HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1908-11-05, Page 8t*
Clink* Nows-Record
November Oh, 1908
e amples of tile1 .
Famous Penman .1
Male To be Sold here Satur-
mallula day and Next Week.
AVIRD.S.Y morning we place on sale the samples
,ta of the famous Penman Mille,.the greatest un-
'derweargdianufacturerslin Canada, makers of the fam,
ous "Pen-A.ngle" brand, We were fortunate indeed in
seedring the samples of this great manufacturer, and
people who buy them from ma will be equally fortun-
ate, They are the samples theif agents used in selling
to the wholes4 trade, and .our prices for -them Satur-
day will be lower than the goods could be bought ler
'in annwholle house in Canada. Tbere is nothirg
the/matter with them except some of the:garments are
slightly soiled.. The earlier you come the better the
choice. There are two garments _of: practically every
line thatfis shown. There will be'
Underwear for Ladles:
Und.erwear 'for Children.
Hosiery for Ladies,
. -
All perfect goods. Every garment a sample, and I
s=a0solatie.adraltam-galaioapaa=LV'VII.42t.:-..; 04 .04•44/0441P
sold at sample prices. It is a good chance to save
money. Don't raise it •
Ladies. Coats that Have Style.
We are showing tbisi week some very handsome
Winter Goats for ladies. In most cases there is but one
garment of any single style. Each has been designed, •
cut and tailored by an expert, and these garments are
I productions of the best cloak factory in Canada. All
are new. If you have any coat buyingtodo, come and
see them. Prices of these handsome models
' $12 to $25 •.
Cold Weather Gloves _
New Xid and .Woolen .Gloves ars. 8/1
right shades and thoroughly ("00.51,Auttlities.2r Just the •
proper weig s or a . ate-fithei- wear. •
• • • . .
Woolen Gloves 25c - •
Ladies knittedand woolen. Gloves, made from soft but
strong imported yarn, black, whitebrown, navy, cardinal.
A splendid glove at a popular price. •All sizes per pair... , .215
Woolen Gloves 50c •
These are exceptionally good gloves, well knitted ftoin the
best of yarns, good length, dome fastenei,s, blacks and
colors, special value per pair 75 0
. • .
LeatheriVValking Gloves!$1.25
Ladies Leather . 'Walking Gloves, tan shades, pique sewn, • • •
extra heavy, very dressy, special quality per paii 1.25
Silk Lined Mocha Glovesl$1.50
ever sold. Blacks, grays, ,tans and brown, sizes, p,ern'rg""
pair .. ..... . .. 1.6aci
Silk Lined Mocha Gloves; the meet popular winter gleve we ' 4'
• .
A Special Toque at 50c
A big shipment of Woolen Toques just open, apendid
properly'knitted and. shapedfull size, white, red, navy,
black and.combinations, extra value at each :50
Lfined:Sateen Skirts $1450
Black Sateen Underskirts, made from extra quality black
sateeil. good 'weight, glossy finish, -cut very full, trimmed
with frills'and ruffles, lined with good,quality flannelette,
special value at each ...... ....... 1.15,0
New WideiFrillings
Half a dozeirgood patterns in the popular wide Frillings in
this Week, new designs, whites, creams and colors
'All at Popular Prices
The Bargain Dress Goods
Still some of those Bargain Dress *Goods left. They .
are beyond a doubt the cheapest Dress Goods we ever
sold. Qualities that are beyond question. If we had
not bought them ourselYes away below their worth we
could not sell them for any such price,
50c and 60c Dress Goods are selling tor 35e
75e a..id $1 •" • 550
$1 and $1.25 "
$1.50 Black Taffeta Silk
20c Black Sateen.
, •
All because'we were fortunate enough
bankrupt '0,eprieot .11ittatt:factiiier'i:,stock at
• practically our own. prices •
• $600
DOLLAR: ITS nzrtm Ot
See OUr 25c Remnants.
.• •
•W.. D. FAIR CO..
Often Cheapest —Always the Best
Miss K. McTaggart vitited friends in
Toronto last week: ' •
Miss 1Barbara Melvor Spent a couple
of days. last week in .Kippen.
.Mrs. M. .Shannon• is at present visit-
ing her daughter, Mrs. Joy of Ayl-
Mrs, C. Cook of Hensall visited hr
. cousin,' Mrs. John ,Hartley on. Mon-
day last. • '•
Mr. • and Mrs. G. Barton 'a,re visiting
the latter's son, 'Mr, John Hartley,
ma Chidley and Jessie Wise-
man ;spent ,Sunday .with friends in:
Londesboro. •
Mrs, L. Scholes .of Toronto is at pre,.
sent the guest of her brether, Mr.
. W. J. Tez.er.' • '
Mr. 'George Harrison, who waS: jr'z' the
West for a couple of ni9ntlis; riaturn.
ed on Monday,
Mr. Mat. vello. has been in
/the,)47.est ,for "sortie months retUrnet.1
;;49516-tlits Week;•
rs. L p. Hoover. will spend Thinks.,
giving in Toronto with her daughter;
Miss Lela Hoover.
Mrs Leo1ioand son pf r•ipdozich. are:
the guests . •of her :mother, di
•• •
ts. Pair returned 'horne 'on Tuesday
•froiii a visit of some dela with
friends out of town .
Mr . R.' Fisher ol the Hueon Road in-.
tends leaving this week for a visit
with friends in the West, •
Mrs.. Fowler --and daughter, Miss7•—•
Freda, at.present of. Toronto, visit-
ed friends in town last.week:
Mrs. W Lawrence of Ottawa, for-
. merly, 'of Clinton, is visiting old
friends tied. relatives ,in and. around
Miss Smith, who had been the guest
of her brother,. , Mr. :S. H. SMith,
returned to her home it. .Toronto on
Tuesday. •
MrW T Dockrill, travelling passen-
ger agent of the C. P. R., • visited
' his old friend, air. Jackson., on
Captain Rance left .yesyrday' Air' the
• . hunting :grounds north. of Sudbury.
During his absence his office will be
in ..charge of Miss Maggie Steep,
Mrand airs„-RehertiVicIlveen of Wet;
ford are spending a fortnight among
friends .in town, .Statiley, Frunc.t. and
Goderich toWnpips. They are a
• much esteemed couple whose visits
are alWays Most Welcome.
Aliss. Annie Faust, Who has .been •in
the d Clinton hospital for five ' Weeks,'
underwent another critical operation
for cancer on Saturday;night. Han
sister Maggie -Will remain with her
for a few days.-FordWieli Record.
dovenlock of Forest, presidgal
of the Hereford Association,. was
tho,. guest of Mr. 0, 'Hoare 'on
trilay and Sunday. He attended
Wesley church with his host and at
the evening service , gave a well -nen -
tiered solo, •
. •
Messrs.' Edward and VviUiani Dinsley
• who came over to .attend . the feter-
aI of *their'father, the late, E. Dins -
ley, have returned to their homes in
ChicagO. Mrs, T. 'Stanbury Detroit,
will remain with her sister, • Miss
Dinsley, ' for a few weeks, • Messrs.
•Fitirry and Frank Stanbory, nephews
and Mr. Robert Coats, .nieee of
deceased,• returned to Detroit yes-,
.terday.. , ••
• Toil Dags' Sale ot Mantle
- • ... • •
loths.and Dress Coods.
• About 350 yards of Beaver Cloth, Cheviots, Rough Curls, Frieze and Fancy
Brocade Mantle Cloth in black, blue, brown, fawn and check tweeds, from $1.50 up
043.50 per yard, 54 inches wide, all to go at one price, $1 per yard.
About 100 yards Fancy Tweed Mantle Cloths, 5() inches wide. Regular •$1
And,..$142.45,„tco becleared out at 50c per yard.
I About 100 Yards Stripe Eiderdown and Fancy Melton Cloths.. Regular 35c
and 50c per yard. for 15c per yard.
Come 'early as these goods will not last long at these prices.
„ • • • . • . • • • •
Harris Home Spun,
Dress tweeds
60dress lengths .of Harris Horne Spun
-Tweeds, no two alike, beautiful colorings and
designs. Our dress goods stock is too heavy '
which is the only reason for slaughtering these
goods. Regular $1.25 and $I.50 per yard, Friday
and Saturday your choice at per yard... .75
300 ,yards Fancy Tweed Dress,,Goods,
splendid wearing qualities, just ti hing for
odd skirts and children's ached dresses. Regu-
lar 75c. and $1 Per yard. Pridayand Saturday
.• your choice at per yard ......................50
• . .
Save one Dollar on *Ladies' and * childrea'S'
Boys' Overcoats : New Fall Coats •
The nevi/ Fall and Winter Unite
are here in all their beauty. our
values are right, our styles correct
and our prices modeate You are
• • r
25 oy bine beaver, double lireast.
• ed Reeter,o, storm collar, tweed lined, brase
huttom: Regular $3,50 for 2.50
• '
10 Boys' dark grey cheviot Overcoats,
single breasted, velvet collar. fitting boys three
• to six years only. Regular $5 for....., a.so
50 Boys' odd light and dark 'tweed Knickers,
lined throughout, assorted sizes. .ftegular $1.25
and $1,50, Saturday. • .75
• •
welcome tcr call and see • the new
coats as often • as .you like. whether:
. ,
you buy,••or not. • •
Hullett Township
Mr. Robtr Lyons ot Lucknow spent
Saturday and Sunday with Wm. Car-.
We are sorry to hear of the con-
tinued illness of Mr. Andrew Tyerman
of Seaforth. ULs many friends hope
for his speedy recovery. •
Wm. Crittenden has hired with Mr.
James rairserv,ite for a year and has
• moved into his house.
S. -Inds is Moving his effecti
1. 0 the farm e bar rented in Mekillop,
Mre, Rogerson and two children of
Ilullett, are spending a few days With
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Porter-
field, of town. Mrs. POrterfield and,
her company spent to -day (ThurSday)
• with the Porterfield Bros, on the 12th
and lath cons.—Pordwielf Record.
CLINTO1VvoNr he News.Reord to any address for
iii.11.11.1111011111gliii.i.114......01;ilifil.10 the remainder 01 10081 fee 10 Mts.
•Dry Goods
And secure a beautiful set of twentY different pieces of.Pres Cut Glass FREE.
Some people imagine they will receive only one piece with every $35 worth of chicks, but
here are the conditions. •
By presenting checks for $35 for goods purchased at this store we will give free the com-
plete set ofitwepty different Pieces of Pres Cut Glass' which is now on view in our s'tore. •
• .. .•• .• '
' Save every check, club together with your neighbor if you ,wish,.and secure the premium
in that way„
No better stock of Dry Mods around than we are showing this fall. Splendid values and
styles in Dress Goods, Coats fOr women and children, Furs, Skirts, Milliejery and general dry
goods of every description.
Buy your Dry Goods here and secure one of these beautiful glass sets free.
Stglish jVHuJnCru
1For 'Thanksgiving
Otir milliners have placed in oar show room
a number of entirely new styles in hats for
Thanksgiving week, theycome in brown, navy,
black or Myrtle, and are all moderately Priced.
If you want it new hat foe Thanksgiving it
Will be Worth your while seeing them.
A Great Ten Dollar
'Coat -A, " 6'
Second Shipment of Furs
1.,.Readg Toadag
Exceptional valties in stylish Winter ()oats.,
ate offAtied for Saturday, all made from kersey
elotb �i English beaver, in colors of black
navy, roYal, myrtle andabroWn. made with the
riew Semi -back, teumne with buttons and self
strapping, silk velvet collar and deep lapelb. A
etylish, serviceable coat at the price, ..:110.00
Lots of better ones to select from.
• Our second ehiptilefit'of Furs are now ready
1111-Xtjule: are Shovinand the already
large business we have done in this line ihoures
nmderate prices, Customers tell us our Furs
are the lowest priced in town. quality of course
Ruffs „ $4.05 to $50.00
Stoles v***11.6**111“11*61 4.05 to , 25 00
'rierows......•.. ..dr. 5.00 to 20.00
5,00 to 50.00