HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-11-19, Page 22
.41174111, accvnacx.
1 Craint:Etilill$104
91 Cod Liver Oil
Is the result or relent We steide 1
and experience. Our hirentiou,
which has been achieved, WKS.
to introduce a preperetien
Pure Ood Liuer Oil
Perfectly Palatable and
We are proud of our achieve. 1
I meant and offer you the finest
4, emulsion obtainable at
: . 25c and 50c 1
Manfg Chemist. ;
of Cement for sale, in large and
small quantities. There* is no bet-
ter make of cement on thb market.
Office opposite G. T. R. passenger
station. Telephone connection, or
orders may be left at Harland Bros.
hardware store. if more oonvenient.
ceased the butchering business car-
ried on for some time by the
Colclough B r o s.., we respectfully'
solicit a share of the patronage of
the public whioh we hope te merit
by keeping the best of meats and
at reasonable prices. Give us ° a
dell. Our shop is next to The News -
Reamed Office. -T. T. & Bert Murphy
will be at Holmes' -Drug Store,
Clinton, on Friday, August 28,
Sept. 25, Oct. 23., Nov. 7.0 and
Dec. 18. Glazers properly fitted,
Diseases of the eye,ear, nose and
throat treated.
Increase Your Salary.
Proper Preparation Does
it. Attend
And'Ihe .elme to commence is
right now. One eundred and
one students from other busi- •
ness -colleges- have patronized
this college within one ye,ar.
What does this prove ? We
give the best. Nothing else
would satisfy us -nothing else
should satisfy you. All gradu-
ates readily secure employment.
Write foe catalogue.
W. .T. ELLIOTT, - Principal.
Corner Yore and Alexander streets.
When you need Flour place
your ord6r with us and it will
reeeRfe 'prompt and careful
a supply elf feed, etc, and will
be pleased to supply yollr
Order Your
Coal Now
Place your order .for your
supply of coal with the under-
signed and thus secure the low-
est price and prompt delivery.
Office opposite Grand Trunk
passmger station. Telephone
J. Hamition
Orders left at Davie & Rowlatul'e
'will be promptly attended to.
Good Cough Medicine for atildren
and *town 7011Ce, Toe.
Sseee could hardly do witheet Choir
berlete'S Cattgit ReMedy," iay Mr.
rlora Pespatn, of Bloyd, KY. "X !mind
It to Le so good to the crony end
havet used it for rears. X can Itearttly
recommend it tor coupe, colds aid
croup in children and grown folks,
too." The above 'Obeys the Implicit
confidence that many mothers place
in Chamberlain's Ootigh Remedy,
confidence based on many 'years' ex -
patience in the Use of It. No otat need
hesitate to use this remedy ;for it
cohtains no chloroform, opium •or
other nareotice and, may be givee to
a child as confidently as to an adult,
For sale by all ,druggists, •
Lot 29, .Bayfield Line, Goderich
township adJoining the arm of Thos.
Beacom. Consists of fit aores. Good
frame house and small barn. All
. grass, .well watered, I mile from
Varna and 5 milefrom Clinton. If
not sold will be rented, Apply to.
ee, Turner, elaytiold P.. O. 49-73
• e
be 1xeCeived by the undersigned for
the rental of the south seventy
aares of ;Lot No. 35 and trir-StiiitfiL"
e es.etepast ef Lot eti in the First
con, o ti towzishzp 01Stanley in
the county of Huron, at present
tenanted br. Mr. Henry, phimeteel
Possession *4 will be. given at any
time.-MeCarthy, Boys & Murchison,
Solioitors, etc., Barrie, Ont. Dated
this 28th (ley of Oet. 1908,: 49-4
7, Hullett, knowe As the Wallace
farm: 100 acres, all seeded down
Good barn, 36x56, with stone foun-
dation, driving shed, pig house with
stone foundation and cement floor
The dwelling house is of frame, Two
acres orchard, mostly winter fruit
e mile from postoffice, church and
school, 4 miles front Clinton. As
the owner is in the West the farm
must, be sold. Terms easy, For
further particulars apply to Mrs. 1.
Brownlee, Clinton P. O. 47
Lot .30, Bayfield' Lime Goderich
township, consisting of 77 ,a,Cres
Good frame house and bank barn
and stabling. Well watered. Chief
ly in grass. 5e niiles from Clinton
and 1* miles from Varna, Will be
sold on easy terms or if not sold
will rent. -Thos. Beacom, Clinton
P, O. ;• 45
Clinton News.ROord •
November 19th, 1908
Hor .Nowilleoord :Readers
Monis Township.
The Nicholson jirnn works have dos-
ed down for the season.
Mr. Jos. Smith of the 6th line has
returned from a Visit to his daughter,
ItIrs. George Caldbick of Cobalt,
Bliss Bella Henderson has been re-
engaged as beacher of S. 5: No. 10
for next year at an iucreased salary,
the figure being $435.
Miss Brandon of Morris, who makes
hor home with her brother, met With
a serious accident recently in falling
down stairs:
A drain Petition eras presented at
the last meebing of the township
council, having to do with thp easter-
ly part of con. 9. Engineer Proctor
was authorized to proceed •with the
plans. .
Tax Collector Prootor has cowmen -
tied his duties .for 1908, and has a big
jetseelieed of . him eeeethe.eroll-celleef or
$20,592. The huilding of the now
steel bridge on the 5th nee is tergely
responsible for the illefOlte, this -year;
the east half of Lot 21, Coecession
4, L. R. S., Teckerernith, containing
50 acres. The land is all cleared
well fencedand underdrained. Them
are on the preinises a good bank
. barn and good stabling, a geed
house and plenty of witer-oree well
at the house And one at the citable.
-For further :,pattieulats epply. on -;elia
premises, or address .George lerown-
Tee, Seeforth P. 0. . • 45_
Agent for Clinton • •and district for
the National Portland Cement Co.
makers of the best .cement in the
markee., This . is ._ the Only ,cemelie
used by the corporation of Clinton,
in the conetruetion• of sidewalks, ,e,tc,
-Mrs, T. It. 'Walker. . • .21
Repairing. -The undersigned is
prepared to do hinds A •piaeo
and organ tuning and repairing, and
being a man of practical experienee
Is able . to guarantee .satisfaction
Orders . may be left at R
Holmes' drug store. -Ed. J. How
ard, Clinton. •
of Toronto has stareect thousands •
of yeung men and women on the
easy way t'o independence and sue-
cese. Let us give you the right
start Write for Catalogue and
plan to spend the next six months
with es. Enter any time.
Address W1.'41. Shaw,' Prieekpal,
Yon & ahd Gerrard Steeets, Toe -
THE GREAT 80110011,
Our past eteord and eer present
grade of work stamps usas the
great !practical 'training school of
Western Ontario.
We have three Departments
Our graduates are in4demand as
Buiinesa ,C011ege teaehers: as well as
office assistants. Individual instruc-
tioh. Ehter now. Laege :catalogue
free. Write for it.'
Elliott & McLachlan
A slinple oul reedier reinter tor
eteit or:Attie tee eettidoldal eilue-ot and IIoo.
tStevenson tth.tvoilitzta.tragirmelg
• Lusted, meet ea., maitre, Agoterobefete,
Messrs. N. F. Whyard and \Valiant.
" •
Mole paid . a .visit • le friends at . Sea -
forth oe ,Sunday ,week.
Mr. W. Little . hes rented part of
Mr. J, McNabb' S steep and has Open-
ed a boot and shoe repair shop,
Mr, T. G. Allen paid A •business
visit to Peterbero meetly. .
Mt Johnson of Cleiton paid a visit
to ..our•harnese-maker, _Mr. John Johne
son • recently, .
dr. R. E. Manning and' Harold spent
'Thanksgiving in Clinton • and on th.eir
return were accompanied by Mts. Bol-
es who is still here. •
Miss •Carrie Milligan is :spending a
couple of wee.lcs at _her- horee here. R.
Rutherford is taking her, work at her
school near Dashwood,
J. Kickley, wife and family moved
last week to Pert •Albert where Mr.
Kickley in engaged in working on the
electric road which .is there: in couree
of constru'ctien.
The supper and concert given under
theauspiqeS•of St. paul's church..wes
a grand suceess. The supper and Con-
cert were both o!unusual
The proceeds Amounted to $107.
Grey TOWAllhiP.
Mr. Sam. ,Pollock 1 Paisley was a
welcome visitor toeing the holidaes,
Mr. Sikes of Toronto is holding
special _meetings among the brethern
of this locality. .
A memorial service to the memory
of gthe late Joseph Reynard was held
in Roe's church last Sunday,
Mrs. F. Miller, who has been spend-
ing the summer with her daughter in
Clifford, has returned home,
The trustees ,of Cranbrook Fubluo
school have re-engaged H. D. Ainley
ae principal for the coming year and
Miss Lizzie McKay to take oharge of
the !junior department at a salary of
$35Q, • - •
IVIiss Seaman, who has been on the
Ethel pircuit for Ryeweeks and .has
won the hearts of all who heard her,
held her farewell service on Friday
evening last,. Large congregations -at-
tended these services and 'over fifty
haveeplibliely lereided 14:1eeir "theefiew
The total taxes to be collected in
Grey township this year amount to
•324,702.77. Of this amount John
MONebb, collector, bas $13,890,02 to
handle in the Southerly division while
P. J. Bishop looks after $10,892.15 in
the north'.
'Misses Spence, accompanied by G.
Kreuter 'end W. T. speCo of Ethel,
drove to Wingham a short time ago
to spend the day. On the return trip
Mr. Kreuter got ' •out to light the
lamps on the carriage when the .sharp
emelt of the match Startled the ;team
and ewaY they went. Arter-efinning
a short distance the 'rig was .upet and
bddly damaged. The occupants were
considerably Shaken up, one of the
treeing ladies- having her ankle injured
and Will. Spencer got his nose da,neagt
ed. They were:11'61re in getting off so
Mr. 'and Mrs. Alfred . Moritz of
Guelph, and Mrs. J. K. Wing of Ber-
lin, iv.ere here for a couple of days
Net week. ,viSiting their sister, Mrs.
,Elaist,.. who has been very poorly for
some time. '
The annual . meeting of the , local Mr. T. C. Meckel . of Reading, Pa.,
branch Of the Bible Society was held 'Missionary Secretary of the Eva.ngeli-
'on Tuesday evehing . in Se. pani,',s careeierCheiation erea,thed lie thee ie-
church: ' • 'eres o • Missions in the Evengiheal
••The mernbers• of the Rifle Club 'had Church on Tethesdey evening. •,,•
the rifle mach on Thentegieieg DaY. The, ,offiererZ .end. • ',teachers of the
Dr. Bice and Jake, Mcdee wen again .Evangelical .Aisaciation Met' on Tues.
the ',captains... There was, seine good day, evening Of last-werk .to arrange
shooting and at: the summing up of for a• Christmas entertainrneet:• : ,
scores it was found that. the Dres side .111essra. W-. O'Brien endetie G.. Be,
had won by a, soneewhat narroW • mix- acting. for the Hay•couneil, recently
• .
. removed' tbe fence :weieh barred • the
• • teay"to the ncie r0acl tQ., the -late •at
St Joseph Which the council expro.
erieted a shore thee ago. The fence •
was no more than laid aside 'whete '
Ong of Men were hired and soon heti
it in • place again.. A lfeely lawsuiti
Mrs. Daly eisited a few days: with , will likely be the ye.sult,
hr sister, Mts.: :Crewe of DObbington; ' Reeve. Lament' of Hay attended, the.
. Mrs. 1-lairy Hopper visited her eiSt- tak. sale at ':Goderieh laCt•••Week:A.
ere Mee. Burney of Exeter the . past pod part of St. 'Joseph .waS -sold. for
Weeke impede taxes and Pete - beught the
': . •
. • •
ZIrs.. Jobe. Stewert of sneer; "Wlfele Sheeting- enateiee
•field has been. vieitieg het pare,nts, Mr, now rank as mayor of the city, and
and Mrs. Italliday,' the past fee- days ••• Will, likely ehalige its nemeeroni.
• Mrs'. Abe Prep -toe visitee her: broth- Joseph to St. Peter. • . • '
Ce, William StesVarts, High sobool' Mr. 0; Eilber left on Thursday
teaelier of Acton. . : • • • • moreieg for Tilbury, to examihe the
Feed. Scandrett 0! the School 'of horse Texae•leennice for Mr: C. Frit,
Memel Toronto; spent Tlianksgieing who ha e been negotiating 'foe .ebis
with hie Parenfs, , Well-bredpacar. ' • •- • '
Mr. Walter Box of Stradford was A •
visitox at the .home of Mr: and 1VIrs:
William Bites. last week: • •
Miss Olive Curifie• of :Wateanoeh has.
been the guest of Miss Nettie:M4,:ean,
The Local Editor.
The editor of a local paper is often
most unjustly censured for his mis-
takes. The wonder is that he does
not make mere of them. On the aver,
age paper he must deal with all Minds
of subjects, give the names, dates, ete.
One hour he may be engaged in report-
ing a religious meting and the nen
drawing the picture of a fight. He
must condense and fill witleitems sev-
eral columns, whether events are
transpiring to throw up material for
his use or not. Ootuit the local items
in a paper and imagine how many
steps they have required, haw much
mental anxiety, • Worry' and werk they
have cost and some idea of the edit-
or's work. The emellest item •rnaY-,
have eost him a long walk and muc1!
effort to lrea,ehd-Ithe facts. There is
no end to his work,. When one _paper
goes to press he turns his attention
to the next one. Ile makes, the rounde
in search of news and may not get'. n
news without their •kneitene it, draw-
ing them 'into conversation and ob-
taining what ha 'wants in sections,
He may labor- for hours in chasing
down a rumor :only to. find' tlidt there
is nothing in it, Hie local columns
stag him iri the face And demand to
ie; /Med, not. with (skein :milk but With
°team of the news items and 'matters
of interest. His bounds are limited
and yet he must And in each ealeand
tell through ,the week, month and
year something of interant to ehe
public. Nomore perfect treadmill
Could be devised. With such a con-
stant strain, producing weariness of
*the body and mind and an almost end-
lesg variety of sublecte to be touched
up, is it surprising that be should
occasionally Makea mistake. Other
hy should not an .edittir ?
peopleElxch a(inog, w
e s
• • ,
I There. are three'good re.asone • ev hy:'
The Youth's Companion makes one of
, gift• f Christmas'
time, for a birthday, for any pecasion
when e prasont is in order. . .,
e .
I • It Never Fails to Gitt
ve Pleeere
There is sOmething in every lesee of
The--Cempanion for every eleteeep of
the e' y. " • ,,e
it by, and the parents are iestlese un-
til the children relnptily put it.
down •o go to bed. ' •
• . .
, • It is Easy to Order by Mail.
-Miss Sella McRae has 'returned alter
4pendfrig four months with ,eer sister,
Mrs. Ed. 'Miler, at Roblin, Mane . • 144 Berkeley St, • : . t3osem,' Mess.
. •
. .
A Wonderful Machine.
The London (England) Daily Mail
give S an account of an electrical meeler
ihe for making bread,, The machine
turns Out 25,000 lea,Ves a"day. and
weighs nearly 200 tons, shown in op-
eration at the 'pakers,'sand Corifectione
erS' Exhibition • ,at the Agricultural
Hall; London; Eight men standing at
the levers of the 'machine; do-the:work'
which,. formerly employed -twenty-five.
Two' peas Of the, apparatus are. con-
sidered by experts to. be Unique -a
Mechanical kneader and a temporary
devide, and' en • adjusteele moulder;
which adapts itself Autoinatically'to
any sized leaf. -So that no human
hand should touch flour,- dough, -or
rolling, continuous tracks . and
little wagons running ripea rails con;
nect the various parts of this wonder -
lid machine. The floor rises in an-ele-
vatdr to a sifting machine, whieh.ate
tomicalle, rids it of impurities or
'The Pope of the EAotern
• Church
' There is another ruler in the Near
East of whom probably not one Mil-
er/earl in ten thousand has even heard.
Though he is the seivereign of no one
of the Balkan statei, it is he whe
actuates the policy of them all, a te-
fer to the Very Amiable and Dignified
Orthodox Patriarch ef the East, His
Holiness, Joachim IIr. Re is one of
the least known :and most interesting
personalities , of our time. .fle exercise
es more .actuat power than alt the
Balkan rulers xelled into elle: He is
the highest constituted authority ot
the Orthodox. Greek °Miele and
stands in •much the same relation . to
its 08,000,000 of communicants that
Pins X •does te the Church of Rome,.
but with ,this one yital exception, -
that his power is temporal as well as
setritual. Ms spiritual swat' is ac-
knowledged ,by the inembers of the
Orthadoirefalth from Egyet-to ItteTSlie.
His temporal power is little short of
absolute in all tire Orthodox communi-
ties of tbe Otter:Ian Empire.' He is
received as an equal by the Suiten
and as a superior •by thc. rulers of
those nations whose state religion is
that of the. Ortbedox church,
I Joachim III *is now well past the
age of throe -score and ten. As is the
ceStom among the Greek clergy, e he
eitears his beard long, and his flowing,
hair is gathered in a, knot on the top
of‘his head. He lives in .great :.stete
at the Ecumenical Palace of Phanar,
on the Golden, Horn, the imposing
, front gates of which have never beeh
opened since that bloody day, now
'close con a century Ago, when a termer
!patriarch was. hanged between them
by a fauatical Turkish mob. .When.he
goes into Constantinople he is Com/ey-
ed in, a golden • barge of forty oars,
anti his official audiences are. eremon-
ies of great stet e. -From "The Men
i Who Count in the Balkans,"; by . E.•
' Alexander Powell, in the American
!Review of Reviews her November. .
,A •violent earthquake shock, caused a
panic yesterday, at 'Spa, Belgium, ,
Me. Asquith yesterday, statee in tile -
House of _Commons that: the Geveen-
ment intended to maintain the navy
. .
at a strength , ten per cent greater
than the eombined strength. eit' the
• 1
What Is Castirehl,
A Plottoswit
of Paola,
lo siro lastiosmation She mucous
membrane, and may Affeet tite nose,
throat, idonisch, bowelo, or bladder.
WASAL CATARRH is mosteommon.
often coining .on so that it
bee a firm bold before it is suspected.
Catarrh is aggravated by colds, but -
depends on impure blood. When
chronic it tellable to develop into eon-
eunaption. It is therefore eery serious.
The true remedy for catarrh Is Hood'i
Sarsaparilla, because it purifies the
blood, and removes the came effecting
radical and permanent cures.
Begin treatment at once with
Hood's Sare,)aparilla
Sold be druggists evermbere.
100,00aes One Dolby. Ispared by
P. 1. ROOD CO.. Licovebt Mass.
The Grand TrUnic took over the el-
ectric system at the St. Clair tunnel
from the contraetors, , and, the kali-
guration of the new eystem. was duly
Over three hundred. miners, were ori-
tornbed by an explosion in a coal
Mine Weetphalia, and ale hope of
saving them has been abandoned.
and chest are sore, your throat. ie •
stuffed with cold -don't fear , consume
ption-use Catarrhorone and get wep.
It elears the throat, cures'hacking, ree
Heves tight cheit and soreness -in the
bronchial ;tubes, To clear away Cats
arth of the nose nothing' eould be
better. Cateerhozene is Nature's own
remedy, -it heals and soothes -mires
eveey ,forre of throat, lung or bronch-
ial trouble, Prescribed by many spec- -
ialists , and used by thousands every
day. 250. and .$1.00 at all dealers.
two. next stro p naval power
Six Chinamen who were being smeg- .
gled• from Canada were drowned at':
In the year ending .Tune 30th last
3,704 persons were killed in railroad
aceidents in the United Staten..
Often you coene _home, cold and
ehivering-feet . are. evet, throat is
raw, chest a eittle sore. 'A bad cold
is just beginning. Put, a Nerviline
Porous Plaster on your chest; rub.
your throat' with Neseline, and take
a stiff dose of N'erviline in hot water.'
This 'prevents 'a chill and cheeks the
cold, ineeantly. No remedies_ sousefel. in the home so sere to prevent ' •
,seriotes illness as Neieiline • and Nerve -
line •Plastors. Sold: ' by ell- dealers, '
25e, each, but be sure: yeti get • the:
genuine, and refuse any suhstItute.
• o b 1-
Yeti need n through • he veea,:e
tion . of "Christmes shopping to
make a 'present oZ 'rile Corneae:ion. I
.8iidi)wn. in ,the quiet e of' your °We
elotisee and Send the -s,ubecriptlee.
Companion Will • be delig•ered. e ea:e'er.
you sae', on Christmas eeneetne.
It Comes:Every Week- it. • fee Year
Nine out of ten Christmas presents
have lost their novelty by -New il'ear's.
The *Companion provedes a cowl leual
pleaSupre far it is renewed 52 times,
until Christine's .einueS eitiine Is there
anethcr present. equal •Le: it teat Tests
so littfe-only e2.00 to subscribers liv-
ing in Canada ? ' •
The nelv erfbeeriber receiees F; c the
Double .Holiday leembe,re and The
Companion Calendar for :lees, "Irc
Crrandrnother's •GaTAart,' bithetraPhea
in 13 cOlors. . .
..Full • illustrated Announcement of
the new volutes for 1000's 11 ie snt
with 'sample copies of the paper to
any address free. •
• The YOUTH'S- COM i) .1.•Ntr rel•
•Rev, Mr. Smith of .Kinteil oceeptell
the pulpit of ,the Presbyterian cheicie
Belgrave, in Sendai week.
' Mies. Rose of Guelph, Mrs. Rutledge
and son of Tuckersmith and Miss Weir
of Winglman. were. Thanksgiving gueete
of Mr. and Mrs. Spro&t. ;
Means Good Health,: Cheerfulness, Am-
bition, Persietence and 'iiceess
Mi'o-na will cure. yottr dyspepsia 'or
any other stomach trouble by heileitig
up the fiabhy waliS and nialtiog . the
stonitich so strong that.it will digest
food, without pepsin Or other artificial
In &her • words Mi-o-na cures dys-
pepsia by <temoving the cause. :
. W, S. R. Holmes; isethe agent Thr
in Clinton and be says to every
reader of The NeWs-Record whose
sioina.ch is weak, who has indigestion
or despepsia., that Mi-o-na is guaran-
teed to cure or money bacle
The prick :is only 50 cents a large
box, and one boX is all ye -.eed to
prove that you are on the right road
to health and happiness.
• Mr. Geo. Linder of corner Mill and
Park .streete, Elmiee," . out , says
'Ter:about ten years I,. h tve tien sev-
erely troubled With stem:A:It le (-Wier
and• indigestion so bad that 1e•eild
not retain my food after eating. I
could hot eat eat, or seemly ay -
thing and had 'headaches and einsti-
pation. I secured a package of Mi-o-
na with the result that new eferr hay.
ing taken two boxes 1. ale Entisely
sired and Can eat anything; digest
perfectly and am feeling fete. Mi-o-na
also oliereame my constipation. 1 arn
only too glad to publicly endorse and
recoinniend Mi-o-na."
William., Miles, a taborer, vele ,killed
on, the railway 'erasing betWeen Port
Stanley and Union. • •
- The Milted States has a postal dee,
tleit et $10,010,279 for 'the fiecal year
ending June 811th last,
For 1909, ready ' Nov: 154h, 1908,
best ever 'sent oule beautiful cove re in
colors fine poitreit of Peat Hicks in
eolora, all the old features and seven -
al new ones"iii the book.. The .best
astronomical year 'book and the only
one containing the Original "Moire
Weather 'Forecasts:" By mail 359 on
new etandf 30c. • one copy..free• with'
Word. and .Werks, the best $1, Month-
ly in America. Discounts on .almanace
.in quantities, Agents wanted. Word
a'nd 'Works Fhb. 'Co., 2201 Locust St,
St.' Louis,. Mo.. Every citizen owes it
to himself, to his fellows and to Prof.
Hicks to Possess the "Ilicke" f ore -
cast -the only reliable.
foteign matier. automatic.pat 11-1 .
way" bears it thence to the kneeeing I
machine, • where the mieing taltee .
n mapRoGru:ssivil:. PUBMATION,
place,; the dough whede is tilte,d • .
autothatically'; into a, wagon, which J The special Thanksgiving Number
runs deifh an incline into the "prey- of the Canadian Pictorial, recently re-
ing" room, the :doors epf which Open Ceived, shows itt additioti to its wealth
automatically, , After lying for hours of beautiful harvest pictures and oth-
here, the dough is carried upon tino- et fine photogravures, several new.and
ther incline to a dividing• illeehine: interesting features which are to be
which, seteto a eertain guage, cuts the , continued with other ittetectiors
dough into pieces. These pic s, trn- the enlarged and irapreved Christinas
versing ali endless band,are sezed up- Number,se course of reeperneeefl.
od by the moulder, which shapes One of these is a complete story ; a
them into a cotteee, eobourg or "Itin" eeeend is a. series of "Old Favorite
lottvee. Prom this they drop upon an SOngs",. words and music complete,
electricallY-propelled rack ad are whith will appear in each itsue,
swept into the 100 -tin oven, which markable as has been the populpeity
bakes them to any desired condition of this splendid publiCation, the puli-
itt minutes, It is a wonder- He ate assured that the best lo yet to
ful machine. • come. Every issue of this Monthly
"Art portfolio" Would form a capite
,al Souvenir to send to friends abroad.
DO YOUR 1300XS PINCH ? . None better. 100. et, copy; $1,00 a
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The Pietorial publishing Co..
If so, lo6k out fore a 'tinycore.
142 St, Petor• St., 'Montreal,
Cure it bele& it growe big. Put,.
mantis Painless Corn Extractor is the
best. 'try "Putnent's."
• The Coroner's jury in the Seott
taltt' • at Auburn railway crossing
totind that the C. P. A. did not give
Saskatchewan Provincial Consetva- the train crew suMelent rest, and re.
fives will hoid 'a convention in. Saskaii commended :a new system of working
toon on Bet:tinter ,f) to discuss the hours and the abaliShinerit of all level
situation aed tratne a platform.. crosoings.
OTJ Fill:
From Bllsilless
ffords intending purchasers
an opportunity of getting
what they want in Clothing..
& Furnishings at. straight
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just :the"TjfljeWhCfl
ou Need the: Goods'
Consisting of Overcoats,
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Collars, in fact everything a
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Take advantage of this
sale if you want to save money 4
for we mean business.