HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-02-02, Page 1L
We would agaiu direct,attention to the
S11 OFFIC p6i4l. to be 4 -fail
cj& 'in the Town I
behlilf of'th
q Womdn!s' Foreign ]$Sion -
attellded to ext Tuesd
ociety of Wi I] is
it 'i�! '�Iie -lee
f'Rey. Dr Williams, this
(Thu y) eveping)," ltod t
Chu`ich' IS one welk,�worfh listening
--------------- 1 _ t
lid h iII doubtlesaliave4,good
iaving received IleWbolts, arid in ew,
ON T� 'F6EjK,, 2, 1882. E. H�Ojwnx�
VOL, 17.
th 0 Per V
ot er ways be,dll put in first-class repair, and the WE pp" $It OLINTON T�l
; ifk _U11M. P - - . J I , N Ajalige num,
vices of Mr. Robt T . , , , � . Y I r . I b6r,'06i a'r,,, in t ie., sac ' ra-,
sh:1 t
A e"N. me
qrr; a, fi T odf " I
_Osctiber. having 6 secured the ser
rut-civs miller,he. �q now prepared to 09 all ntal services it, i e: at c
6spatillij, and
'f;&! . rids of Gri�ting' with the. greatest d 3day.
4siantees'satiqficillon. Fi,ouit AND FRED on harid-and 'ALE.- "n,
T '7 W, d that a
male at All ti C UNV Id,. GODE16 H
pRol 'few, 'E�k"armll MOWS. TO% d I 4ort is b,i,
33 un erstan
AL,. Proprietor. g
.45 .�A.31c:KERR
�jA&�L I 1 11 � : , , All" t fo a Pbilarmonic Society front
e-9i've a summatv of be, most Whittingbam has
III e, 6 rm
Houselb� Sale Im. P SOLD. ad
W sold'the Scarif farm,, on the Ba the Viii choirs"In `town,, ivith thedn"ii
tort�!i ',,�iinis.:trafida6ieaTb-fd'r'e" this, b6dy, �field'Rdgd tenflon of.givi - . I
q bg in6hthly�6once, I I
-Taines Street
�"'-Afessrd. Mallo6h, ' 'of
ALLANLINE_ 44ately bought by-hbn,� to
�uaie�im and at re�ent , ' �111 I f ) - his brother Aii� its inaid
HAT hou".�ii I P E�j FPETtlong,aix inches ecrogg,,the swr.11 'd' 5, f 0. of oharitable$bjecta..,
th 0 li,Wbentley, sr.�, con inlin ell o Zxetiir,�fid,lfails'of Ooderiohi.. t ur,. at an increase of $5
OF . : JA
T� upled byMr& Josep T and , straight a�nq ' 'and. �Apply, I N E IV, ER", X
t rooms and )ki�qhca attached. Good ell it
a'� , 2 Ad'
te n, w" h W "0 in. 1, a`b&irA.of eiamiri�rsl6in scho6l
One Afth of. aii'iacie in garde it aii tr4s 7ON SUNVAY venitig the Methodisti
`4 ifo'r`tbe`cnrr6nt,,$ear. The grant 6f' EAST WAW 1; 1
_lft tier particulhrs'a�ply. oil the � re ego, AXOSH.- church wis filled'to itS-,"Ili C�OACIVL
Sim oh L Mod J�
S IS year wuS or ere it o be paid*
O;"th i ' ' ' ' " ' " d d i L SIXGERS._'� A 'large to hear tbe'sermon,of �R�v. W
'Clin, Clintoil and Goderl 91 ., UBILEF
-,Audience XcDoli�gh
vas.grindly,enf6rtai 04 at Brick Churbli, on "The Modern pleail]Te�dance." MY
71, Lod X 84,; , ZZ
M 'iai Y
L - , I �f I . a � I . . revel _'iiumori was a very
House and LOt ale. Aiid�; Maiibn and� a
last Thursday evepint,. by th gentleman'is
SRORTEST SEA. PASSAGE;:- 1. F. W sssingers'.
OnYridav eVening fbey, Sittig' at., ekhan4ge an& able one. 1ad time,
Sunshine and on 8 one
subscriber offeIrs tha:t'conveniently' situated
HE rwin s.', L&D MEETING OF THIS WILL" d an I ghe� 'houge and lot on Hih Street, opposite R.*, I toaturday evenih4,th6y .4pal with: the'.:subject;Irom,
BEG j�h__ I _, aTge, all ienceat the z:—that the modern,
a an I Awilibe-Masonlil di general standpoint, Iri
Lit Ii �Ratek. Esq. for sale.' -The house contains, 4 rorris and a -pan rnateed,, Mr. GiaFain'siritr6duc-
--t�y,-,arid--thb-16t-cont�ins"umber�of trait 9'. it. , V oiting turathien, are e Brick'Chui
WINTER $AILINTS7. p at 8,00V o ordi'ally invited
to sttend 33y order bf tht W��M�' Cb, sbowinW how hikhl pleasure dance was contrary to
I 9P. tb'al iilisl� the December ii y Scripture
it ply ontbe*premises; to D., e '4sk, In their
, -1 iscili a singers. are appreciat I d Alth(jugh
Ol, i y;; jai t after �coilaideiilble Al
0 Nrtla�d each..& eruate eek _O"(40111
V.1 Ili Boston andfroin I b " 1* t lities as e
and immoral in its! tendency.
4he Sit ic
'k f bi
at b, let was A d6licate one to deal,with
g ta ell it Was � 9 ud that
'were n a little to which,excepti6�
th o was
,pereilaswielling,to sendlor their friends call obtain 61"Ifie:r6olu 1011.
A number, be tAkdu by t
pu us,
bt2l, Huron road,, 0 e own- -who expected,lib h*
wall aedn FING,p&Y of' examine the bridie Over ng sen-
ied t�at the. Re young 111011 went otit, one' he mos(.seiru ' lo'
day last week,bh a!,&x ete�minaiirilg exas, and those
It= and Scotland -to any city oryallwiiiy town iri,Ca a4 � Qoulmisr oir
6sage oartfficates at lowest.rafes from England, Iie- Park Lot forBale.
_fWb_toWn Sational, met I
Bafiop,- 1,� miles from �the ton-alif Cllnton,i confilining peditiom 116ytravelled'
Made. and the amount is refunded less, a's oil rl'oh t
tion if the ticket is not 0rQii*1 he,Bayh6ld river betw'e6n'Staubay :NV�ere doubtless dsdpp6iuted.�
Steerage Passengers are; booked to toii.A�owi Cardlil i
Ilown. as Tu ship and nearly,siI e PrOMr
acres, oil which there are a log hoilie frame bU� NO E D acteede&'in tb�ij;o
st-and Glaegow. at F3,00, earring onhard,,and,a gard�n of small, S-40' bii'A t b H' ised to deal w1i th "th b* t*
Brietol, Qliaiinatowfi, Deity, Belfa . I p. o gee ions.
ruitis, known eraised,against is aiguraw
to Liverpool.: fe6ed'and drained. Termstriade ject,,a§, anly'ohe fox,*to theiv-knol�dke, that mi ht b h
sameprice f
�erviile. 'Ro S ap 'Th YlslI66eede'din4illink At a future, day6
nd eve1y inform onai5plication., AfIrst-claosYorkshirelioBirfor
'Forthrouigh ticketeft atiollapplyto Sc A them. 6
ridke at.pres. 11 .:-
none,. .
ACHTRIAN 4,Z ' ' ' .' r. Raniiahnii6yed that rito b
STR.ATT0N,G.T ent,cliuton Teiiiis:-7b, cents iit time of'service. .' i
-�* bounfy brid 'Ib :46 A ger I e en arged by Sny
��eiit not
. I : I ... L I I ' . 1 11 . I ..MISSIONARY _Nft1ETi_XC,.—A,missionary-
tillic 061ity* SOAS, tol make A. 6 conii bridli
-Place in St.'Paul's church
of Huron, took.
_H A' SPp6iittei 416' T the ri�olutio
I ag6lit' _;� -in. connee ion
SB7A ORT neeting, t' 'With the. Diocese.
and Froperfid.for Sole, -HOuSeL�andL6t.J6r all he coo )oil adop
of,the a olv( dAiAequAlled' 13, 6X�ept in�
Oat,� tile JUbf3r 6riS the Mr. Carpenter
Seed Criber iiesireB to � c4l1i the'oit-� Road Commisioneie advised
0 a conveniently-si,ua�e ous an ot fact otheii Of. Du , "iie on. Tweadgy eVePing. Afte
t n1no tention, f t* fafuingoo blin returning -fro ,, r evo
on in Seif6rth'
St.j west of the Methodistxhuiffi. tionaUex&ci4e6,' conducted.Lby.the retdr
The 16t is one' r f an aciii, w6ll stocked �wfth- _NA urS V evenizi Wt,his horses ra
i yibem`,�with,aiiy quantity,yof,., Th
.�hat lie, can sup I Principal, of the
-seed re�sohklti on
�.Sample'simayhe seen chiirch� -the 'Rey., . r. '.Camobdll
GOOD BARGAINS. clioice fruit trioesj plendid, well and -soft -,water.. part,41helrOport was. Chkou up,whii.recom- throwing hiiit out of the isleigh
agent Of issions fbi,-theDiOcese,igave a
8 -sev -rboms, pantry al, AT THE EX coinith�, abil',mat h' a that he died e
thereoh., C, one C6 sibs en nd CEIANGE. NTON; file 'A injude
ment of 'at Causing � su
good cellar.' � ill e so on-Teasoiiabl.6 For
lehgtby, instructive and el6quqnt� address,
Where orders be'lefli auld kt
-way era,injelat* -t he lonning of, In
linto.. lox� 0 t oney on morning,
pto -Si wit L re
I That-eollifortab�e franie, cottage, nearly llc%�j�situ� particular a 01' Coll] In addice'searto the undersigri 'mortgage.*;, �-If alsqirec 3Y h f6rence to
ated at the eorner�of , Bdnd arid king streets, on� Lot o- en 'd giving at
a no grant
attenti. di, th t
er oftheijiiission cause under the
69 Gordon Survey.- The housei cbmpris6s folir.,r9ows� L.6t for Sale.; I RANSFORD, Clinfoll., be inadf,46 the volu ENMILLE1111t the,grow
A -4 -Ouse -an C
wiih good s contains over a qumr-, this . h . 4) of,, Hurori Re
PECULIAR Acdipr,-Lon auspices f t e Di imse
THE 0 OM R-: hai
ld� If E, subscriber offers for 11 Be R BAIlard io
v TeOpiialby himself on'the cbrner,of Kirl Fulton CAD ppened to a cow be-
d %velLo ale the o6' and" lot oc- -b
ter of an hcre,I'cbmpi I"
tonexellar. Thcl
rising a, at rii garden with fruit'
trees, a stable and w0rkshop,'-ai)d,a_go6 IFOLL Was followed the'Re'v. M
Who pump. under cover., Apply to, tho,:propi TOO WELL KOWN IN THIS 1,06ALiTY., nbw'�agieimeult'b6 en;.,,� 011glnlg16,Mr.-Moore,� It alsotook up a Oemaker ofthis of th
ilk 'bl growth, of mlssion�, M 'the 14okii
Sfrcets, ashorC distance from-thel Piesbyterail' Church aCOMT1I!iNT
CRICHior to the ut ders TO -,CALL R
eThe h6us contains 6 rooms; the lot is io' Vldce� The cow. ah&a Iti were sta ed7
'tb& 11i A] 1,bought-last' b bridge 6vorAhe Maitland ritbir. bit" the C( Oquent y
;ominodious frhine dwelling house. of all acre, and hai, hard, and,. s6f0a'ater, and"Stable t A' no* together W63t, A196ia; qd,Muskoka �ol'
ge an� i
n6ir the.G.W. Railaytation, the thereon. will be ola eheap as.�he pr9piietorls mo'vr spring Yielded 65 b abets, to the 1W tried, to'o 90: A_07039661�nd that,the time foir th and, earnestly appealifig'to.his heaters1or
station igent. Has parlor, dinin6 room 641i"t bed- bat;8-liaV6 a!'renuirkaby'strong straw, 4no IALW4 6 dorlarl-, ti(,fi moutbAil Of ayfi�omtlie-ltora6nii
on kitchen, pantry,&:. Large stone cellar,., Hard� 19"to Na t anger,'� aia'i�sending. the go' It I th new set-
4- The' 'e: ro H I�ZESLEY, Clinton. y 'Yie do ti to the', 1�t, of -1, Aii�, ,d ahniA. IT D6d off,
0, s" Vir 0 w"Oul
soft watL _-T er III t se e or � boarding-livuev. Lately finished and,in guud con. .11 11 - . � . "71TuTh heIon d
sawe land and Vhth sli flar�04110ation- I Caul br'idg' - I . W, S�; gtie� necesaitating,
as L -Bayfi.fi it riverbet on Stan uVe
(lit Inclid1them to art. farmer a reliabi6 oat,� t ;w a�`ihey coal
ioi,.' Apply to the owiier,,)Is. Gt 13 recolu hei,belhg,sho d do in
Ieyand�Goddrich OWIIT IN, e repaire -ili
the undersigned. b t t is in � 6' es for �,thems6ly
,W: &AM DELL. Tuelierslnithi�, iupei�isiori Mr. Maso es. The
S. Lot 29, in the Twelfth Concession of Goderich town- Last Will or �-,gbt some ee oaso the-WHI E Mi E. ib I sofil; of, Gode �ctor o, acte as chairman concluded
about rl�im subscriber offers.tbat %Vell -situated Blacks much 'per liukluel epor , ts:,'fhat rich,, is, nds 1 h' whip near Holni6s�,WL, 80 * ae'rep, RUSSIA�T'VJfrIety..L I go 00 - visiting frie I, t is �lghboii-.
tiance timbered. Frame house and - stable. JL Stand, in Porter's Hill, for: and also �with it for:�.sowlniii, thr.esfiiu'f A � deli h. Or Ooli I a as io"the
�Wtcd foia dairy or grazing Only-$20orequired' li't*o story frame li I ousb an I it qiurtergere 16t;'on Which duct Of till I . , a ykging.tho pro- 'tiusteell ave sb
s seed 'in, it ic Seafo �1 " ortened the hol! eir tions itn&
n * in- ould be exchanged for.l�iliyn- property. there is al'sii driving house a�dBtble, s;ball�umluer ;11 It d0a by,tw:o' necessity on in t
The exer
e I stat e.;
is ' eed.w'as -procured fron Rochear, sth of Ome -instances' by�� oli - on he choir contr'iVut-
I Y, e r.
A 1�'-'to r. 111OUNTCASTLE, Blyth, or tothe under- bfgOod.frultsonthelot. T&buisinimhasbeenestall' i66 11
New Yorki It waa-very elea, altogether called,for SUIR111RIC11.0 L AND VJLCJi dd. their. ota� to ive inter6t to the -mue years andiswell situated for work.
4. The valuable hotel property on Victoiift Street, Porter!s Hill, Jail. 8, 18St-L C. 17L 0,9YDEW7l Stood up well. varit of illi ndance. du r*ng�;that time was.verY Sb in Aid, of the 1juild-
as 0
Clinton known as Lane'gifotel, now oilcupied by Mr. h.tbe.crop.was vepRh
in -- fulti St, P et church heiel, 'was.
Gee; Ktiox, comprising a largellotel building, ONGRh6ATIOXA- �MEE�IN
weilup.� Thacrop'isnora�k 'r's e he nual meefin
house, four choice town lots & c. pf,thecoogregatig of ar e. to'Eharketandyie e n arl 76, a
it elegant two'stor� fram6 dwellin�y h6u." on
le 0 444 tire
5: Till . I ' I J I' land boii�, Goder T
total'of 740 8
LIBERAL MEETING W NGHAM. be h was 'held o day
4uron Street, Clinton, I ly held by ul. of Hullett, the south showed'a sarnple ft t to - 1 1, 1 RI lies ay evening.,
ormor OT number Sin 'the 2nd 6 0 , 1 1. 1 1 1 11 *eveniilg, of Wodn6sdayli.25fil. Jan nary. A- The --iu�etlng opened wftli occupied by Mr;� John P. rter of'Lcii No'. 10111 the,5th of too : i, .11 .1 � 11 .
last fall,.au t r r 1 :1 :, , . " I
UL presen ,C, soqua I consider, lie onom arge number
6. The comfortable frame 0011a., On N AV, -,aid, the eaet-half of Lot No. ILI in tile 5th coll�- of' v6 es rl es A v6ry littitre -jnfl t' onsidering which Mr. A- Iviadie a was to, t
which belongdd to the late r. .1.11. oontaining LotouiLber.Sili Coll- of�whitq 0 9 no I tic
'of 06�T aPpeaiance'.0fa.storm. and soon th6 chair., and lir. MaII66h -tile Re iormers North -Riding, of ton and' in recomm InUal"'buz'z" ofjaughfer�'
d by Mr. Win. Bailey wi h two hia-go to's ir ted', Vlth good' roads to Clij, l'i es s to ar e e
eiiiently ly its an 6xcelleut, an protltabJ6 it :ion howLing
)fill. 4. � 1. 1 . Huron] was held in W�righaml6ii �1.ilda'y read" tile annual report, s, the, (tell, Sic., near the Flax, Sleafoitli- Good.housearld 6u6buiMLhJ,,,"B. be L e I which, lasted until afteii
idoiseed. JCLI-I MchfILLA R ev of1lillett. talk, niusic etc to be in a very,;�satiSfact6liy eq
7. 1�he guolJ fr�me cottage andlarge I' fo r tile,, purposi hFri6 Street, Clinton.' Th�iotisneafthciaoe �h(m ride h' ditiou the -ie d
; Of Officers r ome,was port, Was, a opted. Th& Eat -
Ys' -association,.�
emphasUed in 40m instances by report then. read' and adopted,
cirtaddi6saes'were. delivered by D e tip- rs, quit agreca e, t6o,,
:'Faim� for Sale. ov�' i, I 111.�
lbson, 31. C., teroll bt a
Thos '
Ciai'uiL,'Aii'd;LJ'6I A' Al"o,other lots andbuildi CA McTdgghrt,
It, 2n- I1SVle1-- in very were
ori�and Col'. A AT: 1�o.q I'att of e_ I t, , trils , Ing t _,_ _,d,, IfIty an a, fe%V,of their COMP e ean Irr.
�ai c6iisisting f;tbe s) Lmedlate or, r
Wanted es; 'Me§srs. kguiies And, Tu ribul! Lob Xo� 26,,.in Q6'Alaitlatid Coiices�ion, Godg -ion the oy i�, uditqr,4,.aad-_2Tr._McTa
t �for tli k-, n cam paigii;,after *hil ggart
h a le h
(lay evehihr,�,,Tanua�i2iftb when Alrs�:pi, as treasurer. T ere was then ngt.y.
weW eje4. boating, orchard.t Toral, easy.- 'APP . Y 0 in g I tani; IstL
barnrnif shed;. land cleared but two. W 'new
t A diul�h discussion,, on:. the .,�church question,
Aj�ply to AIR S�' J; 110 4ecided
Fortune; Wroxet beautifu I, te urri,
11�, 1882. -b
was deferred two ,;��eks.
2nd id6rati6n bf;
iden t; W.'Wllouill,
connection, Ivit
h the' grange
0 i� Ing, -
N -TIC er Services in, The
d til $100" per year�,.-Tna ing W
ric�lion8ible for any' o ts contirdeted :i
L 'd
gh the,me�t
'b ptirne �jo meet on
Mteiihg Actiofi Of oflid6li jui� a0j
VIM f0Ilbwi,ng the.
Wittiout bi w
linton, Jail. 2.5,1882.,
.14th'i t
sig D N�O X...
1,i a g)()t ill 6rd
_ULnall.11rlollSl_ tiried-
frame i(.
Aer, frawo,ba
tl lag'do, tye �6tion off `e
good bearing -o 'h it
ire ar p
ioili6gli-state Pia-n_o__'XAr_ S' Sal OLERKS.
to, llea lared
known oil aj� th'
-'11rY3Y INTIM T THE ghWeber,'nelirly
octaxei RoseNvood lip with the lea im:i U ASE
WIP 1113 -SAMUFL �T; ;HOLAIES. psp&fftll� d' r
WF.: HAVE Co� D-GI`Vi G X vill be -sold 61leap, Applyifo N
46' H6r y.p e ge, o
d' tirse ves to use every;legi- t e- 26th -Ja
CC i off 'm�tel 6ffbri A TLE GIRL 'IfA'a� VAPUJ�LTt`MOP,
d porter ofi I headed
a Sip Re- itiere apparep
Discount 61: v. n.. I TO D e' b t.0 r torni... �arty- to "re 't townsbip'.cer a,' w 'lc,h seems t(; N: FROAI V.ER ABDO.' presen NO,L LIVES.
e t
tb�'next general election rec i
't. erenc o me, �be
prenliseB Iffi(Avri- er to'L ul�
takes this mode -Of notifying all T116�,firstspea resporid:461beibove t, c td& mention some, wee
o8 1" TI k
118 Mbnieith's Mills,, consistin :'.nd;L JL. thos6',i.'debt6d t&,Aiim'ihat their arde ui)g
Of Bjyjh, f6116 ".f fr ; . r . PL, ' " � ., r �l
w- or o lee May.,, Ave V S Saw ill ell a llovAr-fai i i ng MUST lat. SETTtEn FORTHWITH, and unlowthis. h i,ij, S6, ago o w surgic
spriug j)iii the I erition pertdirmd 'b
e P;, p., Col. 6,aa
Coll. of 27acr" scolod b' T.: Gibidiii 'M -�,M` other towiship as -well. Jf it Dr.,W.�A. F(
Is PE 4 -land li oCOP f�w q-g6son upon,�A4 little,-gir AUg4tL
'dill can be -had. on -the 1st d 'of C n Ha�irri ett Barn es,: d
ON BALNCE 'tI WILLIAM, L n rew; eii of Fred
or to r
OV - EE. - . a L d �,M.: C d nm6 Saw linton, Jail. �6� b6"an e itoriall and'I am'ther'perso'
T- Barbesi night WatchinabLItt,
'M'il]4 oil the Ist April erms which the folloiving jesoluti6n �wasuna u I i� ferr�d 4o,'L F.w.uld lil:6� to knoW`wbat th6Sixt1i St tL
aknowin. on application to'
"lothev aicuMous cairied;,:. "-Tbat. ibis medinj ever did to moilt your, I d oba'ti6�,,:Or crossing. Buti,few phy sic] Ans; thought at
e isap T�
J90 A. MONTEIT11, Kppon. Vwsthe coti p , u , r7 e that ther
the time rse ivhat the clerk, that-Aiie slioNd:b .'girl ':could i pbasibly'.
Jth disap auded
E forL' Sal''
r 49qivfve� the opera ion, lit it
-T sued by SirJohn Mobb"Id. and 6. the lskies. 1(J&;:itAted there that my. IIrto GhWC6; t b
GOO'D 3,�' TH:B _th
to P
ND,E: Ilaal , -that
& m in e onill e app, lea lot Ow, gives usgrea,
A; LL PARTIES nion House' in th ti f
D' I 6r
SITUATEpmt in 5 miles of Clint . � I.. �! . thell, I 'ill of"Tixd 0 Ir,§ are requested
91), eettle the r a re, AM lat of � Feb. 'sir, if illegal*, I ega . jW6L nty-tbr6e days ef the tu. 0
OADPRs IT thein, of 'I� owafice of the- StFeam,s am, liable to- aild'de- aft in r
r, acres; '140 �inatter of the disall Ois -d�y
barn, stable and-Bheds,Tlig6 orchard '3� 411 accounts u 1.11: be. hatid.6dover,o :Bill Auit in -the n6u-ratificqtion:of,,the ar- serving -fin hij, eni f, 0 eiii
' , .1 . . L or violation of the -�,v a 4he 19 aliye 'and Sitting: up.
acres fall wheat, 45"icnS The �0'tllek W80� fbii conce tion..
log the�.Bouri6iy A ard as, well aw, And -stibuld' be priid About two 'an d a half,years G:it;was dis-
CL acrcs,'60 acres el larQd, ibous,0,,barn and 'stable c6e ed against, wL, h
0 su servient action of:Mr. Mere it
choice variety
in as th of, fruit. 15 acres Clinton. idith' 'without delay. ZoVered tliats af What
NARKFT HOUSE., I b ie Was fill wheat; 7.plo*ed and 30 se6aed down, all and his'foll-owers in the Local �Hb I u* anada
jtisej And. 'piece to, prosecute ie; But, Sir 'I do not was.suppose
school arid p I prove. I mos
ery ie_d�ect. , Timber and lumber for -a ew barn _ei
W nk:'YORLwrot6�t at'
rst-c ms5 hich'Hon.' 'Mr' owait, and his'suppbrt- beiny pro,mpted by 'some opsy. Siti -t or 'thit
36 all ready. The Ail of both li is fl I M item. without be,dr li f
t L_L f , t" L _
e, tot., "',
6rs have -battled br ri a 6 interested , arty. know the, iespo'ns-i a- year,'during
an ARTIES b iolilit, Ill or oat-
wheat'il avinj'4upnTitiesof f Ontario; eas, some I line over
. . .1 -,�est, for shipment sbiitr� tl%e�
OHNLGORKELL. Ptle, for, the north
It M A NITOBA a A It ilitily of the minnet'in for one moment, ihi where herparents resided it the ime, to
I r e.d', 1hurchos, and,well situated
he ghta� f,
and t e governruent ; 'biliti�S of t which time,the, nfuL Y. Femoved. A
-t Bee tile under 1 bd' o respo te f Atch
middle of March, would do well 40 o ce, are such, f at every
at. we r y -en orse q pen 'of
befori making tlirafigbrilients;. and , further, �th' i 'd - 'th ' ion. in the, �Ouuirx' is ii �capab son and Dr. W A. V6igusoii was ei
A)id the surrounding country; �a�e4nvited to
CO r$e purst ;ell, did hot' say4hat
AL. CALLANDEM u ted -b'
corne.and s'p e y 0 embers inL the Allin I b in prod�ou�ced it� an, Ovarihd or,
n1882.' �T. emeetiugth b 11 in
I a incapable. a*e'D6 Old Bending Factory, Victoria Local Houi g it, ut the cou advised , an operati6d. 'T e ir
tuated, Mims'! Clin 0
:.n_nHE sifligoriber,offer., that eligibly A
On adjourned u ent to th*8112ndi' L er.? YL
d h that I c6nsid.er rilyself,the equal of., Would not cous
house an onw.t. I for It C(inta
ins dfrift@' Ing,; w'br n a
tho'High' School; L en. a irri d xcept what little�-he. w
t* d reases were'deliver- the :pkesent clerk' told her 1 would kill. h to�' ftVe
ailori -sitting room and kitchen, 'with ed,, -b Ross f6i West miy have �..leariue' di b ' I
r in -in, bed 6W, Sir. n%,, xpprienoei_
S. 0,: 0 y G
t�e tum�Tr," tAe)i>froni'4 her,. er that
i6tit N t, "I
done f6r t e present, if
O'LEVS 'i,'d cI.s,t-d9wn stairs, and fo rooms: with b' I have 0 6 uo
its on ItaiiilivM
ment, ers preF, and il.witbiii,ihei�st,�tivoni'o�thg',
lip stalrhi Th�re Is 61poi a good'StoneL 601lar,r SOCIAL, under tho auspices andAu',,aid, oli Middleg6ky the c6unIT
oS6c,6t� W,11,8 14� L� , . ' ' 'LL
well druined,itone founditioti for iinulie arid veran. Worneil'B Foreign Misln iu�d of ers., as�arawn rom it four thhes,toggre-ri
A' yolvare the.authok of the piece I hi�,e no
LARGE STOCK O`F dab, which extends the whole I th Of the house, 36, Church, i'vill be liel& in till, 3;.,
rnL." L" . I . hiore to, Sayi but I asmany more is w6f' "Wenty or more gal, ouai.!' The'siefre-
e Aots I ar I P. covoied'
:ii :Good ga4pgt
wit� sinall and lar -class order. 0,WN.LI-IALL: CLINTON. as myselfthihk be the allth .1tiCint reffiovala of the fluid were telling 01,t
ge, fruitg. ',Allis Ili t e house *111'emivinee
y bne' An inspection of
e Another time O elr,�boi
iner 'IL t fNfPR6VINqi-The'imhny ffietuds, of Mr., -publish this or 6t, 'you see' 8 e wo d.
tbfttitiSJLLfirBt-clag'sf�nlil�'regiden�o. For furih6ir iiar- 'At oc�` P.."lil" Aall say mar lisiftlition and, it wag fegied:jhat
to.'� iikshe,
]r to . J 11 L
tL a e' -has so fir ree6ver
1, ulirs app igginsi collect, Will,b r , , , n jilif its
.y 0 7 1881. , , , T -'V i ' or, of Stanley, e 'little girl. n6ficed fidw�w
�611rsi te, h the
f luents 41
R"ADAT4 was growing tbe-,consei16d to lia ethe in- 1,
st le Y, Gb6d eased leArii h" t
will be orved;�aud v(;cal Iiial lln�
30, 1
in =8nblusle by tile clicirana imatout, vocalists. 'ed from his r6de:k � IT, oke' -of paril md andti�. fact was very anxious
Which I's now offering, at, a reduction o_m . ake 6t� to, OYSIS as
ReAr Elffbit P. 1111. to.baibeen bexemt�ved to bi' h !M.�. �efbrtmed -as �� i6q
ve lotter o�,bui 6�r.
se'veral points ilitely
whlle� respondent, t dre= I. it �Y6oT Cft. One�'day last. Wee ilerooni for 06r Spring gi6ck. and"lit; ft sic.. t, t ei�o �idloli
Al)MISSI)N.,20 GEN I TS.. [W We WeL' ossi le� r�
'�I.btlilt ldconvenient. framP. dwelling and Call for coft:fichf: In the first place themiriter, , e
h, 1 11 1 r ' . I . 1. . . J as. Gilmour r,: -J6h presum T6 I I'S., f6r. the task - and on
BRAVER, FELT k�'STIIXW HATSX bu�ldingsoft eundersgaed (in Victori(Cft., n Gilmouti has no.righ ovthat the aftiolti in 4neiii
f the' 3rd 6oh.,LrwASSplitting wood' iii -the- tion n 11 Appli editorial we are ii was S_ Cii
cont terms ThoLdWelling is,11. stories hi
[qlad �r , See th, 60, th E - 0 Sib "Whrr What W4 by -him in the P)resence
inutile ever"n most fashionable 9tVics., Sin able for any busiress, will be,Aold oil easy ill , at 0 e her the; tumor
b aining, J�S 'struck too poweti a - blow., �ohtaiias and. ia�body eti Ili c -re
rooms. The shop 1 f the samo:, eight A LlberiraiscoWi 9 avip
so w., axe to clew aMSL
Cash. seven' J It ncxtflace onk�editorlal does not Speak dla f
prquiliseR, bikeryi! filid 'brlok'ove�. bQ?6 7e. the block in,' .1 .. *n. . ochrane' ' I his* father, Dr. E.
,X� inflictjnlf and oal� . -one exceedingly over -Bousitivig eoula Ferguson, D
shop� 4 raging v of Mr.'Ad or! any otlier person C H. Martin, of Vissouri
dwellini-roonis ali TliV "is agood frame, . f. a Rim t�ialn And: penetiiate, bis,inittep,
A� ST C�11 Ladfront 'have no, age; 4 til netrudd our remarks. !Ihero is no W.. AL.
an ugly He is likely t6,.b,e'l91d'u
tend§ through to l(ing Street., lininediate pus 58, i0et6olaild rcfereilce,whatei6r in the article- true - -K.-e'l---' T Operati
for some.timei Strike lighter, A; -to6k-elcircumstanceas. the basis 0 011111,ro- vy on lasted one hoi i ali4:
gi gned1i am
n IVIORE G60 P hi h1i e thg'Llittle
k b 10o e in generaljermS thereon. f6rty in lnu te�.du ring w. ic im
or jo tmar
2-2n R kcLENNANi, Sestorth. R 0'i I WeState"h ap , liciltio, I ii -wad tile- jirl W�S kept prid6r"the',inAuence" ofiti an�
'the W co
of Of �odoiiih, will deliveir a lecture on hisrecofit to An Ani-erican" Y atCd that col"petyltion for'th6.r'pOW-' t
d'bouatry and the Ecumenical or w e�
trip, to' thd 91 'buyer. 'a two- fl ly the hand g to for ?rm* the "illetic.' The um removed was as
r 'I L 1 , tion, bko Seth' f aekVices at. a
Co L unci , under the L auep�]Ceg Of tile' Y. P. C. W. or $lat ' '1'�Waail 6ga and if our correspon. Iarp as two common -,Size watei
Assobiatlon,- in --the 'AIIETHODISI
Cliiiton.;oil"Whorsdfty,LE*ening� JrebL. 2ndi the, d6W y fifty nine aud-tWo fiftlis� 'pounds.
7,: CHUilclr, so ut W 11"
of tUrI pails, and,
a oagoh; o uptheDominlonlftatut6sbe will
Aineirdcaij Cross Clul j�ar Li 6.- di veighe
'r us for a. find we were. Correct.' ?Ar.:-Adanas , displays A-1
';warmth of feeling Over the matter that Ili alto- been,coia:4
e g. getlibr uncalled for, and if h6re-Iocru , sea, tllelar-� care, L an& to
'iIE- subscribor. offers 1i Cale t i%t Valuable and, Church WfILIL,be present and render several i6P7: stantl:y ulider'Dr. Feijuson'i
c6lumenoin at 7 -so oloW The choir of the fill Since that titne the :child haa,,
*ell -situated Hotel property kiniiiii'las the Prince propriate, selections. : , 1 .1
. - . , I ., i .1 , f Wales, in tile �� rapidly, rViGg'Town of Clinton' qll6stloil. Without #ersonalp
we belloVe'lle L will conclude that - h s letter ,, day is aleto
6- Bifiablcs'� ln'c SILVER COY,LECTION AT H OSE., t vp andiAlk, aild,ady
orffi�dtlon; �apable of holding. .80 1 : I 'L ' ' ' T1111.111 1 11 fi
JoIlIL,e L� - L ( .. - Lver�, ill-advised. We. might also State Tor his feelli'splendidly;
11 "ges: Bak.fixturei,' I ho u: bloc�' The I 1 -9
�,Te, doctor ftYS a 6,
growing a rouger every. ay 'and hote -cry prolitatil g business, and ab, that the Goderich News, of! last'
ill Yovisoli ter Belling,I5, Owing f, Thosi. Befals' is -down, with a,severe- week, publielled'befoli they the NEW'ERA
6h tOOK. onl� be w
thel"g a "eek or two b6foro she is ablo
hotel DIS-SOLt
means ticed had an article, on the Same subject vv�!
-do well to wahe OTICE is here y so far as to walk abotit;�Patriot� W -est Atchison,
p _uR A that, file pail H� , - , apply I tit q ager� would C -trairship, hem, y 6 mail '18 ge Ing' lip.La.quan about the 'Same position z as we' id
Mr- �Biiotfiwaitb is c4n0erned,.nC,1hoj he 01"Billy Y:ansas,
N tolore existing k jilinnient t6 jif
RTS,, 1h I Alin. th( tit of arrow"O ebi(�aiiq 6n� 6 t A uroflle6, kncwavyt�lllf
until itappeared-i our co -
sinbe-the fg 01' ORGE'SWA 0 ).Town of Ofinton, ,is C%rrlag and Waggbn makcrq,
has n' dissolved 'b tu 1 consent. "Al iiii-tics
indebted to the firm n li e ith in
anqL': ,�y tlie..'A'A 1. D, an Owing to i
-jg t:'ei'ye. rdndor8 were-.
n1d.thoso having claims again.4 the
f Fcl�ruary,,198�� h 1,lic girl �circ4lateid
I riaw 11 id th in in for settlement' it( ouct!
I Bel al r, r�eo of Charge
'ItL iiii on, J Tl� 4 1882. �Wtd - been Seduced by ft M'ativ6'
le9, a d rinan is down w r
Y < linto d
Platfbxm .0 n Ali rs. ea.� ox, sr., �areat pre -
I -At' Hollyroo All persons all 6ringfrom Coll
RUMBALL sent r, Ili 1i
vigiting their soif d ia Bronchiti's Loa ever atoutl� denied. the, Smile'
of the Thr I oat and Lun B t
e 11' t d 'a ek
Ui an , uiu Lyn _t�
'g0o(It�Je1gll1AJg.1L LV and,t e ..I o b Dr
E undersigned offers:f6r to hi.� 8�6f
�T- T o ubscri ors Would take this oppor EI. C ill 618 9S t tle
6�,,r' for tue a
Ir 'turning thank% I patron e.t Dr, Xing's Now DISCOVe ro o'er c, ssei thing� that is neeessar farmers are'mitking goodifse of it. t it larry ol Wic ut Ilieri them during their lopg toi!m Of plirtne Y to t repair, Iso, free of chavgb, W 11011, Lill 0 i, not e nciente.
a goo
b ess) all, in, tile gaino m be eon0illed'to the in oil) wonderfuriocrit sho what it.; dol- owever I
11ollie. 1Y Stan I ft
and tu,
EY 1bri*gl.%;en, agitlic, )ri ter i hlar-si7c bottle w I do. 6arly.
1-01 AS and thestiginia attgp '64
61ngto the north-wili9t. 110 toric Of il to the �co
In connection,with the bove, roffl.
There is Tre -
kt,possesges'asnanoll toa intrinsle A imiert 8(tive.i tot e li�umd th6ir.xemoval
LSO, that flow Ltttoll -to mori� a �oilfiftuanao of patronage sbribt attentl6n. P,'lo�tbv d'L
ill 0 ' lie just at thJsiycc6rj when.tho' .,Tli ulse.4, operation now sh I how�
Abdry Street, 0t,of ll()diBt Church, a' to busluesq,"and, using.tber6in nothing but tho� best of as the_Hop Bitt6rg. 6EU§TSAVVfII)thCVi0fl forCuts,rp town. so'
herec\ -his owili 'lie oin,guarailtec �Batigac- pitrifyitlg�,the cheapest and II66tregody Is H,6p Clidj;ipod Oorils, and _,9IeJU*,
mnt'6riiij-.ind.*Oticm�inghil). All well, being performed stoma6li ncieds,'in a1)peiizcr,,cr.thC blood, need ITle O'n d 1
Lot is'6rlb quarter of,an �$r f6undationless w.a-
under ale report,,
c 10 OD
IRON AND, HAMM !ME 0HANT5 ,�inodoW hard arld soft
fraiCtraeg, and hay i
clothes Lqo8ots, piu�try, "tion -in ocvry respect. ruptiiinS, and' positively Cures It 16,
Bitters An4unce (if previentlon 48 Worth. a t cal�not b X
The house-toniing rea,: pbund 4-eure; don'tais,iiabl, yoti tive proA� guarituli glve�#6rfqct sMisfinotionor In
cis6d t teptittt or (�N
s61 I Por'siilc by
F ED, S -L trat6d'by A disease tha 1111 take u bok' D �E
iopth a for, rofuudcd��`: Prftlem dentwpor
sonablctcjro� Apply,'fo ALL you to re6ver In. -Bo to tdb' H. Cauibe� a e
: L -Clin in an. 4' 1862 fi A el.,