HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-11-19, Page 3Noveirber 9th, . 1908
"Blatant and "Vulgar Corrup
(.Prons The Toroei0 News.)
No finer breed of patriotlein
Produced duriug the campaign than
that which hears the trade mark of
the elinten 'New Era. No IMs the
quality declined sinCe the polling.
The New Era speaks fOr Mr, Robert
Holmes, who ehtained a seat in Par -
Bement some years ego through ras-
cally ballot ber staffing. Mr. 1101rues
is. the patriot who tel10 Gotlerieh that
it has lost $100,090 by electing aeon-
iervative member.
Mr. Holmes is also wailing becanse
"all over °uteri° pamphlets; were dis-
tributed containing exteets from the
Orange Sentinel, calling op the elect-
ors to /defeat Sir Wilfrid Laurier 'be-
cause of his allegianee to his church,"
While The News does not pretend to
agree:with all the views or Orange
e.ritinel, and certainly the Conserva-
tive party is • not reepoiss%le foe it4
opinions, itsis fair to point out that
The Sentinel's denunciation of Sir
_ Wilfrid Lagrier 'was on account of his
Western Autonomy legistlatiori.- and
this should not be so intolerable to
Liberals who not so long ago woe
called ppon to support Sir :Wilfrid be..
-cause o1. his professed hostility to
similar legislation for IVIanitoba.
ISions" and ,building up "a united:
01 PIM W1111 the sairipaign of Mr.
Holmes' in West litiron, is that which
has been waged in behalf of the Gov-
ernment in Mine° Albert. 'There the
election was deferred because it- was
believed that if polling look place on
October. 29t$ the ConaervatAve date would would be retuned. The, .action
Of the election ME.Ilinery, therefore,
was deliberately chseked in the hope
that the general polling would •give a
victory for the Government and that
under these more favexable tOnditions
Prince Albert would go with the mai-
Carl The Prince Albert Herald told
the constituency that "if eleetorSjn
Prince Abet won't bury, their par-
tisanship in the interestS of their own
Constituency, then party p Jities have
surely become a menace to rgood gov-
ernment and the welfare ot the West."
It also .declared that l'Saskatchewan
*ante the Hudson Bdy Railway and
nine seats out of ten for the Liberals
are: necessary to ensure this." Agan,
-44Etireirr-allers-eitr- ins-Saikatehowatt
has inacle ashreWd bid for the Hud-
son Bay Railway. Let us raise the
bid about 100."
Clinton Atews.Reconl
A 'Liberal Paper Stitijs 1 That tbe
Solid French ifote‘ Retains Sir
• Wiltild Laurier in Power.
OttaNva, Nev. 7th, ten..
. Pereona,1 Only. "
With our deferred elections itr,d.s.ev-
?rat recounts to be heard feint), the No fair or patriotic Canadian would
Government majority in Parliament suggest that the Freed' hPeahing "t"
seems.to be
ors had not a perfect right to suppOrt
' 49, as againsc 59 in the
Ththe government individually or as a
last House. e Couservativeg have
cabody if they deemed the administra-
rried Ontario and lanit.oba, and tiou worthy. Least of all would -this
if they win one of the BritUt Co-
bia by-elections, will have a majority
in that province aSso, There axe
three to seven in Alberta. They have
already ten more members thin they
had in the last Parliament, and itis
likely to be eleven or twelve. There-
fore, It may be supposed that tasserts that had t $ Prenlier been
sturdy fight put up by the Opposi- I named Smith or j°h"tx)n' tha French
Veitui the last four years wvote would have been about equally
ill not I
.be abated. If some good campaigners cl4vided' and the government would
are gone, them 8.4 abie meal araolsg have been defeated, The Premier him -
the new 'members, and the Govern- Self appealed to hia compatriots as one
Wilt also bee Met wall SeriOWs loSSM of themselves, His supporters , went
,so far as to :circulate with- careful
1, Investigation Will Proeeed. 'clistriminaticni' in the English provin-
•ces pamphlets hostile to the French
There is 'reason to hope that the race and then throw the odiiim of it
--effoets.-ofstise-!Usrlc-Lanternu-shrigades id .-.Queben-on-the-Conservatives:--this-
to suppress information, wta be less sort of camPaign has, according to Le
effective than of yloret Johnston, NationaliSte, . 'SO fanaticised the
Copp, 'Finlayson and Roan! of Nova French Canadians that they voted en
Scotia • FlUgbes of P. 4. Island ; bloe for Latirior, Simply because he is
view he taken by a Journal which .es-
pecially supports 'the right$ and priv-
ilesea of, the French race 1 But Le
Nationaliste declares that its compels,
riots did not support the government
because tftey believ d it worthy; It
The Herald oven, inad‘e an'appeal to McCarthy -of Ontario ; Burrows, Jack-
*: James McKay; the PooservatiVe Son and: Adam -Ion of , Manitoba, Mc -
candidate, to withdraw from the Pherson Of British Columbka,' who
Moreover, Mr. Holmes should be field. • Here is its language : "In were aiming the obstructors, are no
one of the.last men to complain of the) Prince Albert •today there are the longer in Parliament. Own the: other
action of The Orange Sentinel. In two •roads open to James IVIeKay K. hand, Fater, Monk, Aron, Balser,
every isivue The Sentinel called on the: °CI: He has before him Idscity and }Sagged, Tayler, Sproule, Northrup,
electors of Wes,t Huron, wbere , Mrs himetelf. To choose, big...city would be Reid; Crocker, Lennox, Perley, Blain,
Holmes was a candidate, to defeat...la-noble act`of public service, to chooseilioyce, Bristol, and others; who have
the :Conservative candidate because he himself and the narrower claims of pressed inquiries • in the puhlic Ac
gave his vote for the Authnorny Bills, party in the present situation is., 114-1 counts Committee, are prepared , to
This, of bourse, • was practically to worthy of the man We .haiteve James resume 'business at the old stand,
support Mr. Holmes. Mr. Holmes McKay to be Opportunities will not
Additional Advantages.
therefore; had the advantage Of • The' be wanting in the future when men of
Sentinel's support with Protestant$ public Spirit and. the broader, unselfish
and the :additional advantage. of The view will find' a proper • 'recognition 111e work of investagation may be
Sentinel's pamphlet for • distribtition .even' ie this ' city." The • ward heeler resumed under -lietteveenditions than
among Roman Catholics. He wee who .bribei .a poor voter witli'.a ttito- before; Condit'ona revealed by the
doubly blessed and ought to 'be, ash- .dollar note is a Prince in Israel coin- RoYal..Civil Scive 'ConamissiOners,.
.' ade
amed of his ingratitude. Further- pared With the ' blatant and vutgar and by Judge C. ssels,Mit siniply
more, if the Hocken pamphlet, was corryptienists 'of the Prince. Albert imPrisaible for ntiniolers to "kcrp
(.1intoa (Iowa the After: their diselos,
widely distributed it was •chieflysdne Herald and ' tite'n
to the activity, of the Liberal cam- :The Ottawa....Governtherit fights. .jj Tlres the- county wifl.not suhinit •' tO'
paign managers who adopted this ciirL, ',battles 'with:its hands 'up to theel, sol)PtasAioil refusal 'of
ious method of "healing sectarian div- bow in thcpublie treapublic. decunientS, and the exclusien.eury,•• '
• . , . . • of useful evideace. Light hiss. already
• ,
trrisme.....e=e....e.t,===,===-21:32aeimmaai. .1 heal
poured n tim Marine :Depart-
Drag Before the Freeze
• molt. It is Only necessary that the
ether spending departments shall .be
.:ovetheailed .in the same way: This
.don rilven the •Llberal
press has, Since the clection, lalIed
• for enquiry into "ilia tter •wifiCji haie.
t, • •
The split -log drag can be used •• to .: Not:only Should 'tbsroads so.asss_. hitherto lieeti..hePl •
„ • • . . • •.;
first-class advantage: in auturan, 'In god • tater. everysiain of couseqnwthests- .• „ , • . .
• .
...keeping the road surface sniooth eftc4t '-'11-°°1a to ThTindker Deals.i
• •• • . • :get rover thni-usssss s • • • • • •
ri,c,arty saili • s4_t-Iseforetisesses--. .• • ' the Iseicon Mr • Si "on • B o-
. • . 'to be • frozen • Up for -the. wiliter." ...... :
water and thus preserve. the. subsea 'Last fell several :ol our road -draggers ther-in-laweeurrows; mon.
g..s. e:
in firm, dry condition. 'it cannot siteceeded. in catehing •their • roads. at arid other eseirnected with
then frienas- in the , , ,houset,
too st.rongly imprissed on eerybotly this:drift-edeal, thr
n al 'juncture, smoothing thenn
Cygoncerned than, as King says', %bad off. just hefore the Y froze •up ter goetZo with ;his
roads -in spriagare largely the reiult. The result-a..4.Wa..ss..nbi ctic da. lis 1ateotosfacts si
eilSicligonvon,r, ;e,xrjetrsela
of putties a lot of thud and, watfr inn-sdriveyieye. • o
to .cold storage in the. fall.'. The mois- ,. and wheir'sSleighin,,g cante• * Went
,..; laitl„ 'the facts anti
ture being aeted upon by fros:t expanse 'imarred 1» big ltirripsiof ;p:rotrud-''
East arid..West
":' fpe..
and in expanding, disrupts the bon's1 Ins 'through the' beathks: the ,e,Viclendebefore ile eOplSomen Sleigh' trac
of the road, disintegrating • its par.. In short,. the result. Wes goot.l.: 1-41-ags have ba,PPened. Mr. Ambit is
tieles and converting the earthy bed.. bettonis all winter long and a decideid in 'painient With an increaSed
., .. 'e,: .
into a condition, better than: as. a benefit- the followings :sring. 'Watch or.ftyMrBiirrows is net therMr:
place to drive. At this season, there your 'road this falLoncl try to drag .it Sitten is :ret.irried by inSignifleant,
'. ...,::
fore, particular attention should be at thiS irrineri:.aft'ti StipP6iing majority, it .h?is claredLt nil; Mr.
given to providing clean, channels :and 'the . freeze:Up .dees titsappoint hs Adah''''on retirm :0°m• the elCtiOn•
open outlooks for the .ditches at • thehanging'. off IorigerSthan exPectned„. keep:. XI'.Fsoi, the 'agent..at-Oitawa 'of
• I
sides or. the road, as well as a sm'Winthe "Big rOur,"• was kneed -to with-
bOth on dragging till ter' doti'set.ln.
even -graded . suriaee, on the:driveway. Persetierance is:liken" to be xe-Wardel,' dr4w. alter he had be'ja nowhiated'.
Excent Mr.,. Sition himself,: not a sin-.
itself, Now is the time • to • instird and eiTrry de; '0.0( •
reasonably good roads next spring: ' • RidgetoWn. Dominion. gip Manitoba • Member who lustitied
These' deals.' has . been returned. Not
one of :the Western members of :stile
ISEFEATF.D BY DR. 11 MIL ..The three men -who- deserted the ten lasT 11°'"P•••••w.h° fattnane'''ea the5.'
In no way -is health so menaced has lest his seat. 11 ie is clearly' ,a
ag Chinamen on • if
Bit alo brea e-tv.oll. 011 •
by 'constipation. It leads to indiges- ' • - • public invitation 40 .eontinue the cam -
tion, insotnnia, anaemia and ar-huri-, of the. 'interest
Thursday last:. escaped,; to Canada -bu t . palm' Hu woke
dred• ills. Ordinary remedies!ai1- are hno*ato til!. Ponce. in the public. domain:: : •••
ley re eve- on t cure. The wers
ean is defeated and cured nuiekly ‘• by
Dr. Hamilton's Pills, which cleanse,
. the. entire intestinal tract; stirOnlate
kidneys and liver, keep the. pores' of
the sic's' open. You'll . never have
stomach trouble, yellow aimplexion or
headaches if you use Dr. Hamilton's .
Pills. They are a perfect system ton-ic. 25e. at all dealers.
. . _
A rushof ethigrants frem 'Eurone
:America has • already 'begin). The
Haminirg-.-Ameriean Liner_Aperika. is
• . , . :41
. •
Lord; Minto • intevie,•-sed 00 hi s .
turn to EagAnde• bald he found no
prejudice against the EngEsh
grant in Canada. • ,
During.- the ...third. Arial. of A b r ahath
, • Rue! on (harget of graft at San Fran..
• Mr. William Betts of BeaMsVillo 'Was cosco .4.tn :atteilipt was made to assts
dragged under It:t wagon when his inate 'Francis J. Hen's, Assiatant
horses ran away, and fatally injured. District Attorney, ,
.• , .
IVIPROVD niachinet7.,
1 will not, oc itself,
pia -
duce good flour.
You may be an excellent
cook, but you cannot pro-
duce ,Ight, Whotesorne_
baking uniess„the flour yort
use be the kind th4t permits, •
suctl results ••
• So ir: then -ruling, maim-
erV alone cathwt produce
Royal jflOusehold-Fiour
out of the wrong kind 0: Wheat ,any more that you
can make the right kind of bread or pastry out of *
the'wrong kind of flour.
Ogilvie $ Royabinouseholo Iliour is made frorti
haft, spring wheat—a wheat that is.rich ;n nutriment, ..•
that grinds fine and white, and produces bread and
pastry that are whblesorne and nourishing as well as
light and crisp—it's a flour that begins to be good in
the wheat fields, not in the mills '
Your grocer prefers to
sell you Ogilvie s R�val
Household Flour because
he knows the value ot a .
Oalitit, Flour mob Co Lt.
' Sot a YOU., of Confide/lc,
It is. an , ilidependent Prench Cana
dian ato hority which, Makes the. Stati
meet that She i;auricr. -f:Ievernment
has been • sustained h Ib Frqnch
Caeadian vote ; and that •this' r Vete
Was cast for the premier because of
his raw, and .m.1.1. on the: Merits of his
goverement, • Tits,. &Claret:on is made
by Le N ata on a 1 ie of Monti eal , which
'1 riot Censeryati.te pap r, and
whieh is certainiy not anti -French.
'rho. organ Of the National party s'iowu
that out of tile government. majority
' of about fifty, no lea% than ferty,
tbree is 'furnished by Quebec. It is
pointed out that five of the- Quebec
counties,'' which 'elected ConserVatives
bave.a large English.vote, so that the
!nuti0ri9f in French spea.kiiig, Quebec is
' laWthan the above figtir,s, he /NA-
Ltidnaliste adds, that, there are twelve
Ontario COngtituencies having a. large
, French vote, and...that silo all return-)
ed GoVertimient stipportM, This list
includes Ottawa, which returns... two
members, a,nd also Nipbedng and East
Algoma, which • as it rt()W appears,
hate elcctd Conser atis e so that
"the csoee is eleven to- two. The Na-
tional' organ fr,iVc8 a list 'of -twelve
. )11 n ti es in the Ma ritinie Provinces
hathig a • consichrable French vote,
"ars' stows' that • 'very onc of them, but
N. S., 'electec1 a gdvernmetit
sum c ter. • •
s tio, Vrenth Canadian paPer
r- -
*I"P s it issiear that the 'French Can-
l'ea.in; Sir Wilfrid Laur-
trt. n1.0% Ilad the ssits If:en equal -
1 d s"ded :in Ora.. eonstitneneieS, iie
f t of Mc gownno.e.lt wos,a4sur&I,
A Methodist I‘linist i Ttecommentie
Chamber] al n'S Collo, 'Cholera
and Diarrhoea, Remedy.
• •
"1 hat's: used Chamberlain s
Cholera, and .brarehoei 1tn"d hr
sveral years for diarrher.a, L toi.tdrl-
11 the best remedy 1 have ever tried
for that troublenoagln nhottle of
, it a (eW days ago from •aur
"Mr. It it, Brooks. 1 shall ever be
glad to speak a Word ift pra!se
when r have the opportunity". -Rev.
4. 11 XnaPP, Paitir Al, 1,', t.) Ural,
Mlles Qrove, Pa. Sold by all drna.:,-
a French Canadian, without consider-
ing -whether •it was in .the .inttrest of
tie countirY'' as- a Whole." n
Such :is the testimony of a French
Canadian. Liberal. If it is true, then
the government record has not been
endorsed by the Canadian, electorate.
Financial Troubles.
Cabinet meetings in these times are
anxious affairs. October returns show
a deerease of $0i3,558 in custom e rev -
tittle Compared • , with August, 1907.
Prom April to November the customs
shortage is now $9,163,575, ..Tatercol-
onial deficits are fully $190,000 a
month, and inland revenues 'are also
deereasing. There is no doubt . that
the revenue for the fullrear will be
*15,000,000 to $20,000,000 less than
that of last s'ears
The obvious conclusion from all this
is that the evenditure mint be ; cut
down. But at this •thoinent expenai-
tares are piling up larger than ever.
• • Many 'Warnings,.
• The manager: Of the Bank of .• Mons
areal has seriously lai4. the case before
sthe'_Prernter,' who sa ys• that he •wil1
keep dOWn •expenses as far as .poSsible.
But Sir Wilfrid has no idea how' it is
to he done. The one thing possible is
to repudiate all the electipa promises
air -lo- cut do'w n the- es ti Mates -o-t-rmxf-
tession to the n•smalleet pant. Thei
We shall SCA how, Lauri.r fhu h s 01';•
work. • _ •
Meanwhile the' recent Fielding loan
'does no,t appeal' to have kin a suc-
cess. It *Was mostly - Liken hy ;large -
u n d .2r wri t crs a4 mfritior oi necesSity,
because :invest:ors ilia not bid for it•
. ,
Better Terms for the G..T. P. • •
The report that the Grand Trunk
.and G T. Pacific companies' are to
aSlc.for a new deal . is evidently Well .
based: In what form the ..relist. :may
be required is 'not known, but tile
cornpany is face to faCe. witn. the tact
that the Eastern a 2c.:tipn Will cost
three times the:amount first eitiinargd
bY *the government. If -the WinniPev,
Moneten .2Ption.- Costs $150,000;000;
the :annual rental payableto the gcOr-
erarnent will be ,nearly three tim.'es the
sum expected when the cost was plac-
ed at $53,000;009. Where is the addi-
" The biscuits which please us mustbe brawn
.and criSp and firm and dainty; with a well -praised,
evenly -baked crust.
"Mother says Such ..buns require a steel oven, scien-
tifically constructed, uniformly heated, perfectly ventilated
• When you see a "Pandora" Range the sale Is Made,
Landoll, Tapia, Montreal, 'ytannIpeg, Vaneriaver. St: John, KO,. Illanodian.' Calgary.
arlarnl Bros.
Mattress and
Wire Spriligs
l'he New -Record and'
The Family Herald and
We sell a very good Mttttress Wee
; kly Star ofMontreal
and Bed Spring f...ir $5. . .4 , •
. t, . .
i . The News -Record -.yin supply you each wedk" with a.
I complete budget of, local news, reliable 'market reports; and.
1 everything of.intereSt in this lOcal territory.•
We have better goods for
a little more money,
, Iron I3eds, strong and
durable, from $2,50 to
J. E. Chellew
Furniture and Carpets
Tistscharge•for money adVanoied: It is
pdinted (wt.. that banks •Wcaild,' diss
co,T.II:lt a 'claim an the *government at.
the rate' of idx'ser coat..t .year, dad'
10 re to re nye •pee no i. per inpathWas,
rather high. An . acceptsd clum on
the ..government ought to be Werth
more than- '95,Cents'••• on the • dollars
Judges Cassels' deetsred the: .W.hple pro-
ceedings was . inecusthli l3ut the
•dortinsioner 1ms long since got past
tseing surprised at eVid,:nee Of rake-ofl.
s s
. • .A COmparison:
Premier ...Whitney% 'speaking itt• •• St.
JOhn•Of...SOMe:of.thrse. raa.ttl..rs; recall-
ed the ,reinark of ',Lord ;Clive.; that
When ho remembered the. opportunities
110. ha,d •of getting plunder ja India,'he
was "surprised it iiis-OWn. tiMdera-
tion." That must be the , feeling of.
the Quehee agent When' he reads of lite
.thea, per cent rakesoff: at St: John . an
$6.00,000 worth Of dredging,' allin tees'
than ttve rears, bv a middleman who
paid no Money and Made no advances.
tional, $3,000,000 a yean to•corne from?
No Canadian Railiva,y running througli
a well settled cOtintey hau a surplus
latge. cnongh to • PaY.... the . rental ef
t2 0b per mile, and the 'Trans:contin-
ental • must depend Wholly 'Upon-
You may dislike' taking' raedicine7-•
but coughs 'are'beat. cured. •twithotit
through traffic. It is absolutol3rcer- medicine. The modern treatment
tam:that the traffic will not pay the! "Cataxrhozone'',--it isn't ,a drug -it's
rentalBut the G. T. P. company,. a healing vapor, full of 'Pine essences
and 'healieg balsams. :It spreads °Vet
•the surfaces that sat .weak and sore
from coughing. Every spdtthat's con -
go ted is healed, irrita.tion Is Soothed
away, phlegm And secretrons are
cleaned out, and ail symptoms' of 'cold.
and catarrh are cured, NOthing so
eulek; $o sure, so pleasant as Catarrh. -
ozone. ril.s5 ot. and $1.00 sizes. at all
has no ether „ income end: the, old.
Grand Treak 'company:Will not ,put
the Orley There s no on to fill
the gap but. the Canadian' taxpayer. •
It is useless to say that the .cona-
pany WM be bound by the contract:
It was botuad by the,contract in 1004
hut 'broke it in 1904. .and .got a new
One, adding many tailliotia to the 'goe.s
ernment guarantseIOI1 sreltigstip the
(ea e
gov,trament first Mortgage on the rail-
If the company shall now demand
a new deal, it has pull enough to get
it, especially when the company prov-
es •that a large part of the extra cost
is due to rake-off. by contractors, and
lsy per ons who have gold land . and
supplies to the government.
Five Per, Cent tial"c•Off,
On t•he first'clay's eaquiry by Juage wk.
Onsets at Quebec, a large edntractor
nt stifled that he paid five per cent.
commission to the. Ideal agent of the
Marine Department In fly years, end -
i g in 1908, l3,400 ITe patd th.. g a you Take -if the balance goes. a
itriniefit etzent in all $.3,30rs.98, Which' little further, well, yoqsget thinner:
eons'derably• more than five pel
On the danger line to.day,-to-niorro%
The twon of Trenton will .Vote
locabilption in January:. ,
John Campbell, brakeman, of Lind-
say, Was killed at, Orillia,
Willia.C'ronen, foreman, and an un-
known Italian, were killed on" the
Trent Canal work at Glen 1Vlillcr,
near Trenteri, by the fall 'of a dere-
THIN: AS A RAIL,. ARP, )(Oil t
• Every day spending as 'much energy
, cent on the saI Th re. e eont r c, or ad- be too• late I Better Use ' Per -
milted that he came out of the allele rozonc, it builds up -4 little gain the
-Very wi..11, as be sold to tho Pvelra" !firgt, week, but the gain IfePS growing.
ment,' at Something higher than retail I Next week, not quite so thin. . Keep
prices. He also ,paid $64.5• to the go V- fright on, lots of fat won't hurt it
anti:tent yard foreman, who. took deli-
very of the brick, cement, lumber and
other siapPlles furnished by 'Murphy.
W. R. ttlakiston, sail maker, who re-,.
celvos abput 0,000 'a year for scrvioes
and supplies to the Marine Depart-
ment, swore that he regularly paid
nv.e pr cent. 6onun1ssinn to the gov-
ernment agents SO it •Would appear
to be the custom _of the port. •
The befenee.
At Quelne, Senator Choquette, gov-
ernment campalign organfzer for, the
litatifet., appeared ae counftl for the
iVarfne ntliartinent .ageat Gregory',
Ire admitted tile redeipt of the' com-
silts:don, but contended that the agent
Paid the contractors money down, and
waited sometiMts thirty or more days
all. 'Your blood is enriched, cheeks
grow rosy, your heart and nerves
grow strong and you don't the so
quiekly. Joyous robust health,
sturdy -arid a cfieerful mind -all these
come with rerrozone. YOU/II try it,
only 500. at all dealers:
Two women libing in a..; shantV near
Cobalt were attacked by a matt With
an axe, who was bent on robbery,
Carrie Smith had both laws hrokea
and may die. Eehel Stows 1njori,2s
are not (0 serious.
Should the Frenelt Senate reje.ct ths
trtirty proposals now mid& considera-
tion, it is likely that the Canadian
Government will take steps to ahro-
or the government to send the eherate. 'sate the existing tr?aty with France
The commicolott was simply an Anter- egiftlated. by Sir Charles, Tupper,
rhe Pathily I:lei-aid and Weekly Star of IVIontreal
is the acknowledged bet F.amily and Faroypaper on the.eori-
tinent. No home can afford.to be without it. To farmers it
simply.iuluable. It interests one and all and is beyond
question the bet dollar's woLth to be had.
.The combination of The NeWs.;Recoid
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