HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1882-01-05, Page 2Ir N(11t 1 `t E I 1, A \ k /j I i j l boc•Lwu. the ar[ bLa11 furtntL uuo LuLliled I t ` L�AKL aNK�,NaB�Kt'� ��111�1. TN1B r0N'1'KIL:In NALLA/'T. aid nlxly 1,klarn of febrile N►ul tl Nord Dledlt:Y1 1�1 aY Na)• of 1{. It at aLy Lima durlLg Elle exld LCl+ue ,•t _ New Government Regulatlofl5 Ibe I.,I,Wat•L tLIO party bLall Latr fa'irll to i .,n r. .11u.11 1'.'o..lrrs a Ulresi mets bin When a child ctituplaius of headache, per f Vt ll. R1.1 of LLe UuLd,LluLb Ll't-I,ut, Lilt I Hl tAillul N ill•. labL11Lude ur Want of appeLLts, the LUrbe . and Cids51fIcatlon (a o,.IL"L 1t. ( uuuull way can,cl Ute ea1C vt cuticludbb LL&L be wubt '• take buwnLlI _ LL. laud IsL,ttuabnd by 't and deal N ILII Ile 11 � if file twwpleslon of a young girl grow,, Ilan' ab LL .Ly bee1L LLOCL ULlder LLO ,L1Cuui i �t)ML 51'1('1 ill•.\ hI.(!I'MI-:\'1'S, every day paler aide pabuor, her wutLer IAU L-_L.'N.:AII!N SLnEME� Ift ANIEU , bLaLteh i WilllublbcthatbutDiUbt "getsumaLLlug" '1't -e ,'.. I,. '. ", ,uta.Lb U -e fvn ,w .. I., Le OutlLled to rebate LLe Ilam) bliall I Iv!!. I!., Lyn I,I, 'I u:,ec w purify her blued. If the baby' blluna b 1L; regl.;al. !.; I ,r tn.a na.t• si ,tole LL(:L.t fort -Lail tv Lne Minister Lit tilt Im Letwr ell ' Om S&Lurlla), flee, l)lh, brfure Sir day auto night a duc LU[ IB bent. fur, and 1t, ( f I>'•:I.. Li,•l. 1.m:.-ln !i, t!.0 1'rV\,l.ae t•f dClluc ELRI Nlll ballbty I,lw LLaL t.1+r trail ' Ul'.d 11RLue11, w II,e 1'IvuatO olid Illi ulce expected to " preberlbe b Luetning." -U&I-Lv La aid elle . .,itl.w ObL lrtll', �tlen Lao Uc Ll t'•,iunlaed tLLd be Llled LL &Uuuld Illi lblun, LLO cane of Mundy agalubL I What that howeLLwg bhuuld be elle \1L1LI, tt... 1.1. a_.', alter Elle L.IbL .lay , f - toffee will' b.ib bectlVu I, Ut vlaUDC t, vt these MUudl aid Ills, 1'.all of SlifeWIlbur) Wtib pareuth would be Unable Eu donne, huh IaLLaf N, l„3 nc Ub ',,Lott I f„r It— I frg_Iatl"Ll' � heard. LLC(] barn ti vague itlba [lin[ it dLuultl cuult I ng,a:plt •L -n L„w 1t. I •t, -r ncmL,L,g ,lata Me ':-+\ n', �)Il'•rl'• Ill- 'I I.ln Wan a dlo,uruc hull m wbi:Is the from LLc drug hiore, and that !t Catmot be _-,til .imy ,•f .flay lobi, 11 'lovl.u'ur&gehCtlleturtILby cal'ttalln Lb I,etltl"UVI. Mr'. A 1. Miller Mundy, of guvd for LLI unlbee It Is bitter lir cause• I l i,o .,..I ," I ,.to le ,1. IIRI..t bit et,, 1 wi... tl.m\ dyn,re Lu eu1Lr%atc 141ger fartnn I ,ilul,lr) Hall. 1)ct b\, huugl't fur ti dihnulu 'U,11 uue, '1'laued Lu lte pnuulplub Lbelr theury t!+c ., I:1.NI'nt II tI,L• I.r, .!.a,1 f I LLe often ,.,., be I,ural,4ned "ht•t'e Lnr rl•gUla vt Lin tLariit%ge "&Ill tilts rvhpondelit, I would be about LLib : SLCknebb tins I uli.`. . ,..t,e 1, :. mel .I, t1 r.ahnl!.L'.i t!"I., 1oo•lldt• that two neLllrr., shall Le oy reabotl of ter adlll[er) with Ill, Earl of depraviLy are Elle uurrual cundinuu ,In I.... ", , 1-la,'rd ,t„ ,.,h nt-vti,,O tbuL Nithollt llltlllll I Shiewnbur)', of our nature ; balvaLLvll call uuwn Uull ( Ito-, 1 I.:tl.., w,:L,:. Lw, I,ty ! • .I II.,irn I,hu,g till aUlnbrr of heEtlrrn rt-qu)'od to I Mr. 11,dt,r\veck, I,) C , Mr. loayfuid and through abuurwal agCLClnb, and u remedy, of tilt• I;.a,:, ;.I t , I a..\ ata:. !I I '., . f I be [Tastes WItnln Vaeh toWusLlp), agrt•c I -Mr.:1 J ltaniappeared for tilt- ImLIEluner, it, order to be effective, mliuuld be as auto• the I ,it.a,t,a:. 1'a.'.i,: liA.1%\a: , !1 , IlLer ' LI,rmLn lila) Irl rutcrvd out” wrLll Ru) euro ! III, Sullrllvr Uvtlelml, C,. C , auto Mr. t let uuturalits pusbit.le-'I Perfectly logicalfrum ,-!dr tl.,lo,cf flat.) •'r I-1•rnou Ii'rrelllafI,r vallo'I tilt• ' For Elle rrni,oudeut . Sir 11. (ilKmlll, L,I. (' a Scriptural puiut of lluw. Ilut nature ('lase U Lsli.lm %I:tu,L tNyl\t- lull,". .rn fart) I t , c I•'1"ze ,.rid nettle lark tracts ,.f an,l lir. P'\kv for th.• c1., :CsIIUudetlL, still perblmts In fullvwiug her own lmw'b. vitLer nl Ir or au) I.I,. ,-c I,- f Ill.t• , f rallwa% tau f oo tilt f,.11uw•ulg col,%ialollh I .lir, ludt-rllu•h, (,I ('., "1 upeu1Llg Ebb cant,, tier phyblulogival laws she auuuuueee by luther 11"'!. tl.e Cal.mi,at, PmL.I:. t 1,allwlt%1, I : 'l lot! I'ttrty 4phly",g Illus[ hmClrfy the halm that the pe•tLriuoer wboh u'mrried to the ulu411H of the illstinetd \yhlch Luau bhuree appn,%cot Ly I Irdtr 1I. (%, .!.ell I _LILnLtd )1 I "' \ea,n,el,t of Its go"d faith am,l mhllltt I renpuu(leut oil lilt, ".;Eli of September, 1++78, With the hutllblebt of hie fellow creatures, El,b I I i,;,i �, I . I,. , I," f.d!.l till ,ripulmri"tln I- lotu11,ed ll) Lhcsu a[ tLu parlhL oburcL of Anhuvbr, it, Uerby- mud health is her free gift to all will) trust Clan, l' l.audn _tis . f tl.c rl.a,:, I.l.n rt•g .Inti"I„ I ht'1re. The letdy'n ILulden Ua1uu wam Mary Lbrw4elvem to the guidance of thube In- uf the Caumdlau P.C( '..' Ita!1%\ a) o,•t . The [rata of laud graotc,l to a11N' pmrt\ I Palliser Mundy MOrewoud, and she wad Lhe btiuetn. litaltli is cut luut by accident, nor luclu•ted It, clanb A or 1). ,1':tll be ll) t larch I). daughter of lir. ('hurler 1(ow'ltind 1'altner call it be repurch4bed tit Lila drug bture. It ('1414, 1) I.au I other that. lily„• In .all the' Imu'I w1tLw LLo tract maty be 11olVWotId, of Alfreton hall, DurtiNnLire, ib lust by phy,siulogietil ,inti, and eau be clitiI .\. 11 stud C, boll to the party at two d,,llars poor acre, AL Elie rinse of their mlarrlage Mr. !Mundy regained only by Hiuning• nU Inuru. Dim- '. 'I he eteu uum.bered bt•ctl"ns ll) all the p4%ml,le I1, ('41411, ILL the t"ut of vott•ring w'an 2d )'earh mf tog,, mud ills wife 17. 'I hey Lane is nature's protest aguiumt a grubs fun'g,an, rlmmnvd are to be livid e\clu,i\ely ,lit" the t-"ntrmct. The par[3 hhall, ILL the hoot,I at ditlrrt,ut Aldous during Elle earlier violation of liar laws. Suppressing the fur I.,.uivnLemids am.t lore euspllWi.. have time. I,ay to the (;uverlltuunt 111, 't garb of [heir inarrlud life, but ehietIy tit mywptuws of a disease with drugs menus to a. Except a ('tan., 1) where ilivy' tloty be evuts poor acres for the mVr\ev of Lhc laud SI"pluy' Ifall. '1'llrre wan cum child of the mileucm that protest instead of reluuving affected by cult uir.at,vii LLgt•ue)aru[s ab Vern- purchatnyd tiv 1t. uutrnuge, a daughter, burn it, 1rt7I, 'Edward the cause. We might as well try to extiu• in:Lf Lur pr„\ided. '/. '1'llevarty shall, within tive.o,varn from' the cud of .11urell, ISSU, lir. Mundy tuade guibb a tire by mileuejug the fire•belis ; the . 1.\(ypl vvl,vrc It ivay be nvcv.,mary uut the date of the cuutract r"loulze the to\vri the bciluamituuce of lord Shrewhburv, and alar[n will suuu be rounded from another of thein w prin'tLle wood luta fur Hrttivrs, nhlpor tuw'nshipseomlprist,l w'ithlnitntruc•t, invited 1mu1 to stay at shipley. turd quarter, though Ills lirbt bells way not ring ', 1'.x('t•lot Ln eases where tilt.• Minister of '•• Such culuLil"'Knutl hhatl Collhiblo Ill Shrewsbury mus lit Ihab drub between 1;) again till the belfry breaks down it, u gene• the 1 ntt•t'IUr, Undt•r pruvisi ,ns of the plmelug hlxtl' four L"rl-( rift hettlers within and 'lU yeurd of age, aLld had nilly reueutly ral cuutiagratiou. Fur the laws of health, 1)utuuu,)u l,au,is :\tots, u,&y ,it•en, It t,xpe. each towel -Lip. left L•'tuu, though liberal enough to be apparently dicut Lu withdraw crrtaim lauds. and sell 1.2. ll) counideratiuu of l,av'iug c"loniro'1 Ili uvnsrqueuee lit' moues repor,b which plastic, are it, reality lie iLiexorable am time thele, at puuliu aurtlou lir otherwinl, deal its tract of sand it, the Illtimller Inst forth it, reached Mr. Mundy of his wife having and gravitation. We cauuot bully Nature, wall thou, as the kiuvertiur.in ('uuul•II may sub-SecUutt , of the last preceding daunt•, been heel) ubout, un LurbebaCk it, the wen. We CmLuot defy her redentuieut by a fresh direct. the party shall be ulluwrll a rebate of one• pauy of Lord tiLrt•wsbw•y, tie spoke to her provocation, Drugs may chauge the form :o. The odd nuwbert•d scrtions it, Clans A limit of the original purchase tuuuey I'f its luuhelf, and gut Lady \\'llulot, a relative, of the dice&se—i, e., modify the terms of are rost-rvcd fur tilt- ('au&than Pac1!ic lta!l tract. to speak to tier nm the subject, and she the protest—but the luw cauuot be buftled way ('umpauy. o, During vaeh of tilt! live (]card covertA promised that uuthiug should occur that by cumplicatiug the offense ; before the I. '1'h(• uJil iamilit'rt-'1 nuctiu1,s ", l'lu,,sei by the cuutrmvt au euuinerarioo bhall be Could give robe to any observation. 1Iuw- drugged patient can recover lie has to 13 and (' shall bo for -ala at 52 -•I) per acre ruadu of the hettler4 plmce'l by till Darty I{i ever, w February of the present year, fur. exluate u double siu—the medicine and paN'mblc nt tlu,e t,t bzilu 1t4 L[aCt, 111 2L(•cordar.ce with sitb I, Ut1U11 A t1wr rumurm reached flim, In coIlmequouce LLe original Cause Of LLe dlHeama. 13ut II. Lxropt where Lhcy have be('n lir pray Of cluuSU 11 of these regulations, pull far of which he tuld _Mrs, Muulty Illat Lord shall I.areuta louk on and let a sick child be demlt \v'th otht•rwlsu b) the Guveruur- elicit Loma lilt settler Lu found thenanl a 5hiewi,bury wab cut tube received at hie ask ill vatu for help'.' By uo weans. Some• iu-Coulicll. rebate of nue hundred and twenty dullard houhe ; and, hu far us lie knew, that thitlg is certainly wrong, uud has to be ;. Thuod(t uumbl-rd sections ll) class 1) shall be repaid to the party; but ter sults dlroctium was Ilbcyod. On the till, of righted. 'file disease itself i4 a cry fur stall be for Hal% at ;;8 per acre, pay 4bly tit ho repaid bLall cot, it, the aggn'vgaty, at mill' April, 1t, the prusuut ,tt�ur, Mrs. Mundy help. ]out not for drugs. Instead of Lief, „t Httlr. I Eller t•\rrrol nil” Illlu'Irt•(1 troll L\\'tut)' del• \,rnL to ria\' \,1[h her histol eft '1'I,rquav, " tukiryl something,” soulethiug ought to be •' Loo.,.'I,t w:wry tht-v Batu been lir slay lar., f„r ,•a,•i, I„r„I I.I,, hettlpr fouod withlll ,t,.1, III, to the 2U'h „f :\111;1 ltlelllnl\e, the ,loll, Itucl uftenersoniuthiughabittldlly duce bell ;tit wit!: othrrio.su Ly Lilu(;o.ornor ll)- I too, tr,wi, ill it,l, u'latice with ill., hull sol,• I Ilourioner recune,t le•ttorn frons her rofer- ought to be ovtitild. If the buby'sstornaell Cuul:rll. ho,tion at alit• Lillie Of I)lu Lol'-. L ( hkilut'riL I relg to ordinary nitiiterh, su,l lo,w),!cll n ll) I lilts becu turnivn Ind with tell uursiugs a r'. i:\ ''.1't heels !0!"Cled by C•,louiiatj,)11 I tiuu. ,uldrt' ,t,d hum u, 11 D,:tr Fred :” Lut ori the da., oillit six of then, ; Limit tea Ltud coffee agrl-'.In,v,L,, t,4 hors ":after pruti,ll l.t. . Oe ILL: I xpu'atlou of Lh,• li\r N,.ur, till I I al,t of that mutltll divi't emus to 11111, It burn the y(Itu1;