HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-01-26, Page 10CLINTON'?' EW ER'A;
• MAsoivrc.-We understand that there
is a good prospect of opening a Rose Coix
chapter of tlie'Ancient and Prim tive
Masonic Rite of: Memphis' in this toffs.
meeting of the .Licensed Victuallers of'
this county, will beheldhere on the j let
of -February; for the=:transacticaLQLbusi-
nese relating tothe organization. •
LAND BOUGHT.—Mr. James Thompson
of this town, lee bought the. farm of Mr.
Austin Callander, consisting of'`160;acres,
which is situated near. Bowesniont,Dako. a,
-at--a good figure. 111r. ,Callander he e-
steaded this land, two years ago.
tenbury and J Mooney, of this place; ha\ e
bought: of Mr. 1 J. Bell, Londesboro,,th
well-kno tvn stallion Young Contest, at a
large figure, and intend sending him to
the other sideof the lines.
On Saturday last, Constable Paisley, of
' . this,place, arrested at Exeter,a man named
John E. Barnes,` lately in the, employ of
the.Singer Manufacturing Company, on a!
charge of embeizlement..`t Ile was brought
before Mayor 'Forrester, on Monday; who
committedhim to jail to; stand his trial.;
BoLD THEFT. --On ,Suuday night some
one, supposed to be boys;, forced an -en
try. into the stere of Mr.: Chris. „Dickson,
by getting through a. -very small,coalhole,..
and then shaking a door until''the bolt
moved back. • A 11 they took after getting.
in, was about §;10'Wortli/Othehest cigars.
Some money, left in the till;:Was- tin -
touched. • ✓.
TEAcrnR I r< AGED.-DZiss ,AT. Iryine,
swho has been attending the Clinton Higi
ISchool fa'the past year; has just bee ire-
• `engaggd'to, teach School . Section: NO. S
• Hullett, at asalary .of :250., .This .will
make the fourth, year. of,:her engagement
in this school; and_rs'tlie best recommen-_
dation she could desire of her <fitness to
” teach the young idea how to shoot."
CONCIDAGE,''ILAI ES.: CowAltbs.—It ;is
stated that two persons who x ecently left
this town without paying their indebted=: •
Hess, aCcidently_met at a hotel in Chicago.
For"' a moment both ire non=plussed;
thinking the other had come to arrest hint,
but as noarrest'was made ea -`breathed
easier'., as they-:r�ealizedthch
at .they could
rennin in the -land of the 'free, where,
s vindlers and dead beats: from this "conn`-
ry Could stay unmolested.
1A,tors R "IcIPPER':=The number of
those parties Wda-fe taking a:hasty de-
parture'for "the 'land :of the free,' from
this neighborhood, is on, the increase, and
business men, fearful lest they-, be., taken
in,,are beginning to, ask"wlio:ne$t'
Friday last, W. II. Treaves and .family,,
suddenly pulled: up' stakes.and.left for, De
trait. We leaves several, large creditors
in this place; and, we uncleistaiid, a'nutn•
ber more in..Seaforth•7 •
• LoND; SoLD., -Last weel. i Mr. D.. R.
Menzies,,.of ti* :place, completed:,a sale of
over 2;000 acres of land : in the. nortwest;,
which:had been placed in his hands. -,to
dispose of His commission on the satire
amounted to'thesnug sixnz of nearly -$500:
°As showing the `large circulation of the
NEW ERA, wemaymention that;'the pro-
pertyvas advertised in 'our m
coluns; and'
was seen -therein by,' the purchaser, -iii
On Sunday last' Mr,! Robt Ga"mmock,' an
engineeron-the London, Huron & Bruce,
Was taken suddenly ill at his residence in
LondenOvitli1 apopleetic fit,. and ling
Bred in great agony until Monday.evening;.
when death ended his sufferings. ' Deceas
0 'eft had ,'ween for a clap trine in the'employ
of the,,Ratlway yNlii r ipy,; and' was ,an
charge of the Arai
riff killed' Mr 5:
Love and ran„ ori 'the'grav road, sorneY
time ago:
A Ca;SE op •INSAN TY ' On Tijesdar
last Bon'ey Campbell laid' informatxrtn
agains't, `his father -in` law, named Boles, oix;
the gi~ound of his: being• dangerously. in=
sane. Ile has been ailing for mime time;
having'been afflicted with brain:fever,and
�` nate an attempt to: roast his •"g%randchild
;' by ,;setting u t
it ohe stove Fortunately;
the child; which;is about 2 years old,stood
xp,:and its shoes; prevented it from being
burnt: Mayor' Forrester committed him
to jail, until such time ashe could be taken
to the Asylum,
TitoTTING-RAch A; inatch• 'trot, two
in three, to.pliarness, has been azranged to,
take place•on.the Driving Park, '• Clinton;
on this 1st of -July next, for $100, -'between
Mr. John Beacom's Tontine, just imported=
from Kentucky, and Mr. Joseph. Copp's
Royal • Revenge, Tontine is by :Belmont,'
and is; said to ' show fine action.. Royal'
Revenge is.by Roj%al Revenge; four' years,
old; attd,shows.speed with ,capital action.
Each oitner xs'.to;drrye hie;oWn horse..
Sxo -0u' Saturday a storm set
in which.proved;,to bn the_. storm of :the
season. On Sunday the-wxnd vered round
to the north west'andblew a perfect blit
zard; the "s ow falling• lilts' sand; nearly
all the day Snow' plows; were ran on the:
railwaya-'to keep the track lopep.,/.Che
storth nioderated'a little'on Monday; rand'
Was over by noon. ,In the afternoon'the'
temperature rapidly fell,.and during .Mon-'
day:night the,thermometet<registered 24
below zero, wliich:r.,s the coldest experienc
ed'hers' for a' long:tains..
Lan"LAND' uRcHASE.—We under,
stand that Mr. S. Platt, of Godericlf, has.
purchaaedlfrom =the Canada, Company a
block Qf over 700 acres in Colborne and
°o omb.townships, known as "'the falls
reserver'" so long'a resort for pleasure seek-
ers froth all parts of the' : Country. It 'is
said to be the intention of Mr, Platt to
form a ;Comlrany. todam the river: at the
edge, Of the tails, and erect alarge mill for
I ike manufacture of. cotton or .other like
article.' lElhotild this turn out to be cor
xect,' it will make lively times in that
,neighborhood for sometime to,: come,
BADLY BURNED: -=A i'eW days since a
farmer from .Goderich township, return
ing home'frgm this place, plaeed hrs;pipe,
which he had 'just been ,smoking, .in is,
pocket, tucked the biiffalo robe close „in
around him, and jogged along, ,for sore
time unconcious-of The fact that the fire 1 •
which be bad unth'inkangly!,left in the;
pi e, was slowly increasrn int'"? volume : •
When near Holmesville lie.began toithi k -
he had a tench'of rheumatism at base ot.
his spinal column, and the pain thereof•
increased so much that.he could not tand imp
it, and, jumping to his feet, he was, aston-
ished to find the seat -of, his ,pants:, all :in.
flames. The fire was, quickly putout, but
he was so badly burned ori' the hip that, '..
it has'brsen'with•extreii edifl difficulty thathe
has since got about.,.:.
ELECTION: Considerable,interest was
manifested, in the election'for Councillors
on Saturday ;last as shown' by the: vote
polled: In St. George's Ward, Mr. Searle
polled 66 votes, and Mr, Wright, 16 in
St. Andrew's` Ward,111r. Thompson polled
52 votes, and Mr. Gibbings,''82 ,:Interest_._^
centered mainly on the contest in St: An- -
DEW'S Ward; the friends of both parties
working -hard for their candidates. :So
large a vote.:vas not anticipated in St.
George's .Ward, it being-•generftlly. con-
sidered that Mr. Wright was not a candi-
date; although his name appeared on'the
ballot. ' After business hours' Mr. -James.
Thompson set up the oysters to about v0
persons, after partaking Of' which„ short
speeches were delivered by severie, of those
present, A,large crolvd• also gathered in
front of Mr. W C. Searle's residence; and
after singing " her hes a jolly- good
fellow;" gave him three .rousing ,cheers,
and a tiger. •
PER,50NALS.-1\Il', Thos._ Jae son,
has 'r'eturned to town somewhat improved
in°health: :Mr. Geo.' W.:Sparling has"tic
cepted a situation in, Doherty . & Co's
orgah'factoryin Olinton,'and will remove
;there in a: short. time ;'Clinton has aquired
a -good citizen' in .G:'T -Seaforth Sun:
Messrs. Robt Fitzsimmons and"Jas: Shep-;
pard;returned from Manitoba on Friday
thgy are ve ';much taken\up •with<:the
northwest: The wife'axid fainily of b
John .T..Coo'per, baker, left for ' innipeg
on. Tuesday. Mr. •.Tauies Orr, .Moly a,
teacher, in Dungannon,: and whohas been.
attending the' High School since the pr`es.
ent session opened,•has moved his family'
mere.'- Mr. • A. Taylor, of/the, firm•off°
OuirLette &, Taylor, Londesboro, (formerly
of Clinton) has; obtained a, situation as
traveller for Turner & Co., wholesalelgro-
cers, Hamilton. The friends of1N1r, P
• McLaren will be pleased to learn that he
'is recoveri•ng•.from h'is recent: severe` ill
De rnis and~;family ie.
moved to ,; Btnssels;'„-yesterday 11);essrs.
Spooner and. Hearnreturned' from <=Win
nipeg on ',Monday i ;when ..they left' the
weather was'clear.and cold,with less snow
than. thereis here Mi :Hearn, who .was
all through; the California'gold diggings;'
When the, fever WAS ;atVits 'highest;. says
speculation never reached stich a pitch as
is daily to . be`witne'ssed in Winitipe•.'
IiRI1 rS —An enormous quantity of wood
was:'delrveredF:hete Mast week. Onr. Tues
day several person's;?from the neighbor-
hood`bf'Zurich, lefthereby. G. T R, , for
Dakota, t'kin'g with them ;a car .loadof•
horses A ,Merchant' in town who'' has
been_:,badly-nipped by two,recent depar
tures_,:says he willstick their names up in
now being ele4.rec1` out
his of eP; a.nd.lienceforth_ wIienrcredit is'
-.-asked, lie w ll,go in and taken. good. long
'look at the name's, before deciding There`
is a youth attending Clinton-Hagh.School
Who,resicles;at Exeter; .and returns home
every'.'night ;.. that boy deserves .to; get
ahead' in the world.; :The town penned ;is
composed of 6 Methodists, 3 Presbyterians;
1 Lpiscopaliai ,and ] `Bib]�i" C1risttan -A
large amount ;'of rock: elm ship timber is
being•::d'eliverei1T at 'theG W.' R. station•`
here;; there will be about,r5' car .load`s' al-
together. The wife of Mr.'Jos:'•Coventry
and a "Mr. Robinson leftby' G. W IZ:; on'-
Monday, for ;Winnipeg. ,. Mr. H. Stevens
has moved into his new,house ; when com-,.
Dieted he will have nearly ,,the .finest spri-
vats residence fix '.town. The oven in.',
Youn_'s-bakery, ou Victoria St.,.caved,an','
last Wednesday. Iilr,' Paisley has been
under the uecessity,of.Cautioning the'own
ors of several fast horses; against furious?
driving through, the :streets;; with,` such.'
splendid'slei:ghing it is reallytemptingto'.
" let them out a little:;" .•Messrs: Doherty
& Gibbings, music ;dealers of this town;
last week disposed of,three pianos to ,par
ties in th;s peighborhood , good enough,
#or onri. ,weelr Mr. Itugh Frazer.., has
bought the little trotter known as " the
Emerson mar¢," of11lr Jas. A.. •Elliott, of
Goderich township ;there'are those, :how
_ever,, who a'ss'ert tl#atshe has seen her best'
•deya ;;• 11fi: Crich, fainter, has written to
several, parties here to lwhoni he was in-
debte'd, stating firs intention of paying•all'
claims against:huri}as soon 'ts possible; and
no doubt they hoppe he will.•. It is. said.
that iff Mr Whitehead sueceedssin,,ggettingg•
a settlement with the governnient,.lie.will
improve his proporty°liere"by=:the erection
of brick stores to place of the. frame ones'
occupied by:J. Ctininghame:and W, H.
Simpson, and improve that of Pity .&
Wiseman.; we:hope he:may The ibecrop
may 'yet prove an abundant Circ. On
Monday evenina,: arty'Of-.ladtes;and
. gentlemen went out fora snow -shoe tramp;
and enjoyed a eouple of hours")healthy.
exercise. Tlie amount, of businees••trans-,
acted. in.town•onMonday. was somewhat
small,, but we'expeet to'see a tremendous.
'rush 'if the sleighing 'continues good.;
Messrs ICadinore and. -Matheson this weekr
sold; a large number of sheep to Mr.W alis;
of Eketer. • . A perfor'inance of Uncle•Tones
Cabin; is 'billed for the ,town ,hall; this
,(Thursday) evening. While going'out Cit
Sway, Mr. J: Morse..:slipped'dowri,.and
Ailing ou 'his lbow;'=sustained' a severe
sprainl.of his arm. •The .Winnipeg Free;
Rress'speyk"s flatteringly of the singing.o
,,,Mies'asielimHolinek of thi lace, Cat ii
entertainment lately: 'held in that
Mr , Atkitisbn travelling agent or ::the'
I.iendon Advertiser, was in .town on Tues=,
day, and said he saw afore usrness in
Clinton than any other toW'n he visited in
his 'business `travels;" Parties going Ito.
Manitoba to the springg,•will find they can
'do better by tiring `front Clinton; than
Any; other.place. in the county, Tnstead'
of 24 days, as, was stated a few weeks ago,
as the time taken for Mr. R.Fitzsimon's
car'of ,Meat ,to reach Winnipeg, xt elhoild
have been 17. Yestet.d0 Mr:A b. Walt
sie,.',of.Tuckeramith, drove to town With a
colt that had never been in harness•.b -
fore;; it" is not yet. two 'year's old, and.
weighed 1,160' lbs ; it was got by Glexilea,
and, is a splendid colt for its age. In ' an-
other`coin-Mit will be .found the advertise-
ment of 1Vloore& Sharnta, g
Having purchased ,come very desirable LOTS of COTTON
GOODS, before the rise, we, would asl?, our customers and the ..
public generally to see what we have. .
Lucks, D.enin s, White Cottons,
Grey Cottons,9, SheetinQs, Check
Shirtir s -:and Cottonades �-•
PRo 1S` TO, P R11,\T$•
j /T:
l V. f', .
T .,N NOW.
Before stock takincr we will offer cone of the
That has .everbeen offered, being;:determined'to,reduce our--
stock down as low as possible..
Ali wool :SCOTCH TWEED SUITS at $24, re-
duced ,to $20.
All. • wool� CANADIAN TWEED .'SUITS. at X20,
reduced to'`$16:. l
SUITS at $18,
reduced to
1 wool ;CANADIAN TWEED SUITS at $16s
reduced to $124
The same reduction will be malin proportion pi :.anythi�ig We
have; in the sho • and;people may, ply on'getting some great' -
bargains before our Spring: goods arrive
Our 'business which is . so 'largely iiicreasing,: compels
make' some ''big alter$ions' ln,our fothin Store, which vvxl
be done immediately and `we are. consequently •.buying`laigel''' `
� Y
for,the, spring trade.