The New Era, 1882-01-12, Page 2(G W11WH & -IM&GIVIt4m: i �')Kofldnyto in the Future. & wovii tee DIE.&WH ]IN THE IDENTISTIS CHAIR A,,6HAM .1 i , I ,dtug PION BIGAMIST� JOINJIr i*ead`rApi Tranotormathini at, 4"Chrial. At 1 t is �aeptival'seasoii - I may'lliterest One morning, fifty, years ago, The Cortmer's Inquest oil the Came. of 0. th6-oULrW4t ofolAldtemofalarger growth, W hen apple trees were white with snow Of fragrant blossoms, and the air the Man who Died In Soverelga'R 19AIM-WAY NOTES. marrieta Five Tfine's With Three as well 9"he"little ones'to know on *hAt Was spell -bound with'thb, perfume raxe- Office-womethl D U a faxinliorse, large and lean, r. Lynircompl6ted the one-hundredth Em About. chloroform Wives L'V pg. o6k 1theJuture holidays will , Pon. k"lidomas ot the Way Bridge -The ed -f' bi I And lazy -,,with its double lbad -.:The coroner's inquest i Uf r ormauce 0 - is mys orions magic Following -is � iunh ot n the case of, the 11 Mai were seen- late E. H. Tapp, D i cutting a,,human being Up at, *hich'embkaces� t4e next fail ypats.: ong the winding xo0d. ItYlyin vino' fait o1r, Mpla ion, d id -' all British Trains. AN ovEn, NIB., an. 5— ' Jag. A. .Mof A 6un-broWn youth a er, of Hammond, Ind., *120'' 76ggJng al '4ied while under the influed6e Of chloro- i ma fternoon., Queen's I , � I � I - a in.� fl between 55. and 60, . has been' Bunnelt`s'� museum :YeSterday� a] 677 First of I 11 �L� 1 ! The abandonment of the Tay -Bridge. arreat6d here on a charge of bigamy.. It The event wasmade. the occasion of, a pprt I -roan, year. Birthday, July�. 4philitrads. Blue were the arched of the skies, 16rud administered by Dr. Lewis Dodg� ,OM. low seems exceedingly probable. Thar But bluer were list maiden's eyes I seems he has been Married five tin.ies. of Chri y din ..Sunday Wedn'd'y Saturday Monday the'dental office of the Sovereiko. Bros., of we WkKqq aeAd7,.-,thc- -n6r,-to--mbich all- the . museum ies IW ... MoAdiy Thursday Sunday 'Tesda The dew drops on the gross wer,6 luigbt, c 1884 Tuesday y But brigliter,was the 16 -vin light c ) nu were invited....- Saturday,. Tuesday Thursday That spjl�klaollneath each iong-fringedhd Chi & 0 'and '011'e 'of this cit any is promoting it lineby Glbnfgrgo`aud The first t gL ouriosW aEf held supposition !Ef they wift carry � it 6Ver last three , are living. About four A.-tabl w As flat in' one of the ye6teray� Morning.' Afb6r the- examins. fi a, 1881..Thursday Sunday Wf)di2'd'y, Friday -n At Newburgh, reaching or kakiiia :Upper hVilig:and Where,thodeb ght eyes of blue were hid- n of the Sovereign brothers, the follow. Ve - years Dr -Lynn I . I 1: lie Tay by a Piub- go , ho # presided, while IW ... Friday 'Monday Thursday Saturday Adown -the she lders, brown and bare, )undee through the Cline 0, QQWrie . at in, Monticello, Me. In: July, W ing'pxperlb physicians were examined - Dr. yon,pitherldde sat. Mr:, G. B.� :134nndll, the 1888887,� ... Saturday Tuesday Filday� .' 'Sunday Rolled the soft wayes.of golden hair, glanteELLI, '� .... �l , , Thursday 'Sunday T eaday Where; almost strangled with the spray, �T. C.'Dunca L no I �ewburgh. The lic'mas 11111 qiaptwn, nates ... Sunday u O.�C DeWolf, Dr. , Or. It. 6. ji�b, ilibreis narro�r and, EL married: at Andover to Xrs.'Adela t 180 Tuesday , Frids Monday Bogu.e, Dr. R. L. Rev,,, and Dr. W. W. All. Duel by an island, Wedn�4:y The Bd a, Willih6,suffer6r I' os it Is divic :Uurho, mid in,f leeloo; 04AID04, to I lhi,dlev , VoMbr, the I., five I , I - led, in mid-obw 3epteimb 1890...Wedn'dly -Satu ay Tuesday' hunday. ay.,. th port; dentist. Thera was very little differ' hamper.. and � MU94 � hio!if6 Pu ai"" Holton irom Ahe�,, limbesd man, ,.Thursday Sunday! Wedn dly Friday Q it Wasthe ilght,'I w an,;, 1 ,ridge could be b0i than it Dundee., 'lady he married- in, M6ntiCe)lO.L A gibal,' the 'Hindo6 Thafthe young man-had,evbr seen,, those physidians on the gfiajjb�eharmer, b 8' The following' statement hown :,What girls and Turl. following points: They thought- all imses- few. weeks. !age) � ho - inarri6d a � Miss -Albinbs, boiAegs ` men, - fit . ­ ` And with hisleitureii all aglow; SH13.7 -,-' -- ­ - -1 ot, 1- . The hapy. fellow told her so, thetics dangerous -`:that" chloroform was imb*the British Us L. M'embers, !of the musdb�ln Til'i 'MOBCOUR . I Fletcher, reloidin�betwebn' For, Fa her- curio Anshe, Without1he OUB,of all h' and Looked on h -ybeB. -The ins,j6ritY, of rac;666urdeal, �iU Eii9i "be, used �dentistry;beeiuflq Plip-L,Flying an2 -trils andtheemp16 Thd Magician, ion With those heavi5nIkeyes- the most danger -Dutchm it; 9 cold on the Great Westeid Riiiliroi& never h'elaridofft, hence' 'the a'rre'-st.- .Vo­$ince after m'fnOck-kaip'-O-f4'0�g-y-'R'B,"ic��hi- loomizieds' '-dire es--Or,'ova A -o --w.,im e --and inpnger f-, 4 r par -e - - inifrom London to Exeter, f9 'Miles, in not,a The handsome features OVA inanj ,'very Ong Urs and fourteen X. , . With then'the' foregoing, fa;6ts­',hav6 begn 'mOe An d strange play most 'based the race does. nh at4he Andwithia jot butrarely known 'the body.a our be ninutda. 1 , . - bove a favel pallition, after it his tains a speed.,bf &I public. He clslilng� LrIstian� And a; nurLibe %roksorithegub9to. P166 She draw tha dear fa6e to'herso tobe.a C of surprising pri where it 'Wejam. 'The Derby course wn, very fond of, praying And by that Iiiidal'bonnot hld�. been gdministered-;.Lthai it should never be our stops, it ]at most and'takes'a loading A green turtle, soup sot before the afk�sora s'exadtly,a milb and unot1plI you-4hat she diU for 1 �30, min*ut . a hour A.# I 1 it.was ja orty-six Miles An she 1 I -On the p q t - I , . , 1,�., 'this case" for f6ak'of pr�yermee,tings, etc. t dip )Poaked' as was citing it;% length, and iS'aon3ewhat in L the form of. a , J � it . ffect - hat a O, li,4,half-mile straialiC So on the ride, Until among' Dr.' 'Dodge L ougt io;� hli�e pulled �'t Ahe.�, girl �f L the same" delicacy became The nevi -born leaves; with dew drops hung ;reat Northern road the Lbads'6xprees, Another �l te T toes better. It ni�ies- the,distance4rom-- glot. . a a gold.fiah,and *another still, *as �Tocr � i . a anything !ilia accuracy in. this Daldent?a t6ugue,- to facilitate bieathill lim I 0, .Aondon to Leeds, 18.7 miles, in -four'hours changed in a. 'plate , of - bakqd A, ace it-woul& -1Ye-uiace6saiyAo h0e4 time! Thepargonage,arrayedi 'hit 9;� even miles aInliottri,With� ibe . Adon 1VIdn's Wiles r Peers out�-ainore than -almost forty -9. . tile I :AL'Very,Bad fragrant 'L bouquet * suddenly blossomed .,At at each and of the 6641`86; The iR0WleY Mile Then, with,h,cIou`dupon'hi9fdde, that tho paiient's head--shouia have :beb Proprieto . ovidr*hich th, a6rds, to � promote 'the, our stops­Th-� 'train carrying Irish, A . despatch ikom.,�L�endon, so)'q r,.Bunn6li's -plate; before Capt 6 � two, Thousand Guineas is WhoaVehall we 'do," he turned4o Say eahung downw" nail to Elolybiivid-, over the Lonaqn�, some, y4airs ago'a unsin iiianedJoseph Port- Bates a4blicibus' plum ,pudding stbairi ed- liduld he, refuse to, take his 15iy lfli),w-oi blood to the head,* and. that fqi�Jg 46 last! Mile and a: trifle over of I's I I OUghj.tOL who Use chloroform 6ep a gal Northwestern line, - , and ', dubbedi wood came here from England, and, after a the canhibal�sfaw ii generous cut',Of what is'termed Aorolss� the Flatj which is i, cars ago -1 The Wild Irishman,". Aad'dTiiiicingAoWn,his eyes surveyed nic batery fofthe resuscitation of patients short, courtshili-marri6d. so�young' WOMAD. aiid� the limbless man had, A disli Of Xaile 2 furlongs 73 yards. -- It ie-alsei to'L The pillow Z now gunk into comparative oba urity. ;, -be L -case-b6fbre"hii named lived -.4aPPilY eggs under hi's nose. The *idter'o­wero ouf 'remembdir d that t1f6& coursel; - aro6 almost W.1108isContents. reaching tolt's hehi,' thai1he iiiosi - skilful pbysibis�s dau. not- fell whethe. -endless Joy f6r.them. i. or net it � is safe for any nSW6ra "L n ta a it. _ TJur h guif ace 'of he The maiden a; ,� e,� g jbia, Miglit-`�ur6fiase th its rate of.a.little. less than forty Idiles together for, a bouple'bf,�eais,-and than, Mr. of,`thb'46cii� diiiin' and always over t a' w6t al Port'Wcod�feem 'have be6ombilnidiusIed _'1Js wait; on hour. . The coMpetition-over s6veiWf a to 'intial proceeded -ground, � and, on, the, ced?" - tiperso to' k' wli6n they �r6tirnea Ihe� oys or soup was old turf: of he TdborrdW trouble erb a the n retired at 1.30 o" seryan -girl named 'Eliza �, 8troedei. . 6tl2/ 'tflL a CoUielo"6f t Vhen at the parsoin's sqUbaking gate he great lines to the populous Scotch cities commons, , open downs clock. Dr� Dodge expressed im ey would not cast -'Then'it, weit'sudd6nly disobvek4a theL -Haltdd thoiniclib e&dsto some fast sciliZodules. Themorning to them the -hope that-th , a � The'pidr kept up 'clafid6eltine corregponA7 W',.:He.n'cb Ahe faclility With whic'h Downfidin his'hoi6e the,bildegrobin spnrg; L' any kefleqtions� on 'The' 66roner xpress on the Great Noktheru R6 di3uAkesl 6�66,whi6hresultbd�-iiitheii'l�laving-f6r,fhe that'the;'midget pled the �bigh runs ' . . . . A 1. d'A nixiltipli6ity himl . inly ' " .. IL' the,lie from London' are ,varie L an Oobjected L 'to Dr.' D6d&';: : remarks, Amt' four stops a ong United States, finally Jocating in � Cinbir-, chair,hd. dig6ppeared.,,' A 4eneral,search caurses,made over' the' same superficial sur. he knocker of that, sta*tled. door,,,.,. Edinburgh, 395 miles, and fiies over e and after soine-Aelay Dr. -the th 0 nati.� 'After's residence in the latter place Struck as it never wad before� informed j.ury at theL held Dr.- WAg f ace. There nothing, lto­ do but, to. put Brought the whole household, pale Wfright,, D.odge-iesponsible bnly4or I" ordinary dili- g,hole distance in nine hours, with an aver�. lor about one y'ear; the Infin i6turnQd to the' 'Lynn, With a se'iious air,,broke the crust theliLion. roller on�:aiid stick up, a �8W, PGAW -jur an h'o' - * 8 �La'g& . . And therb. with,bidsheld on his cheek, and care; Tile y fodnd that ,go rate of almost foriy-f6dr miles ur�;, 6nd produced the 1146i So bashful h6 couldhotiffly 6 Ir dote , . I I . I I 11 � L . L pound' atom , 6op'' 9-M Y'�, -' 'L � 'the nig h forgiVeri� by' b tw6an'the ona .city a few., *�ok and or- of, his oyster, pie . E Jn Order ike "&'new' course o; va ry 'an dufficielat �rbcautiona were - not aid on the Midland, Lin row for past, offences, a as, OiLreiltly',from a �.The farm?,r met their won enng sig xpress runs the 425, Miles to 61a old entL' 'ns' 6 thl' Dr. Dodge administerin Itted to the house, wherer. L 03 J I f ' . �'- ;, Z I .1 g the chloroform gO'w whhis wife, and: adin bf,oyter�. The res�qred !,,�.curioo r9nd tells, and th big effori�;'at' resus , citathig-Mr �o speed of forty iles an he � 1si remained, over : since , �,not, contrP . 1. I .. L h jb� J, , ' , IL Tlie-groord goesIny is 9. ad that',' b a opu croVda I, ilt Afly. And," tho',ro"firnoft'he leans triln'6 Tapper: were not sufficientik'� vigorous or'. Ur. These hr the four 'swiftest to'the- support of his f am' coli give, nt!i�'A 0�'500 Week. hellf take the b , eims litin o scent a' England, '"'Mid sutticiently. long cciitti6tie'd. L They also' t 'at r a a�cri Por,4-j 0� L 6%remaining ourses'were, nis a I 130bii,L: a ano :Th' d' of, or_O ahail OW 'd With one glad libund recommend that d6ut'Stli-be, re4uired here- 'W its rate ishb ere f6ithe hanalIdinest, Phprmpe he -Leeds r expr,bss,-'wi Jjy— -the e d� - '. -'! �J' L,!. "' " She and ean-bag r ffie- m a around her.nbook �diffioitlties.,' 'D 6achoolth ground. y even mileg�anhadrj� fWVhi-Ae—et6Wof-, whisked 'a, t Joseph wished, ro�eT -!simildr; I �,eof ter to ke�6PL better facilities for ioeaus6itaf ic a orous inmen f -Then;'elasping-*ith-each-d p1bd-arni sailzifig,hat theihi dUrL tramB'probably as * f , L c tbb ,U.' Three'out,of-the,f '0-s glon 0 roat er k r� Am _ as., rion, scond Justice— The precioig:product of the farm, ir in 0 . .'O L pague V'As changed" She bears it through the op0h door,'. oeat the running fime:f6r th same! odig.' Until, -life * 'lndSt coffee, Co6rt� of QUe nos �',Beneh, O�f, Ireland, is and 'the des'sert 0 ' Anddo n ugeoEn the parlor, floor XUP ]DER. in r were dead D n 'world. bxtiuct,�bii di subbe6d `ih his L. t REPORTE-D: ads i 1be umps7 ance on any other lrO with silver half; do4ars, *b the ;t beaus vines ever bore. May are. all far -outstripped f Ora; shorter kes 1 t'V�M' sformeoffilio. live p L ige General Tom, sur6 at at A' warran �.was`isisued tram Chumb left his Meg listance by. the train on. ilie, Penno�vlvinih on 6 glecting t Ali I �happoy�were their. s6ngs.that'day 'Shootin� Ai6rd.'61�thi - store ,recently for for his' arrest arges n il and, When- ier�tbis chorus still; 9" lug. Wh,n'man and wife they rode. away., tailroadwhibb: aveHiJersby City 16", support his fa -assault. �tvrelvb suits. of tvV601 underwear!,. He takes But ha OT'TAW, Jan. 3—The newil-of a hor- Gqol,,b,l6sLibe pri rible murder -o , n the G atibea;u rea,chad the I.M., and Inakes the L� run �of �&b6ut eighty.' T levegh'Oed through those wqoidland seen arrested Lby Detbc ve hair thii§- morning, %ild 6 whi ight miles to Phi ladelp1liao-ini'dille hundr6d,.�Ii6jtwood had in hispolisg6asion 496.80,and.. ainuteso with one'Stop;L �&t­.Tkeuton !Th6: h '&to are. sing h d Vi the naan wh..toL'Tt,h,., a4itch' and- chain,. Itis�suppoisaiftbafhe' -k Toronto Wominin. Almost Burned, to' GPo.d 61c bean 1� I—. I . �, : ­ �L "� . I � .11 I . 1. I y t is� evening. Coroner Graham f Y' k theatres,. - Took �it b I I 0 and 'bight -tenth& hour l6ca , th. 4he Ne`- or el your Hull, has beenL 'Mr. W'Sal contemplating. a bturn to, tbe�,��6mani, -mitirp d Vo acemn noified by- f1two this meric'sn'trainiAp abi JL Iby lair' B h' clothes off your head, is the somewhat d eace, that a erman, name "r0b Y- Siroedeor,!1who, Wis statodiiis in �Deiioit. ilks'tinlight' Vtgrtling-rom6r Talk,a aut� ho d bank burglars;" �Baid a Justice of the P rithout parallel, in th'abhoduleffina of ]Is was -remanded: to. jail till, Tuesday neit.1 in e'reiif � binba;ra streat,,Torontei b", not Yet transpired, had a dispute With one ny railroadoompoany onlie;globei, Mrs. LiLiy.LLaniiri�4:,�6Bt�'iiii�6s'� upon, or a er of tbeLpo ice force- this -Morning,. The!6uccedefol theft of the ly! Hans Fregide,� in the t6wnship. al third offer. 0 w I'c AL" W.9 &ii �narro* escaped b� "It es� st:'te Ievei'bbardLof was the It is stated in, M6ntrd the tiil of' Crawford ana.'Baloarr 8�.it' ad' to I'LL :,.As it, wd, and it i4 said shot him in- the bro6ast'with )r the Occidental-RailWay has %een .mad&:. ;ro -of i� ban down in - Rhode island, - : has alarmed L t 6 Quee'r U. enchanted er' a ohort'gun.. Fregide!s 'wife *aB present,' 'seem L 'for the Patkick Smitand was seri6u IXL_or sevenye s tter, cold a the Quebec Goyernm6nt on behalf o' Ug�an L lifaudibil;66.; . � H�r'fi6tdre6s'vas, ots rich s ar " ago.�fi.W&g an iier 1 &B -mausoleum at act. Her: and carried the woubiledman home,;w4ere bib'Wife:,Ellen live �on that sr IS ' h L, 'Inglish syndicate. , � � , 'I., � pen L - antique, satiyi,, night, and a night atrolmannbficed d Frogmore, and ourLondon nainesake,aay�, 13 pink roses'L sioner and-,recedve S. . ., - . . t ��f . , , , , ' �ldk, petticoat, runk:braleemsn, named 1ron,- that additional. precati iono'�Lhave been over , a,.:�, prqqp­ puffed,, ight in tbe,bank window, an1 going t nself defeno�e. A Grand T be' a a p a 'in be died L half an hour later T all6wAlice a day'Lor two'ago. Both: he 'And 113P 01 claims that, he acted idesi fbll off � a train -near Woedbridie� a 'flounced- aiId,trimmea', Wili., embroidery-; the'door;rapped., Coroneri Graliam * will leave Io-,mbrrow taken to propect it. Who is apparen y, abiiiit� 461� B. t at L 'YOU, Couple of, evenings ago, and � was 'nesxly: -VCAT�,� of;: igbo� undertook �to'661�briia the poifit.lace rullie's, and, - fichii. The second I h' al .h, Inorn,ing for the scene pf a tragedy, and- ihed. Hews�3brought�i6,hiir�sid6nee�6iI jLrii Utilized., Origged muslin, wit saqquo, -voibe� from witbin. ress - was spi 1. as hold an. in!luest on. the.b dy. nT h;e"y Y wa� t*] 0 ferber strdeti To ront EverY-Jittle scrap, of lestfibr that Ales gmkrig6ld�c6lo,k:.,.ri�bo;n'H�,-�'.br"o'wn ie-pW o. Ootii6b�'L . I . y.. -froin, th6- cl�tteis' -knives in" the �Aubulrn� Uathers­ SedeLglovea and" Step IRILWad-get a heat,' said- the voice- -ST.-PAULi Tsn�­ 4��T both beastly'drulik ana�ihe�vord,%n lurchodJnto..'th open Her A 9i6olTilticher Whipped by,Two ot"As -The third L dress; wasT from -wi hiD. The new State shoe patrolm�n,, pped ,esterday began to f iirlii.h the ex er,igoes gnite ;-an ant xiaport;lrom onfitantia% D. ailroad bonds,­autborized.by:Ah6 Adjust- clothingi .ey-cashmere, short,:.petticoat`-w 'ad a dapper liftfe fel. ' 6 ' , . I leatl k oboe heels, or gream Wbo� t -sbe:was, ith, bVgi� 'inside, an encounter' A:: enveloped in flameeo."The crie4Of lient Act of November, to� the holders',of ? About.— skirt 'tucked- up,'Whi ron wi . 'E� -pookets- - OW-Wdarin-V reeA L shade.Ioye his eyeel� Gra-uger Fuller, .*eight,.230, teaches,,.the 'BAYS this ion an. economl. 40ii-of the toap Id bonds,..,the interest, on which sin I w -w",startedifor tunate beingattractedAhe atten-. P1 schooldir butcher-bistirict this winter t '6 months, agei�,, a factory �d,aod'theywento am- ace bodice' ' with' IiWn fichii and: ;kUd a pan behind his. ear. the, efault since 1860. A'06niiderab]e number making,shod heels in Atiburn. - , They -now-:. persons living downsiair a ffies, grey. el It, o6kings'afid black shoes with YOU'reL workina IL ate to' U ght,' said the Hb"att6mPte to p is a is Cook for. Ihave 'AboiA 2 5�� hands', at work' abd �ar' her assistance. i'The burihng material rul I . : � : . . 1.11 .11 t I I I I '. lace c p&troilmu -iisgression o f old bonds will be � paid in' cash Selah a. b.Chles 4 ra f the ruleimi, but she gave the 'harnberlain, torii�off her b(OdYI: and � she �was. :conveyed said thbtdapper, little f6llow. teacher battle'aud her cous'in Lh�ie joined who--' devotedL Awenty�five making about, 120 cases of heels per da she pi it blackened . his a. L, oi .1 . gL y,or down,to the !Iowbr;sLpntmbnt.- e� InLol f cars Lt " - . -the �otr6al -Star says, thit girls4ho, 'I'v -bee 1 - oy b o securing .a -settlement, received- About 15,900 heel' rhe beat are a n data a 13 gbfsn�ng er. h gerg 2�,000, 000 in cash and �2,000,000 in lionds. sented a frightful � appearafice.\The'skin t eves)lore his coat bff­ smashed his L watch - ant ely of small scraps of upper leather., off_ want husbands �.be too fobdLof. up, accoun s.., Mr. on ber, neck,and peeling, iher� -.h -and came off �,ictorious. 13 and %e..Express Company asked, �3500 for" a craps are first.cut into he right shape 'a prom6padirig,the -streets at all core [he patrolman warnled himSelfat tbbL breastAi3d lower limbo were. badly burne I — % 1 L ' ' : ., L. ., by.-dieo' � They are the -sent to "'roaring bi� Are that blazed'6n the hearth, her cousin 14�Lypare:oid big money and bonds: to Ohio. packed and �6d. upon an - old straw�,,tick daY;Ah is o�not make, a regular- thing srry'�g sin, thinking the 6barge ex'rbi- Chelsea, Mass., wherii the' oil is'extik6ted She Wig p1a( of it- ;Do-nt,go'sibouti'so that%people -vvent out�a;�aiu, on' his, beat. ' Ali, hour' ,hamberl 0 and CYPOMeL spread oUt 6nihe floorwith some willL after' AnL came� that welyi and N anL open L ired trusty, :from ihem:by. a,socref process: Th w- for cer*,fain-th )u;WillL:-b -6down orth'Riv6rj NLY.,pilbtspredict iL Ib Sti,�l , I , Seeing the' light� through the window mdt,� liecured a private car, h cover her. III this' postureL.' ItLiel,.Claiinbol Vigatio O uArds, and had big own property and that back dry, and are than. pastied together , L an& We, , it, town when-y'ou ha,N§ilo nomads, aUdL'dO f other Ohio people safely trangpiirtedA6. wooden,: heel,' moulds. The -grease!, is intenSOLL_Peoin, 'mbsseng6rs a winter. a a. I, n not7let the impression go abroad thibty6ji rappddLagdoj�, th I a Hudson . has.not been open 96 late .since abla"May n the woman was in go 6n -the beat'so regularly as'. c Ild] tb &t.L YOU, p %J�24,1825, L he' sed it.� extracted"m ordek-that,th,e., flames � the eitiaw spreq'upon the floori It�(1065�not loo �lojkwokk. atro,lihan 21, n the. ice bldckada­�610 owe. for � physician; Whe as k'., '11. � It appears as, if you, botirnished. , They take aso'nice a pollsii we Come d e iliii of �Hie Atb6r beel;- � All� which constituted the�,bed' and bedstead, t, L hfin in an warm yourself., on January 6thL; 1825. With,aJeW. eXoep.' aignited, And filed the W olepla' V re o -8i low Voltair Cured a genuine sole le the � pieces refer' b onlbbibuni'mther't tioD Ei th&.ii�ver L.f Or fif ty' x years he$ been hat I Will not go into -heels, Out Ce improving your mind -or­,d6ining Your ThepatrolinaiiL aCeepidd the inVifation., eLloised- to �cq IMnerce before C L hiisWas. with smok Ur Ithe:r - three barrels of 6. The' firemen put "out he t In the II:Memoi e and, the, firm I gets two or stockings. It looks'" if', being gaze1., at. ILt'S' W howling cold'nigbt,' .said.�t ,pilots no 'rier ieporttfiat- there is 3 the following necdote, '"My� blaz .Moth6ri,l grease L per week . from thiii� source., -It is, wag your highest ambiiio seeing man .man with a, gibohl shade over -his eyes. not'at the Present time the slightest sign Of' he Countess do Sagur, being asked by' iased again' for Jeathbr dragging. . �1he'firm store af you:' -wore 'in hariiiony- withLyour YOU bet", , said the patrolmin. he., jee in'th6 river,'and that navigation is , as aping from a Coffin. . ' ' - b inrp'ossessidn of 'the , I . ;� . . . I tastes than�ma ing your ome , appy and tocik�an"c-i-ther'heatfLi�d,r�tuin�ed,io labeat. free as it,would be n. mer6 foltaire rbs&cting her, health-, IO& him is endeavcring,to.obtjai k h h bag_. 'gi ; 4rroull the most painful naphtha process 0 Daniel Doherty, aborse tambr, of We d' s 6ozy He was ratber"Bu;rprised tei-learn' hat feeling she,had &rose ..attracting the 6i from, , nd comfb Patience, rhyme yiur Ir able.L" n uw6ave,t a exp '.liquor, aoi�d� :The following. s were rom 'the decay in her, stomach aid the the wilableLp'66e% and th h ,Aj 'indulged in tdo�Lio4eh ro ia, of before" that hIs firesi'.ae;fri6nd nt of ship . ping*to k pO -b The Is d-, In.- Ent tailor, got eliing,gi tM,anuuail dinner -of ithe'BeImont. ifficulty of. finding'any, kind of slime aggachusetts.- Theii h6els. becam,& "ihsenax ly drunk.' The � bdys Was walking on . Us'' Scm6;400,000 'of! t h pier it, Brighton had away, with be �Cijciat (1,ib".L one � I * ; . .1 I I ., I . . �?' hatit could beat. Voltaire, ;are argely' used in Au.burn, iIt, th they':Would have,.& little' fun at morning, whoin...he v�aa accosted- by a�cer. -baiii�s,fuhds­-Clev� a ,ress. - , , , . ", ... . ' I 1. ' L .1 . I I I y ly�ho A top of the f ion'young'Malf ash onsolation, assured her that he was once 41.30 � to ft40 per DeonooLekpeuse. They therefore, procured a. tain u oble lord onored bim'with his AWillo*-slingng young man, �,Thos64ho pass rom, onsington ii With a spi6h and epan new bat, coffin`01 e'un'dertakei and -laid * him, patrcnage� Good - morning, llir.� Poole V1 ort Dr nearly a year in the same state, and be. j�u,rna.11.­ h e eln,-� .�And a. to Mr., 'Palace, OardehBLfirid-tb �evedtobeih uri%W,but that; iieveiri6less, out" 'Thecoffin wasthen carried ihriu�h floish 'saidtbep'eei., IGoo morning, mytordl"L g 'the Channel Tun posited, much'ydoin man. Kelley's blacksmith shop 'And L ae 012. a r nw ic are,.spinp *cry simple remedy had restored him" sel'ves on a priv to oad o hi h "replied -the tio tL �oejioug:L ir�� Lon' huntingL Young man, L London Statii;t its. PO �ilor, who.. then,: passe C onsisted in taking no other m6firishi I The tag that -a com-, 'and the shbp1ocked for the night. f � nos nil non. o� or IPcble�- I'winted to, Bh- 1.6 '06. 'fi OW you 8PICUOUS, amorig. the66- �'Is � Biro:in " Rentei's driving and, cuftin�- young nan, - ban yol�es of eggs beatono-upo with is being formed.for' the c6iisfruction'L Dan awoke in'the'night, and,' realizing this coat,4! cried It doesn't Sofra�ila-aud airy made. 61 6�tunnel under the L Straits of, Dover froina narrow'6scapo; was so frightened that,it r1owekis,� to one, Of the [our -of potatoeia'and IL fit Me: at Mr. Poole was a gentleman. W irburnstince concerned so extraordinary a Englanci. to'. Franico'. , Under akrdement'L took but'one u AS Well as Of Va. , � t, itll it , �Nevera-scoiohemii,de,, bound to carr, 'l.g,a Wftea conl��;rge,�� And Au is, the, Out.Lfol! a duck read YOuLLg ma i. Silracme stopped :lo6ked caielfully at the; cost, w,hiOh Bakou'd favor. ierson as, Voltairei t is: astonishing how'. With the- Southe�4tern_LllailW&Y�,Lit,.haS glass door and into the'street.'-' of at wealfh; 'He ite amusement to L takaL The prdprfqtorsl�of a cotton. faptoryJn ap rom and Ask him W' cen� properties- Hemld�' I' ere rei fined.,431 &rely the remedy has been practiced'.' L Ito aeolilred,tilib' As, powers and had -bee' iLbuilV -in -his' e8tsioliahment'16r f rona what part. of,the w6rld,he'would like Darwell, E ompany,, The Horne Two �then;., ra�vqfng!p�pippe 6f,:cbalk, h ly at, work. Lot be questioned,, an' a the following is the: fficacy, however, in cases of debility, can- of eSoiitheast6rn C and will Ghiui;. the Veer a 9s. 6d fOr k6epin"g,their &nc 8 lleak: further .,powers in Parlilaiiient in the f rord I I Lordship to,"get a Message. Bu; near. the, KenRin ,after I 11 1. . It is-eipe big poicket, he said; gtOnl iw6lvo Minutes , th46 hour fixed:. for- node of valhable coining sessio5m cted'that the i Strahgers �at Seville, Ohio 'Are asio gate J6 a red brick hou[se;scodpl6. f gtojibaL preparing -,-1 s E; right.; the,; coat:. wants to bar taikan`1n, closing by the as Act. Aicle of food �. as, recomineiidbd�joy greater 'portion of' the. capital'of the ne, wbeh'tbey see a house -with doors,ten:-'feeV h high,,,, withl a, little iii, fr6n6,�,ioodl ere, and I t on h reo,and --shortened here, I& John Beat ,up :.6gd concern will'be rateably allottedl�th6foulr:� bi lb,':ind-everytbing else about it' pr6p'or',-' ud billiard, room, at,'tb side, and hare it'wLas 9 a just bie l6ngthened'h6je'�' land house, 't a a bowl, And then adaL sia tablespoonfuls ordibari " 6tockel L of tile Southeastern, and, tionvoteiiiisize. Uid6f'a' shed 'stands an 1. -1 I 1, 1, 'that built the� OU at e&6hL Ikhere�, heavy chalk bi , I cold wateri mixing the whole Well partly". 0 'wing tio'.this.'th'are-has be'enA enormous carriage, and',`,on 61literiiig-the, "tbe'lprofits., of. 8� �, 6iiegn � leetilibi) o,ether ; then. add two tablespoonfuls -0 demand for.'86itheastern Railwaydeferied. � building, much of L the., furniture is found to, MR. S64tp..! ) li�6dtho lifit pqaeefUl�Land. easy years of hiw� f a 'beab6ut twice 69 big as, ord" articles. giincb�',,di�cl;�i)n'Satuidayl&Bt at.1is­rqoi1.,'life., Fro -it passed into the'fiands .tina6f potatoes.; letitbe mixedtborouibly stock. - The�oh&reo of, the 'iiiiinel Adh6m %ty ",L, bl' - - in, hiin, roee� a � Owns Mr rs. 0 Vith theliqUid in tb6.bowl ; thenip I our, in -a . to in . strong demand at Paris. This is tb I a .1 redid I eneb, I �of _de T hip -Of" Ir'n'gfll,' of f Mr. ah& Mrs. Bravo, the Btalp­fkther and' h, ' - 1 2 . . I r I . . - , - Bsotes,etbe gi&n%li; Wfiei'aje familiar objects neuralgic from whichho hid mother''of the,L young, barrister so a much boiling water as will'oonvert t a They. 0 :mYs. vhole thing into 4 jelly, , and mix us. English j6uriialg, in ais6lib6ilig. thb, in the- ebow world., are between,� been suffering for over two months., The terl6uoly,' poigbried 'a, few years ago near eit may be taken alone'or with the addition .4uestion of"domestio isons, suggeAt.11'15`91' seven land A half "A eight in, height, apeeased gentlemsin; w6 was born iii� 18�0, London. of h, little milk in case'of stemla6hid debility protectidworieniedy­s, lai Prohibithig1b04 and comwon�rooms and,furnitura �ure,too, in; Gloucestershire, England ,�', and belongeaL DIWPOINTMENT.- or cQnsumptive disorder�­LScientifle Ai�erii. use of a , rbenia in',tfie manufacture t a -emall:for to a good /famil yL, emigeated to Chnadain Uy Spring, of a sudden, came.to life one day the County ol, hl.1847, and�toqkvip laud in the' Ere this, tbe Winter had been cold and c aan. slid for domestic purpO8887 The German ar big published That morniudAIrst the Summer air did 1111' th all those' processe's which, leave te of the, present R I -for argenio, - in, the ' fin*ahe& goods. I -H rinany, c World, mak ng bleak.March L S t some veiv,striking'statieLtics wiffixegard to' b6meatoad Misr.b6lding varions7 muni eem, The official navy list for Ge M JO T 'y* a 0 en ga�; heyear.1882LbAg been pub ad, abd i� that the trade �.d the compar. -of the Geiman a�ld i I was e1166 d t The olaffoolils were blooming Jold the ' L..' t . ' ativ6'hbalth interests involve prao ice'ha�e- been �subjeolied to., uum er a men.Jn herose that clambered up thoVffidow-dill v nVeStigmltion, a I ild y L' t ISAPARILL'A bppears that the. entire fleet ndw comprises, French arml tiopte.11L.0 t- i as'. I Acebrdingto-thege returoi, represent South .Simcoe in 'the Hcuse o The birch treils biidding',purp e on the III even armored frigate.i; 6 ea,1rmOrdd Cor' 06jentiho the�avoiralw' b ­ "the ihflirn-� 'Commons in-'1867;`and hag held that seat the Alleged , - . I . - , ,.d t. I I fi Pt-fortha6imson shoot. All 6serday me' Rries ,on � every sy is wenty- ve per 6ve Was a T 6 Wns, about thecdoiecient chilly blew rettes, twelve unarmored spar -d ecii- ad�antagei�,in the einploy nt' 'of asenjo r. In politics, Mr. Little volt *&IIL " ibownt6hafor�f­ 'thou6aud.,in F eleven ift�, sts, h e -.L Co Be r LIVE iettes, five gunboats of.fba'-firist'classi one rance" and only u a ter"Of th n rvatite But now the breeze that plaved'about1he' for �ali6rs, etc�, ars he jfq, .� uppor 66 6rinored battery, thirteen I armored gUil,-4 e rmafiy;o wbile'puiting 1bgether the num-, cal O." He'- leaves, a wife (bis'aec6nd) and, So-caughtthei dead, leaves that I thought, � ere most part 'imaginary. Among Ahe paper, . ' ' L I f'eW'L And for Purifying the Blood. I 'fal I ly'of nine.obAd )oats, two still in process of conkruction, stainer� the Use, of arsenical pigments is berof days spent in, ,"the I boVital 'or sick Brown butterflies up from the krassyLfloor. -dAid--you canie.not. Ah,tobirue I In u'�o for 20Iyears, and h-ag ur mine lay6m, three each French goldi�r is incapacitat' -The -royal. family of Great Britain a fort =to Ve flie, !our torpedo boatsi fo bei ab fido'ned, and in � other indus4trias ad But siome one 14 has beonJ best rreparation in the ng Da 1.4 1 tbpught, that, Winter reigned once for S101C IIE A DACHE. -PAINN IN ,,unboats of thei second class, eight dispatch also L the 1 to than , from duty during seventeen ',day's in � tbe ved With the usui I 8610MUL And night ago obser . a more. are much less resori6c oarie� of L vessels a transport, eleven training An& form nod 4 D g this, an a year, as �agalimt only thirteen days for the the 6univer tbe.deathiitof 'the TRE SIDE 09 BACX, LIVER, CO�J-' But, notWithsti of Mortslity, 6e,L What. is a promise, my.b6y,?1I asked PLAINT, P1.11PLES, ON THE R�Crl ac whool ships, elevenL vessels :for harbor' the well-kncwn: 'f' t'thait No or, three. Gorman soldier. The ''rate Prince Consort and the Princess Ali DYSIIEPSTA�v all iervice and eigh �the according to the same muthoilt�, 19 nearly school t6acber, whose r;�utation f6r t-pitot boats. There are at grains, of the article� will destr whicb,ftwillbe kememWered,.f all - 6n'lthe: tfi&t'arlse frofn a Disordered L�Lv* or 4 oy life, honesty Was not of the best, to �nef,his 0 in England I " twice as high in the French, ar Dresent five Gernian, men-of-war on' th production of '&ISeni' ast . � my, being" saMe dmy,� that Of thaPrincei Consort,being impure blood. Thousands oflou Est )astern Asiatic station, hrob on 'tho And nine -per 'thousand, as 'against five I 'per ounger scholars.' ' -,I; don't kn6w, Biro" -it and give it to thdir chif- - year?vias nearly', 5,000 t6ho-, L - , : , I " , I I eople take I tibistyeak the 20bb, and t1lat of the Princesg� ti idly* k6l�llioid the , youngster. Well Nren., Phy.8iclang prcscribo)Lit�dfly, Those ,r011ian, two on the - eastarn American dud thousand in Germany.., There his ildt'been the 3rd. in use it oroce;, r I ecomi THP concluding voluii Me' of tbe,work, o:Tbe The inemorial,seivice.was, held in .*he riend it- to othem, )no on the Mediterranean. si'single case of small -pox iii the German. suppose you should coine to collect- a bill o , �It Is made from Yello' Dock, floridu-' Tiraueo.Ge'rma War- of 1870-71, by the' . he, mausoldum in the groundil of Frogmorib,. e--sond 4. �should fell you to call -aio ras'Sarsapdrilla, Wild,�Cherry, Stillingla�, hL . army during the past year,while in F 4 Una L 'a Recently­eholera brohjo out at Xecc� staff, of ihefGerman Army," as just been a short. distance f rom Windsoi. Castle. At the': h Dandelioni Sassafras, Whitergeoet n -a.4 ktabia, and'therie ere k deaths' in publiihad. Nino years Eave � passed sinco there, have een 1,031 cases, of, its 6onchision the 'Queen and barchildreu next-� day and I would pay, you" at ofheir well-known' alifable 0 13' and nhiety-eiglA proved fatal. of would that b"'?" "J thinkit would be,a Iferle. It is strIetly, vegetable, and. can. �]I6 first five- days. This 'great increase in the apf�earanceoftb6-first volume. The immoitelled around he �he mortality is believed to, be due -to* . new, voluine conta'Ans:staii'tica.f rom w1iieh.' �Ti . Pi�Ar AND Duxli� . -Dr.* Alexander PbAr'.Z'dhWarg0q"s" a;nd'� an : hour later -A' largo lie, sir." not urbther'niost delicate constitution' the is one oftho best,medicines, in.use fo� TWO IIANDS..- vitiated atmoipherd caused bY, he putt Graham Bell enied the assertion that r -ns, including in Reguls1fiig the, Bowels. efy- we gathei'Ahat the -German armv lost I perso d8or, ffig remains of great nurnbersof� durin - gtliewai 6,�47.ofticers'a,nd-123A53 deafmutes'whent A little hand, aL fail', 5oft hand, sheep, a glit to speak, have the tradesmen, were admitt�a, to -view the . 199 sol .'by all reslionsiWe'druggl8ts OfL I u I L l4l)ipipldd land sweet id kiss; atone do(la� for a quart bottle, or six which were slaughtered bear, the city dur- men. this.'llumbei"40,081, fell Either, adeen�ott�eirnmilvdaistriet._Sozhe 'Chil- mausoleum. X(o sculptor ever carved from' stono bottled for flve dollarj­ -ind left 'Iran do articulate- aftbr p6eiiIiar olisile A loveli6r hand than tbis�,- Those who cannot obtai - to a bottle,of Ingthe feStivitieBof the oba�6u; c cts" beforeAh'a enbmy oi died of their'. wounds, illness rest Wei 39biga:tidn. t sl*ays- turbo out Q15F,L )OWMAGE ipon the gro.und to rot. In addition; there but on lnv( A hand as idle an d as whito thilio medicine froM4,their druggist,my Or re *oundea. . The, It way just Cusip Jack, and so -w at was the As liliesoxitheir'stems; t was a large acces6ion . of pilgrims from flio th pie send us' one 'dollarI and we will send* t, wholei force L Of army during y.coUld,'talk before. they Je Daizling Nvith rosyfinger-tips to,them. [ndiai who had -come to the feastofich thoL war amou deaf. He says; also that by proper insiiiie. ifted to 44,420 officers and, Wasw '93,101 offic6ro and tion any harsh 'and, Idisagreemble Ahsoracibr We hpoke'voiry softly, and -as to arm, '"HiRSTBUR aused great crowding. among the,pbople.' ? ., � 1 li451,944 inen, Of whQM4 '�ONT. C re -to'tbbir homeel' took p it' in �tl:io campaign ot,,ibeu��erateehaaybeb6rrect6dI and he n Jack" L and So what as t o Anotberliandla1ired, old hand,/ t is fOa d that in,ratiring 1,113,254 Men 6, '16 witg, just, cous! Written with mailLy lLjne�; h y hand, whereon 10 pilgrims, will carry the seeds. of the, Vitbl geveif� Months 200,006 persons -�,ere adds that, 11 so successif Cl fi ari!61a�tiqn'. harm �, be.scont of the hay-flelds crept up f 0 t A faithful, wear teaching proved inL America and in Europe Tbe pearl of great pried9sitips I &C ligbagd.with tbomi 8'�d thu's,iti willfaid its nursed.in the field'1109pitals; 'and 81�,021 i A�IATWS 0 Agent�,tunutbnlpL Nay to the �prts and be brought acioaff the that diiiAneAg will soon' be universally We were quite -intho daiki save 'a- e -flies For folded, as the ving(It y patients received -in the reserve hospitas. war mean to America. the xecogni��d" ted edubg- Within this little lo�hfi I sea as mark of hegl6e -8 'ju,st, ousin i ek and do -what was the The number'of letters forwardea,by The grounds of the Second Presbyterian field post ara6unted to1101 267 500i ti6n." harin 'That lovelier hliundt�han this I m the hedge w -Wh0 a, Delightful' Miid' Hole. It is TRADE M44K The Great End-'T�'AD A Dhurcii in St. LoUla hav'e, long, bean'& tryst. -'Th - a wif e'of 'the . new . Chinese Mirlisi6i is, A Havans, despatch says: Two'-perpons A blild ft6 hirzg Up- breho the I �' E to Rk �ng place for lovers. Couples, of sweet., oi, �ow in prison in' connecti6n wHh' the I charm �, tod in foolish.Yrm olufte 'deep and �invltind, How C(ool and lish �He bent adLI Elta Ing. China.. As she does notLspeak, any language -the seller of a And�lt,�zd:s just CdOpin Jack' and. o ' b aearts may be seen there any even is w Fred Tonkin was 9, Paul Pry, who 13POnt A blit her on -and is extremely diffidblit And ticket and the otber,a telograph operator. 666d Little Boils afid Giils'cin Playin the V,, illng ily the third, lady, of T ank,who: ever left e Pleasant itL inuat" be, in the Mud , Hole. ;Rdr4ld lottbryAriad, O a - at 6racminalwea P 1greM deal of time covertly watc ha-ie,'st6pp6d paiment 'of tbe'� Sbi Thomas The, Dan limbe­ -Mila Hole 4al, -Make, Lots o! Nie'q Patti reabo lin oney 41", the canboi support herselfal6ne on �ber BOrj0s & 00 to OOMO"to,6" adall W D VoXingpeofle. He was afely foil I Ting feet,itis not bar husban&SL intention to Paris credi; of and recovered & � P � lt engi/he is now i on. th% Calids, tell flie Baby and that follow as a 3,her t . o� the curio�Fi 'until she is so �e. � .1" .I- : . praise ... on aine, i a �,tken - you/dan Put E ars,"afid he. dequenceof Self* Irom abu lot w6und. .. The:,oasa has, been exposi $it,0,000 her 0. S. shops here, undergoing r lor ootoe tiffie & mysterylL epairli vrill splash -the pretty, �61ft'ckWater all'over Abu"; as lodd of - home: -in, the 'ubw rA dancing was the completion of 'which it'wil][46 Be or Taking meniou" i. OW K�Itty little more'at thrly near' Wairwi O.P �u �t, a,,, I 'terminus y the sentback',to the Uoited*,8tatesi anti' thus Sli W i h6wFkook.-- 1V8r Prhner. un ven,k, L L I[Aminont confesses that she shot bibil- He So will not even'recelto cards Vit Will brought . to ; a i sudden. 88it ernL I3ama upon' bar *bow a -young, 'man, Wa3_ in strict oeclu -Its daeer'/bn the­Camad outh' , Is in"Ibe Back, Vinineara'" sion. ilevcth, of 'one'of'the young- lady ends' a 8 i3l�id that" �isbop Duhamol visit of - Vial U, proms- Urel kissing her, and she was -so angrytbat, d E(all. L She�ie&ehe& Ojit ., A., 6ort, �master md. 0 Rom� is with 'the Object of:haViDgL his Old Age, and mfl;uy!.Other did th&Vload tc Mota, Allation As -footman, � all In8anity or ( IE when her c6mpaulob 'obligingly, handed her hand to her' partner, -fell back and the 6pinion,thbt 66T on, diocese'm Oita;wa-�srected. into a bishopric, �,qns ve. fdt� her -rAwbonod son, . Lady-,, boos he 'her gaii-F Ull part oil aks in our onneturet aig pistol, she used it, She iefusesi to tell I . I I - I � 11 ! , . thine run,,at very high spbed, p�a and Ponilac made diocese. ' I*ption and bl.t, wh hiwa who this lender wap.. khowLihow to! wait 'at-6table: 211 ' Vother- expirgd. desitotoFiend.freeby!p2all't�.P!vory one. The "'YeS now ThOE, nglis h ntri" li dIe a train of six cars, I -and the .Blieciflcllf,dlcl� I s -b- U-Ta�­f Does lie, h cc bute it an I . nut loses much 'The Emper6r Williaiii' King I'll 0 ,J all druggists at $I ay.to ftnliounc6?". Mothet� from tb6 diffictiltylexperienct f $5 or�vvlll 'be, wd, �wb L d97. -6h a p s Wat I mi b was Una fi ich U n th Ong -New YO h in Y ti rig A I t I h r at thing ao*ant 'out, hun, byfou t ,A young man has just dial -in ( Philadel- big W' Well, least 5250,W this -year to their Msioorlic of Saxony 6irig together the f he Money by his from bydtophobI6, who �Wis, bittion' �Aonit ktow ihai he -knows ihis, ingtiftiong� of da-abation icnd bene,061�oiioa ilovblch-m6ro thaliL coun�tevbal6nc the' ad. other.day, the former kiljing'�ihirty­niub adressi�g W6jglit J6, b t he a I a, to a p L Una U 0 9 0 'in addition to the immense suing,subhoribed .vakage gafied,in i4cre�sad Vdsa- deer' said wild boars and the. lat,ter thirty- XIVE Co;I years ago by a our, that 11a to t tw r B r ,d ftayia O his office, t Oi� towards tb6 "Milous local boards relief 11 no! 0 ne is ropor ed,dying. f ivei. or. ONT 0 Ont., aa