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The New Era, 1882-01-05, Page 3
:.1ft11. 5 !xl}{t) ., 1 � N PACTS, FIGI'RES AND HISTORICAL JOTTINGS. The British Museum was first insti- tuted in 1753. Mme. Puwpadour was the originator of high heel.. The Egyptian physicians of old were paid by ilia State. Pliny says that four.wheeled carriages were iuveuted by the Phrygians. The laudiug of ilia Pilgrim Fatbers from the Mayfluwer occurred Si,o,e+ober Wilk, 1620. " Paradise Lubt," the finest work of Miltuu's vI-i lu., was bull irk 1007 for the sum of .k5. Louis Napoleon. usually styled Napoleon Ill., was cliusera President of the French Republic lI 18,18. The first telegraph line was erected less than forty years ago, and now 1,000,000 miles are Ill uperatiun. Pliny tells ata that Dwaalus invented the saw. 1'he eurltebt saw-luill of which we have auenuou was built at Madeiraiu 13'20 Up to Lha time of Henry 111. only silver and brass were used fur coinage, gold being first cu,utd in England in that king's zeign. IThe Polar regiousarereckoned as extend. ing over '2,411,875 square miles, the only ( inhabitants being 72,000 in Iceland and 10,000 in Greenland. Edward Gibbon, who wrote the "Decline and Fall of the Roinan Empire," said by some critics to be the finest history ever I written, w as burn in 1797. Thehn,t successful attempt at preserv- ing meat, by packiug in air -tight jars, was made by M. Appart, in France, ill 1H11. For Lis discovery the Emperor mewuided I him with a gift of 2,000 francs,. The Hebrews wore sandals, made of I linen and wool], though thohe of the sol- diers were roads of braes or iron. 1'Le r_ Spartans went barefoot, and homer ` . describes then[ as going into battle unshod, j When Richard went to the Holy Land, one of the laws he wade for hia troops was that if uny one should ba convicted of ( theft, boiling patch should be poured over his head cud a pailful of feathers shaken over it. Damucles was a hanger-ork of Dionysius, King of Syracuse, and did a good deal of . flattering of hia diaster, who was a sensible L l' mat ai d o a ut Dat cele u b L u s t to le with a sword hanging by a hair over hia head, He meant to hhow Lim that every lot has t its drawback. Cicero tells this, and every orator .ince now and then hangs up Damocles' sword. Two hundred tons of rabbits are im- I ported wrekly into Londoia. They tare tame rubbits, reared by Belgian small farmers wird exhorted by way of Ostend. A circular has recently been issued by a Loudon market firm, calling attention to this opportunity for Luglish cottugers to go into the rabbit -raising business, which, it is claimed, is very pr-.titable. There are nowtl9•1,5%families in Ireland -a decreahe of 73 019 whole families »ince 1871. The fait flies are larger now than they were tell y ears ago, having an average of :i.10 pe•rh ms each, whereas irk 1871 the average w•tas 5 07. During the last teat years dwelling -Louses have disappeared to the nutuber of 48,619, while buildings used as accei,soa iu, to farms kind fur business pursuits irk town Lave increased to the number of 1±),'2-38. Thu '13'rigitlofn Million Dollar.. Irk anhwer to till inquiry by Ashihtant Secretary French, the Government actuary, Mr. L. B. Elliott, Las furnished the follo%'Illo , i ,fordtation as to the weight of a 111IM4 tundard gold dollare and that of tl a uwber of stuudardsilver dollars : The Atandard gold dollar of the United States c')Itains of gold of ladle -tenths fine- „iiess '25 H gral11s, acid the standard hiiver dollaro0110il ,s of silver of niue•teuths title• neh» 412. i grains. Out' luitliott staudard gold dollars c'mtse- quently weigh 25,81.10,000 grarus, or :53,7:,0 ounces itc,v, ur 4.479 1.11 pounds troy of 5,7110 groins each, or 3,1[8.7.71 pound, avoirdupe-is, of 7,000 Bruins each, or 1,843 1 f00 " short" ton of 2000 pounds I avoirdupoi, each, or 1,045.1,1100 `•long" /ton of 2,'200 pouucls avoirdupois each. Une nrtllulu staudrird silver d011arsweigh 412,500 00i! graius, or 85;1,375 ounces troy, or 71614:78 pounds troy, or ;)8,924,;;7 pounds acnardupois, or 29,464.1.000 "abort" tons of 000 pounds avoirdupois each, or 26,307.1.000 '• long" tolls of :3,210 pounds +Avoirdupois each. Irk round numbers the following table repregeuts that weight of a trillion of tlol- ]ars in the coins named: Doseriptimi of coin. Totes. Standard pori coal. . _ . 1 Staudurd silverc•uin... . '+Iii Hubsidoury vllvvr Coln _.. .. 'w I Milinrcoiu, five -cent IIi(yIcel -. - lin A ilig Downfall. A curious ant] what relight Lltvo been a serious accident occurred in Cali ork WedimAuy Ittst about I o'clock. At that time a team belonging to lir. John Wood, of Beverly, was tied ill front of Cltag: Roos' boot and staou store, the tie strap being fasteded to one of the posts that liolds up the vuraudah. I° moving about the team gave the post a sharp ]full when out it cattle froth below tile verandah slid dowl) carie the superstructure, including signs, oto., fit,itened to It. At the thite of the fttll the streilt wiLS crowded with people and it soerals;dinohl, marvvllmis that no 0110 way caught t ndkt r Liao falling titubvrs. TIac property was considerably darnaged. The teats hLarte l off sottlewhlLL frightened by the noise, but w•tis soon stopped. M iso Cittnpholl, one of tho chief pro- moters of ilio srht-mv for nmkiia! AjtLcoio, in 0whivii, it resort for tourists and iuvo.ltds, is it spin,ter hilly wi ll known to ovcry Eli-di,lunan who sets foot Ili Ajaccio. She ro.pnvcs irk Ilio ilatin' of the " Queen of Corst['m," incl exacts homage from till trac,'llvry who c+o11v avross her path, even from „o d)stmguishvd it Vas)t[ir 1114 If. li, 1I. Prion, lo-polit, who much onj-)yed the 1,010'. Shu h•t. hIldt. a church at Ajacclo &till rult s her ohliplain with itlnulgt feudal tyriuml . If the svrmen is ton long, nhtrge watch Is drawn out 0f her por•ket ILIA hold over her head Muhl a courhihiml i. put to the irkg,iow di�coursr,k)t.hv amusement of the oongrvgatim) and the discomfort of tiro divine. The mmotgors ofsfonr theatres Iii Vienna till(] till leM lu'nce with the Emperor yvster- da,v, told vntrvat'd him to aur] in their pro- tert.ion. They stated dolt tilt) receipts of their houses had been only all averatgo of ones -tenth) shier tire, lira atthoRingThratre of whit they were previously. They also protest agitinat new Aafvty ineasures to clop' ali noti State therLtrvs. A Vivnrtn correspondent says that the Augtrill, 'llungarian Llmdi; will start direct stvatnshil conirnunirattoll with t.ile United ][taws ILIA R axil. The first steamer will sat] ml tile,. 2J f .Tannery for Now York and the second 13razil in February. sass , —� � ' ,. j . i )INE QUESTION OF QUESTIONS. 'H'ite IComan Church and the PState Fight- ing Over the Marringe Laws—Pro- te.taat Clergy and Marriage Lkeen®es Nowhere Agalmt the Chareb of Rome —A Voung l,ady'. Queer Alternative. A Montreal despatch of Saturday's date as) a a somewhat notorious case was decided late this afternoon by Judge Jette in the Superior Court, being an interlocutory judgment in the suit of Laramee against Evans. It appears that Mr. Evans, who is a Protestant, wished to marry Miss Lara - was, who is also a Protestant, or, as bez friends put it, a discontented Catholic. The friends of the lady did nut like the warriago unit set their faces against it. The young couple themselves, uevertlaeless, iumisted upon becoming man and wife. They procured a license made in due form and bought out a French Canadian Protestant minister, Rev. J. N. Beaudry, and presenting their license, asked Lim to marry them. This Mr. Beaudry did, when the pair were satisfied. But ilia friends of the lady objected, and brought the action to buys ilia marriage aunulled. They took the ground that a Protestant iniuister bad no right to marry it Catholic to a Protestant, even though the parties are willing, and notwithstanding that they had a regularly marria a lie s made g en e. Mr. J.J. McLaren, for the opposant, brought Rev. Dr. Jenkins and other eminent clergymen of the Pro. testant denomination into the witness box to show that it had been the practice to marry any parties who so desired it if they possessed a marriage license and were eligible parties. The counsel for the prosecution maintained that the decree of the Roman Catholic Bishop was 'paramount, and that the license did not made any difference. The peculiarity of the case excited much comment at the time of the trial, and as the question involved was whether Church or State was paramount, people looped eagerly for the judgment. It has taken nearly fourteen mouths for Judge Jette to arrive at a con- clusion, as the case was given to him some time in 1880. His judgment way voluminous. Ile reviewed the marriage custom since the Christiau era dawned upon the world, tracing it down to the present tirne. Ile then showed how matters stood between the Church alld State and individuals during the French regime in Canada. Upon the laws then in exibtence be based his judgment, contending that the treaty of cession of the country to Great Brftaiu protected the French Canadians of to -day da the enjoyment of the then existing laws of the State within the Church. Ilia judg- ME , reduc )d`to a flue point in Euglibb, is that the parties should not Lave been married by a Protestant minister, the marrage licence to the contrury notwith- standing; that the marriage i» null and void legally, and thatt;o far as that part of it is concerned which is a swerameutof the Church, it be referred to the Roman Catho- lic Bishop o£ the diocese to be exercised or annulled. Thus a Roman Catholic bishop is judi. cially asked to expuuge a sacrament or Church ordiuunce administered by a Pro• testant clergymen, while the law declares that the latter is a breaker of the law because he recognizes as valid a marriage license. At any rate, the merits of the case are not yet thoruugLly disposed of, as I learn that the counsel fur the opposant will al)peal the case. MLantitne ilia mar- ried parties are said to bu livikag together, and in the interim betwixt the appeal and the next judgtuent 1111ty feel ratter in au awkward fix• It i, hinted that the clergy of rho ltomala Catholic Church offered to bless the marriage of the lady should she conseut to remail irk the Church, and that she refused. however tbig may be, this public will look forward to the decision of Monseigueur the Homan Catholic Bishop of Montreal, ria his will be tilt next riot in titin conjugal romance, Choreh wvrviers Atopp-1 sievaaa,ar of the 11,oatthNoane Di..4-...v. A hist (tilondav) night's degpatcli from Chicago says: Twotrainsuf itntuigrantsby the Westphalia arrived to -day front New ]ork. IIaahtl officers boarded the trains outside tL '.'ty, and finding no sinal! -pox cases, bust • he imn'I]grants through to their desti n. At Mount Carmel several deaths from small -pox lu+.viug occurred, ilia Mayor ordered the cervicus in all the churches to be stopped. Ouechurcli rHfused to recognize the order and held a festival. The Mayor telegraphed for advice to the State Board of health, who instructed him to compel obedience by force, if necessary, and to call for the State militia in case tine ordinary officers proved powerless. They ahjb instructed him to have every person attending the festival vaccinated. The Board fears the disease may become epidemic. A Holin1 Vi,r11. The Prince of Walos has been visiting the Marquis of Bath at Longleat. Thelast royal visit to this place was that paid by Georgy I1I. and Queen Charlotte in Sept., 1749. The royal couple were entertained on their arrival frorn Weymouth at a din- ner, which " consisted of two sixteens, with eight removes, exclusive 0f the side tables, mud an excellent dessert of choice fruits and)ices; provided by i1r. Gunter." It lasted nearly two hours, and His Majesty discoursed freely and pleasantly all the tints. 'lee beverage was mostly small ales and water, very little wine being drunk at and none after dinner. Tlihi was at 4, and at 0 there w•as a supper, the interval being passed in card playing. The royal party rotdained till the morning of tile secuud IhLy, and fully 30,000 persons visited Long- leat during their stay. Tbey then weutou to Linrcl Ailesbury's,at Savernske, " where they lay " ork the wily back to 1�'indsor. The i�iug brought it suite of forty•live persons (eighteen livery servants) and eighteen horses. One hundred and twenty-fivo pec pie slept at the hull CILCla night. 'I'll rot) oxen, six fitt bucke and seventeen fatsheep were killed during the visit, as well as an vitornious quantity of poultry and game. The vote of nineteen cities in illassaehu- sctts was very nearly equally divided last week on the subject of license for liquor- gvlhing, the atggreglLtv.H living: In favor of licensing, 31,087; against it, 2;1,.;111. 1,,ight of thcsn cities dveiiled to try the experi- ment of local prohibition. Boston's vote is not includes] in the foregoing figures. Archin and I°annie Parker purchased their freedom of Dr. Woodg fur $1,500 in the days when they were big negrocLatt0ls fn Kentucky. Ito was at that time worth (3200,000 in laud ami slaves. The war impovorished Lim, and he Coll](] never got a fresh start again. The Parkers did toler- ably well, however, and he is now au inmate of their houso in Cinou)nati. A au:citN•r judicial decision by Mr. Justice Denham in 1•:ngland recognizingall persons hiring u room in ti house and bolding a latch key as being, under the terms of the last extonsion of the Franchise in Towns Act, outitled to a vote, will add tens of thou- sands to the Jnglislr voting lists, This is anotber step the direction of hianliood suffrage. $3, 000, 000. The Cont of a I+'it•®t-Chun New V orlt Fire —A Plundering Fireman. A New York despatch says : A fire origi. nating in Messrs. Covert & Aker's bonded warehouse, at Nos. 71, 72, 73, and 74 South street, and 162 Maiden Lane and Depeyster street, was one of the moat destructive that has occurred in the city for several years. The building known as 71 South street was inclosed iii one of the angles of Messrs. Covert, Aker & Co's. warehouses; which were five stories high. Messrs. Covert, Aker & Company occupied all the buildings, with the eaceptionof the offices, in 71 South street, of Mr. John R. Moorewood, of Messrs. Moorewood cL Co., merchants, and Messrs. Frank G. & Jno. A. Griswold, importers of teas and East Indian produce. The buildings ran west eighty feet. In the basement of 71 South street were stored high -wines, and in the basements of 72, 73, 7.1, were stored free goods and tobacco, worth $300,000. The other floors were packed with silks, cigars, tea, spices and East India products to the value of $1,500,00(3. On the contents of 71 south street, being worth from $700,000 to $900,000, there was full insurance on both the building and contents. There was delay in getting out after the alarm, and the eng]us tardily responded. The magnitude of the da,6ger•to property in the building and the neighboring ones were seen and two more alarms were sent out, It was ten minutes before four engines were at work, as those that should have come to swell the num- ber to more than a dozen were at a Broadway fire. The building was s.so strongly fastened up that it took five minutes to force the front door of 71 South street. Then the building waQ full of smoke, and the air was so hot that no fire- man could live in the narrow alleyways, and operations lead to be conducted from outside, A tremendous explosion, it is supposed of gas, shook the building and blew out the windows of the second floor. After damage of a million dollars had been caused, and the firemen had worked two hours, it was thought the fire had been got under control, but suddenly an immense sheet of flames burst forth, and 71, 72 and 73 South street were entirely destroyed, with the building ,on Maiden Lane. A large quantity of Indian shawls, wines and liquors, and an immense quantit of tobacco were destroyed. Seven f adjoining buildings were badly damaged by fire and water. The loss is estimated as high as $3,000,000. The principal losers are W. F. Milton & Co., Wetmore, Cryder & Co„ F. Garcia & Bros., Antoine Gonzales &`s M. & E. Solomon, whose loss is estimated. at $300,000 ; and Clement, Herdt & Co., whose loss is said. to be $I50,000. A fireman has been arrested on suspicion of trying to break into one of the eafes. A Ghontly Czar. ' A curious story, which smacks decidedly of the marvellout+, comes to me from St: Petersburg. It is related that for several nights past the ghost of the dead Emperor Alexander Il. hats appeared at the altar of the cathedral in that city, clothed, unlike most spectres, in a rich military cloak. The ran k of the special visitant is of course bad regard to, and the story goes that.the apparition is accompanied by an aide-de- camp. The gossiping chronicler oia wbose authority I give this item of news further j relates that on the aforesaid intelligence beim conveyed to Gatschina-the retreat of the reigning- Czar -strict orders were issued ,o tate police to seize, if possible, the intruder, and ascertain whether the thing was really compact flesh and blood. ii private meeting has been held in Edin- burgh of wembers of the Traditional Party in the Free Church of Scotland to consider whut ought to be done with regard to Prof. Bruce's book on " The Chief End of Reve- latitm." Prof. Thomas Smith, Dr. Begg and r;eveuty other persons were present. The ,Scot>inon understaudg that " some of Liao speakers were unsparing in their condeinuation of the views embodied in Prof. Bruce's book, while others were in the position of not haviu;,+ read or aufliciently studied the volume to offer an opinion 'regarding the doctrines contained in it." Mr. Bidston stated that he sbouldaskthe Commission of the Assem- blv if the College Committee had taken any action yet. The feeling of the Conference was in favor of letting the Glasgow Presby- tery take the initiative. In Africa, if the damsel don't like her husband, she leas no redress. She must submit unconditionally to his will. When she arrives tit his home she is placed under the cbeirgo of one of his head wives, who tells ber what she must do, and unfolds to her all the good and bad qualities of her husband. If she still manifests a dislike for him, it becomes the duty of the older wives to comfort her all they can. If she will not be reconciled and continues stub- born, she is whipped by one of the other wives, and thus made to submit to the authority of her lore] and master. It is necessar b r a s t t' uu v to o se ve iiia hat lits course of discipline results in making her a good and obedient wife. William Jansen, of New York, came near being killed. IIe was appealed to by a young lady who had been disputing with another fair creature about the color of the latter's hair. Mr. Jansen promptly decided that it was red, whereupon the disappointed damsel produced a pocket-knife and pro- ceeded to stab the referee in several places, but fortunately -failed to reach the vital part. She is now in jail, but it will be a chilly day whet Mr, Jansen again under takes to notify a woman that' her hai- is red. AT this critical periodjlreland's two dukes are faithful to their Irish bomes-the Duke of Leitteter at Carton, Iiildare ; the Duke of Abercorn at Baronscourt, Tyrone. The ]atter is a pleasant' oasis in an ugly coun- try, tiro demesne being very extensive and well planted, and further ornamented by tine lakes. Tho rent roll of the estate, grlLrltell out of confiscated land by James I. to the Duke's ancestor, is $150,000, and the Dulcs is one of'tile few landlords who has not as yet been troubled about his tenants. Themansion is it very extensiveandimpos- ing structure. The constant occurrence of terrible results frorn the employment of vitriol as a means of vengeance bas induced the authorities of Paris to take steps directed to restricting its sale. Henceforth, by order of the Prefect of Police, no vitriol is to be sold to any one unprovided either with a phy'eician's prescription, or a per- mission from tt Police Superintendent. A farmer, on being asked to write a testimonial for a patent clothes wringer, produced the following : " I bought your clothes wringer, and am bugely pleased with it. I bought a jag of wood which proved too green and unfit for use ; I ran the whole load through your wringer, and have used the wood for kindlingever since." The Duke of Connaught, Past Grand Senior Warden in the Grand Lodge of Freemasons, will preside at the ninety fourth anniversary festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls in May neat. ^ i . ,. 1 4 Y JI'EA WAILLE GOSSIi'. I'IiaL CIiUSCHXARD 1t3AQ1YTED. ' YVho®phq , C�wgh.. ' Ghostly Venitants io anuglie6 B.oriul: Nothing; is moaepaininl'than tohear the -$t Zwicken, 6axony, spectacles jimve Pince. + ..oilpkin soared of the whooping Cough cured a very short -Bighted mare of shying. ' ' which fs, well named. This #eel'ia of 'pain How many poor animals have been beaten (London Telegraph.) `,is increased when it' is known that it as on account of a natural -defect in the eyes. In th§ county of Stafford, about two nnnecoseary for °any child to . have- this -It is said of " the travelling woman " miles northwest of Eudley and one mile disease .for more than a few hours while . of the nineteenth century that she neither from.. Sedgley, lies the village of Lower ,lar: Wilson's Pulmonary Cherry Balsam is , sings nor plays ; that she is usually single, Gornal. This place during the last few at• liand. • This celebrated remedy for not often young and seldom very old. weeks has been in a state of great excite, throat and lung diseases hasliad aremark- -A traveller for the Hartford Times says mens, in consequence of certain rumors able bistoiy, in the number, of, wonderfull that sunlight on a faded carpet, or oven on being prevalent that ghosts were to be seeA Oures made by it, In tine most obstinate a bars floor, ie prettier than the richest, waikiug about St. James' churchyard,: oases it only requires to -be used with joss- most unfaded carpet that can be bought to Rev. J. Y. Rooker, the vicar, .two years. merit to destroy the seat of the disease and cover the floor of a dismal room. ) ago was fired at and badly injured, and this being effected ; there is no need for -Ballet boxes in' whish each ballot fuss several persona who knew Mr. Rocker's: alarm. ,lint it Is always better to attach passed around a glass oy h ea by means of[ would-be assassin as erted that they the enemy on hie first appearanco i tban'to a orae which a so a had assn him lurk ng about, while permit ;him to take up 'a strong,position k, 1 r ng a bell and recorded others declared ty t fi ores h before an. effort as made to dialed a im. the vote were used in �a g ad 9 g n the recent Boston been observed walking up and down municipal election. ' ' the field yard, performing , all kinds of The atory told of Miss Bates; of Scituate, -Speaking of concerts, the London ]Vorld strange antics. , In consequence. of .Lhasa:, .,yyho died. ,,ork Wednesday at the age .of •88; . ' - I says that handsome young women usually statements a large number of persons ..is.interesting; -She and liar cousin Abbie, take so long to dress for their appearance became so terrified as to declare openly • ptill living at the age of 80; bid behind a that they should not be put down for the that on no account would they. walk near rock oli the beach in the year -1812; and, beginning of the programme. the churchyard after dark, and so fright- with fife and drum, sounded the roll call,;. ' -If you have a poor memory you are sued were the female members pi the choir thus •frightening away ;and putting to flight unfortunate, but with all your forgetting that they refused to go to practice at night several boat loads of troops who were about • let a kindness and a loan be tbe)astthings unless some men. accompanied them for landing' --from a British man-oi-war: The,. %C" forgotten. Remember the man who has ,proteotiou, The police -[rage •beean_,called,. probability of.thiaincident is •not,•its-least-� -- - helped you when you were in trouble, upon to iuquire Into the truth of°the rumor; oharm.,'and well may ft Have been told over _ remember his address -you may need him but they have-not in any way been success- and -over again for nearly 70 years., . again. fol am solving •the mystery. - Knowing that A movement. is`on foot in Birmingham; • ' iiNES oN A PLUMBER., the vicar had been permanently injured by England-,. for erecting:,a .monument to Johne Most modest of men is the plumber- a former attack, a band of young men• ,'+j I' bit. It js proposed that the monument . Nu rival hath he save the drumber ; pledged themselves to watch and inflict' shall consist of , a' column, which shall be Though the world e'er maligns, summary punishment on any person found • the -hi heat of ite kind in:'the countr and Yet he never repigns, g Y+ And thriveth in winter and sumber. attempting to attach Irim or his.family. On,- • that' the, funds shall b'e prov]ded, by a' • �' the first night one of -these volunteers, not ..nations-subse'ri tion, also that the founds.- -. i Give, him but an order to plumb, - 1 P And his bill straightway reaches a sumo acting in concert with the others, appearecT' tion stone, shall, be laid on , th_e; 1`0th •'of;,• That depletes your exchequer- on•the scene to take his share in the watch 'gugust,'`i882,` when Mr: Bright wilt have 1 Would equip a three-degaer •- • ing ; but, not being recognized in the dark, been member of Parliament •for-Birming- And make you most awfully glumb. a cry was raised that he waa'the guilty ham fora quarter of a century. o d S.-Ths liberal -minded ean•send their individual, and it was only by scaling the . oisonotis'•drugs entice into ilia com<l.. g h and diamond rings to uk, Dare garden wall and getting into the back. of a` osit]on"of Carbolino, a deodorized extract business office. p r houae.that he evaded hie 'purauere. On of petroleum, the natural hair restorer and'. -The telegraph was first (exhibited in Saturday evening, Nov. 26th, voices were dressing as now;, improved and perfected. New York forty-four years ago. At the heard in the vicarage garden, and the police It ie the erfec,tion of the chemist's: art' ,i present time the Western Union operates were sent' for, but -no person could be dis- B ' ' 350,000 miles of wire jn the United States covered, althou h' ever .corner was an8 will,, beyond:'; a.'peradventuI .restore: and a good many thousands in Canada. searched. In ag and atybhe back of the the hair. on bald beads. " =Ili is andera houee more voices were heard,"*and Mr. Ou Easter It2onday, 1208,. the whole _of - toed that a new map of Rooker on i ' t Euglan'd.waerJaid; under -;an interdict by the Canada Pacific Railway ie being pr®- + up go ng out, was seized by a 6; pared by the Railways and Canals Depart- mark, who criedout,!' You havecome.to.kill the Pope. All;the cb irehos "were closed meat, Ottawa. It will showtheabandoued the vicar, have. you? I've sworn to take ..and no services' allowed, save `nfession, , your life, ou villain, and•I'll do it uick." absolutiotk baptism and,adminilRration,of portion of the old route, and. naw surveys Y q the viaticum at_abe Dint of death. No taken up. Lights being produced,tbe, rev. gentleman -'s p ti -Rev. Leonard M tz , assailaut was found to be a neighbor, who marriages 'were:• to be celebrated; bodies ` G e , of the Queens had beeu'drinkin in a ublic-house. The were- bur;ed without 'honor. The King Avenue Church,London, irk announcing the idea cannot be die elledPthat .the church- ectal[ ted by•seizing property rind lands of .. entertainmentsfrom the pulpitfor the week, and is haunted and to show the kind of .the •Church. The interdict remained for. stated that he intended turning over a new superstition which exists it may be stated si$,years.. I leaf at the close of the year and would that'a, woman, a few nights ago, called at ' J. O..Call, Carlisle, Ont., writes : I have leave all such to be advertised through the the vicarage and re uested Rev. `'Mr. • used•`Dr.1 tiVilson's. Anti-bflLous end Pre-: rd er med'um- q i the n p p ewspapers. Mr. Hooker to ermit liar to cut a' turf four- sero n _Pills, and find thorn the beet piI]e.T'. a tz has a leve h P i. g G o 1 cad. inches square from a particular •grave in 'epeii used foi.Wil purpose. My family do The man who has ,a large sum of the churphyard, in which she alleged was net have to :pay doptlprs' bills since we used money to. expend for Christmas gets rid of a young roan who could not lie at ease in them.'' . it in a short time, but the'man who has his grave in consequence of a guilty Con A small lot; of 'live western quail was ouly a dollar dome times must take hours science. She stated that if -the turf were shipped from'Bostou do &%turdayAo Liv - to make his purchases. Do not find fault put under` the communion table, and' erpool-for [acclimatization in Yorkshire; with him who, less fortunate than yourself,, ,allowed to remain four days, all ghosts Eng: occupies much time in trying to obtain for would disappear and be laid at restforc 5 . i his children all that can be bought. for the As a tonic' and nervine for debilitated - little money that he has. women, nothing' surpasses Dr. Pierce's POVI t;TX ANm DIl3TKEElN. 44 Favorite Prescription:" By druggists. "• -In Australia; Christmas is a midsum- Oii December'29th Gl}iert and'Sullivan'a mer day, and its celebration mist vary That poverty which produces the greates „ very much from that in ilia Motherland of comic .opera,.. Patience," will: receive its distress is not of the puree but of the . 200th erformance at the Savov Theatre in the Australian colonists. In Gia'uada, blood. De rived of its richness it.becomes p } p London Mud io 100th at the Standard though the day is generally associated with. scant and water a conditian termed ti I, I a bracing atmosphere, a surra ek red y' Theatre,. New York, t 1 Y Y anemia in medical writingd. Given . thia snow-covered ground; over which alai. hire It' has been calculat. d' that in the infan- rviQ, : g g condition, and scrofulous 'swellings and c o parties glide to ilia music .of the merry sores; generml and nervous'debility,,loss of try,arTd eavalry;of: the,French;army 28.17 - ;- ilei hbells this year even th " ('~^'^° er cent. of the officers were noble. In the " g e northern gest and appetite, weak lunge, throat dis P backwoods will have to be content with officers: of the'staf-C 21.05 per -cent. are ' ease, spitting of blood andconaumption are i �,, bare ground.- among the common results. If, you area nobles. I rom •this it is concluded that the _ A C•nIIIST1tAS SONNEM sufferer from thin, poor blood employ Dr_ higher the 1. feA1ectual_,lev4 required'the, ,�.. .,.I Once more the Year on wings of joy and grief Piercei's " Golden Medical. Discovery," - less -the success'of the nobles. is i Has elrcled to the happy Christrnae-tide ; The seasons pass, but one thing doth abide, which enricbes the blood and cares these: And love and faith deify the falling leaf. grave affections. It is more nutritive than j _ - _ --- Not even Time, the slgepless, euvious thief cod liver oil and is' barmless in any Condit , - i 2 E �i`I}-. FARM , Of huiaiau joy, can snatch the hope we hide. tion of the system, yet powerful'to cure. i"- - Wltat though the sea we sail be deep and wide, e And sore beset by many a sunken reef Y By druggists. Gu 1pl:. Yet Lhere aro wlaids that blowfroui Heaven's owe! Betting. n a Sermon. Rate, r Anil there are pathways irk the traoklws sells .4propos of ille, love of Yorkshiremen' for Which only Love's clear eye,, cart surely know ; betting, a Sheffield (England) paper tells P >" II' And tI yhis holy Festival of Peace the. following story : " A Sheffield minister;' - � The pri wise stkiutts, though tides may ebb anti noted for his long sermons, was gratified Q tiow' to find two notorious betting . [nen. in Thu heart that trusts shall not be desolate. - — chprch three Sundays fu suttee»ion. Like - _ Mary, my dear," observed a well- •the policeman irk the chorus, be.' couldnot — - p known and amiable metropolitan politician understand it all '; but he thought it his = �. to leis help•rneet, as he r•vakeued late one I duty ' to iuquire into the •change which 0: morning dur ing the recent campaign after had come over one of them, who was a par- . a night spent irk a ccnacientious canvass of ishioner. So lie called. upon him and found . the liquor interest in his district Mary, him in b h s irits. The reacher � '> �Op 1}�c.' p p One Ton (r.. my dear, gel me a large tumbler, and put expressed his pleasure at • seeing him in°--.os—� 1," into it about half a, quarter of a pint of church, whereat the parishioner laughed tc '• . whisks and a little lemon -juice and bout-TliOritg b Ylllprined, horse alts Ctf,tle food - Y l a heartily, and said he was glad, too, for he three drops of bitter$, and I'll see if I can did a good• stroke of business that time I Wag on Dec. 7th;ehipped to the iilfodel Farm - Al take it, and if Ican't=make me 1" + A good stroke of business 1' 'repeated] the' [?here il. has been largely fed for the past tilrte -Amon the curiosities of ever lar e , puzzled reacher. ' What do ork' mean ?'• t years. . ,. g.. Y g + P Y t ThePa¢t.of.'the freo:dr7ad. contfnually`iii city, and especially about the holiday sea- Mean I Why 1 bet Jim - five quid creasing use of our Food a't air' institntlon.where son, is the gaze,at-tbe-girls youpg_ man...... o twenty that you would go on• for +forty things are never. done•, at ia;iidom; but; where r That be finds his pursuit agreeable is minutes every time. And you did. experiment and investigation are::always made, with' theut-most•care,aird kiscientificprinciples evident from the way in which he •eticke to we shall allow to speak'•for:itself. iris business mud the rapidity with which yLocomotioin $estored. • For sale by dealers everywhere. • he multiplies. There is no trouble in ti lliapnfacto;, ;4k8 4ohn ytrceVSotnit, I Mr. E. P. Stone (Wellington, N'. S.), identifying him, Ile is his own identifica- . Illanidlton; Ont. tion. From shortly before noon until dusk writes : '+ I had not been able . walk for two months in consequence of rheumatism the gaze-ut•the-girls young man may be in.the,kuee: One bottle of Dr. Dowers 111AClWSDAAG•11iE�ICPIEUICINE seen on the leading thoroughfares. •Every Sturgeon Oil Liniment made tree entirely pretty face that comes along claims his 1 z well." This remedy i equally successful Aj .'. r < attention anus he at once proceeds to roves• �r ti ate its charm. Ise soca not do this in the cure of eryai elap,_lumba __ p go,.sciatica,. mac._ , -ye f quietly and unobtrusively ; not he. The neuralgia, orampe in the muscles, sprains, f H / aze•at•the• iris o n burns, chilblains, and is' ,of great value .ia . Mt . , ,,J o g g y u g man's chief stook in o9 ;, .. ., 11 1 1. . . t . ringworms, boils., felons, frost biles, sca ds .,= , ey _ trade ie the ower of az' to and ; i=•",, . T? g i°g °� di a s. Its virtue is ., t and other similar se $e 3�rnnv1 CAFSER ); ;_„ im udent] G rl On TRADE+: tVIAFt�K. p Y t $ are well ac uainted +Y q with Lim. in its great strength; it, being too powerful • ' ever to be used internally. Those who It ie a sure, prompt andfffectnal comedy Sof AN ODD sorNG UAN. Nervousness in. ALL its •stages, W,,eak �*emorp hove used 'it properly, almost as a unit Loss of Brain'Power,; Sexual Prostration[ Night He Nat ve moud"hs town, ak in unmeasured terms of, its real) s 6 ermatornc�Ba SbIbinal'Weakness':ancl = That ever sir a bat tfe town ape q, , - g Genet , p l - It` •e"' ire Ne'von » L s" `Yo .� i a z Today theca are but Yaw who eau value. Geute'.1 os of war: p Correctl v write him down. lysate,.11ojuvenateslhe 7atled Intollecti Gtrengtli ens• -the EnfeeblellBiniri rind Repforos ,liar He seemed to be uite guileless Th© freshmen of Brown Uni 'ersity, jn prising• Tone and Vidor. to the' Exhausted ��f And a little fr, tilt, Ina hap, Providence, ordered their annual dinner of Generative, organs: The.• expelfo'nee of Aboti- / • And •et the coul-1 not eat his hand r to have an elabor sands prover Calk •Invaluable Remedy.,',Tlae y y �i a caterer, aid prepm ed r of h'm ' tr ) medfcin; is $lea8ant to thea ;taste,; and each: box U g i m a al . ately good time, including speeches and, containts'sufficfent for two weeks' ihedieatian Ile made rerruu•kil that other folks songs. At the time appointed they marched: and'is the cbeapest anti best,',; " ' ',i Would nvverdare to Inalto, in procession to the dining hall; with ban• Full pait]culars:in our. pamphlet,+ which,we desire 0 maid• free to any address. ', /' And th0eo who th0upht his statements jokes nets flying and appetites sharp. They . 11IaC101 '44tignlitle', Aledidine" is sold]^by lllseocero<i then wtetake. found the tables littera with scant rem- druggists at 50 eta. per box,. -or x42 tjoxes for $5, t b or will :be xbaildd•'frW of Hostage', on. aoc"d]pt c4 , To catch hili in some awful lie runts of the feaet,whichad been ea en. y Their deepest arts they used, the eo homores who bad im osed them. the [Honey, by addressing /_ . The more to catch him folks did p p 11IttCii'n Al ttlnetic Medicine Co , The wore they gut comused. selves on the caterer and induced him to win itte lein Caraac a: ^I get the dinner ready au hour earlier. Sold by all druggists everywhere And so he had his little day— At last from'town did slide, Two young ladles have brought cation for And left folks, when he Nalt awa • dama;es against the Upper Italian Rail - y t, N OI�.THIR>`T Coniplutely mystified way Company. One claims 82,000 -she bad two teeth knocked out ; the othek 8 U.S�I N E S S COLLEGE. _ They cannot fathom hire[ at rtll h1,800—she was wounded in the cbeek, Which )cakes thrnt feel quite cheap, �tndents Admitted ret Any Tinic. lint evt4•ry one agrcu,i to call and' will be disfigured for life by the sear: Tho follow " awful decl[." The both declare that, now their besot CIRCULAIIG with fall. ihi'brmation irk regard o ,, y e will never find hoar to course 'of study, qualifi6utions Tor ontorn)g An actor• sbrowd, who chnsc to pass has been spoiled, th y necessary expenses, sent/oi opplication.to tFor siiliple, frosh and green, bands, and that substantial damages alone And yet, wlloso like they swear, alas, will indemnify them for the loss of matri. C: A::InLEMINC, Owen Sound, Orit. Had ne'or before been seen! monial happiness. • {, 11ut'twas n0 m ster about -The Pittsbur Board of Healtla an- -ANT 1pU��i 'TOOERS. Y Y g . `4 This very Muzzling youth, nounces that the meats irk a all'on of , e The secrets, in a line, let out g ekirm A iiio.,4i•O DRI\li THAT R1;M04ES ; Ile simply told the truth. oysters should weigh eight pounds and the elleof bad liclttor aucl over -drinking three-quarters, but in that city they weigh They also ch crk the mavirig for liquor, remove onl three or four ounda and dealers .add biliouk hea��9ad a and neryous d6ressaort,. ini The strike of shop -keepers at lYladura, Y p ' rove III esiion an'd ie ulato ••the action of the from ono•quMrter tothree-quarters of'water p rx..._ in the Madras Presidency, as a protest liver. 'a Powders iii packet; cents..,_ ;' a aainst the rea$ure of municipal taxation, to their bulk. saienpie 'cents, ma]led foes . mpa. _ p r.Pieree's c' Pleasant Pur ativePellets" W. iIEARN, ruggist, Toronto. __. is described irk the Bombay Tinter as ani- D g vernal. On the 31st of October all the are sugar-coated and inclosed in glass bot- / .. Otte metbod' f teaching: Watch r ties their virtues bei. .thereb reserve EXAMINE th8 rogre s of our, students bte✓aara, shops and stalls, without an creep "g Y P �'- Invest[ ate ourc]atm,'to,have',the most lifer- tion, hall been shut for three days. Even unimpaired for any length of time, in any g. ough an practical school in Canada, tired befoie o that the are al a fresh' and gy- the city vendors, dealing i trifling climate, s y way spending" ytiur.money, Satisfy pourselP that £ba p a e. No ch wooden or asteboard . 'r rel[ bl ea -_ elh n ilia[ from s P ' [ted P 'c] re rohib t we a t e$ r wares on pain of summar plunder of boxes. By druggists. y� , BRIEW . AMERICAN COMMERCIAL COLLEGE/ � , their property or personml ill-treatment, -Speaking of the girls of Mr. James . and not a particle of salt, not a single and Mr.. Howell's novels, the 'St. Louis INOICONTO, leaf or vegetable, we are told, could be bad Globe -Democrat says that it is impossible to exec t throw h a hi h bid offered in secret. ortra irls successful] and et treat . Is the place to learn bns]nose. , o'in titutfon , p g g ++ p Y all times seriousl Y becaua there -is offers ec)uwl advail h es to young mei[; Stwdenta / - In the battle scene rn Youth, soon to them Mt Y+ efiter at any time, Wor,circular, lend + ridiculous abo t e best and pecimotia c d at Mllaok a six Gatlin rens something u th of Pennmexiah] , be produ e W g g h min of them. p Address -the acci'Ctn ` mud lu0 muskets will be fired offs most o ar g rY . ' . a, + �> / " 7 .... a $A .. $3, 000, 000. The Cont of a I+'it•®t-Chun New V orlt Fire —A Plundering Fireman. A New York despatch says : A fire origi. nating in Messrs. Covert & Aker's bonded warehouse, at Nos. 71, 72, 73, and 74 South street, and 162 Maiden Lane and Depeyster street, was one of the moat destructive that has occurred in the city for several years. The building known as 71 South street was inclosed iii one of the angles of Messrs. Covert, Aker & Co's. warehouses; which were five stories high. Messrs. Covert, Aker & Company occupied all the buildings, with the eaceptionof the offices, in 71 South street, of Mr. John R. Moorewood, of Messrs. Moorewood cL Co., merchants, and Messrs. Frank G. & Jno. A. Griswold, importers of teas and East Indian produce. The buildings ran west eighty feet. In the basement of 71 South street were stored high -wines, and in the basements of 72, 73, 7.1, were stored free goods and tobacco, worth $300,000. The other floors were packed with silks, cigars, tea, spices and East India products to the value of $1,500,00(3. On the contents of 71 south street, being worth from $700,000 to $900,000, there was full insurance on both the building and contents. There was delay in getting out after the alarm, and the eng]us tardily responded. The magnitude of the da,6ger•to property in the building and the neighboring ones were seen and two more alarms were sent out, It was ten minutes before four engines were at work, as those that should have come to swell the num- ber to more than a dozen were at a Broadway fire. The building was s.so strongly fastened up that it took five minutes to force the front door of 71 South street. Then the building waQ full of smoke, and the air was so hot that no fire- man could live in the narrow alleyways, and operations lead to be conducted from outside, A tremendous explosion, it is supposed of gas, shook the building and blew out the windows of the second floor. After damage of a million dollars had been caused, and the firemen had worked two hours, it was thought the fire had been got under control, but suddenly an immense sheet of flames burst forth, and 71, 72 and 73 South street were entirely destroyed, with the building ,on Maiden Lane. A large quantity of Indian shawls, wines and liquors, and an immense quantit of tobacco were destroyed. Seven f adjoining buildings were badly damaged by fire and water. The loss is estimated as high as $3,000,000. The principal losers are W. F. Milton & Co., Wetmore, Cryder & Co„ F. Garcia & Bros., Antoine Gonzales &`s M. & E. Solomon, whose loss is estimated. at $300,000 ; and Clement, Herdt & Co., whose loss is said. to be $I50,000. A fireman has been arrested on suspicion of trying to break into one of the eafes. A Ghontly Czar. ' A curious story, which smacks decidedly of the marvellout+, comes to me from St: Petersburg. It is related that for several nights past the ghost of the dead Emperor Alexander Il. hats appeared at the altar of the cathedral in that city, clothed, unlike most spectres, in a rich military cloak. The ran k of the special visitant is of course bad regard to, and the story goes that.the apparition is accompanied by an aide-de- camp. The gossiping chronicler oia wbose authority I give this item of news further j relates that on the aforesaid intelligence beim conveyed to Gatschina-the retreat of the reigning- Czar -strict orders were issued ,o tate police to seize, if possible, the intruder, and ascertain whether the thing was really compact flesh and blood. ii private meeting has been held in Edin- burgh of wembers of the Traditional Party in the Free Church of Scotland to consider whut ought to be done with regard to Prof. Bruce's book on " The Chief End of Reve- latitm." Prof. Thomas Smith, Dr. Begg and r;eveuty other persons were present. The ,Scot>inon understaudg that " some of Liao speakers were unsparing in their condeinuation of the views embodied in Prof. Bruce's book, while others were in the position of not haviu;,+ read or aufliciently studied the volume to offer an opinion 'regarding the doctrines contained in it." Mr. Bidston stated that he sbouldaskthe Commission of the Assem- blv if the College Committee had taken any action yet. The feeling of the Conference was in favor of letting the Glasgow Presby- tery take the initiative. In Africa, if the damsel don't like her husband, she leas no redress. She must submit unconditionally to his will. When she arrives tit his home she is placed under the cbeirgo of one of his head wives, who tells ber what she must do, and unfolds to her all the good and bad qualities of her husband. If she still manifests a dislike for him, it becomes the duty of the older wives to comfort her all they can. If she will not be reconciled and continues stub- born, she is whipped by one of the other wives, and thus made to submit to the authority of her lore] and master. It is necessar b r a s t t' uu v to o se ve iiia hat lits course of discipline results in making her a good and obedient wife. William Jansen, of New York, came near being killed. IIe was appealed to by a young lady who had been disputing with another fair creature about the color of the latter's hair. Mr. Jansen promptly decided that it was red, whereupon the disappointed damsel produced a pocket-knife and pro- ceeded to stab the referee in several places, but fortunately -failed to reach the vital part. She is now in jail, but it will be a chilly day whet Mr, Jansen again under takes to notify a woman that' her hai- is red. AT this critical periodjlreland's two dukes are faithful to their Irish bomes-the Duke of Leitteter at Carton, Iiildare ; the Duke of Abercorn at Baronscourt, Tyrone. The ]atter is a pleasant' oasis in an ugly coun- try, tiro demesne being very extensive and well planted, and further ornamented by tine lakes. Tho rent roll of the estate, grlLrltell out of confiscated land by James I. to the Duke's ancestor, is $150,000, and the Dulcs is one of'tile few landlords who has not as yet been troubled about his tenants. Themansion is it very extensiveandimpos- ing structure. The constant occurrence of terrible results frorn the employment of vitriol as a means of vengeance bas induced the authorities of Paris to take steps directed to restricting its sale. Henceforth, by order of the Prefect of Police, no vitriol is to be sold to any one unprovided either with a phy'eician's prescription, or a per- mission from tt Police Superintendent. A farmer, on being asked to write a testimonial for a patent clothes wringer, produced the following : " I bought your clothes wringer, and am bugely pleased with it. I bought a jag of wood which proved too green and unfit for use ; I ran the whole load through your wringer, and have used the wood for kindlingever since." The Duke of Connaught, Past Grand Senior Warden in the Grand Lodge of Freemasons, will preside at the ninety fourth anniversary festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls in May neat. ^ i . ,. 1 4 Y JI'EA WAILLE GOSSIi'. I'IiaL CIiUSCHXARD 1t3AQ1YTED. ' YVho®phq , C�wgh.. ' Ghostly Venitants io anuglie6 B.oriul: Nothing; is moaepaininl'than tohear the -$t Zwicken, 6axony, spectacles jimve Pince. + ..oilpkin soared of the whooping Cough cured a very short -Bighted mare of shying. ' ' which fs, well named. This #eel'ia of 'pain How many poor animals have been beaten (London Telegraph.) `,is increased when it' is known that it as on account of a natural -defect in the eyes. In th§ county of Stafford, about two nnnecoseary for °any child to . have- this -It is said of " the travelling woman " miles northwest of Eudley and one mile disease .for more than a few hours while . of the nineteenth century that she neither from.. Sedgley, lies the village of Lower ,lar: Wilson's Pulmonary Cherry Balsam is , sings nor plays ; that she is usually single, Gornal. This place during the last few at• liand. • This celebrated remedy for not often young and seldom very old. weeks has been in a state of great excite, throat and lung diseases hasliad aremark- -A traveller for the Hartford Times says mens, in consequence of certain rumors able bistoiy, in the number, of, wonderfull that sunlight on a faded carpet, or oven on being prevalent that ghosts were to be seeA Oures made by it, In tine most obstinate a bars floor, ie prettier than the richest, waikiug about St. James' churchyard,: oases it only requires to -be used with joss- most unfaded carpet that can be bought to Rev. J. Y. Rooker, the vicar, .two years. merit to destroy the seat of the disease and cover the floor of a dismal room. ) ago was fired at and badly injured, and this being effected ; there is no need for -Ballet boxes in' whish each ballot fuss several persona who knew Mr. Rocker's: alarm. ,lint it Is always better to attach passed around a glass oy h ea by means of[ would-be assassin as erted that they the enemy on hie first appearanco i tban'to a orae which a so a had assn him lurk ng about, while permit ;him to take up 'a strong,position k, 1 r ng a bell and recorded others declared ty t fi ores h before an. effort as made to dialed a im. the vote were used in �a g ad 9 g n the recent Boston been observed walking up and down municipal election. ' ' the field yard, performing , all kinds of The atory told of Miss Bates; of Scituate, -Speaking of concerts, the London ]Vorld strange antics. , In consequence. of .Lhasa:, .,yyho died. ,,ork Wednesday at the age .of •88; . ' - I says that handsome young women usually statements a large number of persons ..is.interesting; -She and liar cousin Abbie, take so long to dress for their appearance became so terrified as to declare openly • ptill living at the age of 80; bid behind a that they should not be put down for the that on no account would they. walk near rock oli the beach in the year -1812; and, beginning of the programme. the churchyard after dark, and so fright- with fife and drum, sounded the roll call,;. ' -If you have a poor memory you are sued were the female members pi the choir thus •frightening away ;and putting to flight unfortunate, but with all your forgetting that they refused to go to practice at night several boat loads of troops who were about • let a kindness and a loan be tbe)astthings unless some men. accompanied them for landing' --from a British man-oi-war: The,. %C" forgotten. Remember the man who has ,proteotiou, The police -[rage •beean_,called,. probability of.thiaincident is •not,•its-least-� -- - helped you when you were in trouble, upon to iuquire Into the truth of°the rumor; oharm.,'and well may ft Have been told over _ remember his address -you may need him but they have-not in any way been success- and -over again for nearly 70 years., . again. fol am solving •the mystery. - Knowing that A movement. is`on foot in Birmingham; • ' iiNES oN A PLUMBER., the vicar had been permanently injured by England-,. for erecting:,a .monument to Johne Most modest of men is the plumber- a former attack, a band of young men• ,'+j I' bit. It js proposed that the monument . Nu rival hath he save the drumber ; pledged themselves to watch and inflict' shall consist of , a' column, which shall be Though the world e'er maligns, summary punishment on any person found • the -hi heat of ite kind in:'the countr and Yet he never repigns, g Y+ And thriveth in winter and sumber. attempting to attach Irim or his.family. On,- • that' the, funds shall b'e prov]ded, by a' • �' the first night one of -these volunteers, not ..nations-subse'ri tion, also that the founds.- -. i Give, him but an order to plumb, - 1 P And his bill straightway reaches a sumo acting in concert with the others, appearecT' tion stone, shall, be laid on , th_e; 1`0th •'of;,• That depletes your exchequer- on•the scene to take his share in the watch 'gugust,'`i882,` when Mr: Bright wilt have 1 Would equip a three-degaer •- • ing ; but, not being recognized in the dark, been member of Parliament •for-Birming- And make you most awfully glumb. a cry was raised that he waa'the guilty ham fora quarter of a century. o d S.-Ths liberal -minded ean•send their individual, and it was only by scaling the . oisonotis'•drugs entice into ilia com<l.. g h and diamond rings to uk, Dare garden wall and getting into the back. of a` osit]on"of Carbolino, a deodorized extract business office. p r houae.that he evaded hie 'purauere. On of petroleum, the natural hair restorer and'. -The telegraph was first (exhibited in Saturday evening, Nov. 26th, voices were dressing as now;, improved and perfected. New York forty-four years ago. At the heard in the vicarage garden, and the police It ie the erfec,tion of the chemist's: art' ,i present time the Western Union operates were sent' for, but -no person could be dis- B ' ' 350,000 miles of wire jn the United States covered, althou h' ever .corner was an8 will,, beyond:'; a.'peradventuI .restore: and a good many thousands in Canada. searched. In ag and atybhe back of the the hair. on bald beads. " =Ili is andera houee more voices were heard,"*and Mr. Ou Easter It2onday, 1208,. the whole _of - toed that a new map of Rooker on i ' t Euglan'd.waerJaid; under -;an interdict by the Canada Pacific Railway ie being pr®- + up go ng out, was seized by a 6; pared by the Railways and Canals Depart- mark, who criedout,!' You havecome.to.kill the Pope. All;the cb irehos "were closed meat, Ottawa. It will showtheabandoued the vicar, have. you? I've sworn to take ..and no services' allowed, save `nfession, , your life, ou villain, and•I'll do it uick." absolutiotk baptism and,adminilRration,of portion of the old route, and. naw surveys Y q the viaticum at_abe Dint of death. No taken up. Lights being produced,tbe, rev. gentleman -'s p ti -Rev. Leonard M tz , assailaut was found to be a neighbor, who marriages 'were:• to be celebrated; bodies ` G e , of the Queens had beeu'drinkin in a ublic-house. The were- bur;ed without 'honor. The King Avenue Church,London, irk announcing the idea cannot be die elledPthat .the church- ectal[ ted by•seizing property rind lands of .. entertainmentsfrom the pulpitfor the week, and is haunted and to show the kind of .the •Church. The interdict remained for. stated that he intended turning over a new superstition which exists it may be stated si$,years.. I leaf at the close of the year and would that'a, woman, a few nights ago, called at ' J. O..Call, Carlisle, Ont., writes : I have leave all such to be advertised through the the vicarage and re uested Rev. `'Mr. • used•`Dr.1 tiVilson's. Anti-bflLous end Pre-: rd er med'um- q i the n p p ewspapers. Mr. Hooker to ermit liar to cut a' turf four- sero n _Pills, and find thorn the beet piI]e.T'. a tz has a leve h P i. g G o 1 cad. inches square from a particular •grave in 'epeii used foi.Wil purpose. My family do The man who has ,a large sum of the churphyard, in which she alleged was net have to :pay doptlprs' bills since we used money to. expend for Christmas gets rid of a young roan who could not lie at ease in them.'' . it in a short time, but the'man who has his grave in consequence of a guilty Con A small lot; of 'live western quail was ouly a dollar dome times must take hours science. She stated that if -the turf were shipped from'Bostou do &%turdayAo Liv - to make his purchases. Do not find fault put under` the communion table, and' erpool-for [acclimatization in Yorkshire; with him who, less fortunate than yourself,, ,allowed to remain four days, all ghosts Eng: occupies much time in trying to obtain for would disappear and be laid at restforc 5 . i his children all that can be bought. for the As a tonic' and nervine for debilitated - little money that he has. women, nothing' surpasses Dr. Pierce's POVI t;TX ANm DIl3TKEElN. 44 Favorite Prescription:" By druggists. "• -In Australia; Christmas is a midsum- Oii December'29th Gl}iert and'Sullivan'a mer day, and its celebration mist vary That poverty which produces the greates „ very much from that in ilia Motherland of comic .opera,.. Patience," will: receive its distress is not of the puree but of the . 200th erformance at the Savov Theatre in the Australian colonists. In Gia'uada, blood. De rived of its richness it.becomes p } p London Mud io 100th at the Standard though the day is generally associated with. scant and water a conditian termed ti I, I a bracing atmosphere, a surra ek red y' Theatre,. New York, t 1 Y Y anemia in medical writingd. Given . thia snow-covered ground; over which alai. hire It' has been calculat. d' that in the infan- rviQ, : g g condition, and scrofulous 'swellings and c o parties glide to ilia music .of the merry sores; generml and nervous'debility,,loss of try,arTd eavalry;of: the,French;army 28.17 - ;- ilei hbells this year even th " ('~^'^° er cent. of the officers were noble. In the " g e northern gest and appetite, weak lunge, throat dis P backwoods will have to be content with officers: of the'staf-C 21.05 per -cent. are ' ease, spitting of blood andconaumption are i �,, bare ground.- among the common results. If, you area nobles. I rom •this it is concluded that the _ A C•nIIIST1tAS SONNEM sufferer from thin, poor blood employ Dr_ higher the 1. feA1ectual_,lev4 required'the, ,�.. .,.I Once more the Year on wings of joy and grief Piercei's " Golden Medical. Discovery," - less -the success'of the nobles. is i Has elrcled to the happy Christrnae-tide ; The seasons pass, but one thing doth abide, which enricbes the blood and cares these: And love and faith deify the falling leaf. grave affections. It is more nutritive than j _ - _ --- Not even Time, the slgepless, euvious thief cod liver oil and is' barmless in any Condit , - i 2 E �i`I}-. FARM , Of huiaiau joy, can snatch the hope we hide. tion of the system, yet powerful'to cure. i"- - Wltat though the sea we sail be deep and wide, e And sore beset by many a sunken reef Y By druggists. Gu 1pl:. Yet Lhere aro wlaids that blowfroui Heaven's owe! Betting. n a Sermon. Rate, r Anil there are pathways irk the traoklws sells .4propos of ille, love of Yorkshiremen' for Which only Love's clear eye,, cart surely know ; betting, a Sheffield (England) paper tells P >" II' And tI yhis holy Festival of Peace the. following story : " A Sheffield minister;' - � The pri wise stkiutts, though tides may ebb anti noted for his long sermons, was gratified Q tiow' to find two notorious betting . [nen. in Thu heart that trusts shall not be desolate. - — chprch three Sundays fu suttee»ion. Like - _ Mary, my dear," observed a well- •the policeman irk the chorus, be.' couldnot — - p known and amiable metropolitan politician understand it all '; but he thought it his = �. to leis help•rneet, as he r•vakeued late one I duty ' to iuquire into the •change which 0: morning dur ing the recent campaign after had come over one of them, who was a par- . a night spent irk a ccnacientious canvass of ishioner. So lie called. upon him and found . the liquor interest in his district Mary, him in b h s irits. The reacher � '> �Op 1}�c.' p p One Ton (r.. my dear, gel me a large tumbler, and put expressed his pleasure at • seeing him in°--.os—� 1," into it about half a, quarter of a pint of church, whereat the parishioner laughed tc '• . whisks and a little lemon -juice and bout-TliOritg b Ylllprined, horse alts Ctf,tle food - Y l a heartily, and said he was glad, too, for he three drops of bitter$, and I'll see if I can did a good• stroke of business that time I Wag on Dec. 7th;ehipped to the iilfodel Farm - Al take it, and if Ican't=make me 1" + A good stroke of business 1' 'repeated] the' [?here il. has been largely fed for the past tilrte -Amon the curiosities of ever lar e , puzzled reacher. ' What do ork' mean ?'• t years. . ,. g.. Y g + P Y t ThePa¢t.of.'the freo:dr7ad. contfnually`iii city, and especially about the holiday sea- Mean I Why 1 bet Jim - five quid creasing use of our Food a't air' institntlon.where son, is the gaze,at-tbe-girls youpg_ man...... o twenty that you would go on• for +forty things are never. done•, at ia;iidom; but; where r That be finds his pursuit agreeable is minutes every time. And you did. experiment and investigation are::always made, with' theut-most•care,aird kiscientificprinciples evident from the way in which he •eticke to we shall allow to speak'•for:itself. iris business mud the rapidity with which yLocomotioin $estored. • For sale by dealers everywhere. • he multiplies. There is no trouble in ti lliapnfacto;, ;4k8 4ohn ytrceVSotnit, I Mr. E. P. Stone (Wellington, N'. S.), identifying him, Ile is his own identifica- . Illanidlton; Ont. tion. From shortly before noon until dusk writes : '+ I had not been able . walk for two months in consequence of rheumatism the gaze-ut•the-girls young man may be in.the,kuee: One bottle of Dr. Dowers 111AClWSDAAG•11iE�ICPIEUICINE seen on the leading thoroughfares. •Every Sturgeon Oil Liniment made tree entirely pretty face that comes along claims his 1 z well." This remedy i equally successful Aj .'. r < attention anus he at once proceeds to roves• �r ti ate its charm. Ise soca not do this in the cure of eryai elap,_lumba __ p go,.sciatica,. mac._ , -ye f quietly and unobtrusively ; not he. The neuralgia, orampe in the muscles, sprains, f H / aze•at•the• iris o n burns, chilblains, and is' ,of great value .ia . Mt . , ,,J o g g y u g man's chief stook in o9 ;, .. ., 11 1 1. . . t . ringworms, boils., felons, frost biles, sca ds .,= , ey _ trade ie the ower of az' to and ; i=•",, . T? g i°g °� di a s. Its virtue is ., t and other similar se $e 3�rnnv1 CAFSER ); ;_„ im udent] G rl On TRADE+: tVIAFt�K. p Y t $ are well ac uainted +Y q with Lim. in its great strength; it, being too powerful • ' ever to be used internally. Those who It ie a sure, prompt andfffectnal comedy Sof AN ODD sorNG UAN. Nervousness in. ALL its •stages, W,,eak �*emorp hove used 'it properly, almost as a unit Loss of Brain'Power,; Sexual Prostration[ Night He Nat ve moud"hs town, ak in unmeasured terms of, its real) s 6 ermatornc�Ba SbIbinal'Weakness':ancl = That ever sir a bat tfe town ape q, , - g Genet , p l - It` •e"' ire Ne'von » L s" `Yo .� i a z Today theca are but Yaw who eau value. Geute'.1 os of war: p Correctl v write him down. lysate,.11ojuvenateslhe 7atled Intollecti Gtrengtli ens• -the EnfeeblellBiniri rind Repforos ,liar He seemed to be uite guileless Th© freshmen of Brown Uni 'ersity, jn prising• Tone and Vidor. to the' Exhausted ��f And a little fr, tilt, Ina hap, Providence, ordered their annual dinner of Generative, organs: The.• expelfo'nee of Aboti- / • And •et the coul-1 not eat his hand r to have an elabor sands prover Calk •Invaluable Remedy.,',Tlae y y �i a caterer, aid prepm ed r of h'm ' tr ) medfcin; is $lea8ant to thea ;taste,; and each: box U g i m a al . ately good time, including speeches and, containts'sufficfent for two weeks' ihedieatian Ile made rerruu•kil that other folks songs. At the time appointed they marched: and'is the cbeapest anti best,',; " ' ',i Would nvverdare to Inalto, in procession to the dining hall; with ban• Full pait]culars:in our. pamphlet,+ which,we desire 0 maid• free to any address. ', /' And th0eo who th0upht his statements jokes nets flying and appetites sharp. They . 11IaC101 '44tignlitle', Aledidine" is sold]^by lllseocero<i then wtetake. found the tables littera with scant rem- druggists at 50 eta. per box,. -or x42 tjoxes for $5, t b or will :be xbaildd•'frW of Hostage', on. aoc"d]pt c4 , To catch hili in some awful lie runts of the feaet,whichad been ea en. y Their deepest arts they used, the eo homores who bad im osed them. the [Honey, by addressing /_ . The more to catch him folks did p p 11IttCii'n Al ttlnetic Medicine Co , The wore they gut comused. selves on the caterer and induced him to win itte lein Caraac a: ^I get the dinner ready au hour earlier. Sold by all druggists everywhere And so he had his little day— At last from'town did slide, Two young ladles have brought cation for And left folks, when he Nalt awa • dama;es against the Upper Italian Rail - y t, N OI�.THIR>`T Coniplutely mystified way Company. One claims 82,000 -she bad two teeth knocked out ; the othek 8 U.S�I N E S S COLLEGE. _ They cannot fathom hire[ at rtll h1,800—she was wounded in the cbeek, Which )cakes thrnt feel quite cheap, �tndents Admitted ret Any Tinic. lint evt4•ry one agrcu,i to call and' will be disfigured for life by the sear: Tho follow " awful decl[." The both declare that, now their besot CIRCULAIIG with fall. ihi'brmation irk regard o ,, y e will never find hoar to course 'of study, qualifi6utions Tor ontorn)g An actor• sbrowd, who chnsc to pass has been spoiled, th y necessary expenses, sent/oi opplication.to tFor siiliple, frosh and green, bands, and that substantial damages alone And yet, wlloso like they swear, alas, will indemnify them for the loss of matri. C: A::InLEMINC, Owen Sound, Orit. Had ne'or before been seen! monial happiness. • {, 11ut'twas n0 m ster about -The Pittsbur Board of Healtla an- -ANT 1pU��i 'TOOERS. Y Y g . `4 This very Muzzling youth, nounces that the meats irk a all'on of , e The secrets, in a line, let out g ekirm A iiio.,4i•O DRI\li THAT R1;M04ES ; Ile simply told the truth. oysters should weigh eight pounds and the elleof bad liclttor aucl over -drinking three-quarters, but in that city they weigh They also ch crk the mavirig for liquor, remove onl three or four ounda and dealers .add biliouk hea��9ad a and neryous d6ressaort,. ini The strike of shop -keepers at lYladura, Y p ' rove III esiion an'd ie ulato ••the action of the from ono•quMrter tothree-quarters of'water p rx..._ in the Madras Presidency, as a protest liver. 'a Powders iii packet; cents..,_ ;' a aainst the rea$ure of municipal taxation, to their bulk. saienpie 'cents, ma]led foes . mpa. _ p r.Pieree's c' Pleasant Pur ativePellets" W. iIEARN, ruggist, Toronto. __. is described irk the Bombay Tinter as ani- D g vernal. On the 31st of October all the are sugar-coated and inclosed in glass bot- / .. Otte metbod' f teaching: Watch r ties their virtues bei. .thereb reserve EXAMINE th8 rogre s of our, students bte✓aara, shops and stalls, without an creep "g Y P �'- Invest[ ate ourc]atm,'to,have',the most lifer- tion, hall been shut for three days. Even unimpaired for any length of time, in any g. ough an practical school in Canada, tired befoie o that the are al a fresh' and gy- the city vendors, dealing i trifling climate, s y way spending" ytiur.money, Satisfy pourselP that £ba p a e. No ch wooden or asteboard . 'r rel[ bl ea -_ elh n ilia[ from s P ' [ted P 'c] re rohib t we a t e$ r wares on pain of summar plunder of boxes. By druggists. y� , BRIEW . AMERICAN COMMERCIAL COLLEGE/ � , their property or personml ill-treatment, -Speaking of the girls of Mr. James . and not a particle of salt, not a single and Mr.. Howell's novels, the 'St. Louis INOICONTO, leaf or vegetable, we are told, could be bad Globe -Democrat says that it is impossible to exec t throw h a hi h bid offered in secret. ortra irls successful] and et treat . Is the place to learn bns]nose. , o'in titutfon , p g g ++ p Y all times seriousl Y becaua there -is offers ec)uwl advail h es to young mei[; Stwdenta / - In the battle scene rn Youth, soon to them Mt Y+ efiter at any time, Wor,circular, lend + ridiculous abo t e best and pecimotia c d at Mllaok a six Gatlin rens something u th of Pennmexiah] , be produ e W g g h min of them. p Address -the acci'Ctn ` mud lu0 muskets will be fired offs most o ar g rY . ' . a, + �> / " 7 .... a