HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-12-10, Page 3Vecentb00 10th1908
.0 ath of Mrs. Geo. W. Anderson
The -death ot Mrs: G. W. 'Anderson
olt Saturday, NOaeother 213.thi talk ane
other to the number: 01 painfully ital.-
elan "deaths wideli liave taken plaaa of
iateein thie community. ' •
The deceased wasborn io the town-
ship of Turnberry, Huron County,
thirty -lour years ago. When Vita a
Child her parents moved to Stanley
township, where a number of tbe lam-
a fly .8411 reside. Aftert leaviog • public
school she teeeived training for , the
profession of teacher at Clintoo • 001-
legiate and Toronto Normal, waere
she graduated • with honors'. • She
taught three years in Hullett town-
. ship, Huron County and one year. on
the London Road, Plampton townehiP.
She was a bright student and an ef-
ficjent rule was one . of
kindness. She was greatly beloved by,
all of her eminent qualities of mind
and heart. On Devernber the 27t1I,
1900, she was married to Geo. W. An-
derson of the townline, Ennisaillen„
. with whom she spept eight happy-
Mrs. Anderson through the infloehoe
and teaching of godly parents, was
converted to .the Savior when a little
gird and the decision she made . then
was never shaken through all the
events and changes of after y•ears.
Her life to its smallest detail was.
controlled •by"Christian- fituateipleaSha
asked not, will it gratify self or is it
expedient but is it right before God.
She was of a winning dieposltion, and
Made friends' easily. She thought of
others first, herself last. Her bright
cheery optimism born of trust in the
Infinite never failed however dark the
"We know transplanted human
Will bloom «to profit otberwhere,"
By her departure she leaves to the
bitterness of grief, a kind and affee-
tionate husband, ana two little girls,
Matiorie and Ruth."' Of her parents'
family. she is survived by her father
"three brothers and six sisters', Rev. W.
aa• Richardson B. A., of Arthur, R.
Richardson B. A., Joseph j. of Mira
!ley tawnship, Margaret, aleathe,
; bina aud Laura of the team, place, Mrs.
D. Anderson of second' concessiou of
I Plympton and Clara, who Imo ben
1 with tire deceased elnee• last aummer,
I Her mother and one sister predeceased
The funeral took place on Tuesday,
Deeenther ast, to Wyoming Cemetery.
A. large cortege of sorrowing friends
followed the remains to their last rest-
ing', place, The service N'1/11S eandllOted
by the Rea. Mr." Fe pastor of the
Presbyterian Chutel , • Wyoming, who
spoke appropriate words, of comfort.
The pailbeareta! were her three broth -
era of the deceased,. R. A. Andersoh of
Chicago, A; D. Anderson and Robert
•E•wart ot the second. line.
Among the friends present frail ,P.
distance may be mentioned, Mos. IL
Peak of Bearleide, M. and atis. R. Me-
Illveen of Watford, Re Ao Anderson of
Chicago, and M. and Dare. R. Waoleas
•of Sarnia,
• The aymPa•thy of the' eoramtutity,
go as out to the bereaved 'husband and.
sorrowing, telatives ifte ;this their hpur
of trial. • .
"Alas for aim who never sees
The eters shine throttah the„,eypress
trees, '
Who hoPelesn lays his- dead away, -
Nor looks to see the.' break of day 7
Across the; mournful Marbles, play,
Who hathenot learned in hour i of
faith, •
This truth to flesa and sense unknown
That life is ever' Lora of death, •
Aod love can never lose it awn." "
-Wyoming Enterprise.,
• •
Poultry Ca be aise
in Towns
The raising of poultry in our tows
•has not yet received the . oaten toe .
that it ought, By poultry rauing.
mean, not theahaeading of fancy serains
for pleasure and .for exhibitiem, but
the raising of goad egg -producing and
meat „prodecing breeds for profit.
There are many people. in towns 'aria
smaller cities, whoare ao situated
-that they can easily keep a few hens
tQ supply fresh eggs during' tha year.
In fact, very few. families are so plac-
ed that, wishing to keep a few.. fowls,
they are unable to do so.
" .
Clinton News-Recor
When Canadian Farmers and
Packers Fail Out the Danes •
Gala Grotuid.
'Daring the past 'low years, M • cliff-
arent periods, considerable space here:
bawl odeuaied M the columns oi ?eta
agreculatorea aleee with diseussiona; be-
tween otir leading pork packers. aaa,
our farmers over the prices peal or
hogs-. Our lateens have charged
the 'packers: with manipulating prices
for their OW11 gam, and with making
large profits, while not paying the
farmers a fair ptice for their hogs.
These discussions. have created con-
siderable tiara teeling, in some quart-
ers at leaat. Judging by the tone of
one of the letters on this subject aaula
lished .in tae Farming World, this
feeling is still prominent. • '
• • Without attempting to promildoe�n
the merits of the. 'Mints at assre, we
would like to • draw attentiat to some
aspects of, this question which strike.
.ae: being of such .vital interest, that
they should not he lost eight of. lt is
of suprerne. importance, both to oar
farmers and to' our packerss that We
shall not los. theepositien • that our
bacon has won 'on the British market,
Were that position to be iost our' ex-
port beconotradee,aatould„. be tutned,
many thousands Of our farmers would.
have 'to give up hog raising, and our
packers would lose a' large part, 11.
not all, of the monea they have ,
vested"1n their mammoth paelang es-
tablishments, For 'three. sears Cana-
da's eaports of bacon to Creatatia-
ain have been declining. Devine- the
sante period. the Danish 'feral:re have
increasea •their exports Ity about,. 59
per. call... ao other words, labile Our
farmer:3 and packers have been foiling,
iota with each other over ,..he prim ol
hogs, and, • therefore, not making euy
progress, the Danish farmers have been
stepping in and walking oft with the
biggest Aare. of the British louton
trade with a fair eharee, alma:natty,
that they will get it aearly all aloVe
are not careful:
I, therefore, beat(' -es oeta, rola
fanners andeficiakere to try to get
together again on this questa). life
Bible says that every klaalom 'or
house divided againat itself shall not
stand. While we are fiaatir g, the
Danes are making hay, /9 'hat ,Itetiltz
up, what will be our aosition in a
few years from now ?
The situation is ene avhere. it a ilt
not d Iot us to let preettliee or
feelings run away With eur asmmon
sense. Thera are some millions of
dollars at stake. We 'believe that tae
Dominion Government should hike up
this matter mall ---deal 'vita it in a
more compreheitaiVe and thorough
manner, than has yet been attempted.
If the packers are making anything
'like the prOlits One correspondent) in
thin isaue claims, the 'Government
might be justified in endeavoring to
assist in inteodUcing some of the
'methods that, are 'proving so sambas-
ful in Denmark, The first step to be
taken is for our Goveramente out pac-
kers, arid oat .farmera toandeavor to
get together to deal thoroughly, with
this important otatter.-The Farm-
ing -World. .
1 Goderich.
°..The remains 61 the late :ars. Kete Miss' E.. Sutberlanel fats be•en aising
rafit ale d at the. eesideace of gel sister, • Managee atm e of the anatting
• • I Mts,•-(Captair) .111(aleaaor, Sar a a a on tory' paid 'a business visit to Teteate•
alL3,4 I Harrison (nee Miss Kate •Da,leaa- who trinds i 11 n Mavortan. ,
• ethe .2nd of Den, and w •re• aa.greeen, larit Week. , • , . • • •
'led to the rtsidonee of %Ma Loftus On • 'I'hursafty evening Misses Pollee;
Daneey by 'Jr:a.. aIc(lregor aria faom .and Morris bald quite an. intereting
• thence the funeral Leos: a. aleto,, Rev. a At ITome'' in lamore • f the Carle' In-•
ever, care' must be -Oaten to ,e(ect the
, . Dou g al 1 cootie(' a .oe. e
set' vie S. alass in the lt attua
rho casket was covarid wit o .i...rtays room of the 'church. . •
egas.regulatly in tb.C., Very- . th,
t •of white cheyeantlielnunis o 1 ich leak- Mre, atalkeld,• 'who lfl g,oue to re.-
'ex, as there is great likelihood tha
a eno aurer. than the face of the da. side at Si. Helens with her daugliter,
they will be froaen if• aeft long M
ceased, 'The pallitearsre were act, •Mrs: Teiehatd, litter, was one of the. :
Itiw temperature. • a
Young, ahathe .Nairn,, l)- ;J Caray, • guests"' at the, meetag Of 'the Wornena)
Choice of h Bieed•a-What breed to
eta Charles C1 -6. Mr:, fiir .tristitute
choose .. , . .
chois a very ineportant queetion, „ • '•
on .ttepends. .a wry great. mea,a_ • svas eae young,est. fate.,litee., . the 'On Timrselay last fet.. •t,h4 utaiver-..
•1114:f2y. t Ma. sary of. the opening :of' the hoepital
ure, the, sueeetes or failiaa of tlie enter-. 11t•teeteeks.(.'letilfl•tlaiein.1
r ate. gaeat St Hoene 1"waif• held .a•a• Tae • •1) waht6rs
prise; Mien:confined to a mall excl.
, eal:end sloe eia.-14.:(1 to the Lana . of : the lanaTire tile of
ia talee-„to 61100,90 one of the lireetis
tertial ltest basal( a; to • n a en alotro,13itta, aroca. • stree t• •1 e sir winga
which is not fond of much exercise.
This p.re.a..biaaaya ez,caaaies 4,.me „aa! departure, lor rao 1 hert . ; tomes w , ete Wet1 . ladies. r
Nrs, 1.1,1e.k!,r «gor,Laru1, Mies Dariceee who came to nuke purehases nil. r
the Leghtirns; from beIng kept 'in .••. • .r • • • •
The people, on the 16th eon, dide
their statute laborlast Wear,
MM. Robte Thompson Who has been
on, the sick AO, tote recovered,
' Revival serviCes were held at Ebeneeer appointment last weea.
M. and Mrs, John R. Middleton
were guests over- Sunday of the lot-
' tees mother in at •plien township.
The following is the rePOra of S• S.
No. 4, for November:, ,
5th elassa-Beulah Nesbitt, Vera
Labia ,
Sr. :30 -Harold .Lowery, 'May Sin-
clair, Nellie Towrabend, Frank Lola).
. Jr. 3rd-lia1lie Townshend, auto
Lobb, Isabel' Sinclair; Helen NeAbitt,
Iletbert Stoddart.
Sr. 2nd -Alvin Townshand, Everett
Lowery, Mamie. Biggin. - -
Jr. 2ial-Emma-Nesbitt, Beryl Huck.
Part 2nd -Olive Stoadart, ' Joy
Leith. •- .• . -
Part let -Morgan Jones, Grade
-.1, H. Lowery, Teacher,
Tbe following is the report of 8.8.
No. 9 for tho month .01 November r.
fith Classe4rene Millar.
Sr. 4th Class-aEnuna Cantelini, .Ad -
ea Finlay, Etta Cole, Annie Cooper,
4 .Sr. 3rd. Class-eEdna Wise, jean,
Middleton, Alma Elliott, :Fred, 'ludic,
Georgina Malta Aeliola Millar, 'rel-
lesille Hialia, Bert Finlay, •
• Jr.. 3rd Class -Sadie Cool, Roy
Connell, Ralph Cantelon, Lloyd alit
lar, 011ie Cale. . . .
Jr, 2nd Crass -Lola laudle, Emma
Connell, EMI 'Cooper, Charlie (-Cooper.
Pt a 2nd Class--Edit)i Stirling, Tom
udie • Jean Cook, Bryce Grigg, Har-
old Erntherpon, • ,
Sr. Pt,. liste-Geotge Middleten; Wil-
lie Marshall,
Enrolled attendance 30. • Average ea.
•-E, J. Jobnee reacher.
Godcrich Township
McKillop Township
:The- tegular menthly tatietirirof the
Ladita' AidSociety Of Bethel' :aetlioil-
ist chereli was heti .at the reSidence
.of •air. John. bundas ' on TIturalay
ternOon Iftet. , •
AIr David. Mattutter•on • who' ' has
been out in Western Canada: all suni-
met, ream:tied Name last Weece •
'iIcrsand*Goventiele are
. • ,
oresaing largo equataitiee eif•itay• , for
nhipmeat; ••••'. • • a • ••• '
• Iles. LIeelewell, telai aas beau, • • On 111
extended aisit to her .son. Samuel til
Michiaan, has' returned. • • •
• Galirge Itall; who Weal t.• West • • on
eine. of tio, ..exoursions, 'has
returned. : • . • a • •
: •
•Special. peIcgions - sv
erices ..eonaucteei
byealre Wallostey of Toreiato a le be•••
ing at..Rithet „church. -
George )111eliareleori is .;tin 'eugaged
deeseimc heel and di
hesposing • of 11.••.e.
• • . • .
t. taraners 'either • ay the etaaetet •or
O•mallet Ite 'ha§ dieSSed
ilessaaes, Of thri aaintai., So .
light. ,Meditereanean :breeds,. salt • actaart.,. and „
laity lama. Tor-- gale eben-a 'Ives with ealae• reed • coke.
From 1 5 to 25 -hens, depenaing. on tons • and cities. Also seeh. breals ns
Daric(a:: tefant••• 1). 2. * laths 'Wititeel. upoii a
• • •: • -
the breed, can kept in. a lot ,25 these• are hard to keep witbin 'bound, • • ; •• • •-• . e't tete M.rs. •
feet square. There • is a plot of and era ' ;ea prooe tLUUbl oni 'ttiaa Lealeie :Weis :Lai en. • ill Moicial'.'acteil aS treasurer forathe
a • . t .
. .
ground similar to this in the rear of toe.your•• neigliaor's. garden aai.•); :ter laste•weelc aympiorage eagliald :.7fatley. ..fable :Was . Teal aeira volt ate
almost Iowa „house, so there a breedsuitable fOr' 'WWII the PIN- f e, an'd .110-11'....Thirie.:•)00111,••••aater ••by .alesdaines • ••13,.. • B. raaas ;auk ...Mee 'coign:he and...collie.",
. .
. .
Gliould be no trouble on that score, mouth teoaks, Wytuidottes,ae- .11u we trai'••11 he alasaiiii Le Matta.. amith and erne. . (Jett, - Beau au
.. .
wli e \rent) lees, if properly cal ee tense at. at odeee 14 d . .11 els o ou ( , 1 a . c a i vns 1 1 .. „:1 (.1 ..s 0- araae'l•-t at • • n*16' Na""•• furnished a '11Y
• 1 - • h rah i e • , 1 I Tt e fl 1:14 I T s 1 ' i 14 a ' '1 '.' .
. . . . .
il t - " I
for, should simply the •family with all otobahler Pro'. e • the-1110st. aatialaetory, •• elation held 'tacit' atirnial: I 111:. 11. the • Tha'aasar - aaa .aliss• Itainiaka, 1sd6a.
besides enough a er this ambent to When. W...as turnish.el oey aeo duo and. the Misees ' •. Agnes, Ita,niatoo
• Fraley eviiina laais ronaered .e. -very . ptet,tieaPirso
the eggs they eequire for home use, One tla•ega ,hoWe'yer, isa.anpertant. Odafelioeve 11 111 on
yen eboose. • a: ...certain ' brae a , le St. alusie •
worle up Il con5iderab1.0 local ttadestick to that 1.40,0. Do out te eliluip-,-• expellent.; orceeseritoalea .tt 1 112 pod- - .- ". `-t000mpan1'',.t at tlw •pi-uio"
Also, it' is .a pleaeure to tie towo man free •all the tirae as :obit o -ill otil v 1 a high': luncheon. rre, ch : merrinielit . : pae.j. risaes a
. , - Ainia : Stied:- . aria. Bercithy
to be able to supply his household und ergo frig . expease Withoot • •ge t tin a • vette (la . Tae 'Iota slid mat breele : .:•up. ,dig i‘i•-i:aielee •• Aa aeratioaaaa.?*. . 13.1a 3
strictly fresh. - i• • • . • - •Jr, • lrriocli en instrumental. • Apo,
• • e e .. 1 ' • • oa ' ' • • • •• • ' '• ' ' a :Mr' CharleS Seuridets: "la's had •-•1 '' ' • ' • - • - •• '
1 Careaand iee,edinga-ePoultry. kept in e. e . a. , .. . , • a '':. ) ' - • . ae 0.6r. twenty -live : aollars Was : nettea
Cost -The etst oZ slat t;ng into stv:h neh mad. teach' for next • •••
a sniala yard ate more subteet to•saia :•gal".11'e: •Ia`' - .. ' • • . r q'' sChirirarnas rhea) . at the • hemaital;
a poultry business is very small and meats thao • those . that aftve the run el , ' e.a's'Cal.• aach:t..iage ' :. ' ' • •••• • _ ; Mt .-laeoet of • . Beam -1110a oues • some
if the father does not care to. take it a farm. ea • fowl -tux-ale-la at. largo eon_ The dredge . a eloodi 'av 5. ba,ti :alai ai fine go eaoaeteeeo : and . famished '•laz.
up he should encourage his children to on the ' Islamiafor eAuitiing, ao. Le .
stanea :a large.•,auantety •Of . green • met, . ala • Marlton With a .Stick •ot :timber forty.
do so, as they might derive sconsidera ter an 'a dar. wan *mad • toa . ooe teada f ot . oext s ene s en s OA rs'altig• .. • feet in length. . • • • •• e .. .
able profit' ' therefrOm. A Imadiog must ;be suPplied 10 theta. It is not • alias- Fee:line •••Johlition•• ond -.eir.' \\ al,.. Mr. .Tionvothauvr • saant,. .a few
suitable to house twenty birds . need necessary to aa to 'arta rar iIt eepenso. 'tar McRae • teas e,. atia • 311 tat.: ainaitara. :bears, in • town an Friday. last and re -
not be over 12 feet square by 6 ..feeo to do taie, Waste .parts • of vegetal:taw, ;Toe .the peat week• em:er. the auspieei. turoed• 'again, to Torooto.
high, and the cot,t of 3kich a beildik .as cabbage , and lettuce • leaves, aeets, of ;the. are Me- C.A. ' . • • ' -.• . ". • . ; ' Captain. Kenneth 'Campbell of a the
. .
made of one thickness of hoards, will turnips and apples, Will 'prove acceat- •e*),;.: James a. Strongh, f`Roaki6he,') dredge Eugene, 'Boston, Massa, hie re,
not be out of the reach of the pocket able to Ahem and Alma will -alaa r.1.- Was the recipient, of. a. leeteer last,' turne4 to his; home •in Meat): . •
week • from Cleveland aavis Mg le r of ; :
the death of Miss Annie E.• ail:401'one i •
'with egg e he ean rely upon to be any farther ahead:: until 3,30 ;neat 'morning. • • • . spa) amr1 on an,
of any working man. A few laying lish ' ahy ' kitchen' wast, as. O'ilmbs.,
hens can he benght for a small semi, • wraps of Meat,' •and eatele.' bread., an
as it isatot mammy to ,tart • with some houeeholds thereie, clielt •,enT,
show birds, provided the- stock is .ough of suck material to makee a.. big
pure treetaandeof reasanable good .cana reduction 11 le •ociat of • lead: a • ,
kirmation. It •is advisable to • begin if the poualtevinan Molts. to -a ' few•
of. Cleveland's most esteemed taachersol Ill Health is More ‘Erepariaivo.• Than
having taught a -a. ft boa; ' • e•t gliteen
years- ir) ohe school.. ' • Any' Cure e•-• ' •
T1 ' • " t ' lied t •th' • -
We are •nappy to + thee airs- •
with very few birds, as hale a doeen, a • •ple: Who migrate across. this: con,tinent
Small .poin"tS• lihi., these 11'.. will •be able H. II'll' •I *Fr:- 1 ' '' ' . •
1 ler, who 1.1,1 . .l..e.O. 50 ti.alt-ly .111 .
and gradually add to this •nutaber as in at -Oirections seeking that' • which
to run ..his 'flee% -at ft. -profit, and at 1 •
or some •month s• here,: la Inaltine rapt- • •
your extorience increas...s. the same' tinte hale the Pleastaa.; ,•af id •accovery. toast is .• liaeltit in. buy Nine tha•of them
impartant that the fowls ta properly' ily with one of theopost wholeriorne ef• pp'eridilig ...th...,,.. ty,isic-,1.. . ., . . a -., . „ trouble • or chronic catarrh ' reaulaino
the .:go. -d cannot • • • -.ten
The Poultry 1-10iise.-It is extremely knawi•ng that be. at anlailaitta his laana Nest- where: she a,nd Mr.• Hillier : . are are aollering from throat and ifing
. . • • •• . from neglected. . colds,and'. speoefing
boused, but this can he accomplished, foods.; fresli laid agasee,
with very aimele btaldings. The Main
points to look to in the poultry hous-
ses are, to haie nEnry of fresh air •
and light. A snow. If the intend- .
ina poultryman • cannot get a well- •
drained location for hi.; hors', or if -
it cannot be drained, artistically, he•
hart ha ter leave • the busfnaiS °lona
for if he ha s a damp house and yaad
he will be coutioually aiming trpuble
with his birds.
M". 11:9her'..t .4... 11"1.en4if; )' -S 11111d Tortunes yainly 'trying to regain- loSt
„ : Ye B, Warrar, • her appearance . tri 'the oat side -world •
.11.-,a11.11. Couldevery sufferer but CM.:
Department of Agriculture; Galtagain after beolg.eonalma to her re ion
do the past and Cure that first ,'. ner-
.; Mr weetst owiag to the 'Miura she glected- cold, all this sorrow, pain,
'received by: a fall.' , enait•ta • and eapense' could •hitae been
rgan aber er t 13 ir eine:hi et of 'avoided. Chambotlain) s , Cough • Reale
• Toronto '• gave an clr
ade-:s e:•t.pir- eily is' famouS for its curc of .colds
ajice hall one, evenina laet week under • told lean' ali'ti.;•'S e tie andea• upoe.•
11 1.... tea :auspices of the L„.0. I.).• e - at see it and the 'Mote sorious• dipeetita
- a • ' Mrs.' W. La Eliot .reternea fano •rnay he avoided., .For Sale by• all',
• , Toronto last week, • . a druggats. ..
. • , Te1;13 Her Sults:ring : Sisters To t',V - . .
'Then the building must have Plenta ' • • , •': ' • • a. Wilfrid Waltaa; secion1assora of ealr.• - • ....-a- ,. .
• , Dodd KdnePlls.
of light. Light is am; of the grs iy i
eatest ' • • - anel Mrs. Jain"s taa4te, ia ill. • of e ' •
- • .._ alunic 'pal; candidates were nominated
enemies to disease germs of -all kinds. Theo Proved a 81ess'ng t Her •Wlett •Cla'fa,17,'' anaakra. .jataa • •,....„,,,,,aco • ae. t r throughout • Manitoba.. , . •
lay better in a hr ghtlyaighted house, i • .
Bee:des this, the hens will usually.,
. Inilt.i.Paias and Weir•afinaao; Ir.cr..? /1:'..-. arraced 'from their :„..fgatinat atay•
afore Than Sthe Could •Lleat: Mt. William Ja• Copp. died suddenly
, at Englehar a New G O. Lao. •• at Hamilton. .
,so they should get the•advanteige of ; . .
all the son' ight pa aibla. See. ta it St. r eorge, •Alart., 1)00, ?Ill.-, S10- ' A oozy f; 0 ci a 1 time.ws,s. Kpera , on Worrnworth ,i..a Cias fsietoey at King-
ston . was: burned,
that the poultry house is we:1 sup- eat) -loping to e 1.0 let 31;r1 ..1; 1,-,0 II. ThatSday afternoon - h.ia at the
p11 e el wit h via ndoe.-; on • he s ifith aireattaabaniet haetarat -ram-- eefaetfee- and-. aeieee 't•1 range11 tarrn the. h•lin.;•,atn& ni!‘v 1 The beW pO'rtfoll. Of the Verdllft
,f which °Me al. All: ct:1:1Ca1 ii'orm ••1 ;, red residence of the. 6.2cre41rY ••f tbe (Neale,. iflaalle asalata was , burned
1,p:.t sides.
Woman's histilute, ' araa Mera Sal- • causing a loss of -$30,000. '
Foal a:r is saeo of great larmeta womettaa life, •Mrs. Ar aro' -V t
anc?. • More 411 10: ton 'is now being this olate has g en. the st
paid lo this question than jeer hectic, .a0Itinra for Publication :
The most impair, d metho«if ventilae;
"I have arouaht up it large fognily
ting poultry foris-'s is the oats in and hat always.. eraoytal good laalth
curtain system. eonsists of tilac--until tke last two ycstrs. I ail fate-
ing a cotton cuatain in a. e indow friar years) of age „ and it the critical
st•ea,d of the glass. Ta^ air dia sea time( of life that cows' :la re ere
through this and -keeps the 'mese wtataaa, had pains ih
inj aglit hio
renti lated. • and shoulder. a could not 11 • down
(haat, care should be taleen to av tWo mintitea at a time Wahota $telee-
arartgitts in the house. Qn a night !lig the great'st agony. Soingtan s
when a strong wind is blowing agaitaii aVeakened Natal a feethia as if .omeatne
the curtain a aortion of It nhould be had, 1P, -Id Pito of.tee -oil my Iva&
covered. No fear nedd be felt about, Ahotbee time it would a e ..a, burning
having the house too cold: In. expert- , pain under the left aimelar,
m•en ts .crinducted at, the O.' A..C., 1 "I took many medicines gut could
Guelph, by Prof. W. It, ,Grahana • it get no t'.el,hrf. till reading of dares of
was conclusively proven. that . the similar, cases to -my own hy Duda's-
hens laid het -ter in the eoldet ligusies.a Ridttea" Plato led me to try . them.
ikot.,ses were • t• do of only one "I want all women to Vitow 'what
ply of droned , pat were) fitted Dodd's Kidney, Pills did' -for om." •
with the musain urtain system ,Thy did wonders for me.
" ventilation. The temperature itt tifext • Diuld's Kidney Pills, core the 'Hid -
buildings was almost ea Iota as it neys. The woman who has sound kid -
was out)Ide. het end vigorous I neys ir; safeguarded azai nst nine -
birds are trePi tiler' is -little tiang6r tenthi of the suffering that o
of thmu freemng contbs. Now- a hurden..to. the wornvn ttf tie; adzi„
• 1 Ntril t• q • •eel ) a • , Mrs. William IVIcCulloiegh waa atruck
J.. 3 •••
110111 theIp cernhuj m,!cting .11 het by •train •whilea.otosatog the track
law 1.,otele, About 4,'„ •embees • •are it Rockwood and kilted. . .•
:tired at about :1 ie. in, Atinoet evea y • Queen's stu arts at kingatoh had
oolor • brought ; work in; ihe lively light with -tae poliai,. alid vox
riltma,.. season. Mt.,:r the wir c of the, yeang inert Were arresterle
;lail aside the nontaes were reaa 1 YoOngBrool s, who escapedfrom
and 1.'10 1h:Xt place ntee:in,t, eettl.tot Lindsay Jail and was brought' back,
1;. ea will be the fait 'alturailav An' committea aulaide hi his :eel by hang -
190'). Mrt, :Warnbelt kinrl y in-Ang•
vice(' than all to her parte is wheta ' ; „e„eee • ....6nawyy
the yrst :Meeting in 908: was held -
alter which Miss FiklyntnineS was le -
1 quested to give, some leo le to aa
In apar of the :au11 that the word
•shte r •saonded by 5i4)99fl the ol 1 dyspepsia means literally bad cook,
favaite• "Annie Lauri ." P11 °VT' it will .110t he fait for malt .to lay
le-lepton:a lam Harry Martin its) tee Matte on the cook if they aegin
gala some eme selections on the organ, the Chriatinsta Dinner With little ap-
!Squirt • Morris congratulased the petite and end it with diStress or
in:embers on their Mcrae:Ong nunitert nausea. It may not tso lair for 4tiy to
and on working so well together dothat-let us IMPo so for the attir
the e
which wag e secret of their s*C- of the .cook The dist .dyspepsia
ease, Tea, and cake Noah white and indicates a hall stomach, that • la a
brown bread were aersea by the 'sea* woak stomach there Is nothing e"se
rotary and the liOung ladles ot the equal to Ifood's Sarsaparilla. ft ,giv-
botise. All A,vere, delighted with- the a; tbe atomaell vigor and tone, entree
outing and gave MP's. Halkeld a hear- dyspepsia, crates appetii,q, and nukes
ty vote of t1ianPs.•0 etting the pleasure it 'should be.
Th,,•.turierat of arra •Pew 'Was daily -
ea' at. :',',11.,gara • taas..tatele. trailecon-,
offences. w era Orovideta ler 'the cesaet
arid thee moto:Mes, • owioge to the -steal, .
entareerneet ci• the • astarantee • regule-
Folla).1e000,000: reairle f1fle911 tae.
atreetaoL..Vitena• lastnialit aelebrete
Mg the Aimee:rid 'itileilee ea the Eloper. -
tit .aeaftela Josepa. • . • . • • ' • •
(Intcaded for last isstia)
.We Me sorry to hear• of the. sariaus
camas', of Mi. Stinearie but tome le
hear ef hie speedy teeovety. •
Miss K. Stinson, recently. of Toron-
to arrived. home • last 'week oW1,1i2,1 tQ'
the illnoSs of her brother, Me. . A:
daily until Dec. ith •account of Iaa
ternatlonal. MVO ':,Stoek Eaposition.
Tickets valid returning from Chicago
mall Dec. 121h 1u1l informatain
from •Graial Trunk Agents.,
VIaRTIalart, artier 'Year. •
The best metropolitan paper in West-
ern „Ontario.
Contain§ latest market quotations and
all general 'and local news „worth
prioting. •
S1alaCIA.L6Pa ER.
Sella $L50 for the'Loroloh•Advertiser
for 14 Months,
Remittarices must be received before
• Jan. lat, 1900,
• • - • • • ' ,..,..:1*•.•••••••••*••••••••*Yd•..*•••
In Furniture, 'Carpets
Curtains4 Rugs, Lin-
oleurns, Et0.
We have fiecured fair the holiday
sea,son -an exceptionally floe lot of
Ilouse Furnishhiga such 11.8
Three-piece Parlor Sailters
Ladies: Rakers
Moreth Chairs
China °athlete
Roottlla ses
Buitets, Parlor Tables, Desitg, alto,
Name, Organs and Sewing Maebinest,
iligh Grade Goods at Low Prices
3 Chellew
Furniture and Carpetig
A11 . -flour is made from' wheat.
nut there are different kinds. of
wheatandseveral ways of Milling..
When yo.0 select
oyal oisek Hour-
ydu 1-,r,et the nutritious properties of
the .br..-.st hard wheat in its finest and
pureit. form, „It: always produces
uniformly light,. WholesoMe bread
or .pastry bee0.1.1:e• its :quality never
varies If your grocer.does not
carry Royal Household Flour,., he
will getitfor you. •
ill:4a Flour Co.,; :LI
In.giiig Olds pres.on ts don't. for-
get .
your feet, they're entitled to comiclerd-t
otion for 'their faithful. 'efforts during the
past year.
The 'purchase of a pitof WAilic;.,
.0V1Mit shoes is not only 'a, recognition
of unselfi&I) :service, but it is a wise' in-
, vestment, considered as 'a business proph-
• sitiOn•
We have file Dobel Nickle Plated Plat-
. ed Shoe Treesidr both Ladies and Gentle- ,
piens Shoes. Keeps.thern in 'perfect ahape;
Price 75c per pair.
J. Twitchell & Sons
: laitaidaiaawaaa•° 'raiagataaaaaair)ataaaawakao:aaataaa aa avaa a a;tia a a )0);(.0);
,Asa Chr:stmas oftChina is always appro.
priate and phasing..
We have a large and "well,aisorted stock of
Japatiese and Saxony China,ready for your
inspection. We ,shall, be pleased to show
you these when you
' '
See our Ereotro-Chemioal Rheunia,tio
Rings. We guarantee these Rings w •
to 4o all e ola,in2 for them.
W. R. Counter,
• Jewtiettitul Engraver, ,isguerotivationge LICCOACS