HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-01-26, Page 3d9r �1 qfM At
1� . . , I . I the nearer.: only, read -a; few extraots. It was entitled
I I tp-ewii im :no ThQa;te44* We 'could keep to t
:X, -A�40' kood peacUlefconk'atid th waallie Early pearblight. laethought'thgt,
York. he seedling the,greater' 11 Tree Planting a Duty Obligatory on tll�l
t h is White immunity from blight. would be -,obt 'promotes 76c OJOre"JO Extend
u. t fall Mr. migili that the Morr
amed State. It act, forth'thatnothing WX In
bblig go very.openit grew considerably and was a, very, fine peach'. Some yeeire -Age it- and the gr6ater,productivenesa attained,: -theligstlititerests of a country in health Pox ScRUA Sent
bjr, 1��p"er �A'Mnflplous.
GROWED Q .'Op ONTARIO after all l -to hod' 1* 1
b a � very fair crop. Tar as unsaleable, but now meets with a godi The Sockle 14 a pea3F
i'd - - near to the seedling., utility lik t is the Adair.
(Is Re , a tree planti�g. I
bred his celery in trencheB., 14511 He had. never � seen, the 4 Doctor. Saar of, the 'LSPRInGFIE -III., -Jan. -15. PDXL IS
LD —Small
Mr., Huntaberger's',experience -was,-not blight. -The Sterling -Is wpear whlqh-hb�ha
found- ;no L� diffictilty in'V� I I - �
i lture�! Steadily extending Southward, followin the
growing it. He A fou 4neve u Miobi ir�sferred 'tC "the' 'lines of travel, ;kt Bird Station, Lawrence
1waysselleptpd. a,6p6tthat �very but, besides those pro- 12 r to haye blighted � i
(Hamilton Times yoport.) he wolild as an early The(R 'knew . This paper was a,lad'L
Would 'stand oat - -any, drl ontionedi a-,
ug. t. 'This Mousl� in r n t blight.
�tte he had tieveir q ublicatiod Committee, County, business is Suspended on account
BYste]j2,of-'.wite,iig;iv�os'novi?I chim L He �peacb grow the Canada slid Ams- It-originStedLaS nSylV%nia.
a Seedling in, Pan The�, meeting, was called to order,i6t of the diseas and frantic Appeals are
it borvh�o n k6eping, Beatrice. With regard to itsmarket value be -found -for ass
The saaodiationresumed business . at 1 '2.60 knew, a ile h i k had CC, den'0 June. Afie=
made iBtace.
this afternoon.,
casionl6aiylthr iltvlatsron fie'celer"y,"and 'Thenwould, fellow the Early Crawford or it ripetted.about t6,'aamp iime
othe Mr. Beidld AM& hehad ei� p aper by r. LYNN,, Ind., - Jane 15.—A . farmer here.
Messrs. Win.Saunde'ra (London S. was finer,than what he had stored him- ;the Foster, the lattbi�taking the advantage, -Duchess. AS could get . $10 &'barrel. 'As Beale dp6ti t, What Soil and whit,60udition 46ceived, undated 'and- unsigned, a. I
Self be - Ing a little earlier, besides being a . better �o pro I ductivig I the, C etter
Willard (Geneva)j, and Alex. Haab, .-Allan ne 9, !it was the firat, except. of the surface 6oil would -beat ccindfics'tol containing two semba. aiid llowing
(IG�odpricb) were &�poiuted� a committee to The',question as to 11 Which of the new pesoh. His favorite � peaches were the MgL none. The English' -Targonel � is in
a L I the propi�r development, of,applo trees T, note I have sent you Lamillpox, go home
varieties of potatoes give. promise -of being iMouutainAoseandth Sweetwater. The early angImer pear, and he had - never, it
e"ro'nethe fruit on exhibition And report, Was, Moved and second6d'that the 'and die.". The department'will make every
The subject first discus ' sea.' was. No. 4 : Valuable aopened by L Mr. Bucket who Barnard is a"profitable peach, if not loaded geei'it blight; though, surroundga_',L with- rbport "Should: be jgopiLV6dL., as,,i6ad god' r effort to discover the fiend.
Spoke highly of the'' productiveness of the' too heavilyi. . He thought a great eal of bligted: trees of, othe'r viarieAies.-, . I TW . red to� Mr.. ea.16, and than
Wh4vaR6tieAofClemmtis are best for cul- thanks ipilde
Dempaey� 2 gave 81 pounds Late Crawford'The peach Which paid him Ddebeis: and -Lawrence, rmirely blighted publiShed'in the xl�p6ifa;s usual.—, car W111AT PAYS1ctAWS sA ,
ounds of Whielt i
in Ke aydi best'this Samson, was.Hli re"6. L� The' Mr. Saunders, of Washington', DiC.,'ho& in'
Mr. Due] y
The Comin4tea'bh th68iia of -Fruit Pick -
Mr. Wellington said that lie had 11 peach. -The Lemon, fortmed the speaker that Where &'tree *&4 ages then reported in tivor-of th6'(janadiati;
subject and,ithought Oat ixt%,fellington grown Morris White is a goo sx,LriNilico, Cal., Jan. 0, 1877
i-Beauiy Of Hebron last year, an nger *brought a, higfier, price than the washed ierce, Buffalo, N. Y,j--Dear
ble to, opeak on the to A�ter. tb, d this Cli na Dr. R.7y.
might bp better a, %iuth solutiou of. lime, carb6lic* floUibarrel as;the Size of at
.grown �theL W -Clinger Comes adikd ple barrels,, 12, —1 have empi I eye your' "Pleasomt
Mr. W'31"II&Q4 gala that hel'su, year had hits Elephant arl' Crawford. TheLemou Ith.
y r it did not blight, and he qu6irt1askets,for, pei6beo; and 3 half.-Iiint, d
report presented,. lmst� y6ar� tdu�fied 'up' potato. His thought that it was -o Votato 'in when. most Other kinds are' out. oUthe, had. reason to L believe it. He believed lbasiki3t'a'fot-,'bl'n'6',Ile'ri��r'uits.'�',- I I . ' ;, !, 1�
-Purgative -Pellet§L III my. prac ice for tbd
on t*
ppoSed Ilia
-had comeAb stay ket, and therefore Sells SIL The Sall" - trees were. be , introduced sbbi� Tbe-Goveinihant are t6bb petitioned by� ' o other alter&.
the subject as fully. as he could do-, how, One specimen - ipar W 0 t four,yearp. I now use n
o'n' Of eorriie'rr6w: varieties. weighed 2J - hich he thought,�orrj 4ay is rather too late. which Would withitand,.-disemSeL h t iake orcathartic medicines in all- chronic
with the excepti L good for Ontariot., be Fruit Gr6wera'oAsspobiation to. a
'very 6wa the above, measures legal derhnigements df the, stomach, livt i a.
Mr. � Gott said, the BarnAra was' better ithan many now lime, n. If ite
When he presented his report, on, climbers, standard. a an
ap 'f the Dempsey. .--He profitable. The Meloboton. is an be helpe'd'by-god*hreed1ngbne t would 'L Ott h f was received iffist equals
th6'rnatter could be better diaouagei oke/o poin Motion ti, 0 to or an bowels. -I knw of iiolthi g
"/of this'kind aide by aide excellent new variety. be- gaiue,4-"X pear :,th6m.
had'planted sot,
'Mr. Willard believe ere is no �cdlored a been- originated ado 4. A. MMIX'R' M�D- L
.the Earl Rose,. They did not fai Mr.Willard hail found the, early peaches from ihe Chinese San& � Mr.'Allan priented the repdrt of. ithe'� I
clematia-that bas-suversede& tb� JapqVani.' '.'with' ISO
ch beemuZ:of the dry, eather., The and the'late peaches had. B.rtleit,. and i's called the Committee on New
There 'Ma�baSOMOCUltiVatp(lin.rEngl�nd*I paid him best. bearer and f, Fruit,� which motion: Dr. Hobeitson Sinith's Election.
L Early Rose�was vC-pooricrop miid�tbe DeMp- L He saw but little difference - between the Kieffer. -Thiia,Lhe thouglit, would prove 'a W as objections ba:vitig been mad'
but they. have not been introduced here. ei at A
of. the C
Say foi/r onii. � Until peo
Mr; Beadle Sad r be thoQht.'Cdhadimn§ leirnea hOw'to Amaden,, the Alex'4hder and ther Waterloo. goo& variety. and was �ve.ry. hardy. The a ommittee on Yogets, ime6ting of 'the Kirk�geaaiorf of ih
pdL I ly twoulAnotpeirba;ps i Hethought the SlightL diffiereti between a Free
%V&tlidsuiode b6`tt6r`*ih'thb ilariety-1hat" productiveness s beyond question. The bles wad-s'bufitted by Mr.- ige,-ana vaa� Hi�h Church-, Edinburgh,
u P hold against the
Ake Hammy into the frdilit,rarX.�', ',thCs6-i�iiri6tl"e�,weri-iii��ely7due to the age quality of - late' pears - i6, influenced' very also, received as
blooma" bo-iithe new :w6odiNO:, that ir read. election Of'Rev. William, Robertson Smith
es, the-Ithterlwbirs morib'stiloot of� the -tree and the soil upon
whiter did'da'mag'e" the p ;6nts',t 'I L which they much. by the time of gathering and mode.of VT.he:. question, as to which varietyL of and the alier members ofithe�dongregatiou
hey . won d
'L i Ot g. L
bloom even from� the! Kobt.,The.el h eki,, potato. He would lils;iii 'grow, � The Riv�is had Seen� on: ei of the handlin Profitoblelo iliet?, iecelltiv Chosen as elders' or deaooho' the6e�
matis, IS r in&
0 i 6 ' of- Early Rose. 'beAt,�but-of iootender flbshr for'.general " Mr. Drury had seeti a'pemr orchard with-. was, k'n' up' andtfiediscussion ort supw,
certainly very Showy and ivibresting. theu' ta 6 gentleman were foinially.oird
Aay� at. the'olo the 7 -
Mr. Saunders admir�d,e e Mr WoodwakdAhougfit. ',the Beauty...cf, !ehipment.,-The best peaches are on the out blight, alibed,his:' d- ' ' � , � .. ! - �:, � . I � 0, ts, se; of forenoon
Hebron the best potato lie had -tried One South Aide -of the tree. :He had'�rownyer trees with raw linseed oil. .2he.Bpeaker-did Mrii;Gottj,put� Wilsou!a Albs,
mentioned several kind4, a a _puttingLtOthgM the.Aisuail,quostiona
ire y uy ..at; the
objeCtioutothe White 216p"Ut Was -its, ou6cessfully Hill Chili; .' -it Wil �oiutea by Act of Assembly, .1846- among them the Grad I "i L it subjg6j.to,' the, I endure a not say, that he washing saved -the trees. hea apF I
'a, atiet' a plrofitola� Atiawberry. Dr-
h�pp� b I he found less vary, severe - winter. ii, tfie� bast -for . Mr.:lSaundbri eedl*
extremely limirdf,'yellow , e an PC t u tl. Ing IS variety and tb
in fruit displays a m mss � of oil ' r rest a. be tban-other kinds, cauuillgt I It needi-th6roughly r�mb�y, as well as that mentioned by Mr.' The: Kqntuciy is, -the ailherence ofhe to Ihese
Mr. Morris �Of "The Willard bid gonp the, round,, 6ftbill The native' clematis, , the irgimana, is grew. the Beauty Hebron, The Sinockland Sall6way came ar�a; g6od,lbi6i,b6ril The Speaker referred, W� questions was in so far he -they agreed with
'Was Warh -4-- St. ;I id: in', 06ovs, -,Uit Mir, ob'd w rrieo bebAuse3bi.iiu ile
and Said, a y, cropp6r.� pre,,ne ru
"ry beautiful, will dudui6ay, clihiatii'ind Patrick_ and.Allpi 1bpmtis6y:.cmmC e four.* years; T.t has to 4,00 pear treesi 'priticipmll� C the Lid OW 0 raw-, of faiih ith'i,them; as with'al t
a constant -bloomer.:. rnative olant lit H y- gr
of purplw blossom, is ve . ry, Ih , And&6 L, te:' and Le White Eigplimat qu a g I a sequi t no
Th D not sny,conftiAI4
wa; the li�at of them 61ities., 8: on at ton uhesstvaiie yt,: a app ie&-&.1�d'mposV6f Was 6ial creed
M 1XII, ' . L , I L" -
7 oalt and; I
t men o iiilobaliti6a which were favorable, to it. bbsph�teor aefies. Hebelilargd. that p�Lsl&bVs"lo Thpi6
blossoms we the N,
the ,
Saunders p1linted the, ;:Dempsby Mr. WoddWW',�wduld'like to wa4h -ere not -cxni�
elms of climbef is prettier. as, meatipl rbradd -�b C!P1 Sh w.er6� suUrdiftata'� standarae; 'and were
-ke thought
but�. useful, pf��eii
Seed in
Mr.`,W611irigton aongside the Bar y �Rose and. found' ifiat, 'Who c6dlA't�lftli6- 'didbronce beit*denj 'the' isimp y received" in -AB fai� ist tp
(in ess an a reseent vy �gree
a e er ear very inferior flt6volr. t
0 psr"cent. ifi weig more Alexauder,,'EAr, ione -as- prornlsmg� ure.
or they yielded, 10 Climbers iEi 'Which, 'W'pr� ties ibea li� the Holy 8'
than the expresse -him t
very la�rge huniber of the best varieties, as� though old'w
W int very much pleased with it. P .3pper, Aakiy� Goldewwaii,,one-lbf-t ro d, A491 gh seo w RX"19, '111'
, : "'' '; i,.� n
well as %'list of the ne rodu6ed1buble, esocis- w6uld the MqAt hand664A C 9 co lWill:
r. Bucke'tbou4k no �.p,otat 't '390w-*aay.�. there. are.,00me Who
v eti6., -
no -mid ad J , on ' ri i2pd� until 'this Huht6&i' 'd
Moved 'by Mr. Beadle,. secoirlde liby -come to stay.: "`V�`Ctatbes:.run out And a 6 �6f an eb I a -, , , , I proger'giow'. a
d given 6,11 hope, of a, at' dird ju ge of mauls,'chiraci 'i by his Walk
vol.XcGill, That the report be re.6 .4 126 an voi , c L e,,.e I ye� chm r .haiir, noe6,1and-writmg or
potato. ..Thi)96 whoia.tro-duce a neW potato ai)ikil�isuilsDA I Y, JAN. 1-9. with thanks,'an,d be handed to the Public&- Mr, Willard smi a, peocti 1'lkiy�,�obAraeteristlo, no � matter *hit'it may
confer a great benefit.upon the people.' , , , � I I 1 .1 1 L� � I 1 11 .11. 1 1
tion Cori2mittee.—:Carri6d., recently introduced and he out lm�or-j
ager as, pan The' meeting re U: 'eid' 'discus8i e.. g
a in on at y :tb Long. a o;,. &,.wiser man an " our
bly. He as none.9 er now ut thb'Ear y
The report, of the 'Committee on Fences The Pre�ident:offp 8 tost=6 believed gobd`iIforc9k1nmJg;' 4t. 0,10.� incideiri"judgai gavei a better test"that oftia.
red 'bi py, on
the potato question. The Demp9ey potato id. wity. th
was read bvMriBeale,. be'. h
061. McGill, of EA,at'Wbitby; said Ita&a,seedlin av orabW a h6;wofild1ie66tnmefid;fdr
most AbsiAble' f-, A righteous man iegardeth the life
ri h pdUmtLinjM&la undorkis
ao -th'e amateur
rA h
6haa'6il hia place'& snake folice,, �ut,up47' of the U arly Rose crossed with the, �Esrly. av experience Iml culti-. add' d' v Xorm *w said thui coptai Jack:,
h 6i 6,t4.9'pyevIOu8oue,, an �tlie di ousr�. I higr but t a tender merbiesf the
Ago, made of.pifie and'de ar and Goderich Theltill A` nd rieties in oruel.11 Tbus, it a -,man is
izeof -the pots. oWs,s vating itL I &outyild all. other. v�6 ar,' widbid, n Intie'..
8, ISL r I Song Acoubt6med' to drive stiff-j6inted, raw-.
ad th&e it is new. FanIt'is bftdn foupdvithl, attained:the first year,. but qa that inside it ed t6 rg'voia� ialififiat Wtli6goi t'h d" backea, or s6re-shouldered-or a kit a imberwith �vhic�': fe rpl'."Ma a', was very, re ince 0 that the Josop me a
th' 't d advan ad as ory Amkge��" '94e .9 'ef pg ye,ow-,
a ign9i was�,jan �eioellent pear for the p;unglit - as
ose-7, uuti , I' A. jh6st'hi'ghly of n6tr!o�Ativat6d'! che. Haiy')FlkchertbeTdid taken 6i. thathe
but the fault be laid up61i"th. I io,,k e thdugi fuver I L, , ' " ' amagur. horses, it mii� be
pa' n attamsli4, great �size an is w gbb the Early PraW or know what - ii ' ' A +. , (1, a 'p. rest a Spo a 0 1 8, not m. o omon- won id,
use it. Any. Municipal'Council mAv�' 88 a, d T - nob A-strawbeiriy wo's". No on4,', i one *he r "S 1
Th rpe 'jaS
Wilaon,B mftej�_
I r )r is very, ling ary� 'There is'l -,j
by-law compelling owners of cattle, horses,: Cropper., - ItAs uniforil shape. The good, . r.W lhiidwonderidwhA 0 no a a -irruitr, itiferioii rigbteous'Man' ittle 3popasity of,
areyes are. gener y. ound; on �.on . P �end.- w9rp.- apy,: kindlaL'of -peaches less liable to re he a a AEverybodY.
quirXng sge.,�
geese,, etc., to keep them on their own la;nd.- auntil t tr e i b Pletcher. having with Such diseases as tLese
t, L t d,,,,, out, 10. years
er a FletAer. Seveimlotheir.t;AqW Strawberries' -Dr. Dow's Sturgeon 04.
Mr. Beadle related his experiettee'An the Another aavanta-e, Js.' that -the Stalks yellows than others.. Thosb 'in .1 1 . since Liniment has
T ' , ' _ --"A L h', 0 6 de be
sit f
matter of . municipal legisl�tiou in this' t k kedpih-g-ddwh'�4116 %.a I nswe on, bee� placed upon- the :mailiet,'1or it ia:a
grow Stir up, an ere ore: a a were'touched u'p
cultivatpd'� 'Borne Seven ' y�a;rg' those'treeathat Stand the'beSt. to 1. C. "Backd refe�;ed iotlip,Arntild's Pri a r ical cure for, them and is- within the
When running �'as a;., 13eev'e. o`f a .,ques -ion by the Secretary, . h dd
role 61t's the N�.x Oat Popular: reach of ev.ef� 'man' who reads thii, in d
=t 'he fo _.go h eLhibitea-silme 200 neW variptieB,' 1iBestpeaches fo"anuiog�,oi -bominipit �Oheti
In lind'his Opponent Iiais6a said ,I until Sep 6 ru
.1,63n Ottawa. man
passage the cry that becaus hewishedi the,, I . the mpsey ig �the. only, one which he Mr.' Gott thoughti"Ith6l4u4iii4ii h �F#`&' t h n6 ut Vilson's-
Y mdre;,!�.
u 0 eop� absorbed in, t e previott's. One Beal
Is -is a , grow
se Son.,,,
of a b -law. similar-. to that a okeh of he f,,, 0 b
the ghf� a Sue eiB� h Beautyi - a ver other, variety gave suo a
p -of the Beauty of H�brou als' as the, beat L or damnin . -Fo A y.' �N6 h S.
ld-injuie the poor Mau Who h n
won ad.&. YAng- - ne pear *hen grown'to perfection-. Until In JOHN,110LI(Eli, whom �th cable, an-
Vtlr� his lf6& L
Of ciiursehe*16st the Oeotion. e. M ivqriety... Th -6, W as, App to be purpose's the -Seedlings angwered - ' '- Yemr,146�1ad grown- 8 C�f thimfitfor., sure,'Crop.. nounces me Succeeding Lord Jusift4.,Lu6b,
OVed' every. f
it Fences Ci4ing or can. yea Th'Presidetit gave pre erence toWilson's
that th6 report of the Committee o hollow. rs. 011 --all the Was called"t6 th-6 bar iu.HtA, and *ao'mada
'd that, an tl�tm the Buerrb, If Queen H , ounBe in
Mr. launders read the report of, the 'Mr. Beadle sal ite-flashed' t -C ' '
be received, Bil6onded by Cc McGili, And h pears- idy, AlbAny 4nA Ciescont,ge IBM''- fi 1874' ':on the
that it be handed over. for publication, as. e on oug'ht'for- canning t d.pprtions. of -his
committe -1be fruit on exhibition, �eaches: hadbeeu�s �nd` the first place wfil�, film., �, The, pear rees On Motion Wri P�,ge. rbs foiM&tionL of-Disraeli's second
L M was recei d A of the -blattL k ' � ' I . - I . . . ve nd or ere ryin . f� -the blight mostwoib�'a ciqliai r , tion, be w." made Solicitoir7Ge. aad uiust.—Carried. motion d' d a &ppearsnce,� that�re�iiit6d. port ori'veget'"le's n' and
The President had Been railSL in L a& of �to . beT for . ward to. the Publicmiidtl:�Oom- imatherefore.1iiiiij higher Mr�,Behdle said ieg'axa 6.cauliflower
mittee. ; L ... I . I , i. i bpt-�ieeti,66ban's Suillneirdrid,theDuchb* ' _1. L I I 1 11 1. Attorney- General,i butternut that were. 90 �ld rpspect.t6.S-ee4li�gs.�Tfor-ldryii3g,4e, t k Vhe,866klei�&e too iit. was somewhat difficult raise. He-badj � it�g, " years, but be he I close. � He is 53,1And, ike'Lord
The." Best varieties and the best ra hoever:1ound Abat by,.sow.ing. later said
eth6ds no end would buy s�y of them when otrlllr Th less. & Chancellor,St. tecuirds, -Chi6fBaron,Sir
had seen some cut more recently that Stood on tivate for, 'n�q;rkgt,�Vurposes. e
only about 10 years. of the oultivatiop'of: rnelons 'wa - S�then. CoUldbp� procured keeping theut on the n6rWgd� of e:
ciultivatioit iAars h fGe better. Common, sp. th t 68t� feti0iiiisis anbein uFitzrov.Kally,
0 f -fruitpack a en u, r.. oodwara spoke highly -of, th' -copperal 'h )d his-4e�vant niald, i Miss.
t M W- vards plariiig t
In speaking on the subj ct ot, a an, as e b, 3114ges, mi6rri(,
Smith Spoke o -knewof e u, thei as going, I I high
he committee Mrii 1. f several. varieties,' Mountain Beauty., he faig in tbe'L g Sjdn� whe d, W, McHugh.' -his i's the gec6nc
Were scarcely able to. report, b he Hunter. musk melon and in , �Thel 11th I questioh7; 11 Effect at wiCter Mf.y which Lord Chancellor Selbburne hag
iDg the President said that t ecause one- of including t a of.la lie hope, of �rainr.the�, did. wall.' After, that 'T
water melons the Askew Exce Wor Land al onfruit tresi grapevines and smalflfruits,ill �Mr.,] iggar said large.,�6%rs were not t to'butto'u e. placed. the : im here,
their number seemed to think, that any one moBtprofitablb.L The Flemish Beauty,het: wen they began Conferred on -Mein of the Opposition.
3 liked. ne' led. the Cuban' Queen. The, wa6tbenU;keiiuP. found to o�arbdai in h:(8 celfai� with.6a:rth enough around'thern
section they afio�hld cheat- as much-as'bi There' new 0 Cal party
did not appear to b , e a leg&l-barrel ineagure.' lmtter� is claimed- to�-mttmin enormous grow, which "they aid very,
ut " �tfio,- __Aeasbii t1i. i I ,
size, b Wag very- dry hia"Albi l. fairly.
etter e-sesson Was 'wit respect to t e Josephiiie'� d' fPlligicians;
Strawberries, would be better packed in 31 wii1ter'FLud thc(lat'' . ..... . h h a a igns; attention and
: C
PiotL tthe largest ., Ohe'he, grq,;v weiihea. remarkable for its large Mri,� Beale sp8k6 of., aspa�agRa
baskets, as quarts'are top., t is very free from blight:L-The tcDr—��Wheplpi'seL. Co'impoui n -d
p� -7iW
biAL�5 lbs. On�. the -other sidd,"6f the line, " Mr. Saunders said �tb ' .1 of Ph,
believed, with his -.other. coll6kgu6,,- �Tb7ei7gro th, of 6
they,tt are mat -winter was* n crElixir oaphates � �miid-.. Caliaaya�,r 'a; -
should, WeIgh ao,SeVere- n Id b 11
that thereL be- - d. t- donthat not Allow ��ofitablb and t ey abou a more. arge y in T
the plum tre6$ Were, destroyed any pruning. Che ' 'c Al Food and-Nfftifti�e , onle,'t is.-
HeWas very plOased 'With it. The Gypsy nearly all cultivated. On the 6poi wherele liad:
Ornamental and --ghrub- trees ere -also !W
-it� has been n use Ila
measure. Hei thought 12 quart basket b rather late for all to sfatd that
is a very, fine melon lbu, this. grown Colons Seven rs' in succession,
�ketter than J bushels, .Dg t1lemile --Mr. Morris, had- noticed that Vog�tabl ye* site Piaciti6e, for more 'than flfte�& yolarS,
asM[6CUrin I sectidia. In cultiva ji ra t 8, d , �.' I � .11 - li' L-witb'great guccess,, he -terti yard manure, salf�nd'swamp r Ck -a
Mr. Pettit believLed.thlat it serious y. smage bi
by ght. � He 0 -0
-ground as srid. the �;-gremt ao6med,� hdweVeri the 7aP,,.fo lowed
wer �grow' ht, be,
M, -)(nbwii-ksChronic Wasting Dv1qa§esj
i:ut,br�s6of�'thbqro'w"Pt'�to',seli hig'fiuy n ade most in the treatmetitof:ih a IdlingeAfigoom'-
mgmAg', pu plaints
Mr.: Willard bad been, informed,
anyway he`cbose�i� Triere sboula';be:the �sedret in b;bustaut iriuchhuit� that 6' linost satisfactory . results; with,
er,positive go ,gL All
a r 0 d 'de oye& the iudi6jjtio�g W&'LhaVp,�to' t
rest WAS i'were generally'
c4itiiistion. Hold 1)i' )iuninj. �iao `,6th r1yarieti6s Per8jaiii.tIngeoi POWdL
e L 's-&7 Arn Id,. and Saunder6:�-efcriled;,
-the vin''i H th -1h Me r 'the cabbage: worm—
Stimer 6 made' ii�` teDd6ir'. The*' 'favorably to the and,the use in proportion of
.:4 grower. h Winter". 't. I Etouenibr, Sesu
er party.,. in''L 66-iry orm of.debility-, itid ut to it.
der to"ons: gallon of a eight� feet sp. rt eac wa was excep lonal y isastirgus.' Tyson*. one teospoonjul�of POW ditracidinlaryL actxon,�' a an, excitznt , of
could gain any advant6ge it! the w IS: y 0 y Wma '1�6t� �oigonoua Paxis-
0, So. 'L w i notaor badly affeetedi. M'r'*.,Holt6ya'se'xp6rieii66,with't 6,1)u�heas nutrW' ' d non , titig nerve,� packing he should d President Cherries ei a Ionrall )m &Ugl
Green oi'Londo
Ntieke thought fruit Should bave'a pinching til�� �diia 'off the'Musk. Inelon pant To6awaird thought the damage.,to* &-B: m.- standard- was;, very satisfactory. rp
willbe� iopnd� to�,cure, land benefit largeg
standard measure as w6ll'Ais sqbii, " it had runsbout 'twelve inch' fruit 1rees,occurred-da. the November Of The'fruit was good And brought'. Tb6 -S66ietar Mr.
y, moved, secondpd, b f- .following lie th
1880 a faiir ipropor ton -O Cal OM at'OXI'L
,to Hunteberger,' That- -the
He would like a'Teport trought;in,by'L�fhe;, Thst,juAUCOALli�terai and in
ommitte6s-�o p i� er
-bra,66hes so staxt s6id-ihmv in uAssabhusetts,
d are� fZiad the L Mr. eke tsaid his tieeswero;n6t iiie �ei rep Te reportsigiJh6 nextf
comMittee. ,thw I - 1, f � . I � � 74�, Air-emin6nt English,, irtiot; Iol owing, th&
hei�cldltivated vh�tietiba.,� ee
"I too on� Now
n bie f
growei was cufiikderea. A WA4 wihin'twd dwo the too of he'vide. IL argon, 9�id�thai�' a Puna tA61 c 'not be met�" o ;of Certain b probably right.,,I, A gr . oweir� like to6high� manuring , . For wat �66, 6imaib �was dod6 by L 11'au or 0 Ghsr9om.q, �whqlltfpi thii�m with illilminsteX,
could ep Auch didno 'The diseussion.w�:66o�tinu6d,fi)i's'nh4�r
h., 6L,tJ66 I I I 'or . 1. � ripis," pAilift6a his- latest
y out Of'I L weather in 4tin . a. 't think It6t I z C a Small qt1an ec asket: as, �,Meldfish (I -but's littl manure -in the He' dl no and a; li�lf .Ill warm seleb . t6di trees w ' er L e in ' Jure L i if t he!iiWij , iter; Commtittee�on acqUISI 6,�a' umb
Ll Spot. in '�e 'd be ilteri, laughed, or Mau
would not be a,gr A j6 ti- t' It ar� they:
eat matt B t
he h sfor..lethe
uld; AS eat is" wa growth.' thought tha on. r 'With" eSL W ich
�C h
interest of, righb� mud justice th ire�� fited. i they li&d�mom an PI
;v�lI6 Sound Al2 ques to n,
far, t Which iia a standard 4A6agure the app�ker liaa 7 n! ever. sieen m,mau d -weirs thus, bet asrs.Bucke" )Ct'6n was comhib;�J, �ho next
pr6t&ted., d ware highl ' I ' a
., )i y cc ore
'61&,ikgredd,�With the-`�,thedr am nd Tavlor.
o was sorry to -,aeb t a ques ion Oil, siof 6 tir &�btp!
r. had �ciiftiv�Aed'his "melons to6niudh ded or ateuis 4 in
(Obairinan), Page a
dropped. It was the �bdhest roW Mr. Willard. All of hia.. cheri a, n. the, Mr. Smith foun, the Highland Har
—Mebsrs.�Bemlej:W he Bostidn 4urnai1ellA:,boW a friend
Cd MitLtee 042"aA' el
such s6i!'Wit IlodiaW rn wbuld not. g s01 � � .1, , 1 1. 1' 1 1 d with.spolausei related a
.Tower. Jington and Derripe humorous y' RM
9 t d lofis� grow �bf i`30 lba. *eioht. 'Ma Ard stock- were,killed. Rebeliev�d the ��oneof-'thii on� th BL, y- I it os
ught1tV as very impor an a a seen me -0
that a Standard measure gh6uld, be, It The conata:ut- Cultivation Indian suMirier killed � the poach trade, the .Iearly� fruiteir, and theirafore obtairibil'a good, ubjeci as to whet er The sweet. stgry'of hio*visit to Now York.
was in the interest of the public that they because the penetratiob,of air W�91h�cided.- weath4r�cauigipg thbIbuds'ltd, ibfi',,piico:for it. �:'Th dhstnuk� is-& profitable tree twouitiv ate,f6r eating along: tiMe, van a vaiteir he comes'.
and,'th H -and be:say, Ivilyou af 'son i -s The Mountain Sweet, he 'thought, ethe7 t Wdel �miged by�t -,'dbld hi� iii dr Alkb i1filholil is'
nicest flavoed it, "" � b 'wpul to caltiv%te"
should know just whai'they wgre,payirigIo. The . hey afar"idii Cop It iedings
d , nd; I gay N�, I: vill not,; pring
'Mr. Arn6ld a crb Mr. Biggarthought &I' L fruits. should b but the Black Spanish t t eiitb4st, r4spberryot aid it 0 I .. , . 1. . h 'hi. L j 6� e weigh b6finelons.t' The,seea Ur" 'to thi cii stout trees where tbeywill gr w. a -anodder. Alice, of: roast peef.?
'4o)dbyweigbt t1i game gs��grapes,eSpe.XgEW81 Gott'said ho� had suffered sevc 64od a was me in tot hit.
cially referrino topeaches, p�G h ' und Where Mr.Pager thought a, chestnut. :tree 70141, Tiees,� during: rain �B�drms, �retain vast
nd plums. is:Pown in - t w- gro they'groW; aiad� enumerated mlaigb iiiinabeirof the.Cuthbertwaitho'COMM raotber for.
views 0 r. WithL
f M , -an not too early � i -the spr ing. ad to the ark6t' 17crainateur. irries, ekne not 6ear.short of 15� 'years. A good tree. ThiD soil covered.'
.Mr. Beadle agreed With tb� d'' Of gripes 'whith . had beem kill the. in'
iii: iellil fiom ouiA Drury. He did Lbot however'-,lmo h6W At 6461ock the�meetin adjourned until ground. He lost no pea h odAiA allot- nonet bettei'than the Heistein di.the Clarke nuts., 'sts r�ceivbs C f9r6 ram -
We four_
to arrive at the ge.� "The' 7.30�p.m.- Alis fruit.., —of.the red kind,: the Girook',wis,lubiSL 1 11", avin intercepted
best'Aized, p;�im Tli� Wood is il6o,valumbl"' the Mr.,
Ceti Sacom-
gonera pr
Mcij4�` Of doing to, another as he imeetiu' ng blackcap., IGott thei,�ou�g tree
g resumed afircussion, Id: scarcely: thin� th t th 'opinion, t, t Z, �t;enths.
be done by should, be cakiriedoint. p. tilipwinibir Id: to bear fruit'in from, seven 0 on Ifka,uri etatoo t at His
YCAWbuld Cold it iliblioit that, f6ir eg6fiesgs of i d b Exclletib
sflivornor-Goueikl. will make'
is attributed- to it., He. hid not iii,,, his and: beauty, of, fruit t a ,Nadmi' and at
r �r, was Opposed:to sell1ug peaches y ' ears.-
. Bead elssid Sweet'o t y, arke ;,41 rry,;',]E[i6lita�x'on-lif�riaiii'vaI from� ttiglaud-t the
"Beat varieties o corn for ta the best trees for Count
by weight, as peaches of large tits would be I W,*s 'the'bes' neighborhood 'The Cl ,Wha
killed. �'. 'The -most i intSiis'e:cofd ..'and Philadelphia ire well. known;i High-
Ourvritiklo' c1t sw6eV corn. is m , �'6�d;of��bitt�w6bk,'.butvnil�'proceod at."Once
looked for.. uCfi
Mr.. Drury . th b6ifmor iiwas 28 degreea'belor- zero. Ae. land. Hardy .,tnd�Brmudywiue :are not so
ought -a law adl� AUggeSteaL t 0 noLtiva to Gbtaw8,byqpe6i%I train.
a 8 innesote, I earliest.: ;Croib�'s- is a tahereehawer A[mased declaring tha peach bask t hoild th trlp:�view ofJkr. oodw4rdo", "proifiable 4T14-Cutlibelilt whit h.. FOR'THIM IKY4.�.Wg know,of no ill
Awo,taimso many euvi .1 C eB, An th Mr. BuAo�*,. hehi "' theisaine, pplrhipp,� it'not' qiiit6 so early. In Eti6, Penn.,,t a, tempa ppghp,,yory. ighly.p t,
c' In - � I ,, . E�L , * . ' . I 1 , " ,e trimpleand--ixuy hardwood tJree,,*ould'bb' in so shor a,
anner iLs it declares tho'cap4cii� of' -14'e not degrees lower,, and yet no -P I %lrq ti;damijeTi blaMda,' i,!
He bad'grownjhe� gyptian, but , dia, p th( ve, or in am-..
4 The. great-, as �'Goldiin Eye gmf� f
p. ultmbl.e.Jor higb"y,,�,Imnting. 'd
Winchester btishel.. like it.' Th&fW`a--da; little litter. oil herewere a a- a
Stowell,g, was d -T any pecust idd t profits le,'but like YL'tobe' a la'pgig) of ih 'I;d
The discussion Ws'S limities in donneetiou �with this question. L by the Gregg'. est-ifficulty to oy6ro.onts was th6,riinning maii6ii;'drafititatO ' n' 1, a or. imness.
for game h�ejg�6eu k6' better for� table use. The 'of catt 0. Sight
[ittler time by,the, members, present reiter, mention large I
had later if planted isiden said'ithat t ough tbo,win. Mi- rhit�
earlier kindsoan be: pit Mr. Hiin6b6irgek� x4eriredltd, the, Norway Long 4 fello * haw received 'on, invitation to
atingpreiious statements. ia;tbk. For canning, purposes the latter ter wale"er severe they had s'ufforedlfiile.� Saun4erg! -bybr'id, for, amateur `culture. holaopr oe sn(i soft suitAmble in 'Portlafid- on big Thqagli� very fine, for bookifig; its Color WAS'
Mr. Woodward said thei6 -weie but Wo 'kindB,,are ��refelrAle. � The earg sre ll�irger Thbre - were buly"two-varieties,of �S'PPJOB
i The President liked-4he' elL With beiie practi- and ib sthe cans'Of 6 ru'are''filled cheaper. th't4h were ogtioy4d �Thpy daitiat MAr et" ruWhore the bich W e- ob February 27th.
solutions to this question that w � �: SF60'n g a
u 0 rasps t to black: its , spreading ongfellow 'was borri in Port -
Be& 6
able, viz.j Belling by weight or �to- brand , M ' I ' ' ' � �Evergreeti and 0 treea, and,L stritig r-an'dord'k berry a
r.,, thi th a to- Say,' Ruspiati'varie., bi�irabes� weie, an. objection.,,.. Theelm be a., early seenty_fi�d years ago
Minnesota, an , thou 'had: tried ereinju , in
each package witbits size. he' Many ties. Some gr�pea w �d lich. Mi. Wellingu,,iaid that untillately the' 1 8-11 F� ihat'for S tholightAhe beat rtiidside.tr0b. an i 0 generally knov;
The committeeWere askedLt6 prepare a new kinds, generally: fell,. back on ihe'bld The Severe frost killed thein beforo�they FrancoiIia''aS, the b8ify'-favore . d: around, -The game varieties Toronto�. He thou�htth6jirowe Mr..'briIry agr6ed'with1fir.- Buoke, that e tudied law. Alftlic;,rumors
-report and if possible,. to present it'at this varieties.. Chief Johnson's corn was good Cotild'L�e 1jid, down. ain that until WSS,,enf6 L
Meeting. MesBrs..Drury and Bu6ke we ll dered �atLthe right moment, but it soon died or lived, acel icinity, would l,oultivate the Cuthbert. A o, law re"ed. till:efforig to 'about big health, are. enormously exagger- ,
re' if gat] g1p th(i . localities bf', V age tree planting �in highways -would 'hted. He is blijoybig himself. anion bi 5
added to the committee. got dry. tfieLViUo0. Small -fruits �wintered excel. gooL(I'berr,yfot'&&Ptourciiltu,re,�,vaf3f�yel�.yy� ower
Mr. Boale was not. ready to report Pit Mr. Wo6dwardogaid that in Now York lently. The Winter appeared named tbei4mrol piove abortive.
-in western�sec ious,,o L Mi. Willard, had'se I en t ) queationa� were For' children troubled t
more disas- Ono: I I The ribmsindet' of thi wi ' h w6rmR, we
,roses because of press � of Work It W State the' above named. varieties ivere-,gpn trous 't' f the'Proyince. he Cuthbert suc. I , diSCXISBed-ln�'&--ge�qral
amV would.- red-pliumern-d Sitfxqr's Terinifug
suggested that. Mr. Beale finis'li hi'A report eirail� grown. -Thw:beat Sweet' Corn he he'd "Which varieties of pears air's cee*d in the.-We'st4berd' the, Winters were . I . .1 ,
Ogt Mi.'B6aalet favored the silver-ldiLfea tp I
Wag way. Caudy, being easy, to - adiminisier," sure O=
nd hand it to the dolmmittee 'on' P�ublica- ever tastedwaa airlety-he ad tasted last� profitable for market?" This the next exceedingly severe. Id for' Cities and � toWfig, Sqiiiek
Mr� Bead1w expel wornis an. p r
was'l, aisappoiniba 'In. th map] a e,fectly,safe'tolul3e.
snmni,er,call.od'Blii6kSuga�cokn. � P�� :. . I . X .. 1, 1 li, I tion. ques ion,, J�L of the Carolne, i grower was -the bist%tred, of
On the neXtL subject, that of the best . The 9th ques ion wits as to Whit ere Mr. Smith th6ugh the Bartlett the most 'qua B Lthe� Sugar /moiplo, but it - did, not
method of cultivating celery andtha best the. "I Beat varieties d'peaclids -for warkef,t biolitabip pegr.,.., The Pr6sidenthad fruited several varie. al , I wa
fast. The'President sod that, in a INACKvS INAGNETIC InEirmICINA,
ing.�o.sslo give 01 eoniinuoussupply Mr. B�sdle a of raspberries that -thei growso t grOWLSO
varieties," ripen: wouldAi6* to draw 'out an tie lifetime a. black/walnut'ireei inigh
during the' riWier exceeded tlien' strawberries In point Mr. Taylor said'tbe growth of answer to'the queitiorr as 6','�Whether it
celery in I . �� . I I L . Altigp�ASAO furnish one saw log', � kZ Drury.
this neighboihood. is it failure.. t does rot Mr. -Got said the earliest peach'Wd'have aid t row of profit , , : '' , . 1, 1 1
�Aleyf&ndee. 'L all 1, Ifly Oil !the slibjects.
find othersspoke, brie
pay market gardeners to 'grow' An -is this TM nex that,is p 9 g pears at &I 1 1, irf c6fiseiluence of W�Odwar a experience &a that, the
blight 2 Mr, W
T IN sdj6urnea.st5,p:im.
cause 0 the arly Louis&,, �Cra�wf6ra,s Earl Franconia was the bost berry, for market. '"SaiO4 fino �y
insee6of the 'thrip species is,tbe' y Sol Mr. Gott gave the pkeforenre .to the therum. The smallspediea are those with'. Iowa. It,''is e'�s6ntimllyL the' peach Bartlett,and after that to thoTle The next business; wi%s,th'e reading 6L aOnVednesdo-evening Mr. Sam. Ward
misli rc
which be had thia--experience. t, for the i -'Ck wfo' e I pami is th papei1y the Sao )tary, Mr. Beadle. It WAS, oti; a , rd's Late is. imit Beauty. Another profitabi a New York, numberof fii-: fr
Mr, Bucke said large-quantitids 9f celery excellent peachw' This is also 9; very valu- IA6ibelle deJergey. Cla;pp's i Favorite. is I a tc6utributed - by - Dr.,, Jo A. Waider,' of T rvAo MAiIK. t
North Bond, amilton County, Ohio� on t6meet'Mr.OscarWilde, the iestfiete,,at
n in Ottawa.' It n Combination bf med', and iA The 4
are grew t, that h0ghbot�'. able one—i factinore valuable'tbad Almost the two firit'na ecoistion of the table, was It is i'sure, prompt and Effectual remedy for
MPL� Mii� silly' Climatic. 1rifluence of dinn
hood it is grown black Bwa* - I k peach. Crawford's Early doeg"not' l,kbly L to be a marketable pear. ' Faster th-c subject of �,'Tbe,. L I Oe featuro6f the enierf�fd.' Nerv6ustibse in ALL its/iftages,Wofik. Memory
without manure wfih great Success. -aprofitiblo Trees." , -Dr., Warder 'advocated natiiii very claborstat . . . ...... .. . Brv6inPower,',SexuulPro.Btration, IeWh Such a, goodfigure because it comes in Beliirre was also mentionad as ment Was &.Aarge,bowl of Meman' punch'
'in the glut'. But a good peach, wfil'Aell at 'pear. *The Se*cklo wag 'a very fin'a pear OveS 'or, Sweatg, 8�!rmatqrrhcea, Seminal Wealmess and
a repp, in � which floated'' �6wer.� it ro�,aira Nervous
Mr. Woodward WAS surprised atthe small, buf evergreen cultur �: for' shelter gr'
ejentitIgL a; oss f
If,theroL does, not pay Wlign"Limarkelied.L In lig� liba. 'The centeepio6d Waste, JRe luvbnate, tbeJaded into loot, Strength' -
quantity of celery used by American people, any time. Windbreaks. For,thia purpose thoujit the number of wat6r4i t
Th otato is thebrily I a I rY vd9b- bektinA,Crawford's Early the Fo§to.is the nelahborhood theip was no sign of blight. Norway,opruce . - all 'oth the,. bordered �with; enA the nfdabled Brain and Restores �3UX more'neceso His CUIti L V&ti I Oh Was L was of lille�i 61, . igitig Tone/and Vigor 'to the Exha�stod
t. It is Very easily grown if there be only -one that can do. it I I urged with hi,� cres Were lili
bl.! Mt� Orr fiad'a large pear orchard. of I lias and the boutonni es of gotierAive, orlans'. The experience of thou -
on hand a sufficient quantity of water. On re�li�ing ifiart Shelter. whic /was afforded
'Mr. Pettit saidtbere, were other'profitmbld esperiefibeWith, blight was,small. -,The. t it, ads proVes, t fin Invaluable Remedy,' %fbe
, L , ' H I )Ul b th valley,, sell
his ity lot be grew.all thb celery'he'needed aches ew( di'plani'first,the Alexan- Flemish Beauty 'pays the best'; though �he � L 0 . . medicind is pleaeaut to the taste, and eiieh. box
6-audei , Dr.Pi6rce's'� Discdv6ry" contains -oufficient ifor.two weeks' 'me ca on'
mrse,mgooned,y.ie�ondpa, by Mr. Goldou:kodioal' di ti
for the winter and enough to, last until NZ Zd after that the Early Rivirs.� 'Bartlett pear brought', the higher, price.. tL andis'tbe chespes and best.
Aprili The kind, he had' grown was the Hall's 'Early is' very vitold, a vote of than" -be ondered hilaL-hpoomo; 130 tho�Tcughly established t in
productive.',In his The former pear ftee bears i'micli mA ampyet, Whie'li we
to Dr. Warder for bi4 valuable paper "on' 'public favor thb6l : Were A not purple kind. He explained his 'mode Aectioil: hel th6ughtCrawfordls toly had , heavily than the lootter. IbRilre to mail fi�e to Any J -dress.,
it'" , = , " L 4611.0,
keeping to the mbeting4o be iliatt -of at to ch, but , no'�,poabh. will sell. a forestry, slid tfii6f it I b6'.iandd to the fulneo4 of people it would n't be hecess , � *Mnck,14 , R1 , " L ftlediclue is gold" b,
beenAmil -o mlit thero-was'a voiygreat drUggl6t1fat So ots. per box" I
6r,111 boxes for 'emog 4ifferenti`tffii.i�ojara to the profitableness of of th,L 0
—,ing the staks in 9, box.ana packin;rM; in it'dbea. Theit Cbiiimitteeeii'rablfooti6�."Cakiied. to 11 cill-stientibn td,:its power to on, r or will be mailed -free of pomtoge. on reeoipto
around with loaM and putting in 11A'cell&r.'- Clinger,' is an' excellent shipper and very varieties 6ro and to the loub that The Pregiddnt briefly -offluded SumptiOn,,whi6h ifj soro of pot jo the mcmey, by� easing
The results were hoost satistip W, heavy . beni I The Smock in smOleir,'but are more liable. to' I blight. A ploisaut a"floollAi6bawith Dr. Waxderi an& other blood ais��6eo, I . a, cause of .. i Mack's nagneitle rKedicine 04.,
M'r. ioadle 4in aftoirthe glut. e peach yellows, if it"is ever aseettaied, Mf� Gott hRaprepared,. a'. paper , on 'blotches, pinl ulcers, aUd ro Windsor, Out, CAniaa.
Species, come tb
0 ighly Tb
b 0 Sold byLal� dilliggiat�,fiVai7whate'.
ap!a San jig ami I 1mr. ii a tb to wAs-Another -will-be fouid to' elh6 ainle aa,',ihit of the knoWn,�s th �dw go i t fCrOS Y �Ut "time being jh h dOUI& ke I b
aw n
D mpi
flow rs
a a
ri (Ch
y ung
Y tile W
nd M
a t
nths b
erupt n t
live OM1