HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-01-12, Page 10– T -, — , i r I L , L , , r ' . 17­7rr7-TT7­ A J �f F U, u.— X 5; h -,.nj 17, , 3� . E!� ': ; . 7,: M r M 4i, P VL SNIA16 KAP L WE, S W T 1111 IK NUN 0 F AM N IVA k AC 19 f4 I K. , DIPSER.rZON: ANU JD A 'Y iX Symptoms of the DImense r11I Dele- 17AendlI Mleds' jrjrl ][Ir Remarkable Account'of it Visitoto #he AtLophear L LnJtiijas , �, 1, �- � '�:. ; - , , � L I I " -shire,i tit g a ' reoput Shrine at Kneels., Ivcu to Derspair, ried 11*� Ouse' 'Was �Stlf�' h oMlier Troubleki In W STIMANGIP, TRAGIC D'V. rounded, 'by -the tes -and- the fsedaily ha it ater aAo, y There are few diseases that possesses" 4 little giet"m btil Y (London Morning ]�,ost.) Op '0 it. buil h _ er SIR,—Ais a, paragra The, sympathileB of our, are the pbyiiiCi,a� and ake ir f 14.�yeara tibe 0 ttH:� got'into -A 11TIpther's Son and Danahier. Sbo more interest, both for art w6re emp i Many awakened at the Misfortunes of a �oung ep -oye ears; w. '[ Down ore r --A Dent the public, than small -pox (i�hioh is at Next 'day a horse &T�4'o I' ct'�account of my tly,to it blind man papers with an incor e taking away I Bet )Eyes -a of h out of Urp -Y� visit to Rno6k, I beg vour kind insertion oV martliid wopian; . ;b6 I Put an �41L I present almost an epi emic in Bovers; t valliied' M " li' ' ,J)I Fraud' St ' the fbllowing. finding a' ad lkavw,; In'a, da par -boat was, b�jw' Sev.entyL. he de- Such,, repor�,4, from what- 70nited Stabes), snd hence" we take lor. ABalipscara, every supposi he misery by the in laying ---Says Oar pleas r 50 -grave, ortly ifter�S 6n An Annapolis &Spatob a d, and the er� SLh are before our readqrs ever, source they. emanate, d:o ncuabWt hearing that s, son and,'dadghtor Of Widow descri eatment I has grq g'Jlp'gtOLLt 6 h6sday bvening. the ption of the te w Or tb*qL S real dthe bar-,J� as, they tbrow� disoredit on JaCe Y! he facts Etre R)mply, as folT Y r A as., young1ady was Mrs: Forsyth,. f,t�ped -Munroi liviiig in East DalhouBie,'had been iieen'u'sed for manyi years Wgre&t'BUC_ big Iving n I i's if ows - I obtained peru �Alled at and shot by .4 tramp,. Deput:�- -cess by Dr. Alban S. ]�&ynp, late Professor in'lhe' )�Iolio 1re-; into the �Obenango River, vhi,,:.: �.r the ..... . ..... the Southerli chikdek,,` as il�c�deaccm Cayan agI.Cwag the hesVL -Sheriff Ganazea starte& yosterday,mornidg '6f Theory and Practice, it,, time Wag gWolla:withr, oym that 'to iuqfiire Medical Collage, Ailai -as" hould found, a coilvent tb,ek6�if pos Con after sank to rise mo -bore i,3 life. . : ' I a pe loner k &bRea y I went there accomp r tcnied by th, fir ago for that place,- vla� Middleton, lata,, ati& Honorable Lof engsgbdiLdila' 1 s "Mpg Lurra I ifito tbematter. AtMiddletoll Mr. Ganazes Fellow of.the Kedics, �J Society of viyia, -gII6,ilo6id 6nta1lIf1`l-k1i&Ckaa­ 6 a now deceased, and she lived w, b he anHer history is'a "a one. - About. Yt" . , . I � I r etc. stract ma ebY barrelled gun which had been car�elessly 's r6si-, f the Kerimate Inet the prisoner iucbarge of two Spring Tli`� f6IIdwing 'is 'all ab� Motber in the vicinity of murp 0 1 neitbefasked Coria -mith, then a bandsorne gdd of 18. one of his lectures' I 'infatuated with a )',loung man field constablesontheir way to Annapolis his permission roin lett'in, the apartment loaded. - The wes�pon Idence. She Was employed by i a blind. fok� for,nor. expected a m.ir&cuI6 us' years,boloame scure. In. fa�tj I named. For6y th, 9, i pointer. S kii, tz-fter jail ',The priso er, Arthur Foster,,was ob.siliall-pox.' rofessor' J'ayn went off,'aaid the contents lodged in the' In rk 'to lead through the' stre may gay trul the idew arrLst�d. in Lowell hemarriage the oung, hi r Now Germany,, Lunen-, that ' as -, !ear �,18*,� Wh left brea4t of am on callsing and she accompaiii never crossed!my mind, F&Ahdla4f BIcand met. 'with kII-0oxr 'HOSPita On occasions, a -him I I . -1 our, b- and' in : r ' bargCounty, under 'the na�me of Arthr the, $in iiistant deat4;,., rto Harrisburg and other cities in Pezinsyl- yesI hayb been unable to. kneei down for usiness reverses jf' d6' Armondale, and taken, 'before Justices City, he noticed that tile primary or anitial receive enc left his wife and to Havinglearned a lesson by its struggle �­Vranlawhere Muipby was.'irl the hli-t 1* one inkirtant, eve the. holy com� pond Yrard Morgan and -Alex. ethe of fever ofsihall-po� 60UWbe detected by the- ,making period 'r ical vial �s!insearehro Mullion i froth in ability to boil d'my knees, the Pa. The young wife taken Edv I Y' with Professor It I f nickels. hi obertBon Smith the Free into, . sister'B famil that and c1larged-r With Zwing 'pulse befor4 any other.Syliaptoin appeared: Church of Scot'' 'to ta1e A mannamed Sullivan, who.k6eps consequence of acute 'rb6umatism. On and ft"(36ived land has refused cheap fired -at and shot one Geo. Munro at Cherry-. This pathognomonic Vulse, is oneeculiar against Professor Bruce, eitbe Glas­ grocery � store' in Sb. Mary 'approach the spot wbere the blessed every attention andr�Wa'. SUppliL'd with Atrebt,'tol a CODE Wag Hill -of God is, hall 'fort m. The 'road, in the County of. Annapolis. to Small- pox, &.pulse ied dillicult to Yesterday that" Miikpby mother k able quarto 'a scribe, bu I t re'co&izab I le-by'an clan gow�Di��inity -Hall, Who has recently Ub- Press reporter d to baveappiesred I an liched, it, earne on an I a I verage as r much'as 515 a I knelt few, despondent over.her'marital exist(? d 4uestion the biodar n8tinctively :and oll'y' in: answer to -the Usual du a . � -1 momebts I found I wai I ha �� 6 at,tim�svvaFiboi6�rii3g,onins�nit,�,. ptisoner replied, -nothing-to will patiehily'and'caiefuhy itiestigatei I Whieh'h &'iecUs4es the'ch perfectly cured of five'. . I br a ief end 'of revela-, .week all the year round. Heliaaa:congid.. A ecoines a ab III --of . mon . ey sav4 ill- the bank, thia lohg-ftandiri mont s agober I tetu He was removed to Annapolis County an tj abj�ct,:-,;�iintil laig finger 16 BU JUsband ad to take,, g malady. �, Both Arcb- I 'tion. 'The local piesbytery refus Scrainio'h,'suffeii from an acute t7ttack takeri before Justice.Christian:Glrimmer, of e'lucated. When, ontor recogniiec,l dt' Carr, andr aft6r couniiy expeditions hg� had often deacon Cavanagh and n6y Copfessoc the ng any ac.ti�n i ni ille case, and theFrde Church �r to pringfield',towhorh, oil eib g 'questioned, ever lbo-forgoite�, anymore than ahysi- MinlsSl6n declined to tak6'u i the h anded Sullivan -M aoRev. M, of_ K of rheumatism., The wife 00 P etimare, Were f 61 h6i -)LL 0 �e gave the same answer. MuryEliz%beth do6n. wlio,hag once lbarlied to' detect the matter for him , mgY betermed recover r \depressed athe return of her -husband,' wliwo she, Munro, mother of the two pe�sons shot, hemorrhagic'pulse could forgeeits peculiar I a Why aid he iri 2,, miiaculous.-cure lei'�Ve it.6 e6dlegiasti6al :The_ d Is 17Y 80 y9ung 9�9 a Councillor.John Mitch car at Moor dorel3l; but it wsR Of.ghort the ,was sworn, and said: prisoner camp: thrill imparte to hi edif.6ated'ilnger asked4be reporter. author ty to decide., I rbI b6wbvbr�.it to my house IaBt.Monday evening,. -the 26th Having. learned.t) rcognizethe initial' .Piik�.dov.ani-�lutely,�at�the age hush6a!A sooti recovered and to' Well, he was accustomed to the young, igoonly one of those cures forl;Ikhih the was, weli.'kfioWn 'a of te Scrant6lii Lately'doia had heant, Ing instant, about dark., . He, bad �een to �my fever by its - peculiar pills6, he next pro-, 6nar s was borti 'at Dalkei th lady," was the jeply;L in reeplent, iiiust thank God, 136t"Which� could -he Te�wn'Co roin, her' H-ro peeds, t it is 'do ' v thin I . told' that t h6iity. 'S house before�abrclit three week6-6;go. o vacei' aie. Ifth* is Up i he'shouldl, not�regard her wife until . t accepted' by ecclesiastical aut f hushtirid, 'on whibh�, pretended to b6eaf r an I d,dumb Wheii",he ten orwelve , houra'after inception, o'f,the oil the 'ILOth of ugust, When 18 otion. I for the on seem be Buffering greatly!� years,o age. a', She �ad. aitailied -womanhood,, but that firmatiou of a'dev, _am f he alluded sevc!4 Ed times dftyr night I felt have f " h went to Gla�'gw, and after. came last Mon sorry�foi, uI fever, the' Pat an. meanw-Iiiia he dBired to have a claim on very ign6rantof. theology, but I 61,6spond6ilcyp . i - I being Buc1cesafuI i6, the,'tiade �� a Cork- 'so number of su I all cures would carry4ejd�jr,jj to-deatb.' lagtevaning the ililreeintaobiinI bimbe6auseItbought he'walideprivedof slight ndisooition, without a Bign�of! orter,.:.. kr6hiI her. Abat he CotIld brin her� up -hi thprtion, ft icutter, hp.becali:I6 a'crtk imp. Sh' , ' r g s� Own: of.tfie little- faMily. were �kbout' way. a appears -be rperfeetly Con Beveral,perfe6trairacles'are proved. Arch' speech and hearing. I made 1im under- eruption, and as positive exe oma� �lfbeginnlngsharapidly'geca I tented n it is a very goo the :cenireiabler'6f .1 . 1. � I J� � ' - ­ d* , , " to stand that he might night, o r&urrence,ofthe, a rge a match for her- deacon Cavanagh baSr their homelih'ZL shi�owjler. and for ma�y Years cIItrried on, f d aSeveral a�pd, and,-by,.sigas,'asked, -.iu' the- most nailignahr, form., The' most.! ; '' L w. Ir 'heard medical bertificateB testiiyi -.mIra room and engaged inpleAsaut oil C, �tioh �which he conserd rom.a mVey,point of vie never ng :to' to be relieved of: �hia ovibrapat; ..I: remarkaVII6feature abeutth6.wholc Ahi an extensive bu''amos it ou, c,. ge ' and reading.' About'8 o'clock' arose Ing, . % 11 owing C 'Ut We must' wait therWiSb 'i 'I, . " of,Murphy �ich. I cau oI Piesbytery,�eceritl' �aild, taking up her shawl, said. Lill,�i WAS took his coat and hung - it up. After that is that, it the' -patient 'is vaccinated early, At t a , asgow. Free y. an 14 a a ofthe.,Chi ell, were they'Marriel' Sh ''I 11,M. s, e -he went to the waslistand and wa a( iter the initisl1evdr, in , he ipay be. the question of'tho 'Suffday-lectiires on Wall, thy. sa go far from expecting a pure my- going, a -little, Walk, the properly speaking, tossing.. a letter upon 0: ailoc- If M little girl gave him some papers, 'then all6wed to go where be pleas�as with- s6cula'r gubj6ots calhS a' he motion. Citholip,�: but no �elf'r an I toundmyself on my kneq'p, and careleSSI "a p. t I,. . priest 'would tie t a th, jes, I CUpi' d of .1 7 . I a Con after she left he:,, �iBter ban we had te&. - After tea. lie out fear of giving the disease to oth -The t that thesez'lectuies. led to g So yoUng-all US at 12 _fe nu and to r.a. Y T � of, Mr. Gaul h I a ould. rise i 13 a ok"up ome. Ta hII t a girl bein' d .86 they first h to got, up,without took,up ther Was aurp-,J,-,E� \to pers and lookii y &-rat-thm ingruffing,ofthe vace' 3 matt�r -Upon t filrt4er that profes4ing Unita nd lie thought OW Was Ir letter (I to riall minister n primary vartolouilever seem's'th'baye the"Chrisiiatco Should li��xhorted to",dis6ounte.' the aseistgnce,'an a was,ai-nazed, an mgkingthe find itladdreAsed to herself, and. whi a. I then'We t to my brotb&'s 'on an .�randr, and when I came back ion nance att6baing sue -D effort to my eon power* to destroy its ability of: reproduct h meetiligg,A61totiOn Id'y'Ou. ever hear liov� Murphy- lost do so, to find royslf�peifebfiy able., follows I Ge r a told me the prisoner had f I or piops�gation entirely. Another pecul; STity ri �of the previous questiou in' h B, My..confessor, the Rev. M.: Neligan, C. INGILk3l . PTON, i, ight askeAtbe"'i-epo'lter. C., X. Y.-DrAR- -z�'When .:agairg . t ­�Y­es I'think-be told�mewhemetwlt'h, you read this I will be begridall earrtEl�', oqwer. tho t he �might Want, to go to bad, J.r is this Unprote6ted 'patient I$ VradC 'favor of rone prCtestmg the :exlbt Can testify i6'the 'years during' wbich,:he �1 could endure ray miserii ]a existence tio Jongbr, ain a ., machine -shop at Clave�, M y, poor, ,took a Slate and Wrote tha hig.inight, �go ntedb4foie the inception of the 'iiiitiaolii ence and action. of the S hits, given me' h6l� COMMUniOn sittik, Ada.' N76fie knew how I have suffere. it What takes, but, aoegdlot I -Tor this Whilst 3V'were though I tried. again again, and even wronged heart is'brok6l:I Would,to I haA. to bad t any time. He wroteron -fever, land, Ohio, twelve years ag Aniia- prevent , 'r on yo I mo I as asI le�i At the Glasgow this city with $3 00.0, bia'eno' Ue ouniI to able tokneel. If a 0 lumn t y a you live in? " I *r&6, a' in favor of r. Gault's. quita-lately wag quite Uri :died inmy infancy,,. but He willedit Wanted tire Savings for Youlbwwhat1bavebad�to contend v'thall h know how far eruption �vill be E4ablished- Pre'sbyterY �P;r. aishall years, an d; was - robbed of, eve M jy,cent� of it was incorrectly stated' thaf I was Carried my life! . One-year ago I thoughtAV ,polls." He t an: varioloid. in its appearande would �ind chara'oeteristics. 'But' 'if vaccinated.; Vdiyg and Rev� Roberf Tbomson expressed it was to th� county line. I wrote e in a: don in- Alaska s into church. ..This is not tru bUtr'I: believe make me 'h6 but instead I imi most . an C 't a. Cb treat the day',afterh,i,,f3 commencemen 'of ret -dr H then wrote, "is that' 'your after' the the reg f, �h r urch, Ofr arriV ' al. S:�restorsjji6n '�f Myr health� wretched creature living. He has iyei� ine to did that happen b an gran Youngand inexperieDeedi I fret�ly.frjrglVo to ent,ral edune ane no tb i fi i was late iny: death, but -1 do not blame -lioor Wil 1. He son? I no%ded my head and he, then Scotland, should have.', U ad the ted to rne.4brouOl t t J.tt inti ]�Teveh,t. an- erup'tion, the .. erupti ill Gla§g9w Sunda Societ got,intorlt, Tointed to �e I le glyl,:r - and ..Y y'by giving lectur conversahon wifh,a cy of G-od.i,,,,qdite us remark; him as I ex6ect soonto'be forgiven. �io not try . � 1! why, he if not f. ill be glad to learn' stranger More iio, than'the, grant of to; dii mat d that li� expected she "S myr r9gamble'in Size and... othei 6harai� r s id�! ,Admii,6rs of BurrI woverrilybody,as the, city IVOU),:3 J�ave 0' and. foolishly spoke about. his. this ..... fb ug.able,to kr)eal.. Ihavebe r bury md, so let inexest in n t gwa cry g III I va. an dau�hter. :1 d ' the Same motion. the small -pox bruptioni it' matters that the "visitors'."books and,* other relib.s moLey; land he -said ha to put -it in will be eIisier for me to di Ho s �h M6 then went CUP Oe ortly after whether there is oitlo.ok a hundred i )16 aid he� recent. lessee of- the Cottagay. , al bank. . He for entirely unable.for the least in life, Rnowing as I do what that Iiia,mduld f" ­ wa- a simplo Sort of f611OW, or nd . fl, i 'thea a by the and the strKngqr had no difficulty in taking al'ways be, for me. �,& is -better so. Let nobody ,Came to the root d 17 ed shot There is as, great a dif erence in ve be.. physical exertiou, exc� ra few. hours in iers., him E know r of ible', 6j7clr­�My r father, therer T shot struck my son ance of the vakiblbid arupl�iou and, th holder. on' behalf of the present custod the A41 but,sinoo my Vibl�.� ZO:IKII Ock I seem from a, revolver. H i told Murphy- he would I . . I vill'be rI ��c'wben I ?un gone, ibehind the ear. Whe I heard,the,,raport small -pox erupMoh as th7�ig bet' ra a bi;nk Where' he could gemrcely to'leel' fatigue I of tLI]y. kiiad..' The I'lli'tt You ween The articles, -fori which the price of - E10' show' him unless, Ada, it is,you,, and'i do ; . rch ll�g not yet spoken in the Matter bad-& lovini, si&xly affection foi me: you I turned roufid . and *h fired. the socorldE and yellow. Dr.,Paype divides Small-POx ba�s-been`paid, consist of ilie two visitors' safety dbil' Be told 'cor lbv6, is better rnl� him'that' ill - it.� 4 (',ff Ob it time, the ball hitting my little. girl below into c6nfIlient, --diser-etq," books about -W' hich a 'good deal 1ag been )ank. paid t .,Via r�aay tiot do more III thi I Wil t the right arm, a d:the ball mQdified,and manijillated.j1he A' being January, d6W hope pr ay. is hard,haxd.' I hayertried .�u my I tter'' nd the doe or sai beard',the books da�jng.from Ist 4 11sqDIOLley 0 rtt kitchen table� and got cuurage has failed Me. Do�not send fj'r as wentthrdugh her 8 Cond term .0 r 18 has not been forbidden lve�l T�z�v both:llope th io will b,e no use,, but -,;Ada, talk to hiw naake ng.� A er,the, a,, a h h,,invention. Let us s p.-, i,878, till Wbitsnudy, '188i and c6utaiiiing wreceipt rori a confedi,�rate of tbe,oil Ug � . , pose. a. house Y, -F a inarl of biril,fovia'a is trying to do -1 sh n an ip an � -ma a ;ted in, the middle of,&� an excise, s6iLng6r, and . t�6 otwas fired my o. pr 71, -- lind. than and P'ray,'aud ,Ure y r t 0b, III pdor Will I (,.y " i; now t4c, unibrtunatb b We Will me ii eai�' ar r9rie, &I: ass. b no for the prisoner, Who.r turued\,r6und.� tI we see the& '4,��k kept by' sever�,Uvits led,ilii� The street conduoted,:m, a subjecr more worthy �ot .6u�' never again.. Well, L Sister �Add, I W07LIJd b�g '()f -those. Who IrI it I d I than sbut bb door, at distance� and tl�e- MeantiUI6 I Went out of doars - the flaines borialijg, vb,,114tLCI�6 'the excise''businass, gqua.l.e two. at I Would havc to cofcss 1.11y ilifetim The-iprisioner ffiezi *ant to the d lZ 1 t in,,.the direct- 13 o: and', that, cann6ibe. - I th,. kyou t iioUr afr th6 ho� - I,'U' iltrles�as to le�uing against nEsisay"'on'.Monarchy,". la,rap-post... A', police offic'er soon eliligh ra or o:.b tions to VO bi oul it'nbt :be the roosl� sensible tb p . ASte most carefu 'fo'r' and EcLitor h JrI language demanded ug �uwe: LaiiII sentano . at,, d nothing. bab.har. thcgreathindneEs'you ave(�L,neme eb�-& �im, as to the - so called- -bltnk, but -.0an �hl� wish 1,6'6uld.iepay yo.u,for� it, to let you to fight. fire With fire, and. - his hat, 6onppi of extcgg�ration a t. a.16,sitw6 time i and theh out., we, could do- of'one 614 the boards, par� of 'a nothing Could be -done' hiol, for, ouWhio know. how I appreciate it,r I will �now bidyou my f to That is the' buril the, �jr&Iss of S6��ttish Ih last faxewell. Tell Fred and Ed., fts well:a�.vour- n Burns' Murpb, Oi thie sljgbt6s� Ily �ih-inh`as himlly: as 15ossible', -last counterfir6 is' supreme duty t6.. 0 a f the window. y E� h- i miracu ous u Y him till now. The' of poor prisoner. is r6und- a Ouse. ro Mod truthfull 01%A. 4:�t. is . . .1 1 wronged xnari -s o my c I re: 'gen - -h ng, ames. reached thi�! -ground t", t '.Yours failthfuily' -b )oun in men , consig s of eightt reported— Glancing Whurriedly t i6'r in a app O6 MARY II LARE. Aftencommifting the crimp Fos burned over, the fire WoUld' have to stol),' I S;lSTURr. 1�71 d eaes,,�eae o ngfrm it the:.taiAbl C& that _&N Atigjlf�AN, .&0 Pre n I big -way ito New Germany, for the want of cornbustible material and or r� se­iat'onCOnverI excise. A amp, impresse (Ai: it., S Cora bad left her with �� suicid 1 a she towards Bridgewater, aud being hotly -p ni t IThis, is just- what Dr.,, I k, n a, s; g the - eaveg� ar bod many of Summoned her busb�nd, and, both' h alfad, he �turned and dre.w twgo revolyergto dd,-iri treating arnI thelh.dlk­e� missing, having,'been prebably� b �UrQlnjuji� guield n the direction � of the river., On defend himseif, ecomm6elld, e. saying bezwould,notLhe i8olsfion " an a 0 y at a lKnightm ol- pylbine reaching the bridge, theY.distin her t&keu,exoqptb , a t 9 smN, to all near by:and, likely Wraged a pr6pe ' r,'officer.' to ti8n,to ibesewere'tI si OUrthe stonerWall onr'tbe bd'�c ga r �at er ng. V'ing he g A-*dCsp6teh'f t� eonstable arri ve himself up,:say-, 0 al 'to. its direful' influeices Visit f Ed. of the, ex . . a a rude: p6r.trait"of.Brns"; 0 . In,- Rogers' Jr., - t Friday night aii,,old,man river, about eight rods belo: �be blidge.. ing, 11 1 have committed a crime." As yet the iie' 't*ice a day, and'as�soon as the. burgb. on' f- Ir 1. 1 � A, CirI degpM(-,h says: umors eo 14-SerleR r pres�,nted to. Burns, ith 'att6mpted" to 'approac I d Niltb k family- ITi. Fors, i her ',, r , have. rea6h6d.beid of a c'aI&mibyst Shanes- t 8 "be W as the pnisonerhas ma�de'no other Statement'. fav I ception� is recognized vaccinate a nd, -ai-oflior steel �angr'ain. by the report o -(T, d wife tethe for the - ------ sLtbe floor giving w y a- t the' UfJ6 �eiz her 9seto heiI unseen, an unheard, bu ju In his pockets ere found, a Card case I conw aigoase mu' ville' ugiba�iawas coullty)­op Saurayst r stop log Photogragh of. upon. 9 -:'aIB6� : Pro a a, aL War him' b b prang to � dr�I:lor bed wfie She -by L of 8, ng teiial i6 fee& wpistol, itud oind, YOU w6nian Wa tain man wa ed a le ing o L'P , 'h s: tri a Pjah7in­lh, Ore 2.nU;ghp3 re' h 0 feet, and and -sbv6ral ladies' visiting; card 9trPytblas, festival. T" persons 371 name IUD a C&S( aimed that some one had 'shot him. are, reported 100� were headlo into the, flood,which rushed Mr Lilidgav Russell ha' eX01 ng Pockei I memorandum 'book, -�fille� tb&'n d'. -, �8,, extending over a of thi I I I I affected &U�d against, -the alm The of thi The woman did not seem, to be r fire, prescriptions for liorses',�and-- cattle� 'Period rt Jour years wit0ilt a failure D�puty-Mirliste�'6[thd'Int6rior.', injured. The building to'bk ost perli&diculftr� wgll� more thai)L to shed a few te6rs.' . Martin -Later: bo6k to the belief that herb&$ gone by lie now calls U on' 'medical men to repeai , Darl�elFrancis,fornaerj Forsyth, not beirg.aswImmer, called chief operator -rearreste, butit,�Was iorhelp, which soon re'sponded,�and,ohe t Y and the woman we Several alizses, such . as D,i Albert Armen- hisexpeifthent a'drepor Qn,theih..r" of theVbste --w-Tfie Knigh'tB are' 'of the first families of rn. Union r To'legra,ph �,oMce at discovered. Martin-., , had no hand an h6mr 110 heid 6V the 'Wall nearly dale, Arthur Axmoildale and Jack Simps.on", Chicago,' died of small -pox ltl�, place, and' the gatberitig included the In W qr, Mall, eXaml- in thDuring ...bar succe6ded in grtleping-tbli.dr6whillg, wo 8nk Jaiiii sand that be Las been inthe habit of; passing ion confess telligence,and beauty�,()Crtbe�:neilghbor�, hi BI- of TNnce­EdIv&ra Mr's;" _to n. reach.r County but ghe� S a is rom the' fact" Varipus� it keep ahat juBtlf The band hall jUSt�L " for a dbaf-mut evid.ent f A r .1 ; , is correspondent of :the Lodon' killing, ',ar us and led hood" raspilwitllout:� bavin'g Utt r WO, or when A'craqh,was herd and the floor g cap began Settling la6gth,Ral �,U a Ilutrit.ion nwo ea bad M.adL t6r' she mad 11. P. Th er a that in the book's referred. to,there, are. sev. men 0 pply, the, atthe it ana crime bY Sayingrh(��j hinib a tbb f PA atea C oral seritenceBprinted with� a lead.'pencil secretion a Th 'R h opened Sub. men, Wils'a borspthief� a steah hawl was.tbp-onlyt ing he succeeded in ussian,press Ing The timber had slippad Off the post in the is such as ,I am tired out-; Can r I,rr t athorn is supposed,t a derived,from, 1. JL , r , . 'r f neSg rear, an p . ibk*�Wall­i . n,', 'h Iding. A sad fe Was aevel sdription' or the purpose o makingLr gark big busi in every place they1ved, that tilled out% the br' ature opre in &while?" 11 How much will barp, me, hehaw froan-an. 'th a the 'ease , yot n after, Cc , ra to stop to -day?" .11Uif & 0 house, of. an affectionat(i red fruit -Bernbardt.a�h9,iadso'naeprei3eu,t. heL reatoned'ber lif ;'bad�' twice. drawn a 'front.1 The centre' setilbd r' pi' 'b ' he arrival, Boo Itig thought tha young man will recover, - Anglo-Saxon ord meaning ge. Tb a French Academy, of 314"edjeine n beri and --,that - her life -was taisr- -:broke leng)III Tbw failim, floors left.her sister The bras children with%the scrapings�.�iid,sa*�U'st boneo"form had tbeir*atce Old with him ! Bud from li�r' husband, -soon but the eakandnolippeg ntioxJI i th� barficadedthe front doorsi but were .girl is unable to sp it- to the pooi-house,.�and. ��eu an al th6' girl of 6 years weighing 12� pourI tkke� her in down The, Chandelier in - the rfi616 which, eai A good, p Ce in, woman were get ating that' be had obtained, ierml are entertained of bar recovery, Asyetno ' She Was permitted faut irl- C 1) .:markot, being, nauch�usedrb� pas iy 600ks below broke and oils yeiI "Imployment'an goo pay, -and expressing. cause canbe askigued, for the deI P, Archbisbop,r PUrCj5IJ is now in, better jail. Mrs.- Bolih -on Monday-rborro'vAQ.- I-Orp pille&o his g. Pgaill S:��kn,f f, aze" a past, a UteSL M a '0 yet been re! is apqj) L as -Mateiial"'for' 'for thi4a, �monit H the jaiLler4 cuttiU9,4 and in� a few min der,�aged an EtI of pqrsonS. bUrstin.abl j6y�at the pi6spect Oftheir bdii jelly. alth I than h ilton L �yo UrI "The body' has Untr the h ard a, mass at 4 o'clock 'dress 'to make 'her 'baby.�7ecfo-thing. 'death in zwered., �-'Binghd*pt&iz izpatej& to ]IN-,ruE C%][UBLCAJ. M a Wa bur Ricbeubach, in noticing the statement ne th ' Dr., Spit2�ka moruirlgi' her mother's Bey. P. 'k. Stan it arms n Ot Catch fire. Ud- in, the egg Ofr a. Pregently-the jailer opened th� door of heT qyM 4s� Courie?. ]ko a 'Coil'. Wben he disc The g did Mr. Pw eson, Pbstmasi no -woman The dead 'are Miss Mary, Neff AndMilton- turtle'sA Alve.. maggot, Says that � he 'once to ast ,, '' L * 1 .1 1 it Cob New Church..r.r fell left Toron ght on big way ton g- had'r cut, hei 'throat, Severing the jugular t den an Brij; 9 as Ora start a 12 hen's egg -ii sm'all piece of prin tIed. land. He' has obtained three d The me six Y persons were, in ur.ea., molitbolleafe vaili-and wind -pipe. She s It di ',.So The trouble in the BethemaulieiChurch parer. t. do le, Everything, possible is being dbn'ie f6r the Cobden a Bright 'have not on y been B orers. -among the irst speakers of In t 0 theii time,; but; ofabsence QXI:Urgen �private affalra.rr. in ant -was unhurt. red), Gray streeti, London, culminated the details of lthe;�first voyajei of li� I "I . ff Sir Edward Reed, an English b wcy' English to Indiai fii:i591!j we find rbinoceko6 y they rendered �a considerable drIvIce. 2,000;G00racrSs,6frIarA in Yes, rday afternoon, wheh'Bisboippm bm purchased,,, GELUS OF T111111E S)RAMN. attended a meeting in the church. s monopolized by''Ile native sorcerers: F, I their orat6lI to countiy: to whi Ar,born !DK� Reclaituable. on account orida, *ith,tli eLidea':'ofgettiUg Colonies of, The effects, of,gever6 . cold ��are hot less a' writing in settle discussion,. the Bishop decided ' -of thsir� kepUted virtueg�,'ifi baportantL'sarg6d to The i6t reme -dangerous than those of exti the ed'rf poi 0 Battle upoii the tract. &I area,61 bog in Ireland is eSrti' Ei leave the mattbr in dispilteM emb6 detecting-Ilip'preSen 0 8 Ito in rar Mated at %830,00.0 acres,, neatjj�:one seventh �reBid6nj&ln tilege,rhortherh' latitudes ire or r ro 16'rengler &to y is- Constant y, liable . tq� a B n Temow Spr me Of the entire surface of 'tTie- island. Of eqUlilly liable to both P bably thii,cIoth- the. aBc6ndandy -of j of.the church, when th re 6i�tio R esentatl6ra of n animals, C. O.'Perrault, vlo�.Consul Of Frk Ce at filt mon'St frm bf: ing Rev. P. T. Stanford from the pastorate 'Roatibal, WaSL yesterd sy informed officially tliege�boga'.therie are deieribiation. pome of:the6 hajing orouching, sphitI 1;576,000'acres OfL frost-bifirs, * ."tfi is e,or Mary particular �jtyle. Under thilI J�fliianotII t at he li'as beer of the bog, � the r6mainhig, -1,254­*,000__Ladjas pre 6hilblkin, and its Close ieserhbliilice to from' M4 t - t. UdB' Legion: 01 n he, f -L :j; he Comes 0 was pass - ed by a -Vote of 21 to The like form, have been found in'the me 1,611 &'rCfieV - . Without IL'f, d t'�'. k a, of Illinois. Mountain 0 11 pastor then agreed. �W resign, an 1 00 They weigh ten'to twenty by . the Preside t Of t h burn is shown -by the fact 6 �& Ve to a orm" with- 'the note for $57 at thirty days for the balance pounds and are sculptured from hard Stan Republic of Fr, nee. clicnaical' details, whiob' owe ve , r, , we'ra.re 6, We, May State as ee Y SUperstitio'n regard- it6r:84t St' John "N ,red. t the bijit �L:bieCb U;, btirnt�, AS! the'L Worst able. When Cobden siI A lit InCAlloho.Englazidso 6apt�� All": L, .1 11 ., I 06j�:behind it jtI of big salary. Mr. Augustus Gie-en, the earl, 'for over., thirty p6 6;'d n ing�and loa�iU6 a itk thiise,of %Abwev 6rdeisiiipl ears allipping- m fully 'Ire cold, so L the n official who, looked the door the,pastbr,! ing broad ba'ked on Good Friday seems'fo ...tiadidtled fi�ci that hothing - but -well- tjliiig, for a burn.' i& ­to apply' 9 rom, an early period. , Broad was�. of Highland extra�tib'n,. and W lb 'greater portion, wt4o school of � Pitt and",: Fox of whom e& 6 - Capt. LeSh -worst,thingfor froBt-biteig.tQ�apol�h6A, Youll tendered E6 written apology to Mi. Stilifor4j, ha,�-, ,let died y6§terd'SYL morning. A, , " directed labor is required -to cdnvert,the k� hid'boen,formed irl', it is th L intr t,, R baked was kept by:tba-family. thiI orw Feel M Cap& IS. the congregatioDL as a at QUaqO in 1800 *ute, into the ricliest pasture. of corn I and.' a The decisioh'ig likely to cause � :split in if not all.'61-thatiland and. this is frequently seerI in "the '06SO : of Canning was i� biflif 'a 6 n Of tb ensfaing Year; Under the belief that a people who put their cold r feet to the fire, . . I Whi disCiple.L. . The last echoon of.' this cia'sEliem Mr. Stanford to �stablish a he first,.,and in, 'chikiins of ch B�6ucioauft says that Oscar. Wilde, tbe -Drainage is t] many casew oratery � might !Do hear& from Mr. C;Ixd;- new.congrega �cro b dfitin wsjter�*o ldprove,a remedy and 'so produce the tion there. beI c ever man, , and poi, tho,:aEIS the only, requisite. to effect this 'change. hap t-bitt for any disorder. aesthete, fac" - of the bog after d MoUtion hal n, A 'fros on Stone. It deniI r all-things's wliich,-.-bi$r ridieul6fig' po'Sing in­LOndb Burnhig-the gur 6 rain- nara'full of rem - ii�s ie;/�rabs; according to La4y. eotioilto ing, 0,9 in some; placee,bs;a an admirable ,faelB numbed and ingetisiblo T1 In . , ii�­ ­ L Part loss, it. careful',education, v�id was Society makes'him' His d eXtraet,ug'Ltho cences of ancient rhetorio� , Just wh an An English sleuth hound, whichat-Blaek'. alway.sI of ille'ptitity of.water tbelpestheiie cra'zeis three-fourilis assumed. result. . Claying,tho'bog li� and, it not'judiciously tieaied,�may mortify *as'falling into deedy Cobden and-Brighil burn, in England, detected with ke . nose ' �IABbxviig whether attractive to, the Y'Of S . an Im- `sTEd drop Off., . The Proper treatment, app6ared, "d 'iendeied "fo, English Speak - the Spot where portions of the of the desert'ot not. .If insects are Tb a, King., of, I Italy;' a.. few days since cIay hich - lies below and -forins- pevious t pf-the-Intbrilational th iifil'6 has been child urdered. Una chopped up'by the /found swimmi g in ii� the 13pring wili prove received the j?res�iden' bed,. indyladqglt�a -9JPP ac�6r(li:bg to the Famil� Ph�8icia�t,'is to . I I . r .. . ' r ing, is a me &d followed Y Much the, la%vicdl. which the 'b a Sweetland good,-,, if not, -J -A856ciiitiOlk g the Gambling regiore, the cirdulation iii the part, very is 1ad rendered to Engli barbar0­11a assassin Were-, UrIed, has, been/ to b or S poetry,.,., its uppressir brougM to Dunecht, in Scotlana, Tables at Monte Carlo. :'The M*ng L Mani_ irI cases, as in our own,. Bridge,' slowly and gradually, and for . ,this purposp It woubl not be correct to say that -they'. t tr ' nd ness is very doubtful. dy fested interest in levels, with the su turning friction should be Used With th b n&' discover the spot where tbo'bo the objeef'of , the osocia- sa a n amps into the riches 711 were",une'ducated men,for4ib, menLeducated earreported t PRAtura of t as, very An III a li�ely sense. of the corruptin aming snowor dipped in eS, more. highly al, Scotch Earl Cra'ford, which was/ talon cold in the extrettie north A � numbers influence that g hr theingelv t L they *ent:"6n from its vaults, may have been buried or the gambling estimblisliment , ay-growillglands in the kingdom, Which- pad�nt� sliblildbe. kepf from the fire, slid in but they ov�cd nothing.. 6 cia�sical models; I& the�ce by the'rigor of the of; birds Io arb -h d- kt,,r hidden. But. theL E a Clim ex ercises on' the ever of these methods be aclopfed ther6 is an arY7rOOm, Until ti they t6o�, tIyd1f,I4nRujg6, Straight froth the re aligliting Olahe codsts.of Nor- the rencarkable oharaoterigtioL that' only. lirnb and iis'"C616i r are� full restored. way, arn ying a so long that there is hot the sicent of in sucb*,a state of stiitvation the Princess 4 --wales has -set -in Eng. laboi� is required. , No Imiria capital i§:re- When a Y p6pularr case't limb is really sevbrel:yfr6 itten, gfrre"Z blood; as the 131t4 0' st-b� fi :fsh land one eXCellbht She has: Mader a ow the baltwhile t a on I immadiate� recourse r should �, be -,had to that they quired than wi I suffice to fbed the work Bright elevated it by the aid,of 0, fine tg4te, guide.the bound- on and -an, ardent , imagination.' Such hati" men fife casting �h'exr lines; so public a display of her.aitachment� to' peopl6'r Therelisakreatwbrkto bed' e-�:-a m6di�al advice, as the pitient' may lose a be,,,, Mt. Bright &Is an, orator., As gin -M. Ar bar young sons I I man&d�utierXms made a series A story. i13 told of a Jaw of Tewksbury' in' and datigliters tkit, it. basL work so large that it is beyond thpart of it or hardly escape'with big life., A �� d y 0 1., of analyses on the presdnee of lead in foods 1820, who fell fiftol � well on til� a, 1h 6 oiU6 the mode for the faishionabl -� a Work in- agit'at6ri her-hag,bad one greaf success and of any priva a a parse onj expose to a ad big bben results to Jewish Sabbath, Out. of reverence,for the British mation. similarly t) express her volvirig 'Immeme national' bon 'low fio in" r6. - It is quite true. that, , ,:,b c t nterprise,; it is In who has been I d 0 and liquids, and presented the 6ht. All the Paris Academie/aes Sciences. He finds temperature; par y, if � either "Very Said" the triumphant; sucI of 'theAnti- day he W-Ould,notBuffe'rhimself to be drawn �ffectlons.' Small'boys and girls have, it neighboring lalid'.16wners6uld. bb,enriched 1. 1� a'in young or very aged, or IrI bealt"r May Corn Law League in 1846 il led peoplg� into preserve& fruits; 'and" vegetablei nt. The' h,rlr of - Glaston , on whose land p 4tated, completely -eclipsed to�-teriiekB by t4e reclamatioll'of,this eho'rmous bOg- be so completely. overcome as to b the 8 In' vary the delusion that organization, R A,be packed in 11 tin?�boxes, a minute propor, _Wellrwas, would �tot � allow him to be and"pugs, wi the pets'paraded by ladiesIri The island buger. "; The first Ohr'l 0 -w-buldr- have 'almost a now considerable,at evidenc6 of only Ci6ntly gigantic- seal tion being absorbed from the solder of the t r of Vidtorias 9nd'on, fbot in-Ilyde Park at fhe 'its_ Vk6d&t,Ve Uien 0-46 the nexi day 6U. ISEI t. for', heig county � added to area. No this is'a drowsiness, which beco'II after a its iMpottlinity"r season. y ro" ti'ma perfectly irresistible, bitt suffilclently uni a -a idona. li� of th lite. o, apply to it, which, if * 7olianting in Prpgared sardines, and PstAicu- p 6T io,capble -of winning any virt boxes.- SImd audb.if& ay came b died. money need be sunk in bog. It is 641 larly. the oil in which they are packed, t uous caun 0 E . Very�.�leff6jf qiiiE thaiiinuscularl rce efa a from this very.just obser*ation,the he A ozi6 the ma�y imexpecited, deve ... lul made to rouge -the patient, and W a "virtUou Mighthpomi contain � still largei proportion, ana i which is fretting itself into deeper poi6rty hoMd be 'the sardines ha;�e Well or tted., �, But A -PittBfield (Mas�.) deopatoll of Wed-. and miseryby 6�foroedidlehess. Thatthe to keep him awake until shelter is reached 3ri , ence o , f . all agi , t - at, ion , S, kePti- the Mr. Biigb o expq CM , , to 1011, �:i is.the proport'Onrof arm,, 5k, alta6king 'wherI if already passed filt great the pon -the. w nesdav'6 date ysl: The annual meeting proper modej th The e6tillon iBAess' successfully 4ried' erk'ghire Bible Society. to -day �was- _matter for ready's6i�nti 01, at, r 'Uqe save onaI has not, boon altogether -:-London Tru by "German of the, B fie' detarmination, condition;,'medioml laid sh IdIbe, lie and, Cobden continue4 to agitati till iii favor than it was lbst �ear,--gieatly' to n2elcteirs, it' utilizi mad e%unler6ating by'tho---piegence., f ever'y.Woolwich'cadetis- awaip. What ig. summoned,. In the meantime,. the patient the death of' the latteri', They devised -be ng the Rev. lit required �is Simply �nough labor Under set . on-. Should and ll virtipped in �i ihe delight of the lovers of true dancing. olectriclorpe the as might 1'e,istupified D Corresponding Secretary of . be guippea, campaigns againsi� intervention in- foreign if it may have'llad. some Claim for the iiecesaiy period" of can 'Bible Society, who came by t dir6otion'; and When 'we: rellbet that blanket, and friction of the limbs with the in itsorigin� time without the Ameri -in. t now ­it� has' being - lnj Ured;. and *the��rasult provedth' countries, in favoi of Univerial,pbace, -4r to be called a dance, bu 6 IrIl to exp am or�r6ply'to the charge vewantthe-woYk to,beAcne, wwell.asthe hands.,gliduld be Carefully and Steadily favor of An%rI refoiih, Slid ittall of these degenerated into a childishly foolish galne, eorrectuelis 6ftho iaea,,j. T be, first attempt Ofr the Connecticut Bible Society - against :men to be remployed; vle think, no Unne paIrried,,on. A,: little, warm Milk may be they� succeeded very slightly 6i -failed anagement of tboAmerican" a put on convict cautiouslYadministe Wl and moreover, i had gathered: the finandi in 0 to only Ohe gita i rude' one, irttition Is was'inade Upon -beea C�gsary ra� with a sipoolipuphed ignbrainional occasionall . y furthered byA, btitAb6 r true, upph-Irees, r the itisects 'falling upon tbe Society..'Rev. W. 11. 1 Gilbefi,Secretary of 'labor as.a solution to -the pr6blem. L6n&2z. well back into tbothroat; lijid, ifn Th Inds that openly to,­faor Ono e`I tion in wbic&r. Brigbt,� 4fte' SUCC66diiid coquette f 'ground in a1duld oftrando, which admitteel- the C6nrI Society, Was present, and Build&. syringe is au hand, some' wafin -vister or overtllrowin�thfi Corn Laws,,:Oan in any, gentleman at the expense of h1alf, � dozeb of their being, oafely,�biWdled,r llb, next: dibtribute& �vampbiets entitled ',, The ---------- milk may a, t I brown UpInto the, be in wels. sensebo.haidtobavosuebeeded.1 asnecessitotedby;the various%.11gures of -stage in was to'capture the Charges Proved,,'; �'afid, Aevi6� of the urge 0 bob dtoartiociat voting the franchise, Or . 01 The Hindoo coolie�' 'of Btitish Guiana Reco respir; h'q ' i - ' ' - I I h h a 1 � With, the cotillon is, to say a: least of it, inju- besia when they were about to By Financial Management Of 'the American 'at' as not breathe even. ana some time ago hold a to discuss' atiorI if t a � t here his own suedassfilled.1i introducing t COU111 ions " t Carrie :6 ri6us "pelig" slightly; -which may be on by In point 0' dicious." he n 9 Of two niing tiblor Sliaioty'j Dr. Hu )9 fact kb, Ut flatly Contra- therit of the va bad'n Wade no into a fully-ocouplea honeydblU, and' - dicted. the accusations against the Smori. Commended, to ilicin By w the welbhno�vn process, re in" 'a wholly Dr. Boynton how says he Which "Were 0 triumph after 1846 until b ng'Preeill6lit 6y decided DC( a 0, Soei�ty in.� 0 nin 061 agito"tork P charges -for his Services attri' turning on tho'burrent, ille basia were ran-. 'Pan Societ�!s maiiagardent, and 661 _popular vote th th H as 8 new sell .-P.11 X,dll Gitzette. Garfield's illness, and returned' I6rod inactiie. for about thirty minutes nearly two hours in, fts, i A mis t - sonf, a much mora -common a9i Ityth Boyer �1,000 bent sionary socie y 'him by President G&rf 'for att6nd'ing 'Nen 'no bad riesultz to follow but aid hot - replj'; he reSkrfs'6-to tholrr6qu6stfor one., ost�bite4 w Gilbert raft IS 111 at the wlll'd6 go later. I)ri Hunt'was applaud' 6turb. alid have rio, Mt. Mowat,­with.14well- OW ad-, awaketimg, ed, thus far But - Mrs. G&rfleld when the latter wi bay built "lu her' iapa ths. wh rge T, ht, k b'd t mt, not at, "hot a he I h I my I tt the do. or .g. A ge P a a Oh aP te, a "e' 0 me o'f­ Pan .\d-.iht-b .W I b 0 White House. Dr. Boynton s6ys'no phydi- it is Stated 491rdblible-that­tbe Duke of and-,a's an expression of confidbn&�- in the T 20,060'Hlndoo�coo t a 16 d Tb.r IS lant re. Dr, Connaught, "h hug a: strong ddsii6- to parent: society, it was �oted, Rter' 0:s;'p6nd. 0 now : announbed ih4l, and not at all a progressive appoin 6. ai&n ever labored moro'earnestly th 'ing "00 W, give Bibles I i to h examp1b,'bi their abundantly proved by, his sf�ybig� o M �Ck' $S agenttfoi�le I Bliss, and, be and'his associates deserve the 'visit India, W'ill be selected for an IrI n this county, send the Burpliis o tbe American 8ociety.� n) I.re f*irest considorktiono Command" h Y are fo I.' b rethren -A , of GtUa, .0 Y look" to pur6 and 'ANN=