HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-12-10, Page 5D e e'rrtbe.. 1.0t11,, 1908 r A :FROG J SSIV1 SCHOOL. Tile Central I3usitiras CollCgoof 1'ICARTER. -- Il1I%VITTIj-At ilEver- lhe,meznbers of iglu Y. M. C. A. f5tratford has proven itself to be the green Hall", the reisiarnce of the have rented Milne's- hall and have, op - S 'ea,t practical training school of ; bride's parrots, •on I)ec. filth, by cher up an evening• for the , "boys" Western Ontario. They havo three the Rev. Ii xi . Currie, Alice ,A.,, every week and Wednesday being the and Telegraphy, and the courses given oldest daughter of Mr, and 151rs, only night clear ot other gatherings, are thorough and Lracti:al. `pl,eir,i I#<iisha McVitti , to J. Stanley that will be their night. The assooia� graduates aro in demand. The inane 1 Carter, all of IIuliet't. tion started with a good ttiefnb > lip' farrix►ges " 4 Blyth agement are extensive advertisers departments• -•••Commercial, Shorthand being firm believers in he nip of printers' ink. See their card on page 2 of this issue. WANTED.- KITCHEN GIRT, AT the. Rattenbury House+. -Jae Batten- 'Irbury. LO W AiVTED $TAPLETOi�t. SALT WORKS .1. B. Hoover Nelson Bali Cosy Comfort Can be experienced in any home which, we are privileged to furnish. Attractive little ail ides of Furn'- ture, artistirnlly arranged, lend aa. charming appentance to an other- wise dual and monotonous l'RYC E--- CLARKE-- At the resin- which is still ihcreti'ising• Count; Nice o£ the. bride', paraiats, an Wieretary Fleming. spent a night last Dee. nth, by Rev. "nixie, week with the bop.. Charlotte, daughter of Mr. and On Monday the t%. P.- R. passenger _ Mrs. George Clarke of Elude t, to train did not arrive until, 2.30 p. m.., John JryCe of McKilIop. 11.47, a. m. being th right. time. If .NNING-MORRISON - At Edition- it is so late noW with snowy wlt,'n.will • ton, Alberta, ori Nov. 25th, Liz.. it cozno in later. ; �. Y 9th On. The 'guests to the number of •. pie, daughter of :11r, James More, The members of the W. (.. T. U, ane hen ed and 'tw"uty were received' rison of Itullett township, to held an open .meetings.on.Monday ev- by the br e's mother,' ti.ttlred in ening in the Method Church to black silk trimmed' with white satin which all ...the ladies of the village' and lace Promptly at 4.30 to the B1iOWN Vl?I1'IT 'ilaLD-:tt the rent were invited:r A":very enjoyable time strains of Menders,solrn's Veaut+iful,w,ed- dencc of the bride's parents; , on is reported Thel;progratn of the cv- ding march, played by miss Maude December 2nd. ' by, lieu. John igen- 'ening cort�zsted got; an address from Ferguson of Walton, cous'in of the derson, Angus D. Brown to Ame- the I?'resideiit, Mrs,' Canter, and read bride, the. couple took their places ria Lr, daughter of 91r. T; E. Whit- lugs, recitations, solos, duetts- • .and 'loader a large evergreen arch dei'•orat- field, all. a£ 'Grey. township. quartettes were given. Some new cd 'With white carnations and a Eger•' 4 members were added to the, society, al' bell, the bride being. attended'' by HQLLAND-COL'1"S --A the Manse, Xf the ladies can .keep up the interest four little ribbon -bearers, her .sister Kgmondville, on Dec, 2nd, -by Rev:. they, have aroused local optil)n • will Ruby and her cotia;ins, Ploy 'Cole, • Ella they,. have SliatV, 1VTood1 Holland, to duty carry a, year hence.. 'Jessie McVittle. and Edith ' Moon, all Coutts, both of Mclillop. _ t 7 STRAS•SER--Mei!'IA•NN-At the Met- Mt' Adam McKenzie has opened out, dressed in white silk, 'Rev, H. E. ropelitan Parsonage, Toronto on a store for. the sale .ot harness •next. Currie of Londcsboro , tied the nup Nav�ember 17th, by the Rev,. ' Dr, door north of Mr. Dempsy's popular' tial knot. The bride looked charming Cleaver George L. Strasser Ac- grocery store, '•• �in white point d esprit, over 'hits ton,' ern of org, Vlr, trassse ,Sea- Mr Al'chijbs ld 'Tayioat was. cortfiiat�'cia silk,; with ` lace and satin• trinnuings to- Aloysius, daughter of the to his room a few days last week and wore a bridal veil and orange - forth, with what is known as' shingles• blossoms, and carried a beautiful hat 0n'e:of.our village boys in the per- quer. • of white roses, lilies Of tri? son of AAitie Sims reports -he is ,valley `and tern. After the ceremony,' about :to leave Blyth. Success, Artie, the assembled gue,ts'sat down to an wherever you go, elaborate and nicely served " dinner. on Dec. 4th, to Mr. , and Mrs.. The membert of L, o, L, No,. 9i 8, -_The. dining room., was decorated with Albert Nott, formerly of. Clinton, Blyth,-. held their annual. meeting oa ho11y,,_-.and bunting, Alterwaralis, the a son. Monday • . evening with ; a fair atter- evening was spent , iii nius;v, Singing CLARK -I Toronto on Dec.. 5th, to dance, It thein • the last: meetin • of and other recreations, 'Phe brid was la 5i, g S. .. P year, • were appoint. the recipient. ^. of . a large, nunlbe of Mr, and:111rs. J. T. Clark of 'Sat- the ear two-. auditors. a urday Night, ,a•son. cd in etre persons of Rtev:';Cooper and handsome presents, among them•,being HAWKINS-In. Clinton, on • December Albert FI.• At'ilford• to examine all a piano, the gift , of her .Barents, The i 4th, to Mr. and Mrs, Thomas books and vouclten; of the lodge. ,A.f- groom's, gift to Alio bride Was a • gold a daughter• ter their report ' was received and bracelet, to the pianist a gold pin -and ' WILSON --In Exeter on Nov. 25th, other • business trail: meted,. the . Mas:: to :• the rij,hipn-bearers. each a.. gold to Mr. and: Mrs. W . J. Wilson, a ter called Brother .MeCommins to the brooch, - daughter, chair wiio declared 'the lodge• open for :TIM! happy 'couple ''after. a. wedding. g SP,ARLING-In Scafort;•h, on Noi•eni- nominations• tor"tri e, several. olTice°;. tour: to•Toronto, Nbrili Bay„ and others' ber 26th to Mr. and Mrs, L. A. • with the following .as • tlic result of, el- • points `' avill reside on the `9th eon, e � g p , followed by the. heartiest stood wishes of a large .cirele of friends.' Peych-Clarke The home'of Mr. Geo• Clarke, az e ;iicar. 1 t;l},^ :,. village of Constance was.•the §certe off a pretty wedditi .Dec. 911i wedding, , SARAktAS-In Hay, Goshen Line, on 1)i of C., Jas. Gibson l:wlten his youngest daughter; Chariot - Dec• 2nd to Mr. sed Mrs, .• S: ! 1.ect',rer,I; David Canter, W. Cooinbs• te, was ,United tu.marriage to; Mr.: r iog Pr 'oe a . •v an zos exo is young' �•' t Harvey e Robinsonabi sot t our r'- t. 1st Con �.IIa R n t 3 fa m d• a lite ,• p p ••r•s a a y >; Sala a Y g n Nov. • 2 d Com. John It Ilford E-IAYTP�R-In McGillivray o n , 29th, to -Mr; and MTS.: Charles 3rd Copt„ John. Maims Hayter, a. daughter.' . - { • �ith.Com., Fred 1Iagsti;;' . Clinton News -Renoir, i TWO MARY WEvohi TROUBLED WITH STOMACH FOR i.N IIULLETT TQWNSH1P1 • Carter-,1Wellittio. "Evergreen Mall," the spacioas re* silence of Mr. and; Mrs. Flisha Me- Vittie of the lith con, was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Dec. ,9th, Om principals being Miss ;slice A., their eldeut ,daughter and J. .Stanley Carter a popular young farmer of lie Charkn A. Aiming of Mewassin, Alberta. late John MeMann, . Se�a,for,lt. ' Births. N'OTT. _ At Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Snarling, a daughter.;,- °cetion :.• - BEDARD-At Zurich on Nov:.i29.th,. Master, Richard McCoinmins • to Mr. and Mrs. 1) nnlS Bedard, a Deputy; Charles Stewart' • son, Cltaplaiiit, •Rev, 'Mr. Cooper . RADER-On the Goshen Line,. lily on Secretary,. Andrew Anderson. • Dec. 1st., to Mr• and Mrs. • M. ; lin•-Secretary; 'Jo s. P.:Tanian • . . 'Rader, a son. '1reastircr, 7 TI. Me Elroy • er. of 1VfcKillop . township:, A large number of frienria and relatives of the. contracting parties were present to 5th Corn., William Gibson witness. the event. •• At 7 o'clock,. to. a _, the strains :of the .}."stn 'lful Deaths � . The -lodge': assed •a•.n coon f. .tt. weadd'in } g . p .o . ur .g Elyn � march playedClarke, by '.'C?ass 1; n k h. rf. 1^ ministers theE., r c 'sh c the, ni s e of Pr l�. ni rso p .ay Y .a r -f RUTLEDGE-In Clinton' en h3sc: '9th, *. is •' ,1e, brill Edward testant<. churches in: {Ito' village .with. a' rte c• of, 'the, e, the`yriung couple. Edtva�rd T, Rut1eclg aged tit ca v `of the•Oran ge Sen'tlnel.. for : a took their Blares :• under a large.arch years and 6. months, '• p g veli y,-. _^,_ • : oi,.:e.t;eta;reens beau, fart, deyoratcd; STINSON-In Stanley:::. on Deo. Stir, f'tv3 de Rev. 'H. E. Currie:iof Londes- Andrew Stinson,.: aged 30 years; COATS In ('resume ' Ohio on Dec .• . born, tied • the '_:iiuptiatl ••I not.: The ti bride :was su i for .d Miss' .r . .1 C tied, , by 5 •Annie 6th, • Sarali , � ogler, : relict.._sf the -, 'tPryce, •neice;;of the: groom, while ••the late 'William Coats • Sr;• of C°•1ireton . Thi fo118 `ter f rit .the ,T 1OkSon gloom ryas' assisted by : :',Nit., Percy_ egad --7t ,eats. (1)1icli i••Patroit v' 1 be r •id with. in, ,Tay:lor, . nephew of• the bride,.: ?The HARRISON-At• `;gratia. on December ,. 2nd;; Mrs, Kate I 'arrison, you�igest :teres',, here; 'the -bride ` being, a, g rand -1 bride was beautifully • attired ••and eau lit..r of Mrs. I•., Black; , Elgin looked charming After . an excellent daughter of the=.,late• Captain -Din ',a4 enuei, . "�> pretty home' wedding,•; dinner the evening was• spent an riitiSin• coy, ofGodeiiclii•' - was'sole�rnniiecl. .v:estei'daiyafternoon 'i.and• social genies. The .beautiful- ar- S1VI1'1'H-In Czodericil, on � t,v ember 11 the residence of Mr. %i.itd Mrs... A. ;ray ofcostly presents testified: to he •26th, lirabet11, ,...Smith, n'idi,w ' 01 ` Black the- contracting parties be- I ver high esteem in which the oun •the • late William Smith,' aged 83 ' g pi Y g Y , g nig, their daughter,' Miss Ethel Blah- couple were helot by a large circle of atonous apnea- ' years. che, and De. John C. Stiifth. Rev, 1frieinds After a short visit tali re. P:1C>P-In Gpderich, on.Noi:ni)er' ' Robert t` Van Kirk officiated, .using iattves, Arr. atid'11'Irs. Prycc Will: re - Mrs. Joseph 1'ag , i;eat 81 years.' tt i vice, tlic� 1 el tti}•es of tile side on his farm near 1,caclbury: Tile, II:ARR.ISON -In 'Sarnia, an D,ccmber ,' `e 2nd; 14Irs, Kate Harrison cnee.•Dian it ai,mt acs titneS ,ing ilii. 'impri.ss- l•peoi le of this .place wish them many ecy �l . • iii Vi`einony • The hi;d v, as daintily f pros,ezous axil l 11 L Py years. attired a white b atisIte. etlili to gown• 1 1 _ ?C"'E•T N=1n Grey on Dee. 2n 1' .... Robert Mc1au bleu •an lt�s • 'lath enc Kis mai '• nc • a Though low In - �` g fii.nds,:'li) whom, avell as r latuvrs, a ,C4 001): SCIIOC)L, nient. All our Furniture is of the highest grade MCNAC = o • 1 i ttr 1 d Both has'', mangy year. the „were -made the t:cipients of many . Y n•' It 'er._. � •c • price. •SAVAGE --In Grey, on N'OY inbei ,7 Itanilsottie gifts. Cin sts w Iz se y arilced among the. best Cgmmeloial Sarah Jane 'duce, rel'i yesterday from 7 oledo , Detroit, I)e'.t- Schools of tfte Province; is. 'the �.,.� late 'John Savage,:. aged fill.. sears t. Anis Arbor K'alatiiazou': C'liarlotii , I C'linttAii, Business College'. • .Tin> ntt�s: c ..'.cess of. its raduates has!not beers.e'c and', 8 mo VlarsltaiT Genesee N. ;: and. I h.lad, g • See our solid oak Cobbler rug Auvrc'r>�tiyc)-�I,i hitt h on \� s,- 2.7 • delpliia.. Seueral happy events ..piteced-• Defied the new• adver'tissment of .�. r We are sole agents for the famous 'Her= 'cules Springs and Os- termoor Mattresses.axscp - - -- T ars. •• . s to he found ec. t e MITCHELL -At Y nrkton, Sas'c,; '. on : on . page two.' ••We, understand ttiat Nov. 27th„ James 'bI ^tc-hell, farmer- - !young people 'who are laboring under ly of Grey township, i JUS Rockers at '2.00 James Atms,ron ,aged 1a0 years. C'tle �t' titling this excellent school l ' a a,, , -, . NEW ; * - false impressions . that the can • do t h n} s 8 i • J C; ROCKtt,�LI.S SLiy'vi y year, - `,0r 1II• co.,better in a city school, will:be given 117cKAY-At Olrotcil+s, Sas'{;, tin Nov. 1 ' 1 free transportation to the great: Eft 19th, Mary Belle .lire;(t , beloved J i