HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-01-26, Page 9Jan. 26' 1882.'
. .0
al!8sturasy. Rovieyrll, remarks that Blaine's
claim i:lpoptrol the coma embodies &,most
_Serlbus��menaoe and the boldest aefikhce,tif,
xhlbernatiotal lsw.� :, it taunts Who . Iwitli,
46-1 ' ',,:In a , ,
Mini easutepblistile to Englau' j,both
His gn��dj.�;of#rutiis" Lamentition'Over,
A ?A I airon's, F�li��isw C,�eit� Ao
. . Alleged 1,
A Warning tai Kaveit'leIrs in iiroperty''oli
an Vz I.Iiiiiawn oaanilty'oi 'Quailti—,
]Blow -1 Villies e"�"d, Oats ^and,
Their Freedinn' Vubeldtaflugly Proposed
EURO PEAN.,,0088 1p
Helpless Childnii.
1,61d Ont, IP -oxi the G T 'R
lly the_N.V�
The first attempt of the English press to
6pit 4: the. r;Lz rh
F.estivities of the poetlig'of the'lloyal Digaitaries
collect the facts of the Warsaw. outrages on
city and town pl6ts, the -61lowi ,,in regard
the i Jews was, made' in the � Pall' Mall
Gazette this week, amd has been� foll owed
by an elaborate seeburit in � the Times of
WASIiINbTON, -'Jan. M—Fredib,
freelv madia that if the"J"Mr—A
in the first hour it. Will IAV.
"h says:- AsensatiOn
by the,sa.
�emoun" 'd
to Ontario paper L�otg!is' Supplied': When
theGraad Trtwx rn was Abroad, aboUt
thirty years agb,'town pIdts',lwBie laid 6th
ArmANY, Jan. 17.—The � report of, the
Special Canal Committee of the 9 no
a to for
Bye'- on throughout a large
,�emstic peraeouti
OPIni on is said to be gyro i
4) M 10 U mgs"at,the
it a goaxboio'
1881 will be pre ented to the Legislature
portion of Russia., accounts
latoler"ce and often connivance on'th,
a 2
ton that' Guiteau is ins
.1 10
P-MIrOgI, a fbr-the�
�,*03j Wide era said
is no
Junction, t' I' Ue Ili ofs. place
there WE! hotel there 'and 'a; couple. of,
We dneadsy. The, report JoBign a
Maser'. 'William d Forster It 11
8 a an epub
1rhe Vlop.ing Earl of Rbrewsbur� and
Me 1bgIATo ed i.,Frle�ndw
part of the. Russian autboritioa, and are
- td
impression that, Justice
is insane. p
i on 6,ke
14 a h Idr vall n
hoiigea,� and you
-you can get 'oil the latid:.
cans) and Murtha (Damociat).-Itis 6aidthey
. - I
11,and Reforin—Jewlelt putrames—
he New riew.Ti@' ta onc.
evokingiOneral ErigliSl in igffatioxi.' Who
Jews in A are w6rkii1i. g I onergeti6ally
�teaq ", - I
A diatinguished Now an 1, ex�
bas the opinion, fed
A - P!t!Ke institute and pity
- id 4, 16i",thoir' keep., Throilgh�
. !� >11': . . I
w ut for Aliout 060 t
a o 06 4U.'acre. 'But
:whe4 the Grand Tplimh was building it wag
era" unanimous in their conclusions,i The
report states that the Commissioners
IU -accumulating nif ormation, and are
!pspecta it has be en made c
ig 6w:0 to,oust the'
40, 0" ori,e V91 _Aor
to -lottod, sold* at high pAces and iiijued :
are fully' impressed with the conviction
Lisbon despatches Oj!� Saturday's date
;ay: The gals, night at the opera surpassed.
forming a cominittee. , They hope
to iUC the Government to' off6r further
belougato a class Of crinJI
armed the, lhaiaii
t thig ins
,'0. inatitutiT tron, kik,
M' SPY & pefSP1,31. A Place Was also
as York,, �'and to -day you can't find A*.
Utiless steps a taken to an' the
-that— -or -cheap
coat of'transpdirtatii�n"cin,.,,wRteir routes, the
I The house holds
III ever seen in L sbon.
ibout,',1,006,persong', and was filled with the,
'diploniati c remoiistranc% but some Liberal-
a ples.of insanii by has be6z0-i)iA.
have not found guiltY7 z ave
t L 0
GroY,� had- beea� 1xi 6 habi f - vuniah.,
'the *Ildi�ii by'ad ' ing.
Mimico, on 66�west side of Toronto, 'We,
canals must soon fall into diouse. The is -
�litecf sociaty� and the sviclence,
while condlimnitig- Russian:
the Jews Be,
remind, that their,pre
confined As lunatics. 66
44V -
view taken quite largAg,
young minister
Inuk'ard blisters, ib� their little b6die's.!;
�a .
sold off in lots. Land is 169§ than 0100an
acrethere toAiy. �oidon'Bro wii,, Sand-
port refais to the andL Canal and the
'a A.
MI" sissippi River. a angerous rivals of
�Caual, 'Says,- ii�w
"a alines,
r t excluo�vdly'ocotipie&
men in evening i li�ss, whil6the four tiers of
whibliis numerous and Powerful throughr
t- k ; ope, f6ilowilag Beaconshel&s lead,
on Lit
persons w o view
and h
JUVOStIga Ion" hWI tfie.� fruthof -these16rd
-�Btaibments,',ana,tOb question came UP'aB to
Fleming and otheragot up 6, townand.
the�.Uraiud Trunk',
Erie and Must,
-he Waie-r"touth''io ocean -th tough
boxe� extend right aTid loft of the royal
lir�.MA knowa in
unanimously defended' the U
Turki, w� a
case. wyers nd ot
interested in I 5ofialf of the 41 P�A4. M
:W On
Sh Id b discharged
somawfieto between T 'onto rid, , W I Baton..
Or, a
'the Erie , Canal' 'the'. cheapest one,
X, which, is lb�
bo bb
Ellropoan theatres Ats, &br` restg On � the'
arst --tier. of. boxes. large --marble
iriflidtiDg�_16r-'great6i ff
an erings'L -'OU't
Chriitiiin� in,'Biilgaiia And elsewhere.
'The revelatio iti-the Lajmsowcase�and,-
considerable confidence 't
no t e_.,p i6 psged her so a
rrow an
a !wrong. olloaf
0 Lar n, -,when- an , Oyer-�:
A, great tent was put up, bier ljowed�as
Water, animmons sale oulots too
a k place,
an all, to,,,Laccomplial this, rbsult we
�mus -in
t Ake the canals'aboolutely free. The
of �maintaining them fkeei howeveriAs
01 n elief - on. stuccoed wall�'
um a in r
DIaCO its gilt ceili a on a 16vel with the
:oUrth tibc ef boxes. A rich canopy and
5artains of crimson, velvet and gold form a
some others, followea''b'j. �aiuuiJry doctors,.
letters, bii�e givan rige' a. sJigbt scare
about poisoning and to A copious- discussion
onthe means the6&I6'6f
jurors t6nd t6wa a
era ct of guilty will m eve
Guiteau, in, bbg��
b d I ores"
_g y LL or olved�
0 414ischarged, but4hat
flieta to
and evibry,brie-loat -:his-money�Eiidry' -6ne--cost
Seemed mad to'buy these lots. You could
not firid Balmoral:: if 'you went outi� there
yslto� is a ststioa�further Up the
Con Taken Will L be but
�&,trifle� compared' with�, the b dneflid which.:.
Will&d no to the -State- from the trade that
be kept 'Ithin7its
)ontraot with the interior of the royal boxi
lights 1
of restricting
poisons, without a Pract' ical'result.
which he has Sup' 4: hl ......
friend'sent hi
n R13
?U[F'Sfiver�l ployed. by,
Trunk�* It'was to become mighty
cpntre ;oX' qqm merco. Well, * lots in � the
vy�ould4horeby oibio'Light
borders. L Thc Cost � Of M aint gfining
which was one blam of and Uniform's
19 the Royal March as played by the
schemefor pfadingifie disiurbou,
diatrictaiii Ireland under the superviBio
o the lamenti%bid
v bildren.' "At
-01--kha. inahydeihod,
greet , (Prospective) tow OAL Were
if � of Malt
sold by auction',An', Montreal and
AuringJ880w"0,800,000. Hadthis
1111101 1 int beeii raised by� taxation of counties
)rchestrathe whole houge r6se, to its feet.
and control -of five picked stipendiary mi'g16-
Friends,.bouii r
mo for my cause an gilent tbat
andtherais4ittledi t t emoro'it is
towns for .9100,a lot; nov g
they 1�bfi'bbrin
'Now � York, I 1ingii,iind Erie wolild'hilliva
rhe four tiers boxes were f ul, of ladies
trateSLhaa now been carried out, but there,.
may, heat. Believe me mine h
- for onor,
looked at the wor looks.
oo %a S me6:
Ore. rarapthn bas,got tOL be so
66 plot cent., an
Paid about d 90 Pei cent. of
wtif Lilly There was a
is ne"fal g f Agrarian
'in the numbef 0
and to pal o-inin'd fionoIr"th
vening paper t has. broug t It]
hat hl lie'
thing,;Wt.ni ad'dollarvag
a hard
-the out;
ire sum would have boon contHbuted'
lisplay of diamonds and, precious
tzid the majestic forms and daik dbm-
outra a
Thegrovisedersion'of the Now Testa.
mayb6lieve., Censure rueiuypurwisdoai,�
o4trage li&s�ventilated to d
the.' . i III ha receivb& I in an.'
thera in lotIo.", One man. b6ught A num.,
b.er of 50i and a0l
hetwe6n- .;e
by the bounties situated up6ntbe�water
�koutgs.betweqn, Lak Erie and theocoan.L
)1exions of thd"ihat'ye.beatties appeared
he S a
Met by. gaslight.- King Luigi -in lb h
m6nt iB. still undilir fire. A numbei'of the
Qu art' I' R, which, 4111,bb pub-
at y, eview',
land make your Bongos that'you may the
bdtt6rjqdgd. f.thara 1e'io. thjl4' assembly
i i l0neof,the,IsdieliL
0 qmxm�tee, Who hag� takilin'" ill "
each - he held -on for years, and- years,, till
7filially in i8�79 be sold ralbb-of;
Co L
The -report sh4ows.1that the,. untio%
Chautauqua, k."Lawrepep and W�6ming
i1brin.of the 4�y'l neon Chhstina.�
lished'ii4t'vieek, Will have anothet F"th_
any dear, renof ',Garteld'a to
him � I say that Guiteau's love
interest in
deepest 'matter,,
6106'an! aicie. 8hakspbai6 W,&R'tobe another
'received a for
frotn� . w, 'York city
who wore pale i�&Uyp.satin with
.-ich lace. The Que6ii'also vore` diamonds
ifig drAiI -Upon it.
to. Garfield w'; as. not' les's than", big."
If, then, that f kiend deii2and. Ii G
W Y L Ul ean'
informed: our reporter this riidi-ning!thalb
�she'hersblf; together a d
ith anothorlad
of these great towns�; wOII,.,the item
- I . s'ina of
t e. ance-posta � ita. town, lots � aria
educational purposes 1878
6lian , , r,t,,,,, counties- V6U I&L'."
worth one million Kinrise
?Vora the Uniform 6jaO&Pt%jm_joneraI *ith
removed; G arfild this is Guiteliti'a'answe'r �
asked ataroqua
youngest of the � child on!
'I been puniiiied by the'applicktioti,
still standing. ,, Tullamore , in Chingua-
is anoth6rLof tho9b never
-towns that
to pay ' towards free
canals, The committee recommendi4fie.,
ihe Toison d'Orand iniiy crossos. . .1
Done, Pia,-dresSedAn a bright re d bodica' 0� al
Two. Atelpi6se children, Fat I rest
al. y
en -Sad Story ot *Suffering?
Net thot Guitead, loved': Garfield, less L but',
he IoVk -his country more.' d-�yqu,
,. deficat6,'
haiiedebildO141yea L ra we abt4ughi, whose
to a'
came' 4' head, but wh , ich, ruined many,a
in AlIL 0 'f
n ario be, & the-
immediate passaga� Of the. TeSollit'da,JIU
haitting to' the poo'ple�,au:"Rmam dati 0
iunic, overa white
)UIerald pearl necklace ear -r
a I ax espatch"sayo: Samuel. Gro 'a
livili d 18"n
adthat'dailleld'wis deadt In
war th 0. 1;I,V,e
, �_, I I , 1
Ii He back still -bore nI of the teri iLl�
it, ad rgeeived a naontli:� befor6
ever. can
1.1 .11 1 .
mar �Se -t L,
k of h pap'", OW Owl
i4: � r. r :
' . I . �
11 ki th"
a. ponstitution-ma ng, e,,,ce
The commit6e jIS6.
priceless valuO�'All 'Bat.
(d6lored)-lifes al; Lake, Loon;' bartmouth,
As 6
p4e aifi6ld 16Ved,Guiteau, Guitasu.
course, deepened by tbe� cratchiu *bich
, ,
of or an
ep_ nnatch,of
iheir fQtm1_P ig
u. o__ F 'd D
;able� D'mi ernan O�Latl OM U
ii-averi. poor to noment � of two- roorqS;.
whid)kis in Vrifiter time� *rate liddly �6610�
weeps� for him as 'he was -fortunate
ieau rejoices at it h e'74s a good'
the ihibolerliblo-sufferingba d indbeed. This
child'bad literaliynot'been Able t6'SjJ down
nor 'tw6 e.p '� � 7
V. In t,
t fio,' the be
i(�dlb �., inore'
- ' ,
man,, G u �-honors him.. But by the
for going iilmo�aftiii'66 applicati on. �ere,
The Provend'alwome4 ual� th6statalieat;.,
, -
1, Jearth taken, the're
6 naval unifor - ne,with gignor�sagIa6taand'.
3el ahor FouteIS, Vega deArmijo And Ser�
a has been sic for mont a,
aiid: unable -to lowlie her' bed #hi h, was in
Dbit�'a inspiration: u'iteAU re Gar.
al( trysl.l
fi t d I Or the goo&cf his'-coun;
Was, also, e,niorig the 1hirteen or
chil4e punis a
h d
n h6m.four.
noet qubanlike a pecimens of th ei r. sex that'
have eVer see- n., Tall, wall fotin 6d'stroug,
f 0 a B, ng one. -f
in'.. t a I n of iuf
61111 morethan forty geuerwIsi AamI and
the inner,. room.
kiJohIan'L And lait Waal a't'eu�montbg oldba;byj�
-Scoville's extraor
i,d.ii2aryL,s�6e6h:.yep�orday��vas heard, With general.
blistek"ad been applied� one6f i he"' iipOLL;
'his -bo - ,to
ih irim aof
W.6 o ransporpatiolt.
a r*
ords of botli counries Bat h Aghtand�
M r , , L
t. Twenty boieg' weie, fill6d With
"in,., 'cradla.�'. dioS6 ame: on'Saturday..
d Dr.�,, cF ainly
surprise., Reed- P 'M akland�'pl�
'showed disAtisfa cli6n.-�ith it. R.Red afte;ward'
-As '
ow-ele'.' The h A mptea
Y a t to' set
fire ic' the,, buildiiig,- - And all'e god as his
the ind'iaLttaek the heart
the Iov�i of 66 over,',
of �Oran I perbLglial. ' That.
at east on 0 cent
a;t the E tie Canal has adof
report states . th
mitesof both sovereigns, the 1�6:rtiiguese
&dies the decoration i of� e Maiia
al eon -an tbreat&ii6'd'L,', to. cheiati8b.
torn d
8� ' ' I
i� , about '6. or Id.' .,The
big � b YearS
�said.he did�pofgre6 with it. d
6utornotm recess he said with -'a laulgh t6 Ree'd
reason,,. that he. was So harshly L treai& and
foul (I his life theta go hard, that he
t 0' a,smi a upontt heir' * %'refeoti�
IIPS"L oil I Of
he f"
1b I;UnL,BL rays, from their pretty ace'as:;000
into tj te'Tiessury of the S tate over �46, 000-
the, :�,t 60ob..'Llf.,th,
. wearing.
Juism. The sixteen'. ladies-ifiew4iting wore
youngster ran, away d: hiefather, did not'
_' " -- � ' '.
thik 1 or him � t ad, but us
, 1 I'm glad he, gave t hose fellows a rap.
inake them shoiv.wheie they stand." It
the feelin in. Court that Scoville
peratelyL resolved tq -could hit
, ,got out, and'
they cliatier in, their rich -old
more A a
received by cairiers afidivarehouse and 66in-
)Ins and white trains; d.
he blue court cloak of.Pot4ujii46'edqudIbte.,
Che diplomatic, corps were pr I agent.' '-III' a.
)OX apart Was the Countess'' Edla -'abill
6,L g
nlght�'ca a�n staite are
n 6 t,
afto Ll h r lound' the Poor little
felh bba flo of a, 'Wretched batrn
was general.
hadput,a powerful Lweapon In the -hands of
Porter, which he ;Will L not faill;o use wlien be,
closes the base.
d Scoville's speech was mainly. devoteil
y9ate7' ay
uponjnolway but sty
t�.Xg6ue. Quiie�6r
lo. told bythe simj�tady Aklb Diter. ,.:,
ealledinatthe lasteommit.
' , his opimo,
tee meeting,to* give n up6ti'' the
-InAia other countrybut Franlie
'�hgse iaces, would,,ph6tograph themselvda
�n the
up hearts OfL men; anC.rouse
&BBi'du�whi6h only itiI could e6othISL
MiS Sin me al M-0i'd nt
n nisadde �otblssumtbea
is increased., to. nearly $4W,006,069. -The
re: ort iafiSto the amount' saved4u taxes
to non.,com,mar6lal"counties' Ihkou�gh� the
now admit, a to
coking beautiful. ShWis to
.0 o is
�al festivities when D6m Fernand
�h wi,� dL
a no .with -his feet' sif
wberoL there was no
_IbgB froz The boy wagoen-
enio the knees.'
n Grant, Arthur and Conkling. He
to i-_ _tl a -k e, for Guit( )an's
said they morally responsibl
and that he was not illing the assassin
Ioe of Plak Aers, undeisiclod PerfdetlyL Jfi"
It wa's tbeir'pe"l,use the t Was referred.
Men would lovei, live, fight 'or 4ia for' the-
f �k I
women,o Toverice at east R
. 1 aglishmOu `
..more a -66mmeicial cent
so of 'wealth in ties;
The commi
'ttab find; thii,�ieside'nlb engineers.-
. �, f H 1, t",
)reB6nt; , The ' opera am a -Wag'
fairly by'Signbra 'DLbna 1 au&.Rasbi
�siblebutjctbar�lc. Hisfa ericarriall-him
to the,'hiluse, where, howeve%therb were
shouldbe made the scapegoat. TheStalWarts,
he added,were influencing the trial because tkay,
wanted tomake the Lit insane to
to, ivasmuch,'as he �"remarkea that� '
Son did mUch�'m6re'thiWhAt'16
would-,but`�such things are' unknow U
In, I do. not say unknown here;
can, be dispefiBed-witli -'auU tbe�
recommend, the �Ee Of canal anditor
URL. Their Maielaties left -early.
Afterwards King Luis took his gudstii to
fr lim
no restoring'lthe fr'�ea bg
�Ltil, the n eigh borg L were surnmnw' an
)6rbsponsibili y.
the children .!.under hot charge, �upon
which our la�dy.informant exclaimedAhat
only,butunknown"in Ftaudd. �The.Fsrjg,
S,4u,s,te msyaff t
SO 9, taste LIU WQM n
be abolished and the Aut ,
in fourteen
where Vas, the baby 6 ten
�geiitleicnqn, and congratulated upon bis,fbarI686
)om.Fornaudid'd'villa sot Ciiitr'i
_ .
exposition. One' gentlei'min exclaimed, "That's
in ny-ioase children
*a r OML
a fr the
the 'dregs of Ldndou� but,
his time':,aud money -in their puisuit; but
hey are also as
canal appraiser. and c"
aster Sn be
)Oatiliongj� outr �aud, The
ihq, ialratit- hid.-JdOkid.off the� icanfy-clotl:L6
'L ' '
wah,';A lcli was� c6iereaL ' -it's b6d-ridd6n,
, -the -fIfths_o
, kmerican people are:behind you on that 'L -
received a. telegram stating that the
' ' d, not
uproar was so grea that ,ohe boul
i ,
as aati6fi 'and with bu#eig
love o woman ap do '
9ys,I Palace - W003': i yAheM9,Qrs
vitlith-7usual aiiiindanc f: terrac 4 as aud�
rdsona C
es'ervoirs�auaijt, 1? to hrig.tLAUL, an-
inothei' had'Lb6ep iiai� �le to
cries and it -was fro2en"to the centre of t
L 0
'I d Such',aid was offoriod _4 was at
Ne,�-qork Court: of Appeals hall just deCi*dbaJ
ha �be- prosecution, wKre 'some:evideilce of
insamtk�j Ifonee.LmiiSt make
p. produced for the de
er a eardl,
tho.col-iin ittbe told our reporter he
woman, es -n exist
inFx an
is everytb6g,exce' pt1ig heart' a.
is big
(Iodern architecture Also. royal. party,
. Y,.
sartity:'beyon ' d reasons
f, 61% doubt.,
considered the treatment of the' pooi-little
business par tuer; in tact, the aft
olsoning-onLOidi0oil ilik'I trye V
rare invited to'lunch by'D.orn Fernai
he residence of La P6nhai p6i6bod igh Or.
he hillj� fendal 'castle, with -vo
pro-babilit that
bond- but the' I y IS L
cbildt6 I die.
11 attention. to, thia;.decisiQn.y.thL14'I
and ask CoX,
Aa",j'Ury', to -that effect.,
S'a§�jn Um ae�
tbeextr' me.-,11.TheL
o, I as �now in -
creased o six een,. and 3very I likely 'more
in f the busiteBs,"wh ives
.. g. partner o
in his, cafe'.�:, In. the country she is his
laboring than, his pfivgekie&i, his adviser;
and Whilhey'for.their Money
Pobca�jeou despatch slay bit
'd Dr. Bontielle-4as
I' perfec
and half-, o bisters:-
h wh'�
heard from."",: T eL nurse o
often his master. To the profe6sional man .
un aX mormt ig. list'
iroiaerved�-Royaltywas-sbo7ri the fi
vhei&Or�nge trees ere,ple,lited in' MAPS.
The Rings returned'to witfibig" the,fire-,,
of a
ces, n l8numOrator In
DoInjNL'Qf the� terr" -VhC
1- .: TL',
A SL eterabur d6spat6
g. Pat Lace
informed Harvey of
.. .... t,
Trac: was promptly, dismissed, - - andt'
a or ol bull' d""
y U, le into oUbL
he is �thb`moib oattend
)Vhis� children, the�
certain d Ot 'the
store. In politics 'She- centie
C&Ilb to an old couple" nama
Otewart,4'i�irigabout four miles from Ural
had bee6�,jakgn. sudd"I I
WoY, i 1. Oar
.41 1 11 ; .
ig out a oun they w bath-. -
rorks, on the TaguB from�: the gardens ofthe
A� Washington espa c
d 'Van-
Pdtro BreSugaring.
res -Gate
that Ar At -the biijg&of
Th matron ha's been",known,
raw!r to
arotmd, whir h men. congrega a. n reli-
910n. he'� OpUtyL.Sna,
t A -represent a
from. : &" _<d ose strychnine.
: ' of,
mult1tU 0'
Dxhibition. Thedullroarofthe. d
,nd.tbe hum of voices reached �'uji'; 'stiaind
for. Alaska' bas, reiched Washington
trove Is mjle6j[n AmI
January' r y -seven per ave.,
been captured., Dr.. qt� s
:_9 plaster:
L " b L k" ", f 7f 't,
the, tender ao 1. o j n, in an � 3' ,years
bjk6therg-:tiiO irnpl�i�6nt torture
all 'mankind -,-at, churoh.'- the'.
h a , &I b a , 8 n 0 se
:t of'a Franc man a 0 h I e-aud:�
S pointe'd,td arre . a . t I ed,
'in;Mr 'd
-who .,Bonnello lia The
f -music -from 1he vessels Armin a i6se Above
s;nd, noise 6i�* e6m6tg�,
lie splash of oars at
th, of Which
IslandBi 2
an � his home.
tqla,you; tak t
Madege street'j' -ba� I'be
wber6L 'a trap an
I I . L
' "
on or,over an on r, the little'
no-homb.,—'W7h6,i-I,i��-6et�ially ofFrance'
Ay '.!.of,:
ladts�'a;ro ihati6wiit hz-,.-sum of, money;
With, and hzd,
lagging to and fro amid. boata'and barges"
umerable flittin rying
nn g aboutAndall car
be16 t t He
To.. pene ra ad by civiUed in
tj,bU idVonture" a
a,. IN;! .: as� ca
d" h an i6di A dual w'hb. c
a L n �w ere, &me the r a
hL '16, 1 .111", � .
Wit made Such :6, that
be L! arrested ter` eing
could only Ill
us y a
gly w 11 -idr=
mpval' The pnblib'fiaeli greatly.,
Oxcl ntli.
say I'
Portion this- place And,
_' i ' '.L � a AL,
country Places�,inarriagea . are ma a a
. UBIJ 11
b 11,
aesg partners ips arc made, with due
NI ny; :who had, be
to -ball and tell his' landlord' � but�
reue'tian or
t the, royo, fetes held t6-day'10,b
f T_ 1139ql. OUSO
a rms;�ieia revie*64`1
r d by
fu 6 1AiI who'dgtitrniiidd, th-kill
in a �o mps,nipn PxP,
woundea -by,4�%ililrom a revo 'After
his as I was Wsicoverb tha, he was
of. n an ire -;c angqL;of
ma nagelme ecurs. arge mimbee, of
regard -,to busin-ass arrarigemenlbi;6n �ail-
sides,: and witl i6ut any reference hatso�`
- instead, of doing O'� obot tlea, off'
h, k "'0' ne, of W, hich , ' L
W "I BY, be, ch irg"ed1with,
atrycbnine, and �*6nt '6 St(w V
--Luis, it the head'-dft.6' lairgerstaff:6 f.
r asca a Iii9fit. ;,�, I �
ow pidd
of-artiIIOrj,.,,'- 0 in'th- a San four
oPle k t at
V1 liep h ll inati tu tiong, no
a ver'to It el ImPU BOB
h I of th
I _&r �gj,IaL
the 'ft
,ffi -1 -Th " troops
cars of both colinitr
darched past a handsome, starill''d t1d
Persons -to e7;;:, -r- ist
or -Parrty
'ioslb . and- � th
were arrested At Vag' If a
in tt" a. c
a lar W:h t tIL6 .,no, ro w.41 h are' de�
th b 1�.�
rident upon. 1 t, ShOlAa,
PO pppp
com of 'a
Under- Ihe Vre%
W one of 6ur.-h a n meo: young
. beA'Arink,_Jp
a up,onO:,.of.,our;�,.i)retti6st'dirls,�.
n a are ric h ,
bi�cause t a sum 0
a ernoon,;,giv.i.
the evening w c one 4,
stay: over'nilght'an ore. go
lorli L of
vith the Spain, oitugal, Itii Y,
,nd Austria, aud_occupied by the Queens:.
,nd their Suites and ".9, brilliant
,rray, of Ministers. bi gh
. . It VnEdJE , S
I.:'-.Vvn or?A'A 6r4882 'gives iha�
follo*ing Prediction 8*r';��fha`ieinaibdei
Ithig �
ions evening petSonS,,L. f on r
of ere
-whom w ;ivombn we'reL',6�p6iiiadL
,re-U,nion held Christi±�� treat
overe, d',with
e,, tog 31ur
. . I
f b b 'Of
'Governmen �U- cases ruejty,
br axvey.
ough , lig �t th
b§tltute Will undoubtedly.:g
, I .. I
hard�oag 't lif ii iiii.
6 -be handed dn' 34
d a I to.. big
ay''of not equa
- ci
inVited tba,' old mple to la i- k
b bg they oich. dikiiM
k* OU,
"teny- Tin ing-,oV 'daiother--bo t
t tL
hile' the vast sqUare from pavemen o
irrvaded by -n immense 'crowd
rnp4.h�t!-7L' I)ro
second', ILVR& very col&taini1M
nrtern-atid'Westein sections, moderatin
e- to WhOIUL�
of' Polic t as 6 a tr e sts,
were, ue� wgs�prqrno a ;SUPCQSSIVe Y-tQLtbd
o 6
rank' f, p. ajqr,,,,aii
tive interfaien0b !a the lAtt'X611hr
iA TKN16Ek-"XiiiEtil *i[
On wi ei. as wouldlobli for
farm lragaf& to its
inco a rIDgIU
ffi. b 06 � t4.
te etired. As' as,
go pj ar� room shejelljn front:��'f t
oo was
'W nfantry
Itty battalions of i ith hands
to ,Wardthe�endofthewe`o,kto eiLVysnow
is' ther 6ffidjjf�,�
'. 'i 1
"WI COIIV 810 t
the royal march -of Spain, went
f&IIo in Canada, and N . ortbern S and
ralhg-i more southern sections; UngiattloLd
L6adoff, 6' a �f --the TrIgpipa acgusef 'a a
A'1 named D
gififf anis Gorman �is sent,
�POLS . ... ..
inmpsdgning.�,p'r'dar., tithing' a
last in beavy oa
avalry regiments
'guns, -ii,::Iikolychgfiieteriz!3.'ifi6,e'ntry:
and Stormy, 'but moderate' eatbor Will
of � the third
06'rue off" -The- Sa;m "Hil w
Bkoi6i Ski t
:yesterday inoinitigib 6j i aniname
6 o" t: a w- o' m
Mari from
in& on said, her daughter 77
M& Ins IS:
dei -i' He *as' orli -in 1805.,
f f- th h A, VwSioh
r9p. O�:� 8 OVID. Wit i.ICC. 'a a.
ly, Ahin
eventy ollowed - �bbb
adet corps,166king tbeir bek ele xt
%e dressing of the lines'w'ais, baid.,,
Week with lustry "Aud drifty we Iii
the West and rain to the southw ar'd f "Ir
ill'pkobab y
finish6 before night., , It 'i" gaidL t t
erier is', mlire�p6weriul
St. zI)l6minique 'street, Montreal. He
�desciib�hlo visitthus The, 6i
The `1 "given
birth 'a a9�ter. -Both p6r;@ doiri
nalle Sent
at r 0
Th Atle.containi,
?o'rtugueBe look than the
16wed by Still milder:,lveather And alterna
t ever with, the �bg,.
rather dellar,� Wthe'two womenwOte-
Goperal" Ga ibali
so as r
soldiers -
P1 and �vera, armed -with.'W stley-
licha ra,, muskets and-Kru ' gU
Pp n ' S.
To UabonL merchahts'��offered
tjoii.4 6tsirow, sloibtAtd- rain in northern
sec6'01���L:""&"'bdba�siiDilaI fine n
th6§ !a 25th; is likely to�,
na: moa v1p-chaticallor,Ti; nbe Gartgeha.
w o,
_.-k� is -retired' ii
Inhabiting' Was ocaiceI YL high enough, for an
ordinai rY man to stand up, in; and beipg.
�apd * 1
An t ad ditiolial 'Chi . I Y:
a e' o- rohdbitia,.,
avorably.� His ill, b
as Is: I
;r 3" on d
Sir, E& "i t hat. tbd
cliImAtOi 0 1 37'reb d' a t
. r no a
41. e 0 CIVIL
Was C ea�r. a 0
y In
Was coin6ittad. "to
-highti.the -
T,ing Luis and his guesis ncellor
bring'.46wor tomperatur'e. Weeklik6lyti
p ace, :Wag
Appearance. In tion the' I L
'C '*in
. ,agr
with'hiB h6alifi"
stand hid tria
he old pa' lace", outside the town. Three
housand Ave 'bundrod person were --
d- rain's ek1bendi
'gnow an Dg
Southward t6.VOwYoik� and Washington
;, .. ,
Inp,,end the dows 130 improperly,,,
adtE Ifts of Snow 'Werb actualIv
-bn'barlos. as.jus recb*, told f torn. an
atack of bronchitis, which Id hi lif f
IS 1, a or.
nVited. $50,000,wafespbut.4n.1he a pper
�50,0010 Siddr the salodn% Tha�Q'V`
, L. . - 411
Ficlull, r1mo E i7D
"in ugurs
a rags a's' -Lora,
visible through. ihe.cr cki. On a drinit"I
a nt
9 W Ibe inmates crouching in a - ar , corner:
Mk.�Thomea 'C.� Reefer,
At It] ae Sitting 6f !vision �Courto Gilt
onBe, f,
Vue�da S c
iages began. to for1r' n fl at 6o'd1belij 4 d
�Ufiivarsity, thus
of the,- joOlm at Partly -covered by . W few
of Ottawa,�. 11"
been a acted a, th" 'a Auiericaft,_
he ball ook place at 9 *k . I.,
Satur"y's Pei ri
Terri le Fate oill7a BLinn 1
.. I I
LAiiti)6, Tax.,-.'
tm san hiLcOr brain that
_8'r been tbiiik�
.rags., the v wasold,'yelldiff
shrivelled! so
arid sharp, bars
:� 9 oc idy.of ciiil E
D, or: eari g. t appears t 0.- e'L
41 f5 1 0 1 h
a oint, too], ompany;. ayLA rl 01 -
;a�mbettk'a attitude 'in the, . -C y bar,
)OPutieal to-dav ascoild ingAhor
0 the revision of the Wallon On-'
-Meiico'! on Saturday, S6nojit
ougr L a , ea ' utjfUIL 1,7, L me -a 9,
balloon aico6giou without a car, and 'pertm
more, nature' I ""art , od
OPP P9 �., O'�
With- t&�A-66: di ffi&ulty Ana
't t
�Uot bo�daiiuted b ' di en or 6v.e4,L
seemed fireaten!
dUt.L' 'through the skin. Her: buir A0
of.�',tbo bua,6f..tbe.pdrost white, and hung',�
ful the postl
f: XsthetioiB A 't''
M L ris Pued �by-- a
unPi6etlefl, n in
1' a' ef 'ClicarL ("leberty'L
menV It is- year�zlo as
'I "'o nedgbb oring- armors a so mur
pe I r -mont 1l; insidad"of, p , ure 'h' a ' sing,the,1ogs
titution was firmer and more rita
forming on'the 6fi
, , to or,
dig upon her a drp.ahouldery; fici,:
was hdrdlY 91146ionfto" 6
', a
!By saY�
o a invited.tolll the'
chii 'of Nature,
ard'feeding' 130 VeS.'L ne 0 tthe�,
aiti t a lb t
con I Ions; an 0 in 01 a weeM
ban ever. As the reading oUthe document
�lbhtqgfobrtb�:L of a mile'-bigh' t a balloon
jatigue,'an' tor''p, I t byll-ii a . T6,�
bogs, food
vent on'the
.an gir teIt
a the ifo
1, rse I -round crushO4,
liphiee one resu haiiaid';'is
orrifie At
i d!
sery an poverty' -befbr
.'It is'l thiie,000 jeolr..
ba -oil
thidig,,� ing" to'� W%11":'L�':
, , , . 4L
: ,
Ili he the�.-rimkvf
dinor6chil an';' a' ter
note an' Ing, an wh An.
lbui and. a :half', M. Gambetta
I -
th' Ministerial bon 1k not
"t"'A. tb � � ,
0: L a�nk;"
h , '' no I u e,,,,:
St: T ordM- 1
shrink back in abjeet'.
81 O',r th �' L
"d' ber''-sa-e, �aho er woman,
gaps, c OB,. al Ver
. " , ILL, _ 1 11 1
APr.eka stating t at' QB health
to' Naple4 con sai h
t :' � 6 ali r ood'
a P �h to t
tL It
I � appear ,
Lis pla6ce on a
with keferen
, I ce
iwice durfhg� e, past-, six :w6fi1he, 68"t
35 age,: al 0' scantily,
i avp
factoryjand- at the end of.ihii� on con
LE61f a dozen h an a were raisear to Upplaiia
Lim. He did not iftetall, ventureL b,preas
t he �13 fid'gtow�bl of: children have
been al BoUliOu, bfthe'Sam-P�,
n Al
Le as. L
ng ac Iiiger,s'a A'rLV'.il
of� pipp, a di-Uut@ n�;nco
Was:,every, Ind'eatiolli if f,the misery d
h usissm.
:�U�n n �o groat
h%% & �bi
oniy.find sh .� The company 0 as in,
'withAhe keeping,of 66seve li a
Lie -points to an.immedlite:s6lut]O��byl k
to the dig�bs ion'
ritan H I'L Iii$ea of taking
Q�P;, nThe
b which she had passediL,
I C at
ar an too r ha'given 020,0 0 td',1663
Suit. n
U gole
domukred, -hence the J d
ng the Chamber eel 8
Lrgent. A good many .,seemed
this as "a
the average o a ar a nuubbdi'bf children-
b'B" ad-
measured once 'Opted' ib ' I f
Q P -an 0
is 0nlv 0700..
Ry Is n �has giveh.,.u'
ap -th
"Sh I,Want6d,, but'l §dAreely
6 inqUirod wb at
'bid tho-h to,lbe�ll bar, and with
Calif6inii'Mabiby. Of 8ciencle;- tbe iii come'
f 'hTh" I& t b If d t
0, ' &PP IS o.,,toriginsl
., . 'L. � . �,:
give for the'Plaititiff.
ncliri,ed to regard' moderation
onfession of M. G mbetta7a'weakne or
least, 66mbroihisI6 The-
in r,of orma
measuring a n be' of, n
grwth, bmught up Under average circum,
arship of .,a-rrXO 19
the Vi
boo to-'alse'umo, Is 1p�
tied'*'' I dropp',ad'
c6in�,'6 i-l'in proceeded to.apprisp,
tog- IIL the Far' eat.
ne Car , the oldest woman
is 1great acvAt 't a ;R oyal'.
British avy-yArd of,Chatham,.1 acon"
0 say the as
many Lines; 'Pg
'By 'this '
Is of,thtj
, Buffaio;�,aied
I IFriday at. the:age of
Of - the' necessity f6i completing,
ieq.uel will show, however hat -it
y L .
nere piece of strat egy. V leaving the
'bomber a few days for reflecting M..
-their rat of, i6cicese. r' no the
annual a te"of, " I , :.L'" f - a, i � . I 1.,
growth,- was oun . o vary
etween: two' andA ree 4nobes. for Z'h
"'he was made the -f bi -a
Barrie Pion o
11 1 . �L ,
t6stimon il,�and-addess At the hands of is
chiritabl fistitutionfjl� the is 'al d ' A
, r I
-refused, to aid the' woman an 'itw a
lava� the
!104 ybarg�-- Mother a sh , a was
"Okii in 'an
't lass'at�Ifie
before -the, presexit' an as
Afired Role, �Uow't in , hand These.
-It win 'over 'a
�ambetta k nows that he'Wi
Lumber of hot-headed bUtL Weak-minded
had, a vote beon6ken
per year. �.Dr. Boulton- believes th�at,'
"an a child varies niore than quarter
inch'annually, -dr'wben the. ino
lit i
In the llluntArig- Field.
out critics bot�tice;them t
h tice; them t he,
had takeii'the extreme, me sureg is
me 1 0.
n 0 n
'Tha-case is b6ik 4
. � I J .
a rapping; rosy-( 3heekdd
thoreVOlUtjOU'of .98i
Temvigro� and Cr6wn Frinco of:Ger-'
vessels &to tliIg Toly' �the�Ajsx i, an
the' A gamei
§490 Otis, and' -6,( hlirsi,�
Opponents, wherqao
his afternoon he would, almost certain ly
of an reAge
bf weig t does �not corrodpond
h with:th6
i A ideints'have to.
nebtly occurred in ilia: bun iing, flold'id Eng'
1- 1.i I I �L
I . 1,
inany:are t
repute d Ve - ryLeasy-going,mas ersi
iii their r6dpe6tivb 2t aobablishm,am�q.'
powc The P.Oly I
t 'd d 5�500
prlpv..o ter,
ve been beaten.,
sterday's London cablegraImB so a
ye c'ri
-within a margin
height' AMa,fierI4
Seven Pounds _tba� it ig ajjfe�to C�nel�aeL
� .
-dibb � A"
ra jo' fe r 0
la d. L a
'I h uti�g,,,.witb 'th B61volr
DneVer saw, a gar.'
-,Holmes says
for inn or maid; tUrd-'
the bell, isl l6ng*hile in,being,
/ L L 111. .
the latter hog a Way o oUppo $ingL' th9lad'
'borse, power., al at
4 10,000. era will a" �dolstsl
losa% opermaeasom opened At Her Majest�lg
Cheatre last night ohbn' "rin,"
the child's is not gpo
ig InIking is systein,
some disease inLh L,
-'b�uuc and
sPramd big wrist, Seriously,
1, dek- -Rev.-T. Hbath ;
naveil6a, a chair too good -for a cobbler
;�g`to in
or or agam;,
vbich proved a great success. 'The rinop
The curious i fact., thdt';16s , 'a of
weight:�klways the' a
gligl I yJnjure
�folloWjn�� li D k
co.t(�,'�while t e" U 9.q
wcooper�OrLa' 11 set ,'never a uso,
t6o head.
has been appoilite&
'4ucoessor fo'Mr.Vuriela; Q.'O.,A6 lecturer
At: the recent demons r tion,at vondalo'
kr. Peir�ell'g ioldo*; there
,na, Princese,of a
Argo and fashionable Company'.
ljoundsi cam6tb An UhU sl1y'fQUl OU'eei'
his horSo 'the gains a IPP;
a amen S:L 9; 0 us" the - orious the
are no op good -for 'the
C LaW: 7' in McGill Univ at
r a
a A' in darti
600 rt ng a.,:, I I I " t* Pg T
'manure era ion. he -
2 f, I�
The land reform, candidalburo :0 ow.
T t 1
49-a tempt o. ightthe�streets 6f)Giver-
I I L fence intol
ditob�Aud pitebingbini . " : ,
h , , ",
, ii� w 1 legance. fit§'. man. But do
laity. Mr.,DavidSOUL:15, 6 graduate -:6 f the
'1V do almd:'
d" mater
t;riiyersi an wx
and 183 PI 9 0,113.9p
d:Lwith ,
men were de6or&t2 green' no
andson, tenant farme.ri for' the North
a, receives, a- hearty
1iding of Yorkebir th
pool b�,electricityjs to,beaiscontillued. IV
is sad, tru
that, the sh :Electric � Li �ht
an. adjoini field. i6m,thb Severe sh
Mr. Heathbote received,
t I th 36e. i0ola ai, little more
no Va 0, C I , .,
eyL an"
are wofthand sometimes , mort
his nIgW�Pesi ion..
oul t
and the horsba* green �oujbi. Miwia
Upport of the. whole Liberal- party.. Thig'
ridicates the icadin e9got-M ibe'ral's to
but offibottial mdagnre�.ofa'OPI'
Conja ny, have � lost a4.large . sum.'In..Abe
course of.tho� experimIpritB which have been
'The contract' between the Edi I
he k6inaing in, a n 6
rious ��tofidi Lord Gray
isx orse
C; h hgany -we br-ing" inoge a.
'�Yi6usie-f it 6 ma it
�J lad. rather: dal'iny:difiner 6ffl%e
bar _6F _r
the f"bio
go;tton,�: to a is
'Original sketch fo
the Vg, blown to pieces by
th6 cIO-S durig,:,bat� was, pord
Which rose, the bfty ofis, Tbo tigb'. Land-
d i
19rd -Which, *As rhoah, N I Arge
6 Illioderate
11 ,
orin in h�&i 6iae!a'spee*'on
burgh , Town., Coup and th
0,1 'a " Anglo
Wilt6u:VAS OU
thre �v'up 'its 'logd; strikifng,,him
& 1dreSs after n of John
th� Baptist in'the' wilderness
go In f,
dynamite Ail 'view,6 tbe.
fouxprong9d fork, &I nid greatenthusiMillh
Churaday' a�oid6d the 6tatem'ent'U'Any
a ril'
'onthee 6, witli great: viol B riggs,
yjife, than 6onbum'SO si on, a
block all#; all- -myself
foo"?, realistic, indi
exb&tioriA And bursatim,
* L6 I L, , , a or
mogrammo, indio a-of,,'Prince'
SL street and rb,bridges'with:,the.
blectric� light has been
6 for. the last, Seven years hashed a large
j'k . d
before I g6i � to a bom e,�' a 9 muc It
... 'b�
dent has Be—
are:offerbd by -gr; Gb6tge Mfinib"the Now,
yrk ublisher, �ibo Dalhquaib dollogo�:im'
be easier transf Sri cati n
so 1� Oil'
. " , , , ! �1 , .- -
Stud of: hUrifinn st sugisinbil
r by.,
pairiel with the out6ide','wilien'. tb'e*.A' p�i' w
L, de as
ssS that h5VO'
Huntly:: Should'
nd a out r"
If entaffs and a
enant improve an r-
6 youlig lady's letter
An dayou know, Maud and I are
oi fracture of the �911 I sing
iis" horse while hunting: with
as hollow as an emp y nu t. B6AUty'.
great' thing, but beauty� of gaimenb, home.
f tory, -it I is pro' bablpihaf be'
)'Proyd'upoatia Ac.
re ju ior sibibiti6no
16' f, better d r
1 1- 1
0 C a
nl� at. Thig'lt t un derstoo 0 C
sure Capt,'P6pple. had Aaken.' too, much
champijua alb,66 lball, for he took Out i4
the'Cheshire houiLde at T At
a nd furniture are tawdry ornament 1 com-�
I �ared with doin6atic love. 'All tbo elegance
'will be require to resign tbaAgot -and
ribb6ii 6fthd Thistl6i ii
ton junior�bitrssriea ;'�jn Ootbberj' Aia�
senior'-6xbibitio tefi,elinior bu
These, Bibibiti6li.,
leb the Libor IS', k
Mints OuL �W r
wat6h,and looked hard it the back it,
Tho Duhe'of West mm�t6r Is, tb�#kingof
im the world will not,"inake' a and I
eky�,t6na6j6ud on such,'pdliilbg�, And
my .06ul"t J
�usjng, iopo*er a''landIbid!.to' e'the
wpu d give mote or , A' Spoonful o ; real
aL o6lopenjoij of' 8, A� Most 0 or�ble
'PerIX n
a6m6natute Ao�
Th rego 4 the Temper , t
and the Guiteau trial:
English' -criiies *itn''10 ics
'hadn't any ht
ce BUrd1bed 'Ifiniv
Speech il�; oing cirou a
teriant§ un er�l consume
t t
a Ike. H6 Son OU
to' isioti -, to .:i6v6stiggt6, tbo
Co 11
gorg6ciisliess all. the _,inooqiiivoca16�PoS1tion.
can ge;
Fund of :the Caiiads� �Ptggb�tofi
lb� t $500,060 *ill,bo,"idedilk'
Ing: 0
"co"niniehlb. , The-, Daily
the,I),oviiiii6h t'
by dbvbrt
if% tkfe� report favorablyi!46;
_'AV:tbe,recOP lou�given to'bac6i Wilde,
London on: Satuirday by: the .
Aaliengeaj its t
igra, ion
is likely to .
1, ))a adeons bf the conditions'
r a of a.w6rld's faii,in,Bdsiou
3he abithete, At NOW'yOrketh6 even-
mittee of the Presbyterian N un on
)6ing � maintains rt
a o
that BlAine'
officlIA19,ana, produce much good
vesults in thavay otattt"t in migrant
H to a
"0 i 6t6lI that' haO.a6fihnnoys
oned.- was 01eAty and
ing, A SOXIg Lily
wea , The; Vs;llo�
fund i's claimed by the rinniorl 111HAV-dW
isabribiien '0
a a --ii j' both 'Amo 'b
Over ri
giln" 13'
'0 I : . . � Pl
-9 0 a.
a a. : "I
fit:V r VA ;)news
Tho'fir a
91 all. 1 11 a is