HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-01-12, Page 71EUM}' /Neuralgia, Sciatica, f-err'L•:r foo, Backache, Soreness e:` • Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore T '• li- ings and Sprain:, ; d Scalds, Geneva, Naim, Tootle, Ear and Hoar,' •r°r fed Fos!' and Ears, c:. . , ^ or';er Pains and is c.• No Preparation on earth egm,,s `•r. JAcoge Ott, a a sole, sore, simple and cheap Extert,ld Remedy A trial entails hut the eoniparatively trilling outlay of 60 Cents, and cora on„ nntl„ua• with pain can have cheap and, pw.t.,e pr„e( claim.. Directions in Eleven Laugna„ re, BOLD 3Y ALL DRUGGIST& AND IN I'MEDICINE, A. VOGELER & CO.. Baltimore, b;'d., INSURANCE On all Descriptions of Property, AT LOWEST RATES. 40 C. RIDOUT, Clintoa. S. 'YOWLER, e3z SON, BEAVER BLOCK, CLINTON, Nave on hand a ohoice assortment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELLERY and PLATED WARE of all kinds. Clocks, Watches, &Ica, repaired on short notice ALL WORE WARRANTED. hIcEILLOP UNA FIRE INSURANCE CO, THOS. NEILANS, AGENT, HARLOCK,,-ONT. Farmers wishing to insure will find this Company ne of the best and cheapest.to inenre in, and will be waited on at theirhotnoe if information be sent to the Agente'ofrice. 4y IF YOU ARE - TRAVELLING ° o EAST Z WEST -- LO YUUt: TWEETS FEIN---. Jas. Thompson, Town Agent G.T.R. Farm gad Town Proportias for Sala GOOD BARGAINS. 1 That comf,irtahle frame cottage, nearly nan,'situ- n.ted at the corner of Bond and ling Streets, un Lot OA, Gordon Survey. The house comprises four rooms, with good Stone cellar. The Int contains over a quar- ter of an acre, comprising a Large garden with fruit trees, a stable and workshop, and a good well 1010 pump under cover, Apply to the proprietor, .1. C. ('k ICH, or to the undersigned. 2. That large and commodious frame dwelling house near the O.W. Railway Station, lately occupied. by the Station agent. Iias parlor, dining room. eight bed- rooms, kitchen, pantry, &c. Large stone cellar. Hard and soft water in building. Stated' fur a large family or a boarding-house. Lately fimxhcd and in gond 00rr• Mitten. Apply to the owner, \tit. (1. BR0Ttir, ur to the undersigned, S. Lot 29, in the Twelfth Concession of C,odcrichtown• ship, near Icolmasville, l u acre•', about 40 cleared, bal• ince well timbered. Frame house 0110 Stable. Well !suited fur a dairy or grazing farm. Only $200 required down; or would be exchanged for town property, Apply to 71a, E. Morsresrl.ta, Myth, or 10 the under- sign ed, x4. The valuable hotel prupert,tfen'Victoria Street, (Tin ton, known as T.ane's.11otel, .now Occupied by Mr. (100. Knox, comprising. a large hotel building, driving, 1101110, four choice town, lots, &c. 5. That clogltnt two -stony, frame ,hvelling house on "Huron Street, Clinton, formerly held by J. C. Stiller, now occupied by lir. John P. Sl grain. tt. The comfortable frame cottage 00 North Street, which belonged to the late Mr. John Pugh, now nocu- -ucd by 211, Win. Bailey ; with two large lots, good gar; (1011, Re,, near the 1 1tt�t,;41i11. 7. Thu good frame eottac;eand large lot, No. 907, on Erie 0)11-1-1-, t lintn0. The lot Isno ar L11011111001011 of the two r„tiways„uulm,n lc,"caftcr he valuable as a factory site, Al. ,, ,'L•ef 1,,1•a 11J hn.ld'nu' for .)11c, .aptly to • II, 11.1.16, Huron Street, Clint( n. Broaall sat 6 , Box UN 1)E.RNA KERS. tlur .'n,) o1 liulcrt alta: gaol'. i. ver. large and complete. l'vl eunn requiring anything tn t.h;s line v: iri 1ine1 it to theft ae1e000(100 to call and 000 110, a. Wo have ju room“ -ed a bergs stock of Walnut and Rosewood Caskets, also, Coffins of all des. a ripti,ms, Rom rho 101st 1 'nmolian and American ma.uufaetnrc r., 1Co have also n. select sande 111 ROBES & TRINIMIV Ca . rr p1'<11;t(01 l.o m•n is)) th01r ,mu10 at half the 0)?' '' formerly charged for the same. N4,. i'✓ T8RIS.2TC 131C.t)C I> - J. BIDDLECOMEE, Match and (lack Maker, JEW ItT.LE11, &c., wonld renpeetfnllyannrntnceto his enstome,',and the public generally, that he has removed into his former building, on ALBERT rtrREET, OPPOSITE 'rule MARKET, Whore he will keep an hand a select assortment of Clocl,•.e, 1Catehes, Jewellery, and Silvrrwar of 2/1 kinds. Which be will sell at reasonable rates. Repairing o every description promptly attended to. J. BIDDLECONBE,'ALasar STARE Clinton, Dec. 5, 1878. St. icr _,. ,FA,RJfl1r G IN. DAKOTA.. TO G. K. BARNES, General Passenger Agent Northern :Pacific R. R. St 1:'au1, Miinii:r{; DEAR SIR,—I canielthere .from •t1e Township of Culross, County of Bruce, Onttar io, three years ago last spring, and - located two and a •half miles south of Wheatland, Dakota, When I came here my means were very limited. Now' 1 have 160 acres under. cultivation on: my homestead and 80 acres on another farm that I bought last spring:- The average yield of my wheat this season was 20 bushels to the acre, of No. 1 Hard, which I sold for $1.33 per bushel: All other crops grow land mature fully as good as wheat does. I consider this the bust country in the world for a poor man, providing be is sober and industrious. When I came here I was was only worth $1,2110, now I am worth over $8,000. , Yours respectfully, JOHN, MCKENZIE; • Late of Curloss, Bruce Co. Wheatland, Dalt., Nev. 1 lth,,1881. GEo. K. BARNES, General Passenger Agent, Northern Pacific R: R. . St. Paul, Minn. DEAR , SIR.—I left the County, of Bruce, Ontario, in the spring of 1.881; and came to Wheatland, Cass Co.,. Da-. ota. 1 took alp 160 acres of land and also botight 160 acres more for which I paid $5 -per acre, for tie latter I would not take $2,000. I had in crop this year (1881) 30 acres; of this 20 acres of wheat averaged 18 bushels to the acre, and the balance in oats, yielded -35 bushels to the acre.. For my wheat I received $1.25 per bushel and. 'for my oats I can get 75. cents per,.bushel. It cost me only $7 per acre'to raise my Crops. So to all sly friend's who want good wheat lands, ,-a healthy climate, good water and good markets, I say come' to Dakota next spring. 1 Yours truly,/ .. EDMOND COLLINS, Late of Bruce Co., Ont. Wheatland, Dak., Nov. 11th, 1881, Womnds Windom. ' .. "She inaiets that it is of more importance that her fatally shall be kept in . full health, than that she should have all the fashionable dresses and styles of the times. She therefore sees to it, that each member of her family Is supplied with Hop Bitters, at the first appearance of any symptoms of anydll health, to prevent a at of sickness with) its attendant expense, care and anxiety.. All women should exercise their wis- dom in this way.”—Neo Haven Palladium, A SURPRISED PHYSICIAN A DY1N.G PATIENT RECOVERS THOUGH BrickStory® Si °n af e PadtoC1; ALSRERT' STREET, (3LIzsr—r or.T. all the leading stoves of Canada' We We have now on.,band :a ,large and complete stock of name a few: — MARQUIS COOK .STOVE CROWN MARQUIS, MILNE' WOOD .COOK, GOLDEN AGE, GOLDEN SUN. STERLING; r' . NORTHERN,... •TELEOR;API TELEPHONE, GOLDEN CROWN .And a quantity of others too numerous to, mention. Aisb, a full stock of PA01L0 I PARLOR COOK and HALL STOVES, BASE BURNER COAL STOVES;':: including: the celebrated Ilan ANT HOME, also the PATENT CHALLENGE- iixAT.EIu, fore; wood, the most economical and most pow- erful beater in the market A large stock af=13pT AIR Deans, STovn PIrE,',BLBOWS, &c. Intending purchasers will rind -it to .their adyautage to call and get. prices and exsmine our stock, as we are in a position to sell at low prices, are determined not to be undersold by ' • J ' any House in the county. Desi No. I Oanadian COAL 011;. Also,' AMERICAN COAL OIL. Complete ' stock. of LAMPS and LAMP GOODS, Don't mistake the place for cheap Stoves;° Red: Brick. Store, -sign of the Padlock, .Albert Street:. Clinton.- ARLlA1 'i7 . SROs. Ary THE INTERPOSITION OF A HU\fBLE GER:. • a ni MAN Some 'weeks neo Dr. 0-,-,- a very reputable and widely -known physic- ian, living on C=— street; was called to attend a very complicated case of rheufiia- . v R -E.-1- •C TY tistn. Upon arrivlug at the house he found • a man about forty years of age, lying in a pliostruted and serious condition with his - whole frame dangeruusly afeeW with the painful disease, Be l) sc11 d fur the patient, but tilt; man couti ued to grow, v worse, and on Sunday evening be wag' found to 'be in a very alarming condition. Thelruees and elbowsand larger joints were greatly inflamed and could not- ne moved.,, It was only with extreme difficulty that the patient could 'be turned in bed, with the aid of three • or four persons. The weight of the clothing was so oppressive that: means had to be adopted to keep. it from the patient's holy. The doctor saw that his assistance would be of no avail, and left the house, the members of the family foIloiving him to the door, weeping. At this critical hour, a ii,eighhor, a•poor and humble German shoemaker, appeared to the grief -smitten , 11es. -as a. saving angel; He had heard of the despair of the family and now asked them 'to try. his •remedy, and.accordin,gly brought forth a bottle of St, Jacobs Oil. Asa drowning man will' catch at straws, set i.he poor wife applied this remedy she had no hope, but world try anything, as kt matter of :duty. The first application eased th'e patient very much ; after a few hours they used it, again,- and, Wonder of wonders, the pain vanish ed entirely : Every subsequent applica• tion improved the sufferer, and in two clays he was well and out.' When the doctor"called a few days after, he, was in- deed surprised ; for, instead of a corpse, lie was a new -made roan,-Exehan.ge.. FOR .0 E30Ic b AI.NOW. Ou Tuesday evening, Dec. 20th, a num- ber of the inhabitants of Armow-and vier nity, to the number of about 250, assemb- led in the town hall, to witness "an euter- taiument given by the pupils of. the. Ar - mow public school. W:1'1. R,obinson, hav- ing been ,called to the chair, the entertain- ment was opened by a piece from 'the choir, who represented the musical fa- culty of the neighborhood, and had been training for some time cinder the superin- tendence of Mr. Shutt, a gentl'e'man who was on a visit to these parts from Toronto, consisted of Messrs. Strutt, E. Carpenter, A. Campbell, E. Bilden, T. Shier, and Misses A. Shier, M. S. Sherofelt and Bessie Carpenterig, The opening efbor't WAS loudly applauded by the audience;" a dialogue followed which was well received, entitled, ” effects of bad cont,panty.” This was followed by a song from Miss Mabel M. Hiles, aged 5 years, which was sung with remarkable clearness and effect, quite surprising -'in one en young. Among the recitations we were particularly,struck by the rendering of ." Macaulay's Battle of Ivey," by Miss Stolid. Miss S. Hiles and Miss L. Carpentedistributed a bouquet of songs during t .e evening to the great delight of the audience. At the close of a long and instructing progrunime, T. Hiles proposed, ! seconded by T: Shier; that the thanks and good wishes of the assembly he given to the teacher, T. C. Graham, for hie efforts in providing so au- ceptible an entertainment, this was en- thusiastically responded to bye the midi. once, after which the national aathetn was sung and all retired to their horires. Mr. McKellar, of Tiverton, purposes shortly erecting a cheerio factory, near this village, to be in readiness for the coming summer. The wife of Mr. T. Sherofeltiis visiting ber friends at Guelph.—Coltr+> "G -CD aeries, CrL; A S S7STA.RE, CLINTON. GLASSWARE .A1 la 'BIG. iSto0IJI' T to male room for opeitii(gup , a. full line of BISCUITS AND CONFECTIONARY. Choice five -pounce Tins MACKEREL; cheap. FRUITS-Leiiio n;- i°aiige', A'0Ii:te'. at).(ciri.ec3 F'1•�i�itsa_ -FRESH' SMOKED.._HADDIE. FRESH ':SEA HERRING. C11L'U T11NGE3AM.1, ,Minton ova. • alpine !2e) As: our new workshop is fitted „up and, going;, wo are now prep red;. t'o manufacture ;every thing in' the b'tirnitu're aA R lg O R S U a Of. the 'veFy, latest dosrgns in 1' aw Silk,' Judd, Repp's, Moquette -'and Bair Cloths' BEDROOM"-SET'S.in Mahogany, \' aliiut, Ash, trimmed.with Wal. ; = 9 nut and `l1ahogany; Cherry, lighf and, dark. Elm and Basswood, in all the newestan, leading styled, and finish only I\ o. 1. Sets 5S pieces , —Bureau, good large Looking Glass, nice close Stand, iine'high Bed, and --2 Chairs,: all for '' ONLY $1 —look again' at the prico--ancl ulotvardo,' to 175, in, styles 'tosuit'every'taste -f andprYc'tls fitted to e'v'ery purge t :C od, All are npw .pattelrns: 'tend i designs- No old 'mule or had za etockc.li • '1 Jwmg tb preApfit orders that"nmst be filled, 1t will be 1,01)10 time before our stock can be very large; but to recent pr fnodate all„wg.have photos and designs in full size of the'loadin�°strles, to b"e nnide'tlt order when notiiii steep $PiCIAL°'ATTENT ON TO ORDERED WORK Anything in the Cabinet 'tii a Made on tiie least possihic uoti'ee, an1Tiat•the finest Margin t live ml. I3y stria- , attention to business with an eye to accommodate. 4110 please,: we. hope to sec all. our oldcu •niore, and many new Ones at aha Warerooms of the of INTON CABINET' COMPANY. o - Ash, Cherry, Butternftt, Elim, Dlaple andv Basswood,, taken in excl;nage fog G: ie&111,'.' 9.5 NT" ;ct43.1 la,'' >sulr: et.., H opt ELT BOOTS Cheaper than ever, Morse Blankets; fBuffalo and boat Robes at filtiottoni ,Prises.. "..�.. TW1T0: : Dli, Victoria, 131oel , CX'iritcl►x�. '. I ii