HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-01-12, Page 8... ,. -.�. vii' .µ{1"d"�,•,P?e'";.5:; my';�
JANUARY 2nd, • 188
20 IJer oeiltdisco
25 per •cenl
0.riirTQN 1.,at{HET%.
Jan 11, 1882.
The market fr\alnwst everykind of farm
been ver a 1for
produce has be y sae c y the last two
months, and there ie no indications whatever
that any material change will take place till
the opening of navigation, And perhaps not
then, as railways and steamboilts have made
intercommunication so general 'and 'rapid
that if a. slight rise takes place in aux part of
the commercial ,world, in articleslof common
consumption and produce, a quantity i. im-
mediately despatched thither to meet the
active demand, and thusprices are kep
more regular and uniform. Under this as-
sumption we think it -would be wisdom in
our farmers to market all the, produce they
'will have to spare, so soon .as roads become
somewhat better. The quantity of pork, as,
we anticipated, has been much smaller than
for some years past, and it is not likely that.
ever again will there be as much.slaughtered
as there used to be, as it pays better to sell
peas and barley than feed them to hogs, and
many farmers tind it more cocvenient to sell
them alive than kill and dress- them. Not
- much beef is now being brought in in the
quarter, and scarcely any mutton.The de-
mand for horses is more brisk than ov.,r,.and
it is quite likely it will continue till after
erecting, as the demand for horses for the
north west is very great, the prospects for
�a�rge influx of settlers to that country this
s' ing being beyond all precedent, this need -
m. theta. Hay has declined. in price con.
si: i r. 1y, having fallen to $41 and $12 per
ton, caused by farmers from Hibbert and
tow bilis, where the crop was much
than • tbts ncighbprhood, bringing it
in. 1Vood el'1 continues dear, the roads
trim. so bad th but small loads only 'can'
, in unght in, ant 't is almost impossible to
gt t a load at once oht of the woods. The tug up an tnogssant.'coughfn �, Making it 'im-'
b i
lxmaud for butter i n t very brisk, and it re possible for him to be coughing,
v' g' + 1,, "4 f ii
t. 1' n o eb hoW a ..:.. . "
nota all likely t b solus better, as fresh -- ail -iv-0o.
w X 1Y_... still ,5_:o,4x�,.� ,.., OIC).�Z� � Uf�Y� o }
easy car -fall this be avodlad `b simplyT.-
usinr TOYS ani FANCY C t (JlJ
cows will soon begin to cook in. Y 6, O @�11i1 0 he'.SChoQ1S 11t,t;h ]. 1cYCt tL.,,(1 L>lY.kallo:
�" I Dr. lc;ng's New Discovery for coneureptioti •8 ` S
MARRIED. ' • •
WRIGHT-13rLEY.—At Crediton, on the. 2nd,
inst., by Rev. 3. Butcher,. Mr. H. Wright,'
of McKillop, topliss Charlotte Baley, eldest
daughter of the late Richard Raley of Us-
borne township,
POLLICR—TURNBULL,,-At the CI u Parson-
age, Exeter,- on the 2nd inst.,.bylthe I4ev-11.
,. ., n .. 7f,' 1�� , ,. i.i. i,.,!'C iA�j.:' i,•J,l'9': _i! `,�,•.Y.rq•
,i4 kJ 1=1 _ = – 44-4-. – = 4.. 4_.c
R. Gundy, Mr. Jas..Pollick :to Mss`Graoe.
Turnbull, both of Hay.
Mtitx—Lucas.—Io Seaforth, onithe.3rd inst.,
••b o- to• iufor-in our cit stolners'that we hav v e
at the residenceof,the brides father, by the : , ',��IN � � �. ; . We b d Gbeen' fortunate
Rev. T. Cobb, Mr. J. Muir to •Mis's Eugenie
enough to secure some of those
gannon, Deo, 28th,` by Trey. 1: w Leich
r. Edward Million, to Mise Anna Mc
r,r r.---ir1C.j4 1C:E.—At ane. resicrence-of-ane
brie'e's..,fether, on Dec.. 2$th,-by theEev.
R. W. Ltch, Mr: John S; Millet of'Luck-
now, o 1• r s. Emma J. McCaig. of Dan• :':, ¢ 1 V1 l uS'>t0 t el1T 1n
gannon. W f,':. tv piles tivh ch �., 11 nab e sit e as archnarsr frau
Pen >c :LsaOrtirent 'ot
lee \[a1einI(jiS tedRaisins
ni r4fl Mrw► w • to what we';hacl last ear,y(being, versa fine frui at -a.
t o F r 'r sell h
Nlcaor o�•-YRE�' ons — I th • N th 'S
Methodist church, Goderioh, ..on . the -.at , •
rust., by the Rev. 1}•
Williams, Air.' Alta ,S , , ..
:ifcliolson to bliss B '�-��
Set , Jane Precteus, of • 01.'. T:0". ,11. 1'24 Nvi11 E?.;Y .''v7-evt,-E—,. Z'14'.111 .17 � ,. N/ f�..
ci lei ' C'
R �t
In. `o •'
odor n
the .4t "�
_ r
v L Nr THE TOWN- 13> u SLO(I T• T .. P T
E� I;I' h O 1\ HALL.
inat'.. tiv the •Pnv. ' .•dvlil 'ehe �old,.'.rc,J�;<�.a, �. _ • _ ..
�� s;rnrLA'sl.n.• r: wrI>L'r>e:.
on 26th, Dec. by Rev, H. Cameron,
Dickson, of ,llolttll'op,• (brothel• • 11.1r.. Chris -
Lsbornr•. .
Dickson, Clinton) to'Wise'Emma.Horton, of ,�
A Vexed Clergyiiian - •--=
Even the patience ,If Job would beccyme ex-
hausted we're he.a preacher and. encleavoring -
to interest his audience'wbile they were keep -
t ® ►lerl
Whtat, fall, 1$ bush, $1 2.:i •a 1 27 coughs and colds. Trial bottles given' -away
n r I at J. Combe'a'druestore_
ran 1Lodchaff - 1' ..a
p g, P a Z3
Fife,• • - 1 26
0 38 it
- 075 a
- 075 a 0
- 6 50 a 7 00
• 045 a 050
- 0 18 a 0 20
• 0 17 a 0 18
- 11 00 a 1300
6 50 a 7 00
- 075 a 100
- 7 25 a 7 50
Oats, -
Rutter, •
Eggs, -
Hay, -
Sheepskins -
Reef, • . - 5 00 a 6 50 `
Bucklen,a Arnica halve.
The Best Salve in the,world for Cuts, Soros,
Rruisos, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores,
'fetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns,
and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures
Piles. it is guaranteed to give perfect satite.
factor) or. money refunded„ Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by J. H. Combe.
Gomm-v.—At the residence' of Mr, W. Ball,
Base Line, on the 6th inst., Mary Corbett,
aged 82 Bare.
From the Nub.
There is perhaps no tonic offered to the pea-
irlo that poeiesees as much real intrinsic value
as the Hop Bitters. .Tustat this year, when tke...
stomach needs an appetizer, or the blood need.
purifying, the cheapest and beet remedy -1s Hep
Miters. Aa ou.uoe of prevention ie worth, a
pound of OIWO; don't wait until you are pros-
trated by a disease that may take months for
yen to reeovor in.-1iesten Glebe. qq
(e'1 116edleino, not a brink')
TIE: 07? Tu
ALi, o an E,.', xns
I Dleeneesof the tomnclu, Bowels, Rlocd,
Llycr, Kidneys,Kidneys, an rlunryOrgana, Ner•
vonen .a .StecD .es teas nd e •
e.y'43maIe Com Ints Peclalty
NI000)IN C:
WIIi be paid for a case they wl of cure or
Imp, or for anything impure or urio a
fol nd in them.
Ask your druggist' for Rop Bitterns d try
them before you sleep. Take no Ot r.
D.I. C. is an abiolute and irresistible cure fo
Draakeness, nee of opium, tobacco and -
seen roe Ctwntt.Afi.
'labors told by drogOeln.
op Man 4t. Ro obn8, N. Y., k Toronto, Ot.
�..�� s T ave frost-" root must be sold. out at' greatly reduced prices
scN00l REoulsITEs A sREciALTif . a p
i INK•.
Hair dressing,•sharing,fthampoaing, &e.;'ttended''to
�,Sweet Caporal,, V. T...C.,
TO`�CC_____._ , (JJ Myrtle Navy, &c.
rs. , .C-- S--Ro oazlWreath,
Le Cubana, Le'-C3athe•World, F1or deIner.
Balance of Jamas and N. r s Cards clip A
Pipes. Cigar Holders & Cases. Ciga•
ret�t.es and
Cigarette 'Hol r� and.Cases Match Cigarette dost boxes,
Pouches, &c., "to suit everybody.
R► set's Book Emporium. is the best place -to getl your '.
�1Vg�1VLB�R Dcl�so • p �'
Books and Stationery.
�ar News vaners and .: la►atz es here
YClinton. andvicinity' b 1��,ve to retu.rn my 'sincere Clipre thanks to the people of to a , for,ther
patronage, and lio,l�J�e.' for acontinuance• of the• same.
. 1 }