HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-12-10, Page 4Year Each '� ..,.,..._•., we're ;Selling
• more China for gifts and
Christmas presents; be-
cause it is hard to find any-
thing more suitable than
at moderate expense. The range of
novelties we have this year is. one of
the features of the C h istm;as. trade
and something that deserves special
Dinner Sets Salad -Bowls--
TeaSets FancyPlates_. -
T .
Limoges China Japanese China
Rich Cut Glass .Novelties
rwliottook riewi. teeurla
Oode�' h, Township fi• Rayfield Lon,des�ixolro o
Miss. Abbie Greene, daughb:r of The bundles of N:ews�•R?eorde forefieees 'tris:man and ;C''hielley visited
M. John B. Greene, died on Tuesday Bayfield and Sarna left! Clinton stag at i%iv. R. Adams' over Sunday.
night, aged 18 years .and last night tion at the usual time last week but Mr. R. Young has rented the house
•,Weditestlayl M. ' Greene passed' away were i.'c hayed foe, a clay' some place on
aged v0 years. the way.
f '1'he meeting of the A. Y. 1'. A, in A number of the young people from
connection with it. James church the village attended the fowl supper
il was- • held In the basement of the. at Nana on Monday evening and re -
church on Friday evening last. There Port a good time,
was a largo attendance of 'members:The December meeting of the \Vont-
and friends preemt. The Rev. W. 11. en's Ilitt:.tute will he field on Wed-
Dunbartupenett the meeting in •the nesday aft .noon next at the home of are visiting her parents , here this
usual _way, after which Mr. Fred. Mrs. J. Spaeliman. Thi::* subject will week.
Middleton, president, explained to be, ,"Home made Christmas candies," • Mrs, T. $antpsoe, who •has. been vis -
the ,
the u dience that the meeting, was to incl instead cif having papers on the iting her sister; Mr's,' J. Spindler of
I,uolcnow the past two weeks, return-
Mr, A, Braithwaite, who is visiting
Ms parents here, is under the weather
at present,
Miss McQuarrie, . Who has been as-
sisting Mrs. R. Adult's : in her milthi.-
cry depar•tinent, returned to her home
lit Brussels last week,
\ Mr. W, B. Crisp and wife of London
paid a flying 'visit to. • Mrs. 0. W,
Holmes last week, , ;
Miss Elsie Lear visited at .Mr. Jas.
Nott's a few days. last week, •
Miss 'Rowe was' called to her Poole
on account of illness in the family,
Miss Rowe made many friends: during
her short stay here,
Messes, Centelon and Wallis •made ;a
shipment of hogs this week, The
price was $5.75.X
Mr. Hutton shkpped two oarloads,of
grain• this week,' •
Mr, and Mrs: ' C. W. ITolmes' are
packing their Household effects and
i. eau in a
preparing g to 1 few clays for
Ottawa where Mr... Holmes has ac-
cepted a position..as principal,of the
High school. They. have the best
}visiles of the cerem tnity. for success
and happiness
intHeir '
t A ie home.
Mair, who leas 'heed learning
thu operating and railroad work; at'
eacltng Mbis Jahns haps a half down more' people. earth' the •station':here •haS be'n moved to
1 P
ToyDepartment 2iid Floor'
p . h
This department
ready for your inspeo-
tion, anal well stocked
with the newest .toys.
Santa Claus is expect
ti�rig letters from.all
the boys and •girls,
250 have already ar-
If in doubt whynot tryhooks for Christnins this year ?
Everybody enjoy,.• bunks, and they make a laistiit:g reuieenbrance,'
as well as proving of interest to the reader. All the new: hooks
are here, or will be secured on short notice.
. .,'G :4: .._4t, ,!:=.vr.r2tt„s+:. , au+:c w'1:.t.t7;t' ;:n a. 55•'
Gooper's BoUk.SI1mE,
owned by Mt `rhos Shaddick and- lat-
ely: vacated by Mr. R. Smith - and will
move into it this week. , •
Mi:s 0, Moon visited friends at
Clinton On Thursday and Friday of
last areola. .
rIrs, 0. Floudy and son of Divth
take the form of at. contest,, the A. Y•, sub°rect, tacit member is "i:epeoted. to
_ . ,v ,
t been t'` ti
n > divided bring d b i
t 1 in recipe � e to Cavo g •ecipe for°her best candy,al-
equal sides, each • side, hav'ing pro- so a santpl'e, of the same. At this
vided an excellent program. C'onstd- meeting, Mrs. 1): ,1\TeNauglttan offers a
ering this, be 'the speaker). slid not. prize for the most useful and well_
wish to occupy their time and called made, Christmas 'gilt, in the line : of
upon the incumbent to• take the chair, something to wear. Mrs. 'Darrell also
The Rev, W. H. Dunbar thanked, the offers a prize for the best and neatest
president_,,.iox,.the honorable position.
he had been called upon to occupy and
preceeded at once with the program.
7.'iie first part• under the leadership of
1V7iss 1•-inma Burnett :. - -. •
Pianoforte duet, Misses Eiitma Bur-
nett and Daisy Middleton.
Reading, Rev. W H, I>.'tnhar, iii-.
titled trouble in "Ankh Cgrner:"
Motion ,song, three girls, •
Song, Mr., F. Middleton,
Reading, Mr.. Fred, Middleton en-
titled "The taking of the Roya1
Bumper Degree.
Pianoforte .. solo, Miss Daisy Mid-
dleton, . '•
Dialogue, "Married by the new -Jus
'tire of Peace" magnificently rendered
by Miss Aphrew Steep, Messrs. J
Middleton and Fred. Middleton..
Whistling Chorus, 'Messrs, John Mid-
dleton, Johnson. and Fred. Middleton•. The fowl supper on Monday' evening
The, second part under the leader- was even "greater' than has :been."
hip of Mr. Robt. Dunbar. The whole-eounttryside wA-.represent-
Selections on the phonograph, kind- ed as (yell' as: Clinton, Bayfield,
ly lent b • Mr. W. 'ViS, ,
y ic:li, iirucet'ield. and (. his:eAntrst, . Per -
R' , ,
Recitation 'iy. Mr:'Roht. Duebai, have been crowded into the town hall CIinton. •
entitled ''The face on 'the .floor: ' where the program was giveu but not Mrs, •' Bruce : is''ixy 1m and ver.
Doll .Show, cleverly got uP by Miss any more. The. receilits mounted L0 tittle "hope is held out for her recon
Hattie Middleton and introduced by the handsome stint of $120, '.The r -e -
Mr.., W. Middleton, the accompanist frmmenis :were such as the ladictiof
lt?nuning. •
The township board of health meets
on Thursday afternoon of this ' week
and the condi' on Tuesday next at
ten a. tn, ' Those having accounts
should: be on har..d early as there ,is. a
lot of business to transact.
Mrs. Willey is growing weaker, ..iter
many' fliends regret very ntiich to
The Methodist, .church was' crowded
at both services last Sunday and the
largo congregations listened with ` ple-
asure and. .profit to the 'ebb discour-
ses af'the
of Spa -
forth. . The choir of the cherch furii
ished the music alid excelled itself,
being Miss Eva Burdett,. the cengregation are in the habit • of
Elliott.ecitation, Mr. Frank 1 providing,that• is eest class in :qual Auburn.
• Dialogue, . Misses Johns and . Mose ata. •and abundant in .quantity., -. •. So. •
and 11Tr. �V N'n '' l.
t, se,•,ntttled
te .see plenteous was the supply of fowl that Mr -Robert Medd Sr and ht •
a • '
tri:of a Cli rt •• ten pl tgeese werC °left over but tits. heves, goo ClintonC• on fr. RalkDunbar. ' these weresubsequnitly disposed . of Thursday .to'vzsit •ills. 'S. Medd .who
e, S"leetione
on Phonograph: • at seventy-five' :cents'.each, 'The pro -•.underwent .an in'the hosti-
'[be '.luclgcs had a . clf!'Ticult tall. to gram \vra; o, k Miss Donkin greatly tel :there. and is progressing Covorably,
perform' indeciding the. issue: of t1te, pleased the• crowded, hqutie and encor_ Auburn school :r•^port. on pa ;; ttyo,"
conter;t, as .both : sides seemed to •• be. c' were insisted upon„:- The male .at d • • Misses G, . Murray* : and W. he n
• , 1 G 1d t ,V . \ T , 111j 5011
'.'equally balanced; bUt: niter erne coni; mixed; quartettet sere= a pleasure ' to of .Blyth spent Sunday with friends
hear and. Dr; Smith's endings, LIS `here. . • • ;
heretofore wr eexceedingly vvell r,�'1r• Jh
n Stenaly ofBlythspent Sun-
Ce,ved, . fie is always heard...With dee day et .his grandfather's here.
1 bt... 'Rey, J rt
to . C en o ''Clinton. s' d '
)g e f tt tt ns ince }n
It is with i gist that We ann:ounc+the 'special evangelistic .. S:n icc s last
; 'sideration decided' .in: favor Of. • the
s ti � part. c f the fro rant:
eco d a > T i 1 ;L
1 00
I „program.;
ing side •will treat the memb',ers of: the
A. t P. to an r e
t est Supper on
'�()yet./ upp
' the til lust.
A speeial .fleeting of J.. Q, L.No.:
lee itei11 be held on Monday: (Atoning,
IDec. 21st to auctit the books •ind c1 Bavfmld Road. About a sear and:' wing picture entertainment .'here - oil i
the •death of Andrew. Stinson, eldest week. • • - -• •
son of Mr:•-'i'ltoinas ;,teem of the. `• Mr.. D.• McGill of Blyth gave a mos -
December 10th, 1908
tr3z3GC7i? ..
MV$IC7- :la CeoE I"CTM..
Now Is the Time to
Buy'Christmas Gift:
The isnothing more suitable for Christmas gifts than .a pair of
shoes or slippers; we have there at all prices, •
Ladies %ad tine Pet. ltlnchex•s at $3 50 and 4.00. Ladies tine kid kiiltch-
chers at $2,00 to 400. Slipper'. at 00e, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25.
MENS -The Hart shoe, extra fine fitting $4.50 and $&.00• Men's
shoes In Kid,. Velour calf and Box calf at $2,50, $3•00 $3.50 $4.00 and -
n d$5,00,. Men's slippers at 75c, $1100,,$1,25, $1.50 and $2.00.. °
• . Boys sboes at $1,50, $1.75 and $200•
Misses shoes and robbers at all prices.
For the little tots.. -all felt laced shops trimmed with fur at 40c,, also
child's red felt boots, warm and nice price 85e, •
Newcombe Pittrios. .
Sherlock & Manning ;
'Pianos and Organs
Violins $7.00, $8.00 and $10.00
'Harmonicas at 26e, 50c and $1.00
Columbia Gram-o-Phiones
,IVlusie'Rol Is at 50c, • 755-,
)1;1,75 and $3.00'
• 1ime; • .tee •'ftti ekti !A •ati e9te er "erg • 'eeN esFeee •"ti/8►8
'Core to us forYour
Christmas Presents.
We are ready." with a big stock
Bigger and better than ever.
Handkerdhiefs; plain and fancy; 2,8, 4,'.5, 7,8, 10, 12'4, 15, 18,. 20 and. •
- 25 t ce each,. •
use b.
Ladies' Collars at 25 85, 40, 50, 75, 1.00, 125 ,and $1,50. '
aa 'Ladies' Belts ut 25, 3550, 75, 1.00'and $1.25. •
f Men's FanC'y,Ties at 25c and 50e
Men's, bancy.Shirts.nt50c, 75c, $1 and I.25 •
f M n's Neck ua r • •2-
e eek Sq r<s in silk;- linen and wool. CUs, 75e, $1 -and l,.,o
Men's Gloves, lined And unlined, 500 to $1,35
Ladies' Gloves,:cashmere,'ivonlen, silk and suede at 25e to 50c
Ltdies' Kid Gloves, ' $ l and 1.25: . .
'11 • .n s WOO Olowds at..
C, rt' W ow c 40ca
rd 05aul
Ladies.' Fur Collars and Stoles' at $1, 1.12-tip:to-17,00"
Ladies For Pillow Muffs at $0. 7, 8 and $i)
Ladies�r1rJatsketR 8U; 4
Ladies Fur Linea°oats50, OO and
Men's .Fur Coats 2U,2�, 30 arid .bi-
Men'sFurL'nrd ort, i '
i Coats and$ 5
7 •
Ladies Cloth Jn,ekets with -lure dllar.and(jollfedalinin p` ..20 Sand $25" '
• Felt Shoes for ladies 1, 1:25 up. '.to.2.0O •$
Children's Felt ato
eN, a
• sizes, made
e LIam
felt Shoes =for gents $1'25 up to 2.50 . '.
Your Christine
Buying . •
Let us suggest, even ulgn , an • early selection' of:
Holiday Presents and then vtlltl tile unp.leasant.tiess of'•
broken lines which are b('dliad_tt) Oreille if . left t lie the
late season. At this time.aa Hines of. .ift.merehandi8e
are complete and there is an- oppoi°tyi l'l -for Stu:they and
comparison of value which does not occur later.
Fur Christmas:Preseh:ts ;
'nothin is
There e g more acceptable or ruurepnacLCcul:t.httn a hand-
some fur. Our stock offers many suggestions that will Wetted ,both the
giver and the recipient. .We will be only too pleased to• show them .tis'
show them to you and can ober you some extra varues,
. Tailored Blouses fortmas Gifts
These Blouses have jaust art ived and are the Most popular blouse
we Cart buy. Latest New York styles, in plain white linen, figured
ivachas. also fancy stripes. Call and see these before yon buy.
Orenb r
u g Surfs. for Christmas
They ate just the thing for an inexpensive gift, and would he '
acceptable for either misses or ladies w.
ea•, ectlore platin cream, cream
and sky, cream and pink, cream- and.heliotrope, also plain black.
Prices from 50e to$1.50. plain
FancU Coods for Christmas
We will he pleased to have you call and see our Fanejr` Goode for
Oh: im s h
st a buying, n We,
can perhaps 9 '
Y Rp U, gave.ynu a few for inexpen-
sive gifts which at this season or the year is sometimes hard to get.
Call and see them whether you buy or not,
Make this Store -Your .Resort for Christmas
buying. We are Anxious to ' plea"se you.
Every Courtesy and
tention Awaits You Here
est uffieet� far tae in rtrtning �cis ' A half h; ststatrel a "fallWhile Wednesday evening ng unle. the,
'Christmas. Groce•ries New. F ehStock
Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs,
full at tendancf. is requested.. w o long at 'lux father's barn which l of the Voting 141en's C'ltib of Auburn P•
• M1, John Steep, who has heed. ill resulted in a tumor-forrnin at • the ' In ,'a inixu i ° among sodic' of our
g t Successor ,tcz MeI rnnon & .Co., . B LYT ill srt
Clinton,, and. working, the hair. farm, h1e was•.a quiet„, industrious • e
.yotmg� .the Targe wiffcloiV pans in Mrs.l'Iun- _ _
returnee , . ,.,o °w.4•®�.•�.••a..�. �.vw•aw••.•..,„6„.4,-..0;,.:0,,;,‘,„•,;•,4,,;,:,‘;46,A,,-......4,„,.46,6
:the . enap ov . of Mr 1t illiani.. Wheatley, base ,'.of .thelii in causing, his death, !Youths: on Monday evening last• one of
I has rett,rnecl .to lite 0tit con,• .roan and .: po1 ular in the conununtty,. roe e.store was broken...
•to hear:: that Mr:: Geo. 'IIe' Was a member •01:the trtia: • .Or- 1 Thi 13tptist' eleueeh will ol'en .thea.
Grinnell• is .111 with -typhoid• fever. . ange Lodge and the: funeral on Friday!new •church an Sunday Dec.' 2n1,1r. The
after noun will'? bc• '•euiithtctee: •un&t the 1 pistol .will -preach in the ete.troon:at
auspices of that. order. .13 o'clock and Rev. W. • Ratthhy 13 ,'
$Aorta is ,hall: • Mr • 11 trns ell will t•tke •in turkeys of Toronto fedi occupy the pulpit in
.Don4f..furget the padie
hi, the. school :next Thursday,; 'cotnmen-
eing at' ;1.30: Et'erybody=•m d 1
and -geese nix( WetInisclay. .
the evening • • at 7 o'clock. ' Tyndall
.i Bros. will Sine; at.eaeli:serf ice,'anc1 as
offering will be taken an. behalf • of the
a e� we - Stanley ll'oWns ti. 'building fund, .On Monday evening foie.
'"a -7L-. • lowing a sueneteeid. conceit :trill' • be
••sri. Frank "Picot is Spending as few 4lieers ^Menti `',,,t 1'9ati and , lee lleltl ashen addresses wilt..he giceri•by
days :at Mr. Wail•er Wistou's, ` s.' I:vaits, collected tiir the; Bible 5cieicty the local ministers .and music 'by Tyn'
Mr. B. I1out1 age is ' improving a
little his, .many will be ' very
glad to hear. «
Mr. -John woods is a little .under the
weather • at. time of writing. •Hope •to
Soon be •able . to say that Sia is :all
right again. •
Mr.s. 0. W. ••Patter returned - home
last Saturday after spending a few
wgks With friends near. Woodstock.
Rev. Mr. Baugh of Benmillet con-
ducted the anniversary nerviccs.. in
Bethel church 1a5t Sundays
A . few from this vicinity attended
the ball' given in. Goder:•ah last Fri-
+riday night under the auspices of the
G. T. ,Rifle Assoeiatipn, AU report
a verbenjoyable evening
Miss Clara Glid'don of .Ilolmesvill:e
spent. a.fewv days with her friend, Miss
Muth T°ichburne. •. ;
Blesses. S. McPhail and 'Mowat
Macdougalltook a flying trip up
around' Anliurn and,Dungannon~' last'
ecinesd t Y ' 'hti •'
VV , anel 7 isda' .
y Y
141r. Victor .. Miller returned 'eine.
last Saturday night' after having fill-
ed his engagement'with Mr.. James
Blair 'for eight n'41 iflis,.
"' A : Successful Dairyman •
C'otinc.11ot Lobi; of Cloderich
.ship;teasdown in Middlesex county
last week and on las. xduin
277 milk cows, 19 for "hirneelf " and . 8
for Mr, 1), J. Burns, This Melees 40.
mile s thee worthy councillor lee
his stables and of these•'1 intends to
keep 2ba or more which , 'isr great-
cr than The
, average ' for the.past
year. The cows are Holsteins
and grade Durharns.. Counc111er Lobb
has a preference for the. former for
cheese factory purposes as they have
a mere abundant 'flow of milk than
the other breeds. The pure Holstein
or the Holstein orossed with the Ayre
shire or a milking straie.of the Dur -
hams is the best of all .cows • tee tate.
making of eheeee. When this fa tory
closes • in the fall Councillor ( ,ohb1s
dairy gets actio ..and until -r ae fel-
lowing spring turns out- largo 'quant-
ities of butter,
Councillor Lobb- is the largest pet,
ton of 'tate IYolrnesville factory those
who come next :are William Sinclair
with IC Cows D. Jr Burns 12 t'hd
W. Ne .lett .1'4. MLO. W. Williams
Will havc-front 15 td 20iwhile Messrs,
Gtdrge Holland and George Aclieion;
who bought a carload from the :south
it fow days ago, also intend to, go in-
to the irtteese making with mere ex
tensivdly that( heretofore. -
The factory, . rarr the past season
2 0t `c • 8 1st
from May 0 Zi t t Oett �, and from
his 19 cows Councillor Lobb sent;.
07,005 pounde of milk rot which lie
recived $0'I9.3O," an average pet cow
of $36E.00.. '
one day laist..week. •
e Mies 'Sledie'.i1 atsou. 'Seafortii
spent a few •days last .week t iter
home ,on. the Sauble•'Linc..
Mrs, John Gemcinliardt and daugh-
tet Grace; Detroit are visiting iiiends
in this vicinity, •
Mr. W. • J. • Stitlsiin «as' in t'l nton
Oh Saturday:. •
The recent cold' spell makes ; ..our;
boys 'think of going to the. bush .:to
cutthe wood. • '
Mrs. David Armstrong of Pilot
Mound, •iVIan,, is a :gti,st at. 'the paren-
tal 'tom, Mr. John Stephenson'S, , of
t•hc•Goshen l'Ane
>tifullett Township '
Iii The Sews -Record's • list 'of mar,
riages this week if that of Miss. ,Liz4
zie Morrison, daughter of,Mr,•'Jatnes'
Moriison of• tlte.;7th con.,; the: event
taking place, at . I.drnonton on Nave
'25111,• the happy pian being'Mr, Char-
les A.' ,•'bluing. Mr. and Mrs. Arming
will reside. at 14Iewassin, Alberta:
The bride is popularly known in;, this
township and .in Clinton • and' the
numerous friends • will: wish to .extend
good wishes.
Mri'ss Maggie Macdonald • left° on Sat-
urday for' St.' Thomas to attend the
wedding of her brother in that city.
-Mr. Austin Dulmage bf•McKillop
spent Sunday at -Mr. -.Geo,' Riley's:
Mr. Thos.' Attains .Jr. is, very iii at
present with typhoid fever.
Mr: W. Moon will be in the village
on Thursday gathering the taxes for'
the year., , ' .
Invitations are •exit for the wedding
of Charlotte, youngest daughter of
Mr. ,Cleo. Clarke to Mr. Cfeo. Price,
of MclIillop which is to take place on
December Otli.
Inviiations aro also outfor the
reception of Mr. and 'Mr3. Phillips :of
Bock Milts to...be held at the home, of
Mr. Walter Wijlisons on Dee. 10tH.
1VIr. Wnt. Itugill Is rushing tile
sleighs and cutters out in good style.
Ile already 'had' out five sleighs and
several more orderred.
Mr. S. S. Cooper is again working
at the Forester's hall.
Lootdon broach.
Mar, Wnt, McQueen, an 'Old ,Stanley
boy and now a resident of Michigan,
has born visitingfriends heir's,
Mr, Richard J+ennisotttrs many friends
are sorry 'to hear of his illness ; but
hope to hear of his speedy r;reovery.
Mr. Draper has, been tansy ereeting a5
poWeir. hill for Mr. Wnt. Grant `.
Mrti, AL. Wiltse is on thesick list,
dell Bros.., the' .1Ve tfield choir and.
the White 'Dyke .orchestra of Clinton.,
Violin• solos by Miss Hoover. The
new building is a nea.t,'. modern brick-
structure and .a credit in everv:wey.
Stanley Township.:'..
WS. John Stewart; ` moble. of. Mr,:
Adaini ' Stewart and Mrs.. W.- - . Glen,
reeeieed. a paralytic stroke -yesterday.
and is now in a 'precarious condition:
When ;the best.. afi .bo! had at .the
same piice; as: the inferior article,' why
not leave the -lest ?. There is absolate
1y no dotet that the Family :' Hier-
ald and Weekly, Star of Montreai. is
the best dollar's._worth in the line of
newspapers. ` It •`is ati. 'ducator for.
the whole family. Y
It has noxe f rtu -
than any other half-dozen bigcity
paperis os inagai ees. -Giver it a trial
for 1909, and you will be glad of your
CO TAINT G'Ailot r'OlafF,1.:1JN-
15E1YNT13 D UNiMJ11, A
101AftJTY. YOU 'tt1AY llX.
OVA STOR.I': OR' X1' •1VIOit1
Oftel' Cheapest- Always the Best
Because of the elegance and
moderate "price .Queen Quality Shoes
•enableyou,to meet every demand of''
fashion withoutextt•avagance
All ' irlds of
•4'elt Shoe &. Shipp rs •
Ka nt Kr ac ubbe ; s�
Granby Rubbers•-• •
and Overshoes
Choice range of
Moccasins'& Showsfioes..
Williams' .Patent ` Le
gins sand Belt -lined- ..
See our new styles.While'the' '
assortment is at its beat
Repairs while you
Always. Reliable
eaten Town Sale
eat Leaving Town :_ale is still gar ig �s 111 In full swing ;'. •
and :Dry GQods,. -Clothing, 'loots and Shoes' are.. all a
beingacrifict'd ill order at December: May ._e_
� � � 0 011;1,1y '
whole stoclt`turned inti cash. Read the few price.
.cions belowas it will.give o...
reductions' 'w ,glue you same idea of the.
a mope/ ' ou can save by urchasin ghere ''d ringthe-
ri .e of december. ba
lit Ce r.
drI floc and 'Ma: ress Goods and bilks to.clear at::::.......,. 42c
$1 Sateen 'Underskirts "' Oflc
0 ' 12Ic Oxford Shirting "..........., .flc
8 $8,75 Wool Blankets ,,..« . 2.00
Men's $10 Overcoats ,.,: (1.75
t Men's 112 Overcoats 8,00
0 bfen's 25c Br Cee " • .20
Men's 21$e land 8t, Ties
-, men's 50e Workin Shirts " •
Me'n'sm0c Fleet* Lamed 't7ridetryvear
' Wornen's Pelt Slippers '' .. .ate.
so And tt f'nit range" of .fury Goods, Mrn'ii and Boys' Clothing ana: t
rupnishings and our frill stock of a tots end Shoeh' to clear at
,wholesale prices,". .
. ,
....,t .40.
Sale prices Strictly. Cash.