HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-11-19, Page 5November $9010 1908
Fern* Steck and IMpleMetite. The
andereigned Will VII by Publie Atie-
trice), at Iset A lia,yfield, Reed, Gods
erieh Tp. (One Mile South -of Cline
ton, Tuesday, NoY. 1.1th, at one
o'clock le in. the followiug. General
purpose horse • eight /M. Readster
Mare eight yes supposed te be in
foal to Idolbrino, Geeeral purpeele
Gelding two yeas, HeaVy Inaported
Rilly 3 yrs, Davies Mare four yre,
Roadster Foal sired by IdOlbrino,
Heavy Draft Gelding two yese Gen-
eral purpose Gelding two yre sired
° by Prince Hereford, Briviug Mare
el our yrs, General perpose eighe yrs,
General purpose! Mare ten yrs, twel-
ve Steers resing three yrs, average
weight 1200,lbs,Ten heifers rising
three yrs, Ten steers rising three yre
average weight 1,0,00, Ten steers
rising two yrs, Ten heifers rising
two yrs, Four Cows supposed to he
in calf, Fresh calved cow, choice,
live yrs, Two heifers rising '. three
supposed to be in calf, Twelve Leicee-
ter breeding ewes three yrs, Six
thorobred 5hrop ram lambs, Thirty
young pigs, six weeks to three mon-
ths, One hundred hens, Four ducks!,
Frost ez. Wood %tinder nearly new
six ft„ Big B. mower, Hay rake,
Twelve foot drill, Twelve disc har-
row, Fanning mill, Root pulper,
Sculffer, Set truck scales; (2009 lbs)
Land roller, Heavy wagon, Second
hand wagon, Set lumber sleighs, Set
light sleighs, Hay rack, outletnear-
ly new, Cutter second-hand, Single
'buggy, Road wagon, Cook stove,
National cream separator, Twenty
tons of hay and numeroue other ar-
ticles. Having rented his farm every,
thing will be sold without reaeeve.
Sale at 1 p. m. sharp. TERMS :-
All sums of $5 and under, cash; ov-
er that amount 10 montht' credit on
approved jeeint notes, 6 per cent. per
annum discount on credit amounts.
-Jas. A. Smith, Owner and Auc-
.1. B. Hoover
Nelson Ball
Can be experienced
in any home which
we are privileged to
Attractive little .artieles. of Fern:-
ture, artistically airengece, lend a
charming, appearance to an ot bee.
wise dull and monotonous apart -
men t.
All our Furniture is
of the highest grade
Though low in
• price.
See our solid oak Cobbler Seat
Rockers at $2.00 • -
We are sole agents
for the famous Her-
cules Springs and Os-
termoor Mattresses.
HOOVer & Bali
Furniture and Funeral
Glasses that
'4 t
t W. succeed because
our asses /Pee per.
The frame set* cairn.
fact sight.
fortably, each •y•
. ii\c,••
looking througt the
the whole beciming \Vi
centre of the ,.ns.
to the w .
-.eel,' •
and 00dolaP
Good Story.
A good Story that will ineke you
laugh IS better for you than ilve dot;
lare Worth of deetor's medicine. The
•fleet of "The old Horne House" series
Of eleven eeritelete stories begins in less
Fetidly Herald and, Weekly Star of
Mentreal this week. There will be
Mae complete story 'each issue tor the
next ebree menthe, and that meane
many a, goost hearty laugh around the
'Amide during. the winter evenings. A
aubseriber to that big weekly certain -
,1 -Y. gets vaine for his money. The pap-
er only costs one dollar a year, and
the amotint ot soiled ieformetion given
in a yeaVis reading is marvelous. .The
stories 'alone could not be ;bought tor
twenty dollars. Ties agricultural col-
umns nt the PaPer are regarded as the
beet in America. The Family Herald
and Weekly Star 'should not be missed
in :any Cariadiark home. •
Mrs. (Dr.) Wilson Herald, is spend-
ing a couple of weeks' in Toronto.
Mrs. D Millar and Mise Millar,
were Buffalo 'visitors lest Week.
Mr, Bert Il4cCreath carte, up , from
hT:mree.etee,. to ,spend Thanksgiving at his
Clinton New -Record
***114 te.4011411.11414100404******1111.4,1410414.04011.144064seelf
The. News From Goderich
ELOISE A. SKirliViiNdSt Ooreetependeee
. * ,
The remains of the etie Robert, Owing to the changes in the C. p.
Thompson,third loll of Ex -Mayor R. time table, the street letter boxes.
Thompeen, a:reeved on Thaultsgilviug will be collected at 1:3.30 each day.
day from. Winnipeg and the funeral Mr, James Buchanan ,is building a
'Weld place from the itorrieof hie Par- frame house, oa the smith side of Nei -
ears the text day, Rev. Anderson on. son street, near the planing tnill,
elating at house ned cemetery, On On Thanksgiving Day Messra, john
the caelmt, arming Other floral Utile^ OW, and HerrY1W14sou went down Ixt
ute.s, were a beautiful pillow of pink Brantford, to raise the remains of the
and white ;roses, white carnations, lit- Jet -tees father, the 'ate James Wifsori
les of the valley and fern .with "Moe who died in that city, five years ago,
ther" in gold letters upon the chiffon and whose .remains were interred in
streamers; a half hoop of roses, pink Mount Hope centetery and now ere
and white, white and pink cams:florae laideat testi' - In -Maitland cemetery.
lilies. of the valley, smilax and !ern, The widow of the late Mr, 'Wilsen
tribute of the Coopers, at ;the W. 0, ' rides.in Goderich with her on,. Mr.
Flour Mils; large wreath font the Harry Wilson.
Fire Brigade of pink and white ioses �flss Ella Collinsou • spent Thanks -
and from leirs."Collins and her sitter, gifting. at ber'bonie here, returning on
Mies Thompson of Winnipeg . another 1.0tle inst, toe= new position in Wet,/
wreath of white and piek roses, ear- orloo, . in one of the best : millipery
natioesand lilies of the . valley. The houses. ..
relatives from a distanCe who attend - • The 33rd Regiment • erdivens our
ed the ftiripeal were two sisters of the town 'With its 'band very often, at the
late- •Fteplaert • Thompson, IVIesdemes ...e„ Gederieh Roller Skating Jeink. ' • .
W, perkins and J. ..A, Snell and her The steamer Edmonton ,arriied on
. tittle son, Leighton, all of Chicago ; Thanksgiving l)ay, erttb. 41,0'0 'meets
arid Mrs. Adam Thompson and Illtugh-eof groin, 'at the 'elevator,proceeding
ter, Miss ' Ethel of lettelinow, 'aunt to Kingston with ithe remainder of Itee
and •cousiri. The pallbearers were the cargo.. • . .
three brothers of the deceased, Adam, 1 Master Reggie Platt, has .entered
ways be kept 'in the Th
William and David, and . Ida erether- the list of. druggists, and le one of the
. !louse.. ey • not . .' :
only cure the, minor disortla' eof child-
. inn -law! James Thomas, AD of town, staff of clerics at Dunlop's Pha.rinacy.
and his cousins, David anti 'Robert He es. a young student of Promise and
hood, but prevent these and -should, be
giVen whenever ,the littlonee
Theinisson of Lucknow. The late Robe is n km ' of our well known citizens,
'e e show
the sii.ghtest • signs 'of. illness.."Child- tet eThompson left • GoderIch three ..Mr.' and Mre, John Plett. . • -
rut . take . the Tablets • as ecaelly es. years ago. to try his • fortune. M .• the. ;- 1Vir;. Will; MeIntesh has returned to
emo, West, making his headquarters ae
candy and they ' are absolutely • .. A. his home .at Portland; Oregon,' after
Mrl, George :Howell, Satele .13ceeth, traveller ee Winnipeg and s'esmed !quite :spending several weeks here the guest
Que., -"My baby Was greatly
says :.
satiseed, with his promotion and made. of his Mother and platers-. He looks
. , , . . .
trotsaleds with oho end .cued • . eightmanyfiiends•But.hen was atf ac a ,as .if .Oregon climate vette eonducite
and day, but after giving him Baby's by typhoid fever artd.notwithetanding .tis 0I12'S avoirdupois.
c r ie pO. nsal.' • ' • • .
Own :Tablets the trouble disappearedreful nun
. t , , g hassedttoete
. • : • ' .' . Miss. Vida BroWn, eiirse it Victoria
I :advise all mothers to use this medie re ',,•" : .• ' • •
eine." Sold by all medicine dealers ,..'r .n •rthe evening of Thanksgieing Lley
1!1 . : • • . . • Hospital, is ill at ...her botne, Irene
teking a bad cold. . e.,
by mail at, 25 cents- a box from. 'elle the supper and concert, :riven at Vi. -
Di Mr. Scott, who was taken to • Vie-
. William's Medicine CO.,. Dreeltviiiee toria. stteet church' WAS a. huge. sue -
torte' hoSpitel ivisete he had his ..; leg
Ont. ' ° , . • cess, . rivet $100 ' being 'netted hy the
ILadiee'.• Aid...tinder whine 'auspices it betaken. some -weeks ago, recovered std-
1... was gotten ep. The, tables bed . a.. fleiently, two' weeks
'ago to go. to his
, ed 'with ehrytanthemums," yellow and.I home.. ' . . : , .- .• : .
number of vaees, . upon., them, each fill- I
Live Stock Market..,. . .
On Thursday evening oi last • tveek,.
.• •
Toronto, Nov. . 16th -Union Stock white, and and some. 'asters. Peer • .400 one of the most seuccessiul sociels, of
Yards. -There was a ,good
..: were ,serv,efl rend .With -ereet,e1. (the .s.'.aeon was held at 'St Georgds
- .run e Of V'"t4
nearly. a,o00 head of cattle ofterineat acrity. ' -Cold eoaet -turkey and beet church, under the • auspices *of, the • A,
the Union Steele.Yards to-dey,eSrade salad were in abundance and of ,Course 1 Y..es.A. Rev. Mr Turnbull, in Abe ab -
was active, with pricesbolding- steady,- - doughnuts sed . pumpkin pie . as .well; [settee of jedee Holt,• presidedin his
to firnt for good. . butcher and exeort . Rev .• MP. Millyitedwas cheer:nen entre OWR .pleasing maneer, . regretting' the
cattle, but inolined•to go off a 'little', the program coneisted of :tw,eity-fele disposition of his , honer the Judge.
on common and ' inferior qualities,. numbers. Rev, Charles 'Y Jung .gui.e. a, The • eleCeratiOne were .admirable, . red
There werea few good.- leads of .: ee.1.:11ebort"eaddreese-Mese•ereiggi'.re! .seecio-,-aadebiae.btaetiag (treeing the •frelit'ol
Port cattle. offering at ' ;5..00, to $5'.:25 Pleased ell :. it. was • textitled,• .,"Sing the. gallery and red, -white. 'and • bine.
for choice ethositeethe,exeert•:dellmad :Me to $1ecij?" her. daugittee, . kiss' almee the . window's. A, fancy wore
s a little quiet.- A goo.d. straight load ;Eva, sang, in sweet...eater, - Are yell teble Wei Plabetisin the ,ee,stere• side
so d at ..$0.00„ ••: The chief demand! .' ..ie.: Sieetero 1" *Mantes Waiter • Sillibse of the jectere 'room, nee; 'the. s plat
for good quality ..buteher ,cattle,, ' 'the. and • Kite Warr7ner of •I Ilene ill • :sang fel.:tql. tile' 10119.wieg. ledies .underteking
right kine selling firm a,t $4.25 to •$4.- 'a, .very pretty.dup entitled, ' seeseeee the Management :of lf..;,fiNiesdames
40 ; extra.. cheice, .pieked! cattle 'lee , reeitpei•s"-a; lovely • ha r seet. .• Wenn Slack; James Clark, Blade:and ''' -Me-
te 15e .higheie. Compton mix•ed ,lattehei Mr. Dare Wells - swig,' ..e.e i,-es.nt .,... 'el, Kim, .rie.etieg ,cmite a handsome profie.'
er cattle ..geetrally. easier ardirnd. $.3.00 ,Bethl.ehenl•''• Miss MeNkTitvtie ' ga 7 e
to $3.50: • • • , - -. • el eudience •one 'of her pretty SOngS. of
• The total ken was.. Offt.c . • ee'l ' L'ove The iniStrunts ii 4 part • •f 't1 e
. ... .aes; wt : e.90 . : . : • e .. ' . '. - '
head of cattle, 622sheepahd l
program . was , opened • by lli .., ' i'lini!.•
... • einbs
an1-31 .calves. - .. •• . e e.'.... .. - i . Sturdy's fine' reeder1ag Of elm: ' I le nit;
Lambs -steady:: , ,, e. , - •eoIo • • . "Mud' ' ' • .
i at On ' • ' 4.."' ` '
. .' . , ..:'. I. Chord.' ' • A deceit was given •iiy Prof-.
••., • . • '.1 ,' ' • - ‘.! e , Ales .1.1. ..t140
. rericlered. his cornet solo ."The ' 'Lost
Sheep stead, ' • - • !! - '' . . ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' •
. Butcher cattle--Merket sthady .• to essoe •Jordon and: .. Miss Dv ,.e. • lvliss.
firm . ' s ' ' . .,
Steady deemed fer •geocieteedees a.nd
• - . . . . . , , 1 PYke, "Gratid. Much," by . 'Schubert,.
which elicited . much ,' applae .sr_., ,Mtis
stocker s. . . . . . .. . . . Hargett reed "Mess Ruggles tettehing.
. , . . , . . . .• • ,... .
Hogs -Market eirteere l'Aret hogs at Ile.r' ein4drel.n'el*LO°:!'" which. re4i..!'i.e'd
country points, . f.. O. h.', .$6.00 ; Toron-. a .Wari.c '.e0re1' .Master cte'''''l LYI14
to, fed and watered, $f e5 ; • .',created elate a .ftirbees hy _les. lecittv,
. , .
. . .'•''' ' ' . ' • "--1 tion 'heir. 'Father .Caesee, the Peek,"
Export niarket.ettedy, atee5 •tb ,.-$5.,.-
25 for choice !quell ty e.. medium export; .an4 f''''''''cna6re heeesang '`.:crhe Preaeher
$4.40 th $4.60.• ' ,• .1 ! . '' • ':. ietirieda.:. nfiu'l3clei..a..1'r.:tise.Mniiiezb t :abyr.aticiejer.liSreie'
Choicc buteher ea ttle.steady to
er, around 14.4 to $1,00 tefaire eo
*11.rul'e • -Cation • "lentettaining e her :Sistees
geed butcher, $3,..7.5 to, 0.25. ',. . ., &auk"' end Mies. Gladys!: Levy Wilted
the 'a -Si int:lege. with her ' rzeitatioe,
• Mach cotes . and .springers-Marect "The Signal Roft,'.'' The, Hefei* or -
firm for good steck. • - . chesteae• brought: the long program to
Good .feeding steers Steady ate$3.60, a close by ple,ying.,the "Natiotial *Me;
to, $3.80; •Dernand for . distillery feed-. thole'', after Which • Rev. ••Mr.. Mill-
ers has slackened off, ..-hute-a e good: Yead..gave the. beriedictien. . Mrs. . An-
farmers' demand... . . ,dreWs . WaS accompanist 'during tin
; everrihg for the :eirehestra, and for
. • tstene .of. the soloists. The. othee • act
HORSES FOR aelsee,;_lewiNG , ,i,o.. companists . were Messrs Jordan and
De. Leneme 'Brillyaiel. s
shortness of Sizable teoin the eitider- -
sigried Offer tor eele 1 general 'pule . -18115''• C:"111n. °111°4genS Bros. • es-
p.ose Mare 8' ?cap old,' 1 tesesee areee, tablishreent„ left , en •Weanesday,. tEs
colt, rising 2.1.eare seeeesiege home iattend h..1:, brother's..Wedeing.
• .
- rising 4 yoars.,',1 driving horse riss1: Miles Simpson, .stenographer, • Lon-
ing 5 years, -.1: driving mere rising don, spent :Thanksgiving in town, ; the
5 years., 1 .irged diiVieg, mare hi foal .e0est• ef Miss Olive. ,qmith• . ' •'„ •
to Idolbrine, -1 ..Oisseyeareold,• , - colt. .; :Mee. Norneite-MeDairraid of •Colliegs
. .
Terms- easy. --George and . ;Harvey" wood' is thegie;et this season of • her
Davie, Clinton; .. , " . • ,. • •••„ 51. i•motheeein-la,w; Mee, 6ipt, MeDairinici
_ , • • 0 • , , . .... liateng aceomparded 'her. to her • liothe
. .
. No. matter whether baby. IS sick • or
well Baby's Own .Tablets should al -
• for '"Itallow'
STRAWED--INTO THE PREMISES., Mr.. and Mrs Potter of Cone:trim,'
of undersigned at Lot 37, Bayilehl • *are colnin.g to town ane wull (Motley;
tene, .God.crieh tonshre, about the the house on Smith street befit • by
middle of September, °one small, red, flu late Mr, Harvey Howell, and now
.yearling heifer • with.- while on own,ki by Mrs, Date meleee nt whine -
Thee eoWner is request.d* to pay all i, -
charges and take it away. -William ..Mr. 'tom. Miilion . of Colborne ' has
Perdue, .01intott P. 0.. 4-3 purchased thc house oneigacdonald.ISte
lately built by Mr.' Mitehell; Bayfield
Road, and his soneht-lawe,
MEETING OF THE HURON COUN-' hir. Bennet Gray, 'IIAS illifehaSed the
• ty Council.. -The Ooiincil of the cor-• house adjoining Mr. Tom elilliou'e
porat:oe. ef•the County of Ilurun will reddence
meet in, the, council eiratttber in the Miss Tillie arid Jur father spent
eroten oti Godorich on Tuesday, Dee.. Thanksgiving °Day at ,Lambeth, near
the Ist-' at 3 e'eleek, Alleeeceount.i 1.0ndon, with her married sieter, and
agaibst the 'county meet Le pleeel visited St. Thomas relatives, before
with . the .Clerk before date "oi meet. ret..rning hems on 'Tuesday eveting.
ing.-4„ Lane, Clerk. Dated at God- t.V.r,• James slluchanen . and Miss
cr011, Nov, lOth, 1908, Buchanan spent Thankkgiteng at Tors
Quito, with his •relatives in that c ty.
• eles• Martea Wells spent Thanksgiv-
ing Day ill; Ca.rievy et the "Sadler
1-fouse 't
S. S. NO. 8,. Goderich towaSeie, telt- • ' •
Mini Nellie Patteeson of Stretford,
its to commence With LOA • e'er -we -el , „ es„, e„,„„
'aPplicatiobs will be. ree lee ak.`""e' °An "'"'"vc """Y"'' his son, Torn Wright, and his
. • ,
the undersigned up, to Dee:enter 11,1i
trbf: of the Classie eityestiehe Thanks- vvefe, with their friends.
Hastings, J'. Sterling or A. le, e,g,1"ng flay,.PeAs br Mrs*: L °. Aii,'..ss Swan, who has spent '' seven
NafteleSeer:tary, allyeree le, 0. 42 inoctre. years in China, gave a very entertain-
. I We were very sorry to lea.rit of the
--, • - • • ----- :serious steldeut that b:11 . bir. llen-
. She spoke ot the delight. Lt geve
HOUSE TO RENT, CORNIA RAG -1. mud of Britannia, Road, while, rt 'more many of the .young thibese girle to
-'-- - at the organ faetory fin the. MI inst. study . the religion of Christ, and
In and Princess s•treets.--Davtd, elle was pulling a plank to use it, from praised the dillettent societies in Mon-
Cantelon. " • a pile, and, slipped while doing so, on
i• trealeliamilton attd eleewhere that
/ .. ithe hard -wood floor and falling beck- Sent funds to China to. educate ilielfi.
. , ward, Over a plank, Nbioll Int upon During Miss Swan's stay, sIM was the
TEACHER WANTED FOR tf. S. S., the floor injured his spitto they fear., guest ot /wee. flohere /*Kenzie who,
No. 12, Ooderich & flullAt, e•zeetid 1 M;ss MatteGundry of Chicago spoilt' we ate benne to state, le agaie able
Claes. Applicatione will be r3ce1te1 1 T.hanksgilving Day at her home here
up to Decembee let, duties to cone- 1, and purchased the tesidente of Mr. to be Mt*
Miss Anna lleinleite arrived at her
Ineltere Jan, 4th, 1909. Apelyiettel'etlre, nein, Motets street, parents' tesidenee, Profeseor and -Mrs,
stating experience and 3alary wirnted, I The Daughters of the Thripiro, wilt Heinicke, from St. Catbarinet; where
•s -T. It. Hardy, , Seetetary, Clinton meet on 26th Nov. at the Court heitss see efts wee for some, tin, the guess
P. G. . 41-1- it z 4P. et, e ' of her eiekr, '
Mrs. ;Turnbull assisted .me Ot the
A. T.1). A. in ,merifeactitring eandiee,
and. 'every one patrOnizee. the1:1'eandy
table. • and kindly reniembered :"The
News -Record" .• reporter, • The Cheers
rnae'.s. addresd was one 'of ThanksgiV-.
. Macklin e Opened the .eritere
tat tunent :With • his favorite • song Tho
Adniital's Broom," followed . by the
orchestra wile gave sotne- fine Seim.
Hope Miring the,evening. Harold Black-
stone: sang. his two -songs to the' dee
tight of 'ale present; "Yen Can't ale.
iveys „"Wheii baby. says,.
pape.",• A very . pretty ,sivartette
rendered' by the Misses.' Martha wells.,
and nenstridge, .and • MesSrs-.Beggue
Blackstene and • kred:" SturdY,
who Caine e'er the downs SO
free ? Mrs., 'Curzon sang in Sweet
voice "Fleeting..Yeers;" ' and later In
the eirenittg ebe ga..ee .e groat, treat In
the Italian song "Margherita" Which
brought out her Voice, to 'eapital • 'id -
vantage. -"Mr. :Adams , aceempanied
Mks. Cerzon et. the piano .for both
solos. Professors AdaMs. and Geoffrey
Holt Tendered two classic duos 'at the
piano with fine exeeution.: The Misses,
Alma Sturdy and Porethy Edis, two
of "the Vetnig. girls Of the A. Y. P. A.,
distinguished themselves, by ' their
skilful renditeon ofe:theie piano solos,
Miss Alma rendering "Consolatjon" in
a 'very, bright and airy mariner, pro-.
feesee- Heinieite, and 'his clever. daugh-
ter rendered a lovely violin duo, Mrse
jenies Andrews 'accompanist.'and by
requeht M,iss leeinieke rendered a very
:sweet enciode, -•on her .violin„ Mr.
Adams apcompanist. 'togswell
brought the. entertainment -to a 'close,
While 'all sang the "tiational 'Anthem,'
Rev. J. M. Turnbull and 1)pfessor
Geoffrey Holt attknded • the concert
given in Toronto on the-. King's eirth-
daY by the Sheffield choir.
Captain William Sutherland (SW)
has.; returned to his home, laying up
his vessel at:Sarnia, .
The Wexford lay at. the Goderich
liallne On Sunday last, having. met
with an accident at Saute St.. Marie,
having. struck against. something ; that
stove a hole ieto her side abut six
feet in length. .
The Midlatul • Queett, Captaie Cute
nieehatne, left, Our harbor on Satur-
day at 6 a. m. sot Fort William.
Mariners Joseph McPhail nod Willie
Saunders, who spent the summer fish-
ing at South Bay, returned to theer
homes by C. P. R. train on IVIonday:
, Neil Murray, wife and two sons ar-
riVed front the Pishing Islands . last
week. Ile reeotte a good season. "
Mr. J. J. Wright returned 'last
weelt front Hamilton, quite delighted
with the enjoyable' time he had with
ing address at North stmet ehtitch.
Miss Walton has returned from a
visit to hex sister, Mrs. Jaek Armoute
We, fear Misi Leers, Seekesd'a , rasp.
berry bush Will bear no more berries
this season. A couple of week& ago
Miss Laura. brought some beautiful
herpes in from one ot her .resp -
berry bushes, —
Mrs. George IV, Elliott's attack of
fever was not verk severe, and she is
now at her borne after being in the
Mrs. Emma. MeSween and daughter,
MISS AICSween, hat e refil0Ted to St.
Catharines', where Mr. Berton Mc -
Sweet' is carrying on an up-to-dato
establishment, Mrs.•McSween, is the
daughter of- the late Mr, and Mrs.
Videeti, who were some of the first
settlers in Goderich.
. Mr. 'Duncan- ItleLcod-et-Londolt.' has
purehased the. reeidenee on POSICII MS,
of Mrs. F4trana McSween.
:Kiss Cunninghame of Port Albert,
late -of the Busies. ,College, Clinton,
is the guest of her emit, Miss Culp.
aud has !the management of
the Business College,
141ra. McCabe, NeWitete -Ste we are
sorry to say, • is suffering from crySip-,
elAs. ;
dr KnOckle; returned -Met ".. tVeel,
from her viset at Thanksgiving, to her
mother andesistet, at Londbe, Mrs.
and Miss Foes.
Mrs. James • Catling, Elden street,
has been quite a sufferer from rheum,-
,NteD.: Allen, who with Mrs. • 'Al-
len, are living in London, :.',(Englanti,)
have . sefid their brick residence: en Cam-
eron street te Mr, P. D. Ryaneef, the
tee/ft:line McKillop, who intende tak-
ing up his residence in our town.
Saturday's Mail and Empire We
noticed in the "On Dit" :column,' the
names of Attlee. Olive Buchanan, and,
• Garrow, among the guests, who
attend,ed the annual, dance, -given on.
lath Nev.under the auspiCes. of the
Greee. Darling chapter, of:the:I. D. 0.
Ee at ''Deancrofte" residence of Col.
•Gooderham„..of Toronto.. • • .
Me.• . and Mre.. R. S. ,Willienis and
daughter, Miss , Ethel, 'have rettirned
from their. • visit to Termite, evhere
they. Attended the gisneert given by the
Sheffield choir. • ' •
At Knox church on Sunday as' nes
Rev: James -A, Anderson, took for pes
,text of Isis sermon, Romans 13-1.20.3,1
"The eight* is far spent, • the 'day 'le at
hand; let 'as therefore civet, oft 1 -the
works of :darkness and lee us put on
the armor of ; • • 11
.Albert- Goldthorpe of 'Colborne
_twee ieB1enheint4Pleflineapple_
his. Oecherd, from:which he picked -an'
apple, the•cithumferenee• -of .Which was
114 Indies,. bOth.
Stewart Larte; Barrister, spent eitS
Thankigiyieg holidaes_ ' et Ids: honte'.
resideite.e. f. 07te -C‘lerk, and
ItIrSe Le. -Stewart, is. also .Captain
of it. Military -company in -St. :Ca:there
. . .
At st., George's church, en Sueday
last, Rev. W. H..;H, Sparks, . agent of
the UPPee. • . Catiede. Bible Sueiety,,
preethed at the, 'Morning .seryice,c and
in the afternoon at. Co'cleck. he. gave
'address, at the RaPtis t. chi:pee •Hie
also, preached at keex. &Melt la • the
ever:leg, • • .•••; • .•
• Mese height' and datightere, •ties • Mies
es Gladys, Eyelet' and .1...ileiatt ha'iori-
turned from -the West; .to Speeds the
ivintee at the ...residence of Mrs,
Knight s parnts, Mr end :Mis. • p.
The. gO!teri'cli: branch of the M.
A., has xecentle".. .leesed :commodious
quarters in the Teems ,over tfie., °ince
of the Standard Leen Compaity, • and
the fermal °Poling .bf. tly, • rooms took
Piaeth -Titeidey •evenitigin the feern of
an "at home." The comity .teev.‘tarY,
eie..L. C: Flening, .was ue. for the
occasion, and there was a good ,nitm-
ber of young people Who had been in-
vited. e Addressee :were given by Mr.;
Fleming,' by Dr -1 Dougall, Pastor. iYf
North street aed
Blair, who oacepted the chair for ine:
evening. An • • excellent program. was
given, consisting ofselos. by Miss Hene
'stridge, :Jas. Thoinson; .Tames PoWrie
and Sid Belcher a trio by Miss Mar -
the, Welis, F, Sturdy and e2: McLeene,
a quartette by Misses Hensteidge and
Wells and Meeses..Sturdy and Mclean,,
and 'One by Messrs.. McLean, D. Clerk.;
J. Thomson and A. COoke recttations
by Mies .Attliett and Mts....11,..E. Jor-
dan ; instrumentals by, Miss' Dorothy
Etlis.rand_•leoy' Adams ;. an instrement-
iti duet by Mies.Neistr. antl J, E. Joie
den,. and a 'venal , duet, by 8, ..Beleher
and JamespoWile. At the concluelon
Of the programmet,rcfreshmeats were
served, e 13Iank -fortim • ef application,
formembership were distributed, and
it is 'expected. •that. •eow . the ae-
sociation has proper room e there will
be a largely , increased interest taken
.the work :of , the society. Tuesday
night's affair was certainly a very,
auspieibus beginning of the work In
the new, lecatton. •• •
• (3,6or" many years I have been aeuf-
ferer from bronchial catarrh, and had
despaired of anything • like it cure.
Judge of my pleasant surprise when I
fiket used 14yomer, which brought com-
plete relief. Ilyeane), has been a ver-
itable godsend." Rev. Charles .11arts
Icy, Sardinia, Ohio.
ThouSatele of Catarrh sttiferete have
given up in .despalr, They have tried
stomach dosing, snuff, otos • and
douches Witheatt suems, •and now be-
lieve to be curable. • s
But W. S. L Holmes:the druggist,
holds out hope to all distreneed. Ile
sells a remedy called Ilyotnei which
is guarantee1.1 t for catarrh, colds,
coughs, bronkhitis, eetema and croup.
I tlYamei (pronounced Iligh-d.me) ik
medicated air, full of the healthy vir-
tues of the. mountain pines. You
breathe itt ',DM delightful antiseethe alr
and as it misses over the inflamed
and getnt ridden membrane, it allays
sethe inflantmetione kills ;the gerinee end
11rivee out the disease.
t A complete llyemei matt including
hard rubber inhaler, Nets, but $1.00,
and an extra, bottle or.lyomoi, it
terwerds heeded, eosts but f.0 nuts.
See W It. Holmes about it to-da.Y.
How to Improve Cowie
ditions on the Farm.
In an interesting address„before the
Canadian Club in Toronto, Mr. 0. O.
Janice, Aeputy Allister of Agriculture
deteiled the vast improvements that
had been made in the, condition Of
those engaged in farming in Ontario.
Ho also dealt with the problems that
prose for solution, end which, if sue-
cessfully solved, will result in dead),
Jing the output of farm productn In
Ontario in a very short. time.
Mr, James said that the farmer
now had his business on it solid basis.
He WAS selling foe cash, and buying
for cash, and was now more than
ever a regulator. He was the pro-
ducer Of a large -cash surplus which
had led to , theernaelced multiplica-
tion of branch Welke throughout/ On-
tario.-Tbis material-incremeele-cesh-
deposits had given an impetus. to man-
ufacturing in the province. The, speak-
er pointed out that the safeguard! of
any country was a prosperous, cott-
tented and Moral royale -popul tion.
There was talk of trouble in the nit -
ed States, bet this all arose in the
congested centres,' ,axid the Safeguard
in the future would come eroni the
rural districts.
Mr- jamese pointed -outethatsthe, De --
pertinent of Agriculture in Ontario
had been established in 1883, in
which year $154,0.0 was expended,
While in 1908. the ilepertment, had
spent ;$747,000. The departmeet had
Dine branches, which covered 'almost
every, Section of farming work, ' The
175,000 farmers of Oneario have a
capital invested amounting to $120,-
000;000, and the output is $200,000,-
000 per annum, or tin a'verag'e of $e1,-
200 eaep, Mr. Ja,nies stated that if
they could 'get the farmers of On-
tario to adopt the methods of farming,
they know now it would, -be a compara-
tively easy matter, to double the out-
put :of tho province. • Mr. james ree
lerred 'to a scheme the department
had under consideration to take over
the poor lands in Ontario. upon 'which
the men now working -could not hope
to make more than A bare existence!.
and, by proper method; to gradually
Weld .the lanes up, and make them of 1
Value, These farmere cOtlia be taken'
from the poor lands and placed on
the 'rich clay lands In New Ontario,
'where they could make a decent Being
ing.• The two great difficultles which
Confronted the department :was the
scarcity of farm help, and the inabil-
ity to arouse • the hidiffereirt. farmer.
This and other • questions the depatt-
Meet 'were 'addressieg themselves to,
and -the outlook seemed bright for
bf fipaningete-Ontarieeeeass
with the advent of Women's Itistetute
the hothee life of the °Mateo farmer
had shown Markecl improvement.
• .
Pleasant peietThlatron Tette Her Sufs
fering .SiStertH3w to' be Free
• Front tbd 'Terrible Pains that
Make 'Life e Burden,
Pleasant 'Pointe Ont., Nev. 'loth.
(Speciele-That inest of the ills that
the :suffering womenaf Canedaehave to
.bear :are due to ,disordel'ed. Kidneys,
and that the naturaeseere for them is
widd!s Kudney Pilis, is once n-ipre
'shown in the ease el 'Mrs. *Merril: O.
Clarke, a leell-kitown resident of this
place and a. protainent member of the
, _
A Few Bottles of Peruna
Restored Me Ito Health,
Mrs. John Rendlerson, 2 oveidaleAve.e,
Montreal, can., writes: -
e4I was much distressed With neuralgia,
and was so run down that liteVro-not
worth Jiving. 1 tried a great many rem-
edies, bat all to uo effect,
"I met a friend of mine, and teld
of eny ailment. She advised me to try
her remedy, Peru n
"Although 1 had no faith in Peruna., I
took bee advice, and am pleased to state
that tho.aearaigia has entirely left me,
and haVe gained so in health tbet I feel.' •
just like MY old self again. ' •
enjoying the bat of health-. •
We have on file many thousand • testi-
rnonials like the above.' We can give
•our eeaders only a sliir,14 glimpse of tha
vast array of unsolicited endorsements
De. ar mime rs receiving. •
DICKSON--LYON-At ' pt. . Paul'e
. church, Winnipeg, Man., on Oct. 21
, by. 'Rev. T., c-.JS'ethel of Stone-
wall,. Jean,- daughter of Joseph
Lyon to John Turnbull Dickson of
-Glaileevemd, Seaterth,
by Rev. W,: coleus, ,
Florence, third ' 'daughter' of: the s
late TeeaceCatlitig, -td :wittiam D.
Mace of WinniPeg,
FARQUHAR:7Sn Clinton on .Noy:
15th, -Eliza Farquhar; •rcliet of tha • •
:late William Farquha,r, aged 71
FLEUTY-In Wisigham on Nev. leths
Jances ntleuty, aged 70. years and '
2 months,
ALLISON -es e• the Thames • Road,
Usborne, 'Nov. 10th, John Anise.
on, aged
-the Thames • Road,.
Usborne, on Nov, 10th, Alexander
Turu,bull, aged 5e years. • .
• • .1 ,
Rev; .Jaines.lVlassoreee retired Meth-
odist minister; aged 82 years,. died:•at, •
BelwoOd. • '•
, The Goverment has forbidden the,,
Svation Mis. 'Clarke is al- I importation of :cattle endehities from.
Pennsylvania on account of an out-
breakof the foot-and-mouth diseaee
there. • '
The , sentence.. paseed on William
Judge, provincial detective, at Lon-
don, for 'supplying Indians with liver
was remitted by order 'of the Gover-
noe-Getieral, ,
ways needy to give her experience for
the benefit; of her etiffeeing sisters.
-"Me sickneks cotinnenced tWenty
years ago .:Witle the •Aitinge'of life,"
says 'Mts. • Clatke. "My heattb,Was in
a bad stale. Water would rill from
my head whiCh would mase tne feint,
When r came out of the faiatiag seals
I took fits: rewas bleated ti11,1 was
clumsy:, :The pain I.ettiTered et es aw-
ful. It•would go to eny lee,t and .tbert
to my head, Many doctors . attended
rim, and 1 tied many 'ineilletnes, !, but
nothing gave me relief tin 1 used
Dodd' Kidney Fills, -Th e first:box
Stopped the fits Itrid seven boxes urea
me tompletely,'' • ,
• Every 'suffering woman ehoeld iso
'Boddie Kidney._ Pills. •They . make.
strong healthy Kidneys, and the seem,'
an who has good KidneYsis safegua.r-
ded against thoSe tereiblo. pates thee
make Miserieele the lives of :tie mew
Mr. M.' E. Stewart, who was injurs
ed in the Horieshoe wreck at Caedon,
has secured a verdict for 1$11,500 (rote
the Canadiert Pacific liailroed.
The death eententies of crooked-n.eck
Smith and young Niecoll of Illoritireal
have been emninuted, as the trial
Judges reeommended clemency;
s ••
.pausiampaigalammailions‘ •
Most modern and popular Busi-
ness School in Western Ontario.
Widely experienced hrciadly ed-
ucated, syrnpatketie, attentive
stall!. The synonyru of success.
Graduates eminently successful.
The Very essence of modern, liv-
ing busibess system. -
StenOgraphy, Telegraphy and
Commercial Courses.
Preparatory course for those
Whose education has been neg-
courses, in any subjects,
for.those who ',wish to study at
In di v idual instruction, Enter
any day. "Write foe hindsoine
L. •
• $4.50
*ou dOri't have to be a shoe maker ti) ltnow that "Queen
Quality'ihoes pleaswyou, At sMoothly, look handscime,
are comfortable' and satisfy. :And you don't have to be
a fluarieler to know that puch shoes
are a mighty profitable investment.