HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-01-26, Page 2a en. pisi I nature ruin of his beloved Ron. She had gotta out the'story which My fathai's g100moor- such had not been the case - for eagles, jaker Ray 11 still. to her, although to V I has neither charm nor Awe'; I ore is, speclAst! with itall, and mal fici not roborated. Then, dwelling upon thb, =d said , the qqu0tFY' code, Of 111�rsl 10bliga- the world,'aspecially to the Admiralty 1who Lnd yet th, on in through Rupert Is I blood poii'hek hands 2 And now-, neyeirlor one momentsuffering my-thoughta. tich,' should inatch -with as them too. He Is, never tired !of counting u 9169i and I# kept their eye upon him, 1i the Lord k ray: from him:, eqncei choiiso,466ii mateg out of We uest I o I f spar - on his, fingers � One, two, three, and four, 'when Mind And body were AN a exhatteod to at Mhom I Harry, as they had,ddh�e'uK her)' -seeno, t .. . ..... . .... CA le X T �i,LA:W­Vii 'and at the f6w" he 0 oii -iii the drea& ran :,�obstsolej, d­j�� grow from'worae roi his, fat A."y E x D aoval-ofthat laa� 0,upart p3y#�r N-h;,Lw i kO., Niy, even hei., whole, house. he-was-tieutcalaut Raymond Caray,-R. M., th fVJflJJedL1%6Jf.. hol '' MUrsdlROMethiag�,Oj this a' S-- ad -been 164;ksi utattlIj ropheory a � mur. distaxice fromwhere he stands"to thb, rose, and%braving for the rest, -whichit, and 1 7 ry rising- YO Icer, who had been nd beL A 't " L * " "d ills a- , Lti� Alie, � i4p of that 1 tho'k, it Mildod ter bad Joy is Iasi Lady, of ` �' ging, qk A Iggo" ot lbo,00 a there 1 bei romm E ad 340, remembering *.Bat t) C ' IYffe mentioned in despatches. ',At Iiiat the day r: ra It an m.it -to her ni colp He he say t4ks,wb16h ever- Read in It it t-staio! -fate wbi I my I boon, it i on the tur" b down you a ones . - ' 0 arrived,whon playtitate And lover 'led Up--� 'a' 'steps. 'Gr%OaL ion rayi6lf' n1i -ruleVitbai -Arace Mil4red: had At By ee p 2at )St� Her,, And, other nine, b,,s*6ve', seemed like altar. She had,,ausweied Be can- !had­Aelped to. bring,lil tu a leaf and blossom to fruit -to husband. Gwa.u-td IiDg, by have beau delayedi"delayeo, kind,gvu r L-, 9 been used to be misjudged when friendless, Thers' Were in of boirge, to, cilil ilia led her by the hand towards me, is the tomptuotisly when spoken that morl ed kind,igen any, �t Had mar SiI4 now she had bar husbaud"i love to Match, uneqjW; Clemant, rind which bad ititruded,u' syorfod. -wq,,.Vgr-, ,-- brier brings'forth-the rose. Thor wasour CHAPTER XLV. is -;that, ag ain 'Ior�oxxarwho-is pledged- Api, death, r Strengthen her, And 'hold, er ftiu bqfore inust be something wrong I- in the trysting-plape; �Auil there� ber'naore than oxace� -night, OASTAOLE REMOV � ­ TEX LAST belleaW the�iroges, will I lic thi "Ibbe aqe"'broth Kim ybayso,in wheit'All. is egRadd to ring. W1 In I theaYISSOfall-' Until �they as* her blood a6glit, Clyffawd led-Aiem to all 'have 16,Ve1'her tlarbb 'I nGlyffe, Halli WI some ime ri-ous4t, oh nysblf. 'Sooner or she wag content to do hor duty, and ­kAte ilia Chill night bad fallen" over. -Afterlife's fitful.faver', men -glebp heird'that spir maelves so strange�y. -, But _laid,! to: 111i . in, f - h If- d and with it for once tape , �e. in or , area ; an hopiso,,forl,have need Of, hell,self-oinier �,,Soexie Whigh. iarkliowj r evanwii;upon. thei Aiampon" from,pti , 431it it at =�eii had -decided a L big unfintely sport;'and hou d *oil AS in _th6 h i "'this life, threabbld'of "thaL gjave -jiiuca tile, mar did not tak -and 'Where Be theiii,pi to these dear to t am ni­ the" habit rules, I last. bne by one slie gained her fees. aff a long rest ti haid been ;'age 'In Ion. �CiCkiilg'eari, that 'Spot ballOW61W their i most, Sacred recol-;, an& in. the Sol -same t lor once, � althou ov and hunter stood with to And,ye gh I; deal, with I I , I art6lildrown'st. %�11Y,bribeaAhat none thei .,, most cherished wish of. her 6*A`iake Bay- with hesrts� can be so stubborn as to resist parent, I . listexted--for' the.. born in � vain;. in '!actions?,' chapel, -to me, or I Sea her husband once mor6 Stagger and fall inV it"id Ad for nly a hearts for i years ; ind' since and stall. A- naden ci Grace had "to the \bhApaI,9-iLet- Ouy'labd Bertram, yonder; � and was Zhis l, deadi-', Spa . itidecid �Dear brother and sweet sister, since God for­loxx�-Iiumilityj goodwill, And: a, � desire the, scrupiea,' of the btidegfoom's t ce6r.,him asibefdre; and. to jigs willed it, Rd, �.,think,'xiot that I'taka to pleaBg,'that vViblala *not: be denied, but fither, ' (who, It I vi caused it to be gaid, had come-.ov i. his Roderick flie odor- of Santa. COMIugIP Ci f 11 1% - - was - owe er, Proud In. W 1ity red aiid i ixdvantage o my.,, neig orla Matter, how cast, b,&.d,k, with and iobstinate -C- th beyond, vvild and wayward brai and -evidently 'none Ii at again'upon hor,tbat.16ok of halt bb' Sod :to death, rope, agaixt',' ansmy toi ina,ine the odor lof :exeokatiou "'Which III 3� Some!, have. you, change 'for,'the better. Still therc was dead - an's, bdries. Giv from. her a aiinifies, and plemaing"band done, _'L '" th t Whathad been looked'for) were - finally :. Bc� *, g )ries wAh' roci Wife, pas after. danger in t. Th& hill, might grow to Jon rode leaves- memory?L As,though to resolve her,doubts, L or to pack your Metric 811M, , A and settled oalm,'Isr� it might end in storm. lillupert dyffiid I" �imoon� shonelorth, far S J� : have I not � used, mygoi of how, to thus careful oLtheireouduot to heir kiu' t At the half-fA66of t] t d, Was Do Be monstrous, AnadeplGrable'. Let�all about, him be kept quiet. Th man turned, and. behold the �DIOMSDLj free from tii� hanging and live. Chiding w.duld.511 become those lips, did'hot forget Walter Dici All events, it;took pJa6e*,.jnd.)i6nO'L even Of Tyoung 1 In 3 behold the . it le indeed even if'ybu' doaeIrvIsd it -you, than son, -down "at. Saiadbyi-had s9on no �nebd to hou'eh Id..must iretire to rest, as� tV la boding� phantona; of his house standing close' bar Straining 1, eYbo thbsdi I have under'sti Who had spoken. So c a, whout 11, know no *orthior SOUIRL UPGn t ' ' ' � ' ' I .:. " L a ; , , , "" mail begidebim.' With &,�Ibiy of teiror-Eb throw door burst, open rpm wi f a !it with, tbe- the b urwof darkness mere it's accu'sW 'thin; and bit th ,I#s. 04099,6 ,fd;, t4e,-remain er o -� hig� (lays, again t - "--eitest reprobation a liatW, Alrs� Clyf� UP tlis­ arhioF, illres�614i'Ra�mc)ndL(,Ilyffaid�Atabdfirg.aff in :Isaith. For yoursel It need' �Although ,he i di&Ai season.;, lot no"lig4to be love, the invitation ere itepped'swiftly backwards, fard herself hgd-sat,thg.�gample, -by retir- 'ariddn an iuA�Aiitlad,t ,, a, ,, L , i1fewith!h1a'ar out-stretelied, and� point- of, warning- kind, unselfish, wigW: But for &14�habit; *hileL young, Richard' Brook 'issued lor"thsi b'll apple, 'over the- low ­ I � " A i­,njt,nOb Ing' tmhars6lf in that little on'- and, othersi' -if t Heaven, inarne Phi�6be�'(which eIf any,' I amber the I ..while ;shLe 6eaily,.andliii"her.'ownbed.'Oh parapet "but heard his voice fa, eVen^a4 helfell, ilia ""f g"Ooin't§ii'll clux* ..to the im y . 1, 1 f ­ �, "' thaj, g, ti last sh .lamp was-,quenchod., :She had neither sent: unlike: our � air-wea tbi eugageha7eut, becausee had- no oansion of the'ol�ffalrd ado. of ri6nd::.thinidering: likehe, trump of -doom; Thou should Send thern-:-bearing is name o sue ong In 'f6r Clement nor Catot to,inquire how theiri L reagbiiI, remains With us' till, .4qvjl,1.qoxne lot MW. Clyffad, and.-biobght.'up, in this stately boat of hia 'own, - poor -follow),- thaV Same' it must' hi§va:b6eiI, expelled upon thaf6dca-- In re I ad' sentence,. reason p I lace, o Mine ul'i4vaut4ho; for the Sion.: It, *ai-666rVed by one, old. country igiion" had L ended, �4ud, la&a�.]Studiously. him oatch.at1lad,satuo edping, where, h At iligi14 sight an h keephem, from this, bane Of su r.' The fwthf Out -the', wretched,viman's minsii-of Clyffards' sake hab6rne�,so . long his fogey 0;voided that p6rtion�pf, the,house .,which �both,�Iiavi hung. Graod slbwly thrsi forsook her seat in q on y o;er �bur he mad"6' Mildredi a - , baluatra , a, so L d ' brain, axid'she, y la" Ad and , her, ohiId,,W6rq wont, to occupy. her whitepold face ab6vi'tb fled up the ro&f at speed, do,oin which fi� trith haunts' 01 de, Hall -r- andi'disgr a. reaped asi remark. t It In -this 'at so been turn d inito'd-ky since Rupert.,. A to, shjikWdwith maniao mirth., Her -1 She felt xi6niting:bf cqnsoienceJ6k'th6 dqed' sid the ew 'it hastily terxiifi- features nly curse that clih'ga,ib unhappy reat ieward as he obuld,: be Persuaded to n a accept, in boldiiig the�sameifieids` and Cl�#ardls, time set Ind. 'itill,distoited *ithlihe, pAssion, evoked by house." and � it was certaifil which sho� 'hid 6'de'4 to b' I done see him' so; striving iwith f 1e it afteruotin,`mbui' it batinted.'her'bi1akit an-., had thought by. thit':time k Hite str6igIbil And droWnedwith frenzied He paused 'for broath W h and, III$- ifathei held.--, -theie,16 ar Most brilliant and. J6yous,'gatbbritig..V411 kind and Hor pu rp L age was I a . a,firm a4idy6ri, ;t6 � be I ly'in , g far 'below, and -past in hile Mildred, kneeling by, pipipeied, but R SOJI tar nd'w I ell- III . gh amf 'and his 'still comely to, were a. - Spectacle' : 16 - freeze -','wrave labori chost; w YL a exi her Mind,. She hg;d beoti'4oni 'to� y6tnotl- sib� hastily.'butf that'his, tipt�rded' man's- b1bod,:, I pr t a 'new �� times it' if6jiiix spitel,lof :the gehe With iut,nO to-evoke,hip pity. ;his in friendless man f M 16' k ar'pasi With- All its blots gaZa,Lxnex� hers, And rei I 2i I zidd. her 'wicked iIsa' happened,-StL holding the cold'hind in big, And cla4fiiag,it Clyffe were not to his the - it aster 'Which they - were Credited, b� 0 as calmly 01 h( the great but 'itL� Moved IS he g eyes htm�'scarcel at allan in vain, dropped rdai�g :rare inarg.' Then, In bi wife unbept,' thought, folkwh6 had inirria ble iou all as on the fUtUbE09ifth. its stubboitipbsticles,7 lisIiL did ?lot idaftle1ush, there came a gro : an lost � in dignity what le� from too mucb,� And and the miaatis�whidh -it was, neceakaryL to: one,', cried, be; and with. is'. frantic' 'C"O", arfg., eff6it, iBuch as a sane'man -Could -scarcel nigh e th Ipvc,aiid honor ;-.in Ere the bride, had aeparted that M�ini�g use (fbr�so she roapiologntio,iii spite Isy gain in Marc a otheiself)Woveibomotheiia. ButnoiWsbe 'h� th c1rIgwWms0If upwaraito,th RUO Rue cried he. Where art What is that asked Rupert, hastily'. over- his uew� mistress, had, did she�hadembracedthembdth 'th 1 in U. e. W1 an S. ec- -in It is 1j" said Ca�tor rising, an app bus thou Rupert 2 Answer, Rueii�,Rua 1' reach- aitpathies and mistrusts contend' tionigoarbei � loan thatiAhaf'she exhibited and ibdebi fro i1pet itself and clutched,it' ,W:ith,,nery agains j�w to Pon Walls that Rtdo& above the ing t�e,,o,oucii,,with,downiDa�t'looks.,' t h"It �'jj hfg,� folt thought of allind,'thai wi Lpe. holdmgfast4he�iisue, ib� er own�belbve4 'the�,,Aatj- baff) 01303�hg.L 't, Ibtx:�- villain,17. �,ejaculgied' the spiri wqre. i. un go g '-!:a i� said f� L; ' I Rue Rue I I'! The. supportabig., At, bis,i6wii viqked who' i"anothei; la roturned,, , d h pointlili -TA6 ;pa; In: J1, lih, �'.nq eE;:; YIng Man;:i S,. Lucy ieimainbd Oft i have;: wiokadxi6p`w -hand., f d t a,; top,,�no eIaubtlei tio� t 4 qrq,gq51.%r It atthe Hall �ve iolivas iind&A a miracle oflici It A.B.' .!h the W�giegt dii."tio pov? ( -and"woithy, of''th �W. 9.4 hays rae !sliiain ',buld have prolonged'herlifel inteiposed Raymond he a, air, ace,,W-covere 1 irbl 2 I inTh five minutes. she reiAJ eant'rus well, both- his allithings Auining to. the nuisery�j f6i 'tbeYi,hiVsiSq,fQn4Iyf It it well t. Mpe it in'the you itti X ID OU Big or us4ff� 'worst,vanis, 1400bggius-, j whioh'i OW guess.' Ot 66" iVi a t§' 6 ual. Whisper I in your ea 3aotwithatpo�clink,,tbit,pti6i.,,iAaa. Canoe rath ."A nd folt,fil ly"6I;l Tt'CaMe�'JAR% L . . r moita per er�, 'fsfligiflikht fibixi' Qqxxtiiiuddj!�Rupert, pas- $hl r. eyes with� b-' in- the giYi iijed'to give IW6 i4li ei igtown,­,ur Boa ';than for Safety - she heard ;it- ionately, and covermg I is fiont'some old friend's Of d 9.. Rppert," good, "I upeft. 'it" is" r mus While M�pert jivedi;.i and wasat e' , e y menace r Y. was weary- Ifte 46d- With frig tfuj h, 0 is Sam re ".At Sandby I prig Her:hegrt 'eheni6ce, r d the' `Iaid: gentle"Man'j, had Is qredL iu'v&in., �ips�A&v - b Is on na ur It 60ifof ',,Look in -166k.in--the rdse;1 n "we m- ure... r a t��S.th u, e - - 4an ar the ob i - to ti hOW6�6i "hb tibr6wing,upJaisibsonds- in h6rroi It gardep,,.' cil�,dlf,,wobk�n�,t4�guei;,and.,tw6 kept.- I' a, o utailt,of kindly feeling, Parents', my deai, kei very :bad - c mpsay as the eacb; fbr­th6t4,6ur, 0 -b 456 iltifiii-6f aian 0 eb Ahin himfoi ordinary in �- tbose He. took- the delicate ,When theie''bliduld"be't6 fitrither'ned 'for It. d .in' Heaven blegs *0 lhpu�h you love whip I 0 S, , 'Y COMIng 'to, gee thg act f falling triu ax womeailgaiiay�u,w,ill occasions to -b fabric .'bstween bis:fingors� And thumb, and o reakonyelVi'abbiii ,With man a,.',, imself of thin" P laix,,)ub preaegn,misehance:, 'W 11 3 ear it, know in 0 move with'the ruefully,deliveirbd b kW bo 'f, And -a 'de&f, hud"Aor !A616nt! des�dgl bi'W,�-,6 tfieleiii e h "Il"' beiti d 6i' eCeilbd him, always )Pinibn - Z" Vil�,gpini L, -" Smu . gled,, by the Lord Hi which 413xiouwriskmas so f I4f �awAj;l� cukto,liisJaitIkfttI,1iq t most ic I ,, seting,.:And to dandlaIM' 13 as, a. �ques ion a is I a: -ma 7 s' x;rky, smuggledf" 9 r ,war Dear, upqrQ'.,whisP1`e -he Mi F il 0 ng a I �ihought) sheT��' 1pi,:�e l4dy groWt g Q END. But as, no Si ft She �tdlthit' loved your -father,doarly;,gerved him dut i t a TEL though one lauxiche&upon t his -i�k 'at, 1tkym6iId; 1-tiried 4br:A."crisvasse, should an fi[iry�;pf a Alps, and bound ss,yi r it the,forep. d pait of thoi,battlemilits, which he kne:com- -fully; ---hire& - himseIf­-OUt--t6-the - basest Anootlier�c enince' not remarkabi6 for �1, and t 'im Oonet er� It MaStera, tb -a but.one moresli4a. then my Iiath'is r aoId.­.:.-i, ' manded thespot i dn.�questibxi, helpq yourr),Uacle� jC yr WL�Iie personal beauty was alsowel6ome t illy 'ile 'th is bar P aB- one lain and 0, thepn&. Wb e ompow 1know,- but,you down; As,,he'. did. Sol I prostratb figure d h y and the honeycomb', which latter -im 'orsaitt ]Liegat' Is r,, lfL .11) i's I ". shri6ied-Rupert' 6re"at'i t e greCte i, him- lw�ay*l a,w�­g' eift' the it'no g4eatly resembled. Lor, g6dpapa," �AI L' , ' ' ' ' " V , I . I I . — ' ' ' ' a H __�Wfi�.Sb6uld I east, a§L in I -fi-l' L;8twe61i-s�6ase.lthat,bas Rik important tl iwith-Aiffidit. ty-, -feeble-V Ch- 7sho­woud-exclaim-i-allu� ing to the ra, he -;� Vage" earing -on the I JgL Community. Wag feel y wait I I lull L:blowh j?lL 0 4 i4c; ones"'%' b armix odiiel6ss strug 11., Wi I SPRI, l6dkea,: up!,',at �bi� wiihdt� fi�ebl f small -pox, what, a fuiany faoe'you ve a ties e R- decided ai, Cayuga -by Judge':,Sieven� Sly 'br6ther"I"s for itobfitit'; years. (Of fl) Do' o man dear ue, at Such got"". �.iam, Grant -of the'l townsbip'bf Onei"i; y ",Yes, MY. e goo - iou en- gued.the Canad, Way Co, Mimi `!:hissedGrae,�,g 'tti. b'exi, a ter�w.. a,bbparate% biotli6i k; this'," i6iid Rsilyixioix:�grav6l J- 1 L� � � - , , , suspioibxx,� w a nY'One S dear," would tb' a in h for damages on'' Account of part of his or else in ogam bite,.l` f:11t " �,Stribge that -she; tore i chial bleedilag, ea;rs, owleverI Ant make answer;'40DJOYI o go er, orq�mei ,I -of -ientark, wbil e v6lns; been She shoul.(I"�thi��,ex6use��hgrself:-for,wha;P She, hold ore thgxI6 bF44st, her par'xits, g. -destrqyp byi­fire, Pro - I? �7. - ... Was- about to � do,,isi 1- d- Such, I ;,�Y.0 Stronger than rye�qansivel�I�ari�cd is itn6t, Hilly,:. sumablycaused'by sparka froni': 1200 IS :1 . The iPS Still c �,s.p,aq if 'Vo was 'I 'but the far: wrsbdiields aug o on Fit but,� . "� � -il" t . 11 % it;, �tbkt in Ali A' -1" But godmarnma was even, 9 er a n It d Ruperti­1 R -The', fire took, pl. uj6, a o the a� dayl,sbooer, 118. moved tbe"Shme, Way, , &Way The Caroys had: 'of 17th July "t. - At, the it See on' 0 favorite yet. b reached go�a JEL, 6. cahe�� even, while Liitlsi'-�iiad�ed-tii say; but:when'heart H Watched by'night And day to*guard. course been informed of all that 1ad Anne' tho, I f y place - at �Clyffe, and- go plaintiff, on the ForhaPg it wag A e . is fie� Opbk�L 'be 6ich-anged "Of t the aves" to heart, there is no need 6 rd III oy J�ach J6ving*mnnoiy.Il&bIe 'breathed ;fok-th -with ad ailed t& fathWS`410rito, son: rt in i this! Stone for.lidia"Wit; flesh. IYou fir\e ..... gue;id Or ad Rupert, Much. 6fL RgY,M6ndi'S straup imprisonme . at nearest approach. to,remorsew I a e I ad your hand now vivSd; efimity fp: energ'' --cstll him, -back- -,Agdid'Doibazgr discovery I of the _7&s actua ly Mrs. Grace. ittee we, are, 'as nala6la"ofirusi�re gitdden'�� gy. Thpfi tr alocomotive,thousb4he probabilities, were ever, ex out to -part, you :Must lebL'Ine kinshiparid b1daffectioin biought:46 inilad, 'Cafoi, I kfiew :n6t whether .)'on bea lie Perienced'.Iigd� touche ' Or :, itb Ab . L ' f ontaine stw" But at first, and indeed for many strongly it W t Is Bu6with a cry 0 . terror Idot"he Should as could have lies d respect to.her treatXn6nt'of.RAIPkCIyffard, n 6 man of no, but.give me your. hand ; and if iatioii was isaxied4rona the -remarks tbat-His'H-6ii6r'�,mad�.b6.explaixked themaxithathadso deeply loved criea-,:� aymond, do not grasp iti it; is My lack 'of strength, Haheven-io friends go dearas they. When bitelt through, qrace- Bitatched,it-from, his I.'c6me 1, 60me - ". iff'' ' 'that it was, necessary for� be,-plaiht' first someWbat otnia ashion.'­I-In her now feeble gr"p, L and he L fell swift and 1passiiiiiately;; then,'d'a'alit,d,a6,��i,thbi�rrat'- forbids. I tbauk-� �pu-; and if I have it aftlLa , auched � jn':the� t6 PiOVO thit tte'fire' had"It; 11 h6bem& against llia�mpnd, she had . strength- sheer upon the gravel �valk,4 I . wbich,he lx�d laisir, while the' �pbor�gibbe'ring,w.'reto'h,'7*h"6 :Ihlbg io forgive yi$iiji 1, lorgive- it."' rrive'st Lucky.Bay \eII ZQ 119i Y, most affectionate fe.rmatfiat Raymond dausedin the "unet alleged,, ened the At -was he tbi fingers to hia Ii tld� not b triple bring -about�.Iiee heart by 96 often paced th layAke ipg himAn carried t; t ro�, Oge hisqea( f P.S Mildred could. jointly'pebi'i .c 0 or er to, entitlIn him to. recover damags,-tiail.. ng Vain. td'. takry';.an' lwhi - -t a;L.;qa Ou­­a - ay: h� baen calli wt o 16 Id Motionless. -7, hi L, L takeL rom kinget 6iff7like one 0 ouc es imme A 9 Y� . aeeoptpd�,f6r I a, , 8 sh,4W''tbat'the railway cot , man's Wisb8S,A3 she chose to cougider:that He 'sought. his doom,", murmu ed I ond,661clishehadwrought saersI%en I bread,th6nLreverbutigll with- -valid. Another- atranget, Plaonee, '6ither r Y satisfactory, guilty 4scind'd default brineg it Mi. tevens, Was ganor'6 jeIspingLtheir'landsi-ald"g- about Rupert's -mar' R Where stbatman'smistr as . 9?"inquir6d i� the �m riage.. aymond had over the balustrade. HIS: drew his ae.&tli' Fiona the Along the, broad �axpectisdgb6itly At the coa4t-,guard' ianageinent: L o6xIl,t jej L" naen: ' an the, Station; at e the track or in. the it half proti'lise sho:- bad: extorted frbmLhim Grace,i huskily, as she once -'more peered for Ruperi's self.- die smaller tba robbed his -brother of%thsi brjd6'whibi 4bn hiaaself� And perhaps itis better., no' race carried, theiYOU-i3g: upert wit, serving man had left-tble 'whom.,not 6van--the- Sanguine L their locomotive, orboth.- Tli6'marefeict C6 L in father, m4ell as Gra herself, bad deStin-' 'How btrange that he she , t , ild M. at the Td%aibr of Clyfe into the . housei Which room. I will, forgivp.hqr too. Issho not could at re joy, I Iii -s. for' W-ro 6 to and destroye �i -s It ed for hiM;L Ra;' ildred's aunt t e engine bads ymoud,�Ado,2 had..pq ilittle would atil bb a:, � little the M reverence for �ibe things thei man had Here h stopped slie-�H.ibut of the., rea6h'of forgiveneBS� a IS and: turned; an& Raymond joposely,, write tbi; I a There was a �:fire in�,the of'itself sufficientito eiititle th laint' hold sacred;thiti itL would havq,-'voxed him listened,,with hex! hand upon ber h6et, to -- was 13it-I 'a�dd-puuiBhment also," returned Raym6nd we abs 1200 .a . D where Mildred, even'then, with. rapturous 1� recover,' datna:gea.in the to have. -seen him��rulc� 'at Clyffe. But -itB,rapi ilirobbings. . p' t solemnly. !igenb6LIbn the.p 8: yet still d U hei private ingwith, her Bleepin child:and:Mucy i(for� coming child oi his,old age;- Reg Art of the.c a �upert, by'no jesuistry ofeven her, Subtle stairs c ' lose �by, which IL ed.,from her late trent-that "Is she dead, then? while his rote . -to- Mildre L d,,. in � -a. She had, not darq'to retire ain r.prosen pur O'e husband's, room,�to there *aw doc- fferent'.sttiafa,� minding-ihei­-Of­s� - ------- could sheJustifybe NO Rue, worsetlYan that.' terrible, very ­,di re ried'All against 11.inJ; nayi was sometEing r�irlbulibxi "has b her mind� dertain't4k, they twoi badheld� idgether* U' a- uFrying'; -tpr-,brought*,iR4yZnon qu. AS -&-not a step, ,*ho8e; every -footfall. r. lag I unimaginable toF'rpr., race p , Urpoas, has left� ei.".,' Abborrodt in it; Masmuc Uhi& her t the while lefo-AlOne At PSInPaRcottage. very, horrible eontl V iarly affair B object ihoi �verycataAiophp-tho nowtbb'i3teip of a-f6e.-aa an6tbe-w Alan, �pooi wretch I'You may well say transpired III Rogaburg, Oreg, It_&P_ ad for it Ral L Oman coul'a be 'don for the, dyi4'Man- It Was* henyof6iri6d ungrateful y, onotigh. to thkil� on 'itteied faml Y fear of which had.'.: emb a re gnizes that of her love I It was a lifbl: bridthei-here a shudderBhooklbbwast�d ci6wned years-SiTa, -I ph, a,quegti�n of libui 'miioirie' or: IeSS,,O prematurely autumnal Ai a of mine, wholelife; Inorder. d erthr6w:hisson!B swift aud:vigorauB Stride :such an: she, Well :though. it waa wi . evei. SDI 0. Ta, ylor there en, route: for.: he said; ;.� if. the; patient, hid' been th I Plenty and already haken; 1041`oct�,7.the�w�s about lto' know hadbeloilged.-butto 6xielthan in cl�ffe, You' hive 'not. told us, R -de -and now�;. We now, kind heS B i�asgne'­thlat 'Wag not lid -th . ven� rew.arding; asjt4�maniier it ktiow,i , R as there eh' 'child emploi tbeL q01-aame cruel weaponi-, and he was dead I id end, liastaxiiing to is,ingratitude bles6ixik, Tayl�r .� w vere a Y shock which ligazgilven him,'his death-bl6w� mu' t how Came you -in t tide. III I few, weelis, 8, er-: which She haT done to death al hough in' 8 ge as: hig,plight,2-' ..Which died in a few, hour ana.the moth riii,,rbst6red� VOU .:L CHAPTER XLYI. bad; tral)'' it Might sec. clisafes me spring. ad ten�V; his'father.' joaboil.'L . Did the unhappy woinan in her madness"' I When theL� fOIlOw6d.It'beiqremdr:ning; She was buried Mildred 1, hope Ao be a mother."' So at' n' -he hesitated and Stole 9;.Iook�toWardshia nextday-and the bereaved R� LEGACY. �o Carey's paid their visit to the Hall'at last, husban&! pro knew. th one but Rayixiond,. and tbai.falf n'the: t o'L. con- Dig death:what a obim 8' infint son, who pr bly -Mildred, had" been aware, of- her. Whibri fear does c6mo­upon 'b ht�pf father' wife-fier viece�., they brought withthem An' L ce6ded'on hisouracy. He, returned some a ba �d- ­Ltil the Fair No, Raymond;�, 1, fell backward Of, bore,th me of his father's friend an ne0ince td'take'his wife's kewains' to -his ving played the.part of ,Lady; ol�, stitutioiiallj� hold "it, is- overwIt6lining tba,better had boi w6rk�d, bde,w eteimmed, to op Clyffe-., Ru�eiihimgelf,mostpditainlj.ph�d, indee& - The' ii;nid'� ss r h %I ailmenti.'Whic hoBt. The next year theyeamb ligsib, sInd new hoi hen it wand et at, I the 1 It. began, to idinveliap, itself, GOdL! S' L ao, coming, peill, khgieas;,th6. atiew, only s'liegi6w �iotropg. .. Slisk'td�dsid Thank, cried Mildiedlervently,; every . year, -Snd more , than oned, the' the COffi it'. most 8 Dg no suspicion, of aI6houjl2.L:bS: J&d of sbado*,�ol' h pi I late -bkome sulch, ionic -r an' front- the de -of Raymond's Clyffarda retur dia&very�was then inade,41tich as th'at a- mdx: �lgtands his* d until h1i although iw : . � I � � 1, pths, I - chest nod thIsIrLvisii;',but,ndtto kneL In na'w� LSS of yor .14-: . 71 , , , ' L' t sigh, of relief. Then ' L I ' 1, 1 . . : . r . -J. L, BODO& came gr9a t over n P ace fit W,-, retained' his B the bandagia'Whicl, he]dL tb6Lh&hds'i the substance is upoxil bint, stinces.90. differe, nt;'an4 as, She, u e t, 'was'not uncommon W ith And: it In too late for.flight.i_, L panic wasted fac heri.e. Stale L' '8 mehow' or, other the lieutenant's had been broken a'nd.-'tlae'bodv was 1iiiihe I A -his broa, , b,roLw,,, So orite, youn0 wbibb. 6wledgIsd L At Y� ama e I a o�vgr'ixi its place lione band .*as clutchad di not, la�ixit, to pasa,many eizi &fighting regiment, the ruin, id: more maired, the blo6d that still Welled 'slowly 8,111- meritg did get ackn anc Away fr6in d henm L I I L , . h"L bl, 'be ne��er L got It t 0 im_ ctimplete h 8, 1 fe ipri, Rsinembir,L biotherfor the of all in 'the hair, Showing plainly, that hour nigli, last,,; and, although of the i t upon Ithe roof of. Clyffe -thanin'.0nelunused to var,wfiiela forth"Iro ngs" is f 11- ilgi 0 t wayull --'.which I 'be It 'f oHall'.in order had , told: her � with breaks and scatterB at the first, onseti-Axid aiiininaiDg in pain e S t6ki Sa8meia;io- g a ship, which 'qviould-have iseparidedhimi /fortunate woman- ad-, beenL burid. efaii' conult is father' oul IS Say poor Rupert, has to from his di%iling'child- out of whose sight' death, had'tako bated brosth,,to in p gice. SDgUagq ai L s6pirit, a express the grie an angmB M, I 6jtj , an. ­1 mean efj�'-are 'that' 'th the affectionaid old fe'll foov could � scareel' f d'' It of the hud- which roa bd the spot where he lisien'beat' In infixicy, ihe.� I Raymond" ! !. � I I y . I' Ar V; xiqq k' . I -and'the,horror Of the Spectators bid died, on matters ofimport�aog".. that li'h t : :'a" ' l --11 1: ' bear to be, he got promotion, and inorgese !band at A I your a I rea±g caught, and',casily.got hat ear rothei-WA6a to aiiyaome-.. g tly' thing it6; You our its, iAt then, tell them. -as enablerlbi�ri.Lto Meet hiaL 'the dreadful coverand-. the 66flin."Was, very day.] a ha anticiunced-his intgntid:n 6f ibeithey d I of inco: 0 SeaZe""al onp�.­ nbe, such' d in."p6roporti-on tait an evo , n to..'pi e t as da4c'i� ssever' �O riiity. "A lob a ectionate-giatitude, stoleQVIer, .: . d aVby for L q6iC�lk closedand the pubjeet k quiet gi an ever ace T ft PO: 81, CHAP 'tit XLVIL Y. P . -111 � an, little 9A 8 Is in Through life Griba "Clyffard, had can the face of,theidy hd.ben Ug. ' foilifin-tfiaiei, atiiia EVER AFTERWARD I know,bow it a I Comes,"' whispered, t, no,� Ray,L7, marmitied W the c6fitial t6*er, in hei,:dark and shape with his M . ra. C . ar6y, With eyes - that sw�/mi -in lear I Ii oleo er old disguise., an;'"4l.e qf� almost void,o ear:,, no so,much fiont `11 No, loan naturdi:courage an"."from-ii ti possesbioni.of havot--ben apart tOOL' �16n,g";'ia"t'a'y' 'you The need wsicli � Rupert dreng; -, Wi h herL ; ong. hair. streaming �6ne� exIgrosiin--idbiglier own ' 'personal with b6r. ', We ohild�", last brgath in,tha�t 'd6bd;grouuA,:his brother to bar belov6d friend;, as.true, in her prob- Fifty loatb�r �straps, each A foot 'long eabout her 'Fiticiuld'erg, ;in aggraiidizemeat-�;;ihi6li.,hitd�16it'n6 room Thdri'ail -Rsymohd!o, hei took, � full ei Xrqxxi ItIerity Ad in'lier two inc4 wide;* in& very'thin, have bee�. Is �bosil fn'� t' tho'ba6ment that, L be i"begauLto k Purchased Shroud; or what Lipp'eared to: :80, tA 0 knew whb jOgSitVsIL'cJb6W of �tb6og 'bi, Huron, l (Mich.)� EAUCL t_ f upon,one o Jec t,.Wh 9 an 'of, the 'Part looked, i1ad'oad,­iu':'tho�siC' I' At'. hetn�de itself ere** is'l Men 00 :k y­ligbCof that b- it' it is f 11 'r lutioli, not t III OfRcO- Wd might hive Wii 10 ,B �ard-bf..' iisdtin��9' o a in notices ago a ton or use in �ptluls Ing creseentihoon; a spectre -fit,ito, imperil the.' , ioIe6vd1hai4e` fi Once, xte'udisd. � Oviii all, hO � t1anda 6 '.Snou It' I which'wouldibiber'�wisei grieve ouri 0 'up' U a g i for' thin, buCfor your. "hugband!�' :pupili�ii tbe.seboolB. reason of. th&: brav6sfi��';% _MOSt ualy,iffe�t it;; .... .. ... ndL; but whe'DIII6130' rise beyond 6 corigin'limit his quarters. tadiseldssly upon e.dook4too, . Clyfte therbowa now a mafter indeed---�not boya.a. d-- I 'f arrying so ong,; ailo "I"' 'th IC, n gir S a IT -in a veriy;spiot it is non' hav -1"�6ia;dd�ion�W.e6thb.';.Exoept:th46, owmoan merely -.a sluggard, 'umsing di6ams-ofhis But not, one word I cried.�Mildigd, Woiceotei td-kead,the insikutive booksin'..: tip) a the stronger for ing -hithert6 il -1, ; I I'll .1 1. as thcliirrace.w.alk fDr.himsel soiling her qifivering,lips'with S,daiLty --h 'Wherie Ralph had Perished It, her, hands, ignored them. without i fai -greatness, or Y, iIiSt him an sucebssful., much ''as. though 'she Ih�d: diiV611, 16 dagger -L4'XC' apt in L t iwpublio librar Sad of this trash has though Ws, hearb,Lh&d the case, (if' Raymond, whginbe� t*theil tiger. If 0 owe Silo 'It -Consists i I ".. T. -I Y i r0' 'Ap *a 'not -by' ce. even I stoodby, tbe.couch of h4dying "the only iligI I an A ecame beat i,paid n inducifug zer nerves, d, a, thanks- too Strong or tsim6h6min th I schools to It' as'all IF nabt-. I , . . prgc� er And f 6I!iiug,'iu' a csrsual manner;to, the and It with. regatidea-his�xpiderbis with guch,vengeful' i whl�h slept4nd awoks.by fits -now a i race, had been before him Let tfie/lieute credit 'these 1)p6ple ref 'The It. that fearful.*at6h. nig t-witid, topi. cyco"'Wo have, Gr4oe 01yffArd' Jull upon or� nor: as 6 orel respectedlike,hisfatter; with it, all; it is alwaya.�good to tbij�kyv . oJI exits -.L 6f.- � interesting abillsb1i'd.works. 'a 'a r ced; h6tiored, and loib'd, d1fioge,we To.h 8 from Off.ihA car I opralso 'Thu h �have been,'Ied to 'tremble, savewith rage .;'but -the­eveiit4- df ;� I"ce .,head, �.,wxth,, xti,,14 ��gtt�r , _ . . ; O'Begi powers that - be is rare hidedd-and t e yoqugstdra full upon he ri, chilled . hot Wo 41161641-Month,-ocediritig as-ilie '1�p �� L - 1 h : - "hi8�� -hands. th oY did r, c)aFy,,'-qn ChOoSe 'a kind'of reading matter which for - In' 1h&heraldid paueA, and, 'Calling int� 'I gbt� theI oid" Harry' -it No", D,6t only with it96oId,L:but`wAh' ' any.6 strange 'two V 'old y6ars f L.. b1i an t ter. enIsraii6h, of misrWe, Of 6ol miarIv I: unheeded On tbd shelves. utt'DgL ghrill�yoices 6 % W rule, :or . o . f and stealth�" sund - p sidpi d,mado :tbemsei �the Wier fAni as to or I In or Rdi left' 6 -a wor oaiMarlo'n, if yOu OvOus. feltimithin her, in, sin ing; In O� .8 t'. �Uggisgtiv�6 bjL,thood i,7 f_ 'An� 18 W e Seems. , I th nevertheless.', The,' viol6ni � des be"asit 'no' W' t ' entimdaAhings, bi ui on g to do on fail and: field,, SotiMe. dro* ' on,I � touch mock Lth of her a i fi in � th , g wit Zinterestin#­- que.B ion , b tho�k air�ngo�gu ro in arm preanng' ndlende It IS natures of Raymond this unseasonable, - weAt . er,will not intei hamlet. This' a d, Alt, 190' and of . MIIArbai; b I ut, leavin -'tbe'cokeF of king-trdroodi tlirbu park 'was longer. shut paradi F,7, pipes: AS 13 a an new S'�. aCCOM C tougei wher�,tbe MIS4 fere with the rule by 'which he age of Is destru" Ron -of, his Amidying,-May.. �began the Master of tp all but 86 a human, I -the ci ores, youth untotiq 6d. As tbough, to make treiesjs� caIculaied. � -The nsual growth is, p ting clearly tures. The H for tbisatormi Spring, time, tbo summ6r:of Ing 9, year, but many forest tre frogs was;,aud hurrying 'the IblinAhekand axid,,child hb;d Ii6eu`bocilly pIgniied, and, didatin.eenotli" 6,11, an Soon' an the long dav�, on, ri withexibIlleaveg of autumu�,aloxx$t q,Jqad6I1 'th eyes;, but the Of mibur�ifid thairliveq'�ks well-nigh cloudless. Perhap's, now,leafiDg out for, so are -oil 11 W&S'se in ihqI second'time this.. omb e" i, 10. ok 6 d has been'so -long dw socrei losaft.fb* ad ' flow of, gap roof, like. great 0 -ghosts ik 4.1 Rally order as Whad nav6i,.baiiIi before, and.did in the wifala� may have 80686n, And the: Seca thout a' �,'d6,��,,but�g,few,mOm8xLts.ba0k, on.R6&rt'gi , ver I yc"lei tbme,'.br6Abdr,� iliai it1dr guests. lurked' a . deBi I re, or whose . life, may - wl not wa;1- f a son prove sufficient to, Mrrh anotheir rin , th it. tevilltradi- who run to meet grim 1Cbak6nSt:, Iiiii"voiy -inanimate�b6dy�Ltta.'t,�tY'-iii'-t)ie� MoohI�gb1j,: Inyseig.for 'thdl,first' timek"."SelAlsh welcome wi open 4rins-as though � he should havelibrito wi nessagains ... ........ io beL Were,some rep6ntanf- prodigal'of their'ow oneferry,. opl denied, the with tn A Lofidon polfee report I mentions An Y, hu�lil" said he"wi tiona d,rea d, his' lirtily!'Ithine f passage. �whitg, holding u one white, transpirexit grhouse thatas� hioithek. tibWA.' siupqrstitio�s-' slur'. But this w , roML article,of di iss-,of �vkich tb6 M . 0 1 an Use ki L If * dU gont: L as ut to be e ]on, & 0 L e WAS -- salgo, uld be 'done to , chase. aay:fbd :will,be newioLmosit. �Itis At last she hears a d or open and tho utterediA;gigh"Iaf t' -do ,,I know it- me ugi an -113 it r iecluse. , H )a� a' - what . co dalle'd,N­11 1311aug- t; and in the basic and violence- 6f"fli whoaeioils�mc-t 'k heM'; bUtL ho'had ndshu 19'OvOli-M lastt afid who from ii Froln"Ithel very sman-as'the beat of t , ,, glroui,id is, fall of pockets, IyffeA4lI,hdwcvbr,wag. one --6rt"B1and.' 6"cion 'has only to rid'a `vFA4 � the madness t -and -'� n I oi own, peas.' -It Wa 1 8 so ; givei I 1 action, IL ib6oi Rito p,, he:re*4d-' All1beso i6r. "Par,; -live,nai oitly,for hi I : gaidthai eff6ctually..: ilitend�d� to conceal contrabarta' . geode, 111..od to in;. had been 1which,-fdrisw in 'with � my, rd"btlier's, milL, uries. 1 -do not say .that 'in' all - this Rayw hospitality that the very idea of an-appari-, now do I notliffig"BlOwly or with rible occurrences, in.sliort, chiefly tobacco. The wearer was stewardess think,- to npeako'cicept by impatientlubdon., which 66 had � surviied; 'but by t before tate ; and: his,boi mpn�-Clyffard was,seconded,by his ition, origin Of Which ic6uld not be of a Germaxt-emigrant -vessel, andt Slid had Wfathar had I I I I I �, I a - .1 1 � � . �6 . 1: nectea sna;tche% - �as� long , been- difticult With'tidimpair6d: hi lyffards, -w, � do h`er',.Vr6ng'; utilize' the '6&enient - drops 0 carry nlbecauad. that'. ord,w.ould gleIi traced to s�uppor, would have been uj"Of1I&te'LhiS Itk lin" kud.allthol ; for him, b *a -1i ws;'Vidge w ichhao braively borno'som . e�hViOdma1driati0.' Thoxn6ttq!qf'pur -not that she took the' Anything Scouted., AtChri'stmai iinadiin articular r' e L a L quan ity' of :tobiecoi dutyv feei becdme.h.driried'. or a moment he stands tre her her P, I Oth mendous t, th, boxise- writ -on Alit, foolish. "scroll therein- oiriit becoming A woman o follow �&, ve or aiticl�.g qf . dress, simi ar in Stood" fikaa� �. edt,of its', stren� there really Was. no accommodation, for a design werelfound in her possession.. titsoluto,, and t rows a hanty g Janos' ii but ivastiyy -weaks' -it should b6i� Slf not.tomeddlei nea, by ilia noihixig� to"the pttr�ose`, it that sliehad ghoBt';,' the rapine . were MSDV a thedirection ot-the sky -light; by"' srphyglcalttp6�vej4,� t6oc-bad Se'W-Self,0 From -the cradle I was ta"ngbt JANUARY. r ous AM Seek" fiad steIi-inother stands hid.; th06 falls to "'been,: severely' tried. Appetite had, long how great a 'thing, it. Was -to be,the. Master too witli � h6gi,ofbapP Janus"Vain'; oldest Of,PQtO0tatC61- gLe y -one 0 an, and.bac waxid and With, 'boio,w pacing, rapidl to and fro a Ong the east; deserted her,, and the snatches'bf Sleep"' of'. Clyffe-one'lof yon dull, Ste folk hens to �L rn 1 11 y boys And 'missea, in the once I coant,,ai god of avexrtieh,and' fringed"rby''.6 low wliidhlwere�btill vouchsafed her games Whope,handsi I ibifik, na seed,bf goo so upstart race, despised wherovei'known; Aid Secret Chamber of !the Hall,,hile Th,b yeara that f xib, - , 6 - I , d ward lag, Y =9' lit6t; parapet of k6n:6, besides whieh;1'6v6r 'and br6ug1A­any. rest1orArbandglili well known in Parts, and no, mer, my por a s come an go. at werwa ov6iplant6d�.-gogpeiit,thabbat-dlyoouI one 0 thoe"phoeif' I block the roads andLdriff tbe flelds with giiow.,, it on the- wa, I I chase the wild fowl from the frozen fen - Xaftir6heisclfwas town -bred folks can undei what a bar- thegfooiby L jly 'L 9 My frosts ation, ho,paitges, and, looks down upon thd kaloidosti6po of"hei rose-gardon, WlAch liegtbough�ffi' ei�­ more -is, dared us'g�oxx 7,wiih proud andsimpli 'of t congeal the rivers in, their flow, great She bad suffered thau, ol to lea Ong �Ot nd; 64 ilbrylq- gettin ).is long gallefT the frow Oar" M slight up the hearths A'"�Atts of men. d4tho just undariteath.' Upon either, side oW Y n to hc�tgelf duriug'hoi Iiij lonely 'Obstacle. 'We wore� country gentry, in IV misfortu,nd of that: 6orf were made unw! lin�'Wltrieiisbo of 'I"Hunt stately, tortace,'x6d below t the� lyffaids; bdcs�u6e a IInId hijadfIal of' Moreover, though much AR kept. concealed; the- Hire " and The -5ngfeumv. of it'apreads,the '*A db.,upon tbi L the sloping. l6wn,'ritigoa by, the, ­ -h- l I "I I a r�. . 1 1. 1 6 meats or he gt6a odthai Aitiationi most. favorite pInketa; hidt'in wj' 16 60tiOu t t,round ehrti our. own lot, 0, to* 'it,W0161dersto 9,11hink, �,It ban Won arranged thaf'Sik� Alexander h ,,,ming the,ifid6uti there TsiistW �,Iist ye -9, Canada.. j6Lp IBM lik qi ebo'u*y it Maiidedb her v f time Of Clyffard '61 1 ilgug6rods. the chimney' of Galt, igh Cabe sibner fo ar6 in ilia vaht sum 6 2,8.09E '' - . her and carefully :h& � Pitiless spirit won d., re ut Of Jul��tii for life, 'tut Blue Jvhora diidn - blyffat(f had 'be prescatwhe Mi, f wo''do I I I 111t,h . cut )I negotiations or S'COM- q OWII19 bank. 136y"O'n tb k falifing'Y'stiongth JOaOL$yi Or h the-,powerwof tended in '&. Place 'other - than that W conce herself (for. I ad an rance: ruercial troatybetweeti-England,-aud-:Ptance Ion !is, &,6p_ One L &a eoial, b ars�.Tbero aiti matters VVIth ends succeed uubr ken rp eatb­hAd 110avienhadlaidmi ur on. w io sA VpOrRU 7-7mx W.89� fro Out), in dall6ed '.her broths i ieiumadL!in the, rioli.j .1, , � 1 0 61ad'doomed r, :Iri southward with ow., kept her 0 her �1(o veiy- spot..Wfiare� This I WAO-given to know, by-birelingsi; but Twiunti Clo 0 ! 6' sidn'so'L' UnConif6ijabld "'A night.' COMasatadLw1th'1mCfi'a fteatilikeetly n tandif, And on' the north; if the only v-cisture �bo hadiever, np, I ti dfi!oOtJy,;,Ig&thored it io ' 11d to, LthQL roe a -way worked '064t . civil i(iVoT But 'lot 1 Ad atid' � soh9s, whioh,� piebed togotherwith ockapiof family it" which she had iair kied, hq' "'be Sir Alexandisr's'duty to atch. Up tlie-'ba,06 of t a barre O"d her It in is and. undlon, had "' ow up theis'Was of 6611ige &#eoi the Dominion of'Canada, and it. will fdstivi B &no Or kind, of which over, and 4upert Clyf.fed'a eyes, though bright and she waiting there toiROCOMPlisil the M611W �Vlllgar'rumorr heard without the walls,;eked an'Oot in itself almost u ardon6ble, even Old. p1symat was- o loan constantly a par- �difexid Canadian nttsr 0 v y ff n 0 ghti, Won ried des ()It Y P�a Sy t di h at, � It B th hat R;upe had b eii 0 a IY It ch d 11 d t, 8 P e omp b g laebe 11. b -t-1 Which if OP h S.� a ?YO ion dep ty te on and no in d d