HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-01-26, Page 720
Tke ai
Never neglect a Cough or Cold .as they are
very apt to lead to Lung troubles. Dr. Carson's
_..Pulmonary Cough Drops havea wenderfiil
effect in relieving:and curing Coughs Colds and
all affections of the throat and hangs. AS Dr.
Carson is•a well known Canadian physician. of
over 25 years successful practice, there..is little
wonder that his remedies are so popular 'with
the Canadian people. J. H. Combe agent for
Clinton. •
COTTLE.—In Clinton, on the 20th''i$st., the
wife of Mr, Geo. Cottle, of a daughter.
WILSON.—In Clinton, on the 18th inst., the
wife of Mr. S. Wilson, tinsmith,' of 'B'eon.
You i40—JONES,—In Grey, on thQ 141h of°
Dec., by the Rev. Mr.' Armstrong • at the
residence of M., Lindsay, Mr. Young to Miss
Jolles, all of Bruoefleld. • '.,i
BELL—SALTS.—At the M. E. Parsonage, Gode-'
rich, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. G. A.
Francis, Mr. Percival Evans- `Bell .to blies
Caroline. Salts, both of Goder(oh.
JOHNSON.—MCCONNELL.—At .th '',Manse,"- Te•
v bIr.
-ley. the .18th
0 on by
Loud,Jae: E.Johnston, of Bieniarek; Dako-
ta, to Fannie, eldest daughter of David Mc-
Connell, Esq., of High Bluffs, Manitoba,
• (both formerly of Clinton.)'
RA'rswELL.--In Goderich on the 24tli inst.,
Anna E. eldest doughter of Mr. S.' Rath"
well, aged 10 years.
county Sabbath School Convention.
The proceedings of the Convention will'
begin at 1:30 p. m. on Wednesday, Feb. •Sth',
the sessions during the two days to be held
in the M.E., C.M., and Knox Chnrcbes,Gode.
rich, respectively. The addresses to be deliv-
eretl a+ill be as follows :
14. E. Church, beginning at 1.30 p: m.:
The President's Address:
The Sabbath School of the President, its
Place and Power,.iRev. G. Webber, Exeter.
Home Influence, how it can best further
Sabbath School Work, Mr, Geo. 'Baird.; er.,
Lesson of preceding Sunday taught :to
an adult class, Mr. J. R. Miller, Goderich:_
Personal experiences of Teachers of adult
North Street Methodist Church, beginning
at 7.30 p. m.
Temperance in, connection with the Sab-
bath Schools, Rev. Mr. McDonagh; Clinjto;n.
Christ, the Teacher's• Model, Rev. Jas;;
Caswell, Dungannon. '
Music. and its ,Advantages in Sabbath
School Work, Rev. P. Musgrave', Seaforth.
A permane t afire•eure for'diseases, disorders, and
ailmente,o ihe,Kidneys Bladder and Urinary Seers
tive Spate , Mee, or' attendant eomplaiots—causing Pain
an small of Baak,; Mee, &c,:Gravel Catarrh et.'the
'Bladder "and Passages Bright's Disease, Disbetes,'
Dropsy,"Pil s Nervous Debility &c "`
Pamphlet and Testimonials can be ebtalaed•from
PmeEs—Childs: Pad, $150,. cures bed-wetting Tie-,
gtuar Padr
2.: Special Pad
.Ser Chronic ,Discases, $3,
Sold by - :rn.
WATTS & C`0 Clinton,
R. W. T$UBTELL Teeswater; W. T., BRAY Wing-'
.ham ; LAWRASQN & H-tMiLTON,.Btyth J S. BO-
BERTS, Seaforth; G. II, HENSO.N,'.Balfield,,;S.'
M. E. Church.,;beginning. at 9 a. m.:
Conditions of success-, Iitl sabbath. School
'reaching, Mr. H. Le sden; Meaforth.:. -.
Normal Classes, iIr. J. C.. Stephenson,
Blackboard Exercise, Mr. T.Trewin,.131yth.
The week clay work of the Sabbath -School
Teacher, Dir. 1', U. Pickard, Iiohnesyillc,
M. E. Church,"heginning at 1.30 p. m.:
The benefits of Sabbath .Sebool preparation
classes, Mr. 1'. McGillicuddy, Goderich.
Blackboard review, Mr. J. Connolly,
Knox Church at 3 p. m.:
Mass meeting of Children. Short addresses
by Rev. J. Pritchard, Auburn. Mr, James
Goderich. Mr. W. J. Clark, Exe-
ter. Mr. J. Thompson, Clinton.
Knox Chnrch at 7.30 p. n'i.
The claims of the Lord Jesus Christ upon
a, Rev. It. Thomas, Clinton.
What means should lye adopted to interest
:hose indifferent to Sabbath School work,
Bev. Dr. Williams, Cioderieh.
' Xadniurad .Mourttcnetle
Of .thc Village of •Blyth, in rile County of `Huron miller
M11HE -above.' named Edmund blountoastle, having,.
made an assignment of air hia real estate and per-
sonal estate and effdilte to mo, the undersigned; for the
benefit of his eredifprsAll,persone and firms having
claims against tlie•lesill ,.. Edmund Mountcaetle aro re,
quested to seed 'to me, on or before the: FIRST :DAY
or "FEBRUARY1882, the particulars of their • claim,:
in detail, giving, dates, items and amount, accompanied
icy a statutory decldratioii veryfying the:.correctneas' of
such claim, and particulate; and further- take notice,;
'thatafter the said day I 'Will 'proceed to distribute
the assets in my handy,. having regard', only to :• such.
daimons hage been proved before nte: Andper-.
.s ifs indebted' 'to 'the said. Edward Mountcastle 'are
hereby notified that the .antodnt of -their indebtedness
must he paid to the forthwith., .
Dated at the Town of *Clinton, this 4th day of Janu-
ary 1852. •
• 1G LQU }1,
' Manager blolsons-Bani Clinton.^
Astenlsl Ing,' "Sncecss.
It is the duty of every person Elio has Used
BoscnEE'5.Gmet .N'SYRUP to let its ivbnflerful.
qualities bo kite dnown to their friIi iii curing 'con
sumption, severe dougha, croup; ,isthpta; pneu,
mourn', and in fact 1111 throat and. lung disoaseS,
person then Use it without immediate relief.
Three doses wiITrelfeve, any catie;'and we con -
Sider it the cltity,nI all druggists: to raconite eta.
irF to thpe nor dyutg ponantnlltive, fat -least to try.
one' bottle; -ma 100,000 do0cn bottles Were sold last
year ;and Sao one easo•whero a t Tailed was,report
ed. Such a inedi'oineas the. Gernian;Syrup .can-
not bo too Widely' known Aslc your druggist,.
about i t Maniple bottles' to try Wird at 10 emits.
Regular sir0'?5 ecnts.. For silo by d. 11, Combe,
ewton , Dennis
ire removed
avis', Albert Street,
Hair, dressing; sharing,shampooing, &e., attended ;to
4:L[77ToIN 7+k/titIiPA'S .:.
,Ian 25, 1882 •'.
Wheat, fall, V bneh,- $1 28 t 1 30
' Spring,. Pteclehaf'f, 1 97 a 1 23.
Fife; 1 30: ' a 1 32;'•.
Oats, 0.37 • ay ;'0 38 "
Bayle, , .0 75 ,a - 0 .82
Peas, 1) 75 a 0"80
Flour, 6 00 a , 6 50
Potatoes, 0 50 a 0 60
P,nttscr) • 0 18.. a 0 20
Eggs, 0 18 a , 0 20;
Hay, - 11 00 a 13.00
Hides, 0 50 a 7.,00''
Sheepskins. • 0 75 - a 1' 00:
Pork, "''' - 7 75 a 8' 25
Beef, 0 00 a 725
o tON
Crockery, Glassware,, &c■ '
O tili�al -aid Cornmea•l • •always •: