HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-11-12, Page 8.4 .1• $10 VVeek In the Mantle Depart= lit). The week conanencing Saturday, Nov, 14th, will be Ten Dollar Week in the , Mantle Depart- ine.lt, because we are going to put on sale the roost remarkable mantle values we have ever offered at this popular price. The coats are all new. Styles are right, every one of them. Colors are black, navy, brown and green. Semi or tight fitting, Mostly all beavers or kerseys with a few rough finished clothe. About twenty garments to choose from,.A fortunate purchase from a big factory makes this special offering possible. The 'real value of the gar- ments run from $12.50 to $15 at least. Saturday and next week your choice $10.00 • Hundreds otYards of;20c Ribbon to Sell at 15c Hundreds of yards of 20‘.. Taffeta Ribbon to go on sale Sat- urday at a saving to you of et least, 5c a .yard. All pure silk, very firm weave, heavy weight, 4 to 5 mcbes wide, black, white, cream, navy, sky, pink, brown, myrtle and,cardinal. Just the thing for hair bows and the dozen and one things teffeta rinbons are used for. A good ribbon at 20c and sold at that all over the land. 1800 yards cleared from a big wholesaler just before he took stock makes us able to sell you this splendid ribbon at per yard . U See the Window Full of it Friday • . . • A Millinery Special 20 or 25 IR s at $2.90 • Last week we cleared a big lot of black and colored felt shapes at a good deal less than half price., ,The wholesale millinery houses are now sending their tra- vellers out with spring goods and are anxious .to'clear •• out the last of their fall and whiter stock. That is. why we were able to buy these hats so cheap;., They are all this season's fall and Vviiiter.atyreiraiWooti-ie inWe-11;7 navy, myrtle and brown. Our millinershave pinked: .• out 25 or 30 and will have them trimmed Iuj .alI ready for Saturday buyers. They will use only good trim- mings and the hats will be made up in the' best way theknoii The ra1 v1ueof each will te. $4.50 to $5 and they would have to sell for this if bought ii the regular way. Your choice • Saturdag and next week $2.90 • • Penman's Samplesv' We are selling Underwear Samples of.thi; famous Penman Mills. Selling them at prices that save buyers Money. No good telling anybody how good Penman's Underwear is—it•is the best made in Canada. Not as much here as a week ago, brit still &good' assortment to choose from. You ought to see this lot of samples - before you buy any underwear for you can save money if your size is in it. 'Penman's Underwear for Ladies •• Penman's Hosiery for Ladies and Boys Every article a sample. Verg Stglish Striped' Dress Suits •• Just about a dozen suit lengths of handsome stripe 'Vene- tians and Broadcloths arrived this week direct from Paris. They are exceptionally handsome materials and will make • very handsome costumes. No two alike.- Imported by our • - selves direct from the rnakers. You can depend op not seeing the same somewhere else. 7 to '7i yards to a suit. All . the fashionable shades, • $1, $1.25 and4i1.50•the sari 3 Pairs Cashmere Hose $1 • Ladies [Ribbed Clashrnere' fire soft weave,. winter. . weight. elastic knit, two and one rib. seamless feet, fast dye, regular 45c a pair. sizes 8. 9. 94, Saturday per pair .35 3 pairs for 6 • 4 4 . 1.00 A New Corset for Stout Ladies A new bias filled Corset', par- ticularly adapted for ladies -witiri figures. Double rifled with al. uminoid, extra long hips and back. Made of heavy French Coutel with hose supporters. Trimmed with lace and ribbon. Best corset on the market for reducing size of figure per pair. $3.00. • tr... • Clinton News4tecord November 12th, 1906 $600 WORTH OF WALLPEIPEB AT . fifiLF PRIGE, _SOME CASES LESS. WE BOUGHT IT AT'ItA,TE ON THE DOLLAR, ITS HERE ',IN LARGE' ASSORTMENT AND G -00D QUAL-. ITT, WE BELIEVE IN DOINC+ THINGS RATHER THAN WALK-, ING, ITS NOT THE. LARGEST STOOK IN CANADA OR THE ;BIG, GEST BARG.A.1N ON THE EARTH If ITS SIMPLY •WALL PAPER AT HALF PRICE, IN FAIRLY, GOOD ASSORTMENT ANP CONVENIENTLY SAJAPLED. DID YOU EVER HAVE A CHANCE TO BUY !SO mum TO YOUR ADVANTAGE ? _Sp! Our 25cRemnants. W. IL FAIR' CO, „Often Cheapest —Always.. the Res 1.1•1,11411 . . „. ILatlits! Winter..COats Men's. Winter Coats. • Among those Who spent, .Thanksgiv- ing at their homes in Clinton were : •Mr. :John Hunt, Galt • Mr.. John Rurnball, Toronto • Mr. Mills Shipley, Loedon. Mr. 011ie. McIlveen, ;Toronto •e‘` • Mr, James Keane, NeWton.-. Mr, • Ifugh Grigg,..Hamilton • Mr. Nixon' Welsh, Washington, • Misses BosSid McEvien," May .Sreith ' and Edna .Copp and Strmart ream London • Misses Hazer toad IVIinnie .Ker, lie Cleft, Sadie kait.. tand Murnie Kitty, Stratford. • ' • • Nt E Kilt.y, Ailsa ;Craig ••111r4 Knox Mair,:.pbrchester, Misses May Armstrong; Kate • Ross, Manie Houston, Ruby !Hoarsely .and 'Broder McTaggart", Toronto,. Mi Will Wisemtn, Alyingeon. Miss Dell O'Neil, Milvetton. Ammig-',-those'ywhoTwer-c-:out--of -teWn were Miss Grace duff. in 'Vass Pearl O'Neil in Owen Sotind. I riMiind iesescilreinned _and .111yipe. Pearson in c Miss, Flora, .Cunninghante iit Wilkerr, Misses :Weenie and' Hazel. in Mrs. H' Alekander. and Mrg..F, Mc- Ewen in Toronto. Mr. Hector .Grigg visited.his brother in London 'on Monday: Mr. Thos. Brown, aiictioneer, Seaforitli Was in town on Tues(14- • Mr JeSeph;.Govier has been visiting • friends at Deussels. this. Week,. Mrs. 14..T: Rance and Mise 'Archibald ietitthed home Saturday.fLom Tr,,rott# to Mrs ',Tompkins of (1olhngwood was: a guest over ThanksgiVing •of Mr .and Mrs. J. Steep. Miss Lauretrta Cowan. of Berlin spent Thanksgiving with her ,sC:Ister, Miss S. Cowan 'of town. Miss Etta Johnion, one of the millin- ers .at • Newcombe's left for heir home lin Diunga,nnon this week, 'Miss Elva Potts -Spent Thanksgiving. :in Lender' and Miss Leona Potts Goderich deer .the holiday, Mr.:. W. t4-. Patterson Seaforth, organ- izer of the A 0 TJ W. is m • town this week in the interests of the lop - al lodge. ' • ' 'gr. and Mrs. WilliamCantelon en- joyed Thanksgiving with their .; ten . and wife, Mr., and Mrs. W, F. Can- . telon, Teronto. Mrs. James 'Shera anti her two souk .,'Nrietor and Emmerson, were guests. of Mr, and Mis S. C.' Rathvirell from Saterday to Motula,y.. • • Baker has returned from the • West -looking 'as if prairie atmosphere agreed with •hini and yet greatly • preferring Ontario, I-Turon 1fr. and Mrs; • Alf. MeXcon have re- turned Item Toronto after a resid- ence of several months in ,that eity, 'Mr. McKeon has accepted employ- • ment with Mr. A. Menden,' harness- • nia;ker. r, •• Mrs. Arthur Cook Ihsited friends in Berlin, Acton and Toronto the past week: 'Iwo 4:)f her daughters and two sons live in the city and • on • Thanksgiving Day, they had a re - Union and a christening at the holm of her d'aughtr, Mrs. Gibson, mr, G, (1-tidintolsoni who has been charge of the Business College at Goxleriell, is. now principal of the Clinton '11, C. fle g a native of • Iceland but, the family emigrakx1 to • America:when he was but a mere la.d and •settled in North Dakota. where Icelanders are =norm's and among the racist respected citizens of that style. Mr. audniundson completed his education at the university ot., North Dakotaand, having decided to take up teaching as a profession ho adopted a position with Mr, Spot- • ton whosestring businms colPeges • are now among the best known in- stitutions of the kind in this, Pro- iltitlee. Mr, 'Gmbnurulson talks; enter- tainingly of his native land, of its people, their customs and of the putt, ity of their language, the' old Norse. Ile looks like a young° man who Cart Make good so that we expeet under his management the, C. IL 0, will en- joy the Most prosperous petit* itt Its ,Itistoty. , • Children's 'Coats and Furs $5,000 Stook of Uplopdat Furs for Men, Women and Children • • Fur. Ruft and, Steles . • Dress GoOs Bargaiuse • ,Men's Winter Coats ,Have you seen our range of pure Ha is Homespun Dress Goods. 'There are still 15 good designs and colorings left to be cleared out at less than cost. These are 5i and 6 yard ends, no two alike. Regular $1, $1.25, 1.50, all to go at 753 yd. • We are showing. a large range of Fur; Ruffs and Stoles in sable, Isabella fox, marmot. Jap mink. 'lynx, etc, all new styles, • ° „ • _From515.-up..to. 535 Ladies' Fur Coats • Astrachan, 'Bocharan and Electrie Seal Fur •.Coats, Russian Blouse and Sacks—thirty-six in all. Guaranteed for one year, clearing them Ladies'.Underwear • . ; • • out at 16 per cent. discount. . • Ladies Fall Vests, Penman's, Stanfield's, •:Defiance, Turnbull's, Health Brand, etc Our Men's Black and Oxford Grey Beaver and Melton Coats, the very newest stylee,all sizeo, Yrom 417.50 up to 512 Men's Fur Caps Men's Persian Lanib, Beri'ver, Marmot and Bokarau,Caps in military and artillery wedge • shapes,.all sizes and qualities . .,-;a,—ets-..e.P.Z4t'r•-- • • • From $5 up to 515 Ladies' Fur Lined Coats • Ladies' Fur Lined Coats in great variety of style. all new this season. Mink and sable col - Java., Goodquaalitar bls,:awvitr shells, 'in black, °II", green tan n • "1-- From $50 up to $100 stock is cumpletein ail these lipes, .epricPs .. • • ' ' . rightthat are Coats . From 25.up to 51.50 • " I , ' 50 8 only Men's Brown Calfskin Coats, natural . ' or astrachan collar, sizes 38 to 44,' regular 4125 and $304%, .. ,..•••• ' • • Saturday Bargains Your choice for *117.50 • . I • Ladies' Beaver Coats _ You will find .the very newest styles in Ladies Coati 'here: If you are contemplating new Coat don't pass this store. We,.can fill • your want. . Prices run from $7.50 to $25 • , , 50c Ladies Leather Belts 25c Children's Buster Belts..... . • 50c Ladies Collars 39c 25c Ladies Collate .. . .... . .. ....19c 85c Ladies Vests .. . ..... Men s Coon Coats • • 3 pairs 50c Cashmere hose 2 big cards mending, brown, n • 50c Bath Towels 35c Bath Towels ' 25c Bath Towels ....... 120 Prints .. • . • . • 50c Linoleqm.. 15c Ribbon% all colors 1.00 • • • °wall black„..355oc .fe.ctly matched, the best value we have had in Men's Coon Skin Ooats, long close fur, e, • • ,, ''DC years. Come to us for a Coon Oc.),at we have ..............•19e values that cannot be duplicated. ........ .......10c 1,V 1,6 •10°', . . ' Millinery . Men's furnishings. Children's Bear. Skin Coats • We are tiow at your service with- lowest .. . ••,prices and eewest goods. ' All hate -at reduced , •We carry.a conaplate stock of Men's Shirts,. . . Children's Bear ,Skin °irate in cream and Prices. Special line at a great reduction for Collars, Ties, Braces, Sweaters, Gloves, Over red several very pretty styles to lit all ages, at. „Saturday. . . Coails, Pants, Night Shirts, Working Shirts. prices to suit all purses. • . , ' ' - Miss Cantelon.&•C. Smocks, Hats, Caps, Etc; „ • • Froth 45150 i.,o 56111 1 • CX.rivroAr • 4,+444-4++44-4-++++++4+++ f+++4--44++; -t- T.tie.. MOLSONS BANK • INCORPOKATED • • • ' Capital 53,374,000 Rest Fund - 83,374,000 Ras 65 Branches in Canada, and Agents: and CorresPondentS, • in all the Principal Cities in the World. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED SAVINGS .PANK.'DEpARTMENT at all Branehes Jnterest allowed at highest current rate. Clintoii Branch; .C. E.IDowding,-rlanager_ 1.111.1106. THE —2derf".17,476/7?AP— .e- e groimogroi., $ 4.00, $4,5 d 1$5:00 • Von begin to feel comfort the instant your font entets a "Queen Quality” Shoe. When you find just the right length and width, it is like a soft gentle caress of the whole foot. Try one pair and see for7yourself. FRED. JACKSON : • " Advertising in The Nevvs•Record 0 Pays. • • CLINTON. assware ree The entire,set of Twenty different pieces Given. to Customers Purchasing 'Thirty-five Dollars worth of Goods from this Store. 1—One large covered 13utter Dish 2—One 0 -inch fancy square Comport 8—One large Sugar Bowl 4—One large footed Spoon Bolder • 5—One large handled Cream Pitcher 0—One 7x5 -inch deep oblong Candy Tray. '7—One in inch Table Dish 8—One large 8 inch round Berry Bowl 9—One•extra deep footed Nut. Bowl 10 --One 04 inch leaf shape*Table Dish • 11—One large 81 incblaney oval dish 12—One W. inch heavy round Table Dish 13—One inch fancy Celery Tray 14—One Oil or Vinegar, Bottle 1:5—.0no in -inch flared Comport 15—One 011.ineh high footed jelly Dish 17—One ab -i nch extra deep round Beery Bowl , 18—One Wrich high footed Salver 10—One 7; inch fancy Utility Dish ^ 20—One Qettet Pitcher 73 inches high • • See the Display at Our: Store and :we will Ex- • plain 'ail Particulars J. ...,:••••