HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-11-26, Page 4T
CIAnton riews.liteoportio
We shall be pleased to have you visit our
China Department, which has .recently been re-
shelved, renovated and rr-stocked, a• is sure to
please you.
Dinner Sets,
Tea Sets,
Wedding Preaents
Fancy CJinaware
Limoges China, Cut Glass ,
Hand Bags and,
The latest shapes
and the best values
A Large Stock
now Ready
Christmas Cards, Booklets,
Cards and Calendars are now
Come and get first choice
Why not Books for
1 Gooper's Book Stor
Having bought from one of the leading whole-
salers, two or three thousand yard-S'of Wrapperette at a
special price, we are able to: offer these to you ''at •a
good reduction in pride. These goods are suitable for
ladies' and children's wear, and in the ,regular way •
would sell for 15c and 17c, our price while it lasts •
12%c _ Yard.
Fancy Handkerchlefs.for
We have all the new Christmas Handkerchiefs in•.
nom, and would advise anearly inspection while the
stock is at its best, plain linen, . crossbar, hand Made
fancy handkerchiefs, pretty fancy handkerchiefs suit
able for fancy work, aprons. kimonas. Come in and
see our range while it is at its best. We will, be pleased
to show them to you.
Ladies' and Children's Underwear
Our stock of Underwear is at its beat and. our
prices are right. We carry the fgim us Watson :tln-
shrinkable brand in all sizes, natural anti white •
From25c to $2,50
New York Neckwear
These are the latest fads in Ladiest.Collars, all the
different styles and colors. 'No two 'alike, Pr c es"
Every, Couttesy an4
tention Awaits
Qodurich. TowMhip;
Mr, George Cantelon. Jr. is on the
sick list, we are sorry to learn, with
pleurisy, flop* be will soon he o. R.
Mr. and Airs. James! 'Bose ate visit-
ing friends in '/.urieh and. ,Stephen.
Mrs. Joseph Corrie of the 7th eon.1
•is' visiting her sister, ;sirs, Belcher of
Frank' Elliott, son' of Mr. Il, W. El-
liott of kite Bayfield Road. was visit-
, x
ing, at Mr. James Moe.es, over Sun
day. •
For Godericlt .tow1 ship news read
The News -Record,
An entertainment will be field in St.
James'. church :on the 4th of Decem-
ber for which a pleasing progre.m is
now in ,course of preparation,
In speaking of Mr. W. H. Gt;nliam's
fine new barn last week we omitted to
state that the. plans were brawn iy
Mr; William Alexand+erl of Clinton who
superintended the laying shit of the
stalls ,•water -troughs and •drivewaystin
the basement. Mr, Alexander ' took
mucks pleasure in seeing that. every -
"thing properly done and •Mr.: Geh-
hang's shilisfaction was his sati,fe,otiOW
-The-'township oouncit and Board of
Health • will n1,°eet on Monday, Demme
bet 3tti and ,also on: Dec: 15th.
M. Charles: Walnsley, w:to nits
heap in the employ of. Mr. John
Green, left' :on • Alunlay, for Owen
Alt!.. Wlilam Seotchmere end sister
spent Friday evening list :tt the hrnze•:
of Mr..;Thomas "Harris in.
Mr, -George • Sterling hes ` treated
his wife to. handsome handsome fur coat, -
11Tr ,Harry;. Hutchings wears a broad
smile because : of .the arrkval of a
young son.
Councillor Glenn' of Stanley was on
lite Bayiielt! Line one day last week
bunting ' for at few good stockers. Ile
called on Mr. John Stewart and' • in
looking over the herd he said ; "Jaolc
those are the best cattle .I've seen
y oU 'lave'lavefor 'Some Crime." Mr. Glenn
wound up by buying half a dozen ,
he :won't have any batt, the best and.
kirow,r; Where to rot them,.
The meeting of the A. . ', P. A. in
connection with•, St, ° James' church
was held 'On :Friday.lase yvith a .good-
ly number of the rne'tnbers. present. Mr.
E. Marshal for the meet epatt • con-
ducted •the meeting;' The nr'xt; .pipet
fns will take the .form Of a...debate on
the subject,. "Resolved • the t •C'ha.rac
ter • has more influence, in the agorld
thati MVloney:'.' Members of other ..de.
:.nominations 'Will .bc . made Welcome.
The feeling. which. was aroused in
t e 13 a 1
et in' •c
fi l l c s it 1
0o sco n •
y iso ov4t
the recent chastisement of: a couple
of youngsters' for hoistingthe flag.. to
mark a celebration,: has', note -Yet died
out, bat;, the opinion: 14 -now pretty
general over the section 'kha.t:
third party is i a'liy mote re'spon-
sible'fer • the-"utipleti,santneue" than
the one who actually. adininistercd
the, uncalled'' for *elven • whipping. The
hays stoutly deny unlocking. •the cup -
1 boerdeekt witan't • locked :it •ah—and
they .•eenntst`k"•7.1t Ity th"y4;'gird ll --be,
punished• by the -present+ teacher .for
hoisting the 'flag after. the Dominion
election when her •predeeeeS r allowed
the.fleg to be hoisted and "fly tilt. day
after1 el Lion. tie c an ,of :Jane. .last. And
the r.royi ivcte, still. more puz<led when
they learned that• a teacher on the
Babylon Line, Stanley, hoisted. the
flag,: herself ' to show. that she .was
:Well. satish,dat the victory., of ,the
"'Laurier .Government.
The fanner who ; triesto run his
farm without .a farm paper is not do •
ing or his :farm justice, Take
The News -Record •for :the meat news;
and in ;addition hie• surer. and add The
Weel:1y Sum to your; list of�-x ading
for the. coming. yearIi
,, eipful—that is
wttat-.,you will say it is, .and you will
never •want to -"be withoeit'it. Only
11.75• for both. papers. •
Summerhill .
Mr. and Mrs. C. Dale visited at Mr.
Geo Johnstone's on Sunday.
• Miss Edna Johnstone .is at present,
visiting her-cousfn,llliss 011ie Bill.
Mt T. <Fai♦quher of Urll green visit-
ed at.hIT. H. Meprien's last weelkl-
,l1lr, apd Mrs: J. Colborne visited
R1yth• friends on ,Sunday.
Mr. .G. Johnston= ' Jr. visifed, his
seine stere :on Sunday.
Mr, R. G. Reid lif Stanley' visited
at Mr. G. Tyneer's last week.
Porter's Hill,
Me, .F ank Picot• of Milestone, Sask.,
is .re vizi ...
old acr iiaintan
cis i . this
g n z
The. fowl :stiplicr held at Mi. S. lwl;c-
Phai`I's last Tuesday evening` was a
groat suecess. A splendid supper was
fuzinishett eller, which a.very interest..
ing program consisting of ,inetrurnent-
al music, readings, recitatioos • and
phonograph selections was given.
Miss Pearl Morgan of Detroit is
visiting ralatives in this vicinity.
Alias Rhoda Beetles.. is spending '• a'
few days, under the parental roof.
Me. Will. Jordan S'undayed • under thtr
parental roof. •
Mr, : nave Weston is visiting in this
vicinity for a few days.
Mrs. S. McPhail returned home Fri-
day atter spending a couple of weeks
with friends around Kippe7i.
Hullett Township
The invitations are out for the wed-
ding of'Anis Atiee' A. McVittie, eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. t.lis'ha 117cy'
Vittfe, to Mr. J. Stanley Carter of
tiro Stlt con. The happy event will
take plaec on December 0th,
Lange nuznbers of turkeys and chiek«
ens are being delivetrod to the scverat
buyers in Clinton flo1ntesvilt and
( C'onstaneer
Frosty" J. nell. stopped oil a O, t': R.
, Mrs. Thos. Wilkey is improving.
Mr. ,Joel Pilgrim had his fingers out
in a sawing machine last Saturday.
Mr, I.uker, a bro:lier of Mrs. Van-
less; who recently, returned from. the
Klondike, had many of his la"ge col-
leetied of /ere spread out on Mr.
Walter Stewart's lawn on Saturday
last its order that they night be
viewed by our dims.,� he collection
c' bear,
includes bca , wolf, mink and other
furs and is very valuaole.
Stanley Township
MYlrs, Edmund Westlake has returned.
after spending a few •:vee,ts ittneeg
friend', in Berlin,
AIr, 'Chas. Parker is husv tltresLing
on the Sauble Line them day...
• Mr. Thos. Westlake bus engaged
Master John Huston toaestst with
the fall ploughing. Tom br,uws when
he has a good man.
Miss Ella Goldthorpe spent a few
days atHier home et :Saltford, •
Mr. :W. J. Stinson• 4elivttren "•lo I r,
D. If., • McNaughton 4," 1•.:a,1 of Fine
spring calves. •
t%lrs, Geo, Woods and family spent a
day with: Mr. and Mrs;, Young of
Porter's 0111; . _..__.
Sorry to hear of the serious illness
of. Mrs. Geo; 'Macdonald of lee Brown -
son Line 'her many friends hozc to
hear of her speedy repovery,"
The Misses Campbell hada N try
successful sale on Wednesday last,
having rented their • farin to Mr. Sam
Hubner. They intend moving into
Bayfield to spend' the remainder" of
their days. ;
Mr, and :Airs, '1'. Stinson of Godecielt
visited at the ,formers : fatite>•'s on.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Sterling were in
Godei•icb one day' last week.
Mr, J. R. John,, is under;, the wea'ft-
er at present.
Mrs. George Foster of Varna , spent.
this week , fell relatives in this.vicin-
• bliss Fanny Mackenzie entertained a
number of tier 'friend,;. on .Friday ev-
ening' last,
IVIr, and Mrs::J: Cameron' of Tuck-
ersznith spent ,Sunday 'at tlhehome of
Mr. 7jhonias 'Brownette.
Mr. R.• J, •Richarrison , and sister,.
Miss Laura, sipent• a few days last
week in . Clinton,
Mt. z r
d J olttzstor sliest, �ttlday lir,
Seeforih. ,
Mrs ` George Foster of Victoria 13.,
C. is visiting with :her cotes*, 1Izs
Ida R^id, this tiseek.
Mr, b Wesic'y Peek" spent Send rid ty
tlie, horne of Mr. L. Clarke
• Air. e
Pa !Cleve who 10 1
a5 e t the r'15
, nr past
three months in Killarney, 'loafs,; ze-
turned home- last week,
Mr. anis Mrs. S. I-fohner, who have
rented khe:.:Alisses Campbell's Nein,
have got settled 'ie. their ".111..v.7 liomr
tl'e are glad to report that :Mrs..
Geo: Macdonald. is `on . the way
to recovery. ;
'_!Ings •Daisy SCotehm;re 'has returned'
from a ttn;ec, nronths', .visit ., to . her.
brothers, .:• Freti :find •Alf. in. Craik,
Sall: Slie.•Spealis `Tidily : of the, coin -
try •and it: aisa seems "to have '.agreed
� tit her e as , . she haS gained etiitsitet=
slily iii avotrtlz.poi;s to the ettent of
35 pounds.:
-There lel
t 'for Cls
e At`est. n �1 a
0 ottd y
one. of out:blighted young men in the
person' of AIr. Tommy Stilwell.
Though pcO essed of. a vdr.y stirring;
natere he had ti ,soling ;cli tt tctee and
a; most' antiable.disposition and .,:was
1lice(l • niost,:�i1 . those wlfo:.lcnew; . him
hest: T3fs <lestiriation f Troy „City,
Idaho, a long ,journey for
young, 1
} g 11.e;•)vlsh not sitcccss:
one so
Airs. D. Gedde '.of Uelgrate visited
with relatives herb last, week
Mr; . W. ' 1 atterson of ; Seaf,i tlt ie its
this •neighborhood in the i,tt.rests of
the A 0. U. It .
.Rev. W; Smith of Dtiftganmon assist=
ed Rev. A. E.:Jones with spedial'6v-
angelistic services" last week Rev. J.
Greene.ofClinton i5 expected to'• alc'e
the services this 'week. •
A Farnier's.•Want Supplied,'
Some ,farmers are •under the. impres-
Son 'that they. "lust -have a. purely
agricultural :Paper' to supply agricul-
tural information; but they overlook
the fact !that there is a, 'Canadiae;.
publication that, .not , :only furnishes
the most reliable infortnation pertain-
ing to.the farm, but at the same time
furnishes tihetn• with. a newspaper giving
the news of the world and 'a magazine
every week; as good'as• any of the Leg-
lzsit .or American magazines, in ]quality,
and quantity of good wholosorne fami-
ly areeding. The paper alluded to .is
fte,,,i"amily Herald ; and Weekly' Star
of Montreal, which costs but one dol-
lar a year and is .the greatest value to
be , bath- Itis a weekly • newspaper,
Welly , Magazine and agricultural
paper combined -a'11 three in one --and
if any, farmer . after giving it a trial
does not think it the best volae on
the .market he can have his money
back...No farm; ]louse in Canada can
afford to be without. CanalVe gretttest:
paper—The Family Herald and Weekly
Star of Montreal. ,
• .1, A.....
Mr. George McCully of Strattl`eird is
spending a few days visiting; `° his
mother and other friends.
Mr..Wni. Stevenson and, bride of
1't1he1 spent a few days a the guests
of their grandmother, Mrs. Wit. Cole,
and other friends,
6fr. Ephraim Clark arrived home
trotn the West .tvlare he has, been for
the past month..
On 'December 5th there will be a..
special quart tly feast •when the mem-
bers,` tickets wilt be distributed. 'A
good attendance is .requested,
The Royal City Mills un t:'ulse Creek
train on, the Sudbury branch, felt ; Vancouver, were burners, wit'r a lot of
through a bridge and was stilled. "lumber, x.oss, $100,(}00,
The Paugs of Sciatica.
Can fie Cured by the . Fail' 'free of 1,
Dr. Williams' Flak Pills.
Fierce darting pains, Pains like 1
red hot needles being driven through
the flesh -in the thigh, • perhaps ,down
the legis to the ankles -.+that's:' 3ciAtilca.
None but the victims can realize the
torture of this trouble.• 1310the
sufferer 'need, not grow.. discouraged for
there is a cure in Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills. These . fills enrich the blood,
feed the starved sciatic nerve and;
thus drives out the pain. Mrs. Jos-
eph L. Brown, ti3'amot; N. 8., was tt
victim of sciatica and found a cure, in
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. She says
"For a year I was laid up with
sciatica from my side to my foot.
What I suffered was at, tames awful.
I could not touch my foot to the
floor and had to hobble about with a
may, My right leg was drawn up,
and 1 never expected to stave tie use
of it again. I was attended by, our
•fatn'ily doctor; and •triad. several other
comedies, but with tee benefit, and I
felt very mush discouraged. One day
I read of the cure:ota•similar sufferer
through Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, and
I decided to'. try • thein, I got . six
boxess,..:and. _by site time. I had.. taken_
then. I was completely cured, and
have not had the slightest twinge of
the trouble since. I am, therefore, n
very enthusiastic friend • of Dr,. Will-
iams.' Pink Pills 'and recommend thein
'to all who are similarly troubled,"
There is no mystery about the oures
Dr.. WllianzsL- Pink Pins maks. They,
act upon the blood, enriching • and
purifying it, and in this way feed the
nerves .and leach the root of the dis-
ease. That is • why • they cure ouch
comxnem ailments as anaemia, pimples
and eczema,- .ihdigestion, rheuinatisni,
neuralgia, St. Vitus dance'; paralysis,
and the irregularities . ie health • of
growing girls and :woiuee,. Sold ley
medicine dealers or by mail at 50
cents a box, or six boxes for 52.50,
from The Dr. Williams' :1letli.+in • Co.,
13iack0ille; Ont:
illossrs. Fred;' Webber and Mack
of. Wingliani spent Sunday with' 'Mr.
and Mrs.', James Woodinan,• •
Miss J'ohnetone of 1Sstf1r4ic1 is •visite.
ing li • :friend, ng ez.. cid, ',11liss V, .IlileS, "this
weer,. ' s
• MrGeoigc Snell •and family have
moved• to , their' farm . -.near Auburn:
t.they will be greatly Missed in ghurch•
and ei " c
so.. ety err Its at. Londesiiora. •
Last' That<sday .,;slighta committee
Meeting. g was ilicld to .connection with
the Methodist *Barest to tfeside
Whether or ;snot to liat'e in • enttxtain-'
iiieet: -at C
as '..decided
Chat a Choistmis Tree ,aed entertain-
ment be held as usual en (Christmas
Night. •
Mr. A.•Knexe. set Sunday •last
with.frietids in the vicinity.
Mr; •H,utton tirade a shipnicn: of
grain, this week:
There % is..:a • good attendiutco, at. th
League. • Wednesday: night, . .>, debate
on- Recaolt i t' l�
ed l t m nfls n •'
t o an I e
ti 1 , t c.,
for good i$ greases: - than 'Ian's,"'
was ably handle,d by. three' voting lad-
ies es with : hr
i t ee 'f theother sex i
o t se n the
oppoiite side. The debate -was both
interesting and profitablie many ex-
othvpoints ,being brought 'out ori
The £arors ~ate glial • to see the
Tndiati• snnlnzer'as it is •givng them
a ehanee' to f1ru ll their plowing •'
' .Mr, Jolin Harvey and Wife attended
the funeral'. of Abe 'late : Ilarr•y, Kerr:
of Winghanl on'Tuesday..
Aliss• `A Bell' 'c tsited in I\'ingham.
this �4Cek
Mr, C. Meyets, a former butcher.
herewas • rericwfng• ofd.acquaintances
this week:
Round -Up at Fernie Reveals Strange
• Ceremonies. of -Italians.
The conviction • of: ,nine <`131ack
Hand" prisoners', who came to Fernie
from Spokane shortly before the great
fire, • were .arrested " and tried, being
'sentenced to various terms' ;ranging
from six months to seven years, has
rid the west country of a bad gang.
W. A. . MacDonald, K.C.,. 'crown
prosecutor, had 'a hard time securing
evidence from fourteen witnesses call-
ed,•but suflicieet was solicited to eon -
vitt. ..The ceremony connected with
'the first degree„ it . was learned; was
called "Pieciotto,", and was •compara-
tively 'Simple. All present divested
themselves of . any weapons which
they might Have ';concealed.on their
persons,a guard being left over these.
A circle was then .formed by joining
arms., .:
It was then ,pointed out to the new
member that the space in the centre
of •tbeeirele represented ati abyss, • in
which everything spoken. was ender -
stood to be forever buried. An in-
cantation in an unknown• tongue by
Abe leader of the society followed, and
the new -comer had it carefully point-
ed otit to hint that the consequence
of betraying his comrades would be
very disagreeable to him. A fraternal
kiss all round wound up . the cere-
mThe Conferring of the final degree
or "Carmeristo" ,degree, admitting a
man to full ntFmbership in the society
was gruesome : indeed. A circle was
formed as in the previous casebuton the floor in the spaee five knives
were' plated' on the ground with the
points ta•diating to the outside of the,
circle. Itpon there. a .handkerchief
was placed, leaving the points expos-
ed, and ori the top of that a. stiletto.
was placed. Lots were then drawn sand
the man upon whom the choice fell
had to bake his stns whilst hie neigh-
bor seized the stiletto and stabbed
hit" in the wrist, until the blood flow-
ed freely.
Again the aabalistio ineantations
were brought into play, and white
theta were being. recited the candi`daf
for initiation had to stick, the bt
that was emittingfrom the wrist of
the man who bedbeen stabbed.
7,000,000 Sunday School Scholars+.
.According to figures coinpiied by
the Sunday Scheel 'inion, there are
7,095.593 Sunday school 'scholars in
the Itnited Kingdom. There ate 7070
012 teachers and, 49,401 Sunday
November 260,, 1908
de' 74'a. sxcf 1 }Qa:tx'C.7'
ThereAi Others
"But for style, fit `and durability try a pair of
Hart Shoes"' for men, Prices $4.50 and $5,00
Ladies Overgaiters in black, red, brown, blue,
green, to match your fall costumes, 75c a pair
New tkisleQoodS'Just Arrived.
New Hartnonicas,New Violins, New Mnelc Books, New Violin
Supplies, We bave just placed in stock a nice line of Music, Rolls
and .tllusic holders.
Beautiful Goods to°soil at from SOc to $2 each
N1/1MI1~iWVW w, +}+11 ;AftiN~AmAMhA
•411b0111r, �►��r �r�r�► . �► yv� • v ►� «ter
Ladies F.te... ,:
r hi ned Coats
We consider this picket the best value' in the trade, well worth '
'the Money, ' The. coat is 50 inches long, lined with electric finished.
German m,uskrate beautiful glossy sable collar and reveres. The.
shell is of black kersev cloth, with handsome self strapping
and tritntning,and only „ •0,00'
, /
At `1: 23
UU a 3g'.
g 1. nd.l, unshri kahl .'
' n e and Wearable, none•
$ . • ' value. a e .
at $6 00, t1:50; 7,50, 8,51, (4 10:00, .1200
• If you buy C.N.R. Suit -You get the style,;Yuu getcomfort
You get service, You save money. Right fit, cloth And price. •
5;00 '7:00
AND $50.'•
Our Overcoats are well made, exceptional trimmings,
with silk and linen ne thread and stylish throughout.
Iilghest:Prices for,Butter and Eggs.
Sire essoi'i'to McKinnon &"Co
eves b� Kan
r Stock is Con le e
Happy Thought' 10 Sizes,
Pandora . -, .. .. , ..:. ... 4 sizes
Huron Corona end Magic •
Radiant Home., . ,..:,with and without oven
McClary's•Famous. r 2 sizes
Belle Oaks. . 8 sizes
Alberta...:. . ..,: x sizes''
A'cnie Jewell .: , .: #� 4 sizes.
Dandy's and Royal Oaks._
Stove Boards and O.iltilrrths.
8 i=inds:of -Coal Sifters,
1 bar.of ; Char Coal. •
Stoves ,' 'Furnaces
and Hardware:':
el s•ellbotliAtslt•t 4kS•o•es ititbeto•ss•el eit.:m.R eilb.e i
On SaturdayDec. 5th We
Cornetice •
in the'h story'of th:s: store.'
It has been our intention for some time to re-
move to the West and we are .determined to dispose
of our entire stock and be away before spring
• Nextk
wee s d will
contain a0 1 a list of prices tktat.
for.good reliable merchandise have ]lever been equals.
• ed in ,Clinton. ° -
'Sae your money and watch for ouraiext ad.
PLU1IST B'o's::..
rb t1rQ!di lb4• 4k.(0'*•ttl +M)" b.i1)• s+.it, ilrw+ r4 4i01044,4G 44� .•d►ibdl4b.fs