HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-11-26, Page 128th Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1908, .4 Whole Number 1052 thsoulaplo.r. How does your subscription to The News-Recoid stand? Please look alyour Vhridtinas 5oods Hundreds of dollars worth of goods •for the 1 Christmas trade have already arrived at Call ad mt. aVellvar's jireivelery eStere. your selections early. We 'Consider it a 9Ieasure to dhow the Sods. W. X. Yielltiar, 9 jeweler and Optician, _ Clinton' MINEN11111111 'Inmerir.immrar INCORPORATED 1869 THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Paid -Up Capital $3,900.000. Reserve $4.800,000 • • Total Assets - $46,500,000. HEAD OFFICE. MONTREAL. CLINTON BRANCH-Fe1t. DEWART, MANAGER. COUNTRY BUSINESS Every facility afforded to farmers and others for the transaction of . their banking business. Sales notes will be cashed ot taken for collection. Special Attention Paid to Savings Bank Accounts. 1 NMI The MOLSONS BANK INCORPORATED 1855. Capital - $3e374,000 Rest Fund - $3,314,000 Has 65 Branches In Canada and Agents and Correspondents in all the principal citien in the world. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS *TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT • AT ALL BRANCHES. Interest allowed at Highest Current Rate. Clinton Branch - C. E. Dowding, Manager. 11•111111MMININIMINISIMMUF REOEIVINGr DAYS. Mrs. E. E. Dewart will receive ,on the first and second Thureclays of each month. A COMING EVENT,. • Mr, and Mrs...010f Olson -of -• Woo& took, formerly of •Clinton, announce that the marriage of their daughter, Bertha Edna, to Ellis. Cardwell Turn- er wilt take place on the ninth of Decenabler at New Westminster, 130 C. CLINTQN'S ARM BROKEN, C Clinton Cook, the nincayear-old on of Mr. Josh Cook, met with it. severe accident yesterday. He was praying with other boys and while stauding upon a e stepladder it fell backwards, breaking Cliaton's arm ;end (FeloCat- ing it at the; elbow, AN EFFICIENT TEACHER. Miss O'Neil, who for the past-stavo or ;three year Iles :been One of . the efficient members of the Public school staff, has mem herregignation, to take effect at New, Years. Miss O'Neil's departure will . begenerally- regretted, as her work in the Public school met with the commendation of truatees, parents and pupils. -Milver- ton Seo.. ANOTHER BIG- TIIVIE. • Tho Public School Board at their last meeting decided to ask the teach- ers to Co-operate with them in gpt.,-: .ting eup a,,big panq,uet • and entettaiii- mant in the town hall on the Friday evening before Maks, 400 children seated at one time in the -hall Would ia itself be'a fine sighteetosay, noth- ing ,of the ,pleasure the children wouid have in. What would lee 'provid- ed. All that we need is for the parents to participate and hend the thecces- series." • The banquet will last from 5.30 eto 6.30 with music and a few short tIlkato the children. The en- tertainment *ill be from 8 to 10, the first part to ,be providedeby the chil- .dren and tile reznainder. by adults with I'a thirty ininute exhibition of moving a .pictures,. ' including some •local hits. We hope ;the promoters•Will nedelewith every encouragement. • • READYMADEI ORDERED • CLOTHING " I ifforrish 86 Croaks CLOTHING Bargains for the Boys We have a few Boys' Fancy Suits, which we have decided to clear out, regardless of cost. These suits are all well made, well trimmed, and ln.good style. To clear these out at once we will sell on Sat-' urday next. Boy' regular $6.00 and 6.50 suits for Boys' regular 5.00 and 5.50 suits for Boys' regular 4.00 and 4.50 suits for • 25 only, 3 -piece suits, regularly sold. $5, to clear at $2.50. 4.25 0.15 3.50 t $4 and BOYS' OVERCOATS We have these ineither plain or fancy cloths, ranging in prices from $3.50 up. ' Don't fail to 1.6 e our "SPECIAL.'''Good wearing tnaterial, ex- tra well made and lined, for $5.00 0 6 BOYS' SWEATERS 1 We have a large stock of Boys' Sweat ere, 'in plain or style, assorted colors, at from 50c to $1.50 BOYS' HOSE / t COIL We wish to remind mfr. customers that we have placed in stock a full range of sizes, in the celebrated brand of vvnARWELL Hose. All sizes from 6 to I0 inchee, at from 25e to 50c per pair. . "A Square D.eal. for.. Every MORRISH & CROOK:S. Successors to Hodgeos Bros. Clothing Stor THE LEAP4M.A.ReDANCE: , A very infermal dance :was given by the maidens' of Clinton in the. Pas- time Chili rooms on Thursday eVtaing last. at Which a. mo.et :enjoyable: ;and entertaining time was sPent. -'11the • rooms • were nicely, decorathd with red, White„and",,bitteabenting and Were filled to their limit by the lerge ilinab('r • of • guests who'attended, . Minos t 4a.io }nasty in Ihe earlier Part of the evaning. . for the comfort . of the ••dasS.ere. • Pert of: the program eeerie leap year i.z . which the ladies had to: muster 14, covrage • and look . for a partner. 'I hemusic was provided by Miss' .Vera Murdoch • of Hensall• and also by severalaof the Clinton Arid this, comeined "With .thc. fact that it was the !lest :largta dance of the season; aeeiteteil oise- What.:for :the; zest with arlithh the dale cing Was kept up until the small hours of the morning:- Refeashnients, which were also " provided by ' the le dies, Ware. seried during the eirening.Vtch credit is eefleeted. on the reeng- ledieee .Who; by their excellent ap aueements. • and enthueiastie work,: teemed_ to make the.affair the success it proved to lee: Some of the put -of -town guests • who attended •were Mr. J. Page, tto•lerich;' L. Banner and W. se'w.vin, lertieetield and A. White, Hensel', .• pEA7'.11 OF HARRY KERR. On the 14th inst. Mr. and; -Mrs. Harry Kerr of Winghani' canto to Clinton to. : visit' relatives here. A day or -two after his arrival be was s,tticken with Rita ss Whi1t.. at the homo of 1'd, E Ii11er • Sr. Medieel ass= istaace waa at once procured and all .hat was possible was done. to '; ree • his 'sufferings but he 'grade- Ili grew Worse. With some hope thaelus life. might be pa,Ved he was'inievea to thehospital on , Friday evening: but in the operation it was 'found ,that he trouble was cancer of the bowels ana that he was. beyond human aid. •'Mr. Kerr'gradeally ogriii* weakerand at eleven o'clock next morning breathed his last. . • 'Ile was Poen in Toronto sixty-three years ago and when but a child the family inoved to the Base Line, Hull- ett, opposite the farmnew owned by. Mr. James Stevens. Suiaseemently_ they located at Surnmerhill. THE LOCAL MARKET. Wheat 80c :to 87e. • Oats 34c to 350. Peas 80o to 820' Barley 48e to 50e Butter 200 to ale. Eggs,200 to 21:c. - Live Hoge 6c. ; THE ARGONANTS' IN TROUBLE: The Argonanta, who have during the past two winters spent many, merry hours in skaaing and hockeying on Gibbings' pond, are now in trouble, their little club bouse, worth about ten dollars,, having been torn down Without their knowledge or coneent. They claim to have been unjustly dealt with and feel sore o;er the matter, LET OTHERS DO LIKEWISE. Councillor' -Hearn has had. the teees which line Joseph 'street trimmed up .aebeut twenty feet from the ground which allows a better: circulation of ete.; etc;, and as well, cettainly improves the appearance of the street. Councillor Hearn his good ideas and gladlydevoteshia time to sock public duties as conic .within his sphere as Member of the town countil, IT:WILL BE 1VIATO,E.: JACKSON. • . Mr, W, Jackson has beenrequested by 'Juana citizens to allow his 'name to go before .the s electors for.. next year'is 1114Y:oral* He has, neit e yet consented, but the: preeaure- is. so , strong and persietentthat it is 'ex- pected 'ha will, do SO. TherO will be abundance of work next . year that. will respireat.the head of the coun- cil a: man with energy andpublic, spirit . such is Mr. Jackson'. possesses.' Mr. Witte& • .thas for the •past two, , years filled the positioo of Mayor with ',dignity, tact ' and good iodgement that his won for him the confidence of 'the Citizens; but, We understand; he does not intend agairclieing .a candi- date. • BAPTIST CHURCH. , O A crowded,- 'congregation listened With km,t delight te the singing of Mr. J. G. Spencer on .Satiday aveaing last. The usual service as followed' by an old time testimony meeting :in. which • a large numbee took :Part. Revs T. gr. Shields. of London' Rreach- TN on eaTonday and. Tuesday evenings and: gave" two:most helpful and thspii- (n. addresses. Mr: Speeces also sang. oe. Monday with hie usual force;and feeling., All , who • bave not heara Mr.: Shields should take the • orquertina its of heaSieg him. oa Thursday ',sand Friday .eveningsa Miss Hill rendered a solo very sweetly on Tuesday evert- ing and special Musicewill be rendered every night, by the choir and other local talent. The pastor will. preach next Sunday."' His morning sublett will be, "Solomon erid the•Saileen • of Sheba," and 1..trr qsening' one, '.Coii- iesaing Christ." • • WESLEY daltRCHs' The Junior League . took the: Senior League meeting ori Monday The meeting was led by the president, Mr. Clifford Andrews. • After 'the. :us- ual ekercisee, recitation-, were 'givea by D. A. Canthlon and Violet Barge an a deett by 'Misses' .01iye. Moore and Emily 'Cutler. . . The Sunday school anniversary sere • viCee Were held on Sunday last. Ree. Mr. Millyard of Goderiela was the preacher for the day and in the mor-• Meg and :afternoon his addresses were especially to the childeen. The•Sera' About forty. years ago Mr . Kerr moved to %Ingham and became a car- penter. Some . time . afterwards he married Misi Cassie CluffS datighter di hie .late..James Cluff of McKillop and 'sister of Mrs. T: Beacom asid Mf. D. Cluff of Clinton; To this union three daughters and.' one on .were born Aftnie, Ida (Mrs. A. Autterson), Leo, of Winslow and Wellington ie. B. C. The funeral took place trona his late residence in Winghtim° on Tuesday afa teerroon. A service was -held in the Anglican church which wee crowded with sympathising Oltizens and. rela- tivd. The members of the A. 0. U. W. Lodge, to which the deceaSed had belonged, attended in a body. • Ambits the relatiVeSi from a diStance who attended the obsequies eacee ; Mr. anst Mrs, S. J. Androw-s, Mr. and Mrs. T. Beacom, Mr., and Mrs, T. Cook, Mr. Harry Glazier and lire. Glazier Sr, and Mr. It. .1. Miller of Clintoa • Mr, awl Mrs, James Miller, Mr., anMrs. W. J.elliclirien and Mr. and Mrs. John Harvey,-.Suntrocrilill ; Mr. Noble CIA and son, ,Seaforth Mr. and Mrs. jams. DepOW„, Torontoj Mr. ne.nry AlittorsOrt, Deteoit ; and eorge Autterson and Mrs; John Allister ot St.. Clair, Mlh AN INTERES'rING REPORT. • , AT THE COLLEGE. The W. 0, T. U. met on Friday last as the home of Rev, .J. Green, after the usual ee:ercises yery interesting and comprehensive report of the W. 0. T. T.Y; conventi al recently heal ag Barrio Waa given by Mrs., W. S. Har- land. HARVEY DAVIS LEASES RINK, Mr., Harvey Davis has again leased the skating rink for what wilt he: his' third seaSon. • Under his management it haa always been popular and We doubtentit bute that this season it Win be as well Patronized as heretofore. The, .date of the first. skating last' year was Nov, Ifitlt and in .1988. it was Nov. 14th There is said to be plenty -of materaal bere fora: winning hockey team. TO-NIGHT.'S ENTERTAINMENT. Of Mr. •4.. H. •Ca.meron,- who will appear. at the , C. I.• Conimencement entertainment' in the town hall this (ThurAdayy even.ing, the Galt Porter says. M.r. Cameron is a bora entertainer: It' comes as natural for J. H. Cameron to be humorous: isn. real untrained way asit is forwater: to' run down hill. As a character de- lineator and dialect entertainer, there is no other entertainer On the Canad- ian stage to -day .1.1V1X0 i9 his BUpeer. • • SOUND SINESS SENSE, • A little.chap in Philadelphia, whose father is a peominoot Merchant and, as Such, ;lever ioses an opportunity to desetint to* the Virtues ofadvertis- ing, ofie (lay asked his Mother ;•• • "May Lucy and I play at keeping store in the front room'?" "Yee," assented the Mother ; "but you mpst be very qeiet." . • •"All right," said , the •yOurigster "we'll pretend we don't advertise.' . • -December Lippincott. ENTERTAINING. . Moe. Jas. Fair entertained on Fri- day evening. 0- ,Mr. and Mrs:" Moore wilt seas -tea:tabs on Monday evening next. . Sirs. Ws ‘1.. Toeer entertained a coin, pany of: friends: on Thursday. evening Mra, J.. •Rahsford-has. issued •invithe hone for an "At Home" • on Wednes- . day' evening neat, • • •He. V, J. and Mrs •Jolliffeectr-ter•, tattled the officials- ot Wesley chinch aUsdt, their., Sirive,a. on. Friday' evening la • . • . 'LI4TLE LOCALS. '; • e . , - .ca....nei.e;11 -ilia' shipmeat..ot lave Ings • from Clinton,,:Bruoefield and Londcsboro • to .Ingeesell oft Mon- day,. 'The prim. paid was six 'Cents , per Retold. How does .yeue.Seb• to: The • N21,47S- Record, 'stand '? •••• - • Itt the second ,Of ,the.eeries of Carpet hill gimes which are .heitig played . among the local benefit' eocletiess the o, .11.; defeated . the L9..F. 38 to 28 on Thursday evenlegelast and on -Monday. evening the A. Q. V. score 39.•.poiets. tole 'for •tii.a.'W, Q. . OXT.ST, Cali .R CH, O Among the latest to enrol •at the ,Clinton Business College are ' 11, O'Neil for .the book-keeping course and 0. S. Hall for the night course in • penmaneship. Miss Lizzie Mountain, who haaJian attending the past fl months., graduated in stenography this week. . The •meeting :6-K the League oneruee- day e,vening was not as hvell attended •bsual owing to the inclemency of the • weather.,' Attlee aesolo by •IVIiss Wilts: an address wag given by Mr: L. Cs Fleming . his subject • being "Per- sonal Work." Nexa • Monday . evening will he the regular monthly anission- tine Meeting, the "topic, to' `Woolens Foreign , day • School ,choir • provided the muSic hood in Lands. Five young in themorning as. well as the it lp.dies are. to impersonate -native wona. terneon.. Besides the music by • 'hie choir,. an exercise.was givenby seven boys, one by four. girls, achorus by 'the primary elas8 and' a solo by Miss Dona, Mulholland: In the awening, tee- ' sides the metal "anthems tendered by. the choir, Misses 1. I3oles and L. Reid gave duettetvhieh was much appre- ciated. The ' pastor's. Subjects neXt Sunday will, be. Morning -°-"Watchfulness and- Sobniety.''• girening'.'rhe Cloak.each- man Makes : for himeelf,"- Ali wel- dome. • . Educational Anniversary aervices. will. be bold on Sunday,. Bee: uth.. BP; 'LOY:AL-To ,YOUR TOWN. . When one findiehe i otit of sym- O pathy with his :town, and can only aayea, good evotd. foraiteecoaple.d with an apology, ..he ought. to get out. Many peopl0 fall ieto .a sort of un- conscious habit. of growling. But it's a misera,ble habit.- Such motile make of themselves adead weight,. ' while, of crierse, they imagine themselves paraiettlarly independent, Th I'M has about all he cait ddatcsa. g;kt along wider his own loads,„ and he wants help and encouragement flora %lose going his way' and who are identified with him in interet. So: with the town. It has its interests to 'casefor, aint it needs ell the pluck, all the .energy, all the co-operation and helpfulness its citizena can pro» . vide and 'bring to hear. Every man ,is a part of hia town. The tpwn ata - braces the • . fortunes,. and in some ineasere at least takes on the charac- ter of the' man. So loyalty to one's' town is no more than loyalty to pne's self ; and this, loyalty 'is in the line of all well Shaped -human nature. Therefore, it is right to 'say thatthe man who does not stand- tip for 1. his town is in someway dwarfed. There Is something Wrong aboilt • him. HIS fellows Will.. pass tide' jedginent upon hiln, and the dances ad, that while he may, add to the discomfort of :oth- ers AO will not escape making 'himself en in dostume, O liev. W. E. Kerr will next Sunday evening give the closing of .his series on characyer building when he will speak. on "Mental Develoomenta factor: itt the building of .ehariteter.". WILLIS CHURCH; At the Endeavor ' onalVfonday even- ing Rev. Dr. Stewart spoke especially to th children. Therewas quite it large turn -out of ,both children• and grow -tips. It is arrangedto have these services for the 'children at least once. a. month insthad ,of :on , Senday as before, NektMonday. evening, Miss McPherson will speak on the fourth chapter of "tbe Life of. Chalmers" and Miss Agnea Irwinb vvill •giire • ail outline of one of the Miracles. These Meetings, under. Dr,, Stewart's leader- ship, are growing in interest and. hi numbeas, , • • Last Sunday evening, ie addition.. to the usual anthem by the choir, Mrs. Campbell and Alias 'Sada McRae sang duett whicls was enjoyea by the congregation. In the morning Mt. 1.4. C. Flenthig took the solo parts in tIte etnthein, Y. M. C. A. The Clinton liranch of the Y. M. 0. A. met in their room on Thttraclay 'evening of' last week. Bible study. on "Men of Steer as led by President .Ilartley. Thep was an lucrease in the attendance. Arransements were made for the holding of an "A.t Itome"• in the rooms :tin Thasday evening, Dec. 8rd. •The young men of the town will be welcomed to this At Home. After the reedering of a good prograrn, light refreshments will be served. Because of the ;Collegiate In- atitute conimencement Concert the Meeting this week will he held on Fri- day evening instead of 'rhureda,er even- ing..., The I/lee-president, Mr. Perry Plutristeel will condueti the Bible study. A number of games. such 4,s crokinele,. fort,4.'eheekers, te.haVe been latt ift and the rooms will be RIP!IICARSALS. Richard the 111, rehersals are being held regularly and. great interest is taken by those in the different parts:: The' caste has been further strengtheii- ed by the 'addition of Messra. .J. B. Hoover and ' Herb Alexander, The stage edition of this • play differs in mans ,re spects from ' Shakespeare's tragedy of -the • "Life -and Death of Xing Richard my' but copies of the play maybe obtained at the book- stores. • WOMEN'S INSTITUTE .1.1...7,ETING. .The regular monthly ineoting Of. the Women's Institute Wa.Sheld at the home of Mrs. Re A. Hall on fliureday afternoon, of last week, Tlieie was . good attendaece and one new member, After. the Opening exercises, a Very excellent ,paper was given or "(cod form ill public places" which was fol- lowed by a Spirited discuseien. Re- freshments were, s raed at the ciese of the meeting. The next tneetiag will be held at the' homeof efts. Pad - haw on December 17thrho steljets will be "Desserts" end e Cakes end Oeokies.'' ' _ ST. PAUL'S A.: Y. P. A. The, A. Y. P. A. Members have pur- chaeed a set of carpet .balls aid after the meeting on Tuesday evening last a number of them enjoyed the garne for a short time. . ' • O T.he second of the union debates be- leireeit. the young people's soeietioe• of the different churches will he held in :St.' Paul's school -room on lefeudits eV, ening, •Dec. 7th. Tilts time St, Petals and Weeloy will debate aaainst Willis undsOntario St. St. Paul's wili be represented by Me: Clarence • Copp, .Wesley by MisuaDavis, Willis t•y Mr. Donald Ross and Ontario $te by Mesa Stevens, • • Varna The 'anniversary' aervicesitt con- nection • with the Meth odie t .ch,urch will beheld on Sunday., Dec: 6th, BeV..Mr Rogers of Seaforith , to be the preacher :Of the day On:the hale lowing eSening the 'annual eowl per wtil be held to he followed by An.. entertainment,' tliatwill leaseevery- body. 1SL 'Dunkin. will 7 Ps' the elocutionist and a,. :popular 'One else is• •Dr, ,Smith of payfield will .glye ;several readings ;: he IS always heard with ' plearittre, The =sleet part of the program will he famished by the quartettes • cif the 'Methodist churcli,:'Setiforth. • N large miniber oi :turkeys Were deliveeed ''t Mr: Biiitie on -Tuesday Me. takes plaee On. Thursday, ' The: tOWriship Council meets next MoUday: . • . • • ••• ; New Advertisements Losta-The 1VIanse-5. Two -Hour ,Sa1e-Tozer's-8. Auction Sale -Lane' Bros. -5 Auction. Sale -W, Mossop-5. Fur -Lined Coata--.P,G.-4. Chopping Mill -Mr, Brown -5 Dee, 5th-Plurneteel " Bros. -4, Hdkfe, 3 .for 25c.-Hoikeris-8. Bargains for Boys -M, 8s 0,--1.• Executors' Sale -Josh, 0oele-5. Concert Clearing SPeeitils-E, W. !Jacobs -2. Unsimpasied 13argains-Newcornhe's-8, Bayfjeld The Misses Switzer of Taieltersmithe were therguestseof MrsleGeorge-Woodst - a few days this week, • N number of the ratepayers had ae bee on Monday and cheerfully turned. out and gravelled the front -street • of' the village, which is a ceedit tii the: place, There are others that might. follow, Miss Milly Cameron, who has been in Peatoit for a couple of weeks, - apt. rne.d home on Saturday last, The yo ungpeople of the ,t'iiIaga vill give, a leap year ball in the town: halt on Friday evening of this week, Mr.. John, Whiddon, who bas spent the past three weeks' at Winnipeg, re- turned home, Saturday. ' Miss Miller of Goderich township it Bk nish5evteee . ley ai:• the guest Of her .auot, Mem. Donaldson th returned home Friday after spending the-- pee four month in the West, William Sturgeon, who has beenen-. gaged in fishing near Port Dover the • past season, ietuined lionie last week, He Was accompanied by Mr. Arthur W OTilia tilerris Misses •Campbells of the Brown - son Line, Stanley, have vented their farm to. Mr, Samuel Hohnee for a.. term of years and .inoVed into .the yil- lage• last week and have take o itp. their residence inthe cottage former- ly occupied. by Mrs. Card .on Chiniqny street. Mr. Robert Birmingham of Xoroator • general organizer for: Ontasio of tbe. ' 'Strange Association, willdelayer an address in the Orange hall., of this lege on Wednesday evening next. All are cordially invitarto-leetb-idi David Sturgeon who • left here • a shore whila ago for • CeVen Sound, re- turned home lloaday... afreeind Mase Thpias King spent Sunday at Goderich • • e • The •stippor and entertainfnent to • be held under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of tAO• Methodist church. on Mon- day seVening next promiSes to bo one of the greatest successes Of 'the -seas-- on The supper will be o. IS just such as the ladita always' „furnish, and the progrem will be just 'is good : A pleasant' aed profitahle 'thee ia •aSeur- ed .to the large- nurisber who 7 P.r0. -peeted to atte.nd. The: 'inniverSarY :sermons: on ;%tinday are 'Melted' for- ward to with muchanticipation fee Rey. JeesLivingstone ia One of the most :popular preacbere en this part 1of the proVincea 'The • services will he at 10 it. nt.° and .7 P. in. • • :*' Mrs. John Wanless land her daugh= ' ter, Mrs. Geoege -Turnbull of Stael • • . forth, went to Detroit on Saturday .The new Clinton chopping mill will lastfpr a couple of weelts' .visit with be open for business. on Saturday. • • the former'a son, EdWard. Mrs . Antoe, of McGillivray le the guest of her sistee, Mrs. Andrew I Sir Sandford Fleming etates that roinkin. I the Pacific cable. is: paying. . • • ABOUT PEOPLE YOU KNOW. Mr. A. L, Stromewas la Berlin. over •Sundaye , Mr. W. J: PaisleY •WaS ,in 'Kinte,i1 ' laet Fridaif and Saturd.ay. • . • I Mrs. D. McGibbon of Sarnia the I 'guest- of Mrs. A. P. Gundry. • ' I Mr, and Mrs'. H. W. Erwin of Baye fieldsWere in Clinton on; Friday. Miss .G.well Blackwell of Toronto 'is O .the guest of h'er' sister, Mrs. E, Rs. Dcwart, • ' Mr. and Mrs. A. Case 'and Master Fred. 'left last week for their home O at Rose, -ew York Stat. Their many friends in Clinton. weee sorry • to part 'with *Ulm. Mit Will ?welcome them back again with much" pleas- ure, . ' • Mrs. (Rev4 Mills, who has been ;as- • iting her grandmother', Mrs...How- son, Albert street, for the. past couple of montbs or so, ,left. on Moiti dig. She was 'accompaniedby her 'husband 'Who arrived ill Clinton •on Sattirday; evening and they will tray-, el for a month 'before returning to. their home, in the State of Montana. Mr. E. I3. Portney of the G. R. Port- ney & Sons, ,Ltel., Leeds, England, accompanied by their Caria.diale . agent, Mr. j.' Hugh Peatttheof Mon- treal,was in town last Saturday visiting. the 'Jackson Mfg. Co.; who aro large, buyers of woolen gods front . the 'fIrin,7 Mr. Pottney 4 WOO ninob impressed with this, sectien of 'country. Messrs. J. II. Kerr; R. A, _towns, Richard Vowns, Jas. ITONVO, and B: J. Gibbinge were'. in Seaforth on . Tuesday' satteeding it garne 'supper Wee by Mr. Walter Cele of that 'town, formerly of °Buten. Mr, Coln but retails tette:next from it two -weeks' bunting trip in Algoma and so was treating some of his old friends to a supper of tnoose arid deer. unhappy. open ilVe or She tightS in the Week. Mr. and : James Dunford returned,. • on Saturday Mont from their leaneY- moon trip, .. • If vitt have visitors at your home let The News-Repord have the names Mr this catmint. . Rev. Mr, Millyard. of Goderich was-. . the guest •of Mr, and Mrs. ; ST? Moore while in town • over Sunday.• Mr. Wm, Dttober conducted the ser- . vices on Sunday. hist at Ripley Vine Miler and Amberley. •The, Lord Bis- hop has given him charge of theO until he is ableto make Othe • or arrangements'for carrying on the wok..• _ Mr. W. A. Clark, accountant of thee Royal Barik, Was on TuesdaY trans- - lensed to the Toronto office. E. Murphy of Sitentherside, Prince Edward Island, haineed :ilia local • brauch of the ,R;yal this weJli. Ile 'was tor some time in, the Montreal office. Mr. T. Stinson Sr, of the •Saubld ` Line, Stanley, WAR in town on Mon- drtY accompanied by his daughter, Mrs, Stilwell. Mr. fetinsott is the patriach of Staulev, tocai.ing that township 87 years ago, on his at, rival from County Sligo., He is now 87 years of kin'e, but not - O whits landing that he recent ly passed through a dangerous ilatese of .five weeks duration, he u s on • a Monday *almost as sprightly as ever and greeted his many Clinton ffiend�. with his old-time cdrdiality. IVIre e Stinson talks very entertainingly of the toils and tribulations ot tho early days of Which he bore a, good Share, but the !fruits of those stren- uous years have enabled him haliire an age Of miSt and eonifort. hoping that this worthy pioneer, whose 86th.birthday took piaee ont the 14th inst., may enjoy many more hapm, returns 01 the day.