HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-11-19, Page 16 •"., 28th Year CLINTON, ONTARIO; 41010SDAY, NOVEMBER 19th, 1908 a " Whole Number MI, The News,Reeord to the end of 1909, to anraddress in Canada, for $1.00. vo•••••mormrpowerporoorrirammor....1norMINEW.Nommory.r • `ditridtmas *oda Hundreds d dollars worth ot goods for Ifie Christmas trade have already arrived at ei‘var's forivierje. &Vote. Call and make your selections early. We 'Consider it a YleaSure -Ohont-liteloods.,_ 10. YL eilqar�..: jeweler and Optician. " Clinton 1 INCORPORATED 1869. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA1. Paid -Up Capital 83,900,000. Resetve $4.$90,000 Total Assets - - • • $46,500,000 HEAD OFFICE. .ffiONTRE'AL. CLINTON BRANCH -E. R. DEWARTe MANAE • COUNTRY BUSINESS Every Melliter afforded to farceees and othets for the transaction of their; hanking business. Sales notes will be cashee or taken for collection. • , ISpecial Attention Paid to. Savings Bank Accounts 1 The MOLSONS, BANK!: INCORPORATED 1855; . Capital $3,374,000 Rest Fund. - $3,37.4,000 Has 65 Branches In 'Canada • and Agents and Correspondents in all •the principal cities in the worlds• A GENERAL BANKING ' BUSINESS TRANSACTED. • SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT ' AT. ALCLNOHES , Interest allowed at Highest Current Rate. - Clinton Branch - C. E. Dowding, Manager • READYMADE I n_ ,_ I. ORDERED CLOTHING I Bior66 .risn urooKsCLOTHING Bargains These are the days when every man or boy, requiriug ten Over- coat, is•lookirig for the hest valuee and the best stock to choose from, We have the most complete etoek that we haVe ever shown, arid valees that cannot be surpassed anywhere. It vett want a eheap coat we can give you one, or if yeti want a more stylish coat 'in better quality, we can give von one oleo. Before buying de not fail to see our heavy Bleck OVerceata, new this season, whieh We ate clearing at... ..... 7.50 Anothee big seller whieh we have just. reeeived, is in better quality of cloth, with extea good trimmings. This &rat is good value at VA but while they last you may have your choice for 10.00 Do not fail to inSpent these two specials before making your purchase of ,aneW coat. oeli Square Deal for Seery Marg." MORRISH & CROOKS THE. LOCAL MARKET. Wheat 850* to 8-70, ' Cate 34c .to 35e. Peas 80c to 820., . Barleye4130 to 50e.: • - q Mr. W. G. Perrin,* wire bas been ie Butter 20c to 21e. - .• the grain trade for so many years. •'Eggs 20e to- 21e. e. - - . • The awcw. Arne Intend .terelerlyeand. • -RD . Live Hogs 00. . ' all lends of grain,. feed, ethe and. May„ PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED. ' . • 'handle coal, , , . .• , 13ALANCE OF 1008 FREE. ' , Walker & Riess eave diseoleed pert- • . : • . irership. Mr, Walker will eoatieue the The New.seleecord will be sent .to furniture business while Mr. IlessWili any...address hi Canada ,to the end .!et deal in pianos and ergans, retaining 1909for one dollax, ',the:balance, of also an interes,t in the undertaking. 100$ to go tree to. new subscribers. The latter, expects to lea)* in e few , Our list is increasing steadily' but we days on a business .trip 0 the .Weet, would like to have it greet at an ev- He paid his first visit to Winnipeg en "greater ' than has been" rate. ..thietystwo--eyeare,agoeeee_eee '.. :....Ron't you, ;dear .reatlee, recommend it COMPANIONS .0F, A.., O. F: . .to your failiaTT-7-*--7-"--7--"'-'--- .. A .number et the Companions of the . • . • ... i 'ONT. ST. CHURCH. . . ..... . , . Ancient Order of Foresters, together • At Monday night's meeting...of the with. several friends, to the nurnbet of. League of this church. Dr. Thompson over fifty, were entertained, on Tues- gave ,a very . iestructive talk on Tem - day eventpg, at the eteidence or Mr. perance from a meefeal standpoint. .. and Mes..\ Williain Simpsone. ,The , Rev. W. E. -Kerr will give the third youngpeople-indulged-in playing all -of -hiseseries. lee sermons-on-eharacter- kinds of games and • severel selections building next ' SObatril evening When wee given on the .pianO ane a, few he evil). sCeek Itom .epbysicalefeeelope on tee Vieille '1 hen. was, also a . song meet as a • factor in aerate:sr. build - rendered by .Mre. Cole: ' . A . leech w,as. ing" • . screed eboet ,11 o'elock which ell • ., - ' ' '' - • e- . . .' • . heartily enjoyedee At ebe4t• midnight 1.11.11etsN COUNTY 'SPRING Slepietee . . . the con -marry departed for their sever- •A meeting of the -direetiere end meme Ai homes, after lir ing spent a most . . . . . , bees of The Huron Spring Steck Show enjoyable evening.. . . , . will be held in the .town hall . en Fri- • weeites cerejevem, ...... .. . . day, No 27.0, it 2 p. m. to „elect .• . • offieere for next year,. to. arrange prize Rev..N. Straw of Egmondville Oa:- lists; diseuss new featerce and the ad- cupied.the pulpit of Willis church both. Visa,bility of changing the date to morning and evening.' laet Sunday. later •in • . the seaeoh. Every one 'is . , ,. )1Ver. Shiite •ieras listened' to with much welcome, • Attend and give the' 'benefit attention by 'eVety. one. Mrs, . ,Itey.) : of your opinion . ' ' •: Mille • sang. a. soloat the morning ser- vice and Mr. W. P. Spalding in the NORTH EAST. STANLEY. evening bete of, Which. were much .eee . .1 . • . .. . • . .. Mese Adam Stet/Vert, after a eleght joyed. . -,.. a • • . : ' ' ' " 'attack of fever, is rapidly . recoveting, The W.F,M.S. will -hold their meet- ' • Me, William Sparks' hae reterned ' to. erg to -morrow evenMg in the basement. Meivilliarn.,Qlenn's:foetho third wiee The•devotional topic . is "leeseons from tee .so that We are quite• sere in sey the Life of Esther" and 'eriel.be taken Mee that emieeeeee and employe get' 'by Mrs. „Chanibere, The .. mistforrai.ealong well together, but it is tetogetle. topic.. ."Difficelties. .end Succeeses in er. likely. there is also some otherat- the North-weee," will be caken by. erectionin the 'neighborhood or Wit - Mit:, 4. rcirranbe: '. .:' • .' .. ;:liani. . - .• ' . , • . .: . -,, . . . .. ,. .., . A CHICKEN IMPORTER. '• ' ' ..- - ... , • . ' e Mr John 33 ;thin concluded his sten- . .. •• ' ' , Mee's" „engiteement with Mr. .W.r...; Glenn Mr. William Oerteee eV Constance, elle Settetley' laste Wee is known '.. as the "Chicken •King" r es. • • • . • . ' '• Of;Hereon .froth ,the;fact, that he is .thee: CA.RPFT. BALLS SCIIFDUL'e '. • • . , . . largest and .meet • successful bre::der, ... .. : • . - • - 4. . :. . , • elle folio -wit% i.s. . ceepee hall 'beer - pieced in 'els . pens oneTuesdey four i . . . ,. . • ... .1 _Clue; Leneashixeeeeenglande . _He ' h a :troimy . ley. .four• et tire •loree . benefit emeneerge.eeeee , ee• inverted free]. - petition, .w lie t,,.wr 1...be played for , e es'oeeetieeee.A.11-ga.eeeee.a,reete,;_steeteeeeee teepee e 'fancy price, felt theie. hut. ae After, the best qtrelityeobtaineefe. en(i ' later ehanee,45-• -p: me a.nd the testeing the 'peice was •a, -secondaey tenside_ -• teanils-te.:fifigsh, tee. referee. . ' ..• . - time.- Importing -cheekens. froneeEnee. I. . F. in 0, 0: De: hallon Noveeiletle. land may .seeM'tetlier serenge '1)6 sonic A. 0'. F. in Nei. Oe Ne, hail on No 2eril , hut' aniong..tfie beet beeedere it is conW.. C., W. •in C., "0. F. hall on Nee. 31)•tit• ceded that they do e•aiee some. :sUper:. C.O. le, in I. C. le. hall . on DtiC.:rf,i., tor etrain e .01 er, the wetere •Mr. Car- A. 0. F. M.O. 0.. F. 'half on Dec. :teethe ter WaR quite. pleased with hie ire- W.-.0. W. •in I: 0. 4.'., hal! on Dice 17.i•le pot tation and Ilerieees they . will eh- W. 0. W.; in A,' 0. .F. hell •elebeceelete •• • 'able' him to Make 'en even. better : ' ree 0.. O.,' F . • in A . 0: F. hall 'en leek 21 et, , 'coed ite tee. Provinciail lairs. . I -that -re Ae.0; le. in • I, 0, le liall on • jare eth. : beretofeee. , . . ... • . .' ' ' ... • '.0...d. le. in W • 0•1:•NI 1111 ori Jae !elle .pop.uLAR: FATch.t., ix.,.oti.Nic,.:11.. ..:. 0.. F...in W. 0. tle hall on .1e:it 111.11.• - • e • • • , . • - • . , . . - • . . . -.. •-• • . • • . . . • i I, . P. in ..se te. F. halleen Jan 18th • . , •".leeve T.2T. Shielde of Loliden who. I e et ' „- e :ere,. '' - - • : • : Is " toepeak. IA tbe. teptiet chuech :Pier . • • '4' ee A- etedill IN el s. • ' . • ' nights next Week, • eas.*. iteltieved 6.n.,en- 1- The..regular Meeting of the_,Iecai. ' er-:.. .: . . . Viable eepetatienas 'ipastor in Na.....fw• ' if; C. A. for prayer- and Bible study ilten, 'London. and, other pieces. elle was •lield in the Y. M. 0. A.:room lest, •greae'sliceess as an .Evangelist is well: Thursday. • eight.. The subject Was known in Canada Going., to London "The Lite of Abrahati.".; end the •foer • years ago he !found,: 0,...congregae • discussion, Jed 'by President - Ileetley„ tion of about 00,-whicheby the force was heartily participated in by • all . of his • Pfteetie 'PreaCt#hS` erkct. lenewe piesente and was exceedingly intreet- personae Work, has•:been .inereesed to ..ing •and . helefel. • This eubject . Will. .ee. .over 10190...411e old' church lias 1 d v beee ..contineed and .eompletek shie. pewee e• d - • ' • •• • ' e. '. • . day evening, after .which theye will be Ieter. galleries havebeenadded- and the seine xiesie end a, crekiholee cor test.. bendingis new ;Often eaxed . to ' ete On .Thureley; Nev. 26tleeele•etudy of 'utipost capacity. • Over 300. members 1 "The .Life or Joseph" will be. begun, have been added durieg,..ilis pastorate... after which an 'addeese en the history. The Baptiees of ' Clinton are foietlearee . and wok 'ef the ;Y: .'NI. 0...A,, it ill . ea. in .eecuring this gifted ' eed• eeeelti•e ' defiveired. y Ii. 0, Fleming, the. gone ereieher, and all ,should tette edeen- I ty Secretary., Every, one Will beeeade. tage of the opportunity e of hearing . ,welcome to -listen ' to .this address, lithe' '. '''' ... ' ' ` ''. '' : ' • . whether he i8.. a mcenber (e: 'not, The l*A. Tee see,. :Imes, 'ee'leere9ee' teem rimer le .hoW" well furnielled, home-lihe . • , end corntoetaellc,: and Me Association. • Death claimed' anther ape, reete.211t ' es: ready and enxicius to reeteive, mem- o( 'Clinton on. Sunday hi theepersoe of i ber:s; se' lee ' . any who intend • jciiiihg Mrs. .Eliza, . ' Farquhar,: - . Who pas ed • the Ass'oeititien,• put 'in their aeraieee away at the home, of her . daugeter, twee. without 'deley, The :Ire .is only Mrs. 'Albert Mottelee with whore see ' $2.90 lice annum.. The meet rgs beetle made her.. IMMO for •several eelere. 't at .8 o'clock 'simile Let everybody be She had been in' declining •health ifee on tim' e . - •• . some menthe. • . . . • • ' A NEW FIRM. • , . . . . Messrs, J. A. Ford and .Angus, elc- • Legge have tormted a parenerehip • and this a. mi...toolg'oVer the busineste • AIM Fareithar eves- born on 'tin; 1111 eon. of Gode,rech toeinship "in 1E34 on the farm which is now eemeel by her brother," Mr. Williem Celt:lough, •'There she lived tineil her, martiage to Mr, William • Fateulme when, teee eettled on the •.Grevel Reel; •Ilellette which is now occupied byetheie son, Mr. Geoiec Farquhar. • Some sixteen yearse ago Mr. teed Mrs, Farquhar retired from •ferning and moved to Clinton, 4 decade ago Mr. Farquhar passed into etetnal test and Melte then the subject of this memorial' notiee has made her borne With her darighter,. Mrs.. Albert Mer- rell. Mrs. Farquhar was a, kindly, elves - time woman and deeply devoted to her beefily. Slee.ls survived by her three daughters and four' sons Mrs." elate, Grumrnett, Goderith ; Mrs. William ea,r, Ilullett ; Mee, 'Morrell and Mies Matilda leargehar of Cliattob, William er. and George in Hullett and John of Clinton Who have the el/meetly of the commenity in tho 'great loss they have suetained. The largely' etterided. funeral took Waste yesterday afternoon, the service* being 'conducted by Revs. Kett and Ounne, The pallbearers were• AIX grandsons of the deeeased : Harold • Morrell, Wilfrid, 'Chester •and Vitilliam George Farquhar. and 13rb and Ion (I44 0; C. r. CUONIENCMENT: The annual Comme,neement entre- tainme•tit of the Collegiate instttute will be held en the town hall on Nov. 2eth. Mr. J. 11.. 'Cameron of Toronto, Canada's ' favotite entertainer, has been secured for the occasion. Ile will present an ereceptionally strong ierogrant of dramatic selections, hum- orous songs and dialeet storiee. There will not be a dull moment as Mr, Cameron is without. doubt- the Most pleasing. end versatite enterteineron the concert platform todaye •The Col- legiate authorities are to be con- • gratulated on seeutiiig hire as his ap- peatanee insures that the eiftertain- merit will be ono of the best of the season. Read what tele tres says• v, Toronto Globe :Mr. J. Cameron is one of the most refilled and capable eittertairtere on the continent. He is.gifted with magnetismt has a good stage presence mid yoke, also the ab- ility to recite, sing humorous sotto and tell funny stories in a tenet art's - tie manner. The Sarnia Post hoe the follow' g ; „Mr. J. H. Cameron is au artist n the A I blase arid kept the •arldienee delighthd. He was down on the program ter five appearanees, but responded to fifteen elieette at the Collegiate Institute eoneert, The uu das 'tanner says Mr, J., 1I. Career - On IS 'aprinee of entertainers, and waS away beyond anything ever heard ard r C 0. t ee,..._„.e...„.„,..„„,...,........„„...,...,........ ,...,.....••/ ... ..• ......,.......e...e.. A BUSINESS TRANSFER. , •Linder & Wateon on Saturday Iasi, disposed of their grocory stoek to Mr. B. 1.1. MoZwen. Mr. Watson re- mains with the new proprietor but Mr. Lender proposes =Wing to Terme, to and "go on the roade 43 a cOM- Inercial traveler at which he Was en- gaged wbert he tartar e4 te 'the groc- ery businese here. HARRY KERR VERY ILL, At the latter part of last week Mr. artd Mee.. Harry Kerr, of Wingham carne 'down •to visit • Mr. and Mrs, Tilos, Beacom, Mrs. R. Miller, Sr,, and other Clinten• • friends. Sehoetie after his airrival Mr. Kerr was taken ill with an •intestinal trouble and has -since,been-fit-a- veryedangeroue]e-condle- tion, at the home of Mts. Millor, HeGH WATER MARK. • Three reew inmates were admitted to the Roues of Beep east week -Miss Dashwood, • •aged • 38 ; Mrs: Shields; .Colborne, 75; Jeihn Dowson, Colborne, --80, -Thise week A.Itred Slime entered whieh brings the number ot enmates up to ninety-tereel high .wat- er mark, To gee into the Heron 11, • of R. 'seems to lengthen oat the lives of many. Ol the old eeeple... . • AT THE S A eLl e A cakee and eeffee social will be held in the Salvation , Army ball on Tues- • day evening neXt. A special, program is being prepared and a good time ie exeepted.. Proceeds in lad of the local corpse . • Special 'revival eervices ac being held in the hall every night with • the exceptieri of Monday everingse during the next, two Weel•a;. Everybody wel- com0•• • • • WESLEY • CHURCH. . There was. an interesting 'Temper- ance Meetingnt the Junior League on Friday evening last when Paster Joe liffe gave a.n instructive talle on Tem- perance after which it &tett Was ren- dered be Miers Olive Moore and Em- ily Cutler. •: • : ' • At, the Senior League meeting on Moeda), evening principal . gese a. pleasing tele •on. Litereture. :Ref reee then el Tem' served at the. eleee of 'tee meeting. ' • BAPTeST CHURCH, '1 lic special services every night, thie week are meeting • with encouraging suceeSs. :On Feiday evening Mr: ..1. G. -Speneteeethe etel ne ire -ten -6 tees -eerie teat Detreiteewill eing and alCe v., ill ,seleg at both eel:vices .on Sunday' aad .on MOinlay evening: . All who heave hire (111 a former. • ocaaeion Will v,vett to hear hen again, , The easter Will preaele eii e4enday• next, his subject being, ',teeing from the' Life of Pe•ter." IR the evening he will speae on "Faith a.nd Its Possi- bilities." •' . • : , . Persona& Dr. Agnew left for the West this mor-, ning. Mr. William Young of Moderich was in town on Monday. • Mee le, McIaggart has been visiting in Mitchell this Week.' Mr. E. W. Jacobs' paid a beeintes visit •to Hamilton on Tuesday, Mr, James Twitchell ante Missee Etta and Ida Twitchell went to London this morning. . Miss Nellie Dempsey et Stratford was ••the guest of Mr. and M•rs. W. J. • Stevenson last week: .• .. - Me. J. B. Hoover was in London n • lelondity attending 4 tetteting of the • 13oard et Managefe of the W. 0, Rev, Mr. and Mrs. Hiles or .• trained -nurse of Ste Thomas, were ocits of lvir. and Mee. A. Hooper the other day. Miss Florence Johnstone, • who has been living in Clinton . for . se, esal • months, left Tuesday morning' for • her home at Kinlossellruce eounty, Miss Lizzie Sheppard, who had been --evistfing-her ceueln, Miss- Keter-Shep- •. pard, for some 'weeks, left on- Tees- -day to return to her home at .New • 'Haven, Conn, Mr. 'and Mrs, Geo. Swarts and Mrs. • Clara Rumball went to St. Johne . near London this morning 'to attend the funeral of ecr. Swartz' brother, . • Mr. Fleury Swartz. • • Rev. F.ather Hanlon, while in •Mon- treal on Senday week, said Mass at the children's service in St. • Pat- • rick's church .to which 1206 families belotig. Owing, to the Wee •eengre- gation there are several servikes each Suhday, the 9hi1dren's •senice .• being exclusively for thoee of tender • • year's and has anAverage attend-. •• ance of 2,00e. • .•• Sreeiat, Serytees• Will. be 'held ery 'nighe•next. •• week up to and 1:1(1 t(Julg Friday: •Ree., -T. • T. Shields ef Lens don 'will speak on Monday, Ti;esdny, Thersday and Feeley 'evenings). • Alit a augmented . choir -will lead •.the service of •song, :tieing "Beet ..Hytmie • No. .4,'! All are' carhestle te these•s,....re ViCeS. • : IlOWLING :ALLE. Y COMPANY. ' At a Meeting 'of a few entererising eftizens held the other evening •• the Clinton Bowling Alley 'Company:. as termed with a- .capital of $1960 'made up. of $100 'eleares: The officers. of the Company are as follows President, J. B. Hover. • SeceTrehettrer, Capt. McTaggart. Managing Committse, • Peesidenti • Sec -Treasurer, " J.' Fair and %Re •Gfehane. • • •• Committee, President, J. Harland ..1 Himtee and R. Gra- The stoekholdere a.re J. B. eloper:1r,, M. I). McTaggart, J. reenter, W. and T. JeCesen, J. Harland, Dr. Ball, W. J. Stevenson, J. Pete; T. 'I'. Murphy, T. Mason,' 4, Hamilton,' It Graham, W, MeCeenell and J. MeMurehle, Contracter cooper will push the :week so that it -is eipeeted about the middle of net month. bowling M.•:the Oki *ill be the populai 1001 sport. Iirucefield Mr, Lorne Moffitt; on of Mr. John IVIeffet,• the„Kippen grain ln,yer, and Miss Gertie Caldwell, -sister of. Mrs.: Len. 'McConnell. of our village, • were united in marriage last. evenbig, the - ceremony being pertprrned by leev. Mr. leartsin. Tbe.• happy couple, who have. the liearty good Wishes of the whole cornniunity, Will - we eelieve .eeke up housekeeping • on tile John Aieenhead ferie. which ,bit Moffat, has yented. ' --Tee Presbyterian. church is •netiring eompletion• and on Saturday 'a bee wiel be7Iteld to eetub it Out and the' seat- ing will at once be ,gone on ..with. -Thee opening i4 eelleetede take* place about Dee. •13th And' the cheer is:, already bUsy getting • the program T. Reid 1111.1.1.tOlg kiitutday' and Monday mei en each day he bagged e 'fox, •• 'The At • ellonte 'Club will have a. daneeein their hall on Friday evening. The elain Bros, of Tuckeremith will ' ,• The sqiiiriel hunt held hereereeenely ,.• I was elgeete contested, the. winnere- . ten men to side -Scoring 2045. and the loosers e025. The captains, Were. John Murdeeli and peter Mackenzie,. 'the former winning .476', that to• Peter. "a,nd hes men 'fell the paying for • the , °ester supine .the evening. 'A.black equirrel counted 25 points red squir- rel 10, epee .50, rabbit .51); mink 100, . *and hawk 100. Four coons and five rebbits were beggedeequirrels feenieli- ing • the rsmaining points. • LITTLE LOCALS. ' „Murphy Bros. hegin to ship turkeys next Aveek.• • . Are you te,News-Record eirbseriber ? If not, why not ?, , Our Were merchants .are beginning to leek() their: holiday announcements. • .0. Mr. and Mrs, 0: D. McTaggart will entertain 800)0 01 their friends ' at a brid6 party this evening! •• That advertising in The News- Recerd pays has been the ex'perienee of our most successful business. men. ' Charlie Kerr had his face and oyes scorched a little by the explopeon of air alcohol tamp in the science room of the C. I. on Tuesday. Mrs, J, C. Armorer will receive .on 'Wednesday next from three ,to six o'cloek and afterwards. en the fitst and third Wednesdays - How doe e your shb to The News - Record stand ? • ; A meeting in the interest; of the Tepper Canada Tract Society will be held in the Baptist chureh this (Thum; day) evening when Mr, Potter, the agent of the Sbciety, will give an ad- dress. Miss Gertrude Chant entertained a 'number of her friends on Friday even- ing last and Miss, Marjory Manning will AU°eritettkin to -morrow cvelling's The young ladies of town will give a !cap year dance in the ;Pastime Club rooms this 'evening. • , London Road' „• Mr. Albert Livermore rrived home teem ,Arcola, Sask., :after spending the past three months • there. Albett thinks thet after all there is no place like Huron, coenty. He spent :Sunday, in Torento witle hie sieter, Roselle and other friends. . • , Mr, Walter Layeoie (*lied 011 friends here on Sund iy Ile erreved hoine on Saturday from e season's threshing' near Moosejaw, Ile' reports fair yields of graia and likes the country so welt that he .contempletes retiirning neit • The B. 1 hpld a very succesefel soc- ial evening at the home, of Mrs Levi Wiltse on Tuesday et last week. Mn: oe.Clinten is expected to address the League at Mr. Jennison' s •1 next Tuesday evening. On the.lct of Dec- ember the annual election of °Meets will take place a,t Mr, •Rebore Hunt - ere. Mise Pearl and Mr. M. IIanlee 'were Thanksgiving visitors at lvir, 0601\ge MoCafttrey's, Woodsiock, • Ate; Jeseie, newton leav9S. to -day foe Toronto where she will visit for sbort tirne before she returns to her horpe in Kingston. Miss' newton his been the guest of her eister, Mrs. •, V. •O. Waldron for the Peet emetic of months. •• , ,Hohnesville Th6y are doing 'a rushing trade at thee/poultry' station terse days. It keeps them busy picking and shipping. Mr. A. T. Walters met with an ao eident that will lay him up for some time by the breaking of a knme in. his right leg. ' The erusteee of the•Iteethodist ellureb, intend putting in it coal furnace in Ithe church soon., . The annual quilting of the W.V. S. was held on Tuesday in the basenntut of the ehurelt. Mise Elliott spent Sunday with Miss Bettie Graham. lVfe. A. nleoat called on 10 'sister, Mrs. W. Stanley on Tuesday. Mr. George 1/011att!P* salt wee e sueeess. The stock I:old at good lido es, • New Advertisements Trouser Values' -P. & G.-4. • Stray Heifer -W. Pett -5,, ,A Cott Bagain-Neweornbe's-8 Te the Lades -W. Cooper Co, -4, Business College -W. IL Shaw -2. Fancy Dry Coods--Cocch s C1o,-3 Horses for Sale -Gr. and H. Davi-- County. Council Meetieg-We Lane -5, Christrnee Goode -W. 1Iel1yar-1. • Noe ember Sale of Coats-Hodgeas'-01 Bayfield - Miss .oansoow 01 st: Thomai. is , thet guest of Mrs. W. Hiles this week. " •ItIrs. Parsons has returned home ,s.f- ter spending a few weeks at Kippen and Hillsgreen. ' • • The annual meeting of til4 bible soci- ety was held 'in the Methodist church on Friday evening last. The same of- ficers as last year were re-eleeted, • Misses Richards and Pollock were ap- pointed collectors for the village. Rev- ' • Sparks • of Toronto •addreseed the Imelsee ' ing, - - • Rabbits' are very plentiful around, . the village this year. 'Ken Moorhouse was successful in bagging no less than six, eel on. Tuesday afternoon. " Mr. and Ain. H. Little observed eke. . anniversary of their wedding day • On ethe 15th it and the following 'ere among the friends who helped them celebrate the event: Mr. and Mrs. George Brownlee, Tuckeremith ; • Messrs. William and! RUSZel Brownlee' of Godeeich, a,nd Mrs, T. H. Brownlee of the village. •. Mr. ..1aMes Rouatt who left for the •West in the .surnmer returned home .gAMtuisCda.;Y Miss c.cil McLeod of Greenw. ay is home on a epee viset, .Russel. Troyer, weo bit for hie home at Toronto it few weeksago, re- . turned to the village Ibis week: -Mze. Thomas II. Erwin and. daughter, • , Miss Ida, of Midland Cite, Mich., are ' • visiteng at his .olcieliome in the .vil- . The •Ladieee Aid of the' Methodist church have eecured the services ;of the. • ; •Goderiele. orchestra .for their .upper and entertainment to he heldon tee • even ng ef Noy. 30111 io that this will ASSure • an. eVen better program than ." was at •firet Anticipated. • Remember: • the crate. : . : RpFcood rt:Bayfieldw , nes read The • eviee' -",'"vartige •-• . Pilo anniversary seivioes 'Wile in the . . Preebeteklan church :pit...Sunday last : weee' a decided succels. The preacher . . Wee Rev: Mr, West of Blitevale :were- ' gayo` twoearliest' and practical ser- inous the singing of the choir was • Inlet 4aPni)7:AT 1iarts2..Johtt t000lco of • • • ,, Clinton called oti :Varna, friende oii; TneSclay. • • f, : Mr. aed, Mrs. :Robert Mcilveen, wito. *. • have been visiting .Stanley friends tha pasti week or eie• leave for tem horne Watford •on Saturday. . Reaeing Th6 News -Record wile ewp. you posted „ie the happenings of Stan- ley. One dollae will pay' a subseripe tion to the end of next year. The Presbyterian W.:1W. S.. rheas itte the church tele afternoon.. . • Rev. mr. Davidson preachee itt Blue - vale last Sunday. ••. • Mrs. Thos, Willey iii Very poorly, her Many friends are sorry to bier: 44. Bear in treed the anniversary and • fowl supper in the Methodist church on Dee. 6th and 7th. -The .Methedist choir supper rbeld at the home of Mr, . and Mee, Andrew Dunkin the ether, peening Was in every ' respect an enjoyable affair. It was ,a. • fast of fowl' and other good things followed by gamete and an ireerompttt prograM of. music and songs: . 4ondeshoro, • Messrs, 'lichee • and seiee. Moon have disposed of -their 'potatoes. to Messrs.. putt . and Chambers .of Blyth. Seepeat carloads haVe been shipped thie week,. . Mr. Hutton ef flout milis made ' a •shipment of . grain' this week. Goveniock -of Seaforth has:. his .hay press in this vicinity under the management of Mr. 11, Greenes, C. Govier, who has tii•een Itt the em- eloye of the .G. T. Et. at Clinton, res - turned home' this week, • Mrs, M. 'L. Ashley left last week ;to deliver her lectures at varioue points. eir. 13ruee has his threshing machine . aoin in running . order after the-, breakage. of laet week, Ile' expects torr wind up the seaeores work 'this week. • Mrs. ,,trui'Mr. Fred. Johnston. speuee Sunday with friends in Beetle • Mr., Geo. nell expects to move his • family to the. farm he recently pure - chased near Attlettn. All will be' sorry to hear, of them leaving. the - vicinity. -They will be missed by all • Who know. them... . J. 'Woodman -and Lewis Piegleeepeet Flriday evening at Mt. Deer's. , • 'Rev. Mr. Sparks of Toronto gave a very interesting .addrese in the (Meth- odist church in -the interests of •1 the Elible Society. Owing to the ;stormy Weather the attendance at the meeting was small. '',7+ " Mr. Pepper and family moved into the TemperanCe hoehe:Tuesday. Thos.. Manning and wile returnedl from the Nest Tuesday evening. . A party 'of Prim* Vtlward'eounty hunters kiltea a will% deer atid16 white deer and ahliaek toZ, • • .