HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-01-05, Page 8. .. .........
-ii! oll F,iatioff.�!- In the'discus- �TOOT-VAD PAX CJMRI InASTREES'
Jan. 10 to the,ift! A Olashi
PEMLS BALL sion *hich� fell
19wed Mr. or read a
Experience Illow to Plant and Deeorate, Wheat Mlost
!6ttbr scientist, M. Simonp� A Jbonely T�batnfiter n Tragical The,number of students W
he bad matri-
�A . Veil M4� high'an a i n Vi fitig 'With XrnmP":�N0rr0w--E*1cftVe trolin culated at. the University of Edl
q ering; 9.�go 9 e nburgh
-.A Winter Reverie. e:� Man3r Li-ves Lowt ix* Navi- 0la9hi6i,himkblf to ascend eiglif and a half Being shot. last.jeatr'wa0i M43,pr about $00 morb than (L Clabinet.),
adies'Floral i
And is Christmassoneax?, Just 'crisp of. frost. g6LUrIg the All� Wit Win, A Peterboro' 'despatch says Mr. j*ohn bad' ev& ' bepre. This year* there. are Plant year tree' in a Small wash tut,
Nipa'in the i sprout f-� between' 0 and' 60 more.
,fori�ng here and there a
I ' - . I . property,, 'filled in with brick bats or a
The airy is b ue,,theimn is wemn, thabirds, STOO Reilly, residing on the, Grovers' .,hod of� hard
Sing to the4une of sprinj their winter lay, P14 TO CONQIVEJFC., just outp�ide of the limits of Norwood, on Arthur Xohn Robertson, of Inshes, locally coal, or auytbi 9 that- iq beav y! and will
to days when all the ear h is "white with7 snow; I.MIGIRES *S'CENT le vie pilAn pday last� Was place -.flat. irons; w
Tue engaged to 'remove -the hu ird," &6d'at his i -ill d9ifthere,
No nights when Boreas, smites his mighty haxp;l o0einent of an lenklish ofucerlm Wife aown as ,,Thp La, 09i- keep it in
-household goods of , Mri. R. Richardson -by- dence Culcabock �Iiouse,,id his,- 78 th year. is nothing else at hah�d-and cover !over
No need of bla;zing,yule-lqe on the hearth. a 4 "with t., oin of the,
A,,corre§pon eaitwriteB.
�ro Soo 4 1 a w ccomplished 7The
Ali, winter I in this guise. you may be fa' Th mia'How � no doubt that 'the team to Peter lorb'.'He safely a deceased W.as,a, member of a ta�qjly '4tub with a giyly-striped afghan, or a fug
Vain Nupposed to be In Toronto. of
Your beard of icicles soft as silk, this job,and about 6 o'clock in the evening that was long.dist pguished inhe w(fai s of robe, or a, flag, and upon this base;many
ugi is carried aw4 in hie . i r
Xbui'furi laid by, your face aglowith smiles ish. M.P.,; who we WELEIcreatealin, social circles left for home, abid bad got' a few 'miles on averness; aid oil- the ferLfale side he repre- the larger articles, such s 'books, desks,
All 6uried and scented likea May -day bride.7 'balloou.'-to se�,-,perlshod in the AtlantiQ, few mouthsigo y the elope.
a your 6 xcuse b road befiveen tbe� town 9'6ited the and�int'h6use of Seaforth. eto., can be 'arranged.. The children can�
Woreiiver,,you may plead a, It, is"strange :ibat bat, little- pro 66'�.has: inlept of Major Forsyf is 3 oil t e
rich, �rei h Grapt,s wife with her manufacture many !beautiful deboration�
Thiifwliere' oubring'noan6wtopleasetbe and River wheu'he was accosted by
y �'Xajor Grant is attached
Tou 4.1sobring 4o supring tDthe poor: Peo#'*ade in the inhHagement of U_;4e Steamer,' Northbasterfi, of Hull,
a mail who at once askeid him 'if he would ili6-Firth of F.
he ir '' I . . for the Christmas tree,� in, which illey will
familiar in thisphape. T arth, and erg have nq so bt
Yet still, thou'rt not orth lately, havine
e of Cornw.all's R give hi iak� quite as much pleasure a it
the qiA 6giment, which;
M ar lift. Reilly asseuted,- aad file [wity
Is ptatiA�p and it was during, stranger got oil the seat With him. The after. parting froiH the tug Whidli *as taking
To tyse thou com'st among. fr61�nn& which, oiace� suspected 'A in tow.the new' steam the
5i , we co at
We a ill retain the memory of th6e,iil thy rAO -were 'from the fancy shops'
ofstorm, hot aribsty,ficin there - but4 tbe'air is vi,it to, her brotfier; whojivias near Tie- a to
WI s,, -unmas, ere ai, ort,', a, p lace",'sover al.mile . s West o '' a e e in sev a qu o - Hirkcaldy, dril dred
his,- �upine sp, miles intci,fi xo�gfie w �x ver� paper� cut into., tiny'stripp.
str ng r ask d lI tions about her't shbetf� of Olt! biue, scarlet -
a lce-tbronb,'on thy� brow iiderilei' t id;,unoxpidre -gauth. F answered. hiln
Seated upon thin ;and' "I
AcioWuof'fro6tyfre.i-work,inth hand Th6 4thappy After a' short, ride, be Kelly iflie length' and half' an
so the CoruiBh side vTamar, nea� he North gea.'� .6f� four 'h
A scobtre carven from' a thunder-, olt.- -sh q'ws 'up how V0'yL`�1f'M40`al Plyin"t picked up 9, r6ward: of ,000 ad be, n
Our hearts turn Many persons bl that big fasdivaili�g Wife became had &"pipe.' Kelly paid no, he did '�Dot Offefe'd for the recovery of the vessel. ncin: id lord- 6Lh&inB�
and ainored; of'- t rms bf her
W i � you cau make,
In thy hiists, and=(,. toe5%, When t4eY Progrb�p has " been he �pprsoilAf'oba
e... ci�yry one. He then began to be' suspir, to entwitia.frodl bough to bough of 4tbe tree.
a since the. first ascients' 6i Do A .� wl� I '�L-youngii�au-Nvho�c�lls:bln�Beit aarfi�el'
tv y . I �, , W' groqm; ose � name is Henry clone 01 With ]age paste the twd,-
r ; love e L W�, of his b6papaniorl'and kept an eye a,bottI6,-of muci
0 Wi Jess gentle, but.1more, brothers A hi*iqre 'y�hrs'ago.j� He&rb� Th i became Very iatimat6i �-itns.pired, no doubt. by the fame sAtadhing
upon him. The latter -tumbled- in big h ends of the, strips together until! half, of-
�We'know little', -if of aeriaf. t namo-7has been interrupted !in th very d ill afew days eloped. A most vigorous pockets'as.if '16ohiug f le made into 'rin a -make"up�
t" I I t its- Buoyancy ci Or a pipei.w on be em�
n'aviga loni exc I I I arch was made for the, missing. Vairi but no su
Ws Flr�t Love p il y,.§o ar, I ga; tie
Carly suddenly drew his arm at full long cessful career of swindling by the police Some more, by- slipping"ODe end. ithroughi'
s concelmed,i '.The) balloon enables ug to., trace of'thern was found in the country. bh atLinlitligow. He.oameo that town:a a
Margaret Go ne of Sar- towards KeI17, a;nd witllout saying.& word _f two rJrJgS'&ud Jounizig'. tie'rn together.. Let
rdon, th-6'Bluini ' to any rbasonable -bei-ht -which book canvasser, succeeded in obtaining. I
ter Reartas," was an orphan girl', residing, rise, �.may' Thies weeks ago Mr. Eden, a lawyer from fired a rev�Y�ar straight at his face., -'Kelly, the three ringH becoine'dry', and� j - Ith
be � desired,� As far back - as 1804 - Gay- London, Eng., � who was employed by MaJor clothes, grocs�riesi E6 s " ewing machine, some ii�to Ole, e
leen- i g the 6ovement, grasped'tbeiould-be at Kirkcald� with her widowed Aberc ' LussaikpierceA the atmiOavbere td a; libigh L t Grant toxecover his wife if possible, arrived, see n iey andchequ6s; on the - credit of his, eii aroun the
ihire&unt,�ihile.Carlyld was,.& teacherin murderer's arm, and atthei sametime gang, mol uter Urauches of the tre froLn top to
the I'lang tooi interesting -bolted. tom'. `.Tw6rity yards , will be Deeide
of 23,000 feot,,wbii'e latei oh�the knlgrish- ele is be opinio.0 that backbL31:tead. The'bullet nearly prazed 11%4sible manner, arid then.
]and men named Glpfhe� and, Cok,#011 reached, me,�o Canaaa: T4c At a.meeting of the Litdrary-and--Philo�- tri
n.'?. This! g�rl,.
ago to h yh A
inquirers into Carlyle'B services of' his nope, while tb& flash almost blinded ali'fge`tiee,� twelve'fo� au sinall obe� hese
'en mil '3. Un ere
an aliAud6of.p6arly zei; lei fortu- D cSkcffihgton,,ofth�
him. le(ophical Society of St. Andrews recently, paper chains'wh6n once, made- ipt
oven mo -re iii. e Quick as thought he 'Orappled with e
�iographyj has'beconie e'nately-ihe'na;vigafidi� of -called into requisition, and Dr.
On 'a 4 task HoddI6 announced the curious. fabt for years
:In since thexev' er narne and in co,m,15% tha., pistol again explodi bg in. 'if car6fu I baudle rch
elation cf'h 4y- his assailant,
4op6lbsg1rom the first' hile to propel it' with that, of�cer visited int that was' being' out i f
e . . ':� _ ' the struggle, wh e -6 and. strin e info
description of her byCarlyle. hin2self in through. the air is a,ta§k involving qifficul- ich r'suitea in. Kelly uirr� m. our by largb pan oflpop-cor I i
c is aDd exhibited a Mra� , blingLtbe ober'out of the wAggon; and get.- 'and 6oa, �th'read-
ome. Lev e wind. He b�,d' on a chains' witly i� need
i Gran to a an ber tihg rid of' his would-be I destroyer, Entwinetho'bialso, outtliebrandliesand
his Rerniiscen e.�� Even this descrip - the operatioii of th b
P7 ties which Do one -has y4t 'overc NO: in visit a e tim6,E4o,menlipped
Who I the� - 0 - f
he minedh't -as eing IoIloweA his, intended Victim t*d
tion; however, falls far short of the impres- hce' b
. living m&U has bad more 6xperie t efy� A66��6� Mr�� Wiagge, the observer. oil a ter tUbpreseilts, are diSt�ibuted rbak. up
WIA deal o'U money. he haspaidtor it, thaW W 04 sibn made by that fra'�ment Of' her .0 O�iind a buV at,, first be (Mr.WrAgge) waii, �in b
h- A lo� ., -letter t Mr.Froud6 h arrive more sbots fro is� revdlve)r. Th 'the" chains, into neeklaCa§4 arid tbroW a
I .. . I I I �Circassii"oii the,* 106 of-bbtdbei: last"iri "lous - : but'he ha Ssage real the-
far'iewell Cailyliohich M. Nadak� 'of'Chicago,� and ' e tells that e UO, d since had a me roun
h 116ki U all the gues
has published iiihis 1, Ninetisent Centgr goved harrnlessj`as'the� libreep t)dk fright, I company i with' 'd �116p'qd a, -speed. in to t e" ffect
yie's tariYLim" � Nothing that -'he wks�'tbkipctly- y
7 bulk �foriifk,ihe be a tbo� h article oil Carl all� ihe a way with maidd6i.ed on possess a
San 1imes larger :th in Ii I carrles,� :wpid t en tracei ro en oo mg�glasB
h I to.:thk,St.; James' Hotel, ing - is crass to sittisfed Withegard to:the4m9,tfer-' h carry it t6 �aglazier -nd
fluer oinobler thanthatIettiertas 4:Zord6-tis. Sor ly after bring' hi LS,7 e nop w�hp. :agam ree g -
'to 1ight, togr h hadfoundl;�tth6 points hldicit6d on thb bits th h
and cionseqidently.until a way,is discovered where thd, pho 6 , ',vertook ree iac es y
or ever can come naM -a brioYaut, body t subjection 1.Mr. Kelly' a V two. Paste a bit Of
that sur-,aceb e snow �ldrge masses oLrock 'brown paper over t
it6 prope'l such' hrough per' man, Iie,'. ack of �th 1 e glass'
arlyle's correspondpribip- fectly ca I fit air,'to say n - othi - It has,sincei 9 whO said' somethi b
lig of dire-cuDg thdyi6ok Pullman pags'ago"to M-6rhtreal, arid, other Ing to that had been, dislodged from their position and bind the edges Nvith 'stiips of 'gilt or
And. no*, iny dear friend, a -long, long, it, agelist all:'adverse'loreeze,-'we canuot him, but as hi4.expe�ienceith Such tramps and blue papers, aLi -bit of
hencento'Toron celatrated'iiower"Of the wind'. Scarlet
adieu I On e advice, and, -as a parting one, u than itiat 'ey� was� not OfLa very satjpfaftory, kind, he was by, the con d �"te� a
expect more fr'�m heAlling no,Alvli� d if' -under the . . .1 ' -the I 1 .1 . I - -that ribb -top
notIndlin core t
-Cultivate the mikider, , does 'for:us, i. e., to Nicolls. the . I Pa u�pend
consider, value it. sent float'and 6,1p,6A ed t& risk nionship of is pioposed'� the Free Church on or paper' ac the- to a
4isp6pitioII4, of 'your heart., � Subdue the ahoth�r, and passed, being, partly'�convinced bly be asked to make a deliverance the boughs. YOU caniaOt'bav6.
usat.. a,greater or less � distance': above the b' -ors- , Purchaso a pound,
:,a year, U,t Ahattlie,se06Dd,persori was a confederateof tebe_.ubj'e:ct of diisestablislitnent, takin too many tiny miri
Me 9
more extravagant V�Riorisi of the earth's surface., reovqr, not only..islit hi w ground. Jb is ..ihougb't more' can *be or two of Engl
6nishe left
in I an cut,tbem,
time your abilities mustb6 known., Among. impossible for... theo'ne;ho )lad just escaped,fro .. "From Ile, ish vvalbut d
the �,aipioaaut to properly 'England; Mrs Grant who: is well , . 1 11 .;' .
our acquaintances they are already behold tile c6nV6rsation:,with theflist'individual accomplished by woiki'fig- directly for the into lialves'arid ta'ke'. outi the 9 orn to ve,
'th wonde�r 'auddeligai _ By those*hosb aide his gas�fill�d spheroid, but it isi,one:*Of acquainied' e�ii bre aiqestablishment ot the Cliurch'of ScotUnd. ill d
I . "I . he wa4in wait,for
wi t4b,ino4idiffictiltithi�gs'ihai��in�ble�f,O'F hiffi,: oil her, wridding- four five years ago Iu,t ;iitci-,t ie,,.mi che, of each'�Iaa,
opinion *ill -be valuable' they berbafter 7ettirning hc'me .*Wi the.pro-' on,th6 ground that it does; not - represent frosted'c ae. rarChaSe, also '� Pound
y e, a r,,, ron- sugared bar half.0i, On
culty.bf getting- down again., This,is the old beet: high, 'fair - born on, grey . away6, �nd h1l,
to overcome the. coui�ao,, �eveiv-dayi diffi- Aescribed, a's � WIlows �6"A§ of -,a load of grain, bdt,iiiot ineeiing' 04, d'l a abolishedfai pab
Will, be � appkeciated; ' Genius 1 rnaJorl" an ial e,,ot,
er'you on tical � person, he� dote a - 6
youlgreat.- May virtuo'�phd beloved I , g�eA f6il, ihd: no Voyager can p6safblY� tell: srinin,ed. Mort. the attacks aainst Ebtab- - the n1dt ahells with tbem, �nd paist4 61i iho�
-the awful distance between -you e airlair,bat shoit'Aa f wore a e to Ilis byff Aished.ChurcheB have been put on: al
Remove, ihat";Kelly sbobld fall a pr )8tract other h'IT U
a, y . I a so G)mmon, g ue or'gum..
-in adva;nc6 whether he will: land. in �a long cloak-Airied with fur arid had on* atragacanth for ] and ordinary men by hind.6nd grounds,,"d the Church oLEDglaud.was paste.' Insert bit ofinarrow
gentle in . aii- tree -top, on land, or qipipLin the wat�r. Is
diamond necklace 'When, in Quebec., 8b, e one, �hd it, ia'� fobo ho L fied will ass�ilid as mueb. as theChUrchof-gotlLd. ritiEOH in any color at 'tile. tOpL of the nut.
Hers. Deal gently �'with, their inferiority, � 1 .1 H , E, in
His, O� par JeS �,Ift r - trA�cllit3g.At night-.. Many b�plievet] small round -of gilt pape
left twohitleehildren in England. earn, and loe.coriviuced thev:,will rep ec you as bat muck is Ao.
t* -futu o, be gain d Ut r.4 d cover
ual ti6illk by dsent I ariglin It �vith'pas e, and wra
anlike YOU )tiol� the groorn. is five feet ight, inches high"
Inue more. , Why�.,coilceal The fi Llot ot_balloon�, is de'stri1c cautious with those -,they.: may, meet on the 'POli g the question,� p it cakeful about
flows, in� The first human b6ing ',who, exglored the broN,va hair,hazel eyes small in
-the 'real goodness. t at C ta�6h6; road that in England. tile nut, l6tting the folds of'It lic eveuk�-
your heart , 2 Again, adieu 1 Pardon the realms of space was Francois )?ilatra do and -has a; sprightly appearance. Upwards'' of lirg'o � boats fwail, about.the-bit'of ribbon.
n t 1�nk j3�cliilc 'WON SC,'&,'V D'A as many as can freedom I have used -;,an,, *hen Quibink, Roder,.'who lost his' life an" attempt tol
y L, L i otbei! flailing Lth6se,--for.
w kind� sister, to whom- cross the E nglish, Channel ih. a balloon.� In i Growth i Grf, C" communities on tiest of rattle'
of ine, be It as of they are.the pret
the, Inverness Firth -put� to sea one:L iii -lit boxe$,.-and
accust i t your happtilessi will always Yield delighi.,'And � 1785 Count Lambeccaul Was killed by a are olaiiad to regard the growth 7body likes to,possess such'a; trogby.,
latbly and returned t6jj�vsrnes
MY'L. from r 0 Amer 8 eaxly tbb bV2173
your gri I give ypil not the c� f a balloon near Bologna. 61 our gre, �Ln and jean cities of 23. Little lace! bags mada'bf. bobbin�
efs sorrow. . . at Cauadi, follO'Wing 2aorning e, �1,
fact th t1lace,or
h bnt:as a inatter of
address, because I dare not pro mise to 'see' Croshie fell into the sea while trying t. 0" "aRp pnonl6nal A'Fredericton (N. B.) despatch t. -wash" i'l lusiow., by ruunin- them gether.�
saysQui-e high average of about tw6lity crans of. sprats
6f:Eur pe have With blue aild, gZcolore
you. crops St. George's C ed at a,, - scarlet ed�o,
S hannel, land 'was- With, a,senea ion -was- created in F ed wor§teds.
erictoii'lon per bins, ' boats, ba;d as. many as
Valuable as an additional attestatio' acted from drowning. Lu'nardi wonderful rate within the la'ot alf cen-4 Th uisday aft6rnoon by the arres�t of A� W.' tweil d Uai;ngL.a-bit of it 'for'a strin, .0
-6i of -them., "n I'L '
ty ght cran6,,,and many g
Made -er,. are a so very, pretty -an
a f u00'
tl�e enormous impression, by.Carlyle bad an. equally harrow escape ;�om& tury-L'The,growth.of someof tbcm'betwben. ranged fro fi teen t �twcnty-five. th'Vm togeth d
- 6
upoil all Who ca -the near L him' even at�, this Wae Edinburgh. -;M&3 a the Ver,45 years,o �psliable-_ filled wi'th
grave near or 18�3 L and 1873 :is showi g"catpePte`r,,,9n 6 Kilmuir, quil awav up �lra.
ay , d'sagarolalsfor�thechildreD
spri n fro In B an the ci
table o Fr'6'derict0n early'last on -th6l�
early date, the. prodigious expects,- Mon ascending from NorWicb,'Englaild , s%of fish
aild Of
t �'hia �att,, d small I,
ore �'for'rn.ed 'the a e a everywlier� with them. bO' . I " L, to,
tion 6 t.i..d of biw future ca6er, these was blown 'out. to 'sea,� wher ., 1� , gok oori�Laftqr his LarLriva IE app es -closely stuck With, c oves
f 0 13.111 &tl 0 V—S.
arV,a ad nlee L
words reveal' so siicb'i� character in the witlithe-waves orLsever a _183�- 187 L us, I i . atanve,o 1 i . B L I rker, solait h4s'been On6'of "th the. b eau,.,
,L 8 me Sadler, I Londoi 1,L624,000- 3 , , I f M ss L.'Ge tr Ur
writer - herself gt to.. coinvej ilip, Ahen rescued by a revertne cutter. ... :'; _I , L , �4 3,01 , dlawers,-,and do�eii' o� ,
f 1,000,UWL'. ofabout 23 'years of,ape'who, most productive for - yeLam. � Some crews more, Fwill not;
dream of 'what 3iiight have, happened if she was picked out o the sea by E6 fishing -bot 'Par '!L ................... 880,000 1 793,6Q0 is ws) 4ndfavorably in 'rederic- were obligedj tlii,,i mQst wonderf�l tr,e
- ' I I' L �6, parfx�ith the -sprats:at any' q� I 'L� ". ..
I - .... ... 480,00. , t'� L,,A Christ child or angel� made by d,
become 'his -wife. Tfiat it',was A real love near Liverpool. Mme-ABUnchard w69 killed 691,000 t6n,,,�vherehenpa'rents re a In �pric,e.- One geutlem�n *bought b 6.
Si e. Oa a res
P -es ....... ........ 81OLOOO 9UI 0()Q _ , I . ' 1�doll'in. laced'6r �ilvCrLed wi n�s is very�-
a 460,000 inat the., %vis lea, of the.:girl phi
on both sides is ev �Tho,obstacle,wak inFrantie. LjeUt,�Ldalo waslilled'by ;35S,000 'her, gr6atl�l Is, catch of'fifteen. ��ranp �atl one
n ear Vienna ....... e crari_ lag p er a I to the' topmost
the opinion of f o.: -.,566:666 parents; the couplc� were- married. 'b Uec
.fly in circumstances. �, !I, All � from: con Boric Dublin ............ 300;0Q
aw 0 a , Suspicions fro P:qg
her -aunt and' guardiall an Lof 'others in 1950. went: up on horecUack �mosco . ...... Q80000'' 61i,COO ":girl s'hpih er wh 'had _S.Can ave -6t. Gordon, who, thoug _ h -the daugh- -in: 3W,000' !)07,000 ' la.,ISA'6f wire ibru-st 16wenea
St.-, Louig,* in n5s; , the:. bdilociii.:WaS. as'not well be6an an
dashed to earth in Illinois-,. and both mail brbe'�tin,,` it r colonial, left�_WJth little Total ....... ................. 558�,000', 1@,5u�,000 inveptigation, and -diacoveieTthaf 11 be.,Oih'F6bruary. krid then,f"ten it securelyL L
ee n in St. w� e,, bougbS 0,
teB anc,'thd 'reach art 6ritibj
-the Aberd Louis a6d, family at Lvhn,
tr O.ot in and beast;were hilled.L I -lived Qliver -,.had a f f file' -tree. Appl6s,�and
g, was orie of t
of marry a ei; and remember
shire 'Gordons, could. ii at the tire Well� t11P'C'k_ pre iminaryoxamination -began leo be s6peud.edl with Was rlo,M,.a face
cumstahce. DON i ated" that Captai
Kirkcaldy schoolma'ster. Perhaps,sonle The' 6sc�nsi yesterday. Amongltbewitneisses.w&4, -D DIN�iE�S� NM W T& "I' LLINNAN St
Mary L��g
froi Dfferin Rifles,, Paria,� thos_perbj�ptionS.Z of-theLbardei, str6yod.,'. M. iH, � - r' little park called Hyde 16ngi Ai rl he own parti &rising 'from. ince, dread -o rAii o[11 Cox, oube
Sp ciai despatch forwardcid
0.1 he 24th of-.,Novem �-The. hard; black Ger-
ork-. tb4lay 0
__side�pf dq Nadar; nine''Paasen wh .1 swore that on t SLATE'PL;NCIL§
1864i er cousill". rs., iver,
big 6haracter, d - " 0 -resigna,ion to, ttawa.
hich She communicate e '%a en efffi6 is, In cto.ber, t�eu� fle�, man slateiieLcil has been supened6d1of )ate -
g ;wido*. Jlawes, was an arried, i n i house 16� " 'Sir Richard �&Lrt',wiight has, coupented �Y'Ljbe round Wbfte
to Iiiins6lf so -tenderly! and frankly, may d e:cended near, Nienburg,:ia Hanuver, the Tinle,3': 06k�ains , a, � �halenge roin to I L. 'L, f-, pencil, of �Iay�
t- 'He i but tho descent was ;ataost. 'perilousi-�b e- the 'renowned Scottish dd have aid�d in the sepa�a Ion. r pubse n the , iiris6ner,: by the, a re6a Mee Ing T-TaIrrowernitla At the quarryrnetr Oa' �n. yt.
0 Mcten-. ,4bleto
quent history -is a distance of 400 mileshaving beei. traversed, ffil, lireted t rs. Vdfo�rb the 0 about thirty'live woTRmeii -pr(;du6e 6000
hhowq;- and Could'beLtold 'ff that she
g� a4l_of Dinine o ers.. t
0: LelghtoDywB
asseDgers were -serious y eS� es
with abdudAnt'detail by poisons still livip �and all the p �D C..
back " a' roanagainpt one ajopliergon: and AikiEg pencils'ditfiyj jand it is proposed to the daily out�ut to The* She became the wil f Alexandeir'.7 d .4. Prof.. 'Donaldson and a Journal T d left, Ott Wa i6SfL ''
anner-'� Injure ah second mariage took plaeein, 1, ro et- a , for Toronto, where 100000,
qn,"AL man of note in the reporter ascended fom Chidag6 r, nnan icto evening L . . I I . � .? .1
3oain , Aberde' and aiL prod6do. Arndt' ii:lasf raontfi� Th6 p�isoner be they' will ',spendth6ir h ol,d -:,. L- . When qiiarxisdar
trays. sawed into' pi�ces seLve n
city,' Find of' of' never, 'came baiejk'agaln" - Not' V6kyL long 'at L hammer- throwing, �,.stdne-�Ipllttillg' tb,t Sir, J" fin 'Mae. b plit to a thickness -of EU
:, HbL, Will g,L r- fW law it
ng� y�tWelveinclies; s
alodLof and baber-tossi is a 0 piaueri The'
n:the after *two balloonists met;�.witb a sixilden ve o
§300 oxpOngoa; aUdL'if*MbLcuuE , 6a, d6na�d willfalke holiday'ftom� the 23 d half ltic I an( slac
ahir& There were traditions of him in his' death near San:FiAnclscoJ,,.1 an then� agrees or semi-eircular"
ihe,� late , which, happ6ned' to L Prof. Wise 6'
yc,UtK Sandy Bannerman," oIlia pollight. ihst. iiiiiii the,3ra "of January;
of the% e iho!match decided in SC.t..Rn Dihnie
tell 'y' Cc and; aftof�b eep turned over, :the?
&ad the St. Louie� ba e mong Thy Rai. ws, actors'. concert on B 11Y proess -is r�pehted-.',, eresulti 5071ach!.
wild. Maule' of Pan mare "'An d Duke Of Goir'L nk :A1 brow�s in the handsome 51 owmace of.three I ng,
theiL balloon fidscp.4 I might L: a 3;rydaes of the Huda6ri a
n Thuisday, 15th, *ill be tbe,:nex together _With biS family t
donbet� who'�fill'ed the '6rth' with rL cite Godax&s feet at the hiimmer, one feet at the Stone t- Inusical �pep,ciIs. par ic e'o. %uart7,_-j,a thel block..
jocose pranks; but my own recollection of monstr6tis fire balloon I and the collapse� aud,threa inches at. the cabor. Dinniealso. event tary, are in Toronto.
ff, would break"all They ar
t ae
im,in his more mature days iis'6f the staid. of the, huge a:,a1y,in which Wise was 'to offers to back two men &.21 -pound adinitted t6Ahe pointd-b�.a aspor,e
h A young man.rusbe&ea&�Iywfor and highly respectabl Alexander Banner,.,, have crossed the Atlantic from. New ; York '�amtner (the length, oi,ihe handle L nottO 'be se in. aii , Alan I theatre Lery, fell ov 6 tdwaM,, Island,' iAthe and sent tOL _L'
r Bar oi,T,rhic captiv6�':ball on at hundred—
man, latterly Si mite,) over J00�� feet, s and;.<Ar562pound: tile i I ll'�d by. the fall. �D_ativa Ilibneh AcAdian ��in only
r Alex''andef B innermaiI, city. The.: bursting.of fli e L 6, a'l, L ftndwa;S:kI _7, r6y weight 0 e 0 feet'L both with6a -profesiiow�
-Wbig M.P� for Abdrdeen, t is, city, in th
it' the Place dEi Carrousel" in hi
who was long the
Mr.! GilberVs new �opdra comnigue, for ere; 'Whd hpasts
and of one at Manhattan Bes:
sa sciv o Sir, May,— Of
whic Mr. Ivan - a .pro ii�ed, the
Y.; Only L 66 Lfe, Menno�Abs. 66Dte , nipla, es.taking',a i f
in that Capacity wag very attentive to Cbj N.'. U. head 6f.the Manitoba
the interests of the city vv weeks. later., pli Ws L als how A nl�ef� Dg was held re L cently to consider is foaHaed 011,.hl'§' Own- lately.
an&-aveiy kind to�, esny Ap�ill rip to Load" On , E Jig" has b een dbuig a e - 1ph
old pensionersand,the like wfio'.bad'a�y -very dangerous these huge' toys nlay,,'15o, the matter of the 'of, St�. Abu'13 Priucess�?-a work not.known, if is' -Sal ,On ''ll
GOL tj�&�b a ortY,,:,when he vviii visit his &
i -of Mr. Geor G getting '!dbeplY in'deb 'fo0 bard all
grievances or 'claims on the verhment. "evenwbetiLridin a app�areutly the safest Island by,.a club, composed on this aide of the water.,. ei� at 'd fr I My",ef
ge .6107're igionis B inVaterlbo. inci, b
ium er
p him �at '. last n the well , -known' frien s, -Who The Whigs roinoted. of anchorage. Ihe one in the back yard Hill :and cbAala Toronto �,nd . Hamilton
-'Dr., Arthur guWva President Arthur -With Ivate secie- Of d �ted'�by his
to AheI.Gov6rnorghip of a c6lopy.' and 6fthe.TuillerieBwas file 'IaigeW balloon sportsmen..,, Action, Will be at 'once taken anis,
author of "'Pinafore) I b 0cild',hit its �aiid�suddbrily left
taries i 1' keej' L bi
constructed., Ev p biif !it the �stYl I
i think he. died rl that post. h er erytbio'g �tbatlfore o have the leae;tcanbelledj alld the � funds ' , , L " _ itor : T�h.te' '
t, 'L adniL irable chur6binan, and bag.:.just Executive�': Mansion t 'is, wir ', h
T ursd ay IA bas have seen,,, Blumine':" over and,over again ure
thought, could siigest; and, that, ingenuity. -necessary to takis-ac lea were pr ide�afor given to the worl gaificent'o.olldion those- invi
*ben: slid was.Lad� Bannerman, if only in one: to reilder� this. The Indians ort-ilie � island are Will,be �b ial
could compsas, was . d ous t
of sabred songs�L
o preside on so6ia occasions.,
a carriage wbeH 'through the captivenvJJncibIe;by-Ahe, elements.. But to have the lease:,oancelled.
ph� drove the L On Tbursday night the Graad Opera S",
streets of Ab i - . I I I who shall.c6ntrol W
erdeen to' grace one. of her iad�which. blowefb_ Mr. mith, Deputy Minister of Mahne
at was OmPtiO� f, 1,300, and Fiab,e'ries,',; flas ' ntftrn�d to Ott,;
buabanals elections ;'but I have no r6collec. � wberc; it listeth ? I A gus`ty� August llrofrssor� B House, London, 0 0
ticiii,of her, -To MY surprise, Carlyle did' 460H sufficed 7 to - make �sport;. of. -Henri Lecturing oil Goetbe at EdinburghL people jn,� an� four minutes, in the Iro W"
here hb� has 'been forl,
dL bOy kaeL
IDg4 t t Lapieasurietrip.
indispose to ' talk of the midst of a pelti rain, a orm. �, A I of the SeVer%a On
not seem * Gifford bind all his a6robauts, � and- the bia wee 8 pas
is life.�� He once UtL I.. the 4 w 4iQ exits:Wer thrown.open as an experi- e6 Wilin8jiLof
do in- h balloon wasbuist in by the, blast, I recently krof�ssor Blackie said 't' arl 1he GoVernin6nt
as the Goo an o e
Blumind 11. episo all abo fiie' relations Me.'Ch
sketched the storf"lo me', paper wind-ba� is between We `aIms, of, , :, 1. ment., P b men did' the :fsherio6l Newcast e, passe&thr
31mines veryL diStifictl y (though, I theill hHew,' the, school, -boy's hands. women. A out how y __-The Patti- con rfs have so' lar-proed - W L 11 1 1 1
11 1 - il6u yesterday_ oli his ay , back'froba"
know'all'that ? � 'Tha a a subject that� remuDera4i"o to"the manager,. but the
VER, Aj n systerngticiill co coaled in their' L, ray. of Y
qr myself '�Aad be ome -THE HIGHEST ASCENT Washington with laige quant oung
a-; ' 9. as too ie not a'word to ila fayoi of 'fish.
L dy.Banneihiiany, but dWeIiing on 'arious cha'
- , - - 'g,' while� heParticularsi and, e8peelallyoU thogLV, --I mentioned, &while '.ago tbLe, heiglit.: great blographies. Ut, oviaiythibg 'was a- singh i:eat,- di,v . a's
070ASUal. les),by--,Gla . shier, and, knowii about�Gdbtbe. eiflie Was Wrong, Weridell,Phillins'lias." had biB,70th b'rth-L COXWell own per oymanceSLSeem fo b6 a little dis-. in.eetings with his '&Bt love: in ber married' reachedL (6vei :six mi he confessed -it, and he thought tbat; a day tile past Webk., �7116.shows signs of a,�;'4
StateL in or near,'Hyde This the I most imp3rtant vets9ppOilItiDg. q
Park, about 1840, ascent ever made, I d .1 E :short ld,make�tbem more cha'ri- faring L jtL
an perb Lps _all;,th
0 e Heu96 ve i Ing.'.
whiQh-fieba described in :his 11-Reminis 'Tbe,latest -prodigy is -a 10 -year-old b and: is' not Is( Q, present.,
account of it will not,pro un nt6ibsti table,in judging him. a, , particular winter. The mifiner of one s.�' dto make�:� inquirie rom nfflned Ralph Bing
priVi ege with pqalty'df poets to be 'I,
ommade b h
i,��l�,,coiistantlymore4�ilei,b'ut Iseag1
n the 5thf Soptomb,eri 1862,, 9. ways bam Whgives succeissful publie'r6adi
Others, I chance. to know, about thd Aber- fallingL in love. Ile would' like -to know being preceded by a6cents.. made by the' Hip f 19rig, de6nshire Banner6ans. th krat �ubljc appearance took place at 9 � UagbAs not; a )article abated. He 9T P
ough he talked same two gentlemen, one on: the 17th of b many'swe6thearts Burns.:h d�tht app�arsto Uke ere delight; if: P", ..S4 Br Z
pkettily'a�d tend . Ow: I � 11 y Mcbm d,'before--an , andieride of, 3,000. 0
erly�:� on -the subject, the july', Womanwas ' in, start lag
of ditbe Or f0tY sons, when as 8, little over,6
-whole. thing bad other on.the 20th of August,:; made' the meet attractive and 'seductive thing in'
'impression was that'the 'to 9, height 26,177`f6et�-An he'W years 11" eo�le by the ext�emeyiews he R
advances than'. ifl"the earlier Stages, OfA A R,00, become �, objective " tell mere picture in t hL (D
e one hb icitaity� of London., -'T oil odtA earth, frc ds. If gkaii a. eer. Z
a yo 11
Of, the pAst. `� But, fifty tNu�,.I. paper says of th
;1 11 .. f 11
elapsed since those kirkcald� 'days when P. lan � musical, prodigy: '"Little M can. orce by il ess
years had then the' happened togo wrong in tha;tdIrecfio'u:tIiere -7r.r* fell has�b 0
5th of So�tember 6oilnen6clat i o'clock.
-ito�) !is,` if. possible, e
nu.Evedbwawar a
the balloon containing 60�060.,cubic be � veiy consiiie -able hmou_�t of
Margaret Gordon and he, hAc'Lup6d to. b I Fox (of W.&I46 mor issue 6, printed, circular ex6using,hiuri
meet. feet of -do, 1, gas. Ofith obarity shown. hirn, e6pe�ialiy`jH:f 'e ease Of de fail thaH w.b�h he tL h a At, the
won r first played in this from answering a numbe
earth the - tomperatu I re of- the air . Was 5,9� p I 6te. - He, noticed thd�d was a to_ city eoLmo 00 0
0 w6,,morths ii'go." Properly- 'which he -re6eivep, "king' bi� n1of W'm
degrees, Fshrenbeit. At one to -it be cha,ritable to all tbalittle'peccadilloes-6f 49
ree guided ai:id' wolf trained 'in his art, lie, has lyfor autogr&pJrbufLfor All 9drts of 0= ";3L
Inilos 'the� 60000 fe 'of gas 8urnp,,',but to magnify those of Goetbe. faV L adAtir bi�efing of file irk session 'et 1 &*d: -A the possibilities alid� the futUI6 before *him ors., The poet ites to, P, frie
ijgh (",hurch, I d . inburg . h, Scot. expanded I to �6,606, 811A, -Wag � oolzing fter mentioning GQethe!s principal love -tory of
of the Fk as or." see the s -my having, a cancer"in the
of a, great in t
t: of the safety. affairs, he said that a4.6 lits falling in love Von �,Ckjn
land, for lection -of ciders-, the voting' On Valve . at � the, .1hot., cbek been riiviv�d 'again.
With; his landlady's daughter, why there Zo super he sianda said- VeDturo,
paperscon is tile names of twelve'ged- tom. At� 1.49 0"lock : they, b*aA.'reached age manager to? Ros,i" contradict the report Whenever yon'bear it. 5 �El ts
where *aa the rch 'A to
the fifth mile; t asfW6 Wore balf-a-d6zeir. D. D.'a in the Chu - the Italian , st leraien, -on6l� Rev W. he temperature I have not, nor ever had, a cancer in thei
who had done tbia same thing; (Laughter.,) throwing himself ifiio a; prep�Bter6usly 'be' grees below zero. 'Up, t1m6 they
C16 -back or anywhere else
0 �rtso Thq'num r of elden awkward position, to show �a Philadelphia
th cothf6if,,and Ref&riDg'7iex t o's falling in love
-had taken obs6rvations, wi enny'son is not an ardent lover, of
r uire a e1g on of
t,, aad- d 6 o d , oeth' of the favorite a;ttitudes-of. Mr. T
r but, little-- difficulty was with another trisn's wife, beejaid-lab d'id,lt reporter one
and cit" n4.� 11 Ile scicie iw 'dev6ted an(I inti -
e votin a ors itwasfound tbotthe high- oxporie4dd. in or ize ty., has: a ff
t Votes Dgelical man- et`9G.sOIdI`rs, sa"'� a
.4 nu berof (M) ha4 beenxecoraed breathind�\ but very'so8ii, After this Mr. iu---a.pure, Platonic. and. eva works, bees -leg, he cannota movs� mate aequaintances, but he has been'oniit6
Glashier began to Jeef .:Dbr, He �kbiitended that in - these love as
for Mr. Robertsoh Smith, Who :has only unpleasantly. every time sbinel Whole 8elf-suffiqienb� His �pipe L has been Me ��as"Dotfiing bad or 4ees arm, but lie 6him do been connected with the congregation since ibing iliat the' affairs of Gootbe fh� in L - i ; Deser a bourred he a �1, 11 1 ro 'a his fir m'est friend thkough life. SQmdtixnes, X 9� 0
shameful, however foolish some of them, z .9 w 12-� Cq R4 o
he,reih6ve froill his chair bi'tbe college ward wrote �s follovia: rC6%wel s wAh Mr. Jowett at.Oxford; some-, TA�� � �4,
bt h b el ' In n' There is one-clargymblu ini Philadelpl 116 Stay 9. M It -may be .6; and, fi�st Year
ascended into the -ring 'and I eddoav' re Inig a, %i6 y tinies he visits' Mn Gladston "O'C3
the chtlrch at Aberdeen. .:. , , av rap y iy ich abo *On . av rP.- Ir
m ntioned that Mr: �James Siala, Of t reach,some b' d Id b, e 0 the �same himsel. who, is not content with merely denouncing. I
Craig- 0 L, �� . 1. he give two or three quiet Oj��IeZpsrtj�s at,
In B (Ls:ughter.) as a fraud,_He d��oustta,,�bd
Hio t, aln�d -the former o.d Spea
Mr. Blyth, diaper, cot from. me, but I,waa 0. utnb��ae would k
I looked at I the his London houhe. B
is y ra
My sight beca that at least one medium was' a tricks H f4
f , in was: 6nd of, the activepro-, The ate Bk�on �a�,ep, do'Roth"Chil, -apparit-i' 1. e lovois long
WN of him as a" sod t
here 6np LU
iii.ters f1he election of Dr. %ftoi? Smith baroweterand' w i etween, fen arid d_ Going to a unblic hall w intervals of soli.bude aSLM uch now. -as when,,
.1 L d on
tothe * ll'Churehi have -witbdrawnL from eleven' iuchesi a fr' to �,'record it, �but "'Ped aw I;vhbn a ,y�uUg iu%n,�undei-- were adverGged: to appear, he leaps' fbirty years ago he Would of L pra"' the cases of those who Were too. poor the stage, jerked dowv.a curtain,and exposed
the eider 'ip, in anticipation the ap- Was unable to write. I thtin sawitatiten i W)kTM1,4 -��'CO Ag�� ni�, i;�
adiq play in g
p6intmefft Mr.�Robertso Smith.' la�be�; still -decreasing 'fast', and t-kilig fees, an coiasiderable-, theLmedidin in the,aclaof arraying -hiii .. If weeks. together L, in the wilds. of Cordwall,
just' ' to Pay -lad be not and acquire, as.he gazed upon the fmbling
inanaged, to-' nte it in. my'. book. ': Its. ability in their management. I in 1he garb of'.9, ghost. I JoIlL brighte euls Severn,'L iha:i local color...wh' US Col Higginion quot�s in the ":Wom milliciiiiiie he might bavebec6me I
ne,- rea mg. would imply a'�beighti of dramatic critics his best works..
JouWal i'LSOM literestingp statiStiog. He fr ', A been a; At a uaeetiDg'of'tbe Of
11 a LLL . . more than 30,000, feet.11 mr: `�Olmti-er noted lawyer. As:df 'was; the bio ession,of on pu DE MARK The Great Lag. f R'A
6 pereons')?.6rn in i i ' 1 1 d papers held' -oil, TRA
bows that 6 fo the principa L The
oil Thursday evening resolutions were passed death of Col. V orney at Philidelpliiii,
e t 0 fbWH became andonscious, and -the, law was only a momentary pas imol. Hall Reiria�(lk.
Norway 7,415 an age, 20 arid. 3,487 his side d Louncedbytelegraph, Sob
Comweill was by -The Baron's funeral was, in ay is ar nis b be aL ree6vor6d with him.,, of the yeste nufailingeure
live until -70 this g Jaken to is S6atiDg'that the condition Of MoSb4 Lancasteri Pa�,. sernind, Woak
'fr. , purau Weir Forney. was born at
urging him to, take an obpervation. tknc6 of b instifteiions,' extremely London theatres in' base of*fire or bier
wor in iod of Simplo. His followed*' to the mrrend
peri panic, on Sept' 30th, 1817., In
represent the, d of Id 'that his hands wore was Very. uns'6tisfactory,1 a - , I rid r 1833 lml�otencyl
lye.- Out of 10,000 - - in the United Coxwell then to h and all Dheases
frozen, and on ti&,�ntili leave the king grave only by, his brothers and 96n, a eco �d caxecir ae( a j6apq.Mi§t by entering as appr u
States 6,543 live to be 2 and 2,567 to �-be p 'to a ing that'thdofficik! head of the fire part- jicei in the Lacaster. Journal. In: 1857 heL' thilt foilow'As a
had to place his arms on the ring land drop deputations fibmbe hospitals and Jawish tuent be made responsible for' their safe se4dericeof self -
70.\1 Out' Of the Same n, mbQr born in dow-b'; that be found 'schools. His -coffin had nelbher� plate nor a L leg,el L became editor and joint pr
Use; as loss of
oprietoi 'of the Irplalid only, 4,853 reach 20 a 861 reach 70. birii motionless nilingL tbd adoption of b, strong atIve 'ntazi
and over his grave thore'iionly years later the paper, Ab
Before TakliL.' m6mory Uulver�
8 pied -An acific Rail- and insensibility coming over himself ;, that menrewprkingtothatend.... were consolidated. Heafterwaid occu
iOUS t04
OV be became open tbe:valvo�;.Ifhat a4imeral urn dug Out of the catacombs of: From � 1861 . map of the Canadian
Way is being pre ared by the R i Ways and �ttly Rom'& Mrs., Langtryi the celebrated 'Elogligli 'various� journalistic po6itions a in the BA, ini,
p his 'bands faffed'him, and he 'Jilsts a066 Of Vision, Pre wtute
Canals lApaitment; : 16% "will the 'is teeth' and PA Con- 12 ltd 1868 he Secretary of the, U. S, Old Age, and many other '&16easeH that M
�f the Old roUte" seizedthe1inebetwboub lled -THE Txxr, li=AU international' beauty r 1610 tc.
appeatailce-1 was
e bpen two' or 'thr6e etobeh6idatlVas IngtoniliMay, bv� _allack's new theatre,NeW Senate. In, 1869, beme of Urogrve..
abandoned portion published a voiu Insanity or Consumption anil 0, P1.0 I t
d the the vaiv Ameri - ftt- tawr, ull parti6tiiaia in our, pamph,11.1ta, wbic we
vention 1 0 ii-Lefters. from 'Europe where.:be 'bad
surv'eyslak6n up. I g, 'Zork in the'liroduction of 11 Youth."' Sh dosirelo send free by'.mail to every one, �lTha
J)le balloon began to-Aesce6d. Thd'pblf� with the iev� of adoptin universal - I . - ' �1
he� is to play the In 1875 he-publ"ll! d A"'- Speoifc �e 11 druggists at $1
an R64sie, which Mh ' "" "' �o a
'A great many, s,rtiples of daily. use a registering thermometer indiiiib&th at 'the 'standard of time., It is principal part of Eva d8 travOe
probable that t A(Aes; ublic Meh:" 11118711 1 ei disposed for 8� or -I -regulated family will, at -ti, redil L'Jeh be's sl�bger Coghlali Was to of P t papk O'i mes, mercury bad been as low as minus twenty w Bt ' dard Will elected, the by p t of the hionei by
laced andL but soiheII6 --4hat iS,to Say otrono--havld dbn�.',,But. Miss".Cogbian Will not /6Ubis intorest in the Pre.is, and during' th6 mail -b
w peo le 52,degfoeg below freeighig nibid especially as the �Oo,vernmollta' g
manage of Russ ermany ave recoi t In
11, En appear in iti surrendering'her right. to ther' pas Year, rt oll"beea editi g'thw P)
a ways -��eop hftpiwo carfi \Point. ia,and G' �'(O W�
to 11AV
ere, ibia.ln favor I Langtry'.' 9re E Co.i
together. r. Glashier subsequently,binde repOrk I Jiended their Gowxnmeilts to. a�cppi it. T01IONTO oiij;, (3 ii�rl_t
c n b
d Pa
gth in
n W
9 p
b\ b