' but few a a. 11011%11 and A6, t ture, whg Ye",
A burglars
iZ the, islabd , I ." 1, 1 , Y L
,mental eicl .-warm, dpUts,:'on a. dollar. The" 6aiik
hat 0 -was close, at � hand, :and because but &fter'.hsi Ing overithe c'old verge
0ould-only uniie� On a stranger., it, seemed a amntion, as,'runnifig his fingers ito �g6 :to her-- assistance,: but ah&' (lid because it g- An tw6nty-t.wo. Theres, ,no
matter Of special providenceit nly two through his -hairland Making,� a"foint of ,need it, as; wits i ht spring, 'that *,as the Asy � list grandfather'llad, 9- res. , 11 . I :, use t . alking,
broven by the jig of lower, the f6mpeirature of �England.
vith Which she tea . ched the.gr6uua.-�,'Tbe Join- Hannah
months before the quarrel began, .'young, pulling" up the corners of his. rather lim k6nside, in On id gs baliks, and kob-
Dr. Holbrook, a native of,', Boston, hid - collar, hLe.bUi - d out to� the carriage, from white-hmited man as With her agiin; but iilg town, and "k fts�'young master for W61 �OPRX' �OLI` L BE" bers, I'll take my chances With e. u; are
in Which to riag to Ai between svvin
IC yio loan -o' , three hundred:dollars.� t is.certairf1ba a: of the' every time—sa, rmnCisc 1�
in ud,ta , Btop --tin a in or's thereis.a. milder b I s t.!L
ranted a pleasant little offi a on the'villagQ Which a dashing ooking. lad f',30, or ere. h'i6idently Oid "hot -into r t� ' he north
common., fdr Orly occupied by old lbr. s,bouta wagalightin' hardly-AelLwhy lid had.thought frokian'regioms! of, th
close observer might.have d6teated;a ahaae�
r Olin,
Carey, whose days of practice eip.6ve Why, Ague I beg your pardbn Of applying :to Guy- Remingt for help, a a -an, 0 And recent Cto y 11 on n sea. sma of sadness and `a'nxi6t apon Itasca y Came I*
Besides Ming n ��*he_n "all t6aiif th� uch. is the fact
sing and skilful, and :R did you cbme he Midelin6-6alldd cheerily6utthim,"I Good., unless. it .were that fiad' N,aip'd -the explorer
a,i life. of Guy's 1 father, a
milisi With* the poor, as:the, rich, 8 L 0Weft Ben -'L
asked,.offering his !land to, the' lady, *haj long as lie for t 6 ' vb gonewheie,it is rmsTwo yearb'�aglo Mr. Ju9tice 1,
'byp;�grandpa. Dbn'646ar, for me, an w nd. . I ... V,
e e�t wat i: t \Oz Capisin, fencer! to.,Zeu 'years penal- �3er' 'two
Cho young.doctor was dee�enddd, ffo'in the 'coqdeitishly'shakizig back. front -her. pretty, lived,, �had, evinced. s great regard for his� wh a is. no t h pe you will hsve good luck;" than, as fro th most resp
aris oratio line of BONt6, , :11ollirooko, dollishlfa6o� piofligion"of light brown curls" 0 'benefactor, quently asserting that be ROBB stat B.that 'in he., polmP�rj.* g-, ectsbI6 Stafford�hire,:farmers for,
hedrbve-a*ky.#.sh6'ran li�ns: a
ormeali in; But the orizon - rom north very,
bAk R;mjLngtOn �Oii ied,�but th�t east.and West itis'greatly air, accuser,
to of her lavender kids, so sorry, -m40zYpr.".'On bad' ill'
facts which tended to Make himia favon' gave � him the tips and L said 11 Don't look todo for bi h f to , soutl- inutilating a aborer ill a-moet i6voItiiIg
with both classes; and, greatly to his But- �rbile Elio had �domp
0 t i on aveAbo something was never donethp fQfberlmais a, he found himself unanimously side' S;aiurday--before�;L Slid 1earing i strait, the 'old 'mLau 'turned 'exteiIded. .: Thle spex of the -ver�e \xk in- Who JBL described as.havirig grad
ead*. d in' i
rill am'-calledin -a Jocal preachei,,--and'
willitIgto give h : e -knew to very rie -;-a on -away,
Inspector of hom. he, ini, up
M 01
elected 'to the responsible L 0 ce', of Note Guy � that the- lady With � W ap an 68 0 nor in
Common Sob— b6aMd fvas bldl,fri and I of hers; in�-t can. that he Could, notl die., -without.. righting
h she bad, 'it No Maddy,� eon wag exceedingly twoinilo6eni. Mau. .116 dicts I te . shire. Itwasixtvain-that orem''onstrAte-K d AIN all'ilie little fortin, Su i a toldi It an signs
riven.overlaccall,' and Ibrouglitsepie, With orIII lot theAd pli6o'g''o'first an r tains, 589 nort and,extendB
-ao�ufdssion fo be, effect hat t o, we
or of,tke: at. L 11:11skel. essle, -spe4 to- t to'Soirel, the old:man rove YOU clear the. Nouth', part -- of � H Stri sob atks. On the,
r/L He was -poor ear pal '-Bide of the-Islaud of Spitzheirget ar erg ere lbsB''ofi he
f , 4 altdgetbd� aui t
b it lip ace 'it
saying he know nothing whatbv for Wis I- coul
YOU've got.
alifications requisite or'&'temobe th9t. d friend "and up td'Ai efigide. I.' They.say it's so beauti- north Vast
Crime. w to
ting d'
could not talk to �girls., unless', they. sdinet ing thiob was inten a boa'
a Madele wked, With L elihe had ;iaid,,aB On. 4turdey ilierei are, lodged -quantities of drift f hi h'tbey 'ba�d been, convicte
heart t6, the 6ffice door, w ere she knocked fill," M
b. pponed to be sick;�Ahat,he should make 'iOgret'-or�llpodi;.dea�pi Pat. Vqspaped Agnes: timidly. t 'discussing the expected timber Of difterent 6pecieAIi6n,any. known and that he 'biills6lf had inict6d the
�evenhlg they; on
aAny, ahliB�rablo failure, turned butoJr, D al P 'e�:,pughad, 'a, littlN� �ollowiDg- Mond Irs, to -naturalists, and in obtaining', a, large
61anoitig i6volaut6rily ai'each othe & of the, f av� IS been
. I bo' ' k "" L' subi of money from oi th6i
office in less I e;peop a Ow DrtHolbr smi . L ,the ' use Oeper,' ound drifted theri. that are entirely r fkie.nds'.
ft 1. . q4'
of liste JU usf oxam'm6 Conner' the -lady." map, oxchanged-peaning 'to sew", and she: told me all, un nown,to Tbbyl�ate of
would P U�. Somebody heuk6 I L �'d.V 'L - confession ill
ciirl�-heU84 'o6k YOU hid" rh' biaps'
I k botan ibe a
the to had, ;ihile the do'bior' "whisper6d. 80 Y, or- them itt'el
Ut rer' is an en:� e.was buried big,
-There.--are g Fc6uld not have floated from PerJ
achers; and that sojiiebddy inight.,as, itioning Ab6 ravelled walks, and oil gidwM but d i
well be Dr. H( -as down Meehpj�L dig inguiB e. ure. 1reen lawns, and-, big, ;tall tr I ees,� equa, oria regions. The * distance is too y had' to �di *c . ulWin:getting hired,,.
Abrook nice 9', and t fandi �th�What�, g ills,
Only be strict . wit "AsGuy sat neaei6i:16 `dcor,.,1t �,Wss he'
. ened it,, 'While T&adelino 0 4i is:
inand, disWthe' pop, ri won erin a 'waB who �flowers-oh,l go great and the gravity of �.the plants Would peo e to r r to�the�bhurch-`
-debted for, this call from:pn6 0 B1UCLQ asin i hav . a I allow . ed'�tbeffi, to drift so far., Yer, the: In c
"a,before 'her, rhajk,age 'With bar s0ft,br�own eyo glistening 'with: No foitntains,.vrith'gold fishes in thel-b of,
reins 'ightd find out to yotir'satisfactibn in not' d T ard n no, cht
r me ks,-E611 over the yird,, Vhqy must Auffb erg Ile
whothe al knows her.P's and and sWitew, big -as fol have Come �ome, Wa Auffb Will, ioW
st BfiffiCut h` d t a aristocraiic�Dr. thihig iind'hNr,Aeek1J,'burning rm
had someWhat ignored 'h U Besides, the currants
you give her we-ve a enough' Rrilingion; with blicit6ment as she,. took the chair� 'with Awo. brass long on th6" gktb-posts' ..region! to the not h.
i "' ' � I ? dIid, :,A Ne*� York. deswch'says&
ormer'sequain'ta finest Of all; There's 'of_tbe�bcean there are fiom,'the north, mmissioner
of your ignoramuses," as d Colonel Lewis, f icated by Guy, I
eWi,UgtC;n,L Who, Uncoil Butthe house 213
Dr. to Be I a her� Mild' i,d an:' consequentlyi--,'t tbat.the. agreement Q, a
the demooratio potent c- '1' ',f' ' I'd ll*nlaelf� rUastak �of ere-� -drawing-room .bigger th a ball- lie.-Arift could have-'-c6'M'`6 Pink stat0s an the
to, whom, dMined, IOUs Y, Oun, Io' here � ale The Gulf strea mplimted rbfere, f thv:
from W e. in
app yom� 6s, '&round, northern Europe�and Asia.
0 leg;,and Whom
shoul not gi a satisis"cition. Then, as ieared. within' the dobt to feet. in so far';, -pictil. Slid question of'difterential rate 0 154
to the south. of 8pi
esou 0 O.t 6 d' r r Dr. Holbrook, whom she had �evor 0 p
Holbr ok was expressing -his feara.that lid the cOtt-gia, two, room, '-6 rpet4 ' that ttrunk lines conte
bright eted'itNelfto:thd oUgentle- and G tbo� floorem-think of that and tzborgen,' but the. sion.of thie,e�protniilen me i On i
b flies, 'the latter t
d Jor. 6urrant,tb shores of Jwany way, is a I
add d I tell you. what in,,t t '6i'chair iitNude seaboard ci ' ir -ir do.
man- b :Biftiiig`,d , "' " li" , , ifwashes the�northern
loo zig glagd� so tall that,on�
r C c . an s( the island is from the Areti re�i us� Be6re,.'tbis Commission the Chamb6r'of,
cia one'ok-two at si; 'that'li give you s Madeliiie,Cl�di6. Thi4xeminded'theld-ccur 'HAP R III'. �e'the very,bottom of hot dross and a 0
t. TE
name for being paticular, which fs'juot bti)iight�,t1i . 1, , .. t Ido so Wish other interested a know j ust. h6wJ t hangs. Oh, ETEaNU;,SUbiN1ER Al THE
the thing." com ortipg tboQht 'that - 0 6 had- 11 ici have� it.1 There aretwo POLEs' whom,lbe Co Jn may, - call, for infer-
4n torth6 'elief � in a warm,
dingly, with no' ofinit'e' Wi a are like ma ion Wi be 'heard. a& ' nWhilp. the''
d Uy'; W
Accor I as to� never Uled him ,y6t# �Ddina r in one � ro in th I Arctic regions is thd fact
sitrely offer. Maddy her gran,afether and gri 'd
hat was expected of him, except that b tariff of.June 15tl� Wbe again put.:,
W 'dome suggeRUOWL 'Bat lie would"not speak called her, Sna there WON a world 6f!,dnut.. dooig, with curtains but is Wil -6f 8
was to find out 11;whetbei a gal.-hiadw hot ,of it h chairs and d ge Be af:tlirj latitiid,�' 20,, in forbe� which is on, a,basis of 20, qeniatper
Just IiW lie baa,'Other matters to terable tenderness iii the 6ic6j of the bld queerest of all. t a e:
where Dr. Kane w1ntekqd,iv6re'seeflyj13g 100 ]be. � On gral 0 ew
One, - tall and Wag alSoLto' or i, about,; and go, �jamming hi ills, w I a covered with real silk', just like that funny B%penr couple when they spoke ifiat '. Us north at the ap roach of winter, and in the
two of the firit candidatesill D., Holbrook' 'knife in'oLa'piup fib16 ccV tLed Up W, 11. gored, gowitt, 6 York..� West boUnd rates will b'd restorbd
pre With simi- th6ir dim eyef�hilgh t prlde.` %pid f giandina's,up in the.oak _spring , Were aeon - to, return "With t1i , viZ. sccept4k,the, situation, and,then,, Waited lAi: jams,, * he said, 'if AgUeS,, it 'Lataknjg�, has ei of August -0th,"!1881
tin ir
whibilever they rested up6n,'the young cheat. Dear md 111 1 wonder if Vll� eVpr�'*e youDgi and L look' t6the, tariff
o Aikdjmide,� notv 'w in Y 'cents per4C 'Now_.York� OL,
rather nervously hiaL initiation. He was come. 4thstiadi6g.' jb6 1� 'h mad'o ffio sunlight of their1tome.' ;In must have pasgedt6fa and sleek. �'The' a
-in the L. society �Irl 0 winter in some Warm "Chicago. All othei questions, such, as tb
never at his ease of ladies, 'declared -Bho h6vbi would, wlin,;41he found- be 'the child 6L their L� on' ' dau liter, O, no; Maddii U6.�z B6�, satisfied !with region,lwheie tho giass grows.to'
ly .' &L 9 subsist it) 1, f
since her mothor'i thod
Bional services, when he lost Big -61 them' 114 jb for her W� L Our �upc ate y akrar :,,rea, t I or, *ill
unless they stood in need of his profp�� that the,*hoid! : of tho'Romi 6,:God ha'wputyou anailowt
figion prop6ity hid lived -with flip B the loi'wheil ��th6L nest bj_�fhe',gieyL goose has tea edi I iged. /. EL& of tho;�
your mother," and'- net, yur "father' as a sea cap am, b6 J0n6ij]gL after something highe nOV I Or
n' bel 0 ea found by".nign, and at 6 ON, and th6ugbt ofily of their avenit Must _Trtffi_,k, I t
n ex ., - Ines IS. q 9posl as ai�gual
ease. f at Father in knows, -just what is beat, be it "keg 'ntenpd -f
His patient once welli howeydri it's bee �who novei reitirnedliom his:la13fvbYKge to idn"i se6 fit'to put you up at, i!some, i6ii-inAbe far`northbri' for tbe'mhi
ame Ob, yes. She r.ecoverad from ber''pique made,wo 'riaonthe before , she 'WaS for us;, as He d 0 L tiemities of Gi6enland,� or in some odut 5409, 0 ttgrepmen
y so Aikensido,.,'tair still 1)oybndL it, where th'era nervously all and:embarrsesed, retreating as '' oti.- as I settled � a . handsome,., little 'born, A'U0 Way$ likely y u'll ever ryHereafter all questions 0' diffakende'ah6ing
-her' 00, 'L d live it �undbrLihe'lkgr6eme�t'-,'v�ili.,'be. arbitiated.
as soon S3 possibla from pres6nee t& income bli� Jbss'Oi Slid, on h rJ Fokfoxty, years the &gad couple ha �A-ho like of it.' a d* for. the: feathered The nb*,i�riff g6ea� into'effeet on M Onda'y.
the shelter of hig%friertly. Officei, '*here, until she iiooli It' climate, very, pars 186
B eno,�gh JOt%iry,ag%iJa,L lived in the. old,red farni-house 'tilling 0 Not unl6ss I should happen to' marry a C
Omm9n _Kason tolls"I -us no i d y aepim's'-to be's
I with his bootg'upon his t, 'ble,ana his head when it will Wa ayaL,
I -.cease, of) course, as I do, not barren goil of We rocky, hbQstead, and',' �rich man..,- Poor - girls like me b%V6,780me �that' such' must be the cas'., �Some
as �Jtihf dUtk to Supper ally M&U,S Wife,
thrown'baok in" Eu most comfortable position, f 1- t _,!, � a
ken theyboard that timed `dOUO that; h�vewl they.? Was V�r_y_inbompl6te thing "It is '80'
h a sat one � April in orning, in happy oblivion Unless, it be in save on the Aid. night wl- Vaddy's demure bepl of-, Dr' crew in Arctic 1.. .1 11 .. a�t.to'be
y,own', we, Gu'y1R6mlD9". Ricba�rd' Clyde'W1 B lost, at seat, and the far' yi sup6lemented'oby.O'LLdiv6rca on th' L ground.
of the bevy of girls, who werp� ate. long 16 fen I L Upon the Lp Grandpa Mijklis in. sledges are ,. e
S replyi Where of inbompitibility,that'we mindea 7 of
en-16if I t sadder ihorning�whaa �. their, daughter. died,, in sbo�bk-hig bead. drawn b�
0 -Won, d6ga to's, very igh latitu&,� and
invade his sanctum; again, into,the table, and this titnei' they b 'They lIavdibutita, mostly their' tuina* discoverda sit 'open'. aps full of bii6 an
;2th, so ad been toletbly,fre6 from' :,sorrow the poor'fellow-who took h16 partner to t'force that the ssings sp but -finding' to, his h6rrok that - be
Something for you, air. the lady., *ill as broke �'off.; and, truly than, ble iion'� 'N6 dn't bild'iftsiles i L n1the Lair about The Witter waa,w6rm,
w POJUtLw n kidl for L'
sit for an answer," said big office boy, but ho.a6p -Af¬ mied d� i6tired
bO�� hadn%Mbney . eiabu�4 to pay the -.,proper
passing to his mmater a,'littl foit, and wi long �vpuchsafed them, they halbja And L "Waves were 'to I th -t
a otsand the jagge'd clia dontinuedL to MakOL'j "' �esdh,fiight in peace With God man, 6�gh boy, 11 - to counpromiee f6e,, thong t
agged dame a long distance d er,au extdnpivp y sayllig',
nodding toward the,stieet. in%: W he' said.
she'll harldly 'and risen each morning, to Pray- � ut 'a sea. � I''nee& not dWell-Ifirther olIthepe Welli I'am sorrow, but bad better
Following the direction inJiloated, the marry:,hgain, thou h ll Marry us ag far as', the monb� "will'go ang a in She% ha' over themi In an evil Flounce Over Aounco--Ldiascribid an 4 points,; the ancient: idea' that �thq poles of
�doctor saw peat big door an; old-fashioned -at tl I'll risk the rest.",
Lug -not over 26 hour grxildtisMarkham had signe.a, a note sort'.�oi scaftoidi ievbacki of 'the eartb� mo AnoW taO �46066ippod ty9V ng -is worn NEW one-horBe wagdon, ouch agjx: still �ocdarjibh. Thirty�'ilf does �not for a, neigh who failed to ullaerAkiris to,,pid th f,66 quotted! and Tin.,: 2 L' T h a
he f hot. ' a 0
2611Y each in ;NOW "tilglind : VilItOtIg" jt� "I wort y-oUi.belief-utider the Bamrfarmais who Or. forgiv'e�, al folVil on al way has assented' o the Trun]
the "Guyi-I but,sho'cl -nev bvdkskirti. Th6e li&ts of Modern �s6i6iice 6nd Arcti t` - V f 6WO -A fill -the barrette -i- re, 0 oil a d rarely 61f she knew I 'told you, that. 136 let it :,Who, to, meet 0 bad been 'boin., Th6yb6gin at 4iVott�ai of the fly's" tiWbf Columbus ins agreement., There, i's thought to %6no
Ing,hOW.. Page t ' at Sho'e, t f6 d ;, the and explora ' I
indulge in h, , __ On'thle 6cpasi6n, i h , , , WOUti-i4ghi. Shave'rtainly all6a to-ziort ago:his 16mas 9 and� th "Aist is comPletal hs�ingdiscoverbd' S. no,-�worlaWb6n he d6ubtbCtbo'.Graiia'Tr.�nkli3approVa.,
it Wag &,L equate. -boxed dark-grden I �wxggon,, g;n'Olt more' th'' I., P, y to d-
sh - two ydara your sen or, a bpipg
drawn by a sorrel horse,. sduietibi6ls called more nothifig,:ij you. Ja to 1, voted by 6na ton inches doop,,botfi Un , the
i k6creapt neighbor efilfiudWiIg t1flik 1011.0� :0 -but that the
WS Anairicit commission
- belo the ilibr bo�vered by one fifteen hjdh6B'deeV,ana* ad �t f day if--De� Long porketrated i�%ilroa
s!m k6 her Mtn. e',,sb6uldbb 3ho beth
Bon x
who h
]low I
u dwh
I Ht
P, ry h p 0 Of
fol 011�
O�Of 'h
by the genuine Yankee �01(o*," �-.snd, 1� Holbrook ahe the ioe be do loet6j,)y��ribte-,ctitt!Dg Auring ',the'
hd Gy's dark rhoelf to Meet it. ng five indhas on he Worth I)Vgt as $24, 0 000 to' 030,6W-
er 'floutim",