HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-12-10, Page 2' .., ismantionsaialinims PPIVAITT,-. .--.6,0OURA.QY.., ' ., ...*****•••••••• *Nit eil . • i Have a Look 1 Clinton News -140°N vow N. 4* the Nice Things and the WPM Things we .1111V0 for Christmas mu, Charnels Veda—ladled and gen. ,• tlernen i - Rot • Water Bottlee—the kind it 1 that weer Brushes—all kinds ' EhonY 000(1s—a full aesortment, 1 Military Sets . 1 Dreeeing Oases—Oiled with eb., • ony gooda Manicure Sets Shaving Sets • • Glove, Collar and Cull Boxes— leather „ Razors—the best makes Shaving Strops—a One assort. ment Hand Bags and Purses Kodaks and Oameras—S2 And 9 p Perfumes—a beautiful display in handsome boxes, and choice Iodors, 25e and up, . 1 s ; W. S. R.. HO.LMES : ;. , Manrg Chemist, .$ to•••••••••••••••••••.*** —RELIABILITY — EXPERIENCE - A Duteh. exploring party has; dis- covered a strange Guiana who Speak a language Which is a mixture of Dutch, English • and Portugese. DR. OVENS, SUR41ON, OCULIST,: will be at Holmes' Drug Store, Clinton, on Friday, August 28, Sept. 25, Oct. ' 23, Nov. 20 and Dec. 18. Glasses properly fitted) Diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat treated. NEW FIRM OF CRAIN DEALERS — The undersigned have secured the warehouse • formerly occupied by . • Mr.. W. G. Perrin aed arelon the market for all kinds of, grain • for which they will pay the highest . possible price. • • BRAIN,CORN AND SHORTS. We will keep on • hand at our warehouse a supply of Bran, Corn' and Shorts. Grain taken .in Alt- • change. . Ford & leleod Winter Term Opens Jan. I Arrange now to the famous TORONTO, ONT. This school stands to -day without a. superior in the Dominion, Nearly all colleges claim to be the best but• claiming to be so, • does not. make. them so. Get our Catalogue. Reed it froth cover', to doyen •See for : your- self .what this college is doing and the advantages it offers. • • W. .7. ELLIOTT, Principal, Corner Yonge and. Alexander streets. Order Your Coal Now Place your Order for your supply of coal .with ttre unlet- sied •and thus secure the low- est :price and prompt delivery: Office opposite Grand Trunk passenger station. 'Telephone connection. J. Hamilton CO L ORDER YOUR YEAR'S SUP- PLY NOW. THE BEST IN .. THE MARKET, $7 i'ER TON, BUT IF ORDERED AND PAID: FOR BEFORE MAY 81st, A DIS- COUNT OF 40 CENTS 'A TON WILL BE ALLOWED. Orders left at Davis & Rowland's will be promptly attended to, e • W. J Stevenson. Farmers.-Wotioe You can get all kindeof il chopping done the new Double Peo l • Chopping • ill next door to Clinton electrio station. Satisfaotion sguarant teed. Give us a tiianand be convinced. •••• Mr. John Cameron, ostmasterat London,' and formerly editor Of The Globe, dropped dmid. HORSES FOR SA.14141-0WINO TO shortricss of stable mem the under- signed offer for sale 1 general pur- pose mare 8 years old, 1 heavy draft, colt rising 3 years, 1 carriage horse rising 4 years, :1 driving horso ris- ing 5 years, 1 driving mare rising .5 years, 1 aged driving mare in foal to Idolbrino, '1. ono -year-old colt. Terms easy.—George and 'Haney • Davis, Clinton. ,51 STRAYED—INTO Tau PREIIIIS.ES of undersigned at ,Lot 87, Ba,ydeld Mae, •.Goderich township,. about . the - middle of September, one .0,00,11, red,. yearling heifer with white on iged. The owner is requested to pay ell charges and take it away.—Williarn Perdue, Clinton• P. 0. ' • 51-3 TEACHER, WANTED.—ASSIST,ANT feneltle teacher,for the Bayfield Public school, holding a second elass pro- fessional eartideate. State exper- ience i and eatery, Duties 10 com- mence en the .04 of January, .1.009.7 All applications to fie meev Dec. 23rd, 1908. Address: J, W. Tippett, Secretary, Box 5, e3eyfield Out'. 53-8 moon HOUSE to RENT, CORNER RAG- la,n and Princess streets.—David Cairtelon. •; •49. • FARM FOR •SALE.—LOT 31, CON. 7, Hullett, known as the Wallace faem. 100 arcs, all seeded • down. Good barn, 36x56,, with stonefoie- dation, driving shed, •pig house With stone foundation mid cement • floor:. The dWellitig house is of freme. Two ' acres °rebate', mostly winter • fruit. ,mild from postoffiee, church aed school; 4 miles,: from Clinton, A.s the owner is in the Nest the herrn must lid sold. Teams easy. For. • further particulars apply to Mrs: 1. Brownlee, Clinton P. O. 47 FARM FOR SALE.—F R SALE, the east -half .of Lot 21, Concession • .4, L. 11`. S„ Teckeismith; containing 50 acres. The land is all cleared; • well fended and oderdrained. Thera • are on the prernis'es a good bank • ham and _good • Stabling, a good house and plenty of water-eone well at the house and one at the stable. •Fox further particulars apply on the premises, or address George Brewn- lee, Seeforth P. 0. •,• • .45 • CEMENT FOR SALE.—I AM, Agent for Clinton • and district for theNetioal portland Cement Co., • makes Of the :heal ,.tiementle. • the _market. This is the only .cement • used by the corporationeof„Clinton 'ein the constructionof sidewalks, etc, —Ms. T. R. Walker.; , .• 2.1 . • • . . PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING AND " Repairing.—The , undersigned e. preparedto do . all kinds' piano ergan tuning and repairing, and • being a man of practical experience. is able t� guarantee. eatisfaction. Orders may, be left at W. 8.14 Holmes' dreg store.—Ed. T. How • at. Clinten ' • • . • irgsFaawAnewszaalzmws* Winter :Toth . Opens January • CLINTON I BU' ; SINES'S COLLPGE Gib. .SPOTTON, PRISCIPAL. akeif821EMEMEES • /41.0Rie YOUNG •P•EoPLE • trained by our a'rrangement than any. Other in Ontario. Great demand for,our • graduates as Business Delco Teachers, • Private Secretaries, Office Assistants; • etc: The embodiment of the most Ex- pert Modern Systems' known' in Busi-.- non; Science, We invite cOmparison, Three Departmentg. manned by skilled instructors, •• COInthercial Stenography, ° Telegraphy • Mail Courses in all 13Usincis College and High, Sehool•subjeets. CENTRAL. BUSINESS COLLECE. Stands ready' to help -young men- ' and *onion • •to 'win • inteependende and success. It has divert the : start thousands ' . upon thou- sands of 'young people... It eantelp feu. Write for Catalogue and give us the .ehance of sending' the neXt Stit months with' you. Winter Term from.. Jan. 2nd, • • • Addreas W. 'IL Shaw, Prineipal; Yonge .and Gerrard Streets, Tot- otito, • • 44•44-4**4..• winter Term Opens Jai: ,411- CENTRA1 STAATFOFID. ONT Thlssdhoof is one of the largest •la the province, lt is noted for the' thoroughness of its work and, the sueeess of its students': Three, depalttment6— COMMERCIA.L, SITOR TELEGE,APAY. Oui graduates are 'in demand a. business college -leachers ft; well as 'Office ,fteeistantS. (lee our mag- nificent catalogue, it is Irce. • Eltiott MoLaehlan PRINCIPA LS ‘1. ews:Gathered for News Record Readers , ylaf 11 . 0 oTh: J3eitinti.glie: obSiliutiay school I• From The News -Record of I Decemen.lebejet;iee mets se“erie seneeey 1.1eQefe ' ttallid 11° • • • ; nment on the evenfrigniaosf 'theegter" December - ital., 1889, i in Godericir . • Bermiller • ' Morris Township. Clinton, December Ilth, 1889 Mr. J. II, Conlie pat taken up his residence • on the Remy property, whith he recently pnrChased. Councillor Johnston Attended t•he Shooting match at Mr. 13aer's, 0just across the Holmesville bridge, .on Wednesday last, and brought home four or Ave fine birds, . Mr. D. Cook lost A dollar bill §at- urday evening In his store, Ir. S. J. Andrews found it an the damper of the stove, almost scorched and. re- turned it to the owner, Mr. Cook in return, treated the crowd to , ap- plese about 18 customers .partaking in the feast. •." • Atictioneer Carling of Clinton has received notification from . a,• Now York banking firm that there are $480,- .000,000 of unclaim,ed moneY in Europe awaiting distribution among -heirs . jn America ; and. that 'if he will send his name with other particulars he will hat of • something to his ad - Vantage. A syndicate is tallied of for the purpose of forwarding Mr. Oar- inqeiries. • , , • Mr. James Potter Whose farm ad- joins Blyth shipped to Montana • a short -Rine ago, a thorobred Cots:- wold ram, for breeding purposes on a ranch there, It was shipped by •ex- press, the- charges amounting to •$80. It goes without saying, that the "beastie" roust have been. an acel- lent one to justify' such a large,out lay for transportationcharges ank Mr. Potter received a, correspondingly god figure foe it. • Bayfield, December 11,.1889, .The members' of the 0. y.. B. lodge Of thir, -Place held their 'regular mon- thly meeting On Saturday.Dec, 7th, in the Orande hall. As usual the.at- tenderice was- good) The weather. though unfavoteble hindered not the . • . loyal brethern from conung the • dis- ' tancei_of •ejght or nitia miles, showing that they are true phservers of their edeligatien. This hOieg the last meet- ing1889;- the :following :officers were elected and installed for 1890 •• W. JNI., Thos. E. Parker ;• p, Falconer ; Rec.-See.) jelnistoliT Financial -Secretary,. W.: .• Weethii ; Treas.:, ee1V. :Howaed ; Chap., ' W. Osmond ; ' Dir. • of s - A.•. Erwin ; •Comniittee, J. Cowan, G.-.• Weston, Jas. ',Ilerrisen; 11. Darrell; H. Celle, d'ay: ()Whig, to the. entiring• Ants of. theepast leader, • W.....1.1.6Ward, 'the lodge • ••has .:attaleed ": a high etanding end we trust that. the teeilthers Will assist the present' Mastee. Sas, .they• did the pa,Ste initis eflorth to make this lodge:secbed. to eone in the.Dome' inion. :Suitable • eeniarks 'Were, made, the chairmen saying that he was pitied to accuPy, the high position to whielt the brethern • saw .fit • to elect him. AO: WC' might.add well blight he feel proud,: fbr no-I:fleeter vet presided cite- er• a better class. • cif boys than .the' members �fthe0. Y. IL 1'4'06 ' 3I, Bay•field. December il, 1889. Mrs., Retake' attended the funeral .of a relativein leueltnow this week.. ' . Mise. Hattie" 'Ritchie has returned froni her -visit to Toronto. • Miss Morgan. ,leaves •...here o'n •TheirS- •day for a isit With friends in Bay City; Mich. • • . On Tuesday Messrs.. le. • Kelly) F. • W. Tanner; John Emig, F. 13,'Kuni-. ner and Edward •Neweome attended, as delegates to the Liberal Conservative convention at• :Smith's Hill. . .• .11Ir. George' •Jo,nee, one of the em- ployes of the flax mill here). met with a.. serious aeci dent on Saturday by getting three of his fingers smashed in the brakes. It . will .be sernetime before George is able to'..resurne duty. . Saturday reeernbled a• Spring fair day here, . farthers firore all sections having come in to be at the sale by. auction -of. Manitoba cattle at Milne's hoAel, Our popular' aue;tileneet,- • C. Ila.millon,- soon' disposed of ,tilern. •at good tiptoe. .. 4 • • 81161.m:till; Dec. „Ilth, 1889) Mr, Unity MciVittle left cm There,. day the.5th - inst. for Parry • S'ound district where he intends' to work . for . the winter. We ••wf'sli •111.1n Seceess and a Safe return. • . • • Mr. ;John .Sprung of the Basi Line tiorth 'of here, leuleit One horse gored by it bun ; one day .10,st Week, , The horffe had to be killed:- This" is quito a loss to.,11r, Sprung, . Mhu; Winnie 111anning in again under therfeutntal ••• aftee• a protracted Benson Long spent Sunday at his home here. • Mos. Jas. Long shows MUD signs of improvement. The _nurse, Mise an, has left and Mrs. Tom Gledhill of Goderia, has taken her place. • Rev, W. L. Hiles of Bayfield con- ducted • the services at ;the Methodiet churches on this ciroit last Sabbath in the absence of Rev, Mr. Baugh. Mrs,. Wm, ORe leftefrom 1VIcGaw last week for Cedarvilld, lVfich., where she will he the guest of ;her sister, Mr. Archie Dewar. , Thera was a large turnout at'Up- :worth League meeting last 'Thuretlay evening to hear ROT. Mr. Heist, of the Evangelical church, We heat that Mies Nellie Jewell has retprned home,* and, if such be the case, it gives us•jgreat pleasure to know that she has recovered, from bee indispositien so far as to' re.turn to her 'friends here: • Dungannon. 444 • Miss :• White returned to her liorrie•• that Belfast on Saturday last • . Howard Case, of the seeet. Sunday la,st under the parental roof: Mies Metcalf, of felyth'yieiled at the home 4 • • r 44 y. ,1 Mr. and Mrs: Jas. Whyard ioad trip to "Goderich an •'rueetleye•if . •last. Week,' . . -Mies •Ptank..1116L-ean'' . • (visithd at her hemo Saturday and • 'Sunday last. • ' •• Miss Hate'eityan rat:creel from •the: • • Gr4 Toviaship, West on Saturdey •last ei.er a couple • Harry' Murr•.and Rudolph Sailing of Heittryn, have a contract of 'cutting wood for S. S. Cole. • ; John - Dunbar, Mitchell, has •been pppintedassistant •teaclisr on the staff of the' London Public school's. . Roy Then:4/40n •of Henityn, returned feone thoWest.. Hie .inany friends "wet- coNmeexthinitn.ebeatciliic.g •6f. vrey..:;',.1...ownshii) Cbueell wit), be held on Tuesday, 15th hitt. .ThiS is the stAttitOr3i- mains to aloft, up the year's . •Iugh • A .7.1deNcil sop.' et: Peter Mc- Neil arrived lianie ta`St week' feOfe Esteyan, Man:, after. an absence , of three • Months. He islookingeconeid-e treble .• bett•er than when he vent away. • •• • • Whet !night • • heve , proved a seripliS accident occurred 'at Or. McKenzie's,. Mord:ion.- While, Dr. •.and' Mre Mo r risen, . feeneerty, • .of .were • fix- ing 'the 'well a; beard broke' and . Mr. Shine fell twenty feet into the well, but in Jailing. he laridA on a' board that was attached' to, the 'etitbing and he • got oft with a sciaci•earm • and :leg and a •good 1iakitig hp: Word was receiVed by Those Bailane O tyne„ prusgos,- of the demise last Fri- day ; ` James Mkt6hCii 1 , : orne.rly. of ,Cfrey;,wlio went. to. Yerlitone A:tree ye.1,"S' ;Wiltre pisciavghtersi are ,realding.' 'He had• been in failing' health for some droPs'y "being • 8tisiredel;tel..piietee andpassed away his "• Mise Carrie Shortrecd, .01 Seaforth, tvai. yeeiting her cousin, liss, ',Jennie Armstrong. • After a mtichs tenger 1:..'•nuee .of ...life. than, falls to the lot of the majority Robert McNaughton, a highly. respect- ed resident of Grey :township '' for over 51 years, passed ,avitay at.the hemp of his • een:in-la,w, JO. Lowe, • 9th ton., in his 95th year. No, speciar,ail- went existed inset a Wearing out of the mortal, . His birtliffiace was *Perth- shire; Scotland, andbe' came to Can- ada when 8 'years of age with ' his parents , locating' ie .1VICNeb toWnship, Renfrew Co:, a, large company comieg to the new' land under the•direetcon :Of Chief MeNab. In 1853 wir.: ,IVIeNaughe ton .caine WestAvard and. took up 200 acres of'flee land lots on the 10th and Ilth ectis. , The South fibrin Was seta to Wrie Yeo• and the • subject of this notice. resided: on the other 100 until 1886 'when he ' disposed of it, I -legit Lamont being the purchaser, and71Vin MeN:leugliton. ',find family located • in Brussels. Mrs'. ..MeNaugliton. •died 5. years ago and for the peat 4 years d ceased :made his home at Mr. Lowes, Iie was marriedtwice, to Miss Pre,- 'Oalluth 'and Mina McIntyre. Donald; of Moosejaw and Mrs. John. Broad-. foot, deeeased, were. children of The first farnilY -and Dr. MoNaughtbri of Fordwieir ; Duncan, who died in 1883 Mrs. Jolie Lowe and Miss Lizzie were members. 'ofthe seoond, Mr. • Me - Naughton, was a Pahbyterian.iti re - a Liberal in pplities and • Was. rdOat highly. esteemed by all who knew Township council will meet on the 15th. A Local Option contest..5 on le this 'township now. Aneent is making greet •im- provements' on hie farm lore. John Mooney has rented his tam leo Wm. 13ernard for a term of eacs. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Abram, 1st line Morris, spent Sunday ,litet with Mr. aed Mrs. Jas. Golley. Entertainment at Ebeneeer on Fri- day evening •last. • The choir of Iviiig- ham Methodiat church was pre.ent." • Mr. Win. Isbister ha purebesed , evaporator from Mr, James Galley, agent for the Grimm drm ef, Mon- treal. ` Jas. DaVis and Geo... Kere -.have-dub, sold 'a fine year old, "colt to local dealers, and each realized fancy figur- es for same. . Wiiliam Cassels, who woyked with Ed, Pattersen during .the seihmer •months, has nowgone to work at the Qtltiene.John'il°SPLParline has . ge• n Al:e to his s,preeinegpotorrt Jisa9:y1:114-htliaN-viritgaberabFacakil5'inN-thell 1' f partner. Miss Mary ' Geilley entertained number of her young friends in honor of her brother, who is• latiedy home from the West, • • -" The ratepayers are -‘'epein-arms?' on account of the high taxes this y.ear. As for the Sommerville bridge, e'we think our credit .is very poor if it .v‘tould not have been better to pay: for it in debentures. The old Maids of fiveyears ago, told their experience •El the Yukon, in.;:the town hall, Brussels'. en Tuesday even- ing. Some • of• them told a thrilling eterY how they "caught a man." , . • M. Litt' and . te visiting Mende here for a couple • of weeks' weutto. Leiekne re they will visit relatives. •" Thos. Elliott move de last week. Sete the house recently ',vacated by • J. xioc.- ' into the,. house formerly occupied by le 0 . Atte . • - 'A. hot :few' .supper Was given in the ferdsb-Ytenian efierCh iest , :feud ay evening:. Supper •was ,seeved, .iI. the ASelnen t of the church froee 0 ,to• 8 O'cloek, . Alter Which an teeePeint gram, Was rendeeed itt , he enerele Mies Hare of Henisall gang reeitt. ed. • Mts. Young, Miss Rebertsori erid Messrs. Wateon and Atinieeeee LuCknoW :and Mr, McGregor: if Helens. also -.took artya the • pro- gram. AddresSes' Were gieen tie t1ie. re-iident ministerS•and ale° :by, W. Ceriway. of Nile,' Myth On Friday weelc after being congaed' to beik.for fee weene, -.7aniCs Arm; stroeg' pateed away to his' •reward.at the age.• of 60 years. Deegased -wee; born in Tyrone, Ireland, and'dame to this country when he was 17' yearS old, fine settling -.in the States; after- wards moving to Cenada and se,ttled in Vatigh.an township. tie wee •mar- ried how bereft partner ' 37 years ago. .They came- to East Wee wanosh about • 21) . leers ago. After giving' up fanning the parents lived with a 'daughter kri Luoknow, • after- wards., moving to Whitechurch • whet& they lived • over ,two years. Froth Whitechurch they. meeed to, Blyth Where they have•becti residents for nearly three ,years. Beides the wid- ow two daughters" eiirvive :—Mrs. W. Phillips of tiewn,ea.ed Mn.:.. G.:4. Webb of Lucknow.' The cause 'ef death was an a,beess on the lung. De- ceased' vas a member of the Pres- byterian Church • and a;ConservatiVe in politics. Tho funeral *as held - on Meredity. arid.interntent was made at the Donnybrook cemetery. • • Zurich' • .Tho,p,ev, M. Hauen • of Stiatford • and Rev) E. H. Been: of Crediton as slated Rev. A. D.. Gisehler in the Ev- angelistic meeting,, at' tho 14 th con.; ' teat week. 0 . •' .end' • Mrs, Juetus Demuth of Ashland, Wis., airived here last Week for a visit. with •reletilves and friends.' • They:Were .fetrmet residents rl,erieh, and their.many friends were pleasecl. to see them.-• ••• • : eThe einolca seek on the p,'riat mill brew down on Menday -afternoon last during the heavy wind) The roof of the dynatne meek vas punetured and the Stack is a...Wreak: Jt is ante! 3 vats since it was put up and was of very .heavy :iron, but tlie use of 'soft zoal, is :very bard. on iron. O Pire destroyed Mr, L, Itavello's storci. sojoure with:- Mende . near •Sheeparde at Gond Bend • on Saturday night ton, . ': hist, together With all the contents, • The stook and building was fully eov- ' :ere& ;by insurance', Mr. Raveile's , NEW THEOily dwelling jiist south of the store, was AteewT nummATeseee badly scorchedbut was saVed after This disease is conetitut(onal---ami- hard fight The cause of the fire is ed by "virus in thetVod that eircula- not known, There. will be ten, more telephones installed on the rural line. The wire is up and the rest of the work will be done as soon as the Phones come to hand. There are nowtliitty-four sub- seersHiron the new line, and as many more will WWI,' be added helat seaSob. tvery farmer will want a teleplime itt 'the next fewYears. relieve at once—it cures rheuthatisin, • 444.01.44444.4• 44.444,444•••••••444444 , gout and lumbago permanently. 14e-• sults Iguatanteed, 500. boxes at all. 00 Repeat it :—"Shiloh's Cure will al - dealers. nays. cure my coughs and colds."t , tes to all part of t body. To cure you musteise a constitutional trent- t; Nothing ,so 'eolupleteiy, dispels. the poison from the system as Per- rozonc, It .purifies and. renews the blood, ele,arn itiof every taint, • The system is vitalized and. strengthened and thus enables to ffght, oft threaten- ed atttieks. Not only does Perrozone . • • 46.444.444 4,4•4 4.444 •0444 4. ar• ••'• • 444444. • 4. • • 1(e116.at it :—"Shiloh'S Cute will al- ways opte my coughs htid eol Hamilton citizens tendered' a bae- quet to Hon,' J. M. Gibson, Lieuten- ant<lovernor ,of Ontario. 'Constable Wilkins of Simcoe shot by Chief of Pence Malone, • and itt ill a critical condition., . • 444. 4.4 :4 Tibtf :11,14V.*.YRI. R. IITOICS ALMIANAO For 1089, ready' Nov. 15th, bigger anebetter than ever, by mail 85 cents, on news stinds 80c. One copy fres with Word and Works monthly magoine at $1.00 it year. Word and Works Pub, Co., 2201,Locust 'street, St, Lbuis, Mo. .4 .4 14.44,41444,4444.4 Auburn Thp following shows the relative standing of the pupils of IL S. S. No. 51 .1 -lulled and East and West Wawanosh, for November, based upon test papers and general proficiency. Those marked with an asterisk were in attendance every day. Sr. ,Division, Se. 5th—Ralph Munro. Jr. 5th—erma Pfeffer, Milton Plun- kett, Marjory Doyle, Roy Nat:gate, Sr. 4th—Ruth Jackson'', , Allister Mann, Fromilda Pfeffer, Mary 'Raab - by*, Ernest ' Jackson*,. May ;• Den- stedt, Pella Stalker,, Zella Doyle, Winnie •Howion, Lapp, Jeckion, Clarence Symington*, Wesley Mc- Clinchey. • I Jr. 4th—Elina Ytuegbltitt*, Clara, Tubervele, Russel' King,: "Blanciee Arm- strong*, W nigAinefr.edLemijpam.,P'• . IY4in• ' Min- i Sr. 3rd—Jenoie Staler, •perm; !Symington, Verde Arsquith; Lloyd O Ferguson, Estlpr MeCliechey, Laver- ne • Robinson, • Robert Phillips; • Earl' Lilla Howatt, • , I Jr. Drde-Willie Carter*, Henry Tarn- , an,„ Edna Robiesoe*., Arthur • ferny, Gordon MeClinehey. • • Enrolled Attendance O. Average attendance 32; —A. F. Johes, Teacher, Jr. Division,O ' Sr. 2nd—Effie Stoltz, Ada Stew:. 'art'' Ellen Phillips, Lena Plunkett. O (Sr.), Jr. 2nd—Reggie, Mann; Agnes Creighton, Bertha Ferguson. 1, No, 1 Jr. 2nd—Olive Taman, John eStewart*, Ethels,Stalkete and A7tellie RObtneon* .(equal), Edwin Raittiby*, Part 2nd—Lewis • Ruddy*, • Graeme -Symington, Leonard Yungblut*; Vic- tor "Yungblutt*. , • ' St. :P±.....1stIoney MeClinchey* and 'Lureatha, IVIeKnight*(equel), Georgina Beadlei*, Hail* Gertie Ladd, Jr. Part lst—Leslie Schultz, Ezra Shultz, Harvey Armstrong*. O Enrolled Attendance 24. Average attendance • 23. -e-0. A.. &later, Teacher:, • Mr. Eli Watts was •killed on. 'the railway at Galt. . • • 'FEMALE TEACHER .WAN ;FORI O .S. S. No. Gederieh• toWnshi,e, "ditt- ies tO•commence with :1)00. Pl'erson-, al. applications .Will be reoeived: by the undersigite,i1 up to Deeeiribler .11111 G. -Hastings, J. Sterling Or A. • Naftel, Secretary, Bayneld P. 0. 42 . . December 100,1908 Catarrh 10 o COnlitittitiOnal, 01000110 'Whatever organ or passage of the body it affects, atla requires a constis tutional remedy for its permanent cure. Et Clepend8 on an impure, impover- ished, devitalised condition of the blood, which keeps the mucoue mem- brane in a state of inflammation, and causes a debilitating and generallyoffen- sive discharge; also headaches, riugin noises, partial deafness, weak eyes. Hood's Sarsaparilla, by purifying, en-. dolling and revitalizing the blood, re move the cause and effects permanent cures of all forms ef catarrh. Hood's Sarsaparilla ls 8 Constitutional RettledY Sold by dregrrbste everywhere. 100 Ogees Oa° olia,r. Frederick DuniceichelLe of. Walker- ville and Fred. Paquette of Amherst, . burg'pleaded guilty at Detroit to aid- ing in a counterfeiting swindle. ' EXECUTORS' SALE OF FARM property, lot No, 28, con. 0, •Gocl- ericli township, Containing eighty • acres of land more or less, will be offered for sale by public auction by - James 4. Smith, auctioneer, • on, Setnrday, Deoraber 19th, 1908, at 2.30 o'elocar p, m, at the Commer- cial Hotel, Clinton, The farip. I ,of • good rich soil with good buildings and good water. Terme 10 per ' -centcash,-balance let. April 1909. For .further panticulars aeply to Mrs.. -• John Halstead, Goderich ; • Joshua • Cook; Clinton; Executor. W. l3rydone4 Solicitor for Execqi- ors. I HAVE THE SAMPSON BRAND • of Cement: for sale, hi:large and ' small quantities. There is no hot - O ter make of cement one the marke(. O Office opposite G, • T. R. passenger station, Telephone onnection, • • or orders mav be left at Harland Bros. hardware itore.'lf more convenient. , JAMES HAMILTON; CLINTON. O NEW MEAT MART.—HAVING PUR- chascdtho butehering business • car- ried on for some time by • the- . Polcloue,•h B r o p.., We •resPectfullyt solicit a Share of the patronage of the public which we hope to merit „O .by keeping the best of meati 00 and at reasonable prices. Give us . O cell, Our shop is next to The News - Record Offlee.T. T. & Bert Murphy • CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS' .• A simple and effective remedy for SORB THROATS . AND- ouatts. They combine e germicidal value ,cresolene • the with the soothing properties of slippery elm and rhe. Your druggist •or from us, Ma in stamps. .7.issznal,latt,es Co.,-Llinited, Agents, ilontrea'. 4os woh—snartva.muanamsz-,,sroy.f..amedasinuarammusaarressarseatocanavill • • • • • ierasewerreassesrmsemereenffirreentershermarmeairoenweinmsewernaw ;.W nJacobs IFE qping=o •Business Sale 'To buy the very nevvest Christmas Novelties • at sale prices In Neckties, Scarfs', in all the newest shapes },landkerchiefs, all kinds,. Silk an linen , .Gloves Braces, Armlets. and EloSe Support- ; ers'in sets • Fancy Vests; Knitted Vests, Wool S. eaters, • Shirts, Collars and -417 In fact every thing. in men's wearing apparel." Fleeco Lined 60c Underwear for 0400 00 All kinds of wool underwear at reduced prices 1/0 JACOBS CLINTOT, 44. •