HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-12-10, Page 7• . I? „ A•••• ember 10th 1008 Clinton No Oa MCTAQ04RT ' M. D. MoTAentAnt'r :41VieTaggart Bros. ea. -BANKERS -an •••••...,••••• A GlialhERAL :BANKING .13USI- NESS TRANSACTED. • NOTES eISCOUNTED. DRAFTS ISSUED INTEREST ALLOWED ON DE -- POSITS. SALE N9TES PURCH- ASED. W. BRirDONE, , ° BARRISTER, SOLICITOR • NOTARY, PUBLIC. ETC. OFFICE-aSloane Block --:CI 111145N. RIDOUT &0 ALE Conveyancers, raummessioners, Real Estate and Insurance Agency. Money to loan. aa C. B. HALE •- JOHN RIDolar 11k0.AAA DR. NINIAN W. WOODS - (M. R. C. S., fangland, L. R. C. P.. Ireland, C. P. I., L. M., Rotunda, Deanna nas PRYSICIAN AND pUrti44 .ON, BAYFIELD. Maim St. opposite Albion I -tote/ Office hours 8 to in a. m. and. 7 to 1 p. in. Night calls en of- fice. DRS•ns,n‘,,4•UNN 8c MeRAE. Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.S., • Edna- Office-Ontatio street, Clinton. Night calla at front door of office cr rest-. deuce, Rattenbury street. Di. T. T. McRae,. University of 'anent°. Office hours at hospital :- 1 to 8 p. m.; 7 to 9 p. m. DR. J. W: SHAW-- -0AICE- RATTENBURY ST. EAST, ' -CLINTON.- DR. C. W. THOMP8ON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 3pecial attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose hnd Throat_ -s-Office and Residence -- HURON ST. SOUTH. CLINTON S doors west of the Commercial hotel- - -DR. F. A. AXON.- Mosoteite in arrears The News-Raeord has not a regular collector and consequently there has kW), a nendency on the part of many of aux readers to allow their eubseriP- tien to fell inter arrears, s n „ The label on your • paper -shows the date to Whieh your payee le paid.We Would asa !you to read it cerefully and should you be one of theSe in arreaes, kindly let us heve your re- rnittanee Thesiegle,' dollar • may not eeen. Or much importance to yoti, hut to tise office where severe,' hundred of dollars are so locked up, it ie anmatter 'Qf consideratle moment. . • To thoee in arrears wo make thie ppeciel "gall, and trust to be favored with your subscriptien before the end of October. • •Address all communicationsnto J. Mitchell, News -Record Offine, Olin - ern ton, Ont. • (Successor to Dr. Holmes.) Specialist in Crown and Bridge work. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Heiler graduate of University of. Toronto Dental Department. Graduate of the Chicago' College of Dental' Surgery Chicago. Will be at the Commercial hotel Bayfield, every Monday from 10 a. ma to 5 p. m. AUCTIONEER -JAMES SMITH LI- censed Auctioneer for the County of Huren. All orders entrusted to- me will receive prompt attention. Will sell either by percentage or per sale. Residence on the Bayfield Road, orte mile south of Clinton. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE • TRADE MARES DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending sketch and description may gutokis ascertain our opinion free Whether an Invention ia probably patentable. 1Dornmunica. tionastrietlyconfidentlal. IIANDBoat on Patenta gent free. Oldest agency/or securing patents. Patente taken through Diunn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Sdtfilifie finterican.. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any scientific journal. 'l'orras for Canada, fs',3.75 a year, postage prepaid. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN &Co 38113-dwaY, New York B..ch oak°. 425 P St. Washington. D. 0. tV1344.10,01....[Lirirf11.1.1.....1.I.L.A.•10.111[91111•MAT 11 MONTHLY MAGAZINE. A FAMILY LIBRARY The Best In Current !largo .12 COIVIPLZTE NOVELS YCAOLY I" MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIIVIELY TOPICS 1 $2.60 PSR YEAR 2S. WM., A COPY e NO CONTINUED STORIESe cycee riuMDER LOMPLETelly ITSCLP ^kr- ,. :14.014 TRIS MEANS YOU-7Priniini press, cameras, watches, rhoy„ ing picture machine, rifles, tea sets; iooballs, sewing machines, clock% silverware gold bracelets flogs and 500beautiful premiums given seller for OLD 'SCRAP RUBBER. Send for catalogue. ATLAS RUBBER CO. P. O. Box 173 London, Ont. I LW AY GRANI1TRUtirresT E TO ,MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN, • • AND ALBERTA, e • .- . The attractive route is via Chicago and St. Paul, 'Slimmer.' polis or Duluth. CALIFORNIA, MEXICO. AND FLORn • A violent blizzard is reported over Lake Superior. Marine insurance on the lakes has been extended to December 12. Jesse Wilkinson pleaded guilty to.a series of forgeries ,at Winnipeg. Rev. B. P. Cbristia,heeri, editor of The German PoSt, died at Perribroke. Special Round Trip Tourist , Rates in effect to pxincipal Winter assorts ; for tell , infer- ,,mastion as to rates, route etc., • apply to • , F. R. Hodgens, Town Agent. A. 0. Pattison, Depot Agent. or address J. D. McDonald, D. P. A., Toronto. '• • The ificKillop Mutual File Insurance Campapg . --Farm and Isolated Town. Property- -Only Innured- • -OFFIOERS,a- • . J. B. McLean, President, Seafoxth 0. ; Thos. Fraser, Vice-Pre.sident BrucefieldiP. 0.; r. E. Heys, • . Sec.: Trea.surer, Seaferth I'. 0, -Directors- ' William Shesney; Seaforth ;. Joh Grieve, Winthrop ; George Delo; See forth; Jahn- Watt, Ilanlock ; John Bennewies, Brodha,gan James Evan Beechwood;• 'Tames . Connolly,' Holmesville. • - -AGENTS- Robert Smith, Hatlocia il. Seaforth ; James Cnneniegs Egmondville.; J. • W. Yeo. Holmes - vine. Parties desirous to- effecenheteurance or transact other 'Wetness. will , he promptly. attedded to oh applicatie to any of the above officers, addresiet to their respective - postofficese Leese inspected by • the director who lie nearest the scene. • 1 • A 4 THE ,GHosovir LOCHFiAlliN CASTLE BY MRS. C N. WILLIAIVISON Author of °The Princess Passc.si "The Lighining Conductor" Etc., Etc. , • Copyright, 190, by Tare. O. N. Williameon. tly4;tassffge, two tau, mac; ngures, 'n rtg- one behind the other; bet the old-fashioned lantern which, with its clinking chain, hung from the hand of the foremost mane did not send its rays up to their faces. Their features were hidden still, as it mask- ed by darkness,. - "We re lateni Trowbridge's voice n't been asleep." ; • said, iti a hushed tem; yet audible! to . "No, I am too unhaPPY to sleep, and which rarely uses an Amer- the One ieY embrace; of enift assailed htningy. e. sg those intently listening ears. "You Ob, Elspeth, I'm glad to see note. ican .story, seobnd, that "The bthe terrihte ontroke li lifountrilans eughtn't to Int•ve aOne so faroff when Ind you come because younelt 1 wants eeny steh;so lege ono of the " g 0 od :clouds of tee nlitur ;wean. this thing had 'to be none still, before ed you? You were a dear to send Ely r- after .stone MIA wall their oven letter to hini - beck; but after all it se/lenn" of 1907n ' This is ' a madly hauling et useless ettecee while a'AVIleve 'time still." answered an. was no use. I shall have le marry story of mystery and aclveriqzre tbeofil • 1 • I the • t 1 1 ther voice, strange to Elspoth save him." cets e awn. e to ;spans a I. COPYRIGHT 1907 aneesarsene again, tate coca was openeu, ewe elan ; To the worth of thi`s stdry there fitir, ou the snu--57-? day and date aid . .. ary ,stood silhouetted against the half light in the rooM withinher long, are two substantial tributes- hailing from the same port AS the Na - beautiful hair hanging loose over a first, that it was run as a.serial route, went out into the void, leer lug • he t by the Loncion Sphere, a pubti. no trace; of Newfoundland captains White dressihg gowa. . "You'' she exclaimed, at Big o ... who sailed"roaring' with drink Limier her friend's pale fane. • s . cation, noted for its diserimina‘ the arches of cathedral berets, 'only to 1"Yes. I," said Elepetn. You halre- tion in the- selection of serials be prisonedburled and embitImed 10 riew lines. The style•is as sluslalseal; of berulters and wattles. ee -Itut she, felt the hand oo her sbealder pen), "Death, and his own wicked. graphic, and tforecfaii ' as iiie• 1 till' .11 e b P8 • tat she had heard it here 1;eforei "Dearest, he is •• dying," said.' Elst a • -nes ' I. • start . teal for wain of enter' of wholuilt eess have freed you But -he wants "copy" of a skillful reportei, of '1 ' • '' • nearthquake eetvesettiti myeterititis enn . 7 A great suart Of pale brimaneebot up toward tile zenith Under It Whirl. :• "Where was it We. left her?" asked tO eee you now ;• and troll can t ranee, . •' eon irrinhorfecnf isaids event •: line'. 'nous. dralvien. Wrest:allay neatest nTrowbridge. "I-Iere, I think; "Why"- "Dymg l" • eehcied the girl. ' • • rot the herO unfeirds gradu, .wi;isifttint steam power won uuknown and the light' touched the Woollen "Yes, ril explain cm the way, if • Par • you'll come. Oh, do come, not only for his sane-, bra for, the sake of the man you love. I tbink-he knows who (laptain Oxfoi.d really is, and would ' carer prelented pelliaps, ,in fi.o- himself, aud (ir a .• hundred ether tell sem that,. end everythiog. in neu F.,. s . • • _ Clinton. NeVoris-4;•60orti: bands which Elspeth had thrown offs ania searida reveakci aa .cit sarts; stont hulks desertea ie _But hie sentence WaS never finished. , ms , rare •st: combination of whine_ . Panne although solute andehnewei ;es, The detective leaped out Of his hid- • • ' and of othere so swifter dranned dowe ing place ,and flashed the lantern in • hanOn and coni courage thnt teeu. was; no time for guy to t• e his eyes, • , • With a cry of rage and amazement ment Trowbridge stepped back and etunibled against the man, behind him, Then,, Wnat f011owed came so quickly ` that- Elspeth had scarcely time: to„uns pretend tbe meaning of what she saw. The unknown man sprang back as Trowbridge staggeredaway from: the light, but tbe full blaze of the netec- tive's • lantern was upon them both now, sparing only the' face of the, un- known, The arid" distinctly saw him pull a reedivet from his breast, and ainnit .at some Dee aniong their nuM- She .bild the impression that the shot as not fired at random, Merely.. ti injure a dangerous enemy 4rxd ter- rify the others, • but that it was meant to find and kill one -among them. So , • CLINTON• •ONT• Terms of subscription -$1 per year in advance $1.50, may 13e charged' in not so paid. No Taper. discontinued until all arrears are paid, unless at the opinioft ., of the publisher. The, date to Which every subscription is paid is denoted on the libel. • Advertising rates -Transient adver- tisements, cents per notipariel line for first inseetion 'and 3 cents per line for each subsequent insert ion. Sihall advertisemeets not • to exceed one inch, such: as ".Loeti". "Strayed," or "Stolen," •etc., 'in- serted once tor 35 'cents and • °ace subsequent insertion 10 cents, • , • • Communications intended, for publioa- ton musts as a guarantee of • good faith, be accontpanion tbe name . of the Writer. , • W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and '.PrOprietot, GRANI1, LIN lc TWA m. • -TIME TABLE - Trains Will urine aod depart from Clinton Station an follows : BUFFALO AND GODERICH • DIV. Going East . • • 715 a, lit ?.01' 5:15 p. m, 1147 a. m. 1.25 p. th, 6.40 p.ist, 11.28 p, m. 11 Going West ‘; ; ; • t It CC LONDON, .1ItJRON natran Going Sotali • 7.50 a. m, -11 CI 5 4,23 D. m. Going North ... 11.00 a. Tel, • 0.85 p. rn, ‘A Uniteci States Subscribers will please note that We have to pay one cent postage on each pap- er going to the Vatted .Statca. Thia ineatis that your shhaerip- tion Must be iiaid in adVance. Whett you see your subscription expiring pleast tomtit $1.60 for an- other year s at you will not Mine ft opine of The NeWstattes ettl, liaised him, because be loves you els tion. The narrative, whieli eon. strange, 'stirrmg and pitiful a-envie:a though he would tell no one else.' • suety as -nettle; un the 10evitable Dwell vey'S the im ression of realaY Wiqiout another word, HilarY step- P and incorrigible reamian of the °mut. Ped out to join Elspeth in the corn- not fiction,' is swift mid alluring , • • • . • ' : In a puttee Illily pdwards said limping.; , dor, • . . .. . , . holding the intere$t oj the :reader 1, with heritcs of Steal.. • • . - ' '"Well, there was the Lau11u2 ca in haste, Elspetli did give; bet as ., . , . . . -., e • .bridge had been shot ip a secret place Unary understood very little. of what. " bad passed. She new that TrOW-. ' cEA-PTE11; 1:. . . . :nshed Barnett imicklyes, hiskeyAnfi.(trngtiekt.,..1.11:0-Doisls•isd.id you happen. Co hit on her?" "Why . not sir? It . nnturally. trasne ' near Elspeth's old room; that Captain Et Isaptelent‘dftoerrnooronb• head,. she • was' last seen Oxford and Mr. Kenrith were .13oth . • line a banner over the Pacifica seniewheren about leis parheof the there; that Trowbridge was dying, and, . • aeross whose clePths elle trade. world, wann't shone After annereenen had. begged to see her ; that she :rust• . weld droned in measured cadence. On 'tient:won hdaeseed, 'Trout. something,' try to get him to tell het -all -his story 1 heard -ashore 1.• judge il-e've a conen •• before it shouldebeetoo late. ' the 'aceau's. wide expense a hulk wal- lowed sluggishly, the . fergotten, 'tdlict ,miesion to keep! a watch ont for her i "How he?" 'asked Elspath, - at ,, ' - •ae • -. •••• --• - --!.. - ,, the • door of the secret •passage. for ot a once male . n signuY sell). Pee .es well as to destine derelicts. , strong was this impression than with teetirith. hearing her voiee, hastened *enaltet about tee...Laughing Lass? ' a quick thought or the men. sheelev• to meet her there: "Oh; &inn say he ..sibly tile :spathe. of souse uetold ocean, h tregetly, site lne black and forbidding ..aseed.eleGuire, tee paymasteren New • • • nuch explanetrons 'as could. be giv- , , . • r LASS." when 'the two girlareachadathe tineen, • • • es.- • 11 ecl, she .tried to throw herself In front is. dead,. without epeaking?". ' . . of Kenrith• But the •Iight thrown uP "No, he. is not dead," said Kenrifh, ' by 11.ml-bridge's swaying lantern was "but' he can't hold out .long: I think not upon his fade.. It was. niacin. OAP- he's been Wet through the lungs; and thin Oxford's, and quickly .she retake- that .tee case is hopeless. . Every word' ed that the • coining Shot was meant he 'speaks gives him agony -but he With a shriek she.would have warm; • : for him.Wants to speak, Lady Hilary: He's - .• ' • - ' been saving himself for you. Go in; ed hint of his deadly danger, but he and .send :Oxford; who Is ' watching- was...satted in another way. - - • . him, herean ' • •• . Trowbridge. struggling to regain his . • n :moment later balance, had caught:. -his fent ' in the came. .The dawnlight was nricling its the young 'inan !el& of a loose -lying carpet, and fall- - way against the man behind him, not through the window. of the tow- ing aer . nom now, and putting out the only, destroyed las' nine, not received Stare. The three stood close together, else •bullet in.. his OWn' i3ody. • •• • talking inewbispere, their lanes wile • • S Then, for . the fraction of a - second, and weary in the gray dusk, • • • Elspeth caught:a glimpse of that oth- • "YOull have to go • and .find the .doc- er. face. • Disfigured though they were •tor. Oxford," said Kenrith "It Won't by fear and some other emotion more , tetrible ...still, she recognizedthe fea- tures. They were those of the myster- ious men she ,had seen twice before---. .once revealed by white•floods of moon- light in the .tower room; Agent, ,in a' corridor downstairs: as he had ,passed her.' •But evert ns the yevelation carne,. it ,was gone,. Thef ace wa•swithdrawn from the 'light erid turning . the man • :fled- ; • . : . ••.httee •him in ctied the de- de for us. to: lets:shim. without • ,one e though. I •knOw weir enough thin ' "Looas like e aeavy• sain Ives, ,....And be wee hist N'S' ale ratughings In the ordetni pracession woven Englatiactie who bad been.in the eerv• • ALIO' a wile to the east of the derelict': crew'a .heads spealting exeectancy. ice hut tt sliest then . e. • ' ,bovered a. shin's cutter, the turn :of her • "Good Lord, don't von nemeniber• the . „ • , initiating Lees enystery :tea the die.' far agent , beyond,. the Culten ,States neeeeeenee 01, bp, Seherneerlioimr • . _ crelsei. Welvettne:outlitanisher seveine. -Karl Augnstus Schermerhoit.• the and trim • slihottette.'agentst .the.,eoen mau • whose experiments to :Identify' zon. In -all the apreita of wave and telepathy, with the .Mercont witnleas . bky no • other thing wen 'elsilile. • For enyes nettle seen, a tui.Ore :in the Pa, • .this was one of the desert nerte of .the eesese . ['Elaine. 300 • miles neetb of the steam-. -Ole that Wannoilly bynrodusit or MOP •route from Yekoba tea .to..1.1opoltis his mind' rle- was an .oriespele Joanne: lu, 500 miles .from eearest Land. neaten' in every line of, pltysics . anti Gardner" is•land. 'and more 'Oran .700. 'chemistry, besides. most of. tbe northwest Of elle Dasteilategroup. :, • . sciences,nasaia Barneet. The governs . Ou the ertilseras• quarter aeek" the of meat Is particillarly Interested in 'hint fleers lined the istarboadd tail. Their . because . of his seentributionesto aerial. • interest was recused on the derelict. • pleaceiraphy.a • % no (lector. can do :my god, tn. eould, • one ot' the limier lientemons. Sanisese, reteer • . • . •- se • lead, run after hint at the. first noeters thn t Ile • wt ft acne almost N o bode'. known" vain Edwaiels. ‘1.1e Moment. Tthei.e'S the deed Woman. s a wash will: stand more hatineerilta left San Panicles.° two' rnarg 0,0' 01111 •atbove, tee -a -Murdered by Inea, eit his thee a• mudafort." . • . • hundred feet schetMei. with assIste . own confession. That secret Must be , • • aWesh -theeel. Jet! un- pet .satne •siks •ent. n big. braes annual athett and ti . tolcle !-MaGewan' aught, to know. Atrial you wake hire, nod tell hint he had Ineb shell.a. into her," saideBilly Ea-. raganniffin crew: A• newsimper. time . better co ? nay that the •mesteries ' wards, the., ensign, • a- wistful expresr -named Slade, who. dropped out of .the .• rn\ ,Which • hay been puzaling us • for 24 ...e.,i1hclit ItiTehtoins. (..liig„‘.viirollutratrillieinlitlee 6111(11 droner. ' . itis.-..0.)..iielcal.. zboutflityeatl.gico'useat:illieobtslutTo :is T slitill-: • tective, drilling. along the passegeehis houes can. b -- nein alited .behind these ...sr...Nothing': but. Wastent •••few hundred'. schooper wae lest elghted ociat 40 lantern held• hieh, • and. Cantata On- Walls ettinnae •tonaliss Deane, hie see- • enter' a' . • v \ ...,, • . ..; . . 'But look leer;, :Tnenrith, de.„.nou reill- ' plaeed alitiegea, ineitte and - .reemei of ,her that teen?. is.". •• . - • t "/'31:1' 'do ; My - .lietraY. naid .-Osnoi.d. ' • dol tars of y 011 - Uncle Sani's . money," .. miles. northettet. of. Oahu I is geed Shape ;lord, 'sprang •forsinrd to snateli bp, ten . - a . eithee . lantern, Whichshad. crashed. to 1 ; ohse 1'1; eo Center, the:hi-finer Of the deck.. • and • Ooned : wesew evil. . Tee t's alt . the Was tlin fellows Mit). fried to de for ' think niTininineors. wintah.• in tnere . '•'It lekes. out for: that kind of worls," .- . '• "Inas. diet Ralph.. is:laden! manta Bar- • .the fleets . Disreearding the danger el ' treachery, he bent over. Trowbridge.. ly ..: . e the 0 tern re i , . . . , Mif I ! i ?" . : .'-- • : "BILI:iteit iS tile mail. for bor thirea nett. '' . ' ,. ; s : s , : .. . who, ehot..in the bricicsabad f•alleo. • • IleftvilY finaterd oil .hiesrAlea.• • ' ..• -... • ere: tainie tan; he • w eting for seel tree "De's no. eeonenast .whenn, "Ye •D' ' • -as. n' free linten• Writer ' a Geed beavena, I beliene he'e kill- Seine olio elnen‘ ' ' ' •• ' ' ' , it .cinneis tingetting ensulte. There she • i i d• artist", • - ' • . • s • • • 4a r cried etym. young name. ."It'ee. "Who? Your arstee eatinds atrangen.; •0 . . ' ' •' I l'.. . i .? . . •. ..... . . 11. when yen hay Innt,.., .. s .. dstle!I .. - •. ; . : . ,. . I knew him men, .. sable nate-tett Trowbridge la . 4 . The men who would have !killed „ ..- NI Mout any paeticalar littste.. es It .'nle wits iu eur nun, ire the:InhiltePine von," shid Kentitha "Strange that his • The man 'Our detective.: leis' gone. ', • • . of ..0ented to •the . watchers,. the liens" was 'campaign ..ois the NC:rill Dakota War. last act should •have been to save your life." ' . • ' • • ' The'fallee inan stirred ana. geoeeed, '".1'n.i.done fora' he gatipecintrying to S turn upcili his eide, •and a thirs stream of blood emzirie from his lioe asnne spoke n nIrs-don't want, tO out seeing -enter.' 7 ti • find. • • • eat- 7 • ' sbeeldered oat ofe [bit ..wittet correspenclent then, It's stritegtathat ; Year -but Who„ie :that ',Man? ' . nT'.11 • keen'. rnY •seeret fill Loy mi., some'. bidden aevitteban. Its outlines 1 mover identifies" lion hefons wife the are, comes out to tia. again: Thep. see ' rue e tees. a .ae .ou s ea etings. lade of theeLartgateg •Lesna. ; •sliall see if she cloes not san the • Same nniat; anti, name •that mist ''leitpeci "What Wan the object of e the voys name which de ney Etinsendan' Up, sup. be towered, tossed :aeon! asked Ives• ,: "' • . go :and find the docter.• :It le tiine. whirling Oriels:a- hundred feet abianchn aThey. were seppeseil to. he ' ' ••• . , n • a :shivered and .dissolyea inns a wide. buried tretteurear sard •Barnett. ..• • • CI-IAPT,ER . . ,. .• „ . , - - • , • t -r • • •• .• , • - es - • • • • s r • ' OxIord.. Woultl have •• Moved hiik 'i s. . see end caesinict, Elie Se he below 1 t e al dr s t nought , it mote lil eir gently laying hint' nebn his back, but ,.!' ttspesh peen ',end .Ken 1. Were ts as, lasiten Ian any. in theanalse: of That -Dr.. Schermarnora • vvas on 'n eel. • Itiiis • . -- . Ttewbriclge greenedin anger, •as well. 'elope etegethee for the first • ettothent :width a ungettedantli •agcniy bent back • entiec expedition,a seine Ell wit rd -s. e1 "iie6ini,enecrie 11,1,..liad. .told ,, the git'l tbat • ne 'the troubred 's as of...tlie• tende• wind'. • ditene•the old boy. Mei he ,wasint ....the ,. . . . . as pent. \o -not I hate youna. he said. . "Let Kenrith." „ .. - a ' Oiiiy then- did the- inuiliea double -boom: ..sart to enee for treenten.. buried or •an, • There was .no need•for hien tO finish. i Only it feu eairanaway• on •theOtner - • • • . . . the man was aying, and • no. matter- .'side. of -fin ' '. door. which ' e sneret, .was •• ospfeteltiaetcyearsp,latisli...eTenn•tefehsthe ears of the • be,.'hie,d." • .• y to be i eilowed• •be • Es 'cry tline tt ship 'eets out from; • ... • how eilely he had sinned, lie meet be !hew 'wide open, • they. .eonid hear the eoten, s a -whiseerings, swift :skimming wavelet • San. Francisco without • ptibliseleg 'to- •forgieen now. Kertritli went down on one ;knee, and brushing up, the -loose' 'as he .talked' nrolienly, 'murmur of tbe, dying nnap's hattehtuhh, that .ewentsirresIstibly nerees the. big-% all the world Just what., her bush:tee§ s. ,carpets. made-, a kind of tough pillaw . Lady 1. Hilary -ncould '`nnr eat. But they surges andlaimednhe abans .side, Is all '• .the • World thinks ilt's "one cir . for Trovenridge's herid.. •• •• 'heat no weeds; and stfange as was tlie ' •ne .ror. it meant -toe that the. work was those wild gooke hunts'," etaervede Ives. "Is it Countess Redepoiskol. you. situatio,n,• fur e. few minutes theye' done; . !. •• •,--s . • • . • al "Yes," . agreed Barnett, "nova '• non wish to. see?" 'he. asked. • • ' e '' -• . ! gavel' a pateh of purple -6! deli red or ' be meet'. :more in '.tee otaiertnerhorn . -• "Noslie'e deed ; .I, , killed' her,' !it. concerted Sthernaelees.s. • . . s • . , forgot all its strangeness, except as • Rote and there In tbe see, a, glint .cif. •• fauna or• Some unit utrhe island woeld . • abovennhes lying. I-.--- did it .to-' gn line .of . traffic. .Not unlikely t hat some rt, glistenihg. apparnfon of black 'Show - world," ,said Kenirth 'TO. other ' a Bring her Someone,. quickly." . have doee, to -night:' You saved . Cain s ' the: eesfaisicin, •tee arna heed open sea. -Toro:mate profefisor," . • ' • . . Kenrith looked. op .• at • Elsneth. ,tainnOxfOrd's ' life by the risk of yo e fish. . of ihe' 6 warn') s Waters'. had sue- latriong theories were n a ye tined.' wine , n • a ,. . , . . ;own"---- • . • •-• • e . . ,- • • • ., auntnea to the force on eiasesimeas of draWn, lettere:1e defended, and the. die. "What' is to :be 'done?" he asked. "I ,will. fetch Lady •Hilary het e; I , f Tilt it was You I thought of. More, alio intended eienin there seas no sten '. Menke) til rriGII 1114.'111 UN.; Ill it'll the melts ' • s "• nswered tie • eirl f i confessed •Els etb. ' which had, sa "a 'eew fraenteets er Woed bobbing' • tWilight nuto the darkeees panted'. the dying 'man. • "tip there "You are the bravest girl .in the eoneeted the .ine- save' Hilary. It Hilary .1 Must 'see. could or Would,' hcive..• done what yeu • ed Where- eae• unintended vietims of of .ffie restive natives mom e, . "And the doctor," said Kenritn; ' •Trowbridge . heard, and lilted his hand with a commanding , •geete:•e. "Not now," said. 'Hilary fir the doctor 'afterward. 'But -what .1. ie? - know I'll die. •-And I don't watt to live, •I'ee-lest, everything I've •pl'ty- ed for. • For Heaven's sake, girLi bring Hilary to me. .4 You will -1: -I'll tell her things you would' all •give mucle . to knoW." • , .. "I'll go," repeated Elspeth. nThere's nothing to be afraid of • now." "The other man -whoever he was," steggested Oxford. •, 'He will have enough to do' to ess cape from the detective," said Xen- dna "Arid even if he does escape" -e -- "What then?" • • "It will do hiin no good,' -I saw his 'face,'?.Inenrith finished. • "And so did I," said Elspeth. ' . • They were the last words sha spoke in the Rectal passage, for Trowbridge s eyes, brilliant with, fever irt the dull glow of the lantern which was to have lighted him to another erime, implor- ed her not to delay. She went out tel she had COM, into the tower a0001 and so downstairs, reaching the great hall in time to hear the ta clock % strilte the half hour after fo r, and to gee the clawri turning to Jew, Is the eolored panes in the big stained lase window. "The Countess dead!" she kept \ally- ing over and over to biefself; o.s Ine. chanically she went on toward the stairs which. would lead her to Hilary Vane's room, "It was her. face I touched -that cold, cold faco lying there in the secret room; her hair that was so wavy and Soft. And -and if I hadn't begged him to save Lady Hilary from her at any cost, she would be alivO now. Hew terrible - hoW wicked he is; and yet -how he loves Hilary 1 It was for,,•her-he said it was for her." SO Elspeth came to a closed door whieb she knew, tia tapped one% etto. Dator4 ahit ban time to knock an o e . '"Perhaps I shouldn't heve had so much &waned if / had known that, !whatever happened, you were safe arid lout of teach of the fire." a , "I think yen Would,Itave jest the, ;sante dearage,". said Inenrith,,"beeause it as- in you. I had not known• you - i.. befoo I recognized 3usur strength 1 Ina 'twirl of -water. ' . ; , , ...a, . •When Barnette theserdeance officer In charge olthe•destrectione inbreed . to the ship Carter conipliniented him. • "Geed clean job; Beruette She Was a tough customer teo.a "What was slier „apand awes. .. 'of Character, your brave self-reliance, "Me :Caidine... Lemp, :three masted :and neblee loyalty, which alone Would ' sichooner, Any oneasnow'about• lier?'.' ,be erough to place you on 'a pedestal' Ives. turned to the selina surgeon, ;far, above anyother :woman I' have Treedon, a' grizzled and brief spoken I ever,,known. And then your - sweet-ceteren Who had et lila .fitigers' tips i ness"--- , ., •- - • • • to ali the lore ()roan the water e under the : "Ah, you are tole good to • me , • ,.• ,broke, in the • gitia "I am , nothing; reign of tbe moons, • . . , . !really; I'm not worthy el nee, I. "What does the infernaetion bateau . never dreamed that ' you could even • of -the seven sons .know about it?" !think of me, exeept in kitidnesa, and . ' "Lost three years age-esprit-4;pr 1001 ' as if from far off." •• •-got into tee field oft the tip of the i "I have thought of very little else Aleutians.: • Some of the crew .froxe. for, e long time now, said Keurith. Others got .ashore. Part of aurvi•vors "13nt I tvas Itfraid that I was too old • for you -that you couldn't are fonme '05 a woman should be able to care for a man if she" - "Why, there's no other met in the world," Elspeth etried, He took her in his armee •ancl as she stood with her head on his breast,. hearing the beating of his heart, she was more than paid, for all her suf- fering of the peat few days would have paid for years of suffering far more cruel than she had known itt. those dark .days. „1.1 thought you were in lovo with --4-she began at last; then, stopped, feeling she had no right to say to him what had been on her lips to ' say. But he answered frankly. 1 "With •Ladyttirnbart? No, dearest, t was never in love with her. I've never been truly in love with any wo- man until you Came into my life, to show Me what' I had uneonsciously been waiting to find through all these Veers. I didn't love Lady Lambart,' • but 1 adenired her, was even some- ; whet attracted by her,•eepeeially when .•-•••1. (TO BE, CONTINUED.) accounted fen .0thet•s not. • Say • they've' turned • native: bona anew myselfa' • , "The AleutiansaneXelalitettnntilly Ed- wards.. "Greet eats! What a drift! ' Hew many tbainetnd miles 55;0114.1 that be?" "Not as rer tis inanv mealier dneellet has Wandered be her tie, saki Barnett • The talk -washed back and .forth itemise, the indite of classic sett rays- •:•teries, new and old; of the City of Boston, which went down witth all hands, leavidg for reeorti only a mel- ancholy scrawl on a bit of iniard to meet the wondering • eyes •of a fisher- man on the far Cornish coast; of the Great Queensland, whleh set out' with 569 souls. aboard, hound by a route unknewn en a tragiC • end; of the Ina- , ronic, With her Silent and empty life - boon; alone left, drifting about the open sea, to hint at the story of her fate; of the Huronlan, whieh ton years been. hastened . by •-,a hien sneendleg nativity ..of atone -canals. . Sbroptly foam ',the .erose'e nest c,atne startling newe for those' aesolate seas; "Light,' len Two •potats °petite port bawl" aThe ineketitahad given eetra teice to lel . It .*as -.plainly heard' titintighout the ship, • • !• • . . The greet) Of officers stevea in the dii.ection indiestted,• but eould sloe nOth- ine • Prevent -1y. Ives Edwarde.. wan were • the .keeneet :sighted. made A u shaft 01 ?jute br.fitIanec ant VI ed a maelstrom of ..varied radiance, pale with distance: but inarvelousiy ° beautiful. Forsythe passed them With troubled fo6e !di 'way -below -to-. report, as hie t up, "T-lie.quarterneinter repoi•ts the. a...em- pties liehaving queenly." be said, •Vhree minutes later the captain was on tile Wedge, The great sbip had swung, Rua ,they were speeding direct • for tee phenomenon. But within reiv minutes the Light had clied out. " %nailer seit mvstery to add to our lirt:". said Billy Edwards, "Did any, ever see a showa like that before? Witet da 3* think, Doer' • . emu reit , tbe •• veteran N.•W me, V el m a y be." • • • • • •• • CH A PT Elt II, • nE•talling of June*•the • 3d..lottati• tired eyes tiboatel -the ,. • verilte: • lev-ttey. officer in,. 1101. complement,. Kepi eirescae and •personai ..ieolcout all day • for some enplananoe the ptevions n• night's sauttioinetiona All tbat reward- . • .,' • ed thew weresii sky- fleece:Leath tofty . elouas lied tee hoielny panicle 'Of the. epauletted waves, , s' • - • .'Notedid evening being A...repetition of tnat -.strange gleW, . Midnight found' , the late sta3ets still pep. le the. • • • OeuSstOO ne thingns certain," said Ives; "it' -.wasn't voleanic." • ; • "% hs son! asked the paynineter. • "Because volcanos are ' Mostly. staa tionery, and' '1'S • headed dile- Or that - light." - • . • • • .'• - • • ,. ',nes, but slid , we aeep headed?" said . Baitett wbo• Was nit riga-tine offieen as Well its- oraitence• .officea • in a queer. "Want do you .theana air?" asked Ecn , *Wands eagerly. , • .4 • eA.fter the light disaispeated•the cop- : • PaSsItept on eateinge •The stars were hidden. There is nonellitonjust where . • we. were beetled Olsson -re . • • . "Then -.we might be fifty .miles • trees . • ,. • the •alsert we samed nt." • • Hardly ,that 'neat •tbe .enylgracir.• . alne conk"' guide. her; to some eNteaf the. diret tion el'. wind and ,'matee.. If. it was :velesmie .we Otight certainly ' • • • 's to nave- sighted it by 'nonsan " • "AlWays .pome•electrieity. inntioaranic' eruptions.," said Trenden, n'alakes cote- . pase.ent didoes, 'Seen: it Isefere.". .‘ • neybeee?" queried Carter. , . • • a ••• aiant rMartieimiesa-leplee 'ermine:tee s Needle •chasen. its tall line•,a kittena... • : "kre • thete- maey voleanden nboutar 'somebody aeked. • • • . anneare 162..west,..31 north, about". said Barnett . telling- whether therente !on not Thete weree'nat• litet accennts, • but .that's tie evidenee that • ..there aren't •some- etnee. They „Come' '• .up„in teanigla..these tole:tele, islatulea•'•., • , "just eastain eye.an'the chartsa' said. illity .Edevarde.. . D.'s' and • ... • . Dae onet the.shon, • Evora, ane of 'etre-volcanic." • e. . • * at. D's ' and 17'. p.'s?" the-, • 'paymaster. • :, • • ..• • • • ' • 0Existeece doubtful and sposition dmibt ails" explained the anSinn.. '"Evs -ern-nine!, the skipper oti one. of these erit;.4:1 giest1sal:114.spexeth , , • be doe:, iii.t6 cuts •al arithmetic lank. for an latitude s • • 101 lougirtian and lets it, go, at deist • " eel's onw tbe chart Makeen • .• • • " . • • . . living.. getting out new editions eve' . few monthan .'But it's' as'inct that these•iseris are : constanely• 'ceanningan said'. Barnett.: "They're .so little traveled. tliat no • • • • - one. hanpees . to be . 'around to See' an . • Ssland bore. 1 'aeon suppose there's A part 'Oil the tertlf StIffaCe more .11able e e • to. seisaileedisturliances than; this re., • glom" . • . ' • "seismiery 'cried. Billy • Eawardsa •"1 • ' sheets' silty it wee seismic!! Whn. when a native sof one of these islantl groups ,sets•• fits .heart en a Lenticular :loaf Of . . ". tor, entire earthqua ke to • happeb • alemg ' "Good boy, BIllyl.". said Dr. Trendtin . mid :Make it down t.;bioetthil:inut:.;:;'.git .bother eo clinib after 'it. aest .walte• , ba:pt.01att.(01,::1,1;plgth,layies.t. brendirult tree he aoesn't, In. "Winn ...a""riscn:ltditipie of •years bade there -„was a trader here stocked Tap with e lot of belly mixture Inbottles. Thought he was going to srenke his - pile because thereal beeti a nolic epi- • demic in the ISInficis the sensonbefore. Bottles Were. labeled !Do not shake.' That settled' thee business,' Migbt .. Well hat'e marked 'em 'Keep 'frozen': In this part or the world. FelloW, Went 'broke." • „• . "In any case," said nernett••"such et • 'glow as tbat we sighted last ••Inight-. -I've never seen frotn any volcano." "Nor Innsaid Trenden, "Don't prate It mightn't have been." just bet the best dinner in San Prancisco that it isn't,"'• said Edwarde. -"You're on," said Carter. • "Let me in," suggested Ives. "And take Ono of it." Said MO- Gu,,ciroeta. one,,,eome' nit," said Edwarda cheerily. 'high the ool- lective bad judgritent of this othiltn "Tonight isn't likely to settle it any. how," said Ives. "I move we turn It° coNTINtigtt) out a faint, suffused radhane At the same time came It aecondbail frOus the crow's nest. • "On (leek, sir." "Ltello,n responded Carter,. the offi- cer of the deck. • "Theee's -a light here I cait't melte anytbirg out of, sir." " "What's it like?" • •• "Sort of a ;Meer general gib "General glow, inaceal" muttered Forsythe, among the group aft, • "'That fellow's got tut Imagination." . "Can't you describe it bettor than that?" called Carter. "Dointenake It out at ad, sir. 'Tain't any' teenier and proper Itgijt. Looks like A letup in a fog.",' , Among thethselnes the officers dis- cussed It Interestedly its it began to grow plainer, 4.. "Not unlike the eiectrie, glow above a city seen from a distance," said nettoe It grew plainer. "Yen but the nearest electric lighted city is some- 800 miles Away." objected Ives. atlirageemehe," suggested Ed- wards. 'Pretty hard working mirage to eov• er that distanee" Bind Eves. "Though I've Seen 'em"-.-.• "Great heavens! Look at that!" shouted Edwards. 0%. •• •