HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-12-10, Page 1.4 V 1,9111,11111.p.W. ' Remo 28th ,Year CLINTON . ONTARIO* THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10th 19013 PV•••,..."4 Whole Number 1554 Out.pew Story commences this week. It's an especially good one. Don't miss the opening chapters, gurchase liour 'Christmas loch gight Nothing is to be gained by , waiting until the last few days, -but mudh One, waifry- f and mone will be saved you in °buying early, and buying- at .ir•ilgar),T fetve?ary Store. W. X. Clinton jeweler and Optician. 1 somemnemszemo.oson INCORPOL,LATED 1869 THE ROYAL BANKOF CANADA Paid -Up Capital $3,900,000. Reserve $4,890,000 Total Assets - - - - - $46,500,000. HEAD OFFICE. MONTREAL. CLINTON BRANCH -E. R. DEWART, UANAGERS COUNTRY BUSINESS EverY facility afforded te farmers and others for the transaction of their banking business. Sales notes will be cashed *or taken:for collection. Special Attention Paid to Sayings Bank Accounts , 0:61116.1111111111111. • anm siseimmaimmec I The MOLSONS B INCORPORATED 1855. • ' Capital' - $3,374,000 Rest Fund. $3,374,0.00 Has 65 Branches in Canada and Agents and Correspondents n all theprindipal cities . . in the world. . • A QENERAL BANKING BUSINESS .TRANSACTED: , SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT . AT ALL BRAN01-1.ES. Interest allowed at Highest Current Rate. 1 Clinton Branch - C. E. Dowding, Manager GOPOOMEC=126====7.5702.14134=7=13MW 4•044.44444144444411101•4.4.!..1.4.0.......1 1 ..111,V410.... . ••••• 1 THEl LOCAL MARKET, Wheat 92c to 940. Oats 37c. to .30c. Peas 82c te 84e. • Barley $0e to He. Butter 21e to 22e. Eggs 24c to 25c. LiSe Hogs $5.00. ST; PAUL'S OgURCH. The union dehate which was to have been held in this churole on Monday evening was indohnitsly postponed ow- ing to some misundenetanding on the psrt.ot the debaters. The exeeAve of the Synod of. Huron meets to -day in London., Rev. C. R. Gunne and Mr. John Raneford attenul froni CrintOn. • . • MITERS OF SHEFFIELD 1,0110-133 Tbe offieers of Sheffield Lodge S. 0, evereseleeted last Thursday evening for the eneuing year as follows : President, II, Powell Pot president, John Woon Vice-PreSident, Thos. 'Judd Sec . -Treasurer, 'I% Jackson,: Sr. 1st -telhicle, Homy Itoutledge Znd Giiide, •Vii1lirn East . Inside Guard, William Slornan Outeide Guard; Alex SloMa.n. L, OFFICERS. The following..ere • . on Tiresday. evening eleeted, , officers el . Murphy L. 0. L.. fot-the eneuing year . Master, n.. S. Cook. .Deputy, „Hartley ;Watts. e . Clieplaine.W., G. .:Smyth. pimeSeeretary, Josh. COS& , leeeleSecretary, W. Towns,efulee' Treastirer, John: Noble. • . D , of 0,, Fred. •Cettleie . • Lecturers, .JOhti Find,' Fred. • I -14 - ward.. • . ,' '' • ' - • ' is.t *Cominittee man, *DaVid Barre ONE OF .THE CIRCUIT .RIDERS • The• felletving .is. from- the CheeleY ;Enterpeise. : • "Rev. Josiah Greeene •-s. 74 years old; 'converted be years • ago, so • 49year a ministeri. preached 30 year 1 Alethedist Church 20 years ago, Gligli. ago in Seheeley, paator . of Cheeley in brie! is the history :of 'Rev. josian. ' `3'i'eeife'''Aei.'?6eCtilifett:'. 'the • pulpit•-••••oe. Wesleychtirehe lasts Stindey. ;"ilev.," Mr,. Greene -has been superannuated for .. 7 ,years .and, located at Clinton.; but be still siipPlSes,mere than hall Of ,:- his time: 0 His sernione:, :were full dr • the gospel"' and soul-inepiring... He ha. always been known . as a conseelited minister and his ,.preaching 'has • been W.onderfully• :blessed bf'Gpt1'.. The iaege. congre,gationg•nt beth- .Servicee. Wesley church • laee- Stintray ificlicated the respectand.' eesteein• in whieh••••-this pioneer pastor is 'regarded,: The. • re- mthiseences Of :pioneer clays by . this • eirenit eider • tele. Very •intereetipg. • ge.teld of holding the'first• Metluidist mission • service. iii AlcGaev's 'halt,. .•-• Clreeley,:.• 36 Yearsifi .ago, when. th.ere 'Were only two Meiliedieterfte/Lnilles in erns 1)laCe.40 toerOd to Olt lirPgrqt ;Of thie..churcheliere . since' thae..„.elene, lind 4the picirvelass growth: af e thie •• :. ton .• It .e.ectS • ceinlexional• Day,.. end the• •subseriptioes Of last -,yeat -ewet.. mere then •ffoubled; • - ' • •• ' • ,sr C',. A. :SOCIAL ISVIll.N.ING. , . - . occasion with •red, .White and blue hunting. There wa.a a geed attend -r ance and all telt VerYinuehsPtit liamt . and enjoyed the excellent 'program:• 0 • musie, -Speaking and refrestnients. President Hartley in his openeng .ie - marks extended a eqedial welcome to ., all,: and a hearty..invitition. 'to :the, - .young men present to become meMbets. of . the Assoeid;tien. An eXeeedingly 1*,e11-,rendered vocal duet by: Misses Reid and Greene was received with 'wild applause. Air.• L. C.' Fleming gave a: vocal sole later which' a most able ,imoromptu address was given by • Mr. J. Ransford in ,.his usual pl as. 'Mg • manner, He eiliorted . the ! y? -mg men to .abstam. from . the use of 'to- bacco and liquor' and .•;t1v,rays to be mauler, fraek and gentlemanly in v. -hat they did.. A ,piano' duet by Itli.:ses. Courtiec. and Plunisiteel was Ilea.rtilY encored, to Whieb the ladies respOntl- al, Aliss Clete • Ford and .1ell•sg M. Chant aieo delighted +4.0 :audience. • with' plait° s.:olps.. Mr. -FIcMing • gave an address on the progress •of the Y. lVf . C. A. work in .guron dounty, •:re-' porting a • total • membership in the Ave 1)o1nts organized ..since Sept. 151h of over 125, which will zoon very. much increase, He:said .thef: expected to intrOduce,„ very Soon a :junior de. pertinent for boyte, from 12 to • 16 years of age. After the program re- freshments we served, for- which. the ' Association is deeply indented to the ladieswho furnished flusan. The Veil- ing concluded with a stfiring hearty "sing -song" by all present, Mt.' nice peeliditig at the 'piano, . - The Clinton Association is getting upon its feet now,..having someeigh- teee or teventy monbans and is mak- ing good progresS, They, have it, coni- fortahle, • well -lighted 1room, with plenty of goodb reading in it, games, suoh as orokinole, sheckers and fort, arid music, and it Id' expecteS that it Velll be arranged .soon to linve the monis open and accessible to the members almost overy' Aiglit , in the .week to read, play - games or enjoy., We inusior4n the educational work, mock .triaIs,‘---,4nock, municipal eleett. ions, debates and practical talks aro being arranged for, and on 'Tuesday , evening . next in tbe religious .work, the study of the lift ot Joseph Will 44/a1141~1/4/4/ CLOTHING niorrish.Drooks . off CLOTHING - ORDERED READYMACE vi . • Nobody ques- tio is advantage. there is. in buy- ing Goods where you can..getthe , best selections tt.. choose frorn,.and the sarne time .get the best •val7. Ales. . We have an• 6xtra ied stock of OV- ERCOATS this . season. that nieans 0.0 L • LARS SAV- ED in huyiug. to anv twin. re- quiting a gar t tnent, of. this: N. kind, fite we have values t o offer •o ter ,thau tr b,fore 'Our ; f.41121.1ERS " this season aro at poptdur p• loos, etitissittl. ill prices a t • $7.50, $10 and $12. We have some cheaper and. snipe oxpety. sive, but these three, lines should reec‘i:‘,... e;ire...• • ful attention, before buying Remember the Place and Vito Prices. "A Square Deal 'for Every Mat," MORRISH. & CROOKS' successors to Hodgks Bros, Clothing Stol4N,,,,,. -0 he lbegtin, led by nthe vice-president, migsmostommosimowaiiiiimmmiwiiiimiiiiiiimummoarmommiiiiiiiiMr, TerrY An' informal social • evening was 110X by the loeal Y. M:. • .0, A. in their ,P.roorriSeon Thursclny night!, east. • Tie() •,eobni was tastehilhy detoka led. tor the. 42 SHIPIVLENT OF :HORSES. LITTLE LOCALS. LITTLE LOCALS. New Advertisements Me 7 Mason town and Mr Rei e Mrs W Ja ks t i AI Si * . 1 P . . i . . . e on en er a ned on rs. munou entertained a large toul, Wingham, made a shipment of Tuesday. . - , number of her friends on Ttiodiy ev- horses this week to Kenora. They • Miss Ella. Lindsay entettained a. few ening. . • . , • state they find considerable difficulty of lier friends last evening. ; If the weather c;uttlutr s favoratio in securing the anintals they , want Mrs. J.. W. .Neweombe is entertain- the skating • rink Will be opened 00 at the price their market will afford, ing a number of lasy friends this ev. Friday evening, -. that is from thirty to forty per cent. 'ening, .. .i Our new Story heOns with•this is- lewee than a, year ago, Lily Hunt gave her a phina AM linen the, open:ng chapters - st A number of the' girl friends of Miss sue. It's a good . one. • Don's rnise BA.PTIST CHURCHshower last evening, ham% la -view Arr. James Finch has notscht the S., On Sunday o ening last • a large .4,, ' nnroachin g . • kr • marriage ' ; Cook property south of the track, crowd again .paelted the church to thio The opening of the new • Catholic , the pricL,. being three hundred -dollars. doors, and the pastor preached an int- church will take- place on Stmday, , Tile .terin of . the following quenthers pres5tve gospel et.nlon and baptized. Dee. Oth. The let. 'Rev, Monsignior , of the Publie school Award' eXpires two Men, Ted at the Lord's supper ,affer . the hree mberwere receiv. :mes Mse°rtymitvee;. _ i : (.,01. tie,. F. Hill null r. 13. 'male. of Windsor will assist in the:with this month : F. /3 ilall T The regular meeting ot, the Woinen's., morning service. The subjects for Institute 'will•he held at• the home of • next Sunday ;' Morning; "Teust and Direakon." Evening, • oAn, eed rove Mrs, Bradshaw on Thursday next at i. 0. rte. AT HOME. will be given and. also .4 demonstra- ' At Home held lastc,ening by tion, il ' - 3 p. sharp. Interesting papers H " • .itory.'l • • TI1E CLINTON HOSPITAL,. Collet elineon L • O. F. was a pleasant and succe-isful affair. Th-.! Clinton: IteSpital Association A BENEFIT 'CONCERT. ,,:chalr was ocaupted by Mr. T. Jac::son was 'organized on Satiiriralliiir Wttli''-''''"----------7-------------- • --:--- .ev_ 1 Jr..; in his usual. terse an i y man- , At a. nieeleng held on Saturday . the,v.pri• fieseli,ld'o. Ditt, e) "glspioiroffi. mcspehrs officers 11.‘' • v: it, : , • . , , ,.. . . . ening arrangements ware ,niase for Ihenefit eoncert • '• to be held *on • New •W. I.,. Wilkinoon, the organizer • 'who a ner. Adciress•es wits glee's by Mr, SeeeTreasuree, Dr, Gunn - 1 Year's Night, The -followiagweregtilie er. the 1.0eal ;Jute ben _woiking in the intrests of e Court . for .the past tee. pointed o a icomreittees. to look . Directors, J. Scott, • C. E. Dawding, J. A, Ford, Ts !Jackson Jr., .John the distributien of the receipts : Ree• i,(1,aYs'r., 41.1,,d 1.,,)3r . •I'll'' urganiz'cr-in"<;11ia-' Wiseman, H. Wiltse and. J, E. Hovey: •;C, R. Gone, ehairman f, F. R. Hods P4r* t'. H. itie.frYilelq ()f Londe. n. • s, 1 The executiVe are the three dot:- gen tetra and Meesrs. Dowding and Scott. w -Hoover t WESLEY CHURCH. Rev. Mr. Ch. riesworth, W Beydnne., made., Other r s.ettes in the past,he - " • asurer ; T. '.Iacksen „TT. 1.atter spole • at sone • length, dealing , 'Bev. 'Mr; Jelliste, J. B. 10 an imprtssive y, ay with certain e,ivermote.,: H. wietee eate changes • wleeli v,.ere recently J 13("ribbingssaid, Which matte similar •eel vanees -los t• . . ,. . 'Rev, Tv.. J Jolhffe. will continence „ • . '•heavilY „in membershiP b1.41.' the drop next.Sunday evening a .series of. ser. -.DEATH OF MR. E, .J, U•UTLEDGIee„: for this cause in ,the 1. 0, le. only ev- mons on some. 01 the Most prominent • - • • ; 'eraged.one meneeer per court, ein the . lesath elainied another reeident of ' women of the'Old Testament scrip:Sur- city. of Ltmidon: where .there is, a mem- es..- The firet,elictraeter 7111 be•,1,".Ree, • seetiedge . passing atve,y, a.gea • • u7-eweezeterwerheeseesi Clinton • lad. night, Mr. 'Edward' ir, . ,, bership of 2,0fie therir were ,only• 'live ...Ziiiilrilrloli,Y.11 laliteS:tir 110' bmr 0 t107.1V_Ivi., Ars1::. Atv.rnoli:!.tiyigiyacnadrsai.aidgocaarlilidC al 0 ytehairs cioactrettrs:.;s1;e1,11 dilturel, at'1111.37allovin the line and .the . .. . has • eur ta iled the conclusion. • of the addressee 6' nobaird, Ci'l&f.Was .bor.n on• the . Lontirm A.' 0. • Pattison this (Thnreclays .even- order : was .' never in a more thrifty lie •loeated . in Chilton of which ,he leg at 8 o'clock, • . • • ---esse•e---;.-- continued- re•-regittent! continuouelf. ti 1 condition than at the present lime. ,._,cr. oriT_uctkheersrialist olertoyceinoibnenr . yjeaasz He is of . Irish -Scotch . parentage .belcale?' • ... ' pew management, • years. • Ile was •a path e .elarken- • . Al '• f d William Glen Lost -J. H01'4414-5 Come to les -P. o's Wanted -Jae RattenbkeY-0: Se.v.ing .Prices -W, Walken-8 Logs Wanted --Salt Worts -5 Xmas Presents -A. J. Grigg -5 Winter Shoes -Fired, • Jacksmeeet. The :Store for :kinas--Hodgens-•-•8 Leovittg Sale;--Plumsteel 'Bros. -1 Fib C hi utteeelooteer 's Bookstore -4 • Walk Over -J. Twitchell Son -3 • Christmas- 0fferings-Neweombe's-1 • • Chance of Lifetime -E. W. Ja,eobs-,2„ • • A Successful Farmer. .. Educational. anniversary• services to the Ire:learned Thersh. makieg "t4ere. Was a shore.. but .nl aedne nrn and eanibines. the good cpialities of : 'were. hold last • Sunday in. Wesley anti also . • gardening in the: Old Conn -e. _O./larch. • •Twe..excellent.• Seri -none ." Were try...and the' later oectipation lie' ale Ont. gram .cotibributre by „Mies Wiltse; the both races.. His!,father was a' lumber - S t. 'Suer t Itt, ' and Mr. Re 'el • .preiehed, • in the inorning :by Rev; W. ways fcillOwed. 'here, He was Linl in- man 'on the 'Upper Ottawaand. for • . E.• Kerr and in the evening Rev, Dr .• dustrious •„atel. honest man • ancl. much ... Warner; Principal. • of • Alma .College.s•eespecteS in •the••etimmunitte. , lie • had Downs -after, which eNonee were '. distributed.. • e imene.• -• • • - Nandwicyhescjiit•eIna_n_,a= tWelve coneeesitive years he convoyed. t big' ;timber rifts down to the ,eity, ...of The congregations seregpod coneider-. It. nig shave of. ups - and :ileWris. Onone ing eh° weather and' the "offeriugs. hb- 'occasion • he wae eertnik by lightning, .., On enetiart .of MeSSTS. -'...ii. ran'. alld QII.We.1;)heeep.: -.. the 'et,Sejeet.• ' • 'of this eicV•tO 11 eral. ' 1 . on another' he. suffered fromelemstrake • - • Was •Inet a .; Child the family moved le, Walker ' a hearty Note of thenks . . from the London Road to the 4th pone of Stanley •to the plate on which 'fie hae eveleeinee liVed- It is a well - situated farm,earful-lands d' good vieW " • toilowe ; •. • '., •-• „.• 4. kepte-up his work mien, a few.- weeks .. , .: PeteticeSeeals. ' ' of the eurrounding. • country .and ' is ' I 'beg leive •to report. that 1 iisiteci .ago:'He l„.i aurvi,Ved by' his', wife, eeee es • i• . .. •• • • • • considered ' one of the 'Best In • 'the mr,. A. (seer evae en Blyth, otsUr Sun.- . yeui; school On .00tobee- 2.0the . .21st; nine of the 'melee children • born to .d,T. ; . township. . os . . .,.• : end eome yeae; age while emPloyed was. git 1.host whit. furnished , the A SATISFACTORY •REpo'reeee. , , • • • in Abe: flax tnill his gcalP was alniosetPr°.gri'l- ; • . • • • Irespeceor Robb reeently visited .the •-tetn oft an ,aceident. These. •n-iiee :.• Clinton Publie school and reported .as fortirnes initiated his beelth, 'bet' tie ••• • . • • . • • 22nd eeed 23iel. The Scheel yard' and :them :SAIL'S. Edward Henry -of ' Mal-• tory', The .discipline,. order; ,.nianag.e^ Ei1W-ard' at Steelton, George ('. ; • in ,"'" W0 111 (4.()(.1•er..i•cr.. rr:ee'rid a Nis itec,i, Mr IT lon as uul to fottable. Tse • CareteIing . is. satisfe.6-;:7111171.77.7Srvit,77*.ted Mae.. a.teetoine, if c s wee. in a .satiefne t o r y, e n d le by, SaSke; Al re, Willi* 13 emseY ,Prel • as: ().1)Vaf t_:.130,100:10:e5inai£10015 For many ycals 1%e Iris: ment end progress, of • the eitipils in I3lyth :AS111110.11 Of 'London. • t . ues •ay,. , • . thIoest: The school is in a •liealthy . andeetlay tettern6pie _ prosperous ..coeuritione I have no sus:, •Mr• lietet from " 48'417 cd horses and good ones., toa. • NeeW svei',NY satyr is : toon, Seek, last. the variims .'roonid..are quite iaeisfac- funeral: Will take -place at 3.39, Satur- , Olark cEnten .• S•aturday. .,FairS at evhich. he has, exeibitecreeMr. gestion to Offer to the Board. except 00 ' Miss Hanna. London is the gbest of Arr. 61en..is Presbyteritte, -a, mem- • Oiat I think :guPplemenlary reading .1. 011.4 01111.,1 biggegt.,...; brightest . and ier e s e i t. r, se •s se s ct )0p e .. her Pf. Willis' eliereli; Clinton, , ae(1. e ti . .. .. . .• ,t. C •• ..slionict he .prcivided: The 'peinciPlii.'aini ' eemerica •Will appear in the town halls,. :', e'Vhere 'she will. epend the winter. . •;aileilY, • suitable for. !. the . five: leighes •roonie . /nose pleesing ceicired. altraetions iii. eers," fee tele has gone to me. Foret; •ovorY. Satt.da..4111jeja"cleie..oeice: :orevsiiitiipe: IIine -. . assiSteries could Make a .satiSfeeterle clin ton' , on. Tnesclay . eau ng ...ot`„Xl„:„ miss •Milito- itotts. lerV yesta.day tor politics . he istoit stan. nob COnseirvatiVe.•• -e, - e. . : . . sereetion for,.... each. ramp... The Coat when j';'ties Roekeyell's' New .... 'Spiine .Toronte to. •$a,ke eepositeoh ia i ;s:,; -p --elms lie is auditor- of his , school sbetion, need not be inoethan itoth $5 to !is 'Sou,th (sewill make itsseeond ape ::... member of the s Jnetices reermetel Institnteand ' PCZ rooin. This.. report would not . lee. searanee . en tins t011at„. - .1 11, 1, .. eeeson .....urs. ,.,..40.. iepnoway• • ie at p.r.e-see.t one of III:s •Arajpety•ef thee , • . • • . , complete ir.I. were 10. omit that. , the this dentpa'n5s. tippeared • in our towa. 'visitii g. her traugleterlitre. les 11-Oieees.-Peat'a• Public school board. and Pnblie:Seineol .and eave excellent satiefactibn, and , of. Exeetee. • • Mr, Glen is also tv•inernbet .ot ' the. staff are •entitled tothe entire eon- 'this season the• performance is ,guerene if . /3„,..6 .1r,. r ,.. t • e .1.b Pr 'i ' Mu ici 1 ef f 't . . • fidences of• the eatene:e•.ees• of the town., eteed te• be congiderably .s Leone • tt • - • . • , • ' . • • • - a sit t u n was ie n pa millet o anley where : .,et Ian . . • . • . eetteet .oi efrs, '1 I.earas One • day lus ripe juagment and ,expereenee ha DEATH-. OP SAISISS: COATS . SR. • • • es wee •• . . • at that tithe. Eveeything. ig .bright ... • • • . • „ 1 and 1.1•7311 from start to fin set, hei - -n- 'Mr. Eliner: Finch, Seafoeth, • spent - On.'Sinulay last , there. pi rd into neiv, modern, e.efified . and, up-tosdate• ta . Siintlay with his parents; Mr. and •rest eternal: one of the . 01 lest rest- the intratt:.‘, ', lhe Oho is composed of 1 Mrs. -James Find!. dents of Clinton in the•pers.on of were. the hest act e' vaudeville and i•4 MI'S', Snell of • near Constance. has Coats . void. ot 'all eoarsetese, horse play and beery the guest of het aelnie Mrs. site wal. filirn seeenty-tour years ago vulgarity. ,There is Plenty of run - in leoare, for a few days. in •the state of PeensYleania. and was . the produetipri; in, fact it was• -built' Miss. Helen. Fear of Seaforth was' the ot tertele ex:traction, her maiden name for laughing purposed only and ifsgen- guest of MiHazel O'Neil for a Stewatt, Goderich .township and kr. being Sarah V6gler. Her father wile erally conceded to he the funruett se ..s- -ss avtiPle of da.ys last week. ,. • Charles Stewart of London Mr. Ed- . ae Moro/fan MiesionaeY who labored sitoiv.sinee time. bega,neofneflY is• iall Mr. and Mrs. T. 0.: johnstene 01 ward Glenof the 2nd 0011 e. thc oiily for years animig the Indians in" Kan- that is.•airned: at''' and nettling.. t se Gorrie wer,e guests during the past :brother of the cotineillter eme „ s . and later in 111oraviali Town, . is reached bar -some very 'Myer :, and WereY. of Mes;rd. R. Muteh 'and Sr Mr. Glenhas been retpiestdd **by Oats Where be Vied.. The subject of fieeentahle singing and dancing eneciae 1,Rathve11, ratepayers from •all parts of '• the this -notice madded ., Mr. Wil-- /Wes that will make:the andinnne Sit Mr. nratilt Fowler was.in :New 'lam- township to contest the reeVeship• and Ham Cato : and very shortly. - up .and listen. 'It you want' to haivo it burg On Fride.y last attending , tele, ho .wiil in ail probability eoreseirt to afterwerdS •--- fifty-five" Yearsago-•-• good laugh. and • hear litlgilt and funeral of • a friendwhom he hail do , SO, ; if Aa doei ei) he is assured they located he Clinton, . • On jingly Music thatwill gend you' haute knoWn 'for Many yearsof a most cordial suppoi t. his arrival :, here Mr. % Cokitg• took whistling, happy and contented; Allis mr.s, J. R., &Ilene, ,attpr basing; been .. . , . . . . ‘ up mereliantile hesiness ,a0d; cats • ig the performance for you to :patron- he guest 'cif her daughter, Aire. A. • ;led on 'a . eenerel ,store on .the fees' pp. ".Xoontewri" para,do taked ',I: Grigg for a couple szif Bayficht enabled. him to save. his • tellowe tax-. • Payers .well •and his goodeeeetnie• , and • obliging cligpssilion 'Intee made exesedingly peptflar. •Where best Ic. 'noWn •Conneillor Glen is best liked. • Mrs. •Glen is. a d,augletor of the late. •. John 'Stewart and sister of' Mr.' Attain, Stewart; P Stanley, 'Mr, John corner now pecdpied by the Royal place at noon. Prices of admisenon Bank 'Up to his death. in 1984, are 256, 35e. ante 50c, Seats'"are now To qr. and Mrs: .Coats Were bore on sale at Pair's book store. Xis sons and.threc daughters Wal- • BOILER SHOP le„.ItiNTED, ter, Winnipeg r Robert tind john, De- troit ; Charles, . Clidecigo ; At •sioneay rilght,ts nvetire`g of the returind to her home 111 E',. fIIOIIIiLS last 'week, • • • ' . • • Additional Bayfield eibive on page r 4. Alise Lillian Coats, of London's and st, ndeew"s church.. S. S. „intend . , Mr. Will. Mantling og monicon. were holding their ChriStritits.'Tre& in •Itlie in town on Tuesday attending the town hall on Christmas night ‚(ltd 'Ire • Clinton ;*, Mrs. -Se. G. Middleton,. GO- ts."2Wis council: the lease wars ratifiedbed. S, eoateS, • - g s . c. itincrai 01 0. f. s . i le: now. preparing their program. • .. . . • • i • CaPt. a.nd Charles Ferguson feturne ''• •trieh township I.. Mrs, '.Or, eMeCallund the boiler, shop of 'the Threeher Coin- Alessrg. 'Pratt 'and. Riley of eSeafprth ed •home 4 -tee Week tii.spend, the: .ixitit.: of town, who ptedeceased hee ettoths,e who the' first - of the IleNV year will by a few months. ._. . commence'. the' manufacture at boilers.: " Shortly atter • the 'death ot Mrs, Mr. Didwell .Waa formerly boller-mek. gaining, Mrs. Coals went to Jive er • for the CoMpeny but .of late has with Mrs, McCalltlin. at Orestlinc, been . in the elnPiny oi . a Stratford and 'thore she. .wai,' seized with &en- concern. He -will pay. a rental of monia to which she suecumbeel after a twenty-five dollars , • per .month anti few days illness. The remelt's, which viiI employ from ' seveit to ten nu* Alma to accompany him home. - Of orpeees Tor h; (ye ei: No, 21 was were accompanied 'hy Dro-kcealluni In Ids root t„' to the wadi . the Mr. n 0,,..g.aufmai4 'Soeretary of the hem. in the Grange 'hale on Friday • eve. and' the Mayor of Crestline, \S41' inedieat health °Meer stew. that elur- Poultry Association, ;waited On the saispir hts.t with -a large' number Of brought to Clinton, arriving 'tile by, ing the .y.aar' there havebee0 • 1(5 ,deaths • ceninty co -until :last week and. Secured members. present' the afternoon train on Tuesday tind and 53 . „breths. He ' eisaminefi 2135 ' Sir •usual grove of $25 for the 40,, , After the usual were taken- to Willis '7 churelt from sampleS of water and' in only a . few tto pouitry-1,3;othitio to be hail: , I:Online OP bitiness the auditors' - re-' whence the funeral teel plaec, Sot- eases around cull „np'p) artesian. Well .• hi (lilac% in ,January. peltwas presenthd which showed the ' • lodge was in good ,standing...,,The el - conducted by ney, Dr. Sttwatt, .Til,' Tne' option beid, by, the-eouncil on _town Saturday, Those who knew ..with mid "swim as. follows :. . . of Crestline; Ohio, and Mrs. :trawling parry's pia,at-to Mr,, Harold '1314will°,- and Mr. Montgomery, Diatrict De- tor It the eiii a pitty, • AIeKillop, • were in: Clinton Messrs, George -Erwin 'and William e. . . . 'Monda) eVening attending a meet,- .lowett are attending the High Court ing of Murphy Lodge; - Mr. Wii). leer ' came • home ill last Mrs. Thomak king yetyrned home af- • - ' • : at CI oderith thig Week. as jurymen,' ' wilt•re belied been clerking for seine 'Mrs. Vanstonz of Goderich. - wetlt from Alma, Wellington county ' ter ?spending a Wenk. with ber,mether, . months. IDS , brother 'Fred.. went 10 . The el 41 • neetin - f ir theelleeti n Vices at eltureli end cemetery were guilty.. • , Mr' IL Schaeinr •X1PPen eaten of officers was then proceededi pallbearers were. ,three sons ' ' of the tla gore, vvhere the waterworks Mr. 'Schaefer when he was landlord Master,. Robert McMurray Deputy, D. C. Galbraith Chaplain, Rev, ;Wit. Hind° . Ree.-Sleeretary, G. E. Greenslade Pin.-Seeretary, Harley Attwood Treasurer,. W. Tippet D, of V., A. E. Erwin Lecturer,Lerne Xing Conanitteemen,P Wallace Johnston, marm. William Heard, William Div% Richard Elliott and Itenry Melte, , .. After the ;meeting was -closed lunch was served and 24 started on an. ' delayed on his way from Holinfis- Mrs, Millv of, Saskatoon arriVet serviees and WO unavoixlably othex year 'with bright prospects. , ville, consequently lie was obliged home on Satunday and iS the guest ot 10 abandon the SetVieC at Summer. her patents, „Mr. :and Airs. Willianee hill which he' tery muelt regretted. xing,. ,ceased, Rokiett, John and e141 lam , welle have been located was taken up her.grandson, William Manning, of Monk,ton ; her nephew; Itegistrarx Coats, Goderich, and her soit-lit-laW, Mr. C, G. Middleton, 0 Mr. Waiter Cents'Winriiiieg, could not arrive in ' time for his mother's funeral and Mr; Charles Coats, Chi- cago, was held • up brpoorrallWity connection at London libel 'thug preven- ted from, taking part in the last sad rites. • Tie passing of Mrs, Coat,S, who during her long lite here worr" the con- fidenee an'd eiteern of our townspeople, is the ti'verattee of another tie connet- ting the present with the early days of Clinton. of the Commercial fifteen .or , so by the coupell. The price is $300., years agd, Say Tie is carrying his This 'payment together with the test years remarkably well. .0f the wells, ete„ will make =cogs- Mrs:. It Irwin and her sister, Miss ary the selling of $1500 worth of Itippey, ItaVe this afternoon for St. watetwonics debentures, Lends, Mo., where ithey -expect to Several ratepayers in the north- remain it month, after which they west corner of the town. asked for ci go td San Bernardino, California, etreet honp :anti another petitiOn re- for the remaioder of the winter. quested that a ligh.t.,im located • on Prineess street between the Collegiate and Albert sineet. Both petitions 'were laid over fOr neXt year's coun- cil. The cquricil'il bill for lighting fox the month of November was $113. During the season that cOuritil laid tetnent Waft and crossing; to the value of $1625. ; gev. W; /1, Dunbar experienced great, dinleitity on Sunday last in getting around to his ,dilierent churches for' the morning and, afternoon