HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-01-26, Page 5TOWNSHIP COUNCILS.
The'municipal council 'electof the towiship
of Rullet. net at Londesboro, on the 111th inst:,
according to law, made and subscribed their
' respective declarations of office and qualifica-:
Hon, and entered upon their duties for the pre-
sent year. Minutes of former meeting ,read
and confirmed.
- Moved by J. Britton, sec. by, Jos. Howson,
that James Campbell be an auditor for the
present year.—Carried.
The reeve then appointed Georges. tophenson
the other auditor for the present year.
Moved by J. Mason, sec. by J. Lasham, that
Rpbt. Smith be re -appointed assessor for ,the
present year, at a salary of $90.—Carried.
Moved by J. Howson, sec. by J. Mason, that
Thos. Neilans be re -appointed collector for the
present year, at a salary of $90.—Carried.• '
Moved by J. Britton, sec. by John Lasham,
. that a by-law be prepared and paseed to. con-
firm the foregoing appointments.—Carried, '
The by-law was then read and passed.
Moved by J. Britton, sec. by Jos. Howson,
that the application of Richard Adams, for the
office of clerk and treasurer, at a salary of $180
fox both offices, or $120 fur clerk, and $60 for
treasurer; be'not entertained.—Carried.
'Moved by John Britton, sec. by J. Howson,
that a by-law .be now prepared and passed fix-
ing the salaries of the township officers for the-
, present year.— Carried.
The by-law was then read aid passed.
Moved by 3, Lasham, sec. by J. Mason, that
the following accounts be paid, viz.;—J, Wil-
liams, repairing road scrapers, &e., $7.25 ; Jas.
Fair, plank for bridges, $9.91, and the account'
of W. Ir. Hansford, stationery, already paid,
$4.50 be passed. --Carried.
Moved by Jos. Howson, sec. by J Britton,
that in reference to the communication from..
Rev. J. Caswell. just read, with respect to his
dog tax for the years 1880 and 1881; it is the
opinion of this council that, according to Chap.
194, Sec. 5, Revised Statutes of Ontario; -'Mr.
Caswell is liable to ,pay his dog tax for the .said
years, and that it is the collector's duty to col
lett the same.—Carried.
Moved by J. Lasham, sec. by J. Mason, that
the clerk be instructed to send the minutes of
procegedings of council to the Clinton New Era,
Elyth Review, and Seaforth Expositor news-
papers, providedthey will publish them.free of
Moved by J. Britton, sec. by Jos. Howson,
that 820 be granted for filling ;;ravel on con. R.
12-13, lots 9-10, and that the parties interested
be allowed to perform their statute labor for
1882 this. winter, provided said., parties' are all
agreed so.to do, and that the Reeve give an
Girder on the treasurer for said amount, when
the work is completed.—Carried. • • ,
Moved by 3, Howson, sec. by John Lashanq,
that the application of J. Neilans, of the Sea -
forth Sun, lust read, to tender for the township
printing, be laid over.—Cerriod.
Moved by J. Britton, sec. by Jos. Howson,
that the following accounts for .gravel, as paid
by, the treasurer, for the year 1881, be now
passed, viz. --F. Brown, (50.55; J.Walkinehaw;
$19.90 ; A. Reid, $23.60 , J. Aikens, $10.50 t J.
Mills, $10.80; J. Culles, $1,40; T.. Brownlee,
$12 ; J. Thompson, of Wawanosh, $6.15 ; W.•
Mains. $1.20 ; J. Stavely. $16.20 ; J. Lapier,
$3.50 , R. Jackson, $3.30'; 1E. Sibben, $4.50
W. Sanderson, $6.20 rJ., :Thompson, of Mc-
, Killop, $7.OS; W. S'hobbrook, $3.75; F. Fowler;
$22.15 ; M. Quigley, $11,'95 ; J. Garret, $8.60 ;
J. Gorier, $18.90 ; 3: Ward, of Goderich t?.p,
$1.95 ; T. Nicholson, .of Wawanosll,, $2.10 ; 5.
Cole, $7.75; R. Ferris, $7.95; T. Martin, $6.25;
W. Ball, $3.80 ; W. Dunlop, $9,90 ; J, Lawson,,
85 cents
LWhitely, $3.85 •1.Wallaoe,$
1. Nisol, 52,30 ; J. Alien, $0.20;
and that the
following unpaid accounts for gravel, for 18$1,
be paid :—J. Aikens, .$2.85 ; H. 'Lamar,. $1. r 0;
R. Cole, w
"—C $1.50; T. Bron,y$2,115; J.EFraser,
52.90,arried. .
• Moved by J, Lasham; sec. by J. Mason, that
each of the members of this comici.l lie and are
now appointed road commissioners for the pre-.
sent yeae,at $1.75 per day for services. —Carried.
• Moved by J.' Howson, .see. by J•, Britton,
that the following indigent persons be paid the
following grants. as charity, from the lst Inst.,,
John ' Hobson, one dollar per week; to be ex -
ended under the direction of J. Britton.; Win.
IcKenzie, one dollar per week, to be expended
,under the direction of J. Lashatn•. Mrehael
O'Harn, 61.45 per week, to be paid to Dominick
Reynolds, for his hoard, lodging and clothing ;
The Couneilenet at Varna, on the 113th /net:
and the following, gentlemen having made and
subeoribed the required deolarattons: ofquahfl-
oation and office; took their seats, Wm. Gra;
ham, Reeve, Geo.•Castle,:.Depnt-Reeve, Peter
Douglas, John Torrance and John McKinley.
Cgunoiilors, Minutes of previous meeting read
and signed.
Moven by Geo. Castle, .see: by John Torrance,
Geo Stewart be Clerk of flue township for the
Tear 7,882 —Carried.
T1te aounoit then :adjourned till one. .o'ologk.
On a airl`,taking their seats;' it was' 'inoved G"
Geo. wefts, gee: by:John "McKinley, that the fol:- •
lowing of cera be appointed in this"township
for the present year. Alex. Sparks. assessor;
John Reid jr.' Treasurer; John Beatty, Auditor;,
Andrew Stineon: Caretaker; and Joseph Hie
gins, Collector, ..if his health permits.—Carried.
The Reeve .then. appointed.geo. Baird, sr.,
Moved -by Jolla Torrance, see. by Peterpoug-
las, that the following gravel acequnts be paid:
Wm, Bell, 8116 ; R. Moines, $10,86.—Careied.
Moved by John Torrance,. sec. ..by John Me
"Kinley; that Wr;,Edger's a000unt Ior:repairinig'.
soraper' amounting to $4, be paiid.—Carried.
Moved by Peter Douglas, see. by Geo. Castle
that the peeve give orders to the following per-
sons for ,funeral expenses for Mary Bannerman,
an indigent pperson: J. Gemminhart, for coffin,
$30; It.. Morrison' for goods; $1.33; 3.• Sturgeon,
forgr,av% and.digging it, $3;. -Carried"
Moved by John Torrance See. by Geo. Castle,,
"thatJOlii} 1ZoTfe be refunded Ifl_dgg^tax, the dog
Jiaving�lielonged?to P. Rowe who has 'left the
Moved by John McKinley, sou by (leo''Castle,
that the aboount-of John Foster; for making
ibirts and' pants'' for Thomas Kay; be:,paid,,
amount 81.25. ' • .,.
Moved by John Torrance, see. by Geo.`Castle,
that the clerk ask for tenders from. the Exeter,
Seaforth,;Clinton and Gdderich newspapers, fqr
tovt*nehip printing ' for 1882.; -Carried.
Moved' by' Peter,'Douglas, sec. by John Tor-
rance,that the Clerk notify'the Auditors to have
tbe'tospnship. accounts audited befiire the first
of Mifrch next. -Carried '1'•' '
Moved. by Cleo. Castle, sec. by",Jolin.MoKinley,
that this oouncil do now.adjourn tolmeet again
on the first -Saturday in 'March, at 1 o:olock p.m.
—Carried. GEO. STEWART, Clerks
H. F. MacCarthy, a holeeale and Retail Drug-
gist, ,Ottawa. writes,—"I was afflicted with
Chronic Bronchitis for some years, but' have
been completely cured by the use of Dr. Thomas'
Eelbetrio Oil in doses of live drops on sugar.' I
have also pleasure in recommending it as au
embrocation ofexternal 'uso
issoluton of Partners
N0Tb0Es hereby given -that the *Partner_
shi ,heretofore existing between,. the under:
t g
signed, as general • ;Storekeepers ih the village , of
Londesborough, will be dissolved°by mutual; con,=
sent on the `13th 'day of February,,1882.: ALL
PARTIES 'INDEBTED To THEM are requested to call' -
and settle, and parties holding claims against them .
will oblige by presenting them for settlement.
In' connection with'the
above announcement we' have- decided
to hold
And offer the whole of our immense stock at a , veiy slight ;ad-
vance oil cost for cash, and respectfully request you to call and
secure seasonable` goods at prices .that will astonish you.
the numberlessooh. ghs mixtures with whish th e, market
is iogqded' and that successful preparation Northrop
& Lylifan's En/Widen of Ood Liver 011 and Hypopiioe•
phites. of Lyme and Soda. It Stands alone, distinoti
is like iteell,_and hothing,.else. It embodies 'the best
results of advanced..pharmaeeutical science: It ac'
aomplishes positive/ decisive respite, effeotnaily.roliev.
ii ig coughs (when the lunger are not tuberculous or '
hopelessly affected),;.colds, larynaitie, dad diseases of
a scrofulous origin, While it does not cure Consump-
tion.it' is,the;,most:relikble•means of defence against
that dreaded seourge. The invigorating properties' of
the hypophoephites.reimburse;the` system debilitated:
by the eonatant tear and wear of e cough,while the
paroxysme rapidlydiminieh inviolenee, in coneegaenoe,
of the soothing emollient agtion of the .Cod. liver oil •
upon the: inflamed lijng membrane: Tho phosphorus',
lime and soda,in oombin0.tioii with it;, are' all natural
compohente in the construction of the bodily edifice,:::
whioh,`in a state of deeay,'l :eke a sufficiency of;thoee
elements /51hese the hypophoephitee sn iply., increas-
ing the nutritive properties,o_t.theblood and building
up and rehabilitating the tottering human etenoturre
with a degree of promptitude as astonishing nit is
gratifying to tho invalid. A.perceptible gain in $esti
at well ae'in strength ie one Of the ooneequenees of
using -this standatdrpreparation, which :both time and
experience have _demonetrated• to be fully, worthy of
thoucolirieuce-roposedin it-'�'� Prepared• byNoarunor
C.fatto, Toronto, and sold, by ill druggists
Judi ruin in diet mayla the foundat`on
ee t 0 Y. }
of cm dinned dyspepsia, •and there is no fact•lu
medical science more positively ascertained or
more authoritatively asserted than that dyspep-
sia.is the parcirt;of r host;'of bodily ills, not,•,the
least of iv Welt is contamination of.thebloodancl
the maladies' of•wluchthatisthe;diiee.t'.vonse
queues. .Thele original ,c. ause is, howcvor, thor,
oughly9 eradicated Pruni) the systeilr. by Nonxri
ROL' it '`7 'MAX'S -.Vl GL1� ,111E DISCOVERY At71).
DYSPnrTxo curs]•:; ti med(cme which orre, quires re„ulatity and pres£stence xn ats incS' to
cure dyepepsiaaudthe 10anyii1sthatari efronr
it.Ivo deIetcriousnune,ialingred>ent contain,:
ed in it; and though its action is lig ough'in'•
eases of'oostiveuees rt i ve,r pro tuc es s'riping
pains:in the ibtlolunial region cfi weakness in
the bowels 'ikon violent jper itiv d.; Itinvigor
atesthe sti stem tl:riiu h otic ne tlniii} of the in
Greased- digesaite e5tuu„1ti.ve activity
which it promotes, Aust�t s also ' most. efficient •
remedyyfor kidnn *Okiets scrofulous a,nd
Mary Conolly, $1.4;i per weeks to be paid to all disease s of the b od fehlal v citi7 )cess. ceic.,
Mrs. Hodgins, fur bar board, lodging &nd cloth- &c. Price $1.00 : emple Botole 10cents , Ask.
ing —Carried. for No RTnfOP., Yid to r4 c t t1'Ic Discovi,;y
Moved by J. Mason, sec: by J, Britton, that 'and dyspeptic ore 1•ho�v r elgter flea) s t°fac
the collector rreturn the roll to. the treasurer on - - at"0itc.oi'tiet aignattnn,•;old by ail n)edieine
.or before the -nst;-Carried. _— . dealers.,
The, council then adliluime l ttrrneet, again at
Londesboro, on Tuesday, 31st inst., at lO a.m.
JAS. Baena-maim, Clerk. .
Council met pursuant to statute, at notate's
ville,• on the 18th iust., members all pros t,
baying legally qualified, the Reeve too the
tellair, the minutes of last meeting we .t, read
and passed. . •
• Moved by -"John Cox, soo. by J , Whitely
that the cost of-thrjltuv'nicipal elections for the
- year 1382, amounting to $56, beppaid.-
' Moved by John Cox, sec. by,James- Peacoclt,.
that Richard. Jennings, bfunded one dollar
tog tax,* also' Otter, B. WI on, one' •dollar dog
tax, his having no dog.— arried.
Moved by Jas. Laith}varto,see. by J: Whitely,•
that John Colelongh a allowed to do ids sta-
tute labor on.sidel' a betti'een:16 and 17 eon ,,
for lot 2.5, OWL 10 . of 25, 8 part 25; con 17.—Car-
Moved by J hn Cox; sea by Jos. Whitely, that
the petition'of Thomas ,Woish, and 22 others,
asking aXrant to out 0 hill on sidcroad, 6 eon.,
Opposite lot 30, granted,• the mount. ,not' to
ex ce ed1 $200.—Carried.
Moved by Jas. Laithwa.ite, sec..by John Cox,
Ott the Clerk send samples and apply for ten-
ders for township printing, to Buren Record,
,$Clinton New Erit. Star. Signal, and Goderreh
"News.—Ciu'ried. . _
Letter from It. 1i. Gardiner. Bay fiehl, stating
• his wililn'gnese to accept $15 in full for gravel
and damages to land, laid over until a council-
lor see sed report upon the damages..
Letter from Air. Harvey H acke, relating to
wire, fence arid other matters, 'reeri'aud fyl'ed.
Lotter from Mr. George I'araone, asking the,
council to commence the construction of wire
fencing oh west side of roads.:and Concessiohs,
and to give a bonu's of fifty Bente• to the rod to
all snob constructed, was read'; the subject'was
discussed, but as each had a theory of his 'Own,
the subject fell through, noaetion being taker:
nor any likelihood of any. •
Letter from Thomas Naftel, relating to late
survey of sideline between lots 31) and 11, 4th
von. Mr. Naftel went at great length into the
matter, The letter oonsisting of four pages,
was. read through, but no action' taken , by
.John O'Grady, indigent. applied personally
for relief, but as he is living in Goderich Its re-
quest could not be granted. '
Moved by John Goa, sec. by Jos. Whitoly,
that the salaries of the several township officers
be aefoliowe:—Clerk, $100; Assessor, $65; 'Col-
lector, $75; Auditors, each, $4; Treasurer, $75.—
Carried. Previous to the above minion being
put, tiro Clerk asked, seeing the Assessor's sal-
ary is raised $10, the Collector's and Tresenrer's
also be raised in like proportion. This the mov-
er and seconder refused to do.
Two a•pplicatious for assessor were received,
one frdm J. L. Courtioc and ono from Wm.
Wakefield. Moved by Jae. Peacock, sec. by Jos.
Whitely be assessor for present year. -Carried.
Moved by Jas. Laithwalte, sec. by :Ulm Cox,
that Wm. Stanley be collector of takes for the
present year. —Carried,
MOvcd by John Cox, sec. byJ'es. Whitely, that
Mrs. Slattery be refunded taxes for 1881,
amount $3.75, also Mrs, Sterling's, 54.32, alert
Wm. Jonlilina', 85.55.—Carried.
Moved by :las. Lieithwaitc, sec. by J, Whitely
that J. 0. Holmes be a1lm:tainted auditor, for the
present year. --Carried. The Reeve appointed
John Connolly second auditor.
Moved by Jobe Cox, sec. by .los. Whitely, that.
the following accounts be paid:—S. Burk, gra.
t el, 40 ; Hoary Cole, gravel, per Mr. Ridout,
$10.40; Henry Baker, culvert, M.G. $5;50; Chas,
1leLitesh, rep. culvert, con. 3 and 4, $1.60 ; J.
Thompson, deepening two culverts, and haul-
ing gr:tvol, 88.50; Huron Record, balance print
ing, $6 26 ; C. Lovett, culvert on baso line, $3 ; J.
Fair, lumber, 52.55; T. Wallah, culvert for water,
eon. 6, $1.50; Jacob Millenu,, indigent, was grant-
ed 820; G. Tebbutt, lumber, $7.68; Reeve, for
services at sideline, con. 3 and 4, $5.70; Clerk,
registering 100 births, marriages, and deatba,
Pathmitsters, fence -viewers, and pend -keepers
were appointed; these will be separately notifi-
The oouncil adjourned. to meet again on the
third Monday in 1?ebruary.'
' JAMES P\TTON, 0101k,
'1ii.Y+l .0T6V7. 7,a.L 1. 1;];h 11;n1Y
:Phis well•known ntedicinc iyno.iuiposition, ),iii t
a sure'and safe remedy for Female
and ObatruttionS: from any cause whatever, and. •
altlrougha"powerfulremedy it c;ontalue riotli
'nghurtlnl to the constitution, To married 15-'1
t' es it is peonli'arly suited.; It will, in a Sliest
t si c; bring on theMouthly period with re gut ar
ty. In all6asosof ucrvousand spiniai affection
pains inthe. back and,iilitbe, heavmees fetigite •
on slight exertion; palpitativa of, tho least;"lid s
teres, sick headaches whites and°all the pain
fel diseases occasioned•by.a disordered sy sten)
these. Pil1ev3f11-. efi'ect' a cure •w1Len ail other •
means havo,failed These Pills ltava never
failed,iwhere tits directions on second 'page' of,.
pamphlet are :FOr full partieu
larsget'a pmmphlet tre.,,of the.:i ettt i0
MOSES;;'NEW '1[ORIt:So.le l iopiietoi 1_,99
1281 bents for:posta e, e..e•.iused to Northrop d•'
•Lytnaii; Torolirn. t)ccl , general agents for the •
Doniinion,'iviiltosure a bottle, -containing over
60 pills,.byreturn,01 mail. Sold in C linton,'by'
J. H. Combe and Watts'& Co , and,' ill medicine
go �s; Flaane�, Iltacoys, Uniorclothing
Clouds a and Wool- Squares --prices will .astonish you.
few of OOP celel raid tlstor Owitakstill oll hard
gar alas,tre ad Iiilade Clothin .
eeided- A GAL S i/�.n BOOTS and SHOES.
Remember the goods must be sold, and bottom
prises will sell them.
Call and .be convinced that you': can buy goods
cheaper naw than you ever bought them. before,
The Te will, undoubtedly be ' a• rush to secure_ these goods,'
and i�c�"advise our f lends to colas. early- . and 1 ave t e advan`�.
tags of a full stock to select <from.
Kiss 3110.—' Ta2Juon ZY," the new and oxtiuislt
little gem for the teeth and breath; hak a boati-
fully plated metal screw top. Try it 5 cont
he_ eases o
And the surroundin g ouuntry are invited
,come ant!, see
inter Millinery an
Staple Dry Goods,
Which iielis 'now offering at a reduction'to make
room for out Spring stock.
made over in inost fashionable styles : .:
'air A Liberal Disca,unf for, Cash
vatorti,A. sr OL NTODT:
A •
If yon are amen
, ofbueinessweak•
oned byYthe etraln of
your dSuties avoid
,thy,alante anrd neo 1
Hop Bitters
If yon tire young ant
discretion or; dbiielpa
ries‘ or einglo, old or
poorheeltb or.laniuisb
nese, Lely on , iii o p
..Whoever yov,are
whonever.>You feel
that your system
steeds eleansln , toe
ingpt or et thulgt)ngt
take' Hop
pepsin, kidney
oru'rt, 0y�1�5 rnit
of the, diseee
of the stomach
iioer ow i t i es
You will be
Hop Bittera
tm wo ti and
ilt tritod,try
WI ,t may
a:awoy our
life: ithan
saved hqns.
drede4 •
tt you area
man ot'liit•
night work'. to roe -
tore brain nervo and
rcavto U.06 Hop B.
suffering from any fn•
tion if you -are mar.
bung, suffering from
lung oa,a bed•of efok-
Thousands die an-
nually teem some
disease tf tb7L0d n by
have been proven
byatbooty use of
0. 1 Co
1ean abeolnte
ani) irresiata-
blonuro for
drunken rose,
use Of opium,
tobacco, or
mete. fiend for
AOR nr1T7Cluf,
sera Co;„
teeter, L i,
$ Tgroeto, Oat.
Is the spotof to bu our + urruture,
As we manufacture all our own _goods Wecare prepnrod to give our castoniers a bettor quality:
of 'goods for' hese monerthan ciU2 be obtaiped;elsewhere:
Call and see our Bedroom.Sets,,3 places
Uedstead, t3 lreiiu ncF Wash ta�li3°, � •M 1
IiIC.oA DFOOT do llitlX, 77 Black look, Duston.
i .. N\
ar..ware an Stove Warejioise,
.. IES.•. �11. i'JS.
Stoves, Tinware 86 Lamp goods,
3� r l'w re 19 ercliiax t,
•E0L4:11 T1E3C. , ]'CIS,. CL1.7%. 'U0