HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-12-17, Page 6QQ 'TO
for your Chrisnias
Toy . Departnient , 2nd 'Fboor,.
This department is ready Tour
for o �
inspection, and well stocked with the
newest toys. Santa Claus is expect- ,;:
frig letters from all the boys and
girls, 260 have already arrived.
If in doubt, why not• -.try hooka for • Christmas this year ? '
Everybody enjoys books, and they make a ;lasting remembrance.,:,,
a the newbooks •
as well as proving of interest to the reader. All hr.
are here; or will be secured on short notice. •
H N�
at moderate expense.
The range of novel-
ties6 we have this
year is one of the fea-
tures of the Chrismas
Trade and something
that deserves special
mention :
Dinner Sets
Tea Sets
Limoges China
Rich Cut Glass
Salad Bowls
Fancy Plates
Japanese a China
Oaoper's Book Store
Gaiderieh Township.
Miss h mnsa Burnet is visiting Mrs.
Hanley and Mr. and . IVirs, Roht.
Welsh, Clinton,
Messrs, Ad. Cantelon and George
Miller have rented the Webster farm.
Ad; .gets the south • half, next his
own place.
1 Len Cole, son of Mr: Thos, Colo,
left on Saturday for Ohio where his
uncle, Mr. Peter Cole; lives. lie has
secured employment in a foundry
1 there.
Mr, and Mrs. William Dunbar, who
iliave for some months' resided in the.
Coats' cottage on 'the Hayfield Road,
are moving this week to Mr, Levi
Trick's farm on the Telephone Road
Which they have 'rented.
The oyster supper which was an-
nounced- for Friday evening next : in
'connection with the A. Y. P. A,.of St,
fames' church, Middleton, has been
postponed indefinitely on account of
the illness of one of the members,
Christtnas services wa11 be held in
"-St. James', Middleon St, John's,
• Holntesville and St. Peter's, Summor-
hill on Sunday' next by the locum..
bent. There° wild be a celebration of
the Hofy Communion' in each church.
On Thursday last a party et friends
which' comprised the following : . The
Misses Emma Burnett; Maud Tyner,
Eva, Burnett,' Nellie " Hicks, Aphrew•
Steppe and Mossrs. Charles ' Tyner,
Harry Steepe, R. -Dunbar, W. Dun
'bar and Rev, . W. 11, Dunbar proceeded
to, Walton on -the invitation of Mr,
J. Scarlett to render the sacred song
service entitled, "Won by •a.'Gipsy,"
The party returned safely, having
thoroughly, enjoyed the outing. .,
Morn NOW. •,Hecora
There will be a Christmas Tree en-
tertainment in the Methodist church
next Tuesday evening. Any one who
wishes May place a present on the
Theustees of S. S. No. 7, Stan-
ley, have engaged the •servie44 o' Miss
A. Consitt of Hillsgreen for another
year. Miss Consitt is considered one
of the most successful teachers in
South Huron.
Mrs. Willey still .continues very
poorly. Her krrother, Mr. William
McNaughton. of Melita, •Man., arrivved
this week and . will remain for some
The township council had a very
busy day on Tuesday, that being the
big wind-up day of, the. year,. In Ad-
dition •to many small accounts, the
Hill. Company of Mitchell were paid
$512, the balance due„ them for the
superstructure of the five, bridges, and
WO on the big Gemnell';bridgo, their
contract price being $1150.
The corrugated, metal --pipe luta ar-
rived from. ,Guelph and, weather per -
mining, will be put into place at
once across :the road near Treasurer
Reid's, The pipe is 3i .feet in diameter
and: 40 -feet" -long. It came in two
Tlie township "board of: health met
the other day, there being present
Reeve MeDiarnitd, '• Clerk Harnwell,
Dr. Rodgers and . Messrs: John John -
store, Thomas Baird and John " Man-
son, The health officer gave a clean
sheet; there not haying been anycoil-.
tagious disease in the township •dur-
ing the year.
The deputies for the municipal el-
ectlilon .are . No. 1 Malcolm McEwen
No. 2, John Murdoch.; No. 3, James
McClyment ; No. 4; William Rathwell;
No. . 5•,' Robert Dewar.
L. , O. L. No. 1035' held their regul-
ar .meeting on Thilrsday• evening when
the following officers .were elected •
Master, , Geo, Beatty
Deputy, J. 'W. Reid'
Chaplain,. J. •Rathwell•'
• Rec.-Secretary, Ben Rathwell
Fin.-Se,pretary, Sant Johnson
Treasurer, Charles Foster
D. of 'C•.,. John _Johnson
Lecturer, Isaac Rathwell
• Co'htiuittee, Frank Weeks,' John T.
Reid:; Walter. Rathwell,, Robert El -
lint, 'William Logan.
. Hohnesv'ille
'The C. O. Y. held -their annual •At
Home on Thursday evening • last at
the home i;f Mr. Nut .Mrs, Mulholland
when: everyone :enjoyed themselves to
the utmost. The' At Homq was' con-
sidered one of the best yet. held ..•and
too much cannot be said ;about the
hospitality of Mr.' and ,Mrs. 14Tullol
land in entertaining their friends
The C. 0-4,:P, .;will.meet on Tuesday
next to •se%ct officers for „the coming.
Miss Florence Trewarth
is the
guest of er Aurnt at 'Mount Forest..
Miss Carrie Walters left on Tues-'
dfor Redlands; ay, l ,Cal. 'to `vasa -Tier,
brother and sister. ger •many friends
here, wish her 'a safe and pleasant1
Mr. F. Warning.: of Delhi has been:.
tCraoogk'us.e.st of his daug1t r
. `
Miss Goul1 bad' a: num.her of .her.
friends• in on Friday evening as a
,farewell• 'to. Miss C. Walters,• prior, to
• her •journey.• to California.
Mr. A. P.,,leoat •of.. Brucefield was a
caller on• his ais.tnr, Mrs: S.tailcy, ,on
r,d .
S t i ay gast
Miss .Evans . of Z
inn do
sa Man,,,
was the • guest of Miss .11olmes last
week;: , ' ..
The' following• is a report of .° • the
pupils of S., S. No,, 3 for November;
,based on regularity; good deportment'
' ' and general'. proficiency. •
5•th-,Enrmeline, I-Iolland,'; Lizzie
Bedard, Willie Carter; , Percy ;Mein
nings, 'Frank Williams.
1 • Sr..4th Lorne •Jervis,. Walter Nel*•
' son, Lorne McCartney, Colclough
Ernest 'MOCa-rtney,. Percival Glidde ,
Arthur Farren, Albert Proctor, ., N.or- •
man Holland, Charlie Lav'is.
I Jr. ;4th. -Joseph ' Palmer, Lottie
' Lavrs Delbert"Iluller
1 Sr. ..3rd:—Stella, -Nelson,. Carl Mair,
Clarence. C.onnell,' Frank . Jenkins, Or
niond.Alcock, Edna • Farren.
,Jr.. rd.:= Harold. Layla, Totnitiy
•Carter,, Clifford holland. ,
Sr.` 2nd. -Elva Proctor, ' Proctor
Palmer, Verna, Jervis, StewartMair,Mair
• Roy Munnings
1 Jr, 2nd —Alvin Leonazd, • • Leslie
Huller, Daniel G ddon, Milton • • . Hol-
land, " Leslie ' Je ,vis,• Clifton. Proctor.
I• Pt:. • 2nd. -B nche Nelson, • Fred.
Laois, .William Adcock.
:Pt. lst,=Bru p.Holland.':.
No. on roll
Onty 7 Day
To Do Your Christmas Bu. in.
In a stock like ours, continually being refreshed
with new goods, it seams' that every. visit -to the store.
is marked by some :,1ew feature of interest, This week
we are showing'many new novelties suitable for Christ-
mas buying, and we emphasize the fact that it is a
pleasure to show our goods. Let tis' again urge
Bug hour Christmas Gifts now.
Gift Parasols.
We have just passed into stock some beautiful Parasols, with fold,
sterling silver and pearl handles. These make beautiful as well•as
useful presents, and the prices range from. • • .. ,.2.00 • to. 4.50
See these before you buy. • . : •• • I
W �. histin � . s'
i trade,
Just a few, exclusive Waisting for the Christmas in the
beet French printed delaines, embroidered spots and flowers, very
choice. See these in our window,
More new Handkerchiefs in this week, ne
these goods, suitiable for making fancy
bags. In plain white handkerchiefs.
for gifts, we have these in dozens'
and inspect these for yourself,
Furs for;
In the.purcbase of fur
be assured. whether the e
appearance does not nece
apection and comparisour
,.kimonos, and fancy
c are always • so Heceptable,
rfferE.nt designs and pprices; Cali
ices from 5 cents to $1.2a.
hristtnas Gifts.
service as well as good apps ranee should
end iture is large or small. d to get good
flmean ala" a Outlay, e invite in•
s la,
YK 3'
Every .;Cor
ten4ian Awai
• Average. (l
—N: . Trewartha,Reacher.
London. Road.
1llr, Thomas Jennison arri't'd home'
on Saturday last from (Y'arr: tl, Man,,
where he has spent the pals Mice
years. He did not ruend, .0 ming
east this winter, but was call-
ed home through, the serious
Mess of his father,- who at
present is doing, as well •as can he
Mr.. Gordon Waldron of 'reroute paid
the old, home a visit last week.
Mrs. Walkinshaw r+f C'i:titnn tis:led
at the home of her '.sister,. Mrs. John
MnKnight, last week.
Mr. Harold Wiltse t"lent.on°spent
Sunday among friends acre.
West Tucketsmith. ,
A large uumber from -this part' of
the township ..took, in the tea -meeting
in Brucefleld on Tuesday owning of
last week. ,,,
Mr. Amos 1'ow11.14 had a l.t.c
drawing wood, on Friday afternoon:,.
Mr. and Mrs. W, 0, Landsb•)ro of
'Goderich havt}•. b. een here getting ready
for their sale,
Mr. Charles Layton made his i:rst•
shipment of beans to London-. last
week,... .
Mr. Ernest Roweliffe o! Vsborne
township is visiting relatiaes glutei
Stanley :Township: •
ATr James I-.oward and ?VIt. T,.
Johnston of near Blake• spent; Sunday
at ths home of Tr. Andr w Dun
Messrs: Robert S. Reid :and
William Rathwell,• attended the as-
sizes in 'Goderich lat• week as Jury-
1YIis T. 'Johnstone of 'the `Nile is
s cii iii his
spending g t 'Week with her parents
on the;Front Road. •
Mr harveY Reidis, weta'
rr .
to"hear,• suffering from an attack of
•appendeetis, but • we : hope .to soon
,bear of liis.irecovery;
••• Blvth.
lite tax colleetor,�Mr. Sam. West-,
la, e, reports that during his terni of
office the taxes aro Meier fully , paid
p this year than= on ::any 'prey°ious
time at this. date.
'Mr. James- , lleffron hasmade his
first_sale•.of.,.brick for a •blouse. i\ir..
L. I-Ii11 has the contract , oft'furnishing
all material. JIr. Jamieson Of near,
Irarlock. in ,I'lullett, is the4*ep-i1 tor:
i%Ir, Isaac Brown has made sale of
the 'balance of this year's make' . of
evaporated apples to Mr I1amelick •of
•Tile, firm. of Brown 8c, `Wilford. has
also cleared out them stock in Wing-
ham of evaporated apples to' a ,party
in Montreal
The opening services in 'connection
with the new, Baptist church will be,
held" :on Sunday.. next, services to be
at 3 acid 7 o'clock., The preachers of
the day will be Revs, T. W..Chztirics=
worth and V. Raithby 13.-A.,
A supper¢ and cone rt. will l ; held
'On Monday. evening for which •an ex-
cellent program of vocal- and instru-
mental'ihusie will be provided.-
Need of Urgency in Forestry
b Y y
During the past autumn stockmen
i' parts of the • middle States Vim
forced '.to .depend upon .• railways.: for
water- for their cattle, the precious
fluid being hauled' in tank cars, to rho
points at which it was most needed.
In some of the cities drinking ..water.
was sold by the, gallon at• •Eheprice if
milk':. In many' cases factories `'were
obliged to shut down,not' from lack
of orders;. but because :water Ivith
which to make steamwas not avail-
able, and within the pastmonth.
less than forty' miles of trolley line
in Western Pennsylvania were putout
of business from the same. cause .
All the " inconvenience, suffering, ,'and'
loss which have occurred are the re:
sults `of the tivljolesafe ,removal of the
• forests that 'once protected.' the silent
ter of. streams. A flow
erlypassed oofi gradually daringthe
s ason now 1 r l rushes e a g, y es out in a•
tumultuous flood in spring,:, and. dur-
ing summer and autumn there • is al -
S, 0
iring PRICES
December 17th,, 1908
M'CTsTC;! alar t:3 t?TZ3;"Craw.
Nc.w ][s.theT!me; to Buy Christmas Gift.
The is nothing'nore suitable for Christmas giftslhan a pair of
shoes er slippers, we have them stall prices,
Ladies fine Pet, bluchers at $3 50 and 4.00. Ladies fine kid hiuch.,
chem at $2,00•to $4,O0. Slippers at hoc, 75c01.00 and $1.25.
MINS---The Hart shoe, extra fine fitting $450 "rand $5.00 Men's
shoes in Kid,, Velour calf and Box calf at $2,50, 413'.00 $3.50 $4,00 and
Men's slippers at'75c, $L00. ,1.25, $1.50 and $.2.00.
$5.00. • i►p. �:
Boys shoes at $1.60, $1;15 and $2.00 • °
Miwes shoes, and rubbers at all prices. m
For the little tots—all felt laked shoes trimmed with fur at 404 also
child's red felt boots, warm and, nice price 85e.
1'IUslC, (iIFTs
Newcombe 12ianos •
Sherlock'& Manning
Pianos and Organs
Violins $7400, $8.00 and $10.00
• • Harmonicas at 28c, 50c and' $1.00
Columbia Gram.o.t'honee
Music Rolls at 50c, ,750, $1,00,.
• ' . $1.75 and $8:00 •
M/1No iwiwwli� _e
• ways.' a, shortage and occasionally a
.f amine.. '.
The .experience •of the people of
neighboring •communities . and tile
drought•• that so' seriously. .hampered
1 farm' operations . in •Ontario• 'convey • :a
•lesson -which it should not ,be neees=
sary•.to emphasize. We have not rine
so far as the. people` of parts of the
tinited,States in forest removal, and
'fur ;sufferings from that 'cause 1 "ice.
'.consequently not been` so -;;reat as
theirs..,out we have gone vc:v r7ucu:
; too far, and there is urgent •needof
;redressing the balance . between open
dbuntry,.and forest growth,:.' The, ' •Qn
term •Government"•lias,doti"e' well 'in:"
setting. ;apart` permanent reserc is.- in
and a wise sl has been
New Ontario,. e°p b
taken in starting upon a systematic:
work having . for its object the fe- of
foresting of lands in. the older •parts of.
the Province unfit for agricultural put
poses., This latter Work should, how
ever, be pushed .with greater vigor. ,11
we,.are to . beassured of a sufficient
supply'' of iuoisture for crop production
of :drink for live stock, and of water
power for the: development of electric,-
al energy the barren• hillsides• and
sandy wastes of the Province must be
covered with trees.•- Weekly Sun
.on Tuesday •.evening the 'Epworth
League of the Methodist dEureh' held
their annual: meeting for receiving the
report .of the officers • of ' the past
year, which -report was very favor-
able, fifteen new members• being .added
to the:, list, six • having withdrawn,
leaving an increase of nine,:' • The ..fol-
• lowing were elected officers : •
• Mr.'' R. Cl
Mr; T. Ad
prove very
Ma. Georg
from grippe.
Mrs.' David Weir and, children . are.
visiting the 1 dy's parents,;. Mr. and
Mrs. John B ttonJ." •
Mr. and ;Mr William Dunlop. have
their daughte from Sask. •visi.ting.
them. .
Are you a Ne s -Record Subscriber
if not, why not `► -
onstance •
k. was in Gode.ich ;last
ms ;'Jr.. does not im-
Stephenson is suffering,
Port Albert... •
A Christmas Tr o .. will be held in.
the English there on 'behalf of ° the
Sunday school. T e program will be
'shed by 'the s i olars; `assisted by
Hawkins' Hibbing, is .home'
his in ther whd is illi
true ion is about ate'
la e.and the London
seting willbe
harp on
elk to be .the
nd Blair of
tended th eeting
VI of hea , at
day. He is a etn-
on a, vise
Railway c
a standstill
teams have all g
•'A ;Local Optio
held e 'n the 0. O,
l r
day evening, the 1
Rev. Dr, nougat!
• Goderich. ,
V11, .B. Hawkins
of the township
Dungannon on VVI
ber of the board
Water in the
is sotnewhat;
Miss ‘,Jea
friends in
ellsiin this • sect
lice owing' to the .d
ilun,'lam 'is visiting her
anityq 'township,
awkins was in Winghant the
econd selectfozi from . the let' ets'
of Queen Victoria will probably be
issued in 1910.
Mr. Waitet Anderson, assignee of
Hamilton, Was locked in a building
when' he. went to take possession,
President, Miss S. Bentley :
tst:Vice, Mrs. (Rev.) W, H. Cooper
2nd Vice, Mrs. D. -Crittenden •.
3rd Vice, Miss Emma Moser'
4th Viee, Mr's. E Bender :...
Secretary,.. Geeo. Wambold' •
Treasurer, F. Macpherson
Pianist,. Miss' P. Gidley `,
Assistant, Miss 12. Maser .
Other committees are to be Appoint:.
ed•.later. .
On Friday evening last the officers-
and teachers 'of St. Andrews Sunday
school• held an entertainment in In-'
dottyhall. Proceeds in 'favor of the
school. •
The members. of Trinity, church Sun-
day school are ,leaving their annual.
Christmas Tree entertainment on the
21st. They have' secured 'the serigices
of Mr. ° E. A. Webster, soloist; . and
Rev. W. J. Spence; popular orator
for the acdaston.
St. Hsiang
Mt.,, Fred. Culbert of Ashfleld visit-
ed "at M. Jas. Barbour's.
lVtr. -and Mrs. Jas.
tiebster Jr. of
Ashfield 'spent Sunday it> ire neigh-
borhood of St,: Helens. •
Mr. 'James Mitchell of Wingbam
visited 'at the home of Mr. ° John
Webster on Sunday.
,Miss ,Minnie Ramage left iisat week
to• visit: her sister at t.ormeeville;
Mr,,, Jas. Hi," Jordi, teacher, spent
Saturday andiStinday at the home of
his mother •here. •
We 'are • pleased; to hear that ~ Mr.
Humphrey, who ti eentiy un-
rwent an operation all Ult ghant
1r, cull is ,rapiid1 , •,recovering. We
he will soon be Ode to come
Mr. amus Haines of Crewe spent
Sunda :in tiie •nelghborh°tod of ;fit,
The me ers of St. James' dwelt..
at •Guelph ve formed st, ' o -Treat-
ing: BIub."
One•.. Christmas Dinner of
Frank Keenan's,
John S. , Lop* in the' Christmas
Home Companion relates : one Chmat-
mat experience of F'rank.Heenan, ell
known as leading man ip "The Giri
.of.,.the Golden West," and 'r'.The War-
rens ,of•'"Virgin{a. •
"It , was in 1$3.7. 'In' that year Mr.
Keenan organi ped 'a small joint, stock
company at Fort Scott, Kansas. But
the approach of Christmas found the.
cornpany in hard straits,
°' 'You can, imagine my: :feelings;''
explains Mr. Keenan, when it be-
,game..evident I would have to quit.
Our leading woman, Jennie Lee, a
well-iknown stock actress, was as blue
as I was whent we separated from the.
others and started' eft.- together ; for
Wichita on that ; . gloomy Christi:has
morning. We were too, blue to talk:•
"When the dinner hour arrived, the
train stopped at. one of the most iso-
lated stations on the line. We took
dinner with the train hands at a.mis-
erable excuse for. an 'hotel, Although
thesfare .included turkey,' the',dinner
was , bad, and looking across .. the
table' at my companion, 1' saw tears
trickling down her .cheeks: •••
"I knew what 'wag making her ery.
It was . 'the,re±alization pf her utter
loneliness on a dar when • the ' whole
world.was celebrating ' and making
merry. And .here were we, eating a
:poor dinner," cheerless and almost
hopeless. Taut I would not let her
suspect that •1 shared her feelings. So.
I asked why she was crying. Iii a
broken voice she sobbed
"Ohristnias dinner—and ,no cran-
berry. sa,uce,1" 'hien she buried her
face in, her hands.
(:Vias she,serious ? Of course she'
was. ror, strangely, the cranberry
sauce seemed °to be the only' thing
lacking to reconcile her to tate.';
•COrri tto US tor, -your
Christmas --e �:: .P res pts. _
We' are ready '•with a big stock
Bigger and :better than ever.
Handkerchiefs plain and fancy, 2, 3, 4 5 7, 8. 10, 12i, 15
25 cents each.
A, Ladies' Collars at 25.35,'40, 50, 75, 1.00, 1.23 and $1.50.
Ladies' Belts At25,w8v, 50.75, 1.00 and $1.25.
• Men's Fancy Ties at 25c and 50c
Men's Fancy Shirts at 50e, 75c,- $1 and I.25.
- 'Metes Neck Squares in silk, -linen and wadi, 50e 75e, $1 and.1.25
f Men's Gloves, lined and unlined, 50c to $1,35
Ladies' Gloves •cashmere, woolen, silk and suede at 25c to 50c
1 and 1.2� • 'b
_ es, $
Ladies $rdGlov
. Clildren's Wool Clowds at 25c, 40c and 50e •
Ladies' Fur Collars and Stoles at $1, 1.12 up to 17.00
• Ladies Peer -Pillow -Muffs it $8. 7, 8 and $9 •
Ladies Fur Jackets 30
40 and 50
Ladies Fur Lined Coats 50, 60 and '$71.
Mens Fur Coats 20; 25, 30 and $35 ' •
• Men's Fur Lined.Coate 50 and $75
, Ladies Cloth Jackets with fur collar and q"wilted lining and $25
Felt Shoes for ladies 1,
1.25upto 2.00
sizes, madeb the all l3ambu 'Felt Shoe Co.
Children's Pelt Shoes, v b
Felt Shoes for gents $125 up to 2.50 ;�
Christmas,Giroceries •New. Fresh $to
18, 20 ori
'Highest Pr ccs .tor B uttt
Successor to .McKinnon;& Co.,
0Ai.17i ••e •es!�► e�:N 1s •rte 1✓� •� h ee
All Kinds of '
Felt hoes & Slippers •
'.Kant Krack Rubbers
.R ubbers
and' Overshoes
Choice range of. ` ..
Moccasins &, SI)Owshoes
Williams' Patent 'Leg.
gins and' Fe tained -
T3ecauae of the elegance and
moderate price Queen Quality Shoes
enable you to. meet every demand of
fashion without extravagance,.
Repairs while. you
See our new styles while the wait..
assortment is at its best
Aiwa s Reliable't CLINTON
itt.6' m•bm.bestib. be•OeikkobPbibet:tibe•dAbcA40.ls.:41b.m•b.:
.0 _ 0
eaving ownSale0
*Our great Leaving Town Sale is still in full swing
oots and - •
es are all
and Dry Goods, Clothing, B S ho
b:.. being sacrif`iced in order that December may see our
- 0-- whole stock turned it t:r cash.' Read the few prise
° reductions below,as it will give you' some idea of the .
money you can save by purchasing here •'during the, .
balance' of : december.,
Me and 75c Dress Goods and Silks to clear at.., ..:... 420
$1 Sateen 'Underskirts 4., ..... , e. 89c
90 -
121c Oxford Shirting .,• ••
23.75 Wool Blankets •
,Men's $10 Overcoats "
Men's. 112 Overcoats
'Men's 26tridox
Men's 25c Bhtcpa'
•Men's 25c and 35d•Tfes
Men's50o Werrking.Shirts ... YY „„r*.
Men's 50e Fleece Lined•irnderttieetf " ...., : ,40 '
Women's. Pelt Slippers •
Anil* ;full rangy, of Dry •Goods. Mens and. Boyo Clothing and
'nrnisbinge and our fall Stock of Boots and §hoes to dear at:
wholesale prirea.
Sale Prices Strictly Cash. .
'�blb�Cvdl4di'4•!ll�1bdi"bl5�iir�•41 .4iti,Iw�'1a.1114lk i•ilP�tr041b.a'Vri$•dl•i14
...,ry. 6.75
.. .v...'
f"--‘". 2,