HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-12-10, Page 8411111111111111111811881181188 �9• i:% 41,-4:" • ik'tY M�t01 r �'••'{=.7, tt 4,.• t •si'•`!i `t' a.1;,S:'.')� w3... .r . :NA Y• evet',iij i,1r f•' „. i,, 1 .i.,t: ,Y'i {4` IS fist i , ',�.•1%^' Oe. Y• ,,,+i�� i;r� •t; 1 I; ^.� •a. , oZ.u.��l�9fl�,% t�iVidi.�t 'tf 1'.4:.t�•� ,eft1?:••v. ;:, 7::'ie; .:� ,\111,5i,7f�'i+r�iy�`,�5{'r+i.1h� �i+i`•�'t'tr/ fi:eS�p'�ir 1 Clinton News -Record 'December loth, 1903 Thift,:.. the Store f+or ChrJsIn,,.:.t.s. VERYTHING here is in ship-shape for- Christmas shoppers. We are . ready with a stock of sensible and useful gift things that cannot but be helpful to you in your choosing. Come to the store any day, every, day, from now till Christmas. We want' you. to feel free to come and go as you wish. You are welcome to look the stocks over whenever and as often as you please. Everything I*. -s arranged for easy seeing and easy buying, bt'fs '• there is no need to buy unless you wish.. . •e Christmas Ciftst, in Cloves • No mistake ever made in giving a lady Kid Gloves. No risk run making selections from our stock of real French Kid Gloves. Every pair in it is'guaran- teed. If you select the wrong size we will cheerfully exchange them afterthe holiday. Every pair in a handsome boox if desired. Our special Kid Glove, black or col- ors, per pair $1 . Ouribiggest selling Glove, black Or colors, .per pair $1.25 An extra good Glove, in black or colors, per pair $1.50 ' Long Kid,Gloves, black and colors perIpai>r Extra quality Long •Silk Gloves, black's, creams, colors, $1,50 1e Everrt PopularHalydkfs Better stocks, better varieties,. better values• than ever before are ready for you here. Most of them imported direct from. the makers. Sterling good dualities, every one of them.- Neat, dainty patterns, and values that make unquestionably worth your while to do your Christmas- Hand-' ker.hief buying here. FancglHandkerchiefs 5c A very tine quality ladies and children's 'Mersilka Handkerchiefs, pretty patterns in Woes, pinks and mauve, also suitable forfancy• • work. Regular 10c, speeia}I,for• Christmas each . .O � The Millinery Selling at Half !s`Sell Price Dozens of hats for you to choose from .•;:'at._half their. regular. price. The most fashionable shapes, every one of them. Blacks and colors. . All trimmed in good` styles: We are bound to clear this •sea- son's: stock to' the last dollar's Worth,. . - That is' why' we offer you these 25 or 30. high class trimiamed hats at Half Price, • The Ribbon Store. This is the Ribbon Store of the town, •• not .a doubt • •about that • Christmas Rib-, .bons are here. now: • Every shade you' are 'likely to :want for the••mal;ing of Christ-' mas gifts, in' plain silk, or -:satin...: Some ' very har`dsome Ribbons in all; widths suitable for` bags, etc, Plain Satin" Ribbon 3c, 5c, 1.0c to 250 f.. �. Plain -Silk Ribbon Sc, •5c,' 8c, 1:Oc; 15c Fancy Ribbons 25•c,• 50c, 75c and $71.00 r ', . /omerCs Underwear. at: Big .savings Those'`seconds' in ZS omen's underwear wont last much longer than this week or • • j. next at the ;fat+tbest, . if a.;saving of'at., least .one-quarter on evex'y garment is any, object you ought 'to'get a supply now. As far.tts.the`yvear• goes,.the.- .`seconds' will: last ju t;as::longus the'`firsts,' We are selling '50c:.garments, because they'are `Seconds' for 39c 75c garments «, ` 55c .'$1,and 1 25 garment's " 79c' Children''s'garmlents quarter less Belts and Collars Quite the biggest st'ek of. gift Belts and. Fancy Collars. we have- had for you • to select from, Every one .neat, prstty, stylish. Of the most no two alike. , Leather.. Belts, 50c, $1.00 and 2.00 Silk Belts, 25c, 50c,and $.1.00 ParleyCollars, 25c, :i0c and $1.00 Turn ovens, 10c, 1.5c, 25c and 50c Door. and -Hearth Rugs An extra Rugor';. two never.comes' atxiss in an. home. Dozens'of them em bele.. suitable for Christmas giving, 'Alt good patterns, good qualities and plea`sin'.. color combinations:. • g •• ` Door Rus 50c: 960 ,11.00 an n 7.x.00, and 11,25'. Hearth Rugs . $2..00,-2:50 to.'8:50 `Mersilka' Rdkfs two for 25c Gentlemen's ' 'Mersilka' Handkerchiefs,' very fine quality. looks Tike silk, Illue and white spot border, :splend'id thitm nap boys' n t" use as well, special for Christmas 2 fot ... , , . .L `0 Mersilka Initial Hdkfs 3 for 50 Extra quality 'Mersilka' H•etnstitched. S gentlemen's s side,all initials in stock. Initials nicely embroidered. good 3 in a neat fancy sizes. Regular 25c each, speciatl.fnr Christmas hox for 0 Better Handkerchiefs Our ar+sot tment at 35c to $150 is beyond question tit.; best we ever offered our Postern• er s. The designs, are n( w and qualities good. The prices are less for the same quality than we have offered before. This is simply because this Christmas lot came to us di,ec't from one of the biggestmanufacturers. if ••you are thiuking at all of giving handker•chiets you can crake no mistake doing your hnying here. Handsome Gift Umbrellas Some exceptionally gift Umbrellas just opened this veel:, , Handles of pearl, gun metal, natural wood or bronze with genuine gold plate or ster- ling silver mounting,' Extra strong' frames and tops that will not cut or turn rusty. No two alii:N it the 0'1.0,1,4,collection. Al' put up in silk raises.- For ladies •- I1 I'or_gentle'men •._' 5o :3:00 4.00 'E0 3.5u 4:Y0 (i.00 • Belting in Boles A°tasty liitle inexpensive gift is a length of fancy belting put up in fancy bores. Each lox contains enough for one belt, and we show them in eight or ten different patterns, at per bOx. 30c:to75c. All over the store you will find gift"things in abundance, *Useful articles that cannot fail to please the recipients. ' Make yourself perfectly at ..home here when doing your Christmas shipping, you will tiot be pressed at any time to buys• DIRECT 11011,0127X123 e0 49 CL%IV7'ON, ON . • JP ---)MAR AL,) hristmas Handkerc: and Linen Our stock is full to overflowing: with Christmas Handkerchiefs and Early 1 a �� Linens.users wilt find giftxbuying here a'pleasure. Every piece new and of the latest design* We are putting forthan extra effort. • this season to have the best _ display of Linens in town. •' fiefs �lt�{ f you want Linen for Gift -Giving this is 'the store to bt fig h , them, at a saving.. •� Ch ldren s.Handkerbhiefs 2 for 5c Children's Fancy. Picture Handkerchiefs in reds, blues, pinks, sky, etc., with funny pictures of horses, elephants, cows, and alt sorts of anitn,cls,. 2 fort ,05 Ladles' Linen Handkerchiefs - • 4'Ladies Pure linen Hatidkerchiefe, errthrojdery and • Taco edges, new design"s'this year and exceptional valueI :0O from , ... ... , .15 up to Our Special Hdkf 2 foe 25C- n We have made a special purchase of Ladies Licien Handkerchiefs?; assorted edges of lace and: embroidery., These are worth in,:the regular way 18c to 2Qc. • Prom, p now until Ohr'tstmasour 'price will..be•2:for ......... PLS Clung Centre Pieces 25' pieces •of Cluny Lace Edge and 'pore Linen Centre Pieces, assorted.sizes of ta:hle, plate and.tnmhler sets at • 25 per cent, off Pure Linen Dollies ••IIundredsof. piece$ of pure Linen .Doilies, pieces' With beautiful:drav n work edges, in .all sizes., Space will not permit a description!, but •a. look will ,convince 0(� you of their value, froin .75 up. to ' U.U4) Tennerlff Wheel Doilies 2 for 5c • 25 dozen.Tenneriff " W'ieel, Mats with hr en centre. Special Christmas pries 2 for , .. .... Pure'•Pable' Linen ' We carry a. complete range of pure Table Linen: Good valueatalt p, u.es;lrom ,:S;O up. to See "our •topecial at ,05 1.50. 1.00' ••• Pure Linen Table Napkins Pure Linen Table Napkins to inatch our stock of '; , Table Linen at. 1.50 up to 3.50 0 Also targe' range of special designs for Christmas gift• ' giving from 1.75 up . ... .. 1,95 Ladies' Coats Reduced Saturday. ` Out go the:•halance of our Ladies Winter Coats, all this season's buying and latest 'tyles' In black, blue•and brown beaver, regular $1() for 8.00 Regular $12 for .. . ...... Regular $18 for •, 14-50 Fur, R.i ifis and Muffs • ". Ourstack stock of Ladies"•Fur Rciffsanfl Muffs is still intact and full ot the new novelties in Sable. Maetuot, 'Isabella Fox • and other fashionatble Mrs at reasonable prices: Galland see our range if 'you need a fur. • 3� t1 THIRTY `DAYS 16 4. Saving Price 20 1 IP t Fnvnitnre4. aiid Yisle House � FurnishiiisA le ��3ail At•Waf ke Furniture F ore Scor e. • The lines we handle are v•lrieq, ' The, selection is unequalled in the'count .. The prices low and r q y p. .quality high, , The 'stock: is Ifeavy and must be 3,redueed, and'• a special price on every article"we �` handle ` et ,al a �.-. ` Ar n � iarrs Kirin �l�oc�ker. , Brat. S. Bids, t#r,t. s Pole.,, I3oc)k' 4 Cases, Book liresves, .$ed. Springs, 13utfc�ts, Baking Unbine.ts,' `3, China Cal,iriets,'Onuches, (:au+pets,:Cribs; (�t'adles� Cntt, ('urtaitis,. ( i ' Carpet Sweepers, Curtain .Poles, Dining.Rootti.0 nits,: Dre -ers' 4 v And. Stand's, Divans,. Easels, Etchings, .Purr)) ,nr e• (,o'ver•ing, 1 c a ther Pillows, Prairies,' Floor•Cvve•ring, Frin.g(;,([rand f,tthet':,' Chars; Alaill'Chatrs, 'Iiatl'Mrrors, HallRacks; •• 11igh.Oh:fu's,• Ingrain Rugs; 1nla.idLinolerims,,•Tnterior.l7ecnrntinns,'irnn Beds•,., • a, .Tardineer Stttr,cls, Japanese Mnttings, Kitchen Cabinets, Kitchen . " is ,• Tables, Lon•nges, Linoleurns, Morris (Theirs,• Mir, or Plates;., Mat-. , Itresses, Mouldings, Needles. tm all makes•of St‘ Wing iMatcbities, Organs, Oilcloth. Office Furniture, Odd Pieces, s, Pi;u,ns. Pairl,.t •'Suites, Par'loi' Uubinets,. Parlor Tallies, Pictures, Qrsrtlit. yy13edls , V . Rugs: Ratan Chairs, ' Sideboards.. Oilc•Io'ath,• •Seeref iiries, . Sewing Matehines, :S'tudent's Chairs, Stools, Doles, Poy'sr-ts, Undertaking-•evervtbinethe best atrid.pricea low, Velvet Rags, Wilting 1)esks, Willow Chairs, Extension Tttbles.. Y'nur money c'heerfulfy refunded 0 goods not sat isfnctory. ' All kinds of Uphi,lstery done, Covering" in a bag, variety of colors cartietl in stock. . Pic 1ures.Prainrd..abile Yon wait.•,� aalistac'riral (y(Int antird.• 'e are bgund'to please our custo,ne.rs, , Chairs and Tables 'for, Rent We also rent ()Ile ,,tht.nita.ry'('a;rpet (leaner,' the 'felts Mit., 250 PICTURES --Pt ices nearly, um in lirtlf, Slit* r.,u,.•Win(lo,v for Sitturdav and treat. week, They. won't last, long,,1,„gnraa 50e at'•10a. 'Regular' 1,00 at 355. • • ' VVe could not, have 'partChia sale on in at heti oi ti met° •.n:r`, 11, j t cnstorn7+rs, as t;hri tirt[t+is only at ft'w rip int be ,)nee, [ton • o 080 get nice, clean new. MY to (tate goods [tt 1IW pricer 1Jn•v i. .... .._. mg, is ii<*1'are chimera, ' r' will lay ataido and deliver Ole a., I: want; th' go()ds, any rtri.irie, by paying'a small clnl)n.it 1. y article , tli have a special prim, (tome and see 1larotwh ,�u• trtllishnient, it, will uia,ko your heart. .bnun(l 'viTlr nn(l,+.c')i,,:,?,:el boy and anti51notion. A pleacttre to show good4. Ftirnittire Dealer atnd ndertaker Clinton Phone 28 grail da* or"night». te Offerrng Our annual exhibition 'of new Christmas ,goods including: our : complete stock of winter erehandise is.. • now ready dy fox yotir•.i:nspection. Never have we had such a maunifice it.displa.yof Neckwear, Gloves, Handkerchiefs,. Fancy Linen, Work Bags, Fancy Side and Back Combs, Belts, Silk or. Wool Scarf Ruching, Beauty .Pins, Rtbbons , Silk or "Wool Waistings, Silk and WoolShawls, Golf Jackets,Fur Scarfs and Stoles, ,Muffs, Stylish : Coats, Silks ' for Waists and Dresses,>Fine. Wool Dress Goods, Fancy P, �, Y Irlosiery, Fine Underwear, Bldnketts . White Quilts, Comforters., tats. The perfect freedom of the sore is yours, and you are invited' to come and inspect this: fine stock just as ofteeri as you wish,' though. it Will :x-' to your advantage to do your purchasing now, as,nothing is to, be gained by waitinl; ta;ntil the last few,days. Br ng.in yot>ir''Checks--Glass are is going quickly. ' 9 CLINTON.